MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation.cpp - impl. for buffer dealloc. ---===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements logic for computing correct `bufferization.dealloc`
10 // positions. Furthermore, buffer deallocation also adds required new clone
11 // operations to ensure that memrefs returned by functions never alias an
12 // argument.
13 //
14 // TODO:
15 // The current implementation does not support explicit-control-flow loops and
16 // the resulting code will be invalid with respect to program semantics.
17 // However, structured control-flow loops are fully supported.
18 //
19 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
28 #include "mlir/IR/Iterators.h"
31 namespace mlir {
32 namespace bufferization {
34 #include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/"
35 } // namespace bufferization
36 } // namespace mlir
38 using namespace mlir;
39 using namespace mlir::bufferization;
41 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
42 // Helpers
43 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
45 static Value buildBoolValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, bool value) {
46  return builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(loc, builder.getBoolAttr(value));
47 }
49 static bool isMemref(Value v) { return isa<BaseMemRefType>(v.getType()); }
51 /// Return "true" if the given op is guaranteed to have neither "Allocate" nor
52 /// "Free" side effects.
54  if (isa<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(op))
55  return !hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Allocate>(op) &&
56  !hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Free>(op);
57  // If the op does not implement the MemoryEffectOpInterface but has has
58  // recursive memory effects, then this op in isolation (without its body) does
59  // not have any side effects. All the ops inside the regions of this op will
60  // be processed separately.
62 }
64 /// Return "true" if the given op has buffer semantics. I.e., it has buffer
65 /// operands, buffer results and/or buffer region entry block arguments.
66 static bool hasBufferSemantics(Operation *op) {
67  if (llvm::any_of(op->getOperands(), isMemref) ||
68  llvm::any_of(op->getResults(), isMemref))
69  return true;
70  for (Region &region : op->getRegions())
71  if (!region.empty())
72  if (llvm::any_of(region.front().getArguments(), isMemref))
73  return true;
74  return false;
75 }
77 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
78 // Backedges analysis
79 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
81 namespace {
83 /// A straight-forward program analysis which detects loop backedges induced by
84 /// explicit control flow.
85 class Backedges {
86 public:
87  using BlockSetT = SmallPtrSet<Block *, 16>;
88  using BackedgeSetT = llvm::DenseSet<std::pair<Block *, Block *>>;
90 public:
91  /// Constructs a new backedges analysis using the op provided.
92  Backedges(Operation *op) { recurse(op); }
94  /// Returns the number of backedges formed by explicit control flow.
95  size_t size() const { return edgeSet.size(); }
97  /// Returns the start iterator to loop over all backedges.
98  BackedgeSetT::const_iterator begin() const { return edgeSet.begin(); }
100  /// Returns the end iterator to loop over all backedges.
101  BackedgeSetT::const_iterator end() const { return edgeSet.end(); }
103 private:
104  /// Enters the current block and inserts a backedge into the `edgeSet` if we
105  /// have already visited the current block. The inserted edge links the given
106  /// `predecessor` with the `current` block.
107  bool enter(Block &current, Block *predecessor) {
108  bool inserted = visited.insert(&current).second;
109  if (!inserted)
110  edgeSet.insert(std::make_pair(predecessor, &current));
111  return inserted;
112  }
114  /// Leaves the current block.
115  void exit(Block &current) { visited.erase(&current); }
117  /// Recurses into the given operation while taking all attached regions into
118  /// account.
119  void recurse(Operation *op) {
120  Block *current = op->getBlock();
121  // If the current op implements the `BranchOpInterface`, there can be
122  // cycles in the scope of all successor blocks.
123  if (isa<BranchOpInterface>(op)) {
124  for (Block *succ : current->getSuccessors())
125  recurse(*succ, current);
126  }
127  // Recurse into all distinct regions and check for explicit control-flow
128  // loops.
129  for (Region &region : op->getRegions()) {
130  if (!region.empty())
131  recurse(region.front(), current);
132  }
133  }
135  /// Recurses into explicit control-flow structures that are given by
136  /// the successor relation defined on the block level.
137  void recurse(Block &block, Block *predecessor) {
138  // Try to enter the current block. If this is not possible, we are
139  // currently processing this block and can safely return here.
140  if (!enter(block, predecessor))
141  return;
143  // Recurse into all operations and successor blocks.
144  for (Operation &op : block.getOperations())
145  recurse(&op);
147  // Leave the current block.
148  exit(block);
149  }
151  /// Stores all blocks that are currently visited and on the processing stack.
152  BlockSetT visited;
154  /// Stores all backedges in the format (source, target).
155  BackedgeSetT edgeSet;
156 };
158 } // namespace
160 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
161 // BufferDeallocation
162 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
164 namespace {
165 /// The buffer deallocation transformation which ensures that all allocs in the
166 /// program have a corresponding de-allocation.
167 class BufferDeallocation {
168 public:
169  BufferDeallocation(Operation *op, DeallocationOptions options)
170  : state(op), options(options) {}
172  /// Performs the actual placement/creation of all dealloc operations.
173  LogicalResult deallocate(FunctionOpInterface op);
175 private:
176  /// The base case for the recursive template below.
177  template <typename... T>
178  typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(T) == 0, FailureOr<Operation *>>::type
179  handleOp(Operation *op) {
180  return op;
181  }
183  /// Applies all the handlers of the interfaces in the template list
184  /// implemented by 'op'. In particular, if an operation implements more than
185  /// one of the interfaces in the template list, all the associated handlers
186  /// will be applied to the operation in the same order as the template list
187  /// specifies. If a handler reports a failure or removes the operation without
188  /// replacement (indicated by returning 'nullptr'), no further handlers are
189  /// applied and the return value is propagated to the caller of 'handleOp'.
190  ///
191  /// The interface handlers job is to update the deallocation state, most
192  /// importantly the ownership map and list of memrefs to potentially be
193  /// deallocated per block, but also to insert `bufferization.dealloc`
194  /// operations where needed. Obviously, no MemRefs that may be used at a later
195  /// point in the control-flow may be deallocated and the ownership map has to
196  /// be updated to reflect potential ownership changes caused by the dealloc
197  /// operation (e.g., if two interfaces on the same op insert a dealloc
198  /// operation each, the second one should query the ownership map and use them
199  /// as deallocation condition such that MemRefs already deallocated in the
200  /// first dealloc operation are not deallocated a second time (double-free)).
