MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- BufferizableOpInterface.h - Bufferizable Ops -------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
13 #include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
14 #include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfoVariant.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
17 #include <optional>
19 #include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/"
21 namespace mlir {
22 class OpBuilder;
23 namespace func {
24 class FuncOp;
25 }
27 namespace bufferization {
29 class AnalysisState;
30 class BufferizableOpInterface;
32 /// Specifies a fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis.
33 enum class BufferRelation {
34  Unknown,
35  // TODO: ResultContainsOperand,
36  // TODO: OperandContainsResult,
38 };
40 /// A maybe aliasing OpOperand. If `isDefinite` is `true`, the OpOperand is
41 /// guaranteed to alias at runtime.
44  bool isDefinite = true)
49  bool isDefinite;
50 };
52 /// A maybe aliasing Value. If `isDefinite` is `true`, the Value is guaranteed
53 /// to alias at runtime.
54 struct AliasingValue {
60  bool isDefinite;
61 };
63 template <typename T> class AliasList {
64 public:
65  /// Create an empty list of aliases.
66  AliasList() = default;
68  /// Create a list of aliases.
69  AliasList(std::initializer_list<T> elems) {
70  for (T alias : elems)
71  addAlias(alias);
72  }
74  /// Create a list of aliases.
75  AliasList(SmallVector<T> &&aliases) : aliases(std::move(aliases)) {}
77  ArrayRef<T> getAliases() const { return aliases; }
79  size_t getNumAliases() const { return aliases.size(); }
81  void addAlias(T alias) { aliases.push_back(alias); }
83  auto begin() const { return aliases.begin(); }
84  auto end() const { return aliases.end(); }
86 private:
87  /// The list of aliases.
88  SmallVector<T> aliases;
89 };
91 /// A list of possible aliasing OpOperands. This list models the runtime
92 /// aliasing relationship for a Value.
95 /// A list of possible aliasing Values. This list models the runtime aliasing
96 /// relationship for an OpOperand.
99 class OpFilter {
100 public:
101  /// An op filter entry. Filters can be used to specify which ops should be
102  /// processed by the bufferization.
103  struct Entry {
104  /// If the filter function evaluates to `true`, the filter matches.
105  using FilterFn = std::function<bool(Operation *)>;
107  /// Filter type: A filter can either be a DENY filter or an ALLOW filter.
108  enum FilterType : int8_t { DENY = 0, ALLOW = 1 };
112  };
114  /// Return whether the op is allowed or not.
115  ///
116  /// If the filter does not have an ALLOW rule, ops are allowed by default,
117  /// unless they are explicitly marked as DENY. If the filter has at least one
118  /// ALLOW rule, ops are denied by default and only allowed if they match
119  /// an ALLOW rule and no DENY rule.
120  bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const;
122  /// Allow the given dialects.
123  ///
124  /// This function adds one or multiple ALLOW entries.
125  template <typename... DialectTs>
126  void allowDialect() {
127  // The following expands a call to allowDialectImpl for each dialect
128  // in 'DialectTs'.
129  (allowDialectImpl<DialectTs>(), ...);
130  }
132  /// Deny the given dialects.
133  ///
134  /// This function adds one or multiple DENY entries.
135  template <typename... DialectTs>
136  void denyDialect() {
137  (denyDialectImpl<DialectTs>(), ...);
138  }
140  /// Allow the given dialect.
141  ///
142  /// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
143  void allowDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace) {
144  Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
145  return op->getName().getDialectNamespace() == dialectNamespace;
146  };
147  entries.push_back(Entry{filterFn, Entry::FilterType::ALLOW});
148  }
150  /// Deny the given dialect.
151  ///
152  /// This function adds a DENY entry.
153  void denyDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace) {
154  Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
155  return op->getDialect()->getNamespace() == dialectNamespace;
156  };
157  entries.push_back(Entry{filterFn, Entry::FilterType::DENY});
158  }
160  /// Allow the given ops.
161  ///
162  /// This function adds one or multiple ALLOW entries.
163  template <typename... OpTys>
164  void allowOperation() {
165  (allowOperationImpl<OpTys>(), ...);
166  }
168  /// Deny the given ops.
