Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

'shape' Dialect

Description of operations & types within the Shape dialect as well as their usage.

Types and operations for shape dialect This dialect contains operations for shape inference.

Note: Unless explicitly stated, all functions that return a shape and take shapes as input, return the invalid shape if one of its operands is an invalid shape. This avoids flagging multiple errors for one verification failure. The dialect itself does not specify how errors should be combined (there are multiple different options, from always choosing first operand, concatting etc. on how to combine them).



shape.add (shape::AddOp) 

Addition of sizes and indices


operation ::= `shape.add` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Adds two sizes or indices. If either operand is an error it will be propagated to the result. The operands can be of type size or index. If at least one of the operands can hold an error, i.e. if it is of type size, the result must be of type size. If error propagation is not possible because both operands are of type index then the result may be of type size or index.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhssize or index
rhssize or index


resultsize or index

shape.any (shape::AnyOp) 

Return any combination of the input shapes


operation ::= `shape.any` $inputs attr-dict `:` type($inputs) `->` type($result)

This operation takes multiple input shapes or extent tensors and returns some combination of their dimensions. This can be best seen with examples below.

The result is undefined, but still side-effect free, in cases where the inputs have differing ranks or differ in extents of shared dimensions.


%s0 = shape.any [2,?], [?,3] // [2,3]
%s1 = shape.any [?,?], [1,2] // [1,2]

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputsvariadic of shape or extent tensor


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.assuming (shape::AssumingOp) 

Execute the region

Executes the region assuming all witnesses are true.

“assuming” operations represent an execution order restriction to the compiler, information for dependent code to rely on (by assuming), and nothing else. They should not exist after a program is fully lowered and ready to execute.

Traits: RecursiveMemoryEffects, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<AssumingYieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: RegionBranchOpInterface




resultsvariadic of any type

shape.assuming_all (shape::AssumingAllOp) 

Return a logical AND of all witnesses


operation ::= `shape.assuming_all` $inputs attr-dict

Used to simplify constraints as any single failing precondition is enough to prevent execution.

“assuming” operations represent an execution order restriction to the compiler, information for dependent code to rely on (by assuming), and nothing else. They should not exist after a program is fully lowered and ready to execute.


%w0 = shape.cstr_broadcastable [2,2], [3,1,2] // Passing
%w1 = shape.cstr_broadcastable [2,2], [3,2] // Failure
%w2 = shape.cstr_eq [1,2], [1,2], [1,2] // Passing
%wf = shape.assuming_all %w0, %w1 // Failure
%wt = shape.assuming_all %w0, %w2 // Passing

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputsvariadic of



shape.assuming_yield (shape::AssumingYieldOp) 

Yield operation


operation ::= `shape.assuming_yield` attr-dict ($operands^ `:` type($operands))?

This yield operation represents a return operation within the shape.assuming operation region. The operation takes variable number of operands and produces no results. The operand number and types must match the number and types of parent shape.assuming results.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<AssumingOp>, ReturnLike, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandsvariadic of any type

shape.broadcast (shape::BroadcastOp) 

Returns the broadcasted output shape of two or more inputs


operation ::= `shape.broadcast` $shapes attr-dict `:` type($shapes) `->` type($result)

Returns the broadcasted shape for input shapes or extent tensors. The rest of this description is simplified for the 2 input case but can be extended to more inputs. Both operands can be of type shape.shape or tensor<?xindex>. The result is of type shape.shape and, if both operands are tensors, may be of type tensor<?xindex>.

If the two operand shapes are of different rank the smaller one is padded with 1’s from the left. The resulting broadcasted shape is then defined as

result[i] = lhs[i] if lhs[i] == rhs[i]
          = lhs[i] if rhs[i] == 1
          = rhs[i] if lhs[i] == 1.

In case the resulting shape is undefined, i.e. if corresponding extents are different from each other but none is 1, the result is an error shape. Likewise error values are propagated if any of the operands holds an error value. If the result type is an extent tensor (and can therefore not hold the error value) the behavior may be undefined. The optional string attribute can be used to describe the error case.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
error::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


shapesvariadic of shape or extent tensor


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.concat (shape::ConcatOp) 

Concatenates two shapes


operation ::= `shape.concat` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Creates a shape whose dimensions consist of first the dimensions from lhs followed by the dimensions of rhs.

