MLIR  21.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- OneShotAnalysis.h - One-Shot (Single Pass) Analysis ------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
14 #include <string>
16 namespace mlir {
17 class DominanceInfo;
19 namespace bufferization {
21 struct OneShotBufferizationOptions;
22 struct BufferizationStatistics;
23 class OneShotAnalysisState;
25 /// Options for analysis-enabled bufferization.
27  enum class AnalysisHeuristic {
28  BottomUp,
29  TopDown,
31  Fuzzer
32  };
36  /// Specifies whether returning newly allocated memrefs from loops should be
37  /// allowed. Otherwise, a pass failure is triggered.
40  /// Specifies whether the tensor IR should be annotated with alias sets.
41  bool dumpAliasSets = false;
43  /// The heuristic controls the order in which ops are traversed during the
44  /// analysis.
47  /// Specify the functions that should not be analyzed. copyBeforeWrite will be
48  /// set to true when bufferizing them.
51  /// Seed for the analysis fuzzer. Used only if the heuristic is set to
52  /// `AnalysisHeuristic::Fuzzer`. The fuzzer should be used only with
53  /// `testAnalysisOnly = true`.
54  unsigned analysisFuzzerSeed = 0;
55 };
57 /// State for analysis-enabled bufferization. This class keeps track of alias
58 /// sets, equivalence sets, in-place OpOperands and other things.
59 ///
60 /// Note: Modifying the IR generally invalidates the result of the analysis.
61 /// Adding new operations is safe if they are analyzed subsequently.
63 public:
65  const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options);
69  ~OneShotAnalysisState() override = default;
71  static bool classof(const AnalysisState *base) {
72  return base->getType() == TypeID::get<OneShotAnalysisState>();
73  }
75  /// Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
77  return static_cast<const OneShotBufferizationOptions &>(
79  }
81  /// Analyze the given op and its nested ops.
82  LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo);
84  /// Analyze a single op (without nested ops).
85  LogicalResult analyzeSingleOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo);
87  /// Apply `fun` to all the members of the equivalence class of `v`.
88  void applyOnEquivalenceClass(Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const;
90  /// Apply `fun` to all aliases of `v`.
91  void applyOnAliases(Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const;
93  /// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to equivalent buffers.
94  bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override;
96  /// Return true if `v1` and `v2` may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
97  bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override;
99  /// Mark the given OpOperand as in-place and merge the results' and operand's
100  /// aliasing sets.
101  void bufferizeInPlace(OpOperand &operand);
103  /// Mark the given OpOperand as out-of-place.
104  void bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpOperand &operand);
106  /// Add a new entry for `v` in the `aliasInfo` and `equivalentInfo`. In the
107  /// beginning the alias and equivalence sets only contain `v` itself.
108  void createAliasInfoEntry(Value v);
110  /// Find all tensor values in the given operation that have undefined contents
111  /// and store them in `undefinedTensorUses`.
114  int64_t getStatNumTensorOutOfPlace() const { return statNumTensorOutOfPlace; }
115  int64_t getStatNumTensorInPlace() const { return statNumTensorInPlace; }
117  /// Return `true` if the given tensor has undefined contents.
118  bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const override;
120  /// Return `true` if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
121  bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const override;
123  /// Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is written to. Must
124  /// not be called for values inside not yet analyzed functions.
125  bool isValueWritten(Value value) const;
127  /// Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is writable.
128  bool isWritable(Value value) const;
130  /// Find the definitions of the given operand's value or
131  /// retrieve them from the cache.
134  /// Reset cached data structures.
135  void resetCache() override;
137  /// Union the alias sets of `v1` and `v2`.
138  void unionAliasSets(Value v1, Value v2);
140  /// Union the equivalence classes of `v1` and `v2`.
141  void unionEquivalenceClasses(Value v1, Value v2);
143  /// Base class for OneShotAnalysisState extensions that allow
144  /// OneShotAnalysisState to contain user-specified information in the state
145  /// object. Clients are expected to derive this class, add the desired fields,
146  /// and make the derived class compatible with the MLIR TypeID mechanism.
147  ///
148  /// ```mlir
149  /// class MyExtension final : public OneShotAnalysisState::Extension {
150  /// public:
151  /// MyExtension(OneShotAnalysisState &state, int myData)
152  /// : Extension(state) {...}
153  /// private:
154  /// int mySupplementaryData;
155  /// };
156  /// ```
157  ///
158  /// Instances of this and derived classes are not expected to be created by
159  /// the user, instead they are directly constructed within a
160  /// OneShotAnalysisState. A OneShotAnalysisState can only contain one
161  /// extension with the given TypeID. Extensions can be obtained from a
162  /// OneShotAnalysisState instance.
