MLIR  21.0.0git
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NllvmThe OpAsmOpInterface, see for more details
 NmlirInclude the generated interface declarations
 CAllocaScopeHoisterMove allocations into an allocation scope, if it is legal to move them (e.g
 CAllocaScopeInlinerInline an AllocaScopeOp if either the direct parent is an allocation scope or it contains no allocation
 CAncestorKeyStores the "key" associated with an ancestor
 CCanonicalizeAffineMinMaxOpExprAndTermOrderCanonicalize the affine map result expression order of an affine min/max operation
 CCanonicalizeContractAddReturn a fused vector::ContractionOp which represents a patterns such as:
 CCommutativeOperandStores a commutative operand along with its BFS traversal information
 CConvert1DExtractStridedSliceIntoExtractInsertChainFor a 1-D ExtractStridedSlice, breaks it down into a chain of Extract ops to extract each element from the source, and then a chain of Insert ops to insert to the target vector
 CConvert1DExtractStridedSliceIntoShuffleRewritePattern for ExtractStridedSliceOp where source and destination vectors are 1-D
 CConvertSameRankInsertStridedSliceIntoShuffleRewritePattern for InsertStridedSliceOp where source and destination vectors have the same rank
 CCopyBuilderHelper to create the tma operations corresponding to linalg::CopyOp
 CDecomposeDifferentRankInsertStridedSliceRewritePattern for InsertStridedSliceOp where source and destination vectors have different ranks
 CDecomposeNDExtractStridedSliceRewritePattern for ExtractStridedSliceOp where the source vector is n-D
 CDeduplicateAffineMinMaxExpressionsRemove duplicated expressions in affine min/max ops
 CDescriptorSetInfoStruct containing information regarding a descriptor set
 CDynamicMemRefIteratorIterate over all elements in a dynamic memref
 CFoldAddIntoDestReplace a linalg.add with one operand the single user of a contraction, which has a zero-filled, "identity-mapped" destination and is dominated by the other operand, by the contraction with other as its dest
 CFoldLaunchArgumentsSimplify the gpu.launch when the range of a thread or block ID is trivially known to be one
 CFoldTensorCastProducerOpFolds a tensor.cast op into a consuming DestinationStyleOpInterface op if the tensor.cast has source that is more static than the consuming op
 CFoldTransposeWithTransposeFold transpose with transpose
 CForallRewriteResultStruct to return the result of the rewrite of a forall operation
 CGPUAllReduceConversionPattern to convert a gpu.all_reduce op into a SPIR-V group op
 CGPUSubgroupReduceConversionPattern to convert a gpu.subgroup_reduce op into a SPIR-V group op
 CHasAffineDimExprVisitorVisitor to check if any of the given set of positions from AffineDimExprs are used within an AffineExpr
 CHopperBuilderHelper to create the base Hopper-specific operations that are reused in various other places
 CjEliminates variable at the specified position using Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination
 CMergeAffineMinMaxOpMerge an affine min/max op to its consumers if its consumer is also an affine min/max op
 CMlirDiagnosticAn opaque reference to a diagnostic, always owned by the diagnostics engine (context)
 CMlirDialectRegistrationHooksStructure of dialect registration hooks
 CMlirExternalPassCallbacksStructure of external MlirPass callbacks
 CMlirLogicalResultA logical result value, essentially a boolean with named states
 CMlirNamedAttributeNamed MLIR attribute
 CMlirOperationStateAn auxiliary class for constructing operations
 CMlirStringRefA pointer to a sized fragment of a string, not necessarily null-terminated
 CMmaSyncBuilderHelper struct to provide a simple mapping from matmul operations to the corresponding mma.sync operation
 CNumWorkGroupsStruct containing the number of local workgroups to dispatch for each dimension
 CPadOpVectorizationWithInsertSlicePatternRewrite use of tensor::PadOp result in InsertSliceOp
 CPadOpVectorizationWithTransferReadPatternRewrite use of tensor::PadOp result in TransferReadOp
 CPadOpVectorizationWithTransferWritePatternRewrite use of tensor::PadOp result in TransferWriteOp
 CPyGlobalDebugFlagWrapper for the global LLVM debugging flag
 CPyOpResultPython wrapper for MlirOpResult
 CPyOpResultListA list of operation results
 CRowColIndexingHelper struct to encode a pair of row/column indexings in the form of affine expressions
 CShapeDimensionImplements a simple high-level fusion pass on linalg structured operations
 CSliceCanonicalizerA canonicalizer wrapper to replace ExtractSliceOps
 CSliceReturnTypeCanonicalizerReturn the canonical type of the result of an extract_slice op
 CSortCommutativeOperandsSorts the operands of op in ascending order of the "key" associated with each operand iff op is commutative
 CStridedMemrefIteratorIterate over all elements in a strided memref
 CStridedMemrefIterator< T, 0 >Iterate over all elements in a 0-ranked strided memref
 CStridedMemRefTypeStridedMemRef descriptor type with static rank
 CStridedMemRefType< T, 0 >StridedMemRef descriptor type specialized for rank 0
 CStridedMemRefType< T, 1 >StridedMemRef descriptor type specialized for rank 1
 CSubViewCanonicalizerA canonicalizer wrapper to replace SubViewOps
 CSubViewReturnTypeCanonicalizerReturn the canonical type of the result of a subview
 CSwapExtractSliceOfFillSwaps: tensor.extract_slice(linalg.fill(cst, init)) with: linalg.fill(cst, tensor.extract_slice(init))
 CSwapTransposeWithBroadcastThis pattern canonicalize transpose by swapping the order of broadcast and transpose: transpose(broadcast(input)) -> broadcast(transpose(input))
 CTransposeOpLoweringRewrite AVX2-specific vector.transpose, for the supported cases and depending on the TransposeLoweringOptions
 CUnitExtentReplacementInfoCompute the modified metadata for an operands of operation whose unit dims are being dropped
 CVector< T, Dim >
 CVectorizationStateContains the vectorization state and related methods used across the vectorization process of a given operation
 CVectorizePadOpUserPatternBase pattern for rewriting tensor::PadOps whose result is consumed by a given operation type OpTy
 CVulkanDeviceMemoryBufferStruct containing information regarding to a device memory buffer
 CVulkanHostMemoryBufferStruct containing information regarding to a host memory buffer
 CVulkanRuntimeVulkan runtime