Example: concat([2,3], [4,5]) -> [2,3,4,5] concat([], []) -> [] concat([], [4,5,6]) -> [4,5,6]

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhsshape or extent tensor
rhsshape or extent tensor


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.const_shape (shape::ConstShapeOp) 

Creates a constant shape or extent tensor

Creates a constant shape or extent tensor. The individual extents are given as the shape attribute. The number of these values equals the shape’s rank.

%0 = shape.const_shape [] : !shape.shape
%1 = shape.const_shape [1, 2, 3] : !shape.shape
%2 = shape.const_shape [4, 5, 6] : tensor<3xindex>

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, ConstantLike, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
shape::mlir::DenseIntElementsAttrindex elements attribute


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.const_size (shape::ConstSizeOp) 

Creates a constant of type shape.size


operation ::= `shape.const_size` $value attr-dict

Creates a shape.size type representing the constant size given by value.

%x = shape.const_size 10

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, ConstantLike

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), OpAsmOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::IntegerAttrindex attribute



shape.const_witness (shape::ConstWitnessOp) 

An operation that returns a statically known witness value


operation ::= `shape.const_witness` $passing attr-dict

This operation represents a statically known witness result. This can be often used to canonicalize/fold constraint and assuming code that will always pass.

%0 = shape.const_shape [1,2,3]
%1 = shape.const_shape [1,2,3]
%w0 = shape.cstr_eq(%0, %1) // Can be folded to "const_witness true"
%w1 = shape.const_witness true
%w2 = shape.assuming_all(%w0, %w2) // Can be folded to "const_witness true"

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, ConstantLike

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
passing::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute



shape.cstr_broadcastable (shape::CstrBroadcastableOp) 

Determines if 2+ shapes can be successfully broadcasted


operation ::= `shape.cstr_broadcastable` $shapes attr-dict `:` type($shapes)

Given input shapes or extent tensors, return a witness specifying if they are broadcastable. This broadcastable follows the same logic as what shape.broadcast documents.

“cstr” operations represent runtime assertions.


%w0 = shape.cstr_broadcastable [2,2], [3,1,2] // Passing
%w1 = shape.cstr_broadcastable [2,2], [3,2] // Failure

Traits: Commutative

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


shapesvariadic of shape or extent tensor



shape.cstr_eq (shape::CstrEqOp) 

Determines if all input shapes are equal


operation ::= `shape.cstr_eq` $shapes attr-dict `:` type($shapes)

Given 1 or more input shapes, determine if all shapes are the exact same.

“cstr” operations represent runtime assertions.


%w0 = shape.cstr_eq [1,2], [1,2], [1,2] // Passing
%w1 = shape.cstr_eq [2,2], [1,2] // Failure

Traits: Commutative

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


shapesvariadic of shape or extent tensor



shape.cstr_require (shape::CstrRequireOp) 

Represents a runtime assertion that an i1 is true


operation ::= `shape.cstr_require` $pred `,` $msg attr-dict

Represents a runtime assertion that an i1 is true. It returns a !shape.witness to order this assertion.

For simplicity, prefer using other cstr_* ops if they are available for a given constraint.


%bool = ...
%w0 = shape.cstr_require %bool, "msg" // Passing if `%bool` is true.

Since this op can be used to express many different possible assertions (depending on whatever computation calculated pred), the msg should clarify the nature of the assertion for users.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
msg::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


pred1-bit signless integer



shape.debug_print (shape::DebugPrintOp) 

Prints the input shape or size

Prints the input dim or shape and passes through input.

Note: This is intended for testing and debugging only.


inputshape or size


outputshape or size

shape.dim (shape::DimOp) 

Gets the specified extent from the shape of a shaped input


operation ::= `shape.dim` $value `,` $index attr-dict `:` type($value) `,`type($index) `->` type($extent)

Gets the extent indexed by dim from the shape of the value operand. If the index is error or out-of-bound then it returns an invalid size if the return type carries error information else the behavior is undefined.