169  ///
170  /// This function adds one or multiple DENY entries.
171  template <typename... OpTys>
172  void denyOperation() {
173  (denyOperationImpl<OpTys>(), ...);
174  }
176  /// Allow the given op.
177  ///
178  /// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
179  void allowOperation(StringRef opName) {
180  Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
181  return op->getName().getStringRef() == opName;
182  };
183  allowOperation(filterFn);
184  }
186  /// Deny the given op.
187  ///
188  /// This function adds a DENY entry.
189  void denyOperation(StringRef opName) {
190  Entry::FilterFn filterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
191  return op->getName().getStringRef() == opName;
192  };
193  denyOperation(filterFn);
194  }
196  /// Allow ops that are matched by `fn`.
197  ///
198  /// This function adds an ALLOW entry.
200  entries.push_back(Entry{fn, Entry::FilterType::ALLOW});
201  }
203  /// Deny ops that are matched by `fn`.
204  ///
205  /// This function adds a DENY entry.
207  entries.push_back(Entry{fn, Entry::FilterType::DENY});
208  }
210 private:
211  /// Return `true` if the filter has at least one ALLOW rule.
212  bool hasAllowRule() const {
213  for (const Entry &e : entries)
214  if (e.type == Entry::FilterType::ALLOW)
215  return true;
216  return false;
217  }
219  /// Allow a dialect.
220  template <typename DialectT>
221  void allowDialectImpl() {
222  allowDialect(DialectT::getDialectNamespace());
223  }
225  /// Deny a dialect.
226  template <typename DialectT>
227  void denyDialectImpl() {
228  denyDialect(DialectT::getDialectNamespace());
229  }
231  /// Allow an op.
232  template <typename OpTy>
233  void allowOperationImpl() {
234  allowOperation(OpTy::getOperationName());
235  }
237  /// Deny an op.
238  template <typename OpTy>
239  void denyOperationImpl() {
240  denyOperation(OpTy::getOperationName());
241  }
243  /// A list of filter entries that determine whether an op should be allowed or
244  /// denied. If the filter has an ALLOW rule, only ops that are allowed and not
245  /// denied are allowed. If the filter does not have an ALLOW rule, only ops
246  /// that are not denied are allowed.
247  SmallVector<Entry> entries;
248 };
250 /// Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization.
252  /// Allocator function: Generate a memref allocation with the given type,
253  /// dynamic extents and alignment.
254  using AllocationFn = std::function<FailureOr<Value>(
255  OpBuilder &, Location, MemRefType, ValueRange, unsigned int)>;
256  /// Memcpy function: Generate a memcpy between two buffers.
257  using MemCpyFn =
258  std::function<LogicalResult(OpBuilder &, Location, Value, Value)>;
259  /// Initializer function for analysis state.
260  using AnalysisStateInitFn = std::function<void(AnalysisState &)>;
261  /// Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
262  /// Parameters: Value, memory space, func op, bufferization options
264  std::function<BaseMemRefType(TensorType, Attribute memorySpace,
265  func::FuncOp, const BufferizationOptions &)>;
266  /// Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
267  /// Parameters: Value, memory space, bufferization options
268  using UnknownTypeConverterFn = std::function<BaseMemRefType(
269  Value, Attribute memorySpace, const BufferizationOptions &)>;
270  // Produce a MemorySpace attribute from a tensor type
272  std::function<std::optional<Attribute>(TensorType t)>;
276  /// Try to cast the given op to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow
277  /// listed.
278  BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Operation *op) const;
280  /// Try to cast the given value to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow
281  /// listed.
282  BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Value value) const;
284  /// A filter that specifies which ops should be bufferized and which ops
285  /// should be ignored.
288  /// Return `true` if the given op should be bufferized.
289  bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const;
291  /// Helper functions for allocation and memory copying.
292  std::optional<AllocationFn> allocationFn;
293  std::optional<MemCpyFn> memCpyFn;
295  /// Create a memref allocation with the given type and dynamic extents.
296  FailureOr<Value> createAlloc(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, MemRefType type,
297  ValueRange dynShape) const;
299  /// Creates a memcpy between two given buffers.
