MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- InterfaceSupport.h - MLIR Interface Support Classes ------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines several support classes for defining interfaces.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/TypeName.h"
21 namespace mlir {
22 namespace detail {
23 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
24 // Interface
25 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
27 /// This class represents an abstract interface. An interface is a simplified
28 /// mechanism for attaching concept based polymorphism to a class hierarchy. An
29 /// interface is comprised of two components:
30 /// * The derived interface class: This is what users interact with, and invoke
31 /// methods on.
32 /// * An interface `Trait` class: This is the class that is attached to the
33 /// object implementing the interface. It is the mechanism with which models
34 /// are specialized.
35 ///
36 /// Derived interfaces types must provide the following template types:
37 /// * ConcreteType: The CRTP derived type.
38 /// * ValueT: The opaque type the derived interface operates on. For example
39 /// `Operation*` for operation interfaces, or `Attribute` for
40 /// attribute interfaces.
41 /// * Traits: A class that contains definitions for a 'Concept' and a 'Model'
42 /// class. The 'Concept' class defines an abstract virtual interface,
43 /// where as the 'Model' class implements this interface for a
44 /// specific derived T type. Both of these classes *must* not contain
45 /// non-static data. A simple example is shown below:
46 ///
47 /// ```c++
48 /// struct ExampleInterfaceTraits {
49 /// struct Concept {
50 /// virtual unsigned getNumInputs(T t) const = 0;
51 /// };
52 /// template <typename DerivedT> class Model {
53 /// unsigned getNumInputs(T t) const final {
54 /// return cast<DerivedT>(t).getNumInputs();
55 /// }
56 /// };
57 /// };
58 /// ```
59 ///
60 /// * BaseType: A desired base type for the interface. This is a class
61 /// that provides specific functionality for the `ValueT`
62 /// value. For instance the specific `Op` that will wrap the
63 /// `Operation*` for an `OpInterface`.
64 /// * BaseTrait: The base type for the interface trait. This is the base class
65 /// to use for the interface trait that will be attached to each
66 /// instance of `ValueT` that implements this interface.
67 ///
68 template <typename ConcreteType, typename ValueT, typename Traits,
69  typename BaseType,
70  template <typename, template <typename> class> class BaseTrait>
71 class Interface : public BaseType {
72 public:
73  using Concept = typename Traits::Concept;
74  template <typename T>
75  using Model = typename Traits::template Model<T>;
76  template <typename T>
77  using FallbackModel = typename Traits::template FallbackModel<T>;
78  using InterfaceBase =
80  template <typename T, typename U>
81  using ExternalModel = typename Traits::template ExternalModel<T, U>;
82  using ValueType = ValueT;
84  /// This is a special trait that registers a given interface with an object.
85  template <typename ConcreteT>
86  struct Trait : public BaseTrait<ConcreteT, Trait> {
89  /// Define an accessor for the ID of this interface.
90  static TypeID getInterfaceID() { return TypeID::get<ConcreteType>(); }
91  };
93  /// Construct an interface from an instance of the value type.
94  explicit Interface(ValueT t = ValueT())
95  : BaseType(t),
96  conceptImpl(t ? ConcreteType::getInterfaceFor(t) : nullptr) {
97  assert((!t || conceptImpl) &&
98  "expected value to provide interface instance");
99  }
100  Interface(std::nullptr_t) : BaseType(ValueT()), conceptImpl(nullptr) {}
102  /// Construct an interface instance from a type that implements this
103  /// interface's trait.
104  template <typename T,
105  std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Trait<T>, T>::value> * = nullptr>
107  : BaseType(t),
108  conceptImpl(t ? ConcreteType::getInterfaceFor(t) : nullptr) {
109  assert((!t || conceptImpl) &&
110  "expected value to provide interface instance");
111  }
113  /// Constructor for a known concept.
114  Interface(ValueT t, const Concept *conceptImpl)
115  : BaseType(t), conceptImpl(const_cast<Concept *>(conceptImpl)) {
116  assert(!t || ConcreteType::getInterfaceFor(t) == conceptImpl);
117  }
119  /// Constructor for DenseMapInfo's empty key and tombstone key.
120  Interface(ValueT t, std::nullptr_t) : BaseType(t), conceptImpl(nullptr) {}
122  /// Support 'classof' by checking if the given object defines the concrete
123  /// interface.
124  static bool classof(ValueT t) { return ConcreteType::getInterfaceFor(t); }
126  /// Define an accessor for the ID of this interface.
127  static TypeID getInterfaceID() { return TypeID::get<ConcreteType>(); }
129 protected:
130  /// Get the raw concept in the correct derived concept type.
131  const Concept *getImpl() const { return conceptImpl; }
132  Concept *getImpl() { return conceptImpl; }
134 private:
135  /// A pointer to the impl concept object.
136  Concept *conceptImpl;
137 };
139 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
140 // InterfaceMap
141 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
143 /// Template utility that computes the number of elements within `T` that
144 /// satisfy the given predicate.
145 template <template <class> class Pred, size_t N, typename... Ts>
146 struct count_if_t_impl : public std::integral_constant<size_t, N> {};
147 template <template <class> class Pred, size_t N, typename T, typename... Us>
148 struct count_if_t_impl<Pred, N, T, Us...>
149  : public std::integral_constant<
150  size_t,
151  count_if_t_impl<Pred, N + (Pred<T>::value ? 1 : 0), Us...>::value> {};
152 template <template <class> class Pred, typename... Ts>
153 using count_if_t = count_if_t_impl<Pred, 0, Ts...>;
155 /// This class provides an efficient mapping between a given `Interface` type,
156 /// and a particular implementation of its concept.