This is a convenience op that performs the equivalent of getting the extent of a shape (e.g., dim(x, i) == get_extent(shape_of(x), i)).

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


valueshaped of any type values
indexsize or index


extentsize or index

shape.div (shape::DivOp) 

Division of sizes and indices


operation ::= `shape.div` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Divides two sizes or indices. If either operand is an error it will be propagated to the result. The operands can be of type size or index. If at least one of the operands can hold an error, i.e. if it is of type size, the result must be of type size. If error propagation is not possible because both operands are of type index then the result may be of type size or index. If both operands and result are of type index, their runtime values could be negative. The result is rounded toward negative infinity, i.e. floor(lhs / rhs), such that

div(lhs, rhs) * rhs + mod(lhs, rhs) = lhs

always holds. If any of the values is of type size, the behavior for negative value is undefined.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhssize or index
rhssize or index


resultsize or index

shape.from_extent_tensor (shape::FromExtentTensorOp) 

Creates a shape from a tensor of extents


operation ::= `shape.from_extent_tensor` $input attr-dict `:` type($input)

Creates a shape from a 1D integral tensor of extents. The rank of the resulting shape equals the number of elements in the tensor, and the extents match the values of the elements.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


input1D tensor of index values



shape.from_extents (shape::FromExtentsOp) 

Creates a shape from extents


operation ::= `shape.from_extents` $extents attr-dict `:` type($extents)

Creates a shape from multiple SSA values representing the extents of the shape.

// Rank 2 shape.
%s0 = shape.from_extents %a, %b
// Rank 0 shape.
%s1 = shape.from_extents

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


extentsvariadic of size or index



shape.func (shape::FuncOp) 

Shape function

An operation with a name containing a single SSACFG region which represents a shape transfer function or helper function for shape transfer function.

Traits: AffineScope, AutomaticAllocationScope, IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, OpAsmOpInterface, Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of function type
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

shape.function_library (shape::FunctionLibraryOp) 

Represents shape functions and corresponding ops

Represents a list of shape functions and the ops whose shape transfer functions they represent.


shape.function_library {
  func @same_result_shape(%arg: !shape.value_shape) -> !shape.shape {
    %0 = shape_of %arg : !shape.value_shape -> !shape.shape
    return %0 : !shape.shape
} mapping {
  std.atan = @same_result_shape

Traits: AffineScope, IsolatedFromAbove, NoRegionArguments, NoTerminator, SingleBlock, SymbolTable

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface, Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
mapping::mlir::DictionaryAttrdictionary of named attribute values

shape.get_extent (shape::GetExtentOp) 

Gets the specified extent from a shape or extent tensor


operation ::= `shape.get_extent` $shape `,` $dim attr-dict `:` type($shape) `,` type($dim) `->` type($extent)

Gets the extent indexed by dim from the shape operand. If the shape is an error then it returns an invalid size.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


shapeshape or extent tensor
dimsize or index


extentsize or index

shape.index_to_size (shape::IndexToSizeOp) 

Converts a standard index to a shape size


operation ::= `shape.index_to_size` $arg attr-dict

Converts a standard index to a shape.size. This operation and its inverse, size_to_index, facilitate index conversion between the standard and the shape dialect.

The behavior is undefined for negative indices.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}





shape.is_broadcastable (shape::IsBroadcastableOp) 

Determines if 2+ shapes can be successfully broadcasted


operation ::= `shape.is_broadcastable` $shapes attr-dict `:` type($shapes)

Given multiple input shapes or extent tensors, return a predicate specifying if they are broadcastable. This broadcastable follows the same logic as what shape.broadcast documents.

Concretely, shape.is_broadcastable returning true implies that shape.broadcast will not give an error, and shape.cstr_broadcastable will not result in an assertion failure. Similarly, false implies an error or assertion failure.


