Code Documentation
Code Documentation Docs
- Bindings
- Tools
- Action: Tracing and Debugging MLIR-based Compilers
- Bufferization
- Data Layout Modeling
- Defining Dialects
- Diagnostic Infrastructure
- Dialect Conversion
- Dialects
- Interfaces
- LLVM IR Target
- MLIR Bytecode Format
- MLIR Language Reference
- MLIR Release Notes
- Operation Canonicalization
- Ownership-based Buffer Deallocation
- Pass Infrastructure
- Passes
- Pattern Rewriting : Generic DAG-to-DAG Rewriting
- PDLL - PDL Language
- Quantization
- Rationale
- Shape Inference
- SPIR-V Dialect to LLVM Dialect conversion manual
- Symbols and Symbol Tables
- Table-driven Declarative Rewrite Rule (DRR)
- Traits
- Tutorials