MLIR  21.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- OneShotAnalysis.cpp - One-Shot (Single Pass) Analysis --------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // One-Shot Analysis analyzes function bodies. By default, function boundaries
10 // (FuncOp bbArgs, CallOps, ReturnOps) are treated as "unknown" ops.
11 // OneShotModuleBufferization.cpp is an extension of One-Shot Analysis for
12 // simple call graphs without loops.
13 //
14 // One-Shot Bufferize consists of three phases.
15 //
16 // 1. Analyze ops to decide which OpOperands can bufferize inplace, i.e.,
17 // without inserting buffer copies. The analysis queries op bufferization
18 // semantics via `BufferizableOpInterface`.
19 // 2. Insert copies for OpOperands that were decided to bufferize out-of-place
20 // in tensor land during `TensorCopyInsertion`.
21 // 3. Bufferize ops by calling `BufferizableOpInterface::bufferize`.
22 //
23 // This file contains only the analysis. For convenience, this file also
24 // contains a helper function `runOneShotBufferize` that analyzes an op (and its
25 // nested ops) and then bufferizes it.
26 //
27 // Inplace bufferization decisions are passed from the analysis to the
28 // `TensorCopyInsertion` phase via `AnalysisState`. They can be printed for
29 // debugging purposes with `testAnalysisOnly`.
30 //
31 // Ops that do not implement `BufferizableOpInterface` can be analyzed but are
32 // treated conservatively. E.g., the analysis has to assume that their tensor
33 // OpOperands bufferize to memory writes. While such ops can be analyzed, they
34 // are not bufferized and remain in the IR. to_tensor and to_memref ops are
35 // inserted at the bufferization boundary.
36 //
37 // This analysis caters to high-performance codegen where buffer reuse is deemed
38 // critical: the analysis should fail if the bufferized form of the function
39 // needs to return a buffer, unless `allowReturnAllocs` is enabled.
43 #include <optional>
44 #include <random>
52 #include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
53 #include "mlir/IR/Dominance.h"
54 #include "mlir/IR/Iterators.h"
55 #include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
56 #include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
59 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
60 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
64 // Run mlir-opt with `-debug-only="one-shot-analysis"` for detailed debug
65 // output.
66 #define DEBUG_TYPE "one-shot-analysis"
68 using namespace mlir;
69 using namespace mlir::bufferization;
71 static bool isaTensor(Type t) { return isa<TensorType>(t); }
73 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
74 // Bufferization-specific attribute manipulation.
75 // These are for testing and debugging only. Bufferization information is stored
76 // in OneShotBufferizationState. When run with `testAnalysisOnly`, the IR is
77 // annotated with the results of the analysis, so that they can be checked in
78 // tests.
79 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
81 /// Attribute marker to specify op operands that bufferize in-place.
82 constexpr StringLiteral kInPlaceOperandsAttrName = "__inplace_operands_attr__";
84 constexpr StringLiteral kOpResultAliasSetAttrName =
85  "__opresult_alias_set_attr__";
87 constexpr StringLiteral kBbArgAliasSetAttrName = "__bbarg_alias_set_attr__";
89 /// Mark whether OpOperand will be bufferized inplace.
90 static void setInPlaceOpOperand(OpOperand &opOperand, bool inPlace) {
91  Operation *op = opOperand.getOwner();
92  SmallVector<StringRef> inPlaceVector;
93  if (auto attr = op->getAttr(kInPlaceOperandsAttrName)) {
94  inPlaceVector = SmallVector<StringRef>(llvm::to_vector<4>(
95  cast<ArrayAttr>(attr).getAsValueRange<StringAttr>()));
96  } else {
97  inPlaceVector = SmallVector<StringRef>(op->getNumOperands(), "none");
98  for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
99  if (isa<TensorType>(opOperand.get().getType()))
100  inPlaceVector[opOperand.getOperandNumber()] = "false";
101  }
102  inPlaceVector[opOperand.getOperandNumber()] = inPlace ? "true" : "false";
104  OpBuilder(op).getStrArrayAttr(inPlaceVector));
105 }
107 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
108 // OneShotAnalysisState
109 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
114  // Set up alias sets.
115  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
116  for (Value v : op->getResults())
117  if (isa<TensorType>(v.getType()))
119  for (Region &r : op->getRegions())
120  for (Block &b : r.getBlocks())
121  for (auto bbArg : b.getArguments())
122  if (isa<TensorType>(bbArg.getType()))
123  createAliasInfoEntry(bbArg);
124  });
126  // Mark OpOperands in-place that must bufferize in-place.
127  op->walk([&](BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp) {
128  if (!options.isOpAllowed(bufferizableOp))
129  return WalkResult::skip();
130  for (OpOperand &opOperand : bufferizableOp->getOpOperands())
131  if (isa<TensorType>(opOperand.get().getType()))
132  if (bufferizableOp.mustBufferizeInPlace(opOperand, *this))
133  bufferizeInPlace(opOperand);
134  return WalkResult::advance();
135  });
136 }
139  Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const {
140  auto leaderIt = equivalentInfo.findLeader(v);
141  for (auto mit = leaderIt, meit = equivalentInfo.member_end(); mit != meit;
142  ++mit) {
143  fun(*mit);
144  }
145 }
148  function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const {
149  auto leaderIt = aliasInfo.findLeader(v);
150  for (auto mit = leaderIt, meit = aliasInfo.member_end(); mit != meit; ++mit) {
151  fun(*mit);
152  }
153 }
156  Value v2) const {
157  return equivalentInfo.isEquivalent(v1, v2);
158 }
161  Value v2) const {
162  return aliasInfo.isEquivalent(v1, v2);
163 }
166  if (inplaceBufferized.contains(&operand))
167  return;
168  inplaceBufferized.insert(&operand);
169  for (AliasingValue alias : getAliasingValues(operand))
170  aliasInfo.unionSets(alias.value, operand.get());
171  ++statNumTensorInPlace;
172 }
175  assert(!inplaceBufferized.contains(&operand) &&
176  "OpOperand was already decided to bufferize inplace");
177  ++statNumTensorOutOfPlace;
178 }
181  aliasInfo.insert(v);
182  equivalentInfo.insert(v);
183 }
186  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
187  // Skip unknown ops.
188  auto bufferizableOp = getOptions().dynCastBufferizableOp(op);
189  if (!bufferizableOp)
190  return WalkResult::skip();
192  // Check all tensor OpResults.
193  for (OpResult opResult : op->getOpResults()) {
194  if (!isa<TensorType>(opResult.getType()))
195  continue;
197  // If there is no preceding definition, the tensor contents are
198  // undefined.
199  if (opResult.getUses().empty())
200  continue;
201  // It does not really matter which use to take to search about
202  // the value's definitions.
203  OpOperand *opOperand = &(*opResult.getUses().begin());
204  if (findDefinitionsCached(opOperand).empty())
205  for (OpOperand &use : opResult.getUses())
206  undefinedTensorUses.insert(&use);
207  }
209  return WalkResult::advance();
210  });
211 }
214  return undefinedTensorUses.contains(opOperand);
215 }
218  return inplaceBufferized.contains(&opOperand);
219 }
222  bool isWritten = false;
223  applyOnAliases(value, [&](Value val) {
224  for (OpOperand &use : val.getUses())
225  if (isInPlace(use) && bufferizesToMemoryWrite(use))
226  isWritten = true;
227  });
228  return isWritten;
229 }
232  // TODO: Out-of-place bufferized value could be considered writable.
233  // Query BufferizableOpInterface to see if the BlockArgument is writable.
234  if (auto bufferizableOp =
235  getOptions().dynCastBufferizableOp(getOwnerOfValue(value)))
236  return bufferizableOp.isWritable(value, *this);
238  // Not a bufferizable op: The conservative answer is "not writable".
239  return false;
240 }
243  aliasInfo.unionSets(v1, v2);
244 }
247  equivalentInfo.unionSets(v1, v2);
248 }
252 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
253 // Bufferization-specific alias analysis.
