MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- ModuleBufferization.cpp - Bufferization across Func. Boundaries ----===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Module Bufferization is an extension of One-Shot Bufferize that
10 // bufferizes function boundaries. It provides `BufferizableOpInterface`
11 // implementations for FuncOp, CallOp and ReturnOp.
12 //
13 // Module Bufferization is run via `runOneShotModuleBufferize(ModuleOp, ...)`.
14 // This function analyzes the given module and determines the order of analysis
15 // and bufferization: Functions that are called are processed before their
16 // respective callers.
17 //
18 // After analyzing a FuncOp, additional information about its bbArgs is
19 // gathered and stored in `FuncAnalysisState`.
20 //
21 // * `aliasingFuncOpBBArgsAnalysis` determines the equivalent/aliasing bbArgs
22 // for
23 // each tensor return value (if any).
24 // * `funcOpBbArgReadWriteAnalysis` determines whether or not a tensor bbArg is
25 // read/written.
26 //
27 // Module Bufferization implements the following calling convention.
28 //
29 // * In the absence of conflicts within a FuncOp, the FuncOp's bbArgs may always
30 // be written to in-place.
31 // * If a tensor operand of a CallOp is read after the CallOp, the operand of
32 // the CallOp must bufferize out-of-place.
33 //
34 // Example: The tensor.insert op bufferizes in-place because it is allowed to
35 // modify the buffer of `%t1` directly. The CallOp in `caller` must bufferize
36 // out-of-place because `%t0` is modified by the callee but read by the
37 // tensor.extract op. The analysis of CallOps decides whether an OpOperand must
38 // bufferize out-of-place based on results of `funcOpBbArgReadWriteAnalysis`.
39 // ```
40 // func @callee(%t1 : tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
41 // %f = ... : f32
42 // %0 = tensor.insert %f into %t1[...] : tensor<?xf32>
43 // return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
44 // }
45 //
46 // func @caller() -> () {
47 // %t0 = ... : tensor<?xf32>
48 // %1 = call @callee(%t0) : (tensor<?xf32>) -> (tensor<?xf32>)
49 // %2 = tensor.extract %1[...] : tensor<?xf32>
50 // }
51 // ```
52 //
53 // Note: If a function is external, `funcOpBbArgReadWriteAnalysis` cannot
54 // analyze the function body. In such a case, the CallOp analysis conservatively
55 // assumes that each tensor OpOperand is both read and written.
56 //
57 // TODO: Add FuncOp attributes so that bbArgs of external FuncOps can be marked
58 // as "not reading" and/or "not writing".
70 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
71 #include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
73 using namespace mlir;
74 using namespace mlir::bufferization;
75 using namespace mlir::bufferization::func_ext;
77 /// A mapping of FuncOps to their callers.
80 /// Get or create FuncAnalysisState.
81 static FuncAnalysisState &
83  auto *result = state.getExtension<FuncAnalysisState>();
84  if (result)
85  return *result;
86  return state.addExtension<FuncAnalysisState>();
87 }
89 /// Return the unique ReturnOp that terminates `funcOp`.
90 /// Return nullptr if there is no such unique ReturnOp.
91 static func::ReturnOp getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(func::FuncOp funcOp) {
92  func::ReturnOp returnOp;
93  for (Block &b : funcOp.getBody()) {
94  if (auto candidateOp = dyn_cast<func::ReturnOp>(b.getTerminator())) {
95  if (returnOp)
96  return nullptr;
97  returnOp = candidateOp;
98  }
99  }
100  return returnOp;
101 }
103 namespace {
105 /// Annotate IR with the results of the analysis. For testing purposes only.
106 static void annotateEquivalentReturnBbArg(OpOperand &returnVal,
107  BlockArgument bbArg) {
108  const char *kEquivalentArgsAttr = "__equivalent_func_args__";
109  Operation *op = returnVal.getOwner();
111  SmallVector<int64_t> equivBbArgs;
112  if (op->hasAttr(kEquivalentArgsAttr)) {
113  auto attr = cast<ArrayAttr>(op->getAttr(kEquivalentArgsAttr));
114  equivBbArgs = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(attr, [](Attribute a) {
115  return cast<IntegerAttr>(a).getValue().getSExtValue();
116  }));
117  } else {
118  equivBbArgs.append(op->getNumOperands(), -1);
119  }
120  equivBbArgs[returnVal.getOperandNumber()] = bbArg.getArgNumber();
122  OpBuilder b(op->getContext());
123  op->setAttr(kEquivalentArgsAttr, b.getI64ArrayAttr(equivBbArgs));
124 }
126 /// Store function BlockArguments that are equivalent to/aliasing a returned
127 /// value in FuncAnalysisState.
