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mlir::bufferization Namespace Reference




struct  ValueComparator
 Compare two SSA values in a deterministic manner. More...
class  Ownership
 This class is used to track the ownership of values. More...
struct  DeallocationOptions
 Options for BufferDeallocationOpInterface-based buffer deallocation. More...
class  DeallocationState
 This class collects all the state that we need to perform the buffer deallocation pass with associated helper functions such that we have easy access to it in the BufferDeallocationOpInterface implementations and the BufferDeallocation pass. More...
struct  AliasingOpOperand
 A maybe aliasing OpOperand. More...
struct  AliasingValue
 A maybe aliasing Value. More...
class  AliasList
class  OpFilter
struct  BufferizationOptions
 Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization. More...
struct  TraversalConfig
 Traversal parameters for findValueInReverseUseDefChain. More...
class  AnalysisState
 AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with tensor values. More...
struct  DstBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModel
 Bufferizable ops that implement the DestinationStyleOpInterface can use this external model base class. More...
struct  OpWithUnstructuredControlFlowBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModel
 A template that provides a default implementation of getAliasingOpOperands for ops that support unstructured control flow within their regions. More...
struct  BranchOpBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModel
 A template that provides a default implementation of getAliasingValues for ops that implement the BranchOpInterface. More...
struct  BufferDeallocationPipelineOptions
 Options for the buffer deallocation pipeline. More...
struct  BufferizationStatistics
 Bufferization statistics for debugging. More...
class  BufferPlacementAllocs
 A simple analysis that detects allocation operations. More...
class  BufferPlacementTransformationBase
 The base class for all BufferPlacement transformations. More...
struct  OneShotBufferizationOptions
 Options for analysis-enabled bufferization. More...
class  OneShotAnalysisState
 State for analysis-enabled bufferization. More...
struct  BufferResultsToOutParamsOpts


using AliasingOpOperandList = AliasList< AliasingOpOperand >
 A list of possible aliasing OpOperands. More...
using AliasingValueList = AliasList< AliasingValue >
 A list of possible aliasing Values. More...
using RegisterDependenciesFn = std::function< void(ValueRange, ValueRange)>
using DeallocHelperMap = llvm::DenseMap< Operation *, func::FuncOp >
 Maps from symbol table to its corresponding dealloc helper function. More...
using ControlBuildSubsetExtractionFn = std::function< Value(RewriterBase &, SubsetInsertionOpInterface, tensor::EmptyOp emptyTensorOp, Operation *user)>
 A function type that defines a callback to control the construction of the subset extraction of the SubsetInsertionOpInterface. More...


enum class  BufferRelation { Unknown , Equivalent }
 Specifies a fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis. More...