254 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
256 /// Return true if opOperand has been decided to bufferize in-place.
257 static bool isInplaceMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand,
258  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
259  // OpOperands that do not bufferize to a memory write do not write in-place.
260  if (!state.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(opOperand))
261  return false;
262  // Check current bufferization decisions.
263  return state.isInPlace(opOperand);
264 }
266 /// Return true if `a` happens before `b`, i.e., `a` or one of its ancestors
267 /// properly dominates `b` and `b` is not inside `a`.
268 static bool happensBefore(Operation *a, Operation *b,
269  const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
270  do {
271  // TODO: Instead of isProperAncestor + properlyDominates, we should use
272  // properlyDominatesImpl(a, b, /*enclosingOpOk=*/false)
273  if (a->isProperAncestor(b))
274  return false;
275  if (domInfo.properlyDominates(a, b))
276  return true;
277  } while ((a = a->getParentOp()));
278  return false;
279 }
281 /// Return `true` if op dominance can be used to rule out a read-after-write
282 /// conflicts based on the ordering of ops. Returns `false` if op dominance
283 /// cannot be used to due region-based loops.
284 ///
285 /// Generalized op dominance can often be used to rule out potential conflicts
286 /// due to "read happens before write". E.g., the following IR is not a RaW
287 /// conflict because the read happens *before* the write.
288 ///
289 /// Example 1:
290 /// %0 = ... : tensor<?xf32> // DEF
291 /// "reading_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32> // READ
292 /// %1 = "writing_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32> -> tensor<?xf32> // WRITE
293 ///
294 /// This is no longer true inside loops (or repetitive regions). In such cases,
295 /// there may not be a meaningful `happensBefore` relationship because ops
296 /// could be executed multiple times. E.g.:
297 ///
298 /// Example 2:
299 /// %0 = ... : tensor<?xf32> // DEF
300 /// scf.for ... {
301 /// "reading_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32> // READ
302 /// %1 = "writing_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32> -> tensor<?xf32> // WRITE
303 /// ...
304 /// }
305 ///
306 /// In the above example, reading_op happens before writing_op according to
307 /// op dominance. However, both ops may happen multiple times; in
308 /// particular, the second execution of reading_op happens after the first
309 /// execution of writing_op. This is problematic because the tensor %0 they
310 /// operate on (i.e., the "definition") is defined outside of the loop.
311 ///
312 /// On a high-level, there is a potential RaW in a program if there exists a
313 /// possible program execution such that there is a sequence of DEF, followed
314 /// by WRITE, followed by READ. Each additional DEF resets the sequence.
315 ///
316 /// E.g.:
317 /// No conflict: DEF, WRITE, DEF, READ
318 /// Potential conflict: DEF, READ, WRITE, READ, WRITE
319 ///
320 /// Example 1 has no conflict: DEF, READ, WRITE
321 /// Example 2 has a potential conflict: DEF, (READ, WRITE)*
322 //
323 /// Example 3:
324 /// scf.for ... {
325 /// %0 = ... : tensor<?xf32>
326 /// "reading_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32>
327 /// %1 = "writing_op"(%0) : tensor<?xf32> -> tensor<?xf32>
328 /// ...
329 /// }
330 /// This has no conflict: (DEF, READ, WRITE)*
331 ///
332 /// Example 4:
333 /// %0 = ... : tensor<?xf32>
334 /// scf.for ... {
335 /// scf.for ... { "reading_op"(%0) }
336 /// %1 = "writing_op"(%0)
337 /// }
338 /// This has a potential conflict: DEF, ((READ)*, WRITE)*
339 ///
340 /// Example 5:
341 /// %0 = ... : tensor<?xf32>
342 /// scf.for ... { %1 = "writing_op"(%0) }
343 /// scf.for ... { "reading_op"(%0) }
344 /// This has a potential conflict: DEF, WRITE*, READ*
345 ///
346 /// The following rules are used to rule out RaW conflicts via ordering of ops:
347 ///
348 /// 1. If the closest enclosing repetitive region of DEF is a proper ancestor of
349 /// a repetitive region that enclosing both READ and WRITE, we cannot rule
350 /// out RaW conflict due to the ordering of ops.
351 /// 2. Otherwise: There are no loops that interfere with our analysis; for
352 /// analysis purposes, we can assume that there are no loops/repetitive
353 /// regions. I.e., we can rule out a RaW conflict if READ happensBefore WRITE
354 /// or WRITE happensBefore DEF. (Checked in `hasReadAfterWriteInterference`.)
355 ///
357  const SetVector<Value> &definitions,
358  AnalysisState &state) {
359  const BufferizationOptions &options = state.getOptions();
360  for (Value def : definitions) {
361  Region *rRead =
362  state.getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(uRead->getOwner(), options);
363  Region *rDef = state.getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(def, options);
365  // READ and DEF are in the same repetitive region. `happensBefore` can be
366  // used to rule out RaW conflicts due to op ordering.
367  if (rRead == rDef)
368  continue;
370  // Find the enclosing repetitive region of READ that is closest to DEF but
371  // not the repetitive region of DEF itself.
372  while (true) {
373  Region *nextRegion = getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(rRead, options);
374  if (nextRegion == rDef)
375  break;
376  assert(nextRegion && "expected to find another repetitive region");
377  rRead = nextRegion;
378  }
380  // We cannot use op dominance if WRITE is inside the same repetitive region.
381  if (rRead->getParentOp()->isAncestor(uWrite->getOwner()))
382  return false;
383  }
385  return true;
386 }
388 /// Return `true` if op dominance can be used to rule out a read-after-write
389 /// conflicts based on the ordering of ops. Returns `false` if op dominance
390 /// cannot be used to due block-based loops within a region.
391 ///
392 /// Refer to the `canUseOpDominanceDueToRegions` documentation for details on
393 /// how op domiance is used during RaW conflict detection.
394 ///
395 /// On a high-level, there is a potential RaW in a program if there exists a
396 /// possible program execution such that there is a sequence of DEF, followed
397 /// by WRITE, followed by READ. Each additional DEF resets the sequence.
398 ///
399 /// Op dominance cannot be used if there is a path from block(READ) to
400 /// block(WRITE) and a path from block(WRITE) to block(READ). block(DEF) should
401 /// not appear on that path.
403  const SetVector<Value> &definitions,
404  AnalysisState &state) {
405  // Fast path: If READ and WRITE are in different regions, their block cannot
406  // be reachable just via unstructured control flow. (Loops due to regions are
407  // covered by `canUseOpDominanceDueToRegions`.)
408  if (uRead->getOwner()->getParentRegion() !=
409  uWrite->getOwner()->getParentRegion())
410  return true;
412  Block *readBlock = uRead->getOwner()->getBlock();
413  Block *writeBlock = uWrite->getOwner()->getBlock();
414  for (Value def : definitions) {
415  Block *defBlock = def.getParentBlock();
416  if (readBlock->isReachable(writeBlock, {defBlock}) &&
417  writeBlock->isReachable(readBlock, {defBlock}))
418  return false;
419  }
421  return true;
422 }
424 static bool canUseOpDominance(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uWrite,
425  const SetVector<Value> &definitions,
426  AnalysisState &state) {
427  return canUseOpDominanceDueToRegions(uRead, uWrite, definitions, state) &&
428  canUseOpDominanceDueToBlocks(uRead, uWrite, definitions, state);
429 }
431 /// Annotate IR with details about the detected RaW conflict.