300  LogicalResult createMemCpy(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value from,
301  Value to) const;
303  /// Specifies whether not bufferizable ops are allowed in the input. If so,
304  /// bufferization.to_memref and bufferization.to_tensor ops are inserted at
305  /// the boundaries.
306  bool allowUnknownOps = false;
308  /// Specifies whether function boundaries (ops in the func dialect) should be
309  /// bufferized or not.
312  // Specifies whether to account for parallel regions in RaW analysis. If true,
313  // then writes inside of parallel regions that write to buffers defined
314  // outside of the parallel region will be given a new buffer.
315  bool checkParallelRegions = true;
317  /// Certain ops have aliasing OpOperand/OpResult invariants (e.g., scf.for).
318  /// If this flag is set to `false`, those invariants are no longer enforced
319  /// with buffer copies.
320  ///
321  /// Note: Deactivating this flag can lead to incorrect bufferization results
322  /// when used incorrectly. This flag is useful with
323  /// `AlwaysCopyAnalysisState` which bufferizes all writing tensor
324  /// OpOperands out-of-place.
327  /// This function controls buffer types on function signatures. Sets
328  /// `functionArgTypeConverterFn` and `inferFunctionResultLayout` accordingly.
329  ///
330  /// * InferLayoutMap: All function parameter types have a fully dynamic layout
331  /// map, but function result types are inferred from the body of the
332  /// function.
333  /// * FullyDynamicLayoutMap: All function parameter types and result types
334  /// have a fully dynamic layout map. This option is most efficient because
335  /// any layout map can be casted to a fully dynamic one.
336  /// * IdentityLayoutMap: All function parameter types and result types have a
337  /// static identity layout (i.e., no layout map). This option may introduce
338  /// additional buffer allocs and copies because layout maps cannot be casted
339  /// away.
340  ///
341  /// Note: Inferred layout maps may not be desireable when interacting with
342  /// external functions, because the generated function signatures will be less
343  /// predictable.
344  void setFunctionBoundaryTypeConversion(LayoutMapOption layoutMapOption);
346  /// Type converter from tensors to memrefs. This type converter is used to
347  /// determine bufferized function argument types. By default, a type
348  /// converter that returns a memref type with a fully dynamic layout map is
349  /// used.
350  ///
351  /// If `bufferizeFunctionBoundaries` is not set, this function isn't used.
354  /// If true, function result types are inferred from the body of the function.
355  /// Otherwise, function result type is determined by
356  /// `functionArgTypeConverterFn`.
357  ///
358  /// If `bufferizeFunctionBoundaries` is not set, this flag has no effect.
361  /// Type converter from tensors to memrefs. This type converter is used if no
362  /// memref type could be inferred during bufferization. By default, a type
363  /// converter that returns a memref type with a fully dynamic layout map is
364  /// used.
367  // Use during type conversion to determine the memory space for memref based
368  // on the original tensor type if the memory space cannot be inferred.
369  // Returning std::nullopt will cause bufferization to fail (useful to indicate
370  // failure to determine memory space for a tensor type).
372  [](TensorType t) -> std::optional<Attribute> { return Attribute(); };
374  /// If set to `true`, the analysis is skipped. A buffer is copied before every
375  /// write. This flag cannot be used together with `testAnalysisOnly = true`.
376  bool copyBeforeWrite = false;
378  /// If set to `true`, does not modify the IR apart from adding attributes (for
379  /// checking the results of the analysis) and post analysis steps.
380  bool testAnalysisOnly = false;
382  /// If set to `true`, the IR is annotated with details about RaW conflicts.
383  /// For debugging only. Should be used together with `testAnalysisOnly`.
384  bool printConflicts = false;
386  /// Buffer alignment for new memory allocations.
387  unsigned int bufferAlignment = 64;
389  /// Initializer functions for analysis state. These can be used to
390  /// initialize dialect-specific analysis state.
392 };
394 /// Traversal parameters for `findValueInReverseUseDefChain`.
396  /// Specifies if leaves (that do not have further OpOperands to follow)
397  /// should be returned even if they do not match the specified filter.