FailureOr< ValueallocateTensorForShapedValue (OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value shapedValue, const BufferizationOptions &options, bool copy=true)
 Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value (memref or tensor). More...
FailureOr< ValuegetBuffer (RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Lookup the buffer for the given value. More...
FailureOr< BaseMemRefTypegetBufferType (Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization without bufferizing any IR. More...
FailureOr< BaseMemRefTypegetBufferType (Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options, SmallVector< Value > &invocationStack)
 Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization without bufferizing any IR. More...
bool hasTensorSemantics (Operation *op)
 Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized. More...
void replaceOpWithBufferizedValues (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, ValueRange values)
 Replace an op with replacement values. More...
template<typename OpTy , typename... Args>
OpTy replaceOpWithNewBufferizedOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, Args &&...args)
 Replace an op with a new op. More...
BaseMemRefType getMemRefType (Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options, MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout={}, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
 Return a MemRefType to which the type of the given value can be bufferized. More...
BaseMemRefType getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout (TensorType tensorType, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
 Return a MemRef type with fully dynamic layout. More...
BaseMemRefType getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout (TensorType tensorType, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
 Return a MemRef type with a static identity layout (i.e., no layout map). More...
OperationgetOwnerOfValue (Value value)
 Return the owner of the given value. More...
RegiongetNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion (Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing repetitive region. More...
RegiongetParallelRegion (Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 If region is a parallel region, return region. More...
void populateDynamicDimSizes (OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value shapedValue, SmallVector< Value > &dynamicDims)
 Populate dynamicDims with tensor::DimOp / memref::DimOp results for all dynamic dimensions of the given shaped value. More...
FailureOr< ValuecastOrReallocMemRefValue (OpBuilder &b, Value value, MemRefType type, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Try to cast the given ranked MemRef-typed value to the given ranked MemRef type. More...
LogicalResult foldToMemrefToTensorPair (RewriterBase &rewriter, ToMemrefOp toMemref, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Try to fold to_memref(to_tensor(x)). More...
void populateDeallocOpCanonicalizationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, MLIRContext *context)
 Add the canonicalization patterns for bufferization.dealloc to the given pattern set to make them available to other passes (such as BufferDeallocationSimplification). More...
void buildBufferDeallocationPipeline (OpPassManager &pm, const BufferDeallocationPipelineOptions &options)
 Adds the buffer deallocation pipeline to the OpPassManager. More...
void registerBufferizationPipelines ()
 Registers all pipelines for the bufferization dialect. More...
void registerTransformDialectExtension (DialectRegistry &registry)
LogicalResult bufferizeOp (Operation *op, const BufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface. More...
LogicalResult bufferizeBlockSignature (Block *block, RewriterBase &rewriter, const BufferizationOptions &options)
 Bufferize the signature of block and its callers (i.e., ops that have the given block as a successor). More...
template<typename DominatorT >
BlockfindCommonDominator (Value value, const BufferViewFlowAnalysis::ValueSetT &values, const DominatorT &doms)
 Finds a common dominator for the given value while taking the positions of the values in the value set into account. More...
FailureOr< memref::GlobalOp > getGlobalFor (arith::ConstantOp constantOp, uint64_t alignment, Attribute memorySpace={})
SmallVector< func::ReturnOp > getReturnOps (func::FuncOp funcOp)
 Helper function that returns all func.return ops in the given function. More...
LogicalResult analyzeOp (Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Analyze op and its nested ops. More...
LogicalResult runOneShotBufferize (Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Run One-Shot Bufferize on the given op: Analysis + Bufferization. More...
llvm::LogicalResult analyzeModuleOp (ModuleOp moduleOp, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Analyze moduleOp and its nested ops. More...
llvm::LogicalResult bufferizeModuleOp (ModuleOp moduleOp, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface. More...
void removeBufferizationAttributesInModule (ModuleOp moduleOp)
 Remove bufferization attributes on every FuncOp arguments in the ModuleOp. More...
llvm::LogicalResult runOneShotModuleBufferize (ModuleOp moduleOp, const bufferization::OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Run One-Shot Module Bufferization on the given module. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateBufferDeallocationPass ()
 Creates an instance of the BufferDeallocation pass to free all allocated buffers. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateOwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass (DeallocationOptions options=DeallocationOptions())
 Creates an instance of the OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation pass to free all allocated buffers. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateOptimizeAllocationLivenessPass ()
 Creates a pass that finds all temporary allocations and attempts to move the deallocation after the last user/dependency of the allocation, thereby optimizing allocation liveness. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateBufferDeallocationSimplificationPass ()
 Creates a pass that optimizes bufferization.dealloc operations. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateLowerDeallocationsPass ()
 Creates an instance of the LowerDeallocations pass to lower bufferization.dealloc operations to the memref dialect. More...
void populateBufferizationDeallocLoweringPattern (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const DeallocHelperMap &deallocHelperFuncMap)
 Adds the conversion pattern of the bufferization.dealloc operation to the given pattern set for use in other transformation passes. More...
func::FuncOp buildDeallocationLibraryFunction (OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, SymbolTable &symbolTable)
 Construct the library function needed for the fully generic bufferization.dealloc lowering implemented in the LowerDeallocations pass. More...
LogicalResult deallocateBuffers (Operation *op)
 Run buffer deallocation. More...
LogicalResult deallocateBuffersOwnershipBased (FunctionOpInterface op, DeallocationOptions options)
 Run the ownership-based buffer deallocation. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateBufferHoistingPass ()
 Creates a pass that moves allocations upwards to reduce the number of required copies that are inserted during the BufferDeallocation pass. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateBufferLoopHoistingPass ()
 Creates a pass that moves allocations upwards out of loops. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateBufferResultsToOutParamsPass (const BufferResultsToOutParamsOpts &options={})
 Creates a pass that converts memref function results to out-params. More...
LogicalResult promoteBufferResultsToOutParams (ModuleOp module, const BufferResultsToOutParamsOpts &options)
 Replace buffers that are returned from a function with an out parameter. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateDropEquivalentBufferResultsPass ()
 Creates a pass that drops memref function results that are equivalent to a function argument. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPass ()
 Create a pass that rewrites tensor.empty to bufferization.alloc_tensor. More...
LogicalResult dropEquivalentBufferResults (ModuleOp module)
 Drop all memref function results that are equivalent to a function argument. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateOneShotBufferizePass ()
 Create a pass that bufferizes all ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface with One-Shot Bufferize. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateOneShotBufferizePass (const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options)
 Create a pass that bufferizes all ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface with One-Shot Bufferize and the specified bufferization options. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreatePromoteBuffersToStackPass (unsigned maxAllocSizeInBytes=1024, unsigned maxRankOfAllocatedMemRef=1)
 Creates a pass that promotes heap-based allocations to stack-based ones. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreatePromoteBuffersToStackPass (std::function< bool(Value)> isSmallAlloc)
 Creates a pass that promotes heap-based allocations to stack-based ones. More...
std::unique_ptr< PasscreateEmptyTensorEliminationPass ()
 Create a pass that tries to eliminate tensor.empty ops that are anchored on insert_slice ops. More...
LogicalResult eliminateEmptyTensors (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op)
 Try to eliminate "tensor.empty" ops inside op. More...
Value buildSubsetExtraction (RewriterBase &rewriter, SubsetInsertionOpInterface op, tensor::EmptyOp emptyTensorOp, Operation *user)
 This method builds and returns a subset extraction value for the destination tensor that the given op inserts into. More...
LogicalResult eliminateEmptyTensors (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state, ControlBuildSubsetExtractionFn subsetsExtractionFn=buildSubsetExtraction)
 Try to eliminate "tensor.empty" ops inside op. More...
void hoistBuffersFromLoops (Operation *op)
 Within the given operation, hoist buffers from loops where possible. More...
LogicalResult insertTensorCopies (Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
 Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops. More...
LogicalResult insertTensorCopies (Operation *op, const AnalysisState &state)
 Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops. More...
void populateEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPattern (RewritePatternSet &patterns)
 Populate patterns to lower tensor.empty ops to bufferization.alloc_tensor ops. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ AliasingOpOperandList

A list of possible aliasing OpOperands.