432 static void annotateConflict(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uConflictingWrite,
433  Value definition) {
434  static uint64_t counter = 0;
435  Operation *readingOp = uRead->getOwner();
436  Operation *conflictingWritingOp = uConflictingWrite->getOwner();
438  OpBuilder b(conflictingWritingOp->getContext());
439  std::string id = "C_" + std::to_string(counter++);
441  std::string conflictingWriteAttr =
442  id +
443  "[CONFL-WRITE: " + std::to_string(uConflictingWrite->getOperandNumber()) +
444  "]";
445  conflictingWritingOp->setAttr(conflictingWriteAttr, b.getUnitAttr());
447  std::string readAttr =
448  id + "[READ: " + std::to_string(uRead->getOperandNumber()) + "]";
449  readingOp->setAttr(readAttr, b.getUnitAttr());
451  if (auto opResult = dyn_cast<OpResult>(definition)) {
452  std::string defAttr =
453  id + "[DEF: result " + std::to_string(opResult.getResultNumber()) + "]";
454  opResult.getDefiningOp()->setAttr(defAttr, b.getUnitAttr());
455  } else {
456  auto bbArg = cast<BlockArgument>(definition);
457  std::string defAttr =
458  id + "[DEF: bbArg " + std::to_string(bbArg.getArgNumber()) + "]";
459  bbArg.getOwner()->getParentOp()->setAttr(defAttr, b.getUnitAttr());
460  }
461 }
463 /// Return 'true' if a tensor that is equivalent to `other` can be found in the
464 /// reverse use-def chain of `start`. Note: If an OpOperand bufferizes out of
465 /// place along that use-def chain, the two tensors may not materialize as
466 /// equivalent buffers (but separate allocations).
467 ///
468 /// Note: This function also requires that the two tensors have equivalent
469 /// indexing. I.e., the tensor types do not change along the use-def chain,
470 /// apart from static <-> dynamic dim casts.
472  OpOperand *start,
473  Value other) {
475  config.followEquivalentOnly = true;
476  config.alwaysIncludeLeaves = false;
477  config.followSameTypeOrCastsOnly = true;
478  return !state
479  .findValueInReverseUseDefChain(
480  start, [&](Value v) { return v == other; }, config)
481  .empty();
482 }
484 /// Return "true" if the given operand's value is originating from a subset
485 /// that is equivalent to the subset that `subsetOp` inserts into.
486 static bool matchesInsertDestination(const AnalysisState &state,
487  OpOperand *opOperand,
488  SubsetInsertionOpInterface subsetOp) {
489  auto matchingSubset = [&](Value val) {
490  if (auto opResult = dyn_cast<OpResult>(val))
491  if (subsetOp.isEquivalentSubset(opResult, [&](Value v1, Value v2) {
492  return state.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(v1, v2);
493  }))
494  return true;
495  return false;
496  };
497  // There may be multiple leaves at which the reverse SSA use-def chain lookup
498  // terminates. All of them must be equivalent subsets.
499  SetVector<Value> backwardSlice =
500  state.findValueInReverseUseDefChain(opOperand, matchingSubset);
501  return static_cast<bool>(llvm::all_of(backwardSlice, matchingSubset));
502 }
504 /// Return "true" if the given "read" and potentially conflicting "write" are
505 /// not conflicting due to their subset relationship. The comments in this
506 /// function are expressed in terms of tensor.extract_slice/tensor.insert_slice
507 /// pairs, but apply to any subset ops that implement the
508 /// `SubsetInsertionOpInterface`.
510  OpOperand *uConflictingWrite,
511  const AnalysisState &state) {
512  Operation *readingOp = uRead->getOwner();
513  Operation *conflictingWritingOp = uConflictingWrite->getOwner();
515  // Special rules for matching ExtractSliceOp/InsertSliceOp pairs. If
516  // uRead is an InsertSliceOp...
517  if (auto subsetOp = dyn_cast<SubsetInsertionOpInterface>(readingOp)) {
518  // As an example, consider the following IR.
519  //
520  // %0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[%a, %b][%c, %d][1, 1] {inplace = [true] }
521  // %1 = linalg.fill %cst, %0 {inplace= [true] }
522  // %2 = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %t[%a, %b][%c, %d][1, 1]
523  // {inplace= [true] }
525  if (uRead == &subsetOp.getDestinationOperand() &&
526  matchesInsertDestination(state, uConflictingWrite, subsetOp))
527  // Case 1: The main insight is that InsertSliceOp reads only part of
528  // the destination tensor. The overwritten area is not read. If
529  // uConflictingWrite writes into exactly the memory location that is
530  // being read by uRead, this is not a conflict.
531  //
532  // In the above example:
533  // uRead = OpOperand 1 (%t) of tensor.insert_slice
534  // uConflictingWrite = OpOperand 1 (%0) of linalg.fill
535  //
536  // The read of %t does not conflict with the write of the FillOp
537  // (same aliases!) because the area that the FillOp operates on is
538  // exactly the one that is *not* read via %t.
539  return true;
541  if (uRead == &subsetOp.getSourceOperand() &&
542  uConflictingWrite == &subsetOp.getDestinationOperand() &&
543  matchesInsertDestination(state, uRead, subsetOp))
544  // Case 2: The read of the source tensor and the write to the dest
545  // tensor via an InsertSliceOp is not a conflict if the read is
546  // reading exactly that part of an equivalent tensor that the
547  // InsertSliceOp is writing.
548  //
549  // In the above example:
550  // uRead = OpOperand 0 (%1) of tensor.insert_slice
551  // uConflictingWrite = OpOperand 1 (%t) of tensor.insert_slice
552  return true;
553  }
555  // If uConflictingWrite is an InsertSliceOp...
556  if (auto subsetOp =
557  dyn_cast<SubsetInsertionOpInterface>(conflictingWritingOp))
558  // As an example, consider the following IR.
559  //
560  // %0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[%a, %b][%c, %d][1, 1] {inplace = [true] }
561  // %1 = linalg.fill %cst, %0 {inplace= [true] }
562  // %2 = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %t[%a, %b][%c, %d][1, 1]
563  // {inplace= [true] }
564  // %3 = vector.transfer_read %1, %cst
565  //
566  // In the above example:
567  // uRead = OpOperand 0 (%1) of vector.transfer_read
568  // uConflictingWrite = OpOperand 1 (%t) of tensor.insert_slice
569  // definition = %1
570  //
571  // This is not a conflict because the InsertSliceOp overwrites the
572  // memory segment of %1 with the exact same data. (Effectively, there
573  // is no memory write here.)
574  if (uConflictingWrite == &subsetOp.getDestinationOperand() &&
575  state.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(
576  uRead->get(), subsetOp.getSourceOperand().get()) &&
577  matchesInsertDestination(state, &subsetOp.getSourceOperand(), subsetOp))
578  return true;
580  return false;
581 }
583 /// Given sets of uses and writes, return true if there is a RaW conflict under
584 /// the assumption that all given reads/writes alias the same buffer and that
585 /// all given writes bufferize inplace.
586 ///
587 /// A conflict is: According to SSA use-def chains, a read R is supposed to read
588 /// the result of a definition W1. But because of bufferization decisions, R
589 /// actually reads another definition W2.
590 static bool
592  const DenseSet<OpOperand *> &usesWrite,
593  const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
594  OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
595  const BufferizationOptions &options = state.getOptions();
597  // Before going through the main RaW analysis, find cases where a buffer must
598  // be privatized due to parallelism. If the result of a write is never read,
599  // privatization is not necessary (and large parts of the IR are likely dead).
600  if (options.checkParallelRegions && !usesRead.empty()) {
601  for (OpOperand *uConflictingWrite : usesWrite) {
602  // Find the allocation point or last write (definition) of the buffer.
603  // Note: In contrast to `findDefinitions`, this also returns results of
604  // ops that do not bufferize to memory write when no other definition
605  // could be found. E.g., "bufferization.alloc_tensor" would be included,
606  // even though that op just bufferizes to an allocation but does define
607  // the contents of the buffer.
608  SetVector<Value> definitionsOrLeaves =
609  state.findValueInReverseUseDefChain(uConflictingWrite, [&](Value v) {
610  return state.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(v);
611  });
612  assert(!definitionsOrLeaves.empty() &&
613  "expected at least one definition or leaf");
615  // The writing op must bufferize out-of-place if the definition is in a
616  // different parallel region than this write.
