An IntegerPolyhedron represents the set of points from a PresburgerSpace that satisfy a list of affine constraints. More...
#include "mlir/Analysis/Presburger/IntegerRelation.h"
Public Member Functions | |
IntegerPolyhedron (unsigned numReservedInequalities, unsigned numReservedEqualities, unsigned numReservedCols, const PresburgerSpace &space) | |
Constructs a set reserving memory for the specified number of constraints and variables. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron (const PresburgerSpace &space) | |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron (const PresburgerSpace &space, IntMatrix inequalities) | |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols and adds the given inequalities. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron (const PresburgerSpace &space, FracMatrix inequalities) | |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols and adds the given inequalities, after normalizing row-wise to integer values. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron (const IntegerRelation &rel) | |
Construct a set from an IntegerRelation. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron (IntegerRelation &&rel) | |
Construct a set from an IntegerRelation, but instead of creating a copy, use move constructor. More... | |
Kind | getKind () const override |
Return the kind of this IntegerRelation. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< IntegerPolyhedron > | clone () const |
unsigned | insertVar (VarKind kind, unsigned pos, unsigned num=1) override |
Insert num variables of the specified kind at position pos . More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron | intersect (const IntegerPolyhedron &other) const |
Return the intersection of the two relations. More... | |
PresburgerSet | subtract (const PresburgerSet &other) const |
Return the set difference of this set and the given set, i.e., return this \ set . More... | |
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IntegerRelation (unsigned numReservedInequalities, unsigned numReservedEqualities, unsigned numReservedCols, const PresburgerSpace &space) | |
Constructs a relation reserving memory for the specified number of constraints and variables. More... | |
IntegerRelation (const PresburgerSpace &space) | |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols. More... | |
virtual | ~IntegerRelation ()=default |
std::unique_ptr< IntegerRelation > | clone () const |
const PresburgerSpace & | getSpace () const |
Returns a reference to the underlying space. More... | |
void | setSpace (const PresburgerSpace &oSpace) |
Set the space to oSpace , which should have the same number of ids as the current space. More... | |
void | setSpaceExceptLocals (const PresburgerSpace &oSpace) |
Set the space to oSpace , which should not have any local ids. More... | |
void | setId (VarKind kind, unsigned i, Identifier id) |
Set the identifier for the ith variable of the specified kind of the IntegerRelation's PresburgerSpace. More... | |
void | resetIds () |
ArrayRef< Identifier > | getIds (VarKind kind) |
Get the identifiers for the variables of specified varKind. More... | |
PresburgerSpace | getSpaceWithoutLocals () const |
Returns a copy of the space without locals. More... | |
void | append (const IntegerRelation &other) |
Appends constraints from other into this . More... | |
IntegerRelation | intersect (IntegerRelation other) const |
Return the intersection of the two relations. More... | |
bool | isEqual (const IntegerRelation &other) const |
Return whether this and other are equal. More... | |
bool | isObviouslyEqual (const IntegerRelation &other) const |
Perform a quick equality check on this and other . More... | |
bool | isSubsetOf (const IntegerRelation &other) const |
Return whether this is a subset of the given IntegerRelation. More... | |
DynamicAPInt | atEq (unsigned i, unsigned j) const |
Returns the value at the specified equality row and column. More... | |
int64_t | atEq64 (unsigned i, unsigned j) const |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
DynamicAPInt & | atEq (unsigned i, unsigned j) |
DynamicAPInt | atIneq (unsigned i, unsigned j) const |
Returns the value at the specified inequality row and column. More... | |
int64_t | atIneq64 (unsigned i, unsigned j) const |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
DynamicAPInt & | atIneq (unsigned i, unsigned j) |
unsigned | getNumConstraints () const |
