Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

'quant' Dialect

The quant dialect offers a framework for defining and manipulating quantized values. Central to this framework is the !quant.uniform data type, used to represent quantized values. This dialect also provides a suite of operations to handle and convert quantized values between their original floating-point representations and the optimized, lower bit-width integer representations. The quant dialect is instrumented with transformation passes to lower these operations into other core MLIR dialects, while also flattening all occurrences of quantized types into their integer counterparts.

The !quant.uniform type 

The quantization process establishes a relationship between two types of values: an expressed value and a stored value. The former refers to the floating-point representation used in an original machine learning model, capturing the precise numerical characteristics needed for accurate calculations. The latter is the simplified integer representation that resides in memory after quantization. The !quant.uniform data type encodes the necessary information for (lossy) round-trip conversion between an expressed and a stored value.

The quant.uniform type has two variants: per-layer quantization and per-channel (or per-axis) quantization. In per-layer quantization, the quantization information affects an entire tensor uniformly. Conversely, in per-channel quantization, the data type encodes the specific tensor axis that serves as the channel and includes quantization information for each individual channel within the tensor. Below are the specific syntactic and semantic considerations for each modality.

Per-layer quantization 

This is the general syntax of the !quant.uniform type representing per-layer quantization:

`!quant.uniform` `<`
  storedType (`<` storageMin `:` storageMax `>`)? `:`
  expressedType `,`
  scale (`:` zeroPoint)?

The type contains the following parameters:

  • storedType: Integer type of the value stored in memory. This type conveys the bit width and signedness of the quantized stored value. Signed integer types are represented as 'i' bitWidth (e.g., i8), while unsigned integer types are represented as 'u' bitWidth (e.g., u8).

  • storageMin, storageMax: Optional bounds for the stored value. If given, they must be within the range of storedType. If omitted, the entire range of storedType is allowed (e.g., -128...127 for i8 or 0...255 for u8).

  • expressedType: Floating-point type of the value expressed by this quantized type (e.g., f32, f80, bf16, or tf32).

  • scale: Floating-point value of type expressedType used in the conversion between stored and expressed values.

  • zeroPoint: Optional integer value of type storageType used in the conversion between stored and expressed values. If omitted, the default is 0.

Type conversions, rounding methods, and clamping actions aside, the relationship between the expressed and stored values as encoded in a quantized type is denoted by the following formula:

$$ expressedValue = (storedValue ~-~ zeroPoint) ~\times~ scale $$

Operations quant.qcast (quantize cast) and quant.dcast (dequantize cast) can be used to quantize a floating-point value and dequantize a stored value, respectively. See the documentation for these operations for details on how the quantization and dequantization processes are influenced by the !quant.uniform type parameters.

Here are some examples of the use of !quant.uniform with per-layer quantization:

// An 8-bit signed integer type is used to represent a 32-bit float. No
// clamping information is provided, so the full [-128, 127] range is
// available. The scale is set to 3.0, and the zero point takes its default
// 0 value.
!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 3.0>

// A 16-bit unsigned integer type is used to represent a 32-bit float. Out
// of the 16 bits, only 10 are used, acoording to the 0..1023 clamping
// range. The type sets the scale to 1.23 and the zero point to 512.
!quant.uniform<u16<0:1023>:f32, 1.23:512>

Per-channel quantization 

The general syntax of the !quant.uniform type representing per-channel quantization is as follows:

`!quant.uniform` `<`
  storedType (`<` storageMin `:` storageMax `>`)? `:`
  expressedType `:`
  channelAxis `,`
    scale0 (`:` zeroPoint0)? `,`
    scale1 (`:` zeroPoint1)? ...

In this data type, there are multiple pairs of scale and zeroPoint values. The channelAxis field represents the dimension of the containing tensor acting as the channel. The size of the tensor along this dimension is expected to match the number of provided scale-zeroPoint pairs, and a given pair i applies to all elements in the tensor whose index along dimension channelAxis is i. A quantized data type using per-channel quantization is always expected to be contained within a tensor type.