163  ///
164  /// ```mlir
165  /// state.addExtension<MyExtension>(/*myData=*/42);
166  /// MyExtension *ext = state.getExtension<MyExtension>();
167  /// ext->doSomething();
168  /// ```
169  class Extension {
170  // Allow OneShotAnalysisState to allocate Extensions.
171  friend class OneShotAnalysisState;
173  public:
174  /// Base virtual destructor.
175  // Out-of-line definition ensures symbols are emitted in a single object
176  // file.
177  virtual ~Extension();
179  protected:
180  /// Constructs an extension of the given state object.
181  Extension(OneShotAnalysisState &state) : state(state) {}
183  /// Provides read-only access to the parent OneShotAnalysisState object.
184  const OneShotAnalysisState &getAnalysisState() const { return state; }
186  private:
187  /// Back-reference to the state that is being extended.
188  OneShotAnalysisState &state;
189  };
191  /// Adds a new Extension of the type specified as template parameter,
192  /// constructing it with the arguments provided. The extension is owned by the
193  /// OneShotAnalysisState. It is expected that the state does not already have
194  /// an extension of the same type. Extension constructors are expected to take
195  /// a reference to OneShotAnalysisState as first argument, automatically
196  /// supplied by this call.
197  template <typename Ty, typename... Args>
198  Ty &addExtension(Args &&...args) {
199  static_assert(
200  std::is_base_of<Extension, Ty>::value,
201  "only a class derived from OneShotAnalysisState::Extension is allowed");
202  auto ptr = std::make_unique<Ty>(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
203  auto result = extensions.try_emplace(TypeID::get<Ty>(), std::move(ptr));
204  assert(result.second && "extension already added");
205  return *static_cast<Ty *>(result.first->second.get());
206  }
208  /// Returns the extension of the specified type.
209  template <typename Ty>
210  Ty *getExtension() {
211  static_assert(
212  std::is_base_of<Extension, Ty>::value,
213  "only a class derived from OneShotAnalysisState::Extension is allowed");
214  auto iter = extensions.find(TypeID::get<Ty>());
215  if (iter == extensions.end())
216  return nullptr;
217  return static_cast<Ty *>(iter->second.get());
218  }
220  /// Returns the extension of the specified type.
221  template <typename Ty>
222  const Ty *getExtension() const {
223  return const_cast<OneShotAnalysisState *>(this)->getExtension<Ty>();
224  }
226 private:
227  /// llvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements. This comparator uses
228  /// pointer comparison on the defining op. This is a poor man's comparison
229  /// but it's not like UnionFind needs ordering anyway.
230  struct ValueComparator {
231  bool operator()(const Value &lhs, const Value &rhs) const {
232  return lhs.getImpl() < rhs.getImpl();
233  }
234  };
236  using EquivalenceClassRangeType = llvm::iterator_range<
237  llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator>::member_iterator>;
238  /// Check that aliasInfo for `v` exists and return a reference to it.
239  EquivalenceClassRangeType getAliases(Value v) const;
241  /// Cache definitions of tensor values.
242  DenseMap<Value, SetVector<Value>> cachedDefinitions;
244  /// Set of all OpResults that were decided to bufferize in-place.
245  llvm::DenseSet<OpOperand *> inplaceBufferized;
247  /// Auxiliary structure to store all the values a given value may alias with.
248  /// Alias information is "may be" conservative: In the presence of branches, a
249  /// value may alias with one of multiple other values. The concrete aliasing
250  /// value may not even be known at compile time. All such values are
251  /// considered to be aliases.
252  llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> aliasInfo;
254  /// Auxiliary structure to store all the equivalent buffer classes. Equivalent
255  /// buffer information is "must be" conservative: Only if two values are
256  /// guaranteed to be equivalent at runtime, they said to be equivalent. It is
257  /// possible that, in the presence of branches, it cannot be determined
258  /// statically if two values are equivalent. In that case, the values are
259  /// considered to be not equivalent.
260  llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> equivalentInfo;
262  // Bufferization statistics.
263  int64_t statNumTensorOutOfPlace = 0;
264  int64_t statNumTensorInPlace = 0;
266  /// A set of uses of tensors that have undefined contents.