unsigned | getNumDomainVars () const |
unsigned | getNumRangeVars () const |
unsigned | getNumSymbolVars () const |
unsigned | getNumLocalVars () const |
unsigned | getNumDimVars () const |
unsigned | getNumDimAndSymbolVars () const |
unsigned | getNumVars () const |
unsigned | getNumCols () const |
Returns the number of columns in the constraint system. More... | |
unsigned | getNumEqualities () const |
unsigned | getNumInequalities () const |
unsigned | getNumReservedEqualities () const |
unsigned | getNumReservedInequalities () const |
ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > | getEquality (unsigned idx) const |
ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > | getInequality (unsigned idx) const |
SmallVector< int64_t, 8 > | getEquality64 (unsigned idx) const |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
SmallVector< int64_t, 8 > | getInequality64 (unsigned idx) const |
IntMatrix | getInequalities () const |
unsigned | getNumVarKind (VarKind kind) const |
Get the number of vars of the specified kind. More... | |
unsigned | getVarKindOffset (VarKind kind) const |
Return the index at which the specified kind of vars starts. More... | |
unsigned | getVarKindEnd (VarKind kind) const |
Return the index at Which the specified kind of vars ends. More... | |
unsigned | getVarKindOverlap (VarKind kind, unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit) const |
Get the number of elements of the specified kind in the range [varStart, varLimit). More... | |
VarKind | getVarKindAt (unsigned pos) const |
Return the VarKind of the var at the specified position. More... | |
CountsSnapshot | getCounts () const |
void | truncate (const CountsSnapshot &counts) |
unsigned | appendVar (VarKind kind, unsigned num=1) |
Append num variables of the specified kind after the last variable of that kind. More... | |
void | addInequality (ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > inEq) |
Adds an inequality (>= 0) from the coefficients specified in inEq . More... | |
void | addInequality (ArrayRef< int64_t > inEq) |
void | addEquality (ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > eq) |
Adds an equality from the coefficients specified in eq . More... | |
void | addEquality (ArrayRef< int64_t > eq) |
virtual void | eliminateRedundantLocalVar (unsigned posA, unsigned posB) |
Eliminate the posB^th local variable, replacing every instance of it with the posA^th local variable. More... | |
void | removeVar (VarKind kind, unsigned pos) |
Removes variables of the specified kind with the specified pos (or within the specified range) from the system. More... | |
virtual void | removeVarRange (VarKind kind, unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit) |
void | removeVar (unsigned pos) |
Removes the specified variable from the system. More... | |
void | removeEquality (unsigned pos) |
void | removeInequality (unsigned pos) |
void | removeEqualityRange (unsigned start, unsigned end) |
Remove the (in)equalities at positions [start, end). More... | |
void | removeInequalityRange (unsigned start, unsigned end) |
MaybeOptimum< SmallVector< Fraction, 8 > > | findRationalLexMin () const |
Get the lexicographically minimum rational point satisfying the constraints. More... | |
MaybeOptimum< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > | findIntegerLexMin () const |
Same as above, but returns lexicographically minimal integer point. More... | |
virtual void | swapVar (unsigned posA, unsigned posB) |
Swap the posA^th variable with the posB^th variable. More... | |
void | clearConstraints () |
Removes all equalities and inequalities. More... | |
void | setAndEliminate (unsigned pos, ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > values) |
Sets the values.size() variables starting at po s to the specified values and removes them. More... | |
void | setAndEliminate (unsigned pos, ArrayRef< int64_t > values) |
virtual void | clearAndCopyFrom (const IntegerRelation &other) |
Replaces the contents of this IntegerRelation with other . More... | |
void | getLowerAndUpperBoundIndices (unsigned pos, SmallVectorImpl< unsigned > *lbIndices, SmallVectorImpl< unsigned > *ubIndices, SmallVectorImpl< unsigned > *eqIndices=nullptr, unsigned offset=0, unsigned num=0) const |
Gather positions of all lower and upper bounds of the variable at pos , and optionally any equalities on it. More... | |
bool | isEmpty () const |
