Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

Testing Guide

Quickstart commands 

These commands are explained below in more detail. All commands are run from the cmake build directory build/, after building the project.

Run all MLIR tests: 

cmake --build . --target check-mlir

Run integration tests (requires -DMLIR_INCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS=ON): 

cmake --build . --target check-mlir-integration

Run C++ unit tests: 

bin/llvm-lit -v tools/mlir/test/Unit

Run lit tests in a specific directory 

bin/llvm-lit -v tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Arith

Run a specific lit test file 

bin/llvm-lit -v tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Polynomial/ops.mlir

Test categories 

lit and FileCheck tests 

FileCheck is a tool that “reads two files (one from standard input, and one specified on the command line) and uses one to verify the other.” One file contains a set of CHECK tags that specify strings and patterns expected to appear in the other file. MLIR utilizes lit to orchestrate the execution of tools like mlir-opt to produce an output, and FileCheck to verify different aspects of the IR—such as the output of a transformation pass.

The source files of lit/FileCheck tests are organized within the mlir source tree under mlir/test/. Within this directory, tests are organized roughly mirroring mlir/include/mlir/, including subdirectories for Dialect/, Transforms/, Conversion/, etc.


An example FileCheck test is shown below:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -cse | FileCheck %s

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESULT:.*]] = arith.constant 1
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %[[RESULT]], %[[RESULT]]

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

A comment with RUN represents a lit directive specifying a command line invocation to run, with special substitutions like %s for the current file. A comment with CHECK represents a FileCheck directive to assert a string or pattern appears in the output.

The above test asserts that, after running Common Subexpression Elimination (-cse), only one constant remains in the IR, and the sole SSA value is returned twice from the function.

Build system details 

The main way to run all the tests mentioned above in a single invocation can be done using the check-mlir target:

cmake --build . --target check-mlir

Invoking the check-mlir target is roughly equivalent to running (from the build directory, after building):

./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test

See the Lit Documentation for a description of all options.

Subsets of the testing tree can be invoked by passing a more specific path instead of tools/mlir/test above. Example:

./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Arith

# Note that it is possible to test at the file granularity, but since these
# files do not actually exist in the build directory, you need to know the
# name.
./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Arith/ops.mlir

Or for running all the C++ unit-tests:

./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test/Unit

The C++ unit-tests can also be executed as individual binaries, which is convenient when iterating on cycles of rebuild-test:

# Rebuild the minimum amount of libraries needed for the C++ MLIRIRTests
cmake --build . --target tools/mlir/unittests/IR/MLIRIRTests

# Invoke the MLIRIRTest C++ Unit Test directly

# It works for specific C++ unit-tests as well:
LIT_OPTS="--filter=MLIRIRTests -a" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

# Run just one specific subset inside the MLIRIRTests:
tools/mlir/unittests/IR/MLIRIRTests --gtest_filter=OpPropertiesTest.Properties

Lit has a number of options that control test execution. Here are some of the most useful for development purposes:

  • --filter=REGEXP : Only runs tests whose name matches the REGEXP. Can also be specified via the LIT_FILTER environment variable.
  • --filter-out=REGEXP : Filters out tests whose name matches the REGEXP. Can also be specified via the LIT_FILTER_OUT environment variable.
  • -a : Shows all information (useful while iterating on a small set of tests).
  • --time-tests : Prints timing statistics about slow tests and overall histograms.

Any Lit options can be set in the LIT_OPTS environment variable. This is especially useful when using the build system target check-mlir.


# Only run tests that have "python" in the name and print all invocations.
LIT_OPTS="--filter=python -a" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

# Only run the array_attributes python test, using the LIT_FILTER mechanism.
LIT_FILTER="python/ir/array_attributes" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

# Run everything except for example and integration tests (which are both
# somewhat slow).
LIT_FILTER_OUT="Examples|Integrations" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

Note that the above use the generic cmake command for invoking the check-mlir target, but you can typically use the generator directly to be more concise (i.e. if configured for ninja, then ninja check-mlir can replace the cmake --build . --target check-mlir command). We use generic cmake commands in documentation for consistency, but being concise is often better for interactive workflows.