201  /// Note that currently only the interfaces on terminators may insert dealloc
202  /// operations and it is verified as a precondition that a terminator op must
203  /// implement exactly one of the interfaces handling dealloc insertion.
204  ///
205  /// The return value of the 'handleInterface' functions should be a
206  /// FailureOr<Operation *> indicating whether there was a failure or otherwise
207  /// returning the operation itself or a replacement operation.
208  ///
209  /// Note: The difference compared to `TypeSwitch` is that all
210  /// matching cases are applied instead of just the first match.
211  template <typename InterfaceT, typename... InterfacesU>
212  FailureOr<Operation *> handleOp(Operation *op) {
213  Operation *next = op;
214  if (auto concreteOp = dyn_cast<InterfaceT>(op)) {
215  FailureOr<Operation *> result = handleInterface(concreteOp);
216  if (failed(result))
217  return failure();
218  next = *result;
219  }
220  if (!next)
221  return FailureOr<Operation *>(nullptr);
222  return handleOp<InterfacesU...>(next);
223  }
225  /// Apply all supported interface handlers to the given op.
226  FailureOr<Operation *> handleAllInterfaces(Operation *op) {
227  if (auto deallocOpInterface = dyn_cast<BufferDeallocationOpInterface>(op))
228  return deallocOpInterface.process(state, options);
230  if (failed(verifyOperationPreconditions(op)))
231  return failure();
233  return handleOp<MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface,
234  CallOpInterface, BranchOpInterface,
235  RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface>(op);
236  }
238  /// Make sure that for each forwarded MemRef value, an ownership indicator
239  /// `i1` value is forwarded as well such that the successor block knows
240  /// whether the MemRef has to be deallocated.
241  ///
242  /// Example:
243  /// ```
244  /// ^bb1:
245  /// <more ops...>
246  /// ^bb2(<forward-to-bb2>)
247  /// ```
248  /// becomes
249  /// ```
250  /// // let (m, c) = getMemrefsAndConditionsToDeallocate(bb1)
251  /// // let r = getMemrefsToRetain(bb1, bb2, <forward-to-bb2>)
252  /// ^bb1:
253  /// <more ops...>
254  /// o = bufferization.dealloc m if c retain r
255  /// // replace ownership(r) with o element-wise
256  /// ^bb2(<forward-to-bb2>, o)
257  /// ```
258  FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(BranchOpInterface op);
260  /// Add an ownership indicator for every forwarding MemRef operand and result.
261  /// Nested regions never take ownership of MemRefs owned by a parent region
262  /// (neither via forwarding operand nor when captured implicitly when the
263  /// region is not isolated from above). Ownerships will only be passed to peer
264  /// regions (when an operation has multiple regions, such as scf.while), or to
265  /// parent regions.
266  /// Note that the block arguments in the nested region are currently handled
267  /// centrally in the 'dealloc' function, but better interface support could
268  /// allow us to do this here for the nested region specifically to reduce the
269  /// amount of assumptions we make on the structure of ops implementing this
270  /// interface.
271  ///
272  /// Example:
273  /// ```
274  /// %ret = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c10 step %c1 iter_args(%m = %memref) {
275  /// <more ops...>
276  /// scf.yield %m : memref<2xi32>, i1
277  /// }
278  /// ```
279  /// becomes
280  /// ```
281  /// %ret:2 = scf.for %i = %c0 to %c10 step %c1
282  /// iter_args(%m = %memref, %own = %false) {
283  /// <more ops...>
284  /// // Note that the scf.yield is handled by the
285  /// // RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface (not this handler)
286  /// // let o = getMemrefWithUniqueOwnership(%own)
287  /// scf.yield %m, o : memref<2xi32>, i1
288  /// }
289  /// ```
290  FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(RegionBranchOpInterface op);
292  /// If the private-function-dynamic-ownership pass option is enabled and the
293  /// called function is private, additional results are added for each MemRef
294  /// result to pass the dynamic ownership indicator along. Otherwise, updates
295  /// the ownership map and list of memrefs to be deallocated according to the
296  /// function boundary ABI, i.e., assume ownership of all returned MemRefs.
297  ///
298  /// Example (assume `private-function-dynamic-ownership` is enabled):
299  /// ```
300  /// func.func @f(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32> {...}
301  /// func.func private @g(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32> {...}
302  ///
303  /// %ret_f = @f(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32>
304  /// %ret_g = @g(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32>
305  /// ```
306  /// becomes
307  /// ```
308  /// func.func @f(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32> {...}
309  /// func.func private @g(%arg0: memref<2xi32>) -> (memref<2xi32>, i1) {...}
310  ///
311  /// %ret_f = @f(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> memref<2xi32>
312  /// // set ownership(%ret_f) := true
313  /// // remember to deallocate %ret_f
314  ///
315  /// %ret_g:2 = @g(%memref) : (memref<2xi32>) -> (memref<2xi32>, i1)
316  /// // set ownership(%ret_g#0) := %ret_g#1
317  /// // remember to deallocate %ret_g if it comes with ownership
318  /// ```
319  FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(CallOpInterface op);
321  /// Takes care of allocation and free side-effects. It collects allocated
322  /// MemRefs that we have to add to manually deallocate, but also removes
323  /// values again that are already deallocated before the end of the block. It
324  /// also updates the ownership map accordingly.
325  ///
326  /// Example:
327  /// ```
328  /// %alloc = memref.alloc()
329  /// %alloca = memref.alloca()
330  /// ```
331  /// becomes
332  /// ```
333  /// %alloc = memref.alloc()
334  /// %alloca = memref.alloca()
335  /// // set ownership(alloc) := true
336  /// // set ownership(alloca) := false
337  /// // remember to deallocate %alloc
338  /// ```
339  FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(MemoryEffectOpInterface op);
341  /// Takes care that the function boundary ABI is adhered to if the parent
342  /// operation implements FunctionOpInterface, inserting a
343  /// `bufferization.clone` if necessary, and inserts the
344  /// `bufferization.dealloc` operation according to the ops operands.