Checks for emptiness by performing variable elimination on all variables, running the GCD test on each equality constraint, and checking for invalid constraints. More... | |
bool | isObviouslyEmpty () const |
Performs GCD checks and invalid constraint checks. More... | |
bool | isEmptyByGCDTest () const |
Runs the GCD test on all equality constraints. More... | |
bool | isIntegerEmpty () const |
Returns true if the set of constraints is found to have no solution, false if a solution exists. More... | |
IntMatrix | getBoundedDirections () const |
Returns a matrix where each row is a vector along which the polytope is bounded. More... | |
std::optional< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > | findIntegerSample () const |
Find an integer sample point satisfying the constraints using a branch and bound algorithm with generalized basis reduction, with some additional processing using Simplex for unbounded sets. More... | |
std::optional< DynamicAPInt > | computeVolume () const |
Compute an overapproximation of the number of integer points in the relation. More... | |
bool | containsPoint (ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > point) const |
Returns true if the given point satisfies the constraints, or false otherwise. More... | |
bool | containsPoint (ArrayRef< int64_t > point) const |
std::optional< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > | containsPointNoLocal (ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > point) const |
Given the values of non-local vars, return a satisfying assignment to the local if one exists, or an empty optional otherwise. More... | |
std::optional< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > | containsPointNoLocal (ArrayRef< int64_t > point) const |
DivisionRepr | getLocalReprs (std::vector< MaybeLocalRepr > *repr=nullptr) const |
Returns a DivisonRepr representing the division representation of local variables in the constraint system. More... | |
void | addBound (BoundType type, unsigned pos, const DynamicAPInt &value) |
Adds a constant bound for the specified variable. More... | |
void | addBound (BoundType type, unsigned pos, int64_t value) |
void | addBound (BoundType type, ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > expr, const DynamicAPInt &value) |
Adds a constant bound for the specified expression. More... | |
void | addBound (BoundType type, ArrayRef< int64_t > expr, int64_t value) |
void | addLocalFloorDiv (ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > dividend, const DynamicAPInt &divisor) |
Adds a new local variable as the floordiv of an affine function of other variables, the coefficients of which are provided in dividend and with respect to a positive constant divisor . More... | |
void | addLocalFloorDiv (ArrayRef< int64_t > dividend, int64_t divisor) |
void | projectOut (unsigned pos, unsigned num) |
Projects out (aka eliminates) num variables starting at position pos . More... | |
void | projectOut (unsigned pos) |
LogicalResult | constantFoldVar (unsigned pos) |
Tries to fold the specified variable to a constant using a trivial equality detection; if successful, the constant is substituted for the variable everywhere in the constraint system and then removed from the system. More... | |
void | constantFoldVarRange (unsigned pos, unsigned num) |
This method calls constantFoldVar for the specified range of variables, num variables starting at position pos . More... | |
LogicalResult | unionBoundingBox (const IntegerRelation &other) |
Updates the constraints to be the smallest bounding (enclosing) box that contains the points of this set and that of other , with the symbols being treated specially. More... | |
std::optional< DynamicAPInt > | getConstantBoundOnDimSize (unsigned pos, SmallVectorImpl< DynamicAPInt > *lb=nullptr, DynamicAPInt *boundFloorDivisor=nullptr, SmallVectorImpl< DynamicAPInt > *ub=nullptr, unsigned *minLbPos=nullptr, unsigned *minUbPos=nullptr) const |
Returns the smallest known constant bound for the extent of the specified variable (pos^th), i.e., the smallest known constant that is greater than or equal to 'exclusive upper bound' - 'lower bound' of the variable. More... | |
std::optional< int64_t > | getConstantBoundOnDimSize64 (unsigned pos, SmallVectorImpl< int64_t > *lb=nullptr, int64_t *boundFloorDivisor=nullptr, SmallVectorImpl< int64_t > *ub=nullptr, unsigned *minLbPos=nullptr, unsigned *minUbPos=nullptr) const |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
std::optional< DynamicAPInt > | getConstantBound (BoundType type, unsigned pos) const |