398  bool alwaysIncludeLeaves = true;
400  /// Specifies whether out-of-place/undecided OpOperands should be followed.
401  bool followInPlaceOnly = false;
403  /// Specifies whether non-equivalent OpOperands should be followed.
404  bool followEquivalentOnly = false;
406  /// Specifies whether unknown/non-bufferizable/ops not included in the
407  /// OpFilter of BufferizationOptions should be followed.
408  bool followUnknownOps = false;
410  /// Specifies whether OpOperands with a different type that are not the result
411  /// of a CastOpInterface op should be followed.
414  /// Specifies whether already visited values should be visited again.
415  /// (Note: This can result in infinite looping.)
417 };
419 /// AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with
420 /// tensor values.
422 public:
423  /// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `value` if the op is
424  /// bufferized in place. Return all tensor OpOperand* if the op is not
425  /// bufferizable.
428  /// Determine which Value will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
429  /// in place. Return all tensor Values if the op is not bufferizable.
432  /// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read. Return `true` if
433  /// the op is not bufferizable.
434  bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
436  /// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write. Return true` if
437  /// the op is not bufferizable.
438  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
440  /// Return true if the given `value` bufferizes to a memory write. Return
441  /// true if the value is a block argument. Return `true` if the defining op is
442  /// not bufferizable. Otherwise, consult the BufferizableOpInterface.
443  bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Value value) const;
445  /// Return true if `opOperand` does neither read nor write but bufferizes to
446  /// an alias. Return false if the op is not bufferizable.
447  bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
449  /// Return true if a copy can always be avoided when allocating a new tensor
450  /// for the given OpOperand.
451  bool canOmitTensorCopy(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
453  /// Return true if the given value is read by an op that bufferizes to a
454  /// memory read. Also takes into account ops that create an alias but do not
455  /// read by themselves (e.g., ExtractSliceOp).
456  bool isValueRead(Value value) const;
458  /// Starting from `value`, follow the use-def chain in reverse, always
459  /// selecting the aliasing OpOperands. Find and return Values for which
460  /// `condition` evaluates to true. OpOperands of such matching Values are not
461  /// traversed any further.
462  ///
463  /// When reaching the end of a chain, also return the last Value of that
464  /// chain if `config.alwaysIncludeLeaves` is set.
465  ///
466  /// Example:
467  ///
468  /// 8
469  /// |
470  /// 6* 7* +-----+----+
471  /// | | | |
472  /// 2* 3 4* 5
473  /// | | | |
474  /// +----------+----------+----------+
475  /// |
476  /// 1
477  ///
478  /// In the above example, Values with a star satisfy the condition. When
479  /// starting the traversal from Value 1, the resulting SetVector is:
480  /// { 2, 7, 8, 5 }
481  ///
482  /// Additional stopping conditions for the traversal can be specified in
483  /// `config`.
485  Value value, llvm::function_ref<bool(Value)> condition,
486  TraversalConfig config = TraversalConfig()) const;
488  /// Find the values that may define the contents of the given value at
489  /// runtime. A block argument is always a definition. An OpResult is a
490  /// definition if it bufferizes to memory write. If it does not bufferize to
491  /// a memory write but has aliasing operands, we continue the lookup on these
492  /// values.
493  ///
494  /// Example: %r = tensor.insert %f into %t[%c0] : tensor<?xf32>
495  /// findDefinitions(%r) = {%r} because %r bufferizes to memory write.
496  ///
497  /// Example: %r = tensor.empty() : tensor<10xf32>
498  /// findDefinitions(%r) = {} because tensor.empty does not the define the
499  /// contents of its result (i.e., it does not bufferize to a memory write)
500  /// and it has no aliasing OpOperands.
501  ///
502  /// Example:
503  /// %a = arith.constant ... : tensor<10xf32>
504  /// %b1 = tensor.insert %f into %t : tensor<50xf32>
505  /// %b2 = tensor.extract_slice %b1[0][10][1] : tensor<50xf32> tensor<10xf32>
506  /// %r = %cond, %a, %b : tensor<10xf32>
507  /// findDefinitions(%r) = {%a, %b1}. %r and %b2 are skipped (lookup continues
508  /// in the operands) because their defining ops do not define the contents of
509  /// the tensor.