345  ///
346  /// Example:
347  /// ```
348  /// ^bb1:
349  /// <more ops...>
350  /// func.return <return-vals>
351  /// ```
352  /// becomes
353  /// ```
354  /// // let (m, c) = getMemrefsAndConditionsToDeallocate(bb1)
355  /// // let r = getMemrefsToRetain(bb1, nullptr, <return-vals>)
356  /// ^bb1:
357  /// <more ops...>
358  /// o = bufferization.dealloc m if c retain r
359  /// func.return <return-vals>
360  /// (if !isFunctionWithoutDynamicOwnership: append o)
361  /// ```
362  FailureOr<Operation *> handleInterface(RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface op);
364  /// Construct a new operation which is exactly the same as the passed 'op'
365  /// except that the OpResults list is appended by new results of the passed
366  /// 'types'.
367  /// TODO: ideally, this would be implemented using an OpInterface because it
368  /// is used to append function results, loop iter_args, etc. and thus makes
369  /// some assumptions that the variadic list of those is at the end of the
370  /// OpResults range.
371  Operation *appendOpResults(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Type> types);
373  /// A convenience template for the generic 'appendOpResults' function above to
374  /// avoid manual casting of the result.
375  template <typename OpTy>
376  OpTy appendOpResults(OpTy op, ArrayRef<Type> types) {
377  return cast<OpTy>(appendOpResults(op.getOperation(), types));
378  }
380  /// Performs deallocation of a single basic block. This is a private function
381  /// because some internal data structures have to be set up beforehand and
382  /// this function has to be called on blocks in a region in dominance order.
383  LogicalResult deallocate(Block *block);
385  /// After all relevant interfaces of an operation have been processed by the
386  /// 'handleInterface' functions, this function sets the ownership of operation
387  /// results that have not been set yet by the 'handleInterface' functions. It
388  /// generally assumes that each result can alias with every operand of the
389  /// operation, if there are MemRef typed results but no MemRef operands it
390  /// assigns 'false' as ownership. This happens, e.g., for the
391  /// memref.get_global operation. It would also be possible to query some alias
392  /// analysis to get more precise ownerships, however, the analysis would have
393  /// to be updated according to the IR modifications this pass performs (e.g.,
394  /// re-building operations to have more result values, inserting clone
395  /// operations, etc.).
396  void populateRemainingOwnerships(Operation *op);
398  /// Given an SSA value of MemRef type, returns the same of a new SSA value
399  /// which has 'Unique' ownership where the ownership indicator is guaranteed
400  /// to be always 'true'.
401  Value materializeMemrefWithGuaranteedOwnership(OpBuilder &builder,
402  Value memref, Block *block);
404  /// Returns whether the given operation implements FunctionOpInterface, has
405  /// private visibility, and the private-function-dynamic-ownership pass option
406  /// is enabled.
407  bool isFunctionWithoutDynamicOwnership(Operation *op);
409  /// Given an SSA value of MemRef type, this function queries the
410  /// BufferDeallocationOpInterface of the defining operation of 'memref' for a
411  /// materialized ownership indicator for 'memref'. If the op does not
412  /// implement the interface or if the block for which the materialized value
413  /// is requested does not match the block in which 'memref' is defined, the
414  /// default implementation in
415  /// `DeallocationState::getMemrefWithUniqueOwnership` is queried instead.
416  std::pair<Value, Value>
417  materializeUniqueOwnership(OpBuilder &builder, Value memref, Block *block);
419  /// Checks all the preconditions for operations implementing the
420  /// FunctionOpInterface that have to hold for the deallocation to be
421  /// applicable:
422  /// (1) Checks that there are not explicit control flow loops.
423  static LogicalResult verifyFunctionPreconditions(FunctionOpInterface op);
425  /// Checks all the preconditions for operations inside the region of
426  /// operations implementing the FunctionOpInterface that have to hold for the
427  /// deallocation to be applicable:
428  /// (1) Checks if all operations that have at least one attached region
429  /// implement the RegionBranchOpInterface. This is not required in edge cases,
430  /// where we have a single attached region and the parent operation has no
431  /// results.
432  /// (2) Checks that no deallocations already exist. Especially deallocations
433  /// in nested regions are not properly supported yet since this requires
434  /// ownership of the memref to be transferred to the nested region, which does
435  /// not happen by default. This constrained can be lifted in the future.
436  /// (3) Checks that terminators with more than one successor except
437  /// `cf.cond_br` are not present and that either BranchOpInterface or
438  /// RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface is implemented.
439  static LogicalResult verifyOperationPreconditions(Operation *op);
441  /// When the 'private-function-dynamic-ownership' pass option is enabled,
442  /// additional `i1` return values are added for each MemRef result in the
443  /// function signature. This function takes care of updating the
444  /// `function_type` attribute of the function according to the actually
445  /// returned values from the terminators.
446  static LogicalResult updateFunctionSignature(FunctionOpInterface op);
448 private:
449  /// Collects all analysis state and including liveness, caches, ownerships of
450  /// already processed values and operations, and the MemRefs that have to be
451  /// deallocated at the end of each block.
452  DeallocationState state;
454  /// Collects all pass options in a single place.
456 };
458 } // namespace
460 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
461 // BufferDeallocation Implementation
462 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
464 std::pair<Value, Value>
465 BufferDeallocation::materializeUniqueOwnership(OpBuilder &builder, Value memref,
466  Block *block) {
467  // The interface can only materialize ownership indicators in the same block
468  // as the defining op.
469  if (memref.getParentBlock() != block)
470  return state.getMemrefWithUniqueOwnership(builder, memref, block);
472  Operation *owner = memref.getDefiningOp();
473  if (!owner)
474  owner = memref.getParentBlock()->getParentOp();
476  // If the op implements the interface, query it for a materialized ownership
477  // value.