Returns the constant bound for the pos^th variable if there is one; std::nullopt otherwise. More... | |
std::optional< int64_t > | getConstantBound64 (BoundType type, unsigned pos) const |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
void | removeIndependentConstraints (unsigned pos, unsigned num) |
Removes constraints that are independent of (i.e., do not have a coefficient) variables in the range [pos, pos + num). More... | |
bool | isHyperRectangular (unsigned pos, unsigned num) const |
Returns true if the set can be trivially detected as being hyper-rectangular on the specified contiguous set of variables. More... | |
void | removeTrivialRedundancy () |
Removes duplicate constraints, trivially true constraints, and constraints that can be detected as redundant as a result of differing only in their constant term part. More... | |
void | removeRedundantInequalities () |
A more expensive check than removeTrivialRedundancy to detect redundant inequalities. More... | |
void | removeRedundantConstraints () |
Removes redundant constraints using Simplex. More... | |
void | removeDuplicateDivs () |
void | simplify () |
Simplify the constraint system by removing canonicalizing constraints and removing redundant constraints. More... | |
void | convertVarKind (VarKind srcKind, unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit, VarKind dstKind, unsigned pos) |
Converts variables of kind srcKind in the range [varStart, varLimit) to variables of kind dstKind. More... | |
void | convertVarKind (VarKind srcKind, unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit, VarKind dstKind) |
void | convertToLocal (VarKind kind, unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit) |
void | mergeAndAlignSymbols (IntegerRelation &other) |
Merge and align symbol variables of this and other with respect to identifiers. More... | |
unsigned | mergeLocalVars (IntegerRelation &other) |
Adds additional local vars to the sets such that they both have the union of the local vars in each set, without changing the set of points that lie in this and other . More... | |
bool | hasOnlyDivLocals () const |
Check whether all local ids have a division representation. More... | |
void | setDimSymbolSeparation (unsigned newSymbolCount) |
Changes the partition between dimensions and symbols. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron | getDomainSet () const |
Return a set corresponding to all points in the domain of the relation. More... | |
IntegerPolyhedron | getRangeSet () const |
Return a set corresponding to all points in the range of the relation. More... | |
void | intersectDomain (const IntegerPolyhedron &poly) |
Intersect the given poly with the domain in-place. More... | |
void | intersectRange (const IntegerPolyhedron &poly) |
Intersect the given poly with the range in-place. More... | |
void | inverse () |
Invert the relation i.e., swap its domain and range. More... | |
void | compose (const IntegerRelation &rel) |
Let the relation this be R1, and the relation rel be R2. More... | |
void | applyDomain (const IntegerRelation &rel) |
Given a relation rel , apply the relation to the domain of this relation. More... | |
void | applyRange (const IntegerRelation &rel) |
Given a relation rel , apply the relation to the range of this relation. More... | |
void | mergeAndCompose (const IntegerRelation &other) |
Given a relation other: (A -> B) , this operation merges the symbol and local variables and then takes the composition of other on this: (B -> C) . More... | |
PresburgerRelation | computeReprWithOnlyDivLocals () const |
Compute an equivalent representation of the same set, such that all local vars in all disjuncts have division representations. More... | |
SymbolicLexOpt | findSymbolicIntegerLexMin () const |
Compute the symbolic integer lexmin of the relation. More... | |
SymbolicLexOpt | findSymbolicIntegerLexMax () const |
Same as findSymbolicIntegerLexMin but produces lexmax instead of lexmin. More... | |
PresburgerRelation | subtract (const PresburgerRelation &set) const |
Return the set difference of this set and the given set, i.e., return this \ set . More... | |
void | removeTrivialEqualities () |
bool | isFullDim () |
void | print (raw_ostream &os) const |
void | dump () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static IntegerPolyhedron | getUniverse (const PresburgerSpace &space) |