510  ///
511  /// Example:
512  /// %a = tensor.empty() : tensor<10xf32>
513  /// %b = arith.constant ... : tensor<10xf32>
514  /// %r = %cond, %a, %b : tensor<10xf32>
515  /// findDefinitions(%r) = {%b}. %a is excluded because it does not define the
516  /// contents of the tensor.
517  ///
518  /// Note: OpResults of unknown ops are handled conservatively and assumed to
519  /// be definitions.
522  /// Return `true` if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
523  virtual bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const;
525  /// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to equivalent buffers.
526  virtual bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const;
528  /// Return true if `v1` and `v2` may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
529  virtual bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const;
531  /// Return `true` if the given tensor has undefined contents.
532  virtual bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const;
534  /// Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
535  const BufferizationOptions &getOptions() const { return options; }
537  AnalysisState(const BufferizationOptions &options);
539  // AnalysisState should be passed as a reference.
540  AnalysisState(const AnalysisState &) = delete;
542  virtual ~AnalysisState() = default;
544  static bool classof(const AnalysisState *base) { return true; }
546  TypeID getType() const { return type; }
548  /// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the given op.
550  const BufferizationOptions &options);
552  /// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the place where the
553  /// given value is defined.
555  const BufferizationOptions &options);
557  /// Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the given block.
559  const BufferizationOptions &options);
561  virtual void resetCache();
563 protected:
564  AnalysisState(const BufferizationOptions &options, TypeID type);
566 private:
567  /// A reference to current bufferization options.
568  const BufferizationOptions &options;
570  /// The type of analysis.
571  TypeID type;
573  /// Cache containing closest ancestor repetitive Region.
575  enclosingRepetitiveRegionCache;
576 };
578 /// Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value (memref or tensor).
579 /// If `copy` is set, the shaped value is copied. Otherwise, a tensor with
580 /// undefined contents is allocated.
581 FailureOr<Value>
583  const BufferizationOptions &options,
584  bool copy = true);
586 /// Lookup the buffer for the given value. If the value was not bufferized
587 /// yet, wrap it in a ToMemrefOp. Otherwise, it is the result of a ToTensorOp,
588 /// from which the memref operand is returned.
589 FailureOr<Value> getBuffer(RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value,
590  const BufferizationOptions &options);
592 /// Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization
593 /// without bufferizing any IR.
594 ///
595 /// Note: It should be sufficient to call `getBuffer()->getType()` in most
596 /// cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any
597 /// IR, this function can be used.
598 ///
599 /// This function is a wrapper around BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType.
600 FailureOr<BaseMemRefType> getBufferType(Value value,
601  const BufferizationOptions &options);
603 /// Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization
604 /// without bufferizing any IR. This function (and not the other overload
605 /// without `invocationStack`) can be used from `getBufferType` implementations
606 /// of the `BufferizableOpInterface`.
607 ///
608 /// Note: It should be sufficient to call `getBuffer()->getType()` in most
609 /// cases. However, when a buffer type should be predicted without modifying any
610 /// IR, this function can be used.
611 ///
612 /// This function is a wrapper around `BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType`.
613 FailureOr<BaseMemRefType> getBufferType(Value value,
614  const BufferizationOptions &options,
615  SmallVector<Value> &invocationStack);
617 /// Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized.
618 /// If the op is bufferizable, the BufferizableOpInterface is queried.
619 /// Otherwise, an op has tensor semantics if it has tensor operands, tensor
620 /// op results and/or tensor block arguments.
621 bool hasTensorSemantics(Operation *op);
623 /// Replace an op with replacement values. The op is deleted. Tensor OpResults
624 /// must be replaced with memref values.
626  ValueRange values);
628 /// Replace an op with a new op. The new op must have the same number of
629 /// results as the replaced op. The new op may not return any tensor values.
630 template <typename OpTy, typename... Args>
632  Args &&...args) {
633  auto newOp = rewriter.create<OpTy>(op->getLoc(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
634  replaceOpWithBufferizedValues(rewriter, op, newOp->getResults());
635  return newOp;
636 }
638 /// Return a MemRefType to which the type of the given value can be bufferized.