Diagnostic tests 

MLIR provides rich source location tracking that can be used to emit errors, warnings, etc. from anywhere throughout the codebase, which are jointly called diagnostics. Diagnostic tests assert that specific diagnostic messages are emitted for a given input program. These tests are useful in that they allow checking specific invariants of the IR without transforming or changing anything.

Some examples of tests in this category are:

  • Verifying invariants of operations
  • Checking the expected results of an analysis
  • Detecting malformed IR

Diagnostic verification tests are written utilizing the source manager verifier handler, which is enabled via the verify-diagnostics flag in mlir-opt.

An example .mlir test running under mlir-opt is shown below:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics

// Expect an error on the same line.
func.func @bad_branch() { ^missing  // expected-error {{reference to an undefined block}}

// -----

// Expect an error on an adjacent line.
func.func @foo(%a : f32) {
  // expected-error@+1 {{invalid predicate attribute specification: "foo"}}
  %result = arith.cmpf "foo", %a, %a : f32

Integration tests 

Integration tests are FileCheck tests that verify functional correctness of MLIR code by running it, usually by means of JIT compilation using mlir-cpu-runner and runtime support libraries.

Integration tests don’t run by default. To enable them, set the -DMLIR_INCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS=ON flag during cmake configuration as described in Getting Started.

cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
   ... \

Now the integration tests run as part of regular testing.

cmake --build . --target check-mlir

To run only the integration tests, run the check-mlir-integration target.

cmake --build . --target check-mlir-integration

Note that integration tests are relatively expensive to run (primarily due to JIT compilation), and tend to be trickier to debug (with multiple compilation steps integrated, it usually takes a bit of triaging to find the root cause of a failure). We reserve e2e tests for cases that are hard to verify otherwise, e.g. when composing and testing complex compilation pipelines. In those cases, verifying run-time output tends to be easier then the checking e.g. LLVM IR with FileCheck. Lowering optimized linalg.matmul (with tiling and vectorization) is a good example. For less involved lowering pipelines or when there’s almost 1-1 mapping between an Op and it’s LLVM IR counterpart (e.g. arith.cmpi and LLVM IR icmp instruction), regular unit tests are considered enough.

The source files of the integration tests are organized within the mlir source tree by dialect (for example, test/Integration/Dialect/Vector).

Hardware emulators 

The integration tests include some tests for targets that are not widely available yet, such as specific AVX512 features (like vp2intersect) and the Intel AMX instructions. These tests require an emulator to run correctly (lacking real hardware, of course). To enable these specific tests, first download and install the Intel Emulator. Then, include the following additional configuration flags in the initial set up (X86Vector and AMX can be individually enabled or disabled), where <path to emulator> denotes the path to the installed emulator binary. sh cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \ ... \ -DMLIR_INCLUDE_INTEGRATION_TESTS=ON \ -DMLIR_RUN_X86VECTOR_TESTS=ON \ -DMLIR_RUN_AMX_TESTS=ON \ -DINTEL_SDE_EXECUTABLE=<path to emulator> \ ... After this one-time set up, the tests run as shown earlier, but will now include the indicated emulated tests as well.

C++ Unit tests 

Unit tests are written using the googletest framework and are located in the mlir/unittests/ directory.

Contributor guidelines 

In general, all commits to the MLIR repository should include an accompanying test of some form. Commits that include no functional changes, such as API changes like symbol renaming, should be tagged with NFC (No Functional Changes). This signals to the reviewer why the change doesn’t/shouldn’t include a test.

lit tests with FileCheck are the preferred method of testing in MLIR for non-erroneous output verification.

Diagnostic tests are the preferred method of asserting error messages are output correctly. Every user-facing error message (e.g., op.emitError()) should be accompanied by a corresponding diagnostic test.

When you cannot use the above, such as for testing a non-user-facing API like a data structure, then you may write C++ unit tests. This is preferred because the C++ APIs are not stable and subject to frequent refactoring. Using lit and FileCheck allows maintainers to improve the MLIR internals more easily.