128 static LogicalResult
129 aliasingFuncOpBBArgsAnalysis(FuncOp funcOp, OneShotAnalysisState &state,
130  FuncAnalysisState &funcState) {
131  if (funcOp.getBody().empty()) {
132  // No function body available. Conservatively assume that every tensor
133  // return value may alias with any tensor bbArg.
134  FunctionType type = funcOp.getFunctionType();
135  for (const auto &inputIt : llvm::enumerate(type.getInputs())) {
136  if (!isa<TensorType>(inputIt.value()))
137  continue;
138  for (const auto &resultIt : llvm::enumerate(type.getResults())) {
139  if (!isa<TensorType>(resultIt.value()))
140  continue;
141  int64_t returnIdx = resultIt.index();
142  int64_t bbArgIdx = inputIt.index();
143  funcState.aliasingReturnVals[funcOp][bbArgIdx].push_back(returnIdx);
144  }
145  }
146  return success();
147  }
149  // Support only single return-terminated block in the function.
150  func::ReturnOp returnOp = getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(funcOp);
151  assert(returnOp && "expected func with single return op");
153  for (OpOperand &returnVal : returnOp->getOpOperands())
154  if (isa<RankedTensorType>(returnVal.get().getType()))
155  for (BlockArgument bbArg : funcOp.getArguments())
156  if (isa<RankedTensorType>(bbArg.getType())) {
157  int64_t returnIdx = returnVal.getOperandNumber();
158  int64_t bbArgIdx = bbArg.getArgNumber();
159  if (state.areEquivalentBufferizedValues(returnVal.get(), bbArg)) {
160  funcState.equivalentFuncArgs[funcOp][returnIdx] = bbArgIdx;
161  if (state.getOptions().testAnalysisOnly)
162  annotateEquivalentReturnBbArg(returnVal, bbArg);
163  }
164  if (state.areAliasingBufferizedValues(returnVal.get(), bbArg))
165  funcState.aliasingReturnVals[funcOp][bbArgIdx].push_back(returnIdx);
166  }
168  return success();
169 }
171 static void annotateFuncArgAccess(func::FuncOp funcOp, int64_t idx, bool isRead,
172  bool isWritten) {
173  OpBuilder b(funcOp.getContext());
174  Attribute accessType;
175  if (isRead && isWritten) {
176  accessType = b.getStringAttr("read-write");
177  } else if (isRead) {
178  accessType = b.getStringAttr("read");
179  } else if (isWritten) {
180  accessType = b.getStringAttr("write");
181  } else {
182  accessType = b.getStringAttr("none");
183  }
184  funcOp.setArgAttr(idx, BufferizationDialect::kBufferAccessAttrName,
185  accessType);
186 }
188 /// Determine which FuncOp bbArgs are read and which are written. When run on a
189 /// function with unknown ops, we conservatively assume that such ops bufferize
190 /// to a read + write.
191 static LogicalResult
192 funcOpBbArgReadWriteAnalysis(FuncOp funcOp, OneShotAnalysisState &state,
193  FuncAnalysisState &funcState) {
194  for (int64_t idx = 0, e = funcOp.getFunctionType().getNumInputs(); idx < e;
195  ++idx) {
196  // Skip non-tensor arguments.
197  if (!isa<TensorType>(funcOp.getFunctionType().getInput(idx)))
198  continue;
199  bool isRead;
200  bool isWritten;
201  if (auto accessAttr = funcOp.getArgAttrOfType<StringAttr>(
202  idx, BufferizationDialect::kBufferAccessAttrName)) {
203  // Buffer access behavior is specified on the function. Skip the analysis.
204  StringRef str = accessAttr.getValue();
205  isRead = str == "read" || str == "read-write";
206  isWritten = str == "write" || str == "read-write";
207  } else if (funcOp.getBody().empty()) {
208  // If the function has no body, conservatively assume that all args are
209  // read + written.
210  isRead = true;
211  isWritten = true;
212  } else {
213  // Analyze the body of the function.
