Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

Testing Guide

Testing is an integral part of any software infrastructure. In general, all commits to the MLIR repository should include an accompanying test of some form. Commits that include no functional changes, such as API changes like symbol renaming, should be tagged with NFC(no functional changes). This signals to the reviewer why the change doesn’t/shouldn’t include a test.

MLIR generally separates testing into three main categories, Check tests, Unit tests, and Integration tests.

Check tests 

Check tests are tests that verify that some set of string tags appear in the output of some program. These tests generally encompass anything related to the state of the IR (and more); analysis, parsing, transformation, verification, etc. They are written utilizing several different tools:

FileCheck tests 

FileCheck is a utility tool that “reads two files (one from standard input, and one specified on the command line) and uses one to verify the other.” Essentially, one file contains a set of tags that are expected to appear in the output file. MLIR utilizes FileCheck, in combination with lit, to verify different aspects of the IR - such as the output of a transformation pass.

An example FileCheck test is shown below:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -cse | FileCheck %s

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESULT:.*]] = arith.constant 1
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %[[RESULT]], %[[RESULT]]

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

The above test performs a check that after running Common Sub-Expression elimination, only one constant remains in the IR.

FileCheck best practices 

FileCheck is an extremely useful utility, it allows for easily matching various parts of the output. This ease of use means that it becomes easy to write brittle tests that are essentially diff tests. FileCheck tests should be as self-contained as possible and focus on testing the minimal set of functionalities needed. Let’s see an example:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -cse | FileCheck %s

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32)
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %result = arith.constant 1 : i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %result, %result : i32, i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: }

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

The above example is another way to write the original example shown in the main FileCheck tests section. There are a few problems with this test; below is a breakdown of the no-nos of this test to specifically highlight best practices.

  • Tests should be self-contained.

This means that tests should not test lines or sections outside of what is intended. In the above example, we see lines such as CHECK-NEXT: }. This line in particular is testing pieces of the Parser/Printer of FuncOp, which is outside of the realm of concern for the CSE pass. This line should be removed.

  • Tests should be minimal, and only check what is absolutely necessary.

This means that anything in the output that is not core to the functionality that you are testing should not be present in a CHECK line. This is a separate bullet just to highlight the importance of it, especially when checking against IR output.

If we naively remove the unrelated CHECK lines in our source file, we may end up with:

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  // CHECK-NEXT: %result = arith.constant 1 : i32
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %result, %result : i32, i32

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

It may seem like this is a minimal test case, but it still checks several aspects of the output that are unrelated to the CSE transformation. Namely the result types of the arith.constant and return operations, as well the actual SSA value names that are produced. FileCheck CHECK lines may contain regex statements as well as named string substitution blocks. Utilizing the above, we end up with the example shown in the main FileCheck tests section.

// CHECK-LABEL: func.func @simple_constant
func.func @simple_constant() -> (i32, i32) {
  /// Here we use a substitution variable as the output of the constant is
  /// useful for the test, but we omit as much as possible of everything else.
  // CHECK-NEXT: %[[RESULT:.*]] = arith.constant 1
  // CHECK-NEXT: return %[[RESULT]], %[[RESULT]]

  %0 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  %1 = arith.constant 1 : i32
  return %0, %1 : i32, i32

Diagnostic verification tests 

MLIR provides rich source location tracking that can be used to emit errors, warnings, etc. easily from anywhere throughout the codebase. Certain classes of tests are written to check that certain diagnostics are emitted for a given input program, such as an MLIR file. These tests are useful in that they allow checking specific invariants of the IR without transforming or changing anything. Some examples of tests in this category are: those that verify invariants of operations, or check the expected results of an analysis. Diagnostic verification tests are written utilizing the source manager verifier handler, accessible via the verify-diagnostics flag in mlir-opt.