FileCheck best practices 

FileCheck is an extremely useful utility, it allows for easily matching various parts of the output. This ease of use means that it becomes easy to write brittle tests that are essentially diff tests. FileCheck tests should be as self-contained as possible and focus on testing the minimal set of functionalities needed. Let’s see an example:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -cse | FileCheck %s

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32)
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %result = arith.constant 1 : i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %result, %result : i32, i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: }

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

The above example is another way to write the original example shown in the main lit and FileCheck tests section. There are a few problems with this test; below is a breakdown of the no-nos of this test to specifically highlight best practices.

  • Tests should be self-contained.

This means that tests should not test lines or sections outside of what is intended. In the above example, we see lines such as CHECK-NEXT: }. This line in particular is testing pieces of the Parser/Printer of FuncOp, which is outside of the realm of concern for the CSE pass. This line should be removed.

  • Tests should be minimal, and only check what is absolutely necessary.

This means that anything in the output that is not core to the functionality that you are testing should not be present in a CHECK line. This is a separate bullet just to highlight the importance of it, especially when checking against IR output.

If we naively remove the unrelated CHECK lines in our source file, we may end up with:

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %result = arith.constant 1 : i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %result, %result : i32, i32

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

It may seem like this is a minimal test case, but it still checks several aspects of the output that are unrelated to the CSE transformation. Namely the result types of the arith.constant and return operations, as well the actual SSA value names that are produced. FileCheck CHECK lines may contain regex statements as well as named string substitution blocks. Utilizing the above, we end up with the example shown in the main FileCheck tests section.

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  /// Here we use a substitution variable as the output of the constant is
  /// useful for the test, but we omit as much as possible of everything else.
  // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESULT:.*]] = arith.constant 1
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %[[RESULT]], %[[RESULT]]

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

Test Formatting Best Practices 

When adding new tests, strive to follow these two key rules:

  1. Follow the existing naming and whitespace style.
    • This applies when modifying existing test files that follow a particular convention, as it likely fits the context.
  2. Consistently document the edge case being tested.
    • Clearly state what makes this test unique and how it complements other similar tests.

While the first rule extends LLVM’s general coding style to tests, the second may feel new. The goal is to improve:

  • Test discoverability – Well-documented tests make it easier to pair tests with patterns and understand their purpose.
  • Test consistency – Consistent documentation and naming lowers cognitive load and helps avoid duplication.

A well-thought-out naming convention helps achieve all of the above.

Example: Improving Test Readability & Naming 

Consider these three tests that exercise vector.maskedload -> vector.load lowering under the -test-vector-to-vector-lowering flag:

Before: Inconsistent & Hard to Differentiate 
// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_1(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[A0:.*]]: memref<?xf32>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[A1:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[A0]][%[[C]]] : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xf32>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_regression_1(%arg0: memref<?xf32>, %arg1: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %vec_i1 = vector.constant_vec_i1 [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %arg0[%c0], %vec_i1, %arg1
    : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_2(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[A0:.*]]: memref<16xi8>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[A1:.*]]: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[A0]][%[[C]]] : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xi8>
func.func @maskedload_regression_2(%arg0: memref<16xi8>, %arg1: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %vec_i1 = vector.constant_vec_i1 [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %arg0[%c0], %vec_i1, %arg1
    : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xi8> into vector<16xi8>

  return %ld : vector<16xi8>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_3(
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[A0:.*]]: memref<16xf32>,
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[A1:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//      CHECK:    return %[[A1]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_regression_3(%arg0: memref<16xf32>, %arg1: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %vec_i1 = vector.constant_vec_i1 [0] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %arg0[%c0], %vec_i1, %arg1
    : memref<16xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>

While all examples test vector.maskedload -> vector.load lowering, it is difficult to tell their actual differences.

Step 1: Use Consistent Variable Names 

To reduce cognitive load, use consistent names across MLIR and FileCheck. Also, instead of using generic names like %arg0, encode some additional context by using names from existing documentation. For example from the Op documentation, vector.maskedload, in this case.