214  BlockArgument bbArg = funcOp.getArgument(idx);
215  isRead = state.isValueRead(bbArg);
216  isWritten = state.isValueWritten(bbArg);
217  }
219  if (state.getOptions().testAnalysisOnly)
220  annotateFuncArgAccess(funcOp, idx, isRead, isWritten);
221  if (isRead)
222  funcState.readBbArgs[funcOp].insert(idx);
223  if (isWritten)
224  funcState.writtenBbArgs[funcOp].insert(idx);
225  }
227  return success();
228 }
229 } // namespace
231 /// Remove bufferization attributes on FuncOp arguments.
233  auto funcOp = cast<func::FuncOp>(bbArg.getOwner()->getParentOp());
234  funcOp.removeArgAttr(bbArg.getArgNumber(),
235  BufferizationDialect::kBufferLayoutAttrName);
236  funcOp.removeArgAttr(bbArg.getArgNumber(),
237  BufferizationDialect::kWritableAttrName);
238 }
240 /// Return the func::FuncOp called by `callOp`.
241 static func::FuncOp getCalledFunction(func::CallOp callOp) {
242  SymbolRefAttr sym =
243  llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<SymbolRefAttr>(callOp.getCallableForCallee());
244  if (!sym)
245  return nullptr;
246  return dyn_cast_or_null<func::FuncOp>(
248 }
250 /// Gather equivalence info of CallOps.
251 /// Note: This only adds new equivalence info if the called function was already
252 /// analyzed.
253 // TODO: This does not handle cyclic function call graphs etc.
254 static void equivalenceAnalysis(func::FuncOp funcOp,
255  OneShotAnalysisState &state,
256  FuncAnalysisState &funcState) {
257  funcOp->walk([&](func::CallOp callOp) {
258  func::FuncOp calledFunction = getCalledFunction(callOp);
259  assert(calledFunction && "could not retrieved called func::FuncOp");
261  // No equivalence info available for the called function.
262  if (!funcState.equivalentFuncArgs.count(calledFunction))
263  return WalkResult::skip();
265  for (auto it : funcState.equivalentFuncArgs[calledFunction]) {
266  int64_t returnIdx = it.first;
267  int64_t bbargIdx = it.second;
268  if (!state.isInPlace(callOp->getOpOperand(bbargIdx)))
269  continue;
270  Value returnVal = callOp.getResult(returnIdx);
271  Value argVal = callOp->getOperand(bbargIdx);
272  state.unionEquivalenceClasses(returnVal, argVal);
273  }
275  return WalkResult::advance();
276  });
277 }
279 /// Return "true" if the given function signature has tensor semantics.
280 static bool hasTensorSignature(func::FuncOp funcOp) {
281  return llvm::any_of(funcOp.getFunctionType().getInputs(),
282  llvm::IsaPred<TensorType>) ||
283  llvm::any_of(funcOp.getFunctionType().getResults(),
284  llvm::IsaPred<TensorType>);
285 }
287 /// Store all functions of the `moduleOp` in `orderedFuncOps`, sorted by
288 /// callee-caller order (i.e. callees without callers first).
289 /// Store the map of FuncOp to all its callers in `callerMap`.
290 /// Return `failure()` if a cycle of calls is detected or if we are unable to
291 /// retrieve the called FuncOp from any func::CallOp.
292 static LogicalResult
293 getFuncOpsOrderedByCalls(ModuleOp moduleOp,
294  SmallVectorImpl<func::FuncOp> &orderedFuncOps,
295  FuncCallerMap &callerMap) {
296  // For each FuncOp, the set of functions called by it (i.e. the union of
297  // symbols of all nested func::CallOp).
299  // For each FuncOp, the number of func::CallOp it contains.
300  DenseMap<func::FuncOp, unsigned> numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp;
301  WalkResult res = moduleOp.walk([&](func::FuncOp funcOp) -> WalkResult {
302  if (!funcOp.getBody().empty()) {
303  func::ReturnOp returnOp = getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(funcOp);
304  if (!returnOp)
305  return funcOp->emitError()
306  << "cannot bufferize a FuncOp with tensors and "
307  "without a unique ReturnOp";
308  }
310  // Collect function calls and populate the caller map.
311  numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp[funcOp] = 0;
312  return funcOp.walk([&](func::CallOp callOp) -> WalkResult {
313  func::FuncOp calledFunction = getCalledFunction(callOp);
314  assert(calledFunction && "could not retrieved called func::FuncOp");
315  // If the called function does not have any tensors in its signature, then
316  // it is not necessary to bufferize the callee before the caller.
