MLIR  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- GPUHeuristics.cpp - Heuristics Implementation for Transforms -------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
13 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
14 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
15 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
16 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
17 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
18 #include <cmath>
19 #include <numeric>
21 using namespace mlir;
23 #define DEBUG_TYPE "linalg-transforms"
24 #define DBGS() (llvm::dbgs() << "[" DEBUG_TYPE "]: ")
25 #define LDBG(X) LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << X << "\n")
28  return gpu::GPUThreadMappingAttr::get(ctx, gpu::MappingId::LinearDim0);
29 }
31  return gpu::GPUThreadMappingAttr::get(ctx, gpu::MappingId::LinearDim1);
32 }
34  return gpu::GPUThreadMappingAttr::get(ctx, gpu::MappingId::LinearDim2);
35 }
38  int totalNumThreads,
39  int64_t desiredBitAlignment,
40  ArrayRef<int64_t> copySizes,
41  bool favorPredication,
42  int64_t elementalBitwidth) {
43  assert(!copySizes.empty() && copySizes.size() <= 3 &&
44  "only 1,2,3-D copies are supported for now");
46  LDBG("START CopyMappingInfo, favorPredication: " << favorPredication);
47  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::interleaveComma(copySizes, DBGS() << "--copy shape: ");
48  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
50  // Greedily find the largest vector size that can be used to copy the most
51  // minor dimension: we are in the business of filling kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth
52  // contiguous memory transactions with as few threads as possible.
53  int64_t desiredVectorSize = CopyMappingInfo::maxContiguousElementsToTransfer(
54  desiredBitAlignment, copySizes.back(), elementalBitwidth);
56  LDBG("--greedily determined vectorSize: "
57  << desiredVectorSize << " elements of " << elementalBitwidth
58  << "b each -> " << (desiredVectorSize * elementalBitwidth)
59  << "b total out of a max of " << kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth << "b");
61  status = inferNumThreads(totalNumThreads, copySizes, desiredVectorSize,
62  favorPredication);
63  if (status == Status::Invalid)
64  return;
66  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::interleaveComma(copySizes, DBGS() << "--copy: ");
67  llvm::dbgs() << "\n"; llvm::interleaveComma(
68  this->numThreads, DBGS() << "--numThreads: ");
69  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
70  LDBG("--vectorSize: " << this->vectorSize);
71  assert(this->numThreads.size() == copySizes.size() &&
72  "compute copy mapping expected same number of threads and copy sizes");
74  // Compute the smallest bounding box.
75  this->smallestBoundingTileSizes = llvm::to_vector(
76  llvm::map_range(llvm::zip(copySizes, this->numThreads), [](auto &&pair) {
77  int64_t size, numThreads;
78  std::tie(size, numThreads) = pair;
79  return llvm::divideCeilSigned(size, numThreads);
80  }));
81  SmallVector<Attribute> allThreadMappings{linearId2(ctx), linearId1(ctx),
82  linearId0(ctx)};
84  // Set the thread mapping.
85  this->threadMapping =
86  llvm::to_vector(ArrayRef(allThreadMappings)
87  .take_back(this->smallestBoundingTileSizes.size()));
88  LLVM_DEBUG(this->print(DBGS()); llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
89 }
91 int64_t transform::gpu::CopyMappingInfo::maxContiguousElementsToTransfer(
92  int64_t desiredBitAlignment, int64_t numContiguousElements,
93  int64_t elementalBitwidth) {
94  assert(kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth % elementalBitwidth == 0 &&
95  "elemental bitwidth does not divide kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth");
96  assert(desiredBitAlignment % elementalBitwidth == 0 &&
97  "elemental bitwidth does not divide desired bit alignment");
98  return std::gcd(
99  std::gcd(desiredBitAlignment / elementalBitwidth, numContiguousElements),
100  kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth / elementalBitwidth);
101 }
103 /// Get the list of all factors that divide `val`, not just the prime factors.