An example .mlir test running under mlir-opt is shown below:

// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics

// Expect an error on the same line.
func.func @bad_branch() { ^missing  // expected-error {{reference to an undefined block}}

// -----

// Expect an error on an adjacent line.
func.func @foo(%a : f32) {
  // expected-error@+1 {{invalid predicate attribute specification: "foo"}}
  %result = arith.cmpf "foo", %a, %a : f32

Unit tests 

Unit tests are written using Google Test and are located in the unittests/ directory. Tests of these form should be limited to API tests that cannot be reasonably written as Check tests, e.g. those for data structures. It is important to keep in mind that the C++ APIs are not stable, and evolve over time. As such, directly testing the C++ IR interfaces makes the tests more fragile as those C++ APIs evolve over time. This makes future API refactorings, which may happen frequently, much more cumbersome as the number of tests scale.

Integration tests 

Integration tests are check tests that verify the output of MLIR code running “end-to-end”, usually by means of JIT compilation using the mlir-cpu-runner utility and small runtime support library that facilates I/O. The integration tests in MLIR don’t run by default, but need to be explicitly enabled during the initial set up described in Getting Started with an additional configuration flag.

cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
   ... \

After this one-time set up, the tests run as part of regular testing as follows.

cmake --build . --target check-mlir

Alternatively, to just run the integration tests, the following command can be used.

cmake --build . --target check-mlir-integration

The source files of the integration tests are organized within the mlir source tree by dialect (for example, test/Integration/Dialect/Vector). Within these directories, a CPU directory is used for tests that run with the mlir-cpu-runner tool (this latter leaf structure may eventually disappear, since so far all tests are cpu tests).


The integration tests include some tests for targets that are not widely available yet, such as specific AVX512 features (like vp2intersect) and the Intel AMX instructions. These tests require an emulator to run correctly (lacking real hardware, of course). To enable these specific tests, first download and install the Intel Emulator. Then, include the following additional configuration flags in the initial set up (X86Vector and AMX can be individually enabled or disabled), where <path to emulator> denotes the path to the installed emulator binary.

cmake -G Ninja ../llvm \
   ... \
   -DINTEL_SDE_EXECUTABLE=<path to emulator> \

After this one-time set up, the tests run as shown earlier, but will now include the indicated emulated tests as well.

Command Line Incantations 

While developing in MLIR, it is common to run parts of the test suite many times. While invoking the check-mlir target is a nice shortcut, the interaction with the build system can be confusing. Since most people don’t understand how all of this is put together in the build system, this section attempts to demystify how to operate the testing tools independently.

Invoking the check-mlir target is roughly equivalent to running (from the build directory):

./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test

See the Lit Documentation for a description of all options.

Subsets of the testing tree can be invoked by passing a more specific path instead of tools/mlir/test above. Example:

./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Arithmetic

# Note that it is possible to test at the file granularity, but since these
# files do not actually exist in the build directory, you need to know the
# name.
./bin/llvm-lit tools/mlir/test/Dialect/Arithmetic/ops.mlir

Lit has a number of options that control test execution. Here are some of the most useful for development purposes:

  • --filter=REGEXP : Only runs tests whose name matches the REGEXP. Can also be specified via the LIT_FILTER environment variable.
  • --filter-out=REGEXP : Filters out tests whose name matches the REGEXP. Can also be specified via the LIT_FILTER_OUT environment variable.
  • -a : Shows all information (useful while iterating on a small set of tests).
  • --time-tests : Prints timing statistics about slow tests and overall histograms.

Any Lit options can be set in the LIT_OPTS environment variable. This is especially useful when using the build system target check-mlir.


# Only run tests that have "python" in the name and print all invocations.
LIT_OPTS="--filter=python -a" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

# Only run the array_attributes python test, using the LIT_FILTER mechanism.
LIT_FILTER="python/ir/array_attributes" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

# Run everything except for example and integration tests (which are both
# somewhat slow).
LIT_FILTER_OUT="Examples|Integrations" cmake --build . --target check-mlir

Note that the above use the generic cmake command for invoking the check-mlir target, but you can typically use the generator directly to be more concise (i.e. if configured for ninja, then ninja check-mlir can replace the cmake --build . --target check-mlir command). We use generic cmake commands in documentation for consistency, but being concise is often better for interactive workflows.