MLIR  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- Lexer.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "Lexer.h"
13 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
15 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
17 using namespace mlir;
18 using namespace mlir::pdll;
20 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
21 // Token
22 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
24 std::string Token::getStringValue() const {
25  assert(getKind() == string || getKind() == string_block ||
28  // Start by dropping the quotes.
29  StringRef bytes = getSpelling();
30  if (is(string))
31  bytes = bytes.drop_front().drop_back();
32  else if (is(string_block))
33  bytes = bytes.drop_front(2).drop_back(2);
35  std::string result;
36  result.reserve(bytes.size());
37  for (unsigned i = 0, e = bytes.size(); i != e;) {
38  auto c = bytes[i++];
39  if (c != '\\') {
40  result.push_back(c);
41  continue;
42  }
44  assert(i + 1 <= e && "invalid string should be caught by lexer");
45  auto c1 = bytes[i++];
46  switch (c1) {
47  case '"':
48  case '\\':
49  result.push_back(c1);
50  continue;
51  case 'n':
52  result.push_back('\n');
53  continue;
54  case 't':
55  result.push_back('\t');
56  continue;
57  default:
58  break;
59  }
61  assert(i + 1 <= e && "invalid string should be caught by lexer");
62  auto c2 = bytes[i++];
64  assert(llvm::isHexDigit(c1) && llvm::isHexDigit(c2) && "invalid escape");
65  result.push_back((llvm::hexDigitValue(c1) << 4) | llvm::hexDigitValue(c2));
66  }
68  return result;
69 }
71 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
72 // Lexer
73 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
75 Lexer::Lexer(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, ast::DiagnosticEngine &diagEngine,
76  CodeCompleteContext *codeCompleteContext)
77  : srcMgr(mgr), diagEngine(diagEngine), addedHandlerToDiagEngine(false),
78  codeCompletionLocation(nullptr) {
79  curBufferID = mgr.getMainFileID();
80  curBuffer = srcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(curBufferID)->getBuffer();
81  curPtr = curBuffer.begin();
83  // Set the code completion location if necessary.
84  if (codeCompleteContext) {
85  codeCompletionLocation =
86  codeCompleteContext->getCodeCompleteLoc().getPointer();
87  }
89  // If the diag engine has no handler, add a default that emits to the
90  // SourceMgr.
91  if (!diagEngine.getHandlerFn()) {
92  diagEngine.setHandlerFn([&](const ast::Diagnostic &diag) {
93  srcMgr.PrintMessage(diag.getLocation().Start, diag.getSeverity(),
94  diag.getMessage());
95  for (const ast::Diagnostic &note : diag.getNotes())
96  srcMgr.PrintMessage(note.getLocation().Start, note.getSeverity(),
97  note.getMessage());
98  });
99  addedHandlerToDiagEngine = true;
100  }
101 }
104  if (addedHandlerToDiagEngine)
105  diagEngine.setHandlerFn(nullptr);
106 }
108 LogicalResult Lexer::pushInclude(StringRef filename, SMRange includeLoc) {
109  std::string includedFile;
110  int bufferID =
111  srcMgr.AddIncludeFile(filename.str(), includeLoc.End, includedFile);
112  if (!bufferID)
113  return failure();
115  curBufferID = bufferID;
116  curBuffer = srcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(curBufferID)->getBuffer();
117  curPtr = curBuffer.begin();
118  return success();
119 }
121 Token Lexer::emitError(SMRange loc, const Twine &msg) {
122  diagEngine.emitError(loc, msg);
123  return formToken(Token::error, loc.Start.getPointer());
124 }
125 Token Lexer::emitErrorAndNote(SMRange loc, const Twine &msg, SMRange noteLoc,
126  const Twine &note) {
127  diagEngine.emitError(loc, msg)->attachNote(note, noteLoc);
128  return formToken(Token::error, loc.Start.getPointer());
129 }
130 Token Lexer::emitError(const char *loc, const Twine &msg) {
131  return emitError(
132  SMRange(SMLoc::getFromPointer(loc), SMLoc::getFromPointer(loc + 1)), msg);
133 }
135 int Lexer::getNextChar() {
136  char curChar = *curPtr++;
137  switch (curChar) {
138  default:
139  return static_cast<unsigned char>(curChar);
140  case 0: {
141  // A nul character in the stream is either the end of the current buffer
142  // or a random nul in the file. Disambiguate that here.