478  if (auto deallocOpInterface = dyn_cast<BufferDeallocationOpInterface>(owner))
479  return deallocOpInterface.materializeUniqueOwnershipForMemref(
480  state, options, builder, memref);
482  // Otherwise use the default implementation.
483  return state.getMemrefWithUniqueOwnership(builder, memref, block);
484 }
486 LogicalResult
487 BufferDeallocation::verifyFunctionPreconditions(FunctionOpInterface op) {
488  // (1) Ensure that there are supported loops only (no explicit control flow
489  // loops).
490  Backedges backedges(op);
491  if (backedges.size()) {
492  op->emitError("Only structured control-flow loops are supported.");
493  return failure();
494  }
496  return success();
497 }
499 LogicalResult BufferDeallocation::verifyOperationPreconditions(Operation *op) {
500  // We do not care about ops that do not operate on buffers and have no
501  // Allocate/Free side effect.
503  return success();
505  // (1) The pass does not work properly when deallocations are already present.
506  // Alternatively, we could also remove all deallocations as a pre-pass.
507  if (isa<DeallocOp>(op))
508  return op->emitError(
509  "No deallocation operations must be present when running this pass!");
511  // (2) Memory side effects of unregistered ops are unknown. In particular, we
512  // do not know whether an unregistered op allocates memory or not.
513  // - Ops with recursive memory effects are allowed. All nested ops in the
514  // regions of `op` will be analyzed separately.
515  // - Call ops are allowed even though they typically do not implement the
516  // MemoryEffectOpInterface. They usually do not have side effects apart
517  // from the callee, which will be analyzed separately. (This is similar to
518  // "recursive memory effects".)
519  if (!isa<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(op) &&
521  !isa<CallOpInterface>(op))
522  return op->emitError(
523  "ops with unknown memory side effects are not supported");
525  // (3) Check that the control flow structures are supported.
526  auto regions = op->getRegions();
527  // Check that if the operation has at
528  // least one region it implements the RegionBranchOpInterface. If there
529  // is an operation that does not fulfill this condition, we cannot apply
530  // the deallocation steps. Furthermore, we accept cases, where we have a
531  // region that returns no results, since, in that case, the intra-region
532  // control flow does not affect the transformation.
533  size_t size = regions.size();
534  if (((size == 1 && !op->getResults().empty()) || size > 1) &&
535  !dyn_cast<RegionBranchOpInterface>(op)) {
536  return op->emitError("All operations with attached regions need to "
537  "implement the RegionBranchOpInterface.");
538  }
540  // (3) Check that terminators with more than one successor except `cf.cond_br`
541  // are not present and that either BranchOpInterface or
542  // RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface is implemented.
543  if (op->hasTrait<OpTrait::NoTerminator>())
544  return op->emitError("NoTerminator trait is not supported");
546  if (op->hasTrait<OpTrait::IsTerminator>()) {
547  // Either one of those interfaces has to be implemented on terminators, but
548  // not both.
549  if (!isa<BranchOpInterface, RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface>(op) ||
550  (isa<BranchOpInterface>(op) &&
551  isa<RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface>(op)))
553  return op->emitError(
554  "Terminators must implement either BranchOpInterface or "
555  "RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface (but not both)!");
557  // We only support terminators with 0 or 1 successors for now and
558  // special-case the conditional branch op.
559  if (op->getSuccessors().size() > 1)
561  return op->emitError("Terminators with more than one successor "
562  "are not supported!");
563  }
565  return success();
566 }
568 LogicalResult
569 BufferDeallocation::updateFunctionSignature(FunctionOpInterface op) {
570  SmallVector<TypeRange> returnOperandTypes(llvm::map_range(
571  op.getFunctionBody().getOps<RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface>(),
572  [](RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface op) {
573  return op.getSuccessorOperands(RegionBranchPoint::parent()).getTypes();
574  }));
575  if (!llvm::all_equal(returnOperandTypes))
576  return op->emitError(
577  "there are multiple return operations with different operand types");
579  TypeRange resultTypes = op.getResultTypes();
580  // Check if we found a return operation because that doesn't necessarily
581  // always have to be the case, e.g., consider a function with one block that
582  // has a at the end branching to itself again (i.e., an infinite loop).
583  // In that case we don't want to crash but just not update the return types.
584  if (!returnOperandTypes.empty())
585  resultTypes = returnOperandTypes[0];
587  op.setFunctionTypeAttr(TypeAttr::get(FunctionType::get(
588  op->getContext(), op.getFunctionBody().front().getArgumentTypes(),
589  resultTypes)));
591  return success();
592 }
594 LogicalResult BufferDeallocation::deallocate(FunctionOpInterface op) {
595  // Stop and emit a proper error message if we don't support the input IR.
596  if (failed(verifyFunctionPreconditions(op)))
597  return failure();
599  // Process the function block by block.
601  [&](Block *block) {
602  if (failed(deallocate(block)))
603  return WalkResult::interrupt();
604  return WalkResult::advance();
605  });
606  if (result.wasInterrupted())
607  return failure();
609  // Update the function signature if the function is private, dynamic ownership
610  // is enabled, and the function has memrefs as arguments or results.
611  return updateFunctionSignature(op);
612 }
614 LogicalResult BufferDeallocation::deallocate(Block *block) {
615  OpBuilder builder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(block);
617  // Compute liveness transfers of ownership to this block.
618  SmallVector<Value> liveMemrefs;
619  state.getLiveMemrefsIn(block, liveMemrefs);
620  for (auto li : liveMemrefs) {
621  // Ownership of implicitly captured memrefs from other regions is never
622  // taken, but ownership of memrefs in the same region (but different block)
623  // is taken.
624  if (li.getParentRegion() == block->getParent()) {
625  state.updateOwnership(li, state.getOwnership(li, li.getParentBlock()),
626  block);
627  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(li, block);
628  continue;
629  }
631  if (li.getParentRegion()->isProperAncestor(block->getParent())) {
632  Value falseVal = buildBoolValue(builder, li.getLoc(), false);
633  state.updateOwnership(li, falseVal, block);
634  }
635  }
637  for (unsigned i = 0, e = block->getNumArguments(); i < e; ++i) {
638  BlockArgument arg = block->getArgument(i);
639  if (!isMemref(arg))
640  continue;
642  // Adhere to function boundary ABI: no ownership of function argument
643  // MemRefs is taken.
