MLIR  20.0.0git
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
ControlFlowInterfaces.h File Reference
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/"

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class  mlir::SuccessorOperands
 This class models how operands are forwarded to block arguments in control flow. More...
class  mlir::RegionSuccessor
 This class represents a successor of a region. More...
class  mlir::RegionBranchPoint
 This class represents a point being branched from in the methods of the RegionBranchOpInterface. More...
class  mlir::InvocationBounds
 This class represents upper and lower bounds on the number of times a region of a RegionBranchOpInterface can be invoked. More...
struct  mlir::OpTrait::ReturnLike< ConcreteType >
 This trait indicates that a terminator operation is "return-like". More...


 Include the generated interface declarations.


std::optional< BlockArgumentmlir::detail::getBranchSuccessorArgument (const SuccessorOperands &operands, unsigned operandIndex, Block *successor)
 Return the BlockArgument corresponding to operand operandIndex in some successor if operandIndex is within the range of operands, or std::nullopt if operandIndex isn't a successor operand index. More...
LogicalResult mlir::detail::verifyBranchSuccessorOperands (Operation *op, unsigned succNo, const SuccessorOperands &operands)
 Verify that the given operands match those of the given successor block. More...
LogicalResult mlir::detail::verifyTypesAlongControlFlowEdges (Operation *op)
 Verify that types match along control flow edges described the given op. More...
bool mlir::operator!= (RegionBranchPoint lhs, RegionBranchPoint rhs)
bool mlir::insideMutuallyExclusiveRegions (Operation *a, Operation *b)
 Return true if a and b are in mutually exclusive regions as per RegionBranchOpInterface. More...
Regionmlir::getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion (Operation *op)
 Return the first enclosing region of the given op that may be executed repetitively as per RegionBranchOpInterface or nullptr if no such region exists. More...
Regionmlir::getEnclosingRepetitiveRegion (Value value)
 Return the first enclosing region of the given Value that may be executed repetitively as per RegionBranchOpInterface or nullptr if no such region exists. More...