143  if (curPtr - 1 != curBuffer.end())
144  return 0;
146  // Otherwise, return end of file.
147  --curPtr;
148  return EOF;
149  }
150  case '\n':
151  case '\r':
152  // Handle the newline character by ignoring it and incrementing the line
153  // count. However, be careful about 'dos style' files with \n\r in them.
154  // Only treat a \n\r or \r\n as a single line.
155  if ((*curPtr == '\n' || (*curPtr == '\r')) && *curPtr != curChar)
156  ++curPtr;
157  return '\n';
158  }
159 }
162  while (true) {
163  const char *tokStart = curPtr;
165  // Check to see if this token is at the code completion location.
166  if (tokStart == codeCompletionLocation)
167  return formToken(Token::code_complete, tokStart);
169  // This always consumes at least one character.
170  int curChar = getNextChar();
171  switch (curChar) {
172  default:
173  // Handle identifiers: [a-zA-Z_]
174  if (isalpha(curChar) || curChar == '_')
175  return lexIdentifier(tokStart);
177  // Unknown character, emit an error.
178  return emitError(tokStart, "unexpected character");
179  case EOF: {
180  // Return EOF denoting the end of lexing.
181  Token eof = formToken(Token::eof, tokStart);
183  // Check to see if we are in an included file.
184  SMLoc parentIncludeLoc = srcMgr.getParentIncludeLoc(curBufferID);
185  if (parentIncludeLoc.isValid()) {
186  curBufferID = srcMgr.FindBufferContainingLoc(parentIncludeLoc);
187  curBuffer = srcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(curBufferID)->getBuffer();
188  curPtr = parentIncludeLoc.getPointer();
189  }
191  return eof;
192  }
194  // Lex punctuation.
195  case '-':
196  if (*curPtr == '>') {
197  ++curPtr;
198  return formToken(Token::arrow, tokStart);
199  }
200  return emitError(tokStart, "unexpected character");
201  case ':':
202  return formToken(Token::colon, tokStart);
203  case ',':
204  return formToken(Token::comma, tokStart);
205  case '.':
206  return formToken(Token::dot, tokStart);
207  case '=':
208  if (*curPtr == '>') {
209  ++curPtr;
210  return formToken(Token::equal_arrow, tokStart);
211  }
212  return formToken(Token::equal, tokStart);
213  case ';':
214  return formToken(Token::semicolon, tokStart);
215  case '[':
216  if (*curPtr == '{') {
217  ++curPtr;
218  return lexString(tokStart, /*isStringBlock=*/true);
219  }
220  return formToken(Token::l_square, tokStart);
221  case ']':
222  return formToken(Token::r_square, tokStart);
224  case '<':
225  return formToken(Token::less, tokStart);
226  case '>':
227  return formToken(Token::greater, tokStart);
228  case '{':
229  return formToken(Token::l_brace, tokStart);
230  case '}':
231  return formToken(Token::r_brace, tokStart);
232  case '(':
233  return formToken(Token::l_paren, tokStart);
234  case ')':
235  return formToken(Token::r_paren, tokStart);
236  case '/':
237  if (*curPtr == '/') {
238  lexComment();
239  continue;
240  }
241  return emitError(tokStart, "unexpected character");
243  // Ignore whitespace characters.