317  if (!hasTensorSignature(calledFunction))
318  return WalkResult::skip();
320  callerMap[calledFunction].insert(callOp);
321  if (calledBy[calledFunction].insert(funcOp).second) {
322  numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp[funcOp]++;
323  }
324  return WalkResult::advance();
325  });
326  });
327  if (res.wasInterrupted())
328  return failure();
329  // Iteratively remove function operations that do not call any of the
330  // functions remaining in the callCounter map and add them to the worklist.
331  while (!numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp.empty()) {
332  auto it = llvm::find_if(numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp,
333  [](auto entry) { return entry.getSecond() == 0; });
334  if (it == numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp.end())
335  return moduleOp.emitOpError(
336  "expected callgraph to be free of circular dependencies.");
337  orderedFuncOps.push_back(it->getFirst());
338  for (auto callee : calledBy[it->getFirst()])
339  numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp[callee]--;
340  numberCallOpsContainedInFuncOp.erase(it);
341  }
342  return success();
343 }
345 /// Fold return values that are memref casts and update function return types.
346 ///
347 /// During FuncOp bufferization, the exact type of the returned memrefs (if any)
348 /// is not known yet. Therefore, the bufferization uses memref types with the
349 /// most generic layout map as function return types. After bufferizing the
350 /// entire function body, a more concise memref type can potentially be used for
351 /// the return type of the function.
352 static void foldMemRefCasts(func::FuncOp funcOp) {
353  if (funcOp.getBody().empty())
354  return;
356  func::ReturnOp returnOp = getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(funcOp);
357  SmallVector<Type> resultTypes;
359  for (OpOperand &operand : returnOp->getOpOperands()) {
360  if (auto castOp = operand.get().getDefiningOp<memref::CastOp>()) {
361  operand.set(castOp.getSource());
362  resultTypes.push_back(castOp.getSource().getType());
363  } else {
364  resultTypes.push_back(operand.get().getType());
365  }
366  }
368  auto newFuncType = FunctionType::get(
369  funcOp.getContext(), funcOp.getFunctionType().getInputs(), resultTypes);
370  funcOp.setType(newFuncType);
371 }
373 LogicalResult
375  OneShotAnalysisState &state,
376  BufferizationStatistics *statistics) {
377  assert(state.getOptions().bufferizeFunctionBoundaries &&
378  "expected that function boundary bufferization is activated");
381  // A list of functions in the order in which they are analyzed + bufferized.
382  SmallVector<func::FuncOp> orderedFuncOps;
384  // A mapping of FuncOps to their callers.
385  FuncCallerMap callerMap;
387  if (failed(getFuncOpsOrderedByCalls(moduleOp, orderedFuncOps, callerMap)))
388  return failure();
390  // Analyze ops.
391  for (func::FuncOp funcOp : orderedFuncOps) {
392  if (!state.getOptions().isOpAllowed(funcOp))
393  continue;
395  // Now analyzing function.
396  funcState.startFunctionAnalysis(funcOp);
398  // Gather equivalence info for CallOps.
399  equivalenceAnalysis(funcOp, state, funcState);
401  // Analyze funcOp.
402  if (failed(analyzeOp(funcOp, state, statistics)))
403  return failure();
405  // Run some extra function analyses.
406  if (failed(aliasingFuncOpBBArgsAnalysis(funcOp, state, funcState)) ||
407  failed(funcOpBbArgReadWriteAnalysis(funcOp, state, funcState)))
408  return failure();
410  // Mark op as fully analyzed.
411  funcState.analyzedFuncOps[funcOp] = FuncOpAnalysisState::Analyzed;
412  }
414  return success();
415 }
418  ModuleOp moduleOp) {
419  moduleOp.walk([&](func::FuncOp op) {
420  for (BlockArgument bbArg : op.getArguments())
422  });
423 }
426  ModuleOp moduleOp, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options,
427  BufferizationStatistics *statistics) {
428  assert(options.bufferizeFunctionBoundaries &&
429  "expected that function boundary bufferization is activated");
430  IRRewriter rewriter(moduleOp.getContext());
432  // A list of functions in the order in which they are analyzed + bufferized.