617  for (Value def : definitionsOrLeaves) {
618  if (getParallelRegion(def.getParentRegion(), options) !=
619  getParallelRegion(uConflictingWrite->getOwner()->getParentRegion(),
620  options)) {
622  llvm::dbgs()
623  << "\n- bufferizes out-of-place due to parallel region:\n");
624  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
625  << " unConflictingWrite = operand "
626  << uConflictingWrite->getOperandNumber() << " of "
627  << *uConflictingWrite->getOwner() << "\n");
628  return true;
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  }
634  for (OpOperand *uRead : usesRead) {
635  Operation *readingOp = uRead->getOwner();
636  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n- check conflict:\n");
637  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " uRead = operand " << uRead->getOperandNumber()
638  << " of " << *readingOp << "\n");
640  // Find the definition of uRead by following the SSA use-def chain.
641  // E.g.:
642  //
643  // %0 = "writing_op"(%t) : tensor<?x32> -> tensor<?xf32>
644  // %1 = "aliasing_op"(%0) : tensor<?x32> -> tensor<?xf32>
645  // %2 = "reading_op"(%1) : : tensor<?x32> -> not_a_tensor_type
646  //
647  // In the above example, if uRead is the OpOperand of reading_op, the
648  // definition is %0. Note that operations that create an alias but do not
649  // bufferize to a memory write (such as ExtractSliceOp) are skipped.
650  const SetVector<Value> &definitions = state.findDefinitionsCached(uRead);
651  if (definitions.empty()) {
652  // Fast path: No conflict if there are no definitions.
653  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
654  << " no conflict: read value has no definitions\n");
655  continue;
656  }
658  // Look for conflicting memory writes. Potential conflicts are writes to an
659  // alias that have been decided to bufferize inplace.
660  for (OpOperand *uConflictingWrite : usesWrite) {
661  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " unConflictingWrite = operand "
662  << uConflictingWrite->getOperandNumber() << " of "
663  << *uConflictingWrite->getOwner() << "\n");
665  // Check if op dominance can be used to rule out read-after-write
666  // conflicts.
667  bool useDominance =
668  canUseOpDominance(uRead, uConflictingWrite, definitions, state);
669  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n- useDominance = " << useDominance << "\n");
671  // Throughout this loop, check for multiple requirements that have to be
672  // met for uConflictingWrite to be an actual conflict.
673  Operation *conflictingWritingOp = uConflictingWrite->getOwner();
675  // Inside of repetitive regions, ops may be executed multiple times and op
676  // dominance cannot be used to rule out conflicts.
677  if (useDominance) {
678  // No conflict if the readingOp dominates conflictingWritingOp, i.e.,
679  // the write is not visible when reading.
680  //
681  // Note: If ops are executed multiple times (e.g., because they are
682  // inside a loop), there may be no meaningful `happensBefore`
683  // relationship.
684  if (happensBefore(readingOp, conflictingWritingOp, domInfo)) {
685  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
686  << " no conflict: read happens before write\n");
687  continue;
688  }
690  // No conflict if the reading use equals the use of the conflicting
691  // write. A use cannot conflict with itself.
692  //
693  // Note: Just being the same op is not enough. It has to be the same
694  // use.
695  // Note: If the op is executed multiple times (e.g., because it is
696  // inside a loop), it may be conflicting with itself.
697  if (uConflictingWrite == uRead) {
698  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
699  << " no conflict: read and write are same use\n");
700  continue;
701  }
703  // Ops are not conflicting if they are in mutually exclusive regions.
704  //
705  // Note: If ops are executed multiple times (e.g., because they are
706  // inside a loop), mutually exclusive regions may be executed
707  // multiple times.
708  if (insideMutuallyExclusiveRegions(readingOp, conflictingWritingOp)) {
709  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " no conflict: read and write are in "
710  "mutually exclusive regions\n");
711  continue;
712  }
714  // Two equivalent operands of the same op are not conflicting if the op
715  // bufferizes to element-wise access. I.e., all loads at a position
716  // happen before all stores to the same position.
717  if (conflictingWritingOp == readingOp) {
718  if (auto bufferizableOp = options.dynCastBufferizableOp(readingOp)) {
719  if (bufferizableOp.bufferizesToElementwiseAccess(
720  state, {uRead, uConflictingWrite})) {
722  state, uRead, uConflictingWrite->get()) ||
724  state, uConflictingWrite, uRead->get())) {
726  llvm::dbgs()
727  << " no conflict: op bufferizes to element-wise access\n");
728  continue;
729  }
730  }
731  }
732  }
733  }
735  // No conflict if the operands are non-conflicting subsets.
736  if (areNonConflictingSubsets(uRead, uConflictingWrite, state)) {
737  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " no conflict: non-conflicting subsets\n");
738  continue;
739  }
741  // No conflict if the op interface says so.
742  if (auto bufferizableOp = options.dynCastBufferizableOp(readingOp)) {
743  if (bufferizableOp.isNotConflicting(uRead, uConflictingWrite, state)) {
744  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
745  << " no conflict: op interace of reading op says 'no'\n");
746  continue;
747  }
748  }
750  if (conflictingWritingOp != readingOp) {
751  if (auto bufferizableOp =
752  options.dynCastBufferizableOp(conflictingWritingOp)) {
753  if (bufferizableOp.isNotConflicting(uRead, uConflictingWrite,
754  state)) {
756  llvm::dbgs()
757  << " no conflict: op interace of writing op says 'no'\n");
758  continue;
759  }
760  }
761  }
763  // Check all possible definitions.
764  for (Value definition : definitions) {
765  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " * definition = " << definition << "\n");
767  // No conflict if the conflicting write happens before the definition.
768  if (Operation *defOp = definition.getDefiningOp()) {
769  if (happensBefore(conflictingWritingOp, defOp, domInfo)) {
770  // conflictingWritingOp happens before defOp. No conflict.
771  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
772  << " no conflict: write happens before definition\n");
773  continue;
774  }
775  // No conflict if conflictingWritingOp is contained in defOp.
776  if (defOp->isProperAncestor(conflictingWritingOp)) {
778  llvm::dbgs()
779  << " no conflict: write is contained in definition\n");
780  continue;
781  }
782  } else {
783  auto bbArg = cast<BlockArgument>(definition);
784  Block *block = bbArg.getOwner();
785  if (!block->findAncestorOpInBlock(*conflictingWritingOp)) {
786  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " no conflict: definition is bbArg "
787  "and write happens outside of block\n");
788  // conflictingWritingOp happens outside of the block. No
789  // conflict.
790  continue;
791  }
792  }
794  // No conflict if the conflicting write and the definition are the same
795  // use.
796  AliasingValueList aliases = state.getAliasingValues(*uConflictingWrite);
797  if (aliases.getNumAliases() == 1 &&
798  aliases.getAliases()[0].value == definition) {
799  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
800  << " no conflict: definition and write are same\n");
801  continue;
802  }
804  // All requirements are met. Conflict found!
806  if (options.printConflicts)
807  annotateConflict(uRead, uConflictingWrite, definition);
808  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " => RaW CONFLICT FOUND\n");
809  return true;
810  }
811  }
812  }
814  return false;
815 }
817 // Helper function to iterate on aliases of `root` and capture the writes.
819  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
820  state.applyOnAliases(root, [&](Value alias) {
821  for (auto &use : alias.getUses())
822  // Inplace write to a value that aliases root.
823  if (isInplaceMemoryWrite(use, state))
824  res.insert(&use);
825  });
826 }
828 // Helper function to iterate on aliases of `root` and capture the reads.
830  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
831  state.applyOnAliases(root, [&](Value alias) {
832  for (auto &use : alias.getUses()) {
833  // Read of a value that aliases root.
834  if (state.bufferizesToMemoryRead(use)) {
835  res.insert(&use);
836  continue;
837  }
839  // Read of a dependent value in the SSA use-def chain. E.g.:
840  //
841  // %0 = ...