104 static SmallVector<int64_t> getFactors(int64_t val) {
105  SmallVector<int64_t> factors;
106  factors.reserve(val);
107  for (int64_t factor = 1; factor <= val; ++factor) {
108  if (val % factor != 0)
109  continue;
110  factors.push_back(factor);
111  }
112  factors.push_back(val);
113  return factors;
114 }
116 static int64_t product(ArrayRef<int64_t> vals) {
117  int64_t res = 1;
118  for (auto val : vals)
119  res *= val;
120  return res;
121 }
123 /// Extract `result` from `sizes` with the following constraints:
124 /// 1. sizes[i] % result[i] for all i
125 /// 2. product_of_threadsPerDim <= maxNumThreads
126 /// 3. if `currentIndex` is sizes.size() - 1, then threadsPerDim[currentIndex]
127 /// must be sizes[currentIndex].
128 /// This is used to greedily extract the maximum number of threads usable for
129 /// mapping a copy of size `sizes`, while being bounded by `totalNumThreads` and
130 /// ensuring coalesced access along the most minor dimension.
131 /// Return the number of threads used in the range:
132 /// threadsPerDim[currentIndex .. sizes.end()]
133 // The implementation uses a dynamic programming approach to greedily extract
134 // the best combination under the constraints.
135 // TODO: Implementation details can be improved but putting effort there is a
136 // tradeoffs: `sizes` is expected to be of small rank and contain small values.
138  int64_t currentIndex,
139  int64_t maxNumThreads) {
140  assert(static_cast<size_t>(currentIndex) < sizes.size() &&
141  "currentIndex out of bounds");
142  std::string indent(2 * currentIndex, '-');
143  if (static_cast<size_t>(currentIndex) == sizes.size() - 1) {
144  LDBG(indent << "mandated globalBest: " << sizes[currentIndex]);
145  return SmallVector<int64_t>{sizes[currentIndex]};
146  }
148  int64_t best = 0;
149  int64_t s = sizes[currentIndex];
150  SmallVector<int64_t> factors = getFactors(s);
151  SmallVector<int64_t> localThreadsPerDim;
152  localThreadsPerDim.reserve(sizes.size());
153  LDBG(indent << "maximizeNumThreads in " << s
154  << " with limit: " << maxNumThreads);
155  for (auto factor : factors) {
156  auto nestedThreadsPerDim =
157  maximizeNumThreads(sizes, currentIndex + 1, maxNumThreads / factor);
158  int64_t localBest = factor * product(nestedThreadsPerDim);
159  if (localBest > best && localBest <= maxNumThreads) {
160  LDBG(indent << "new localBest: " << localBest);
162  llvm::interleaveComma(nestedThreadsPerDim,
163  DBGS() << indent << "nestedThreadsPerDim: ");
164  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
165  localThreadsPerDim.clear();
166  localThreadsPerDim.push_back(factor);
167  llvm::append_range(localThreadsPerDim, nestedThreadsPerDim);
168  best = localBest;
169  }
170  }
172  LDBG(indent << "found globalBest: " << best);
173  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::interleaveComma(localThreadsPerDim,
174  DBGS() << indent << "numThreads: ");
175  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";);
177  return localThreadsPerDim;
178 }
181 transform::gpu::CopyMappingInfo::inferNumThreads(int64_t totalNumThreads,
182  ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
183  int64_t desiredVectorSize,
184  bool favorPredication) {
186  if (!favorPredication) {
187  int64_t localVectorSize = desiredVectorSize;
188  for (; localVectorSize >= 1; localVectorSize /= 2) {
189  // Attempt to map the copy with predication and current fixed vector size:
190  // 1. if the status is Success, we are done.
191  // 2. if the status is Invalid, we fail immediately, no amount of
192  // vector size reduction can offset the bad tile size selection from the
193  // higher-level.
194  // 3. if the status is RequiresPredication, we try again with a smaller
195  // vector size.
196  Status status =
197  inferNumThreadsImpl(totalNumThreads, sizes, localVectorSize);
198  if (status == Status::Success || status == Status::Invalid)
199  return status;
201  LDBG("requires predication, try reducing vector size to "
202  << (localVectorSize / 2));
203  }
204  }
206  // If we have not yet returned, it means that we have tried all vector sizes
207  // and we still require predication. Restart from the original vector size and
208  // do not attempt to
209  return inferNumThreadsImpl(totalNumThreads, sizes, desiredVectorSize);
210 }
213 transform::gpu::CopyMappingInfo::inferNumThreadsImpl(
214  int64_t totalNumThreads, ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes,
215  int64_t desiredVectorSize) {
216  assert(sizes.back() % desiredVectorSize == 0 &&
217  "most-minor size not divisible by actualVectorSize");
219  LDBG("inferNumThreadsImpl with totalNumThreads: "
220  << totalNumThreads << " and vectorSize: " << desiredVectorSize);
222  // Scale the most minor size to account for the chosen vector size and
223  // maximize the number of threads without exceeding the total number of
224  // threads.