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_1(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<?xf32>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[BASE]][%[[C]]] : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xf32>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_regression_1(%base: memref<?xf32>, %pass_thru: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_2(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<16xi8>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[BASE]][%[[C]]] : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xi8>
func.func @maskedload_regression_2(%base: memref<16xi8>, %pass_thru: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xi8> into vector<16xi8>

  return %ld : vector<16xi8>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_regression_3(
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<16xf32>,
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//      CHECK:    return %[[PASS_THRU]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_regression_3(%base: memref<16xf32>, %pass_thru: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [0] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<16xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>
Step 2: Improve Test Naming 

Instead of using “regression” (which does not add unique information), rename tests based on key attributes:

  • All examples test the vector.maskedload to vector.load lowering.
  • The first test uses a dynamically shaped memref, while the others use static shapes.
  • The mask in the first two examples is “all true” (vector.constant_mask [16]), while it is “all false” (vector.constant_mask [0]) in the third example.
  • The first and the third tests use i32 elements, whereas the second uses i8.

This suggests the following naming scheme:

  • @maskedload_to_load_{static|dynamic}_{i32|i8}_{all_true|all_false}.
// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_to_load_dynamic_i32_all_true(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<?xf32>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[BASE]][%[[C]]] : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xf32>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_to_load_dynamic_i32_all_true(%base: memref<?xf32>, %pass_thru: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_to_load_static_i8_all_true(
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<16xi8>,
//  CHECK-SAME:       %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
//       CHECK:   %[[C0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
//       CHECK:   %[[LOAD:.*]] = vector.load %[[BASE]][%[[C]]] : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi8>
//       CHECK:   return %[[LOAD]] : vector<16xi8>
func.func @maskedload_to_load_static_i8_all_true(%base: memref<16xi8>, %pass_thru: vector<16xi8>) -> vector<16xi8> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [16] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<16xi8>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xi8> into vector<16xi8>

  return %ld : vector<16xi8>

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @maskedload_to_load_static_i32_all_false(
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<16xf32>,
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//      CHECK:    return %[[PASS_THRU]] : vector<16xf32>
func.func @maskedload_to_load_static_i32_all_false(%base: memref<16xf32>, %pass_thru: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [0] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<16xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>
Step 3: Add The Newly Identified Missing Case 

Step 2 made it possible to see that there is a case which is not tested:

  • A mask that is neither “all true” nor “all false”.

Unlike the existing cases, this mask must be preserved. In this scenario, vector.load is not the right abstraction. Thus, no lowering should occur:

// CHECK-LABEL:   func @negative_maskedload_to_load_static_i32_mixed(
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[BASE:.*]]: memref<16xf32>,
// CHECK-SAME:        %[[PASS_THRU:.*]]: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
//      CHECK:    vector.maskedload
func.func @negative_maskedload_to_load_static_i32_mixed(%base: memref<16xf32>, %pass_thru: vector<16xf32>) -> vector<16xf32> {
  %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
  %mask = vector.constant_mask [4] : vector<16xi1>

  %ld = vector.maskedload %base[%c0], %mask, %pass_thru
    : memref<16xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>

  return %ld : vector<16xf32>

The negative_ prefix indicates that this test should fail to lower, as the pattern should not match.

To summarize, here is the naming convention used:

  • @{negative_}?maskedload_to_load_{static|dynamic}_{i32|i8}_{all_true|all_false|mixed}.

NOTE: In some cases, prefixes other than negative_ might be more suitable to indicate that a test is expected to “fail.” For example, in “folding” tests, no_ would be equally clear and also a more concise alternative — e.g., @no_fold_<case>_<subcase>.

Whichever prefix you choose, ensure it is used consistently. Avoid using suffixes to mark a test as intentionally failing; prefixes are easier to spot.

What if there is no pre-existing style to follow? 

If you are adding a new test file, you can use other test files in the same directory as inspiration.

If the test file you are modifying lacks a clear style and instead has mixed, inconsistent styles, try to identify the dominant one and follow it. Even better, consider refactoring the file to adopt a single, consistent style — this helps improve our overall testing quality. Refactoring is also encouraged when the existing style could be improved.