This list models the runtime aliasing relationship for a Value.

Definition at line 94 of file BufferizableOpInterface.h.

◆ AliasingValueList

A list of possible aliasing Values.

This list models the runtime aliasing relationship for an OpOperand.

Definition at line 98 of file BufferizableOpInterface.h.

◆ ControlBuildSubsetExtractionFn

using mlir::bufferization::ControlBuildSubsetExtractionFn = typedef std::function<Value(RewriterBase &, SubsetInsertionOpInterface, tensor::EmptyOp emptyTensorOp, Operation *user)>

A function type that defines a callback to control the construction of the subset extraction of the SubsetInsertionOpInterface.

The subset extraction value can be used as a replacement for the emptyTensorOp value which is being consumed by user, failing of building such a value should be indicated with an empty value. This function should guarantee the legality of the replacement, i.e. the replacement should dominate the user of the emptyTensorOp being eliminated.

Definition at line 47 of file Transforms.h.

◆ DeallocHelperMap

Maps from symbol table to its corresponding dealloc helper function.

Definition at line 24 of file Passes.h.

◆ RegisterDependenciesFn

using mlir::bufferization::RegisterDependenciesFn = typedef std::function<void(ValueRange, ValueRange)>

Definition at line 20 of file BufferViewFlowOpInterface.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BufferRelation

Specifies a fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis.


Definition at line 33 of file BufferizableOpInterface.h.

Function Documentation

◆ allocateTensorForShapedValue()

FailureOr< Value > mlir::bufferization::allocateTensorForShapedValue ( OpBuilder b,
Location  loc,
Value  shapedValue,
const BufferizationOptions options,
bool  copy = true 

Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value (memref or tensor).

Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value.

If copy is set, the shaped value is copied. Otherwise, a tensor with undefined contents is allocated.

Definition at line 146 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References copy(), mlir::OpBuilder::create(), mlir::Operation::emitError(), mlir::detail::enumerate(), getBufferType(), mlir::Value::getDefiningOp(), getOwnerOfValue(), mlir::Operation::getResult(), mlir::Value::getType(), options, populateDynamicDimSizes(), and mlir::reifyResultShapes().

◆ analyzeModuleOp()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::analyzeModuleOp ( ModuleOp  moduleOp,
OneShotAnalysisState state,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Analyze moduleOp and its nested ops.

Bufferization decisions are stored in state.

Definition at line 465 of file OneShotModuleBufferize.cpp.

◆ analyzeOp()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::analyzeOp ( Operation op,
OneShotAnalysisState state,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Analyze op and its nested ops.

Bufferization decisions are stored in state.

Definition at line 1326 of file OneShotAnalysis.cpp.

◆ bufferizeBlockSignature()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::bufferizeBlockSignature ( Block block,
RewriterBase rewriter,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Bufferize the signature of block and its callers (i.e., ops that have the given block as a successor).

All block argument types are changed to memref types. All corresponding operands of all callers are wrapped in bufferization.to_memref ops. All uses of bufferized tensor block arguments are wrapped in bufferization.to_tensor ops.

It is expected that all callers implement the BranchOpInterface. Otherwise, this function will fail. The BranchOpInterface is used to query the range of operands that are forwarded to this block.

It is expected that the parent op of this block implements the BufferizableOpInterface. The buffer types of tensor block arguments are computed with BufferizableOpIntercace::getBufferType.

Definition at line 423 of file Bufferize.cpp.

References mlir::MutableOperandRange::assign(), mlir::OpBuilder::create(), mlir::Operation::emitOpError(), mlir::Block::getArguments(), getBufferType(), mlir::SuccessorOperands::getForwardedOperands(), mlir::SuccessorOperands::getMutableForwardedOperands(), mlir::Block::getParentOp(), mlir::Operation::getSuccessors(), mlir::IRObjectWithUseList< OperandType >::getUsers(), options, mlir::OpBuilder::setInsertionPointAfterValue(), and mlir::OpBuilder::setInsertionPointToStart().

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::func_ext::FuncOpInterface::bufferize().

◆ bufferizeModuleOp()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::bufferizeModuleOp ( ModuleOp  moduleOp,
const OneShotBufferizationOptions options,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface.

Note: This function does not run One-Shot Analysis. No buffer copies are inserted except two cases:

  • options.copyBeforeWrite is set, in which case buffers are copied before every write.
  • options.copyBeforeWrite is not set and options.noAnalysisFuncFilter is not empty. The FuncOps it contains were not analyzed. Buffer copies will be inserted only to these FuncOps.

Definition at line 542 of file OneShotModuleBufferize.cpp.