244  case 0:
245  case ' ':
246  case '\t':
247  case '\n':
248  return lexToken();
250  case '#':
251  return lexDirective(tokStart);
252  case '"':
253  return lexString(tokStart, /*isStringBlock=*/false);
255  case '0':
256  case '1':
257  case '2':
258  case '3':
259  case '4':
260  case '5':
261  case '6':
262  case '7':
263  case '8':
264  case '9':
265  return lexNumber(tokStart);
266  }
267  }
268 }
270 /// Skip a comment line, starting with a '//'.
271 void Lexer::lexComment() {
272  // Advance over the second '/' in a '//' comment.
273  assert(*curPtr == '/');
274  ++curPtr;
276  while (true) {
277  switch (*curPtr++) {
278  case '\n':
279  case '\r':
280  // Newline is end of comment.
281  return;
282  case 0:
283  // If this is the end of the buffer, end the comment.
284  if (curPtr - 1 == curBuffer.end()) {
285  --curPtr;
286  return;
287  }
288  [[fallthrough]];
289  default:
290  // Skip over other characters.
291  break;
292  }
293  }
294 }
296 Token Lexer::lexDirective(const char *tokStart) {
297  // Match the rest with an identifier regex: [0-9a-zA-Z_]*
298  while (isalnum(*curPtr) || *curPtr == '_')
299  ++curPtr;
301  StringRef str(tokStart, curPtr - tokStart);
302  return Token(Token::directive, str);
303 }
305 Token Lexer::lexIdentifier(const char *tokStart) {
306  // Match the rest of the identifier regex: [0-9a-zA-Z_]*
307  while (isalnum(*curPtr) || *curPtr == '_')
308  ++curPtr;
310  // Check to see if this identifier is a keyword.
311  StringRef str(tokStart, curPtr - tokStart);
313  .Case("attr", Token::kw_attr)
314  .Case("Attr", Token::kw_Attr)
315  .Case("erase", Token::kw_erase)
316  .Case("let", Token::kw_let)
317  .Case("Constraint", Token::kw_Constraint)
318  .Case("not", Token::kw_not)
319  .Case("op", Token::kw_op)
320  .Case("Op", Token::kw_Op)
321  .Case("OpName", Token::kw_OpName)
322  .Case("Pattern", Token::kw_Pattern)
323  .Case("replace", Token::kw_replace)
324  .Case("return", Token::kw_return)
325  .Case("rewrite", Token::kw_rewrite)
326  .Case("Rewrite", Token::kw_Rewrite)
327  .Case("type", Token::kw_type)
328  .Case("Type", Token::kw_Type)
329  .Case("TypeRange", Token::kw_TypeRange)
330  .Case("Value", Token::kw_Value)
331  .Case("ValueRange", Token::kw_ValueRange)
332  .Case("with", Token::kw_with)
333  .Case("_", Token::underscore)
334  .Default(Token::identifier);
335  return Token(kind, str);
336 }
338 Token Lexer::lexNumber(const char *tokStart) {
339  assert(isdigit(curPtr[-1]));
341  // Handle the normal decimal case.
342  while (isdigit(*curPtr))
343  ++curPtr;
345  return formToken(Token::integer, tokStart);
346 }
348 Token Lexer::lexString(const char *tokStart, bool isStringBlock) {
349  while (true) {
350  // Check to see if there is a code completion location within the string. In
351  // these cases we generate a completion location and place the currently
352  // lexed string within the token (without the quotes). This allows for the
353  // parser to use the partially lexed string when computing the completion
354  // results.
355  if (curPtr == codeCompletionLocation) {
356  return formToken(Token::code_complete_string,
357  tokStart + (isStringBlock ? 2 : 1));
358  }
360  switch (*curPtr++) {
361  case '"':
362  // If this is a string block, we only end the string when we encounter a
363  // `}]`.
364  if (!isStringBlock)
365  return formToken(Token::string, tokStart);
366  continue;
367  case '}':
368  // If this is a string block, we only end the string when we encounter a
369  // `}]`.