Return a system with no constraints, i.e., one which is satisfied by all points. More... | |
static bool | classof (const IntegerRelation *cst) |
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static IntegerRelation | getUniverse (const PresburgerSpace &space) |
Return a system with no constraints, i.e., one which is satisfied by all points. More... | |
static IntegerRelation | getEmpty (const PresburgerSpace &space) |
Return an empty system containing an invalid equation 0 = 1. More... | |
static bool | classof (const IntegerRelation *cst) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum class | Kind { IntegerRelation , IntegerPolyhedron , FlatLinearConstraints , FlatLinearValueConstraints , FlatAffineValueConstraints , FlatAffineRelation } |
All derived classes of IntegerRelation. More... | |
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bool | hasInvalidConstraint () const |
Checks all rows of equality/inequality constraints for trivial contradictions (for example: 1 == 0, 0 >= 1), which may have surfaced after elimination. More... | |
template<bool isLower> | |
std::optional< DynamicAPInt > | computeConstantLowerOrUpperBound (unsigned pos) |
Returns the constant lower bound if isLower is true, and the upper bound if isLower is false. More... | |
template<bool isLower> | |
std::optional< int64_t > | computeConstantLowerOrUpperBound64 (unsigned pos) |
The same, but casts to int64_t. More... | |
LogicalResult | gaussianEliminateVar (unsigned position) |
Eliminates a single variable at position from equality and inequality constraints. More... | |
void | removeRedundantLocalVars () |
Removes local variables using equalities. More... | |
unsigned | gaussianEliminateVars (unsigned posStart, unsigned posLimit) |
Eliminates variables from equality and inequality constraints in column range [posStart, posLimit). More... | |
bool | gaussianEliminate () |
Perform a Gaussian elimination operation to reduce all equations to standard form. More... | |
virtual void | fourierMotzkinEliminate (unsigned pos, bool darkShadow=false, bool *isResultIntegerExact=nullptr) |
Eliminates the variable at the specified position using Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination, but uses Gaussian elimination if there is an equality involving that variable. More... | |
void | gcdTightenInequalities () |
Tightens inequalities given that we are dealing with integer spaces. More... | |
void | normalizeConstraintsByGCD () |
Normalized each constraints by the GCD of its coefficients. More... | |
bool | findConstraintWithNonZeroAt (unsigned colIdx, bool isEq, unsigned *rowIdx) const |
Searches for a constraint with a non-zero coefficient at colIdx in equality (isEq=true) or inequality (isEq=false) constraints. More... | |
bool | isColZero (unsigned pos) const |
Returns true if the pos^th column is all zero for both inequalities and equalities. More... | |
bool | removeDuplicateConstraints () |
Checks for identical inequalities and eliminates redundant inequalities. More... | |
virtual bool | hasConsistentState () const |
Returns false if the fields corresponding to various variable counts, or equality/inequality buffer sizes aren't consistent; true otherwise. More... | |
virtual void | printSpace (raw_ostream &os) const |
Prints the number of constraints, dimensions, symbols and locals in the IntegerRelation. More... | |
void | removeVarRange (unsigned varStart, unsigned varLimit) |
Removes variables in the column range [varStart, varLimit), and copies any remaining valid data into place, updates member variables, and resizes arrays as needed. More... | |
void | truncateVarKind (VarKind kind, unsigned num) |
Truncate the vars of the specified kind to the specified number by dropping some vars at the end. More... | |
void | truncateVarKind (VarKind kind, const CountsSnapshot &counts) |
Truncate the vars to the number in the space of the specified CountsSnapshot. More... | |
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PresburgerSpace | space |
IntMatrix | equalities |
Coefficients of affine equalities (in == 0 form). More... | |
IntMatrix | inequalities |
Coefficients of affine inequalities (in >= 0 form). More... | |
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constexpr static unsigned | kExplosionFactor = 32 |
A parameter that controls detection of an unrealistic number of constraints. More... | |
An IntegerPolyhedron represents the set of points from a PresburgerSpace that satisfy a list of affine constraints.