639 ///
640 /// If possible, op bufferization implementations should not use this function
641 /// and instead infer precise memref types for tensor results by themselves.
642 ///
643 /// Unless a layout map was specified, `options.unknownTypeConverterFn`
644 /// determines what kind of layout map will be used. For best composability
645 /// (without copies), the fully dynamic layout map is used by default.
646 ///
647 /// Note: Canonicalization patterns could clean up layout maps and infer more
648 /// precise layout maps after bufferization. However, many possible
649 /// canonicalizations are currently not implemented.
650 BaseMemRefType getMemRefType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options,
651  MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout = {},
652  Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
654 /// Return a MemRef type with fully dynamic layout. If the given tensor type
655 /// is unranked, return an unranked MemRef type.
656 BaseMemRefType
657 getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout(TensorType tensorType,
658  Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
660 /// Return a MemRef type with a static identity layout (i.e., no layout map). If
661 /// the given tensor type is unranked, return an unranked MemRef type.
662 BaseMemRefType
663 getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout(TensorType tensorType,
664  Attribute memorySpace = nullptr);
666 /// Return the owner of the given value. In case of a BlockArgument that is the
667 /// owner of the block. In case of an OpResult that is the defining op.
668 Operation *getOwnerOfValue(Value value);
670 /// Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing
671 /// repetitive region.
672 Region *getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Region *region,
673  const BufferizationOptions &options);
675 /// If `region` is a parallel region, return `region`. Otherwise, find the first
676 /// enclosing parallel region of `region`. If there is no such region, return
677 /// "nullptr".
678 ///
679 /// Note: Whether a region is parallel or sequential is queried from the
680 /// `BufferizableOpInterface`.
681 Region *getParallelRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options);
683 namespace detail {
684 /// This is the default implementation of
685 /// BufferizableOpInterface::getAliasingOpOperands. Should not be called from
686 /// other places.
688  const AnalysisState &state);
690 /// This is the default implementation of
691 /// BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType. Should not be called from other
692 /// places.
693 FailureOr<BaseMemRefType>
695  SmallVector<Value> &invocationStack);
697 /// This is the default implementation of
698 /// BufferizableOpInterface::resultBufferizesToMemoryWrite. Should not be called
699 /// from other places.
701  const AnalysisState &state);
703 /// This is the default implementation of
704 /// BufferizableOpInterface::isRepetitiveRegion. Should not be called from other
705 /// places.
706 bool defaultIsRepetitiveRegion(BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp,
707  unsigned index);
709 /// This is the default implementation of getAliasingOpOperands in case the
710 /// defining op does not implement the BufferizableOpInterface.
713 /// This is the default implementation of getAliasingValues in case the owner
714 /// op does not implement the BufferizableOpInterface.
717 /// This is the default implementation of
718 /// BufferizableOpInterface::hasTensorSemantics
720 } // namespace detail
722 } // namespace bufferization
723 } // namespace mlir
727 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
728 // Bufferization Interfaces
729 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
731 #include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/"
static void copy(Location loc, Value dst, Value src, Value size, OpBuilder &builder)
Copies the given number of bytes from src to dst pointers.
static llvm::ManagedStatic< PassManagerOptions > options
Definition: TypeID.h:249
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This class provides a shared interface for ranked and unranked memref types.
Definition: BuiltinTypes.h:144
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:31
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:210
Operation * create(const OperationState &state)
Creates an operation given the fields represented as an OperationState.
Definition: Builders.cpp:468
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
This is a value defined by a result of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:457
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
This class coordinates the application of a rewrite on a set of IR, providing a way for clients to tr...
Definition: PatternMatch.h:400
Tensor types represent multi-dimensional arrays, and have two variants: RankedTensorType and Unranked...
Definition: BuiltinTypes.h:97
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over Values.
Definition: ValueRange.h:381
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
AliasList(std::initializer_list< T > elems)
Create a list of aliases.
Create an empty list of aliases.
AliasList(SmallVector< T > &&aliases)
Create a list of aliases.
AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with tensor values.
bool isValueRead(Value value) const
Return true if the given value is read by an op that bufferizes to a memory read.
AliasingValueList getAliasingValues(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Determine which Value will alias with opOperand if the op is bufferized in place.
virtual bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const
Return true if v1 and v2 may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
virtual bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const
Return true if the given tensor has undefined contents.
bool canOmitTensorCopy(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if a copy can always be avoided when allocating a new tensor for the given OpOperand.
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if opOperand bufferizes to a memory write.
virtual bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if opOperand does neither read nor write but bufferizes to an alias.
AliasingOpOperandList getAliasingOpOperands(Value value) const
Determine which OpOperand* will alias with value if the op is bufferized in place.
AnalysisState(const BufferizationOptions &options)
Region * getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Operation *op, const BufferizationOptions &options)
Return the closest enclosing repetitive region around the given op.
const BufferizationOptions & getOptions() const
Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if opOperand bufferizes to a memory read.
SetVector< Value > findValueInReverseUseDefChain(Value value, llvm::function_ref< bool(Value)> condition, TraversalConfig config=TraversalConfig()) const
Starting from value, follow the use-def chain in reverse, always selecting the aliasing OpOperands.
SetVector< Value > findDefinitions(Value value) const
Find the values that may define the contents of the given value at runtime.
static bool classof(const AnalysisState *base)
virtual bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const
Return true if v1 and v2 bufferize to equivalent buffers.
AnalysisState(const AnalysisState &)=delete
void denyOperation()
Deny the given ops.
void allowOperation(StringRef opName)
Allow the given op.
void denyOperation(StringRef opName)
Deny the given op.
void denyDialect()
Deny the given dialects.
void allowOperation(Entry::FilterFn fn)
Allow ops that are matched by fn.
void allowDialect()
Allow the given dialects.
void allowDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace)
Allow the given dialect.
void denyOperation(Entry::FilterFn fn)
Deny ops that are matched by fn.
bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const
Return whether the op is allowed or not.
void allowOperation()
Allow the given ops.
void denyDialect(StringRef dialectNamespace)
Deny the given dialect.
AliasingOpOperandList defaultGetAliasingOpOperands(Value value, const AnalysisState &state)
This is the default implementation of BufferizableOpInterface::getAliasingOpOperands.
bool defaultResultBufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpResult opResult, const AnalysisState &state)
This is the default implementation of BufferizableOpInterface::resultBufferizesToMemoryWrite.
AliasingValueList unknownGetAliasingValues(OpOperand &opOperand)
This is the default implementation of getAliasingValues in case the owner op does not implement the B...
bool defaultIsRepetitiveRegion(BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp, unsigned index)
This is the default implementation of BufferizableOpInterface::isRepetitiveRegion.
AliasingOpOperandList unknownGetAliasingOpOperands(Value value)
This is the default implementation of getAliasingOpOperands in case the defining op does not implemen...
bool defaultHasTensorSemantics(Operation *op)
This is the default implementation of BufferizableOpInterface::hasTensorSemantics.
FailureOr< BaseMemRefType > defaultGetBufferType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options, SmallVector< Value > &invocationStack)
This is the default implementation of BufferizableOpInterface::getBufferType.
void replaceOpWithBufferizedValues(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, ValueRange values)
Replace an op with replacement values.
BaseMemRefType getMemRefTypeWithStaticIdentityLayout(TensorType tensorType, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
Return a MemRef type with a static identity layout (i.e., no layout map).
Operation * getOwnerOfValue(Value value)
Return the owner of the given value.
BaseMemRefType getMemRefType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options, MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout={}, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
Return a MemRefType to which the type of the given value can be bufferized.
Region * getParallelRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
If region is a parallel region, return region.
Region * getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing repetitive region.
OpTy replaceOpWithNewBufferizedOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, Args &&...args)
Replace an op with a new op.
FailureOr< Value > allocateTensorForShapedValue(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value shapedValue, const BufferizationOptions &options, bool copy=true)
Create an AllocTensorOp for the given shaped value (memref or tensor).
FailureOr< BaseMemRefType > getBufferType(Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options)
Return the buffer type for a given Value (tensor) after bufferization without bufferizing any IR.