References bufferizeOp(), mlir::bufferization::BufferizationOptions::copyBeforeWrite, foldMemRefCasts(), getFuncOpsOrderedByCalls(), options, and removeBufferizationAttributesInModule().

Referenced by mlir::sparse_tensor::SparsificationAndBufferizationPass::runDenseBufferization(), and runOneShotModuleBufferize().

◆ bufferizeOp()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::bufferizeOp ( Operation op,
const BufferizationOptions options,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface.

Note: This function does not resolve read-after-write conflicts. Use this function only if it is guaranteed that the input IR can bufferize without additional buffer copies or set "options.copyBeforeWrite = true". The general bufferization entry point is runOneShotBufferize.

Check the result of bufferization. Return an error if an op was not bufferized, unless partial bufferization is allowed.

Definition at line 305 of file Bufferize.cpp.

References options.

Referenced by bufferizeModuleOp(), and runOneShotBufferize().

◆ buildBufferDeallocationPipeline()

void mlir::bufferization::buildBufferDeallocationPipeline ( OpPassManager pm,
const BufferDeallocationPipelineOptions options 

Adds the buffer deallocation pipeline to the OpPassManager.

This is the standard pipeline for deallocating the MemRefs introduced by the One-Shot bufferization pass.

Definition at line 21 of file BufferizationPipelines.cpp.

References mlir::OpPassManager::addPass(), createBufferDeallocationSimplificationPass(), mlir::createCanonicalizerPass(), mlir::createCSEPass(), mlir::memref::createExpandReallocPass(), createLowerDeallocationsPass(), createOwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass(), and options.

Referenced by registerBufferizationPipelines().

◆ buildDeallocationLibraryFunction()

func::FuncOp mlir::bufferization::buildDeallocationLibraryFunction ( OpBuilder builder,
Location  loc,
SymbolTable symbolTable 

Construct the library function needed for the fully generic bufferization.dealloc lowering implemented in the LowerDeallocations pass.

The function can then be called at bufferization dealloc sites to determine aliasing and ownership.

The generated function takes two memrefs of indices and three memrefs of booleans as arguments:

  • The first argument A should contain the result of the extract_aligned_pointer_as_index operation applied to the memrefs to be deallocated
  • The second argument B should contain the result of the extract_aligned_pointer_as_index operation applied to the memrefs to be retained
  • The third argument C should contain the conditions as passed directly to the deallocation operation.
  • The fourth argument D is used to pass results to the caller. Those represent the condition under which the memref at the corresponding position in A should be deallocated.
  • The fifth argument E is used to pass results to the caller. It provides the ownership value corresponding the the memref at the same position in B

This helper function is supposed to be called once for each bufferization.dealloc operation to determine the deallocation need and new ownership indicator for the retained values, but does not perform the deallocation itself.

Generated code:

func.func @dealloc_helper(
%dyn_dealloc_base_pointer_list: memref<?xindex>,
%dyn_retain_base_pointer_list: memref<?xindex>,
%dyn_cond_list: memref<?xi1>,
%dyn_dealloc_cond_out: memref<?xi1>,
%dyn_ownership_out: memref<?xi1>) {
%c0 = arith.constant 0 : index
%c1 = arith.constant 1 : index
%true = arith.constant true
%false = arith.constant false
%num_dealloc_memrefs = memref.dim %dyn_dealloc_base_pointer_list, %c0
%num_retain_memrefs = memref.dim %dyn_retain_base_pointer_list, %c0
// Zero initialize result buffer.
scf.for %i = %c0 to %num_retain_memrefs step %c1 { %false, %dyn_ownership_out[%i] : memref<?xi1>
scf.for %i = %c0 to %num_dealloc_memrefs step %c1 {
%dealloc_bp = memref.load %dyn_dealloc_base_pointer_list[%i]
%cond = memref.load %dyn_cond_list[%i]
// Check for aliasing with retained memrefs.
%does_not_alias_retained = scf.for %j = %c0 to %num_retain_memrefs
step %c1 iter_args(%does_not_alias_aggregated = %true) -> (i1) {
%retain_bp = memref.load %dyn_retain_base_pointer_list[%j]
%does_alias = arith.cmpi eq, %retain_bp, %dealloc_bp : index
scf.if %does_alias {
%curr_ownership = memref.load %dyn_ownership_out[%j]
%updated_ownership = arith.ori %curr_ownership, %cond : i1 %updated_ownership, %dyn_ownership_out[%j]
%does_not_alias = arith.cmpi ne, %retain_bp, %dealloc_bp : index
%updated_aggregate = arith.andi %does_not_alias_aggregated,
%does_not_alias : i1
scf.yield %updated_aggregate : i1
// Check for aliasing with dealloc memrefs in the list before the
// current one, i.e.,
// `fix i, forall j < i: check_aliasing(%dyn_dealloc_base_pointer[j],
// %dyn_dealloc_base_pointer[i])`
%does_not_alias_any = scf.for %j = %c0 to %i step %c1
iter_args(%does_not_alias_agg = %does_not_alias_retained) -> (i1) {
%prev_dealloc_bp = memref.load %dyn_dealloc_base_pointer_list[%j]
%does_not_alias = arith.cmpi ne, %prev_dealloc_bp, %dealloc_bp
%updated_alias_agg = arith.andi %does_not_alias_agg, %does_not_alias
scf.yield %updated_alias_agg : i1
%dealloc_cond = arith.andi %does_not_alias_any, %cond : i1 %dealloc_cond, %dyn_dealloc_cond_out[%i] : memref<?xi1>
Eliminates variable at the specified position using Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination.