644  if (isa<FunctionOpInterface>(block->getParentOp()) &&
645  block->isEntryBlock()) {
646  Value newArg = buildBoolValue(builder, arg.getLoc(), false);
647  state.updateOwnership(arg, newArg);
648  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(arg, block);
649  continue;
650  }
652  // Pass MemRef ownerships along via `i1` values.
653  Value newArg = block->addArgument(builder.getI1Type(), arg.getLoc());
654  state.updateOwnership(arg, newArg);
655  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(arg, block);
656  }
658  // For each operation in the block, handle the interfaces that affect aliasing
659  // and ownership of memrefs.
660  for (Operation &op : llvm::make_early_inc_range(*block)) {
661  FailureOr<Operation *> result = handleAllInterfaces(&op);
662  if (failed(result))
663  return failure();
664  if (!*result)
665  continue;
667  populateRemainingOwnerships(*result);
668  }
670  // TODO: if block has no terminator, handle dealloc insertion here.
671  return success();
672 }
674 Operation *BufferDeallocation::appendOpResults(Operation *op,
675  ArrayRef<Type> types) {
676  SmallVector<Type> newTypes(op->getResultTypes());
677  newTypes.append(types.begin(), types.end());
678  auto *newOp = Operation::create(op->getLoc(), op->getName(), newTypes,
679  op->getOperands(), op->getAttrDictionary(),
680  op->getPropertiesStorage(),
681  op->getSuccessors(), op->getNumRegions());
682  for (auto [oldRegion, newRegion] :
683  llvm::zip(op->getRegions(), newOp->getRegions()))
684  newRegion.takeBody(oldRegion);
686  OpBuilder(op).insert(newOp);
687  op->replaceAllUsesWith(newOp->getResults().take_front(op->getNumResults()));
688  op->erase();
690  return newOp;
691 }
693 FailureOr<Operation *>
694 BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(RegionBranchOpInterface op) {
695  OpBuilder builder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(op->getBlock());
697  // TODO: the RegionBranchOpInterface does not provide all the necessary
698  // methods to perform this transformation without additional assumptions on
699  // the structure. In particular, that
700  // * additional values to be passed to the next region can be added to the end
701  // of the operand list, the end of the block argument list, and the end of
702  // the result value list. However, it seems to be the general guideline for
703  // operations implementing this interface to follow this structure.
704  // * and that the block arguments and result values match the forwarded
705  // operands one-to-one (i.e., that there are no other values appended to the
706  // front).
707  // These assumptions are satisfied by the `scf.if`, `scf.for`, and `scf.while`
708  // operations.
711  op.getSuccessorRegions(RegionBranchPoint::parent(), regions);
712  assert(!regions.empty() && "Must have at least one successor region");
713  SmallVector<Value> entryOperands(
714  op.getEntrySuccessorOperands(regions.front()));
715  unsigned numMemrefOperands = llvm::count_if(entryOperands, isMemref);
717  // No ownership is acquired for any MemRefs that are passed to the region from
718  // the outside.
719  Value falseVal = buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), false);
720  op->insertOperands(op->getNumOperands(),
721  SmallVector<Value>(numMemrefOperands, falseVal));
723  int counter = op->getNumResults();
724  unsigned numMemrefResults = llvm::count_if(op->getResults(), isMemref);
725  SmallVector<Type> ownershipResults(numMemrefResults, builder.getI1Type());
726  RegionBranchOpInterface newOp = appendOpResults(op, ownershipResults);
728  for (auto result : llvm::make_filter_range(newOp->getResults(), isMemref)) {
729  state.updateOwnership(result, newOp->getResult(counter++));
730  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(result, newOp->getBlock());
731  }
733  return newOp.getOperation();
734 }
736 Value BufferDeallocation::materializeMemrefWithGuaranteedOwnership(
737  OpBuilder &builder, Value memref, Block *block) {
738  // First, make sure we at least have 'Unique' ownership already.
739  std::pair<Value, Value> newMemrefAndOnwership =
740  materializeUniqueOwnership(builder, memref, block);
741  Value newMemref = newMemrefAndOnwership.first;
742  Value condition = newMemrefAndOnwership.second;
744  // Avoid inserting additional IR if ownership is already guaranteed. In
745  // particular, this is already the case when we had 'Unknown' ownership
746  // initially and a clone was inserted to get to 'Unique' ownership.
747  if (matchPattern(condition, m_One()))
748  return newMemref;
750  // Insert a runtime check and only clone if we still don't have ownership at
751  // runtime.
752  Value maybeClone =
753  builder
754  .create<scf::IfOp>(
755  memref.getLoc(), condition,
756  [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc) {
757  builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, newMemref);
758  },
759  [&](OpBuilder &builder, Location loc) {
760  Value clone =
761  builder.create<bufferization::CloneOp>(loc, newMemref);
762  builder.create<scf::YieldOp>(loc, clone);
763  })
764  .getResult(0);
765  Value trueVal = buildBoolValue(builder, memref.getLoc(), true);
766  state.updateOwnership(maybeClone, trueVal);
767  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(maybeClone, maybeClone.getParentBlock());
768  return maybeClone;
769 }
771 FailureOr<Operation *>
772 BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(BranchOpInterface op) {
773  if (op->getNumSuccessors() > 1)
774  return op->emitError("BranchOpInterface operations with multiple "
775  "successors are not supported yet");
777  if (op->getNumSuccessors() != 1)
778  return emitError(op.getLoc(),
779  "only BranchOpInterface operations with exactly "
780  "one successor are supported yet");
782  if (op.getSuccessorOperands(0).getProducedOperandCount() > 0)
783  return op.emitError("produced operands are not supported");
785  // Collect the values to deallocate and retain and use them to create the
786  // dealloc operation.