FailureOr< Value > getBuffer(RewriterBase &rewriter, Value value, const BufferizationOptions &options)
Lookup the buffer for the given value.
BaseMemRefType getMemRefTypeWithFullyDynamicLayout(TensorType tensorType, Attribute memorySpace=nullptr)
Return a MemRef type with fully dynamic layout.
bool hasTensorSemantics(Operation *op)
Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized.
Specifies a fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis.
Include the generated interface declarations.
AliasingOpOperand(OpOperand *opOperand, BufferRelation relation, bool isDefinite=true)
AliasingValue(Value value, BufferRelation relation, bool isDefinite=true)
Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization.
bool copyBeforeWrite
If set to true, the analysis is skipped.
std::function< void(AnalysisState &)> AnalysisStateInitFn
Initializer function for analysis state.
void setFunctionBoundaryTypeConversion(LayoutMapOption layoutMapOption)
This function controls buffer types on function signatures.
bool allowUnknownOps
Specifies whether not bufferizable ops are allowed in the input.
BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Operation *op) const
Try to cast the given op to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow listed.
bool inferFunctionResultLayout
If true, function result types are inferred from the body of the function.
std::function< BaseMemRefType(Value, Attribute memorySpace, const BufferizationOptions &)> UnknownTypeConverterFn
Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
unsigned int bufferAlignment
Buffer alignment for new memory allocations.
FunctionArgTypeConverterFn functionArgTypeConverterFn
Type converter from tensors to memrefs.
bool printConflicts
If set to true, the IR is annotated with details about RaW conflicts.
std::function< std::optional< Attribute >(TensorType t)> DefaultMemorySpaceFn
std::function< BaseMemRefType(TensorType, Attribute memorySpace, func::FuncOp, const BufferizationOptions &)> FunctionArgTypeConverterFn
Tensor -> MemRef type converter.
std::optional< AllocationFn > allocationFn
Helper functions for allocation and memory copying.
bool testAnalysisOnly
If set to true, does not modify the IR apart from adding attributes (for checking the results of the ...
bool enforceAliasingInvariants
Certain ops have aliasing OpOperand/OpResult invariants (e.g., scf.for).
OpFilter opFilter
A filter that specifies which ops should be bufferized and which ops should be ignored.
bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const
Return true if the given op should be bufferized.
UnknownTypeConverterFn unknownTypeConverterFn
Type converter from tensors to memrefs.
bool bufferizeFunctionBoundaries
Specifies whether function boundaries (ops in the func dialect) should be bufferized or not.
std::function< LogicalResult(OpBuilder &, Location, Value, Value)> MemCpyFn
Memcpy function: Generate a memcpy between two buffers.
FailureOr< Value > createAlloc(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, MemRefType type, ValueRange dynShape) const
Create a memref allocation with the given type and dynamic extents.
std::function< FailureOr< Value >(OpBuilder &, Location, MemRefType, ValueRange, unsigned int)> AllocationFn
Allocator function: Generate a memref allocation with the given type, dynamic extents and alignment.
LogicalResult createMemCpy(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value from, Value to) const
Creates a memcpy between two given buffers.
SmallVector< AnalysisStateInitFn > stateInitializers
Initializer functions for analysis state.
Filter type: A filter can either be a DENY filter or an ALLOW filter.
std::function< bool(Operation *)> FilterFn
If the filter function evaluates to true, the filter matches.
Traversal parameters for findValueInReverseUseDefChain.
bool followUnknownOps
Specifies whether unknown/non-bufferizable/ops not included in the OpFilter of BufferizationOptions s...
bool alwaysIncludeLeaves
Specifies if leaves (that do not have further OpOperands to follow) should be returned even if they d...
bool followSameTypeOrCastsOnly
Specifies whether OpOperands with a different type that are not the result of a CastOpInterface op sh...
bool followInPlaceOnly
Specifies whether out-of-place/undecided OpOperands should be followed.
bool followEquivalentOnly
Specifies whether non-equivalent OpOperands should be followed.
bool revisitAlreadyVisitedValues
Specifies whether already visited values should be visited again.