Definition at line 427 of file LowerDeallocations.cpp.

References mlir::OpBuilder::clearInsertionPoint(), mlir::OpBuilder::create(), mlir::get(), mlir::Builder::getBoolAttr(), mlir::Builder::getFunctionType(), mlir::Builder::getI1Type(), mlir::Builder::getIndexAttr(), mlir::Builder::getIndexType(), mlir::SymbolTable::insert(), mlir::SymbolTable::Private, and mlir::OpBuilder::setInsertionPointToStart().

◆ buildSubsetExtraction()

Value mlir::bufferization::buildSubsetExtraction ( RewriterBase rewriter,
SubsetInsertionOpInterface  op,
tensor::EmptyOp  emptyTensorOp,
Operation user 

This method builds and returns a subset extraction value for the destination tensor that the given op inserts into.

It returns a value which should replace the emptyTensorOp use that is being consumed by user. If no such a value found it will return an empty Value.

Definition at line 96 of file EmptyTensorElimination.cpp.

References findValidInsertionPoint(), and mlir::OpBuilder::setInsertionPoint().

◆ castOrReallocMemRefValue()

FailureOr< Value > mlir::bufferization::castOrReallocMemRefValue ( OpBuilder b,
Value  value,
MemRefType  type,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Try to cast the given ranked MemRef-typed value to the given ranked MemRef type.

Insert a reallocation + copy if it cannot be statically guaranteed that a direct cast would be valid.

E.g., when casting from a ranked MemRef type with dynamic layout to a ranked MemRef type with static layout, it is not statically known whether the cast will succeed or not. Such memref.cast ops may fail at runtime. This function never generates such casts and conservatively inserts a copy.

This function returns failure() in case of unsupported casts. E.g., casts with differing element types or memory spaces.

Definition at line 26 of file BufferizationOps.cpp.

References copy(), mlir::OpBuilder::create(), mlir::Value::getLoc(), mlir::getStridesAndOffset(), mlir::Value::getType(), and options.

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::func_ext::CallOpInterface::bufferize(), and foldToMemrefToTensorPair().

◆ createBufferDeallocationPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createBufferDeallocationPass ( )

Creates an instance of the BufferDeallocation pass to free all allocated buffers.

Definition at line 691 of file BufferDeallocation.cpp.

◆ createBufferDeallocationSimplificationPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createBufferDeallocationSimplificationPass ( )

Creates a pass that optimizes bufferization.dealloc operations.

For example, it reduces the number of alias checks needed at runtime using static alias analysis.

Definition at line 482 of file BufferDeallocationSimplification.cpp.

Referenced by buildBufferDeallocationPipeline().

◆ createBufferHoistingPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createBufferHoistingPass ( )

Creates a pass that moves allocations upwards to reduce the number of required copies that are inserted during the BufferDeallocation pass.

Definition at line 482 of file BufferOptimizations.cpp.

◆ createBufferLoopHoistingPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createBufferLoopHoistingPass ( )

Creates a pass that moves allocations upwards out of loops.

This avoids reallocations inside of loops.

Definition at line 486 of file BufferOptimizations.cpp.

◆ createBufferResultsToOutParamsPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createBufferResultsToOutParamsPass ( const BufferResultsToOutParamsOpts options = {})

Creates a pass that converts memref function results to out-params.

Definition at line 259 of file BufferResultsToOutParams.cpp.

References options.

◆ createDropEquivalentBufferResultsPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createDropEquivalentBufferResultsPass ( )

Creates a pass that drops memref function results that are equivalent to a function argument.

Definition at line 162 of file DropEquivalentBufferResults.cpp.

◆ createEmptyTensorEliminationPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createEmptyTensorEliminationPass ( )

Create a pass that tries to eliminate tensor.empty ops that are anchored on insert_slice ops.

Definition at line 231 of file EmptyTensorElimination.cpp.

◆ createEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPass ( )

Create a pass that rewrites tensor.empty to bufferization.alloc_tensor.

Definition at line 68 of file EmptyTensorToAllocTensor.cpp.

Referenced by mlir::sparse_tensor::SparsificationAndBufferizationPass::runOnOperation().

◆ createLowerDeallocationsPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createLowerDeallocationsPass ( )

Creates an instance of the LowerDeallocations pass to lower bufferization.dealloc operations to the memref dialect.

Definition at line 550 of file LowerDeallocations.cpp.

Referenced by buildBufferDeallocationPipeline().

◆ createOneShotBufferizePass() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createOneShotBufferizePass ( )

Create a pass that bufferizes all ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface with One-Shot Bufferize.

Definition at line 215 of file Bufferize.cpp.