787  Block *block = op->getBlock();
788  OpBuilder builder(op);
789  SmallVector<Value> memrefs, conditions, toRetain;
790  if (failed(state.getMemrefsAndConditionsToDeallocate(
791  builder, op.getLoc(), block, memrefs, conditions)))
792  return failure();
794  OperandRange forwardedOperands =
795  op.getSuccessorOperands(0).getForwardedOperands();
796  state.getMemrefsToRetain(block, op->getSuccessor(0), forwardedOperands,
797  toRetain);
799  auto deallocOp = builder.create<bufferization::DeallocOp>(
800  op.getLoc(), memrefs, conditions, toRetain);
802  // We want to replace the current ownership of the retained values with the
803  // result values of the dealloc operation as they are always unique.
804  state.resetOwnerships(deallocOp.getRetained(), block);
805  for (auto [retained, ownership] :
806  llvm::zip(deallocOp.getRetained(), deallocOp.getUpdatedConditions())) {
807  state.updateOwnership(retained, ownership, block);
808  }
810  unsigned numAdditionalReturns = llvm::count_if(forwardedOperands, isMemref);
811  SmallVector<Value> newOperands(forwardedOperands);
812  auto additionalConditions =
813  deallocOp.getUpdatedConditions().take_front(numAdditionalReturns);
814  newOperands.append(additionalConditions.begin(), additionalConditions.end());
815  op.getSuccessorOperands(0).getMutableForwardedOperands().assign(newOperands);
817  return op.getOperation();
818 }
820 FailureOr<Operation *> BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(CallOpInterface op) {
821  OpBuilder builder(op);
823  // Lookup the function operation and check if it has private visibility. If
824  // the function is referenced by SSA value instead of a Symbol, it's assumed
825  // to be public. (And we cannot easily change the type of the SSA value
826  // anyway.)
827  Operation *funcOp = op.resolveCallableInTable(state.getSymbolTable());
828  bool isPrivate = false;
829  if (auto symbol = dyn_cast_or_null<SymbolOpInterface>(funcOp))
830  isPrivate = symbol.isPrivate() && !symbol.isDeclaration();
832  // If the private-function-dynamic-ownership option is enabled and we are
833  // calling a private function, we need to add an additional `i1` result for
834  // each MemRef result to dynamically pass the current ownership indicator
835  // rather than adhering to the function boundary ABI.
836  if (options.privateFuncDynamicOwnership && isPrivate) {
837  unsigned numMemrefs = llvm::count_if(op->getResults(), isMemref);
838  SmallVector<Type> ownershipTypesToAppend(numMemrefs, builder.getI1Type());
839  unsigned ownershipCounter = op->getNumResults();
840  op = appendOpResults(op, ownershipTypesToAppend);
842  for (auto result : llvm::make_filter_range(op->getResults(), isMemref)) {
843  state.updateOwnership(result, op->getResult(ownershipCounter++));
844  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(result, result.getParentBlock());
845  }
847  return op.getOperation();
848  }
850  // According to the function boundary ABI we are guaranteed to get ownership
851  // of all MemRefs returned by the function. Thus we set ownership to constant
852  // 'true' and remember to deallocate it.
853  Value trueVal = buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), true);
854  for (auto result : llvm::make_filter_range(op->getResults(), isMemref)) {
855  state.updateOwnership(result, trueVal);
856  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(result, result.getParentBlock());
857  }
859  return op.getOperation();
860 }
862 FailureOr<Operation *>
863 BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(MemoryEffectOpInterface op) {
864  auto *block = op->getBlock();
865  OpBuilder builder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(block);
867  for (auto operand : llvm::make_filter_range(op->getOperands(), isMemref)) {
868  if (op.getEffectOnValue<MemoryEffects::Free>(operand).has_value()) {
869  // The bufferization.manual_deallocation attribute can be attached to ops
870  // with an allocation and/or deallocation side effect. It indicates that
871  // the op is under a "manual deallocation" scheme. Deallocation ops are
872  // usually forbidden in the input IR (not supported by the buffer
873  // deallocation pass). However, if they are under manual deallocation,
874  // they can be safely ignored by the buffer deallocation pass.
875  if (!op->hasAttr(BufferizationDialect::kManualDeallocation))
876  return op->emitError(
877  "memory free side-effect on MemRef value not supported!");
879  // Buffers that were allocated under "manual deallocation" may be
880  // manually deallocated. We insert a runtime assertion to cover certain
881  // cases of invalid IR where an automatically managed buffer allocation
882  // is manually deallocated. This is not a bulletproof check!
883  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(builder);
884  builder.setInsertionPoint(op);
885  Ownership ownership = state.getOwnership(operand, block);
886  if (ownership.isUnique()) {
887  Value ownershipInverted = builder.create<arith::XOrIOp>(
888  op.getLoc(), ownership.getIndicator(),
889  buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), true));
890  builder.create<cf::AssertOp>(
891  op.getLoc(), ownershipInverted,
892  "expected that the block does not have ownership");
893  }
894  }
895  }
897  for (auto res : llvm::make_filter_range(op->getResults(), isMemref)) {
898  auto allocEffect = op.getEffectOnValue<MemoryEffects::Allocate>(res);
899  if (allocEffect.has_value()) {
900  if (isa<SideEffects::AutomaticAllocationScopeResource>(
901  allocEffect->getResource())) {
902  // Make sure that the ownership of auto-managed allocations is set to
903  // false. This is important for operations that have at least one memref
904  // typed operand. E.g., consider an operation like `bufferization.clone`
905  // that lowers to a `memref.alloca + memref.copy` instead of a
906  // `memref.alloc`. If we wouldn't set the ownership of the result here,
907  // the default ownership population in `populateRemainingOwnerships`
908  // would assume aliasing with the MemRef operand.
909  state.resetOwnerships(res, block);
910  state.updateOwnership(res, buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), false));
911  continue;
912  }
914  if (op->hasAttr(BufferizationDialect::kManualDeallocation)) {
915  // This allocation will be deallocated manually. Assign an ownership of
916  // "false", so that it will never be deallocated by the buffer
917  // deallocation pass.