842  // %1 = tensor.extract_slice %0 {not_analyzed_yet}
843  // "read"(%1)
844  //
845  // In the above example, getAliasingReads(%0) includes the first OpOperand
846  // of the tensor.extract_slice op. The extract_slice itself does not read
847  // but its aliasing result is eventually fed into an op that does.
848  //
849  // Note: This is considered a "read" only if the use does not bufferize to
850  // a memory write. (We already ruled out memory reads. In case of a memory
851  // write, the buffer would be entirely overwritten; in the above example
852  // there would then be no flow of data from the extract_slice operand to
853  // its result's uses.)
854  if (!state.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(use)) {
855  AliasingValueList aliases = state.getAliasingValues(use);
856  if (llvm::any_of(aliases, [&](AliasingValue a) {
857  return state.isValueRead(a.value);
858  }))
859  res.insert(&use);
860  }
861  }
862  });
863 }
865 /// Return true if bufferizing `operand` inplace would create a conflict. A read
866 /// R and a write W of the same alias set is a conflict if inplace bufferization
867 /// of W changes the value read by R to a value different from the one that
868 /// would be expected by tracing back R's origin through SSA use-def chains.
869 /// A conflict can only be introduced by a new alias and/or an inplace
870 /// bufferization decision.
871 ///
872 /// Example:
873 /// %0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[...][...][1, 1] {inplace?}
874 /// %1 = vector.transfer_write %v1, %t {inplace} : vector<5xf32>, tensor<?xf32>
875 /// %e = tensor.extract_slice %1
876 /// %2 = vector.transfer_write %v2, %0 {inplace} : vector<6xf32>, tensor<?xf32>
877 /// %3 = vector.transfer_read %e, %cst : tensor<?xf32>, vector<7xf32>
878 ///
879 /// In the above example, the two TransferWriteOps have already been decided to
880 /// bufferize inplace. Bufferizing the ExtractSliceOp inplace would create a
881 /// conflict because:
882 /// * According to SSA use-def chains, we expect to read the result of %1.
883 /// * However, adding an alias {%0, %t} would mean that the second
884 /// TransferWriteOp overwrites the result of the first one. Therefore, the
885 /// TransferReadOp would no longer be reading the result of %1.
886 ///
887 /// If `checkConsistencyOnly` is true, this function checks if there is a
888 /// read-after-write conflict without bufferizing `operand` inplace. This would
889 /// indicate a problem with the current inplace bufferization decisions.
890 ///
891 /// Note: If `checkConsistencyOnly`, this function may be called with a null
892 /// OpResult. In that case, only the consistency of bufferization decisions
893 /// involving aliases of the given OpOperand are checked.
895  OpOperand &operand, const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
896  OneShotAnalysisState &state, bool checkConsistencyOnly = false) {
897  // Collect reads and writes of all aliases of OpOperand and OpResult.
898  DenseSet<OpOperand *> usesRead, usesWrite;
899  getAliasingReads(usesRead, operand.get(), state);
900  getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, operand.get(), state);
901  for (AliasingValue alias : state.getAliasingValues(operand)) {
902  getAliasingReads(usesRead, alias.value, state);
903  getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, alias.value, state);
904  }
905  if (!checkConsistencyOnly && state.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(operand))
906  usesWrite.insert(&operand);
908  return hasReadAfterWriteInterference(usesRead, usesWrite, domInfo, state);
909 }
911 /// Annotate IR with details about the detected non-writability conflict.
912 static void annotateNonWritableTensor(Value value) {
913  static int64_t counter = 0;
914  OpBuilder b(value.getContext());
915  std::string id = "W_" + std::to_string(counter++);
916  if (auto opResult = dyn_cast<OpResult>(value)) {
917  std::string attr = id + "[NOT-WRITABLE: result " +
918  std::to_string(opResult.getResultNumber()) + "]";
919  opResult.getDefiningOp()->setAttr(attr, b.getUnitAttr());
920  } else {
921  auto bbArg = cast<BlockArgument>(value);
922  std::string attr = id + "[NOT-WRITABLE: bbArg " +
923  std::to_string(bbArg.getArgNumber()) + "]";
924  bbArg.getOwner()->getParentOp()->setAttr(attr, b.getUnitAttr());
925  }
926 }
928 /// Return true if bufferizing `operand` inplace would create a write to a
929 /// non-writable buffer.
930 static bool
932  OneShotAnalysisState &state,
933  bool checkConsistencyOnly = false) {
934  bool foundWrite =
935  !checkConsistencyOnly && state.bufferizesToMemoryWrite(operand);
937  if (!foundWrite) {
938  // Collect writes of all aliases of OpOperand and OpResult.
939  DenseSet<OpOperand *> usesWrite;
940  getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, operand.get(), state);
941  for (AliasingValue alias : state.getAliasingValues(operand))
942  getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, alias.value, state);
943  foundWrite = !usesWrite.empty();
944  }
946  if (!foundWrite)
947  return false;
949  // Look for a read-only tensor among all aliases.
950  bool foundReadOnly = false;
951  auto checkReadOnly = [&](Value v) {
952  if (!state.isWritable(v)) {
953  foundReadOnly = true;
954  if (state.getOptions().printConflicts)
956  }
957  };
958  state.applyOnAliases(operand.get(), checkReadOnly);
959  for (AliasingValue alias : state.getAliasingValues(operand))
960  state.applyOnAliases(alias.value, checkReadOnly);
961  if (foundReadOnly) {
962  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "=> NOT WRITABLE\n");
963  return true;
964  }
966  return false;
967 }
969 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
970 // Bufferization analyses.
971 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
973 // Find the values that define the contents of the given operand's value.
975 OneShotAnalysisState::findDefinitionsCached(OpOperand *opOperand) {
976  Value value = opOperand->get();
977  if (!cachedDefinitions.count(value))
978  cachedDefinitions[value] = findDefinitions(opOperand);
979  return cachedDefinitions[value];
980 }
984  cachedDefinitions.clear();
985 }
987 /// Determine if `operand` can be bufferized in-place.
988 static LogicalResult
990  const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
992  llvm::dbgs() << "//===-------------------------------------------===//\n"
993  << "Analyzing operand #" << operand.getOperandNumber()
994  << " of " << *operand.getOwner() << "\n");
996  bool foundInterference =
997  wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(operand, state) ||
998  wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(operand, domInfo, state);
1000  if (foundInterference)
1001  state.bufferizeOutOfPlace(operand);
1002  else
1003  state.bufferizeInPlace(operand);
1005  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
1006  << "//===-------------------------------------------===//\n");
1007  return success();
1008 }
1010 LogicalResult
1012  const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
1013  for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
1014  if (isa<TensorType>(opOperand.get().getType()))
1015  if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(opOperand, *this, domInfo)))
1016  return failure();
1017  return success();
1018 }
1020 /// Analyze equivalence of tied OpResult/OpOperand pairs of the given ops.
1022  OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
1023  for (Operation *op : ops) {
1024  if (auto bufferizableOp = state.getOptions().dynCastBufferizableOp(op)) {
1025  for (OpResult opResult : op->getOpResults()) {
1026  if (!isa<TensorType>(opResult.getType()))
1027  continue;
1028  AliasingOpOperandList aliases = state.getAliasingOpOperands(opResult);
1029  if (aliases.getNumAliases() == 0)
1030  // Nothing to do if there are no aliasing OpOperands.
1031  continue;
1033  Value firstOperand = aliases.begin()->opOperand->get();
1034  bool allEquivalent = true;
1035  for (AliasingOpOperand alias : aliases) {
1036  bool isEquiv = alias.relation == BufferRelation::Equivalent;
1037  bool isInPlace = state.isInPlace(*alias.opOperand);
1038  Value operand = alias.opOperand->get();
1039  if (isEquiv && isInPlace && alias.isDefinite) {
1040  // Found a definite, equivalent alias. Merge equivalence sets.