267  DenseSet<OpOperand *> undefinedTensorUses;
269  /// Extensions attached to the state, identified by the TypeID of their type.
270  /// Only one extension of any given type is allowed.
271  DenseMap<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<Extension>> extensions;
272 };
274 /// Analyze `op` and its nested ops. Bufferization decisions are stored in
275 /// `state`.
276 LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state,
277  BufferizationStatistics *statistics = nullptr);
279 /// Run One-Shot Bufferize on the given op: Analysis + Bufferization
280 LogicalResult
281 runOneShotBufferize(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options,
282  BufferizationStatistics *statistics = nullptr);
284 } // namespace bufferization
285 } // namespace mlir
static llvm::ManagedStatic< PassManagerOptions > options
Definition: TypeID.h:321
A class for computing basic dominance information.
Definition: Dominance.h:140
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
detail::ValueImpl * getImpl() const
Definition: Value.h:247
AnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with tensor values.
const BufferizationOptions & getOptions() const
Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
Base class for OneShotAnalysisState extensions that allow OneShotAnalysisState to contain user-specif...
virtual ~Extension()
Base virtual destructor.
const OneShotAnalysisState & getAnalysisState() const
Provides read-only access to the parent OneShotAnalysisState object.
Extension(OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Constructs an extension of the given state object.
State for analysis-enabled bufferization.
void bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpOperand &operand)
Mark the given OpOperand as out-of-place.
bool isWritable(Value value) const
Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is writable.
const SetVector< Value > & findDefinitionsCached(OpOperand *opOperand)
Find the definitions of the given operand's value or retrieve them from the cache.
bool isInPlace(OpOperand &opOperand) const override
Return true if the given OpResult has been decided to bufferize inplace.
LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Analyze the given op and its nested ops.
bool isValueWritten(Value value) const
Return true if the buffer of the given tensor value is written to.
const Ty * getExtension() const
Returns the extension of the specified type.
const OneShotBufferizationOptions & getOptions() const
Return a reference to the BufferizationOptions.
Ty & addExtension(Args &&...args)
Adds a new Extension of the type specified as template parameter, constructing it with the arguments ...
void unionEquivalenceClasses(Value v1, Value v2)
Union the equivalence classes of v1 and v2.
OneShotAnalysisState(const OneShotAnalysisState &)=delete
void gatherUndefinedTensorUses(Operation *op)
Find all tensor values in the given operation that have undefined contents and store them in undefine...
void resetCache() override
Reset cached data structures.
LogicalResult analyzeSingleOp(Operation *op, const DominanceInfo &domInfo)
Analyze a single op (without nested ops).
void applyOnEquivalenceClass(Value v, function_ref< void(Value)> fun) const
Apply fun to all the members of the equivalence class of v.
bool hasUndefinedContents(OpOperand *opOperand) const override
Return true if the given tensor has undefined contents.
static bool classof(const AnalysisState *base)
void bufferizeInPlace(OpOperand &operand)
Mark the given OpOperand as in-place and merge the results' and operand's aliasing sets.
void applyOnAliases(Value v, function_ref< void(Value)> fun) const
Apply fun to all aliases of v.
bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override
Return true if v1 and v2 bufferize to equivalent buffers.
OneShotAnalysisState(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options)
bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const override
Return true if v1 and v2 may bufferize to aliasing buffers.
void unionAliasSets(Value v1, Value v2)
Union the alias sets of v1 and v2.
Ty * getExtension()
Returns the extension of the specified type.
void createAliasInfoEntry(Value v)
Add a new entry for v in the aliasInfo and equivalentInfo.
LogicalResult runOneShotBufferize(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Run One-Shot Bufferize on the given op: Analysis + Bufferization.
LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Analyze op and its nested ops.
Include the generated interface declarations.
Options for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization.
Options for analysis-enabled bufferization.
unsigned analysisFuzzerSeed
Seed for the analysis fuzzer.
bool dumpAliasSets
Specifies whether the tensor IR should be annotated with alias sets.
bool allowReturnAllocsFromLoops
Specifies whether returning newly allocated memrefs from loops should be allowed.
AnalysisHeuristic analysisHeuristic
The heuristic controls the order in which ops are traversed during the analysis.
llvm::ArrayRef< std::string > noAnalysisFuncFilter
Specify the functions that should not be analyzed.
Compare two SSA values in a deterministic manner.