918  state.resetOwnerships(res, block);
919  state.updateOwnership(res, buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), false));
920  continue;
921  }
923  state.updateOwnership(res, buildBoolValue(builder, op.getLoc(), true));
924  state.addMemrefToDeallocate(res, block);
925  }
926  }
928  return op.getOperation();
929 }
931 FailureOr<Operation *>
932 BufferDeallocation::handleInterface(RegionBranchTerminatorOpInterface op) {
933  OpBuilder builder(op);
935  // If this is a return operation of a function that is not private or the
936  // dynamic function boundary ownership is disabled, we need to return memref
937  // values for which we have guaranteed ownership to pass on to adhere to the
938  // function boundary ABI.
939  bool funcWithoutDynamicOwnership =
940  isFunctionWithoutDynamicOwnership(op->getParentOp());
941  if (funcWithoutDynamicOwnership) {
942  for (OpOperand &val : op->getOpOperands()) {
943  if (!isMemref(val.get()))
944  continue;
946  val.set(materializeMemrefWithGuaranteedOwnership(builder, val.get(),
947  op->getBlock()));
948  }
949  }
951  // TODO: getSuccessorRegions is not implemented by all operations we care
952  // about, but we would need to check how many successors there are and under
953  // which condition they are taken, etc.
955  MutableOperandRange operands =
956  op.getMutableSuccessorOperands(RegionBranchPoint::parent());
958  SmallVector<Value> updatedOwnerships;
960  state, op, operands.getAsOperandRange(), updatedOwnerships);
961  if (failed(result) || !*result)
962  return result;
964  // Add an additional operand for every MemRef for the ownership indicator.
965  if (!funcWithoutDynamicOwnership) {
966  SmallVector<Value> newOperands{operands.getAsOperandRange()};
967  newOperands.append(updatedOwnerships.begin(), updatedOwnerships.end());
968  operands.assign(newOperands);
969  }
971  return op.getOperation();
972 }
974 bool BufferDeallocation::isFunctionWithoutDynamicOwnership(Operation *op) {
975  auto funcOp = dyn_cast<FunctionOpInterface>(op);
976  return funcOp && (!options.privateFuncDynamicOwnership ||
977  !funcOp.isPrivate() || funcOp.isExternal());
978 }
980 void BufferDeallocation::populateRemainingOwnerships(Operation *op) {
981  for (auto res : op->getResults()) {
982  if (!isMemref(res))
983  continue;
984  if (!state.getOwnership(res, op->getBlock()).isUninitialized())
985  continue;
987  // The op does not allocate memory, otherwise, it would have been assigned
988  // an ownership during `handleInterface`. Assume the result may alias with
989  // any memref operand and thus combine all their ownerships.
990  for (auto operand : op->getOperands()) {
991  if (!isMemref(operand))
992  continue;
994  state.updateOwnership(
995  res, state.getOwnership(operand, operand.getParentBlock()),
996  op->getBlock());
997  }
999  // If the ownership value is still uninitialized (e.g., because the op has
1000  // no memref operands), assume that no ownership is taken. E.g., this is the
1001  // case for "memref.get_global".
1002  //
1003  // Note: This can lead to memory leaks if memory side effects are not
1004  // properly specified on the op.
1005  if (state.getOwnership(res, op->getBlock()).isUninitialized()) {
1006  OpBuilder builder(op);
1007  state.updateOwnership(res, buildBoolValue(builder, op->getLoc(), false));
1008  }
1009  }
1010 }
1012 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1013 // OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass
1014 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1016 namespace {
1018 /// The actual buffer deallocation pass that inserts and moves dealloc nodes
1019 /// into the right positions. Furthermore, it inserts additional clones if
1020 /// necessary. It uses the algorithm described at the top of the file.
1021 struct OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass
1022  : public bufferization::impl::OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationBase<
1023  OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass> {
1024  OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass() = default;
1025  OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass(DeallocationOptions options)
1026  : OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass() {
1027  this->privateFuncDynamicOwnership.setValue(
1028  options.privateFuncDynamicOwnership);
1029  }
1030  void runOnOperation() override {
1032  options.privateFuncDynamicOwnership = privateFuncDynamicOwnership;
1034  auto status = getOperation()->walk([&](func::FuncOp func) {
1035  if (func.isExternal())
1036  return WalkResult::skip();
1038  if (failed(deallocateBuffersOwnershipBased(func, options)))
1039  return WalkResult::interrupt();
1041  return WalkResult::advance();
1042  });
1043  if (status.wasInterrupted())
1044  signalPassFailure();
1045  }
1046 };
1048 } // namespace
1050 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1051 // Implement bufferization API
1052 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1054 LogicalResult
1057  // Gather all required allocation nodes and prepare the deallocation phase.
1058  BufferDeallocation deallocation(op, options);
1060  // Place all required temporary clone and dealloc nodes.
1061  return deallocation.deallocate(op);
1062 }
1064 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1065 // OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass construction
1066 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1068 std::unique_ptr<Pass>
1071  return std::make_unique<OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass>(options);
1072 }
static bool isMemref(Value v)
static Value buildBoolValue(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, bool value)
static bool hasBufferSemantics(Operation *op)
Return "true" if the given op has buffer semantics.
static bool hasNeitherAllocateNorFreeSideEffect(Operation *op)
Return "true" if the given op is guaranteed to have neither "Allocate" nor "Free" side effects.
static llvm::ManagedStatic< PassManagerOptions > options
This class represents an argument of a Block.
Definition: Value.h:319
Location getLoc() const
Return the location for this argument.
Definition: Value.h:334
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:31
BlockArgument getArgument(unsigned i)
Definition: Block.h:127
unsigned getNumArguments()
Definition: Block.h:126
Region * getParent() const
Provide a 'getParent' method for ilist_node_with_parent methods.
Definition: Block.cpp:26
SuccessorRange getSuccessors()
Definition: Block.h:265
BlockArgument addArgument(Type type, Location loc)
Add one value to the argument list.
Definition: Block.cpp:152
OpListType & getOperations()
Definition: Block.h:135
bool isEntryBlock()
Return if this block is the entry block in the parent region.
Definition: Block.cpp:35
Operation * getParentOp()
Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this block.