In many cases, it is best to create a separate PR for test refactoring to reduce per-PR noise. However, this depends on the scale of changes — reducing PR traffic is also important. Work with reviewers to use your judgment and decide the best approach.

Alternatively, if you defer refactoring, consider creating a GitHub issue and adding a TODO in the test file linking to it.

When creating a new naming convention, keep these points in mind:

  • Write Orthogonal Tests If naming is difficult then the tests may be lacking a clear purpose. A good rule of thumb is to avoid testing the same thing repeatedly. Before writing tests, define clear categories to cover (e.g., number of loops, data types). This often leads to a natural naming scheme—for example: @loop_depth_2_i32.

  • What vs Why Test names should reflect what is being tested, not why.

Encoding why in test names can lead to overly long and complex names. Instead, add inline comments where needed.

Do not forget the common sense 

Always apply common sense when naming functions and variables. Encoding too much information in names makes the tests less readable and less maintainable.

Trust your judgment. When in doubt, consult your “future self”: “Will this still make sense to me six months from now?

Final Points - Key Principles 

The above approach is just an example. It may not fit your use case perfectly, so feel free to adapt it as needed. Key principles to follow:

  • Make tests self-documenting.
  • Follow existing conventions.

These principles make tests easier to discover and maintain. For you, “future you”, and the rest of the MLIR community.

Test Documentation Best Practices 

In addition to following good naming and formatting conventions, please document your tests with comments. Focus on explaining why since the what is usually clear from the code itself.

As an example, consider this test that uses the TransferWritePermutationLowering pattern:

/// Even with out-of-bounds accesses, it is safe to apply this pattern as it
/// does not modify which memory location is being accessed.

// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @xfer_write_minor_identity_transposed_out_of_bounds
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[VEC:.*]]: vector<4x8xi16>
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[MEM:.*]]: memref<2x2x?x?xi16>
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[IDX:.*]]: index)
//       CHECK:      %[[TR:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[VEC]], [1, 0] : vector<4x8xi16> to vector<8x4xi16>

/// Expect the in_bounds attribute to be preserved. However, since we don't
/// print it when all flags are "false", it should not appear in the output.
/// CHECK-NOT:       in_bounds

// CHECK:           vector.transfer_write

/// The permutation map was replaced with vector.transpose
// CHECK-NOT:       permutation_map

// CHECK-SAME:      %[[TR]], %[[MEM]][%[[IDX]], %[[IDX]], %[[IDX]], %[[IDX]]] : vector<8x4xi16>, memref<2x2x?x?xi16>
func.func @xfer_write_minor_identity_transposed_out_of_bounds(
    %vec: vector<4x8xi16>,
    %mem: memref<2x2x?x?xi16>,
    %idx: index) {

  vector.transfer_write %vec, %mem[%idx, %idx, %idx, %idx] {
    in_bounds = [false, false],
    permutation_map = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d3, d2)>
  } : vector<4x8xi16>, memref<2x2x?x?xi16>


The comments in the example above document two non-obvious behaviors:

  • Why is the permutation_map attribute missing from the output?
  • Why is the in_bounds attribute missing from the output?

How to Identify What Needs Documentation? 

Think of yourself six months from now and ask: “What might be difficult to understand without comments?”

If you expect something to be tricky for “future-you”, it’s likely to be tricky for others encountering the test for the first time.

Making Tests Self-Documenting 

We can improve documentation further by:

  • clarifying what pattern is being tested,
  • providing high-level reasoning, and
  • consolidating shared comments.

For example:

/// [Pattern: TransferWritePermutationLowering]
/// IN: vector.transfer_write (_transposed_ minor identity permutation map)
/// OUT: vector.transpose + vector.transfer_write (minor identity permutation map)
/// Note: `permutation_map` from the input Op is replaced with the newly
/// inserted vector.traspose Op.

// CHECK-LABEL:   func.func @xfer_write_minor_identity_transposed
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[VEC:.*]]: vector<4x8xi16>,
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[MEM:.*]]: memref<2x2x8x4xi16>
//  CHECK-SAME:      %[[IDX:.*]]: index)
//       CHECK:      %[[TR:.*]] = vector.transpose %[[VEC]], [1, 0] : vector<4x8xi16> to vector<8x4xi16>
// (...)