370  if (!isStringBlock || *curPtr != ']')
371  continue;
372  ++curPtr;
373  return formToken(Token::string_block, tokStart);
374  case 0: {
375  // If this is a random nul character in the middle of a string, just
376  // include it. If it is the end of file, then it is an error.
377  if (curPtr - 1 != curBuffer.end())
378  continue;
379  --curPtr;
381  StringRef expectedEndStr = isStringBlock ? "}]" : "\"";
382  return emitError(curPtr - 1,
383  "expected '" + expectedEndStr + "' in string literal");
384  }
386  case '\n':
387  case '\v':
388  case '\f':
389  // String blocks allow multiple lines.
390  if (!isStringBlock)
391  return emitError(curPtr - 1, "expected '\"' in string literal");
392  continue;
394  case '\\':
395  // Handle explicitly a few escapes.
396  if (*curPtr == '"' || *curPtr == '\\' || *curPtr == 'n' ||
397  *curPtr == 't') {
398  ++curPtr;
399  } else if (llvm::isHexDigit(*curPtr) && llvm::isHexDigit(curPtr[1])) {
400  // Support \xx for two hex digits.
401  curPtr += 2;
402  } else {
403  return emitError(curPtr - 1, "unknown escape in string literal");
404  }
405  continue;
407  default:
408  continue;
409  }
410  }
411 }
static std::string diag(const llvm::Value &value)
This represents a token in the MLIR syntax.
Definition: Token.h:20
This class provides an abstract interface into the parser for hooking in code completion events.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:30
SMLoc getCodeCompleteLoc() const
Return the location used to provide code completion.
Definition: CodeComplete.h:35
Token emitError(SMRange loc, const Twine &msg)
Emit an error to the lexer with the given location and message.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:121
Token emitErrorAndNote(SMRange loc, const Twine &msg, SMRange noteLoc, const Twine &note)
Definition: Lexer.cpp:125
Token lexToken()
Lex the next token and return it.
LogicalResult pushInclude(StringRef filename, SMRange includeLoc)
Push an include of the given file.
Definition: Lexer.cpp:108
Lexer(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, ast::DiagnosticEngine &diagEngine, CodeCompleteContext *codeCompleteContext)
Definition: Lexer.cpp:75
bool is(Kind k) const
Return if the token has the given kind.
Definition: Lexer.h:143
StringRef getSpelling() const
Return the bytes that make up this token.
Definition: Lexer.h:123
@ code_complete_string
Token signifying a code completion location within a string.
Definition: Lexer.h:43
@ directive
Definition: Lexer.h:95
@ eof
Definition: Lexer.h:38
@ code_complete
Token signifying a code completion location.
Definition: Lexer.h:41
@ arrow
Definition: Lexer.h:76
@ less
Paired punctuation.
Definition: Lexer.h:84
@ kw_Attr
General keywords.
Definition: Lexer.h:56
Kind getKind() const
Return the kind of this token.
Definition: Lexer.h:126
std::string getStringValue() const
Given a token containing a string literal, return its value, including removing the quote characters ...
This class manages the construction and emission of PDLL diagnostics.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:140
void setHandlerFn(HandlerFn &&newHandler)
Set the handler function for this diagnostic engine.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:172
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMRange loc, const Twine &msg)
Emit an error to the diagnostic engine.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:146
const HandlerFn & getHandlerFn() const
Get the current handler function of this diagnostic engine.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:162
This class provides a simple implementation of a PDLL diagnostic.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:30
Diagnostic & attachNote(const Twine &msg, std::optional< SMRange > noteLoc=std::nullopt)
Attach a note to this diagnostic.
Definition: Diagnostic.h:47
Include the generated interface declarations.
LogicalResult failure(bool isFailure=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:62
LogicalResult success(bool isSuccess=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:56
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26