◆ createOneShotBufferizePass() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createOneShotBufferizePass ( const OneShotBufferizationOptions options)

Create a pass that bufferizes all ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface with One-Shot Bufferize and the specified bufferization options.

Definition at line 219 of file Bufferize.cpp.

References options.

◆ createOptimizeAllocationLivenessPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createOptimizeAllocationLivenessPass ( )

Creates a pass that finds all temporary allocations and attempts to move the deallocation after the last user/dependency of the allocation, thereby optimizing allocation liveness.

Definition at line 159 of file OptimizeAllocationLiveness.cpp.

◆ createOwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass()

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createOwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass ( DeallocationOptions  options = DeallocationOptions())

Creates an instance of the OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation pass to free all allocated buffers.

Definition at line 1069 of file OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp.

References options.

Referenced by buildBufferDeallocationPipeline().

◆ createPromoteBuffersToStackPass() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createPromoteBuffersToStackPass ( std::function< bool(Value)>  isSmallAlloc)

Creates a pass that promotes heap-based allocations to stack-based ones.

Only buffers smaller with isSmallAlloc(alloc) == true are promoted.

Definition at line 496 of file BufferOptimizations.cpp.

◆ createPromoteBuffersToStackPass() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< Pass > mlir::bufferization::createPromoteBuffersToStackPass ( unsigned  maxAllocSizeInBytes = 1024,
unsigned  maxRankOfAllocatedMemRef = 1 

Creates a pass that promotes heap-based allocations to stack-based ones.

Only buffers smaller than the provided size are promoted. Dynamic shaped buffers are promoted up to the given rank.

Definition at line 490 of file BufferOptimizations.cpp.

◆ deallocateBuffers()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::deallocateBuffers ( Operation op)

◆ deallocateBuffersOwnershipBased()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::deallocateBuffersOwnershipBased ( FunctionOpInterface  op,
DeallocationOptions  options 

Run the ownership-based buffer deallocation.

Definition at line 1055 of file OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp.

References options.

◆ dropEquivalentBufferResults()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::dropEquivalentBufferResults ( ModuleOp  module)

◆ eliminateEmptyTensors() [1/2]

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::eliminateEmptyTensors ( RewriterBase rewriter,
Operation op 

Try to eliminate "tensor.empty" ops inside op.

This transformation looks for subset ops that insert a tensor that originates from a "tensor.empty" (as per the reverse use-def chain). Such "tensor.empty" ops are replaced with the destination subset.

E.g.: %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<10xf32> %1 = linalg.fill ... outs(%0 : tensor<10xf32>) %2 = tensor.insert_slice %0 into t ...

In the above example, the subset op is "tensor.insert_slice". When tracing back the reverse use-def chain of a the source, we end up at a "tensor.empty" op.

Definition at line 203 of file EmptyTensorElimination.cpp.

References options.

◆ eliminateEmptyTensors() [2/2]

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::eliminateEmptyTensors ( RewriterBase rewriter,
Operation op,
OneShotAnalysisState state,
ControlBuildSubsetExtractionFn  subsetsExtractionFn = buildSubsetExtraction 

Try to eliminate "tensor.empty" ops inside op.

This function overload accepts an existing OneShotAnalysisState, which contains in-place bufferization decisions. This overload is useful if an existing analysis should be reused for empty tensor elimination.

Definition at line 118 of file EmptyTensorElimination.cpp.

◆ findCommonDominator()

template<typename DominatorT >
Block* mlir::bufferization::findCommonDominator ( Value  value,
const BufferViewFlowAnalysis::ValueSetT values,
const DominatorT &  doms 

Finds a common dominator for the given value while taking the positions of the values in the value set into account.

It supports dominator and post-dominator analyses via template arguments. If no common dominator can be found, this function will return "nullptr".

Definition at line 81 of file BufferUtils.h.

References mlir::Value::getParentBlock(), and mlir::Operation::getUsers().

◆ foldToMemrefToTensorPair()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::foldToMemrefToTensorPair ( RewriterBase rewriter,
ToMemrefOp  toMemref,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Try to fold to_memref(to_tensor(x)).

If x's type and the result type of the to_memref op are different, a memref.cast is needed.

Definition at line 88 of file BufferizationOps.cpp.

References castOrReallocMemRefValue(), options, mlir::RewriterBase::replaceOp(), and mlir::RewriterBase::replaceOpWithNewOp().

◆ getBuffer()

FailureOr< Value > mlir::bufferization::getBuffer ( RewriterBase rewriter,
Value  value,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Lookup the buffer for the given value.

If the value was not bufferized yet, wrap it in a ToMemrefOp. Otherwise, it is the result of a ToTensorOp, from which the memref operand is returned.

Definition at line 647 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::OpBuilder::create(), ensureToMemrefOpIsValid(), getBufferType(), mlir::Value::getDefiningOp(), mlir::Value::getLoc(), mlir::Value::getType(), options, and setInsertionPointAfter().

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::func_ext::CallOpInterface::bufferize().

◆ getBufferType() [1/2]

FailureOr< BaseMemRefType > mlir::bufferization::getBufferType ( Value  value,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization without bufferizing any IR.

Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization.

Note: It should be sufficient to call getBuffer()->getType() in most cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any IR, this function can be used.