1041  // There can only be one definite alias, so we can stop here.
1042  state.unionEquivalenceClasses(opResult, operand);
1043  allEquivalent = false;
1044  break;
1045  }
1046  if (!isEquiv || !isInPlace)
1047  allEquivalent = false;
1048  if (!state.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(operand, firstOperand))
1049  allEquivalent = false;
1050  }
1052  // If all "maybe" aliases are equivalent and the OpResult is not a new
1053  // allocation, it is a definite, equivalent alias. E.g.:
1054  //
1055  // aliasingOpOperands(%r) = {(%t0, EQUIV, MAYBE), (%t1, EQUIV, MAYBE)}
1056  // aliasingValues(%t0) = {(%r, EQUIV, MAYBE)}
1057  // aliasingValues(%t1) = {(%r, EQUIV, MAYBE)}
1058  // %r = %c, %t0, %t1 : tensor<?xf32>
1059  //
1060  // If %t0 and %t1 are equivalent, it is safe to union the equivalence
1061  // classes of %r, %t0 and %t1.
1062  if (allEquivalent && !bufferizableOp.bufferizesToAllocation(opResult))
1063  state.unionEquivalenceClasses(opResult, firstOperand);
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1067 }
1069 /// Analyze equivalence of tied OpResult/OpOperand pairs of all ops contained
1070 /// in `op`.
1072  // Traverse ops in PostOrder: Nested ops first, then enclosing ops.
1074  op->walk<WalkOrder::PostOrder>([&](Operation *op) {
1075  // No tensors => no buffers.
1076  if (none_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor))
1077  return;
1078  ops.push_back(op);
1079  });
1081  equivalenceAnalysis(ops, state);
1082 }
1084 /// "Bottom-up from terminators" heuristic.
1087  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
1088  SetVector<Operation *> traversedOps;
1090  // Find region terminators.
1091  op->walk<WalkOrder::PostOrder>([&](RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface term) {
1092  if (!traversedOps.insert(term))
1093  return;
1094  // Follow the reverse SSA use-def chain from each yielded value as long as
1095  // we stay within the same region.
1096  SmallVector<OpResult> worklist;
1097  for (Value v : term->getOperands()) {
1098  if (!isa<TensorType>(v.getType()))
1099  continue;
1100  auto opResult = dyn_cast<OpResult>(v);
1101  if (!opResult)
1102  continue;
1103  worklist.push_back(opResult);
1104  }
1105  while (!worklist.empty()) {
1106  OpResult opResult = worklist.pop_back_val();
1107  Operation *defOp = opResult.getDefiningOp();
1108  if (!traversedOps.insert(defOp))
1109  continue;
1110  if (!term->getParentRegion()->findAncestorOpInRegion(*defOp))
1111  continue;
1112  AliasingOpOperandList aliases = state.getAliasingOpOperands(opResult);
1113  for (auto alias : aliases) {
1114  Value v = alias.opOperand->get();
1115  if (!isa<TensorType>(v.getType()))
1116  continue;
1117  auto opResult = dyn_cast<OpResult>(v);
1118  if (!opResult)
1119  continue;
1120  worklist.push_back(opResult);
1121  }
1122  }
1123  });
1125  // Analyze traversed ops, then all remaining ops.
1126  SmallVector<Operation *> result(traversedOps.begin(), traversedOps.end());
1128  if (!traversedOps.contains(op) && hasTensorSemantics(op))
1129  result.push_back(op);
1130  });
1131  return result;
1132 }
1135  const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
1139  SmallVector<Operation *> orderedOps;
1140  if (heuristic ==
1142  orderedOps = bottomUpFromTerminatorsHeuristic(op, *this);
1143  } else {
1144  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
1145  // No tensors => no buffers.
1146  if (!hasTensorSemantics(op))
1147  return;
1148  orderedOps.push_back(op);
1149  });
1150  switch (heuristic) {
1152  // Default: Walk ops in reverse for better interference analysis.
1153  std::reverse(orderedOps.begin(), orderedOps.end());
1154  break;
1155  }
1157  // Ops are already sorted top-down in `orderedOps`.
1158  break;
1159  }
1161  assert(getOptions().analysisFuzzerSeed &&
1162  "expected that fuzzer seed it set");
1163  // This is a fuzzer. For testing purposes only. Randomize the order in
1164  // which operations are analyzed. The bufferization quality is likely
1165  // worse, but we want to make sure that no assertions are triggered
1166  // anywhere.
1167  std::mt19937 g(getOptions().analysisFuzzerSeed);
1168  llvm::shuffle(orderedOps.begin(), orderedOps.end(), g);
1169  break;
1170  }
1171  default: {
1172  llvm_unreachable("unsupported heuristic");
1173  }
1174  }
1175  }
1177  // Analyze ops in the computed order.
1178  for (Operation *op : orderedOps)
1179  if (failed(analyzeSingleOp(op, domInfo)))
1180  return failure();
1182  equivalenceAnalysis(op, *this);
1183  return success();
1184 }
1186 /// Perform various checks on the input IR to see if it contains IR constructs
1187 /// that are unsupported by One-Shot Bufferize.
1188 static LogicalResult
1190  OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
1191  const BufferizationOptions &options = state.getOptions();
1193  // Note: This walk cannot be combined with the one below because interface
1194  // methods of invalid/unsupported ops may be called during the second walk.
1195  // (On ops different from `op`.)
1196  WalkResult walkResult = op->walk([&](BufferizableOpInterface op) {
1197  // Skip ops that are not in the filter.
1198  if (!options.isOpAllowed(op.getOperation()))
1199  return WalkResult::advance();
1201  // Check for unsupported unstructured control flow.
1202  if (!op.supportsUnstructuredControlFlow()) {
1203  for (Region &r : op->getRegions()) {
1204  if (r.getBlocks().size() > 1) {
1205  op->emitOpError("op or BufferizableOpInterface implementation does "
1206  "not support unstructured control flow, but at least "
1207  "one region has multiple blocks");
1208  return WalkResult::interrupt();
1209  }
1210  }
1211  }
1213  return WalkResult::advance();
1214  });
1215  if (walkResult.wasInterrupted())
1216  return failure();
1218  walkResult = op->walk([&](BufferizableOpInterface op) {
1219  // Skip ops that are not in the filter.
1220  if (!options.isOpAllowed(op.getOperation()))
1221  return WalkResult::advance();
1223  // Input IR may not contain any ToTensorOps without the "restrict"
1224  // attribute. Such tensors may alias any other tensor, which is currently
1225  // not handled in the analysis.
1226  if (auto toTensorOp = dyn_cast<ToTensorOp>(op.getOperation())) {
1227  if (!toTensorOp.getRestrict() && !toTensorOp->getUses().empty()) {
1228  op->emitOpError("to_tensor ops without `restrict` are not supported by "
1229  "One-Shot Analysis");
1230  return WalkResult::interrupt();
1231  }
1232  }
1234  for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands()) {
1235  if (isa<TensorType>(opOperand.get().getType())) {
1237  opOperand, domInfo, state,
1238  /*checkConsistencyOnly=*/true)) {
1239  // This error can happen if certain "mustBufferizeInPlace" interface
1240  // methods are implemented incorrectly, such that the IR already has
1241  // a RaW conflict before making any bufferization decisions. It can
1242  // also happen if the bufferization.materialize_in_destination is used
1243  // in such a way that a RaW conflict is not avoidable.
1244  op->emitOpError("not bufferizable under the given constraints: "
1245  "cannot avoid RaW conflict");
1246  return WalkResult::interrupt();
1247  }
1249  if (state.isInPlace(opOperand) &&
1251  opOperand, state, /*checkConsistencyOnly=*/true)) {
1252  op->emitOpError("not bufferizable under the given constraints: would "
1253  "write to read-only buffer");
1254  return WalkResult::interrupt();
1255  }
1256  }
1257  }
1259  return WalkResult::advance();
1260  });
1262  return success(!walkResult.wasInterrupted());
1263 }
1265 /// Annotate the IR with the result of the analysis. For testing/debugging only.