433  SmallVector<func::FuncOp> orderedFuncOps;
435  // A mapping of FuncOps to their callers.
436  FuncCallerMap callerMap;
438  if (failed(getFuncOpsOrderedByCalls(moduleOp, orderedFuncOps, callerMap)))
439  return failure();
441  // Bufferize functions.
442  for (func::FuncOp funcOp : orderedFuncOps) {
443  // Note: It would be good to apply cleanups here but we cannot as aliasInfo
444  // would be invalidated.
446  if (llvm::is_contained(options.noAnalysisFuncFilter, funcOp.getSymName())) {
447  // This function was not analyzed and RaW conflicts were not resolved.
448  // Buffer copies must be inserted before every write.
449  OneShotBufferizationOptions updatedOptions = options;
450  updatedOptions.copyBeforeWrite = true;
451  if (failed(bufferizeOp(funcOp, updatedOptions, statistics)))
452  return failure();
453  } else {
454  if (failed(bufferizeOp(funcOp, options, statistics)))
455  return failure();
456  }
458  // Change buffer return types to more precise layout maps.
459  if (options.inferFunctionResultLayout)
460  foldMemRefCasts(funcOp);
461  }
463  // Bufferize all other ops.
464  for (Operation &op : llvm::make_early_inc_range(moduleOp.getOps())) {
465  // Functions were already bufferized.
466  if (isa<func::FuncOp>(&op))
467  continue;
468  if (failed(bufferizeOp(&op, options, statistics)))
469  return failure();
470  }
472  // Post-pass cleanup of function argument attributes.
475  return success();
476 }
479  ModuleOp moduleOp, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options,
480  BufferizationStatistics *statistics) {
481  assert(options.bufferizeFunctionBoundaries &&
482  "expected that function boundary bufferization is activated");
483  assert(!(options.copyBeforeWrite && options.testAnalysisOnly) &&
484  "invalid combination of bufferization flags");
485  if (!options.copyBeforeWrite) {
486  if (options.noAnalysisFuncFilter.empty()) {
487  if (failed(insertTensorCopies(moduleOp, options, statistics)))
488  return failure();
489  } else {
490  // FuncOps whose names are specified in options.noAnalysisFuncFilter will
491  // not be analyzed. Ops in these FuncOps will not be analyzed as well.
492  OpFilter::Entry::FilterFn analysisFilterFn = [=](Operation *op) {
493  auto func = dyn_cast<func::FuncOp>(op);
494  if (!func)
495  func = op->getParentOfType<func::FuncOp>();
496  if (func)
497  return llvm::is_contained(options.noAnalysisFuncFilter,
498  func.getSymName());
499  return false;
500  };
501  OneShotBufferizationOptions updatedOptions(options);
502  updatedOptions.opFilter.denyOperation(analysisFilterFn);
503  if (failed(insertTensorCopies(moduleOp, updatedOptions, statistics)))
504  return failure();
505  }
506  }
507  if (options.testAnalysisOnly)
508  return success();
509  if (failed(bufferizeModuleOp(moduleOp, options, statistics)))
510  return failure();
511  return success();
512 }
static bool hasTensorSignature(func::FuncOp funcOp)
Return "true" if the given function signature has tensor semantics.
static LogicalResult getFuncOpsOrderedByCalls(ModuleOp moduleOp, SmallVectorImpl< func::FuncOp > &orderedFuncOps, FuncCallerMap &callerMap)
Store all functions of the moduleOp in orderedFuncOps, sorted by callee-caller order (i....
static FuncAnalysisState & getOrCreateFuncAnalysisState(OneShotAnalysisState &state)
Get or create FuncAnalysisState.
static void removeBufferizationAttributes(BlockArgument bbArg)
Remove bufferization attributes on FuncOp arguments.
static void foldMemRefCasts(func::FuncOp funcOp)
Fold return values that are memref casts and update function return types.
static void equivalenceAnalysis(func::FuncOp funcOp, OneShotAnalysisState &state, FuncAnalysisState &funcState)
Gather equivalence info of CallOps.
static func::ReturnOp getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(func::FuncOp funcOp)
Return the unique ReturnOp that terminates funcOp.
static llvm::ManagedStatic< PassManagerOptions > options
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This class represents an argument of a Block.
Definition: Value.h:319
Block * getOwner() const
Returns the block that owns this argument.
Definition: Value.h:328
unsigned getArgNumber() const
Returns the number of this argument.