225  SmallVector<int64_t> scaledSizes{sizes};
226  scaledSizes.back() /= desiredVectorSize;
227  if (scaledSizes.back() > totalNumThreads) {
228  LDBG("--Too few threads given the required vector size -> FAIL");
229  return Status::Invalid;
230  }
231  SmallVector<int64_t> inferredNumThreads =
232  maximizeNumThreads(scaledSizes, 0, totalNumThreads);
234  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::interleaveComma(inferredNumThreads,
235  DBGS() << "inferred numThreads: ");
236  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
237  LDBG("computed actualVectorSize: " << desiredVectorSize););
239  // Corner case: we cannot use more threads than available. If the dimension of
240  // the copy is so bad it is because higher-level tiling did not do its job, we
241  // do not try to recover from it here.
242  int64_t totalNumThreadsUsed = product(inferredNumThreads);
243  LDBG("--totalNumThreadsUsed: " << totalNumThreadsUsed);
244  if (totalNumThreadsUsed == 0 || totalNumThreadsUsed > totalNumThreads) {
245  LDBG("--Too few threads given the required vector size -> FAIL");
246  return Status::Invalid;
247  }
249  this->vectorSize = desiredVectorSize;
250  this->numThreads = inferredNumThreads;
251  if (totalNumThreadsUsed == totalNumThreads)
252  return Status::Success;
254  return Status::RequiresPredication;
255 }
257 void transform::gpu::CopyMappingInfo::print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
258  os << "MappingInfo{";
259  os << "CopyMappingInfo: ";
260  os << "valid: " << (status != Status::Invalid) << ", ";
261  os << "vectorSize: " << vectorSize << ", ";
262  llvm::interleaveComma(numThreads, os << ", numThreads: {");
263  llvm::interleaveComma(smallestBoundingTileSizes,
264  os << "}, smallestBoundingTileSizes: {");
265  llvm::interleaveComma(threadMapping, os << "}, threadMapping: {");
266  os << "}}";
267 }
static SmallVector< int64_t > maximizeNumThreads(ArrayRef< int64_t > sizes, int64_t currentIndex, int64_t maxNumThreads)
Extract result from sizes with the following constraints:
static Attribute linearId1(MLIRContext *ctx)
static int64_t product(ArrayRef< int64_t > vals)
static SmallVector< int64_t > getFactors(int64_t val)
Get the list of all factors that divide val, not just the prime factors.
static Attribute linearId0(MLIRContext *ctx)
static Attribute linearId2(MLIRContext *ctx)
#define DBGS()
#define LDBG(X)
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
Include the generated interface declarations.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
SmallVector< Attribute > threadMapping
Thread mapping attributes, one per entry of numThreads.
Definition: GPUHeuristics.h:29
Status of the mapping computation, invalid usually means too many threads are required and we fail to...
Definition: GPUHeuristics.h:36
int64_t vectorSize
Most minor vector size (i.e. 1-D), in number of elements, used in a copy.
Status status
The status of a particular copy mapping.
CopyMappingInfo(MLIRContext *ctx, int totalNumThreads, int64_t desiredBitAlignment, ArrayRef< int64_t > sizes, bool favorPredication=false, int64_t elementalBitwidth=32)
Greedily compute the MappingInfo to use to perform a copy of sizes elements of bitwidth elementalBitw...
static constexpr int64_t kMaxVectorLoadBitWidth
Static quantity determining the number of bits to target in an individual copy.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const
SmallVector< int64_t > smallestBoundingTileSizes
Explicit computation / injection of the smallest bounding tile sizes after mapping to numThreads.
SmallVector< int64_t > numThreads
Number of threads to use for the copy mapping, from most major to most minor dims (i....
Definition: GPUHeuristics.h:26