%true = shape.is_broadcastable [2,2], [3,1,2]
%false = shape.is_broadcastable [2,2], [3,2]

Traits: Commutative

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


shapesvariadic of shape or extent tensor


result1-bit signless integer

shape.max (shape::MaxOp) 

Elementwise maximum


operation ::= `shape.max` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Computes the elementwise maximum of two sizes or shapes with equal ranks. If either operand is an error, then an error will be propagated to the result. If the input types mismatch or the ranks do not match, then the result is an error.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhsshape or size
rhsshape or size


resultshape or size (shape::MeetOp) 

Returns the least general shape or size of its operands


operation ::= `` $arg0 `,` $arg1 (`,` `error` `=` $error^)? attr-dict `:`
              type($arg0) `,` type($arg1) `->` type($result)

An operation that computes the least general shape or dim of input operands. This effectively asserts that corresponding static dimensions are equal. The behavior is to match each element of the shape/size and propagate the most restrictive information, returning an invalid shape if there are contradictory requirements. E.g., using pseudo code[*], [*]) -> [*][*], [1, ?]) -> [1, ?][1, 2], [1, ?]) -> [1, 2][*], [1, 2]) -> [1, 2][], []) -> [][], [*]) -> [][], [?, ?]) -> [invalid][1, ?], [2, ?, ?]) -> [invalid] also allows specifying an optional error string, that may be used to return an error to the user upon mismatch of dimensions.

%c = %a, %b, error="<reason>" : !shape.shape, !shape.shape -> !shape.shape

Traits: Commutative, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
error::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


arg0any shape or size
arg1any shape or size


resultany shape or size

shape.min (shape::MinOp) 

Elementwise minimum


operation ::= `shape.min` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Computes the elementwise minimum of two sizes or shapes with equal ranks. If either operand is an error, then an error will be propagated to the result. If the input types mismatch or the ranks do not match, then the result is an error.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhsshape or size
rhsshape or size


resultshape or size

shape.mul (shape::MulOp) 

Multiplication of sizes and indices


operation ::= `shape.mul` $lhs `,` $rhs attr-dict `:` type($lhs) `,` type($rhs) `->` type($result)

Multiplies two sizes or indices. If either operand is an error it will be propagated to the result. The operands can be of type size or index. If at least one of the operands can hold an error, i.e. if it is of type size, the result must be of type size. If error propagation is not possible because both operands are of type index then the result may be of type size or index.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


lhssize or index
rhssize or index


resultsize or index

shape.num_elements (shape::NumElementsOp) 

Returns the number of elements for a given shape


operation ::= `shape.num_elements` $shape attr-dict `:` type($shape) `->` type($result)

Returns the number of elements for a given shape which is the product of its extents. If the argument is of type shape then the result will be of type size and potential errors will be propagated. Otherwise, if the argument is and extent tensor tensor<?xindex> then the result will be of type index.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


shapeshape or extent tensor


resultsize or index

shape.rank (shape::RankOp) 

Gets the rank of a shape


operation ::= `shape.rank` $shape attr-dict `:` type($shape) `->` type($rank)

Returns the rank of the shape or extent tensor, i.e. the number of extents.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


shapeshape or extent tensor


ranksize or index

shape.reduce (shape::ReduceOp) 

Returns an expression reduced over a shape or extent tensor

An operation that takes as input a shape or extent tensor, and a number of initial values. This operation has a region that is applied repeatedly for every extent of the input. Starting with the initial values, the individual extents are then aggregated as defined by the associated region.

Conceptually this op performs the following reduction:

res[] = init;
for (int i = 0, i < shape.rank(); i++) {
  res = reduce(i, shape[i], res[0], ..., res[n]);

Where reduce represents the region attached and the result of the reduce op is the last computed output of the reduce region. As an example, the number of elements can be computed as follows:

func.func @reduce(%shape : !shape.shape, %init : !shape.size) ->
    !shape.size {
  %num_elements = shape.reduce(%shape, %init) -> !shape.size  {
    ^bb0(%index: index, %dim: !shape.size, %acc: !shape.size):
      %updated_acc = "shape.mul"(%acc, %dim) :
        (!shape.size, !shape.size) -> !shape.size
      shape.yield %updated_acc : !shape.size
  return %num_elements : !shape.size

Traits: SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<YieldOp>, SingleBlock


shapeshape or extent tensor
initValsvariadic of any type


resultvariadic of any type

shape.return (shape::ReturnOp) 

Shape function return operation


operation ::= `shape.return` attr-dict ($operands^ `:` type($operands))?