Definition: Value.h:331
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:31
Operation * getParentOp()
Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this block.
Definition: Block.cpp:30
IRValueT get() const
Return the current value being used by this operand.
Definition: UseDefLists.h:160
This class coordinates rewriting a piece of IR outside of a pattern rewrite, providing a way to keep ...
Definition: PatternMatch.h:766
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:212
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
unsigned getOperandNumber()
Return which operand this is in the OpOperand list of the Operation.
Definition: Value.cpp:216
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
Attribute getAttr(StringAttr name)
Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Definition: Operation.h:529
bool hasAttr(StringAttr name)
Return true if the operation has an attribute with the provided name, false otherwise.
Definition: Operation.h:555
MLIRContext * getContext()
Return the context this operation is associated with.
Definition: Operation.h:216
unsigned getNumOperands()
Definition: Operation.h:341
OpTy getParentOfType()
Return the closest surrounding parent operation that is of type 'OpTy'.
Definition: Operation.h:238
void setAttr(StringAttr name, Attribute value)
If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new value.
Definition: Operation.h:577
static Operation * lookupNearestSymbolFrom(Operation *from, StringAttr symbol)
Returns the operation registered with the given symbol name within the closest parent operation of,...
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
Type getType() const
Return the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:129
A utility result that is used to signal how to proceed with an ongoing walk:
Definition: Visitors.h:33
static WalkResult skip()
Definition: Visitors.h:52
static WalkResult advance()
Definition: Visitors.h:51
State for analysis-enabled bufferization.
void denyOperation()
Deny the given ops.
Operation * getOwner() const
Return the owner of this operand.
Definition: UseDefLists.h:38
static func::ReturnOp getAssumedUniqueReturnOp(FuncOp funcOp)
Return the unique ReturnOp that terminates funcOp.
static FuncOp getCalledFunction(CallOpInterface callOp)
Return the FuncOp called by callOp.
LogicalResult analyzeOp(Operation *op, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Analyze op and its nested ops.
llvm::LogicalResult runOneShotModuleBufferize(ModuleOp moduleOp, const bufferization::OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Run One-Shot Module Bufferization on the given module.
LogicalResult bufferizeOp(Operation *op, const BufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface.
Definition: Bufferize.cpp:419
LogicalResult insertTensorCopies(Operation *op, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Resolve RaW and other conflicts by inserting bufferization.alloc_tensor ops.
llvm::LogicalResult analyzeModuleOp(ModuleOp moduleOp, OneShotAnalysisState &state, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Analyze moduleOp and its nested ops.
void removeBufferizationAttributesInModule(ModuleOp moduleOp)
Remove bufferization attributes on every FuncOp arguments in the ModuleOp.
llvm::LogicalResult bufferizeModuleOp(ModuleOp moduleOp, const OneShotBufferizationOptions &options, BufferizationStatistics *statistics=nullptr)
Bufferize op and its nested ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface.
constexpr void enumerate(std::tuple< Tys... > &tuple, CallbackT &&callback)
Definition: Matchers.h:344
Include the generated interface declarations.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
bool copyBeforeWrite
If set to true, the analysis is skipped.
OpFilter opFilter
A filter that specifies which ops should be bufferized and which ops should be ignored.
Bufferization statistics for debugging.
Definition: Bufferize.h:34
Options for analysis-enabled bufferization.
std::function< bool(Operation *)> FilterFn
If the filter function evaluates to true, the filter matches.
Extra analysis state that is required for bufferization of function boundaries.
DenseMap< FuncOp, IndexMapping > equivalentFuncArgs
A mapping of ReturnOp OpOperand indices to equivalent FuncOp BBArg indices.
DenseMap< FuncOp, IndexToIndexListMapping > aliasingReturnVals
A mapping of FuncOp BBArg indices to aliasing ReturnOp OpOperand indices.
DenseMap< FuncOp, BbArgIndexSet > readBbArgs
A set of all read BlockArguments of FuncOps.
DenseMap< FuncOp, BbArgIndexSet > writtenBbArgs
A set of all written-to BlockArguments of FuncOps.
DenseMap< FuncOp, FuncOpAnalysisState > analyzedFuncOps
Keep track of which FuncOps are fully analyzed or currently being analyzed.
void startFunctionAnalysis(FuncOp funcOp)
This function is called right before analyzing the given FuncOp.