Here are some examples:

// A 2x3x4 tensor contains 8-bit signed integers representing 32-bit
// floats. Dimension 1 of the tensor acts as the channel dimension. Its
// size 3 matches the number of provided scale values. Tensor elemenets at
// positions [*][0][*], [*][1][*], and [*][2][*] use scales 3.0, 4.0, and
// 5.0, respectively.
tensor<2x3x4x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {3.0, 4.0, 5.0}>>

// A 2D dynamically sized tensor contains 16-bit unsigned integers
// representing 32-bit floats. Dimension 0 of the tensor acts as the
// channel dimension. Since 2 scale and zero-point values are provided, the
// size of dimension 0 is expected to be 2 at runtime. Tensor elements
// [0][*] use scale 2.0 and zero point 10, while elements [1][*] use scale
// 3.0 and zero point 20.
tensor<?x?x!quant.uniform<u16:f32:0, {2.0:10, 3.0:20}>>

Per-axis quantization integrity 

When type !quant.uniform contains per-axis quantization information, the rules below are enforced. These rules guarantee that the quantization information encoded in the data type is applicable to the context in which the quantized type is used. For efficiency, these rules are actively enforced by the verifiers of quant dialect ops, but they must be respected in any context in which the !quant.uniform data type is used, such as the header of a func.func op, or the input of an arithmetic operation.

  • A quantized type with per-channel quantization information must be the element type of a tensor container type, and may not occur directly as the data type of a scalar value.
// Incorrect. Type !quant.uniform specifies per-channel quantization for a
// scalar type.
%result = quant.qcast %input : f32 to !quant.uniform<i8:f32:0, {1.0, 2.0}>

// Correct. Type `!quant.uniform` with per-channel quantization is wrapped
// in a `tensor` type.
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<2xf32> to tensor<2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:0, {1.0, 2.0}>>
  • If the tensor containing the !quant.uniform type is ranked, its rank must be greater than the channel axis specified in the quantized type.
// Incorrect. The tensor rank (2) is not greater than the channel axis in
// the quantized type (3).
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<1x2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:3, {1.0, 2.0}>>

// Correct. The tensor rank (2) is now greater than the channel axis (1):
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<1x2xf32> to tensor<1x2x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {1.0, 2.0}>>
  • If the axis dimension in the containing tensor is static, its size must be equal to the number of scales present in the quantized type.
// Incorrect. The channel axis is 1, and the size of dimension 1 in the
// containing tensor is 3. However, there are 4 scale values present in the
// quantized type.
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<?x3xf32> to tensor<?x3x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0}>>

// Correct. The quantized type now includes 3 scale values, matching the
// size of dimension 1 of the result tensor.
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<?x3xf32> to tensor<?x3x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {2.0, 3.0, 4.0}>>



quant.dcast (quant::DequantizeCastOp) 

Dequantize cast operation


operation ::= `quant.dcast` $input attr-dict `:` type($input) `to` type($result)

Convert an input quantized value into its expressed floating-point value. The dequantization process consists of the following steps:

def dequantize(quantizedValue: quantizedType) -> expressedType:
    storedValue = reinterpretCast(quantizedValue, storageType)
    storedValueFloat = convertIntToFloat(storedValue, expressedType)
    zeroPointFloat = convertIntToFloat(zeroPoint, expressedType)
    expressedValue = (storedValueFloat - zeroPointFloat) * scale
    return expressedValue

Here, storageType, expressedType, scale, and zeroPoint are obtained from the corresponding parameters encoded in quantizedType. For per-channel quantization, the appropriate scale and zeroPoint values are used for each tensor element computation according to the channel the element belongs to.

The numerical results produced by the algorithm above may vary depending on the rounding methods used by convertIntToFloat(), subtraction (-), and multiplication (*). This operation does not define specific rounding methods; instead, it is the responsibility of a transform pipeline to determine which rounding method to apply when this operation is broken down into lower-level dialects.

The operation must satisfy the following syntactic constraints:

  • Operand input must be a scalar or tensor of type !quant.uniform.

  • The result type must be a floating-point scalar or tensor.

  • The expressedType parameter of the !quant.uniform type of the input must match the floating-point type of the result.

  • The operand and result types must be both scalars or both tensors. If tensors, they must be both ranked or both unranked. If ranked, both must have the same shape, including matching static and dynamic dimensions.

  • If the operand uses per-channel quantization, its !quant.uniform type must adhere to the Per-axis quantization integrity guidelines.