Definition: Block.cpp:30
BoolAttr getBoolAttr(bool value)
Definition: Builders.cpp:140
IntegerType getI1Type()
Definition: Builders.cpp:97
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:66
This class provides a mutable adaptor for a range of operands.
Definition: ValueRange.h:115
OperandRange getAsOperandRange() const
Explicit conversion to an OperandRange.
void assign(ValueRange values)
Assign this range to the given values.
RAII guard to reset the insertion point of the builder when destroyed.
Definition: Builders.h:356
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:215
static OpBuilder atBlockBegin(Block *block, Listener *listener=nullptr)
Create a builder and set the insertion point to before the first operation in the block but still ins...
Definition: Builders.h:248
void setInsertionPoint(Block *block, Block::iterator insertPoint)
Set the insertion point to the specified location.
Definition: Builders.h:406
Operation * create(const OperationState &state)
Creates an operation given the fields represented as an OperationState.
Definition: Builders.cpp:497
Operation * insert(Operation *op)
Insert the given operation at the current insertion point and return it.
Definition: Builders.cpp:461
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
This trait indicates that the memory effects of an operation includes the effects of operations neste...
This class provides the API for ops that are known to be terminators.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:764
This class indicates that the regions associated with this op don't have terminators.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:760
This class implements the operand iterators for the Operation class.
Definition: ValueRange.h:42
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
DictionaryAttr getAttrDictionary()
Return all of the attributes on this operation as a DictionaryAttr.
Definition: Operation.cpp:296
bool hasTrait()
Returns true if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
Definition: Operation.h:745
void insertOperands(unsigned index, ValueRange operands)
Insert the given operands into the operand list at the given 'index'.
Definition: Operation.cpp:256
Block * getSuccessor(unsigned index)
Definition: Operation.h:704
bool hasAttr(StringAttr name)
Return true if the operation has an attribute with the provided name, false otherwise.
Definition: Operation.h:555
unsigned getNumSuccessors()
Definition: Operation.h:702
OpResult getResult(unsigned idx)
Get the 'idx'th result of this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:402
std::enable_if_t< llvm::function_traits< std::decay_t< FnT > >::num_args==1, RetT > walk(FnT &&callback)
Walk the operation by calling the callback for each nested operation (including this one),...
Definition: Operation.h:793
MLIRContext * getContext()
Return the context this operation is associated with.
Definition: Operation.h:216
unsigned getNumRegions()
Returns the number of regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:669
Location getLoc()
The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Definition: Operation.h:223
unsigned getNumOperands()
Definition: Operation.h:341
static Operation * create(Location location, OperationName name, TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands, NamedAttrList &&attributes, OpaqueProperties properties, BlockRange successors, unsigned numRegions)
Create a new Operation with the specific fields.
Definition: Operation.cpp:67
Operation * getParentOp()
Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation or nullptr if this is a top-le...
Definition: Operation.h:234
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message={})
Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic handlers tha...
Definition: Operation.cpp:268
Block * getBlock()
Returns the operation block that contains this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:213
MutableArrayRef< Region > getRegions()
Returns the regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:672
OperationName getName()
The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
Definition: Operation.h:119
MutableArrayRef< OpOperand > getOpOperands()
Definition: Operation.h:378
result_type_range getResultTypes()
Definition: Operation.h:423
operand_range getOperands()
Returns an iterator on the underlying Value's.
Definition: Operation.h:373
void replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT &&values)
Replace all uses of results of this operation with the provided 'values'.
Definition: Operation.h:272
SuccessorRange getSuccessors()
Definition: Operation.h:699
result_range getResults()
Definition: Operation.h:410
OpaqueProperties getPropertiesStorage()
Returns the properties storage.
Definition: Operation.h:896
void erase()
Remove this operation from its parent block and delete it.
Definition: Operation.cpp:539
unsigned getNumResults()
Return the number of results held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:399
static constexpr RegionBranchPoint parent()
Returns an instance of RegionBranchPoint representing the parent operation.
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
This class provides an abstraction over the various different ranges of value types.
Definition: TypeRange.h:36
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
Type getType() const
Return the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:129
Block * getParentBlock()
Return the Block in which this Value is defined.
Definition: Value.cpp:48
Location getLoc() const
Return the location of this value.
Definition: Value.cpp:26
Operation * getDefiningOp() const
If this value is the result of an operation, return the operation that defines it.
Definition: Value.cpp:20
static WalkResult skip()
Definition: Visitors.h:52
static WalkResult advance()
Definition: Visitors.h:51
static WalkResult interrupt()
Definition: Visitors.h:50
This class collects all the state that we need to perform the buffer deallocation pass with associate...
This class is used to track the ownership of values.
bool isUnique() const
Check if this ownership value is in the 'Unique' state.
Value getIndicator() const
If this ownership value is in 'Unique' state, this function can be used to get the indicator paramete...
FailureOr< Operation * > insertDeallocOpForReturnLike(DeallocationState &state, Operation *op, ValueRange operands, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &updatedOperandOwnerships)
Insert a bufferization.dealloc operation right before op which has to be a terminator without any suc...
std::unique_ptr< Pass > createOwnershipBasedBufferDeallocationPass(DeallocationOptions options=DeallocationOptions())
Creates an instance of the OwnershipBasedBufferDeallocation pass to free all allocated buffers.
LogicalResult deallocateBuffersOwnershipBased(FunctionOpInterface op, DeallocationOptions options)
Run the ownership-based buffer deallocation.
Include the generated interface declarations.
bool matchPattern(Value value, const Pattern &pattern)
Entry point for matching a pattern over a Value.
Definition: Matchers.h:485
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc)
Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
detail::constant_int_predicate_matcher m_One()
Matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer one.
Definition: Matchers.h:473
Operation * clone(OpBuilder &b, Operation *op, TypeRange newResultTypes, ValueRange newOperands)
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
This iterator enumerates elements according to their dominance relationship.
Definition: Iterators.h:48
The following effect indicates that the operation allocates from some resource.
The following effect indicates that the operation frees some resource that has been allocated.
Options for BufferDeallocationOpInterface-based buffer deallocation.