The shape.return operation represents a return operation within a function. The operation takes variable number of operands and produces no results.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<FuncOp>, ReturnLike, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandsvariadic of any type

shape.shape_eq (shape::ShapeEqOp) 

Returns whether the input shapes or extent tensors are equal


operation ::= `shape.shape_eq` $shapes attr-dict `:` type($shapes)

Takes one or more shape or extent tensor operands and determines whether they are equal. When extent tensors are compared to shapes they are regarded as their equivalent non-error shapes. Error shapes can be tested for equality like any other shape value, meaning that the error value is equal to itself.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


shapesvariadic of shape or extent tensor


result1-bit signless integer

shape.shape_of (shape::ShapeOfOp) 

Returns shape of a value or shaped type operand


operation ::= `shape.shape_of` $arg attr-dict `:` type($arg) `->` type($result)

The operation takes a value or a shaped operand as an argument and it returns a shape or extent tensor.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, InferTypeOpAdaptor

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


argshaped of any type values or


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.size_to_index (shape::SizeToIndexOp) 

Casts between index types of the shape and standard dialect


operation ::= `shape.size_to_index` $arg attr-dict `:` type($arg)

Converts a shape.size to a standard index. This operation and its inverse, index_to_size, facilitate index conversion between the standard and the shape dialect. The behavior is undefined for unknown and invalid arguments.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: CastOpInterface, ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


argsize or index



shape.split_at (shape::SplitAtOp) 

Splits a shape at a given index

Splits a shape at a given dimension index, returning two shapes. If index is negative, it is treated as indexing from the back of the shape. This negative-handling behavior is important when handling unranked shapes, where the positive index is not necessarily knowable due to a dynamic number of leading dimensions. If the result is in extent tensor form out of bounds indices result in undefined behavior.


  • split_at([4,5,6], index=0) -> [], [4,5,6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=1) -> [4], [5,6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=2) -> [4,5], [6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=3) -> [4,5,6], []
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=4) -> error
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=-1) -> [4,5], [6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=-2) -> [4], [5,6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=-3) -> [], [4,5,6]
  • split_at([4,5,6], index=-4) -> error


  • index is in the range [-rank(operand),rank(operand)]

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandshape or extent tensor
indexsize or index


headshape or extent tensor
tailshape or extent tensor

shape.to_extent_tensor (shape::ToExtentTensorOp) 

Creates a dimension tensor from a shape


operation ::= `shape.to_extent_tensor` $input attr-dict `:` type($input) `->` type($result)

Converts a shape to a 1D integral tensor of extents. The number of elements in the tensor equals the rank of the shape, and the elements equal the extents of the shape.

If the shape represents an error, this op’s behavior is undefined.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: CastOpInterface, ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


inputshape or extent tensor


resulttensor of index values

shape.value_as_shape (shape::ValueAsShapeOp) 

Returns value as a shape


operation ::= `shape.value_as_shape` $arg attr-dict `:` type($arg) `->` type($result)

The operations takes a ValueShape and returns a Shape corresponding to the value. If the input value cannot be shape (e.g., not a 1D tensor of integral value representing sizes) then this propagages the error shape. E.g.,

// The following
%0 = arith.constant dense<[1,2]> : tensor<2xi32>
%shape = shape.value_as_shape %0 : tensor<2xi32> -> !shape.shape
// is equivalent to
%shape' = shape.const_shape [1, 2] : !shape.shape

This operation is the complement of shape_of wrt ValueShape values.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


arg1D tensor of integer or index values or


resultshape or extent tensor

shape.value_of (shape::ValueOfOp) 

Returns value of a !shape.value_shape operand


operation ::= `shape.value_of` $arg attr-dict `:` type($result)

The operation takes !shape.value_shape, a.k.a. (value, shape) tuple as an argument, and returns its value. The behavior is undefined for unknown and invalid arguments.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}




resultshaped of any type values

shape.with_shape (shape::WithOp) 

Returns ValueShape with given shape


operation ::= `shape.with_shape` operands attr-dict `:` type($operand) `,` type($shape)

Returns ValueShape with the shape updated to match the shape operand. That is a new ValueShape tuple is created with value equal to operand’s value and shape equal to shape. If the ValueShape and given shape are non-conformant, then the returned ValueShape will represent an error of this mismatch. Similarly if either inputs are in an error state, then an error is propagated.