1266 static void
1268  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
1269  // Add __inplace_operands_attr__.
1270  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
1271  for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
1272  if (isa<TensorType>(opOperand.get().getType()))
1273  setInPlaceOpOperand(opOperand, state.isInPlace(opOperand));
1274  });
1275 }
1278  const OneShotAnalysisState &state) {
1279  AsmState asmState(op);
1280  Builder b(op->getContext());
1281  // Helper function to build an array attribute of aliasing SSA value strings.
1282  auto buildAliasesArray = [&](Value v) {
1283  SmallVector<Attribute> aliases;
1284  state.applyOnAliases(v, [&](Value alias) {
1285  std::string buffer;
1286  llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(buffer);
1287  alias.printAsOperand(stream, asmState);
1288  aliases.push_back(b.getStringAttr(buffer));
1289  });
1290  return b.getArrayAttr(aliases);
1291  };
1293  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
1294  // Build alias set array for every OpResult.
1295  SmallVector<Attribute> opResultAliasSets;
1296  for (OpResult opResult : op->getOpResults()) {
1297  if (llvm::isa<TensorType>(opResult.getType())) {
1298  opResultAliasSets.push_back(buildAliasesArray(opResult));
1299  }
1300  }
1301  if (!opResultAliasSets.empty())
1302  op->setAttr(kOpResultAliasSetAttrName, b.getArrayAttr(opResultAliasSets));
1304  // Build alias set array for every BlockArgument.
1305  SmallVector<Attribute> regionAliasSets;
1306  bool hasTensorBbArg = false;
1307  for (Region &r : op->getRegions()) {
1308  SmallVector<Attribute> blockAliasSets;
1309  for (Block &block : r.getBlocks()) {
1310  SmallVector<Attribute> bbArgAliasSets;
1311  for (BlockArgument bbArg : block.getArguments()) {
1312  if (llvm::isa<TensorType>(bbArg.getType())) {
1313  bbArgAliasSets.push_back(buildAliasesArray(bbArg));
1314  hasTensorBbArg = true;
1315  }
1316  }
1317  blockAliasSets.push_back(b.getArrayAttr(bbArgAliasSets));
1318  }
1319  regionAliasSets.push_back(b.getArrayAttr(blockAliasSets));
1320  }
1321  if (hasTensorBbArg)
1322  op->setAttr(kBbArgAliasSetAttrName, b.getArrayAttr(regionAliasSets));
1323  });
1324 }
1327  OneShotAnalysisState &state,
1328  BufferizationStatistics *statistics) {
1329  DominanceInfo domInfo(op);
1330  const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options = state.getOptions();
1332  if (failed(checkPreBufferizationAssumptions(op, domInfo, state)))
1333  return failure();
1335  // If the analysis fails, just return.
1336  if (failed(state.analyzeOp(op, domInfo)))
1337  return failure();
1339  if (statistics) {
1340  statistics->numTensorInPlace = state.getStatNumTensorInPlace();
1341  statistics->numTensorOutOfPlace = state.getStatNumTensorOutOfPlace();
1342  }
1344  bool failedAnalysis = false;
1346  // Gather some extra analysis data.
1347  state.gatherUndefinedTensorUses(op);
1349  // Analysis verification: After setting up alias/equivalence sets, each op
1350  // can check for expected invariants/limitations and fail the analysis if
1351  // necessary.
1352  op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
1353  if (BufferizableOpInterface bufferizableOp =
1354  options.dynCastBufferizableOp(op))
1355  failedAnalysis |= failed(bufferizableOp.verifyAnalysis(state));
1356  });
1358  // Annotate operations if we only want to report the analysis.
1359  if (options.testAnalysisOnly)
1361  if (options.dumpAliasSets)
1362  annotateOpsWithAliasSets(op, state);
1364  return success(!failedAnalysis);
1365 }
1367 LogicalResult
1370  BufferizationStatistics *statistics) {
1371  // copy-before-write deactivates the analysis. It cannot be used together with
1372  // test-analysis-only.
1373  assert(!(options.copyBeforeWrite && options.testAnalysisOnly) &&
1374  "invalid combination of bufferization flags");
1376  if (options.copyBeforeWrite) {
1377  // Copy buffer before each write. No analysis is needed.
1378  } else {
1379  // Run One-Shot Analysis and insert buffer copies (on the tensor level)
1380  // only where needed. This is the default and much more efficient than
1381  // copy-before-write.
1382  if (failed(insertTensorCopies(op, options, statistics)))
1383  return failure();
1385  // If test-analysis-only is set, the IR was annotated with RaW conflict
1386  // markers (attributes) during One-Shot Analysis.
1387  if (options.testAnalysisOnly)
1388  return success();
1389  }
1391  // Bufferize the op and its nested ops. If options.copyBeforeWrite is set,
1392  // a new buffer copy is allocated every time a buffer is written to.
1393  return bufferizeOp(op, options, statistics);
1394 }
static bool hasReadAfterWriteInterference(const DenseSet< OpOperand * > &usesRead, const DenseSet< OpOperand * > &usesWrite, const DominanceInfo &domInfo, OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Given sets of uses and writes, return true if there is a RaW conflict under the assumption that all g...
static void getAliasingReads(DenseSet< OpOperand * > &res, Value root, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
static void equivalenceAnalysis(SmallVector< Operation * > &ops, OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Analyze equivalence of tied OpResult/OpOperand pairs of the given ops.
static void setInPlaceOpOperand(OpOperand &opOperand, bool inPlace)
Mark whether OpOperand will be bufferized inplace.
static SmallVector< Operation * > bottomUpFromTerminatorsHeuristic(Operation *op, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
"Bottom-up from terminators" heuristic.
constexpr StringLiteral kInPlaceOperandsAttrName
Attribute marker to specify op operands that bufferize in-place.
static bool isaTensor(Type t)
static void annotateNonWritableTensor(Value value)
Annotate IR with details about the detected non-writability conflict.
static bool canUseOpDominanceDueToRegions(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uWrite, const SetVector< Value > &definitions, AnalysisState &state)
Return true if op dominance can be used to rule out a read-after-write conflicts based on the orderin...
static LogicalResult bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(OpOperand &operand, OneShotAnalysisState &state, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Determine if operand can be bufferized in-place.
constexpr StringLiteral kOpResultAliasSetAttrName
static bool happensBefore(Operation *a, Operation *b, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Return true if a happens before b, i.e., a or one of its ancestors properly dominates b and b is not ...
static bool canUseOpDominance(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uWrite, const SetVector< Value > &definitions, AnalysisState &state)
static bool matchesInsertDestination(const AnalysisState &state, OpOperand *opOperand, SubsetInsertionOpInterface subsetOp)
Return "true" if the given operand's value is originating from a subset that is equivalent to the sub...
static bool wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(OpOperand &operand, OneShotAnalysisState &state, bool checkConsistencyOnly=false)
Return true if bufferizing operand inplace would create a write to a non-writable buffer.
static void annotateOpsWithAliasSets(Operation *op, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
static LogicalResult checkPreBufferizationAssumptions(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo, OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Perform various checks on the input IR to see if it contains IR constructs that are unsupported by On...
static void annotateOpsWithBufferizationMarkers(Operation *op, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Annotate the IR with the result of the analysis. For testing/debugging only.
static bool wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(OpOperand &operand, const DominanceInfo &domInfo, OneShotAnalysisState &state, bool checkConsistencyOnly=false)
Return true if bufferizing operand inplace would create a conflict.
constexpr StringLiteral kBbArgAliasSetAttrName
static bool canUseOpDominanceDueToBlocks(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uWrite, const SetVector< Value > &definitions, AnalysisState &state)
Return true if op dominance can be used to rule out a read-after-write conflicts based on the orderin...
static void getAliasingInplaceWrites(DenseSet< OpOperand * > &res, Value root, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
static bool areNonConflictingSubsets(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uConflictingWrite, const AnalysisState &state)
Return "true" if the given "read" and potentially conflicting "write" are not conflicting due to thei...
static void annotateConflict(OpOperand *uRead, OpOperand *uConflictingWrite, Value definition)
Annotate IR with details about the detected RaW conflict.
static bool hasEquivalentValueInReverseUseDefChain(AnalysisState &state, OpOperand *start, Value other)
Return 'true' if a tensor that is equivalent to other can be found in the reverse use-def chain of st...
static bool isInplaceMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand, const OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Return true if opOperand has been decided to bufferize in-place.
static llvm::ManagedStatic< PassManagerOptions > options
Definition: TypeID.h:263
Base class for generic analysis states.