The example above documents:

  • The transformation pattern being tested.
  • The key logic behind the transformation.
  • The expected change in output.

Documenting the “What” 

You should always document why, but documenting what is also valid and encouraged in cases where:

  • The test output is long and complex.
  • The tested logic is non-trivial and/or involves multiple transformations.

For example, in this test for Linalg convolution vectorization, comments are used to document high-level steps (original FileCheck “check” lines have been trimmed for brevity):

func.func @conv1d_nwc_4x2x8_memref(%input: memref<4x6x3xf32>, %filter: memref<1x3x8xf32>, %output: memref<4x2x8xf32>) {
    {dilations = dense<1> : tensor<1xi64>, strides = dense<3> : tensor<1xi64>}
    ins(%input, %filter : memref<4x6x3xf32>, memref<1x3x8xf32>)
    outs(%output : memref<4x2x8xf32>)

//      CHECK: func @conv1d_nwc_4x2x8_memref
// CHECK-SAME: (%[[INPUT:.+]]: memref<4x6x3xf32>, %[[FILTER:.+]]: memref<1x3x8xf32>, %[[OUTPUT:.+]]: memref<4x2x8xf32>)

/// Read the whole data in one shot.
//  CHECK-DAG:   %[[V_INPUT_R:.+]] = vector.transfer_read %[[INPUT]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[F0]]
//  CHECK-DAG:  %[[V_FILTER_R:.+]] = vector.transfer_read %[[FILTER]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[F0]]
//  CHECK-DAG:  %[[V_OUTPUT_R:.+]] = vector.transfer_read %[[OUTPUT]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]], %[[F0]]

//      CHECK:   %[[V_INPUT_0:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[V_INPUT_R]]
//      CHECK:   %[[V_INPUT_1:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[V_INPUT_R]]

//      CHECK:    %[[V_FILTER:.+]] = vector.extract %[[V_FILTER_R]][0] : vector<3x8xf32> from vector<1x3x8xf32>

//      CHECK:  %[[V_OUTPUT_0:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[V_OUTPUT_R]]
//      CHECK:  %[[V_OUTPUT_1:.+]] = vector.extract_strided_slice %[[V_OUTPUT_R]]

/// w == 0, kw == 0
//      CHECK:   %[[CONTRACT_0:.+]] = vector.contract
// CHECK-SAME:     %[[V_INPUT_0]], %[[V_FILTER]], %[[V_OUTPUT_0]]

/// w == 1, kw == 0
//      CHECK:   %[[CONTRACT_1:.+]] = vector.contract
// CHECK-SAME:     %[[V_INPUT_1]], %[[V_FILTER]], %[[V_OUTPUT_1]]

/// w == 0, kw == 0
//      CHECK:   %[[RES_0:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[CONTRACT_0]], %[[V_OUTPUT_R]]
/// w == 1, kw == 0
//      CHECK:   %[[RES_1:.+]] = vector.insert_strided_slice %[[CONTRACT_1]], %[[RES_0]]

/// Write the result back in one shot.
//      CHECK:   vector.transfer_write %[[RES_1]], %[[OUTPUT]][%[[C0]], %[[C0]], %[[C0]]]

Though the comments document what is happening (e.g., “Write the result back in one shot”), some variables — like w and kw — are not explained. This is intentional - their purpose becomes clear when studying the corresponding Linalg vectorizer implementation (or, when analysing how linalg.conv_1d_nwc_wcf works).

Comments help you understand code, they do not replace the need to read it. Comments guide the reader, they do not repeat what the code already says.

Final Points - Key Principles 

Below are key principles to follow when documenting tests:

  • Always document why, document what if you need to (e.g. the underlying logic is non-trivial).
  • Use block comments for higher-level comments (e.g. to describe the patterns being tested).
  • Think about maintainability - comments should help future developers (which includes you) understand tests at a glance.
  • Avoid over-explaining. Comments should assist, not replace reading the code.