// Dequantize a scalar quantized value
%result = quant.dcast %input : !quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0> to f32

// Dequantize a dynamically shaped tensor of quantized values
%result = quant.dcast %input : tensor<?x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0>> to tensor<?xf32>

// Dequantize an unranked tensor using per-axis quantization information
%result = quant.dcast %input : tensor<*x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {2.0, 3.0}>> to tensor<*xf32>

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputscalar or tensor of quantized type


resultscalar or tensor of floating-point

quant.qcast (quant::QuantizeCastOp) 

Quantize cast operation


operation ::= `quant.qcast` $input attr-dict `:` type($input) `to` type($result)

Convert a floating-point value to a quantized type. The quantization process consists of the following steps:

def quantize(expressedValue: expressedType) -> quantizedType:
    zeroPointFloat = convertIntToFloat(zeroPoint, expressedType)
    scaledValue = expressedValue / scale
    storedValueFloat = scaledValue + zeroPointFloat
    storedValue = convertFloatToInt(storedValueFloat, storageType)
    storedValueClamped = clamp(storedValue, storageMin, storageMax)
    quantizedValue = reinterpretCast(storedValueClamped, quantizedType)
    return quantizedValue

Here, storageType, storageMin, storageMax, expressedType, scale, and zeroPoint are obtained from the corresponding parameters encoded in quantizedType. For per-channel quantization, the appropriate scale and zeroPoint values are used for each tensor element computation according to the channel the element belongs to.

The numerical results produced by the algorithm above may vary depending on the rounding methods used by convertIntToFloat(), convertFloatToInt(), clamp(), division (/), and addition (+). This operation does not define specific rounding methods; instead, it is the responsibility of a transform pipeline to determine which rounding method to apply when this operation is broken down into lower-level dialects.

The operation must satisfy the following syntactic constraints:

  • Operand input must be a floating-point scalar or tensor.

  • The result type must be a scalar or tensor of type !quant.uniform.

  • The expressedType parameter in the !quant.uniform type of the result must match the floating-point type of the input.

  • The operand and result types must be both scalars or both tensors. If tensors, they must be both ranked or both unranked. If ranked, both must have the same shape, including matching static and dynamic dimensions.

  • If the result uses per-channel quantization, its !quant.uniform type must adhere to the Per-axis quantization integrity guidelines.


// Quantize a scalar floating-point value
%result = quant.qcast %input : f32 to !quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0>

// Quantize a dynamically shaped tensor of quantized values
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0>>

// Quantize an unranked tensor using per-axis quantization information
%result = quant.qcast %input : tensor<*xf32> to tensor<*x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {2.0, 3.0}>>

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputscalar or tensor of floating-point


resultscalar or tensor of quantized type

quant.scast (quant::StorageCastOp) 

Storage cast operation


operation ::= `quant.scast` $input attr-dict `:` type($input) `to` type($result)

Convert a value from a quantized type to the corresponding signless integer storage type, or vice versa. This conversion simply involves a reinterpretation of the input bits and does not involve any data manipulation.

The following syntactic restrictions must be met:

  • Operand input must be a scalar or tensor of a signless integer or !quant.uniform type.

  • The result must be a scalar or tensor of a signless integer or !quant.uniform type.

  • If the operand is a scalar or tensor of type integer, the result must be a scalar or tensor of type !quant.uniform, and vice versa.

  • The operand and result must be both scalars or both tensors. If tensors, they must be both ranked or both unranked. If ranked, both must have the same shape, including matching static and dynamic dimensions.

  • The width of the storageType parameter of the quantized type of the operand or result must match the width of the signless integer type of the operand or result.

  • If the operand or result uses per-channel quantization, its !quant.uniform type must adhere to the Per-axis quantization integrity guidelines.


// Cast a scalar quantized value into its storage type
%result = quant.scast %input : !quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0> to i8

// Cast a dynamically shaped tensor of quantized values into their storage type
%result = quant.scast %input : tensor<?x!quant.uniform<i8:f32, 2.0>> to tensor<?xi8>

// Cast an unranked tensor of signless integers into a quantized type using
// per-channel quantization
%result = quant.scast %input : tensor<*xi8> to tensor<*x!quant.uniform<i8:f32:1, {2.0, 3.0}>>

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputscalar or tensor of signless integer or quantized type


resultscalar or tensor of signless integer or quantized type