Affine constraints can be inequalities or equalities in the form:
Inequality: c_0*x_0 + c_1*x_1 + .... + c_{n-1}*x_{n-1} + c_n >= 0 Equality : c_0*x_0 + c_1*x_1 + .... + c_{n-1}*x_{n-1} + c_n == 0
where c_0, c_1, ..., c_n are integers and n is the total number of variables in the space.
An IntegerPolyhedron is similar to an IntegerRelation but it does not make a distinction between Domain and Range variables. Internally, IntegerPolyhedron is implemented as a IntegerRelation with zero domain vars.
Since IntegerPolyhedron does not make a distinction between kinds of dimensions, VarKind::SetDim should be used to refer to dimension variables.
Definition at line 897 of file IntegerRelation.h.
inline |
Constructs a set reserving memory for the specified number of constraints and variables.
Definition at line 901 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::PresburgerSpace::getNumDomainVars(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::space.
Referenced by getUniverse(), and intersect().
inlineexplicit |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols.
Definition at line 912 of file IntegerRelation.h.
inlineexplicit |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols and adds the given inequalities.
Definition at line 919 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::addInequality(), mlir::presburger::Matrix< T >::getNumRows(), mlir::presburger::Matrix< T >::getRow(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::inequalities.
inlineexplicit |
Constructs a relation with the specified number of dimensions and symbols and adds the given inequalities, after normalizing row-wise to integer values.
Definition at line 929 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::addInequality(), mlir::presburger::Matrix< T >::getNumRows(), mlir::presburger::Matrix< T >::getRow(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::inequalities.
inlineexplicit |
Construct a set from an IntegerRelation.
The relation should have no domain vars.
Definition at line 939 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::PresburgerSpace::getNumDomainVars(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::space.
inlineexplicit |
Construct a set from an IntegerRelation, but instead of creating a copy, use move constructor.
The relation should have no domain vars.
Definition at line 947 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::PresburgerSpace::getNumDomainVars(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::space.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 961 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::FlatAffineRelation, mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::getKind(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::IntegerPolyhedron.
std::unique_ptr< IntegerPolyhedron > IntegerPolyhedron::clone | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 54 of file IntegerRelation.cpp.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return the kind of this IntegerRelation.
Reimplemented from mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation.
Reimplemented in mlir::affine::FlatAffineRelation, and mlir::affine::FlatAffineValueConstraints.
Definition at line 959 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::IntegerPolyhedron.
inlinestatic |
Return a system with no constraints, i.e., one which is satisfied by all points.
Definition at line 954 of file IntegerRelation.h.
References IntegerPolyhedron(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::space.
Referenced by mlir::presburger::PresburgerSet::getUniverse().
overridevirtual |
Insert num
variables of the specified kind at position pos
Positions are relative to the kind of variable. Return the absolute column position (i.e., not relative to the kind of variable) of the first added variable.
Reimplemented from mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation.
Definition at line 2621 of file IntegerRelation.cpp.
References mlir::presburger::Domain, and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::insertVar().
Referenced by computeDirectionVector(), mlir::FlatLinearConstraints::insertDimVar(), mlir::FlatLinearConstraints::insertLocalVar(), and mlir::FlatLinearConstraints::insertSymbolVar().
IntegerPolyhedron IntegerPolyhedron::intersect | ( | const IntegerPolyhedron & | other | ) | const |
Return the intersection of the two relations.
If there are locals, they will be merged.
Definition at line 2628 of file IntegerRelation.cpp.
References IntegerPolyhedron(), and mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::intersect().
PresburgerSet IntegerPolyhedron::subtract | ( | const PresburgerSet & | other | ) | const |
Return the set difference of this set and the given set, i.e., return this \ set
Definition at line 2632 of file IntegerRelation.cpp.
References mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::subtract().