This class provides management for the lifetime of the state used when printing the IR.
Definition: AsmState.h:540
This class represents an argument of a Block.
Definition: Value.h:319
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:33
Operation * findAncestorOpInBlock(Operation &op)
Returns 'op' if 'op' lies in this block, or otherwise finds the ancestor operation of 'op' that lies ...
Definition: Block.cpp:76
bool isReachable(Block *other, SmallPtrSet< Block *, 16 > &&except={})
Return "true" if there is a path from this block to the given block (according to the successors rela...
Definition: Block.cpp:355
This class is a general helper class for creating context-global objects like types,...
Definition: Builders.h:51
UnitAttr getUnitAttr()
Definition: Builders.cpp:94
StringAttr getStringAttr(const Twine &bytes)
Definition: Builders.cpp:258
ArrayAttr getArrayAttr(ArrayRef< Attribute > value)
Definition: Builders.cpp:262
A class for computing basic dominance information.
Definition: Dominance.h:140
bool properlyDominates(Operation *a, Operation *b, bool enclosingOpOk=true) const
Return true if operation A properly dominates operation B, i.e.
Definition: Dominance.cpp:324
IRValueT get() const
Return the current value being used by this operand.
Definition: UseDefLists.h:160
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:205
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
unsigned getOperandNumber()
Return which operand this is in the OpOperand list of the Operation.
Definition: Value.cpp:216
This is a value defined by a result of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:457
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
Attribute getAttr(StringAttr name)
Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Definition: Operation.h:534
std::enable_if_t< llvm::function_traits< std::decay_t< FnT > >::num_args==1, RetT > walk(FnT &&callback)
Walk the operation by calling the callback for each nested operation (including this one),...
Definition: Operation.h:798
MLIRContext * getContext()
Return the context this operation is associated with.
Definition: Operation.h:216
unsigned getNumOperands()
Definition: Operation.h:346
Operation * getParentOp()
Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation or nullptr if this is a top-le...
Definition: Operation.h:234
Block * getBlock()
Returns the operation block that contains this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:213
void setAttr(StringAttr name, Attribute value)
If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new value.
Definition: Operation.h:582
MutableArrayRef< Region > getRegions()
Returns the regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:677
MutableArrayRef< OpOperand > getOpOperands()
Definition: Operation.h:383
result_type_range getResultTypes()
Definition: Operation.h:428
bool isAncestor(Operation *other)
Return true if this operation is an ancestor of the other operation.
Definition: Operation.h:263
result_range getOpResults()
Definition: Operation.h:420
Region * getParentRegion()
Returns the region to which the instruction belongs.
Definition: Operation.h:230
result_range getResults()
Definition: Operation.h:415
bool isProperAncestor(Operation *other)
Return true if this operation is a proper ancestor of the other operation.
Definition: Operation.cpp:219
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
Operation * getParentOp()
Return the parent operation this region is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:200
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Utility to get the associated MLIRContext that this value is defined in.
Definition: Value.h:132
Type getType() const
Return the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:129
use_range getUses() const
Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
Definition: Value.h:212
void printAsOperand(raw_ostream &os, AsmState &state) const
Print this value as if it were an operand.
Operation * getDefiningOp() const
If this value is the result of an operation, return the operation that defines it.
Definition: Value.cpp:20
A utility result that is used to signal how to proceed with an ongoing walk:
Definition: Visitors.h:33
static WalkResult skip()
Definition: Visitors.h:52
static WalkResult advance()
Definition: Visitors.h:51
static WalkResult interrupt()
Definition: Visitors.h:50
AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with tensor values.
AliasingValueList getAliasingValues(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Determine which Value will alias with opOperand if the op is bufferized in place.
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand) const
Return true if opOperand bufferizes to a memory write.
SetVector< Value > findDefinitions(OpOperand *opOperand) const
Find the values that may define the contents of the given value at runtime.
virtual ~Extension()
Base virtual destructor.
State for analysis-enabled bufferization.
void bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpOperand &operand)
Mark the given OpOperand as out-of-place.
bool isWritable(Value value) const
Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is writable.
const SetVector< Value > & findDefinitionsCached(OpOperand *opOperand)
Find the definitions of the given operand's value or retrieve them from the cache.
bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const override
Return true if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Analyze the given op and its nested ops.
bool isValueWritten(Value value) const
Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is written to.
const OneShotBufferizationOptions & getOptions() const
Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
void unionEquivalenceClasses(Value v1, Value v2)
Union the equivalence classes of v1 and v2.
void gatherUndefinedTensorUses(Operation *op)
Find all tensor values in the given operation that have undefined contents and store them in undefine...
void resetCache() override
Reset cached data structures.
LogicalResult analyzeSingleOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Analyze a single op (without nested ops).
void applyOnEquivalenceClass(Value v, function_ref< void(Value)> fun) const
Apply fun to all the members of the equivalence class of v.
bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const override
Return true if the given tensor has undefined contents.
void bufferizeInPlace(OpOperand &operand)
Mark the given OpOperand as in-place and merge the results' and operand's aliasing sets.
void applyOnAliases(Value v, function_ref< void(Value)> fun) const
Apply fun to all aliases of v.
bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override
Return true if v1 and v2 bufferize to equivalent buffers.
OneShotAnalysisState(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options)
bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override
Return true if v1 and v2 may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
void unionAliasSets(Value v1, Value v2)
Union the alias sets of v1 and v2.
void createAliasInfoEntry(Value v)
Add a new entry for v in the aliasInfo and equivalentInfo.
Operation * getOwner() const
Return the owner of this operand.
Definition: UseDefLists.h:38
LogicalResult runOneShotBufferize(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Run One-Shot Bufferize on the given op: Analysis + Bufferization.
LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Analyze op and its nested ops.
Operation * getOwnerOfValue(Value value)
Return the owner of the given value.
LogicalResult bufferizeOp(Operation *op, const BufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface.
Definition: Bufferize.cpp:305
LogicalResult insertTensorCopies(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops.
Region * getParallelRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
If region is a parallel region, return region.
Region * getNextEnclosingRepetitiveRegion(Region *region, const BufferizationOptions &options)
Assuming that the given region is repetitive, find the next enclosing repetitive region.
bool hasTensorSemantics(Operation *op)
Return "true" if the given op has tensor semantics and should be bufferized.
Include the generated interface declarations.
const FrozenRewritePatternSet GreedyRewriteConfig config
bool insideMutuallyExclusiveRegions(Operation *a, Operation *b)
Return true if a and b are in mutually exclusive regions as per RegionBranchOpInterface.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
This iterator enumerates elements in "reverse" order.
Definition: Iterators.h:29
Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization.
BufferizableOpInterface dynCastBufferizableOp(Operation *op) const
Try to cast the given op to BufferizableOpInterface if the op is allow listed.
bool isOpAllowed(Operation *op) const
Return true if the given op should be bufferized.
Bufferization statistics for debugging.
Definition: Bufferize.h:34
Options for analysis-enabled bufferization.
AnalysisHeuristic analysisHeuristic
The heuristic controls the order in which ops are traversed during the analysis.
Traversal parameters for findValueInReverseUseDefChain.