Usage: %0 = shape.with_shape %1, %2 : tensor<…>, !shape.shape

This is used, for example, where one combines shape function calculations and/or call one shape function from another. E.g.,

func.func @shape_foobah(%a: !shape.value_shape,
                   %b: !shape.value_shape,
                   %c: !shape.value_shape) -> !shape.shape {
  %0 = call @shape_foo(%a, %b) :
    (!shape.value_shape, !shape.value_shape) -> !shape.shape
  %1 = shape.with_shape %b, %0 : !shape.value_shape, !shape.shape
  %2 = call @shape_bah(%c, %1) :
    (!shape.value_shape, !shape.value_shape) -> !shape.shape
  return %2 : !shape.shape

This op need not be a refinement of the shape. In non-error cases the input ValueShape’s value and shape are conformant and so too for the output, but the result may be less specified than operand’s shape as shape is merely used to construct the new ValueShape. If join behavior is desired then a join op should be used.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandshaped of any type values or
shapeshape or extent tensor



shape.yield (shape::YieldOp) 

Returns the value to parent op


operation ::= `shape.yield` attr-dict ($operands^ `:` type($operands))?

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, HasParent<ReduceOp, FunctionLibraryOp>, ReturnLike, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandsvariadic of any type



Syntax: !shape.shape

shape.shape represents either an unranked shape, a ranked shape with possibly unknown dimensions or an invalid shape. The rank is of type shape.size and, if rank is known, the extent is a 1D tensor of type shape.size.

Shape is printed:

  • [*] if it is an unranked shape
  • [?, 2] if a rank 2 tensor with one unknown dimension
  • [3, 4] is a rank 2 static tensor
  • [] is a scalar
  • [1] is a rank 1 tensor with 1 element
  • [invalid] for an invalid shape


Syntax: !shape.size

shape.size represents a non-negative integer with support for being unknown and invalid.

Operations on shape.size types are specialized to handle unknown/dynamic value. So, for example, <unknown> + x == <unknown> for all non-error x : !shape.size (e.g., an unknown value does not become known due to addition).


Syntax: !shape.value_shape

shape.value_shape represents the value produced by an operation (this corresponds to Value in the compiler) and a shape. Conceptually this is a tuple of a value (potentially unknown) and shape.shape. The value and shape can either or both be unknown. If both the value and shape are known, then the shape of value is conformant with shape. That is, the shape of the value conforms to the shape of the ValueShape, so that if we have ValueShape (value, shape) then join(shape_of(value), shape) would be error free and in particular it means that if both are statically known, then they are equal.


Syntax: !shape.witness

A witness is a structural device in the compiler to maintain ordering of code relying on information obtained from passing assertions. Witnesses do not represent any physical data.

“cstr_” operations will return witnesses and be lowered into assertion logic when not resolvable at compile time.

“assuming_” operations will take witnesses as input and represent only information to the compiler, so they do not exist in executing code. Code that is dependent on “assuming_” operations can assume all cstr operations transitively before are honored as true.

These abstractions are intended to allow the compiler more freedom with assertions by merely showing the assertion through dataflow at this time rather than a side effecting operation that acts as a barrier. This can be viewed similarly to a compiler representation of promises from asynchronous, possibly crashing assertions. Reliant code will not be reordered to before the code and non-reliant code can be reordered freely, and there are no guarantees on the final ordering of the assertions or their related code.

Different stages of lowering Shape dialect 

In this section we shall give a brief overview of the different uses of the shape dialect and the lowering between these uses. Currently we have 3 worlds / stages of lowering of shape functions:

  1. Error monadic/error carrying/user specification: This “input” form carries both the shape and whether in error state as value. Hence at this level all operations are pure operations producing and consuming values where the values could represent an error.

  2. Constrained: This form uses a variant of explicit evidence passing to allow leveraging existing compiler infrastructure to preserve safety information during optimization.

  3. Side-effecting/asserting: This final lowered form is imperative form with side-effecting ops (e.g., assert) for final codegen.