This function is a wrapper around BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType.

Definition at line 672 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References options.

Referenced by allocateTensorForShapedValue(), mlir::bufferization::func_ext::CallOpInterface::bufferize(), bufferizeBlockSignature(), getBuffer(), and mlir::bufferization::OpWithUnstructuredControlFlowBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModel< ConcreteModel, ConcreteOp >::getBufferType().

◆ getBufferType() [2/2]

FailureOr< BaseMemRefType > mlir::bufferization::getBufferType ( Value  value,
const BufferizationOptions options,
SmallVector< Value > &  invocationStack 

Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization without bufferizing any IR.

Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization.

This function (and not the other overload without invocationStack) can be used from getBufferType implementations of the BufferizableOpInterface.

Note: It should be sufficient to call getBuffer()->getType() in most cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any IR, this function can be used.

This function is a wrapper around BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType.

Definition at line 679 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References getMemRefType(), getOwnerOfValue(), mlir::Value::getType(), and options.

◆ getGlobalFor()

FailureOr< memref::GlobalOp > mlir::bufferization::getGlobalFor ( arith::ConstantOp  constantOp,
uint64_t  alignment,
Attribute  memorySpace = {} 

◆ getMemRefType()

BaseMemRefType mlir::bufferization::getMemRefType ( Value  value,
const BufferizationOptions options,
MemRefLayoutAttrInterface  layout = {},
Attribute  memorySpace = nullptr 

Return a MemRefType to which the type of the given value can be bufferized.

If possible, op bufferization implementations should not use this function and instead infer precise memref types for tensor results by themselves.

Unless a layout map was specified, options.unknownTypeConverterFn determines what kind of layout map will be used. For best composability (without copies), the fully dynamic layout map is used by default.

Note: Canonicalization patterns could clean up layout maps and infer more precise layout maps after bufferization. However, many possible canonicalizations are currently not implemented.

Definition at line 772 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::get(), mlir::Value::getType(), and options.

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::detail::defaultGetBufferType(), and getBufferType().

◆ getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout()

BaseMemRefType mlir::bufferization::getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout ( TensorType  tensorType,
Attribute  memorySpace = nullptr 

◆ getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout()

BaseMemRefType mlir::bufferization::getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout ( TensorType  tensorType,
Attribute  memorySpace = nullptr 

Return a MemRef type with a static identity layout (i.e., no layout map).

If the given tensor type is unranked, return an unranked MemRef type.

Definition at line 822 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::get().

Referenced by mlir::getBufferizationOptionsForSparsification(), getGlobalFor(), and mlir::bufferization::BufferizationOptions::setFunctionBoundaryTypeConversion().

◆ getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion()

Region * mlir::bufferization::getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion ( Region region,
const BufferizationOptions options 

Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing repetitive region.

Definition at line 112 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::Region::getParentRegion(), isRepetitiveRegion(), and options.

◆ getOwnerOfValue()

Operation * mlir::bufferization::getOwnerOfValue ( Value  value)

◆ getParallelRegion()

Region * mlir::bufferization::getParallelRegion ( Region region,
const BufferizationOptions options 

If region is a parallel region, return region.

Otherwise, find the first enclosing parallel region of region. If there is no such region, return "nullptr".

Note: Whether a region is parallel or sequential is queried from the BufferizableOpInterface.

Definition at line 122 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::Region::getParentOp(), mlir::Region::getParentRegion(), mlir::Region::getRegionNumber(), isRepetitiveRegion(), and options.

◆ getReturnOps()

SmallVector< func::ReturnOp > mlir::bufferization::getReturnOps ( func::FuncOp  funcOp)

Helper function that returns all func.return ops in the given function.

Return all func.return ops in the given function.

Definition at line 23 of file FuncBufferizableOpInterfaceImpl.cpp.

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::func_ext::FuncOpInterface::bufferize(), and foldMemRefCasts().

◆ hasTensorSemantics()

bool mlir::bufferization::hasTensorSemantics ( Operation op)

Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized.

If the op is bufferizable, the BufferizableOpInterface is queried. Otherwise, an op has tensor semantics if it has tensor operands, tensor op results and/or tensor block arguments.

Definition at line 702 of file BufferizableOpInterface.cpp.

References mlir::bufferization::detail::defaultHasTensorSemantics().

Referenced by mlir::bufferization::OneShotAnalysisState::analyzeOp(), mlir::vector::getMixedSizesXfer(), mlir::linalg::transposeBatchMatmul(), and mlir::linalg::transposeMatmul().

◆ hoistBuffersFromLoops()

void mlir::bufferization::hoistBuffersFromLoops ( Operation op)

Within the given operation, hoist buffers from loops where possible.

See "BufferLoopHoistingPass" for more information.

Definition at line 477 of file BufferOptimizations.cpp.

◆ insertTensorCopies() [1/2]

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::insertTensorCopies ( Operation op,
const AnalysisState state 

Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops.

After applying this transform, the IR can be bufferized without inserting additional buffer allocations.

Definition at line 51 of file TensorCopyInsertion.cpp.