We are going to do a quick step through of the lowering using the example of a matmul.

Starting from the shape function of matmul in the error monadic form below1:

shape.function_library @shplib {

func.func @matmul(%lhs: !shape.value_shape, %rhs: !shape.value_shape) -> !shape.shape {
  %c1 = shape.const_size 1
  %c2 = shape.const_size 2
  // We could also allow rank etc operations directly on value_shape too, that
  // would make it nicer as "input" language, but keeping it explicit inside the
  // IR instead and then we could have helper methods in front-end language.
  %lhs_shape = shape.shape_of %lhs : !shape.value_shape -> !shape.shape
  %rhs_shape = shape.shape_of %rhs : !shape.value_shape -> !shape.shape
  %lhs_rank = shape.rank %lhs_shape : !shape.shape -> !shape.size
  %rhs_rank = shape.rank %rhs_shape : !shape.shape -> !shape.size
  // This is not minimal as one could ensure the ranks are the same below, also a
  // variadic meet would make it more concise too.
  %r = ""(%lhs_rank, %rhs_rank) : (!shape.size, !shape.size) -> !shape.size
  %rank = %c2, %r, error="requires rank 2 operands" :
    !shape.size, !shape.size -> !shape.size
  %l0, %l1 = "shape.split_at"(%lhs_shape, %c1) :
    (!shape.shape, !shape.size) -> (!shape.shape, !shape.shape)
  %r0, %r1 = "shape.split_at"(%rhs_shape, %c1) :
    (!shape.shape, !shape.size) -> (!shape.shape, !shape.shape)
  %c = %l1, %r0, error="inner dimensions required to match" :
    !shape.shape, !shape.shape -> !shape.shape
  %res = shape.concat %l0, %r1
  // Should have `shape.return %res requires %c, %rank` to enable
  return %res : !shape.shape

} mapping {
  foo.matmul = @matmul
  • We are using the default builtin func and return here. Preferably we’d use ‘shape_func’ as a special function op that allows passing multiple results back that affect correct execution (e.g., serves as an error join)

    • This would also means one can’t reify it inside a regular function without handling the shape.return - that is a feature here as these are more of a template.
    • Currently we also have not marked meet as having no side-effects to avoid DCE until we have shape.return, at which point computing the meet could be treated as purely computational returning error.
  • Meet represents a constraint that should hold, so should not be used to see if something is equal. E.g., this means meet can’t be used to represent

       either(meet(x, y), meet(y,z))
  • This could have been written more concisely as something like

      concat(lhs[0], rhs[1]) if rank(lhs) == 2 &&
        rank(rhs) == 2 && lhs[1] == rhs[0]

    but not focusing on front-end proper here.

We are going to lower to “most” nested form directly (see test for an example reification along with legalization). In the above this was in a separate shape function library, while here we would normally reify it as part of lowering, but for simplicity will show as a standalone shape function.

func.func @matmul_shape1(%lhs: tensor<*xf32>, %rhs: tensor<*xindex>) -> tensor<?xindex> {
  %c1 = shape.const_size 1
  %c2 = shape.const_size 2
  // We allow `shape.shape_of` to return either a `!shape.shape` or
  // `tensor<?xindex>` type, in the case where the input is a tensor the most
  // refined type is a tensor of `index` but not required.
  %lhs_shape = shape.shape_of %lhs : tensor<*xf32> -> !shape.shape
  %rhs_shape = shape.shape_of %rhs : tensor<*xf32> -> !shape.shape
  %lhs_rank = shape.rank %lhs_shape : !shape.shape -> !shape.size
  %rhs_rank = shape.rank %rhs_shape : !shape.shape -> !shape.size
  %w1 = shape.cstr_eq %lhs_rank, %rhs_rank : !shape.witness
  %res = shape.assuming %w1 -> tensor<?xindex> {
    %r1 = shape.any %lhs_rank, %rhs_rank : (!shape.size, !shape.size) -> !shape.size
    // Error message needs an addition, currently only on cstr_require.
    %w2 = shape.cstr_eq %c2, %r1, error="requires rank 2 operands"
    %res_1 = shape.assuming %w2 -> tensor<?xindex> {
      // Here the lowered
      //   %rank = shape.any %c2, %r1 (!shape.size, !shape.size) -> !shape.size
      // is dead and so elided further. But if `%rank` was actually consumed,
      // then it could have been folded in `shape.any`.
      %l0, %r0 = "shape.split_at"(%lhs_shape, %c1) :
        (!shape.shape, !shape.size) -> !shape.shape
      %l1, %r1 = "shape.split_at"(%lhs_shape, %c1) :
        (!shape.shape, !shape.size) -> !shape.shape
      %c = %l1, %r0, error="inner dimensions required to match" :
        !shape.size, !shape.size -> !shape.size
      %res = concat(%l0, %r1)
      shape.assuming_yield %res
    shape.assuming_yield %res_1
  return %res : tensor<?xindex>