◆ insertTensorCopies() [2/2]

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::insertTensorCopies ( Operation op,
const OneShotBufferizationOptions options,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops.

After applying this transform, the IR can be bufferized without inserting additional buffer allocations.

Definition at line 29 of file TensorCopyInsertion.cpp.

Referenced by runOneShotBufferize(), runOneShotModuleBufferize(), and mlir::sparse_tensor::SparsificationAndBufferizationPass::runOnOperation().

◆ populateBufferizationDeallocLoweringPattern()

void mlir::bufferization::populateBufferizationDeallocLoweringPattern ( RewritePatternSet patterns,
const DeallocHelperMap deallocHelperFuncMap 

Adds the conversion pattern of the bufferization.dealloc operation to the given pattern set for use in other transformation passes.

Definition at line 543 of file LowerDeallocations.cpp.

References mlir::patterns.

◆ populateDeallocOpCanonicalizationPatterns()

void mlir::bufferization::populateDeallocOpCanonicalizationPatterns ( RewritePatternSet patterns,
MLIRContext context 

Add the canonicalization patterns for bufferization.dealloc to the given pattern set to make them available to other passes (such as BufferDeallocationSimplification).

Definition at line 1175 of file BufferizationOps.cpp.

References mlir::patterns.

◆ populateDynamicDimSizes()

void mlir::bufferization::populateDynamicDimSizes ( OpBuilder b,
Location  loc,
Value  shapedValue,
SmallVector< Value > &  dynamicDims 

Populate dynamicDims with tensor::DimOp / memref::DimOp results for all dynamic dimensions of the given shaped value.

Definition at line 133 of file BufferizationOps.cpp.

References mlir::OpBuilder::create(), and mlir::Value::getType().

Referenced by allocateTensorForShapedValue().

◆ populateEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPattern()

void mlir::bufferization::populateEmptyTensorToAllocTensorPattern ( RewritePatternSet patterns)

Populate patterns to lower tensor.empty ops to bufferization.alloc_tensor ops.

Definition at line 54 of file EmptyTensorToAllocTensor.cpp.

References mlir::patterns.

◆ promoteBufferResultsToOutParams()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::promoteBufferResultsToOutParams ( ModuleOp  module,
const BufferResultsToOutParamsOpts options 

Replace buffers that are returned from a function with an out parameter.

Also update all call sites.

Definition at line 213 of file BufferResultsToOutParams.cpp.

References options, updateCalls(), updateFuncOp(), and updateReturnOps().

◆ registerBufferizationPipelines()

void mlir::bufferization::registerBufferizationPipelines ( )

Registers all pipelines for the bufferization dialect.

Currently, this includes only the "buffer-deallocation-pipeline".

Definition at line 37 of file BufferizationPipelines.cpp.

References buildBufferDeallocationPipeline().

Referenced by mlir::registerAllPasses().

◆ registerTransformDialectExtension()

void mlir::bufferization::registerTransformDialectExtension ( DialectRegistry registry)

◆ removeBufferizationAttributesInModule()

void mlir::bufferization::removeBufferizationAttributesInModule ( ModuleOp  moduleOp)

Remove bufferization attributes on every FuncOp arguments in the ModuleOp.

Definition at line 534 of file OneShotModuleBufferize.cpp.

References removeBufferizationAttributes().

Referenced by bufferizeModuleOp(), and mlir::sparse_tensor::SparsificationAndBufferizationPass::runDenseBufferization().

◆ replaceOpWithBufferizedValues()

void mlir::bufferization::replaceOpWithBufferizedValues ( RewriterBase rewriter,
Operation op,
ValueRange  values 

◆ replaceOpWithNewBufferizedOp()

template<typename OpTy , typename... Args>
OpTy mlir::bufferization::replaceOpWithNewBufferizedOp ( RewriterBase rewriter,
Operation op,
Args &&...  args 

Replace an op with a new op.

The new op must have the same number of results as the replaced op. The new op may not return any tensor values.

Definition at line 634 of file BufferizableOpInterface.h.

References mlir::OpBuilder::create(), mlir::Operation::getLoc(), mlir::Operation::getResults(), and replaceOpWithBufferizedValues().

◆ runOneShotBufferize()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::runOneShotBufferize ( Operation op,
const OneShotBufferizationOptions options,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Run One-Shot Bufferize on the given op: Analysis + Bufferization.

Definition at line 1368 of file OneShotAnalysis.cpp.

References bufferizeOp(), insertTensorCopies(), and options.

◆ runOneShotModuleBufferize()

LogicalResult mlir::bufferization::runOneShotModuleBufferize ( ModuleOp  moduleOp,
const bufferization::OneShotBufferizationOptions options,
BufferizationStatistics statistics = nullptr 

Run One-Shot Module Bufferization on the given module.

Performs a simple function call analysis to determine which function arguments are inplaceable. Then analyzes and bufferizes FuncOps one-by-one with One-Shot Bufferize.

Definition at line 607 of file OneShotModuleBufferize.cpp.

References bufferizeModuleOp(), mlir::bufferization::OpFilter::denyOperation(), mlir::Operation::getParentOfType(), insertTensorCopies(), mlir::bufferization::BufferizationOptions::opFilter, and options.