We can now hoist computations of constraint were possible (which in the case below is not too many as we need to verify the rank before we can split)

func.func @matmul_shape2(%lhs: tensor<*xf32>, %lhs: tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<?xindex> {
  %c1 = shape.const_size 1
  %c2 = shape.const_size 2
  %lhs_shape = shape.shape_of %lhs : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<?xindex>
  %rhs_shape = shape.shape_of %rhs : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<?xindex>
  %lhs_rank = shape.rank %lhs_shape : tensor<?xindex> -> tensor<index>
  %rhs_rank = shape.rank %rhs_shape : tensor<?xindex> -> tensor<index>
  %w1 = shape.cstr_eq %c2, %lhs_rank, error="requires rank 2 operands"
  %w2 = shape.cstr_eq %c2, %rhs_rank, error="requires rank 2 operands"
  %w = shape.assuming_all %w1, %w2
  %res = shape.assuming %w -> tensor<?xindex> {
    %l0, %r0 = "shape.split_at"(%lhs_shape, %c1) :
      (tensor<?xindex>, !shape.size) -> tensor<?xindex>
    %l1, %r1 = "shape.split_at"(%lhs_shape, %c1) :
      (tensor<?xindex>, !shape.size) -> tensor<?xindex>
    %w3 = shape.cstr_eq %l1, %r0, error="inner dimensions required to match"
    %res_2 = shape.assuming %w3 {
      %res = concat(%l0, %r1)
      shape.assuming_yield %res
    shape.assuming_yield %res_1
  return %res

The above form can now be lowered to the fully imperative form (see test for example).

func.func @matmul_shape3(%lhs: tensor<*xf32>, %lhs: tensor<*xf32>) -> tensor<?xindex> {
  %c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
  %c2 = arith.constant 2 : index
  %lhs_shape = shape.shape_of %lhs : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<?xindex>
  %rhs_shape = shape.shape_of %rhs : tensor<*xf32> -> tensor<?xindex>
  %lhs_rank = shape.rank %lhs_shape : tensor<?xindex> -> tensor<index>
  %rhs_rank = shape.rank %rhs_shape : tensor<?xindex> -> tensor<index>
  %w1 = shape.shape_eq %lhs_rank, %rhs_rank
  %w2 = shape.shape_eq %c2, %lhs_rank
  %w3 = and %w1, %w2
  assert %w3, "requires rank 2 operands"
  %l0, %l1 = shape.split_at(%lhs_shape, %c1) : tensor<?xindex>
  %r0, %r1 = shape.split_at(%rhs_shape, %c1) : tensor<?xindex>
  %w4 = shape.eq %l1, %r0
  assert %w4, "inner dimensions required to match"
  %res = concat(%l0, %r1)
  return %res
  • In this case form 3 is as easy and closer to form 1 (but only as no reordering was required). So it is a good question if the frontend authoring language could be more similar to the imperative form (under discussion).
  • The above form presented here is an intermittent form during a lowering pass. If used as input we would need to restrict the optimizations on it as the shape dialect operations are no longer connected by producer-consumer to enforce guard checking.

The above could be further lowered by using tensor.dim, tensor.from_elements etc (or one could even lower these by way of, say, MHLO or TOSA dialect).

  1. This form is least use inside the current workflows and needs more work. In particular in the example we use shape_func where in the code we instead use standard func as first form 1 isn’t used explicitly. ↩︎