158  /// Trait to check if T provides a static 'getInterfaceID' method.
159  template <typename T, typename... Args>
160  using has_get_interface_id = decltype(T::getInterfaceID());
161  template <typename T>
162  using detect_get_interface_id = llvm::is_detected<has_get_interface_id, T>;
163  template <typename... Types>
164  using num_interface_types_t = count_if_t<detect_get_interface_id, Types...>;
166  /// Trait to check if T provides a 'initializeInterfaceConcept' method.
167  template <typename T, typename... Args>
168  using has_initialize_method =
169  decltype(std::declval<T>().initializeInterfaceConcept(
170  std::declval<InterfaceMap &>()));
171  template <typename T>
172  using detect_initialize_method = llvm::is_detected<has_initialize_method, T>;
174 public:
175  InterfaceMap() = default;
176  InterfaceMap(InterfaceMap &&) = default;
178  for (auto &it : interfaces)
179  free(it.second);
180  interfaces = std::move(rhs.interfaces);
181  return *this;
182  }
184  for (auto &it : interfaces)
185  free(it.second);
186  }
188  /// Construct an InterfaceMap with the given set of template types. For
189  /// convenience given that object trait lists may contain other non-interface
190  /// types, not all of the types need to be interfaces. The provided types that
191  /// do not represent interfaces are not added to the interface map.
192  template <typename... Types>
193  static InterfaceMap get() {
194  constexpr size_t numInterfaces = num_interface_types_t<Types...>::value;
195  if constexpr (numInterfaces == 0)
196  return InterfaceMap();
198  InterfaceMap map;
199  (map.insertPotentialInterface<Types>(), ...);
200  return map;
201  }
203  /// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it
204  /// was registered to this map, null otherwise.
205  template <typename T>
206  typename T::Concept *lookup() const {
207  return reinterpret_cast<typename T::Concept *>(lookup(T::getInterfaceID()));
208  }
210  /// Returns true if the interface map contains an interface for the given id.
211  bool contains(TypeID interfaceID) const { return lookup(interfaceID); }
213  /// Insert the given interface models.
214  template <typename... IfaceModels>
215  void insertModels() {
216  (insertModel<IfaceModels>(), ...);
217  }
219 private:
220  /// Insert the given interface type into the map, ignoring it if it doesn't
221  /// actually represent an interface.
222  template <typename T>
223  inline void insertPotentialInterface() {
224  if constexpr (detect_get_interface_id<T>::value)
225  insertModel<typename T::ModelT>();
226  }
228  /// Insert the given interface model into the map.
229  template <typename InterfaceModel>
230  void insertModel() {
231  // FIXME(#59975): Uncomment this when SPIRV no longer awkwardly reimplements
232  // interfaces in a way that isn't clean/compatible.
233  // static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v<InterfaceModel>,
234  // "interface models must be trivially destructible");
236  // Build the interface model, optionally initializing if necessary.
237  InterfaceModel *model =
238  new (malloc(sizeof(InterfaceModel))) InterfaceModel();
239  if constexpr (detect_initialize_method<InterfaceModel>::value)
240  model->initializeInterfaceConcept(*this);
242  insert(InterfaceModel::Interface::getInterfaceID(), model);
243  }
244  /// Insert the given set of interface id and concept implementation into the
245  /// interface map.
246  void insert(TypeID interfaceId, void *conceptImpl);
248  /// Compare two TypeID instances by comparing the underlying pointer.
249  static bool compare(TypeID lhs, TypeID rhs) {
250  return lhs.getAsOpaquePointer() < rhs.getAsOpaquePointer();
251  }
253  /// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface id if it
254  /// was registered to this map, null otherwise.
255  void *lookup(TypeID id) const {
256  const auto *it =
257  llvm::lower_bound(interfaces, id, [](const auto &it, TypeID id) {
258  return compare(it.first, id);
259  });
260  return (it != interfaces.end() && it->first == id) ? it->second : nullptr;
261  }
263  /// A list of interface instances, sorted by TypeID.
264  SmallVector<std::pair<TypeID, void *>> interfaces;
265 };
267 template <typename ConcreteType, typename ValueT, typename Traits,
268  typename BaseType,
269  template <typename, template <typename> class> class BaseTrait>
271  Interface<ConcreteType, ValueT, Traits, BaseType, BaseTrait> &);
273 template <typename T>
274 using is_interface_t = decltype(isInterfaceImpl(std::declval<T &>()));
276 template <typename T>
277 using IsInterface = llvm::is_detected<is_interface_t, T>;
279 } // namespace detail
280 } // namespace mlir
282 namespace llvm {
284 template <typename T>
285 struct DenseMapInfo<T, std::enable_if_t<mlir::detail::IsInterface<T>::value>> {
288  static T getEmptyKey() { return T(ValueTypeInfo::getEmptyKey(), nullptr); }
290  static T getTombstoneKey() {
291  return T(ValueTypeInfo::getTombstoneKey(), nullptr);
292  }
294  static unsigned getHashValue(T val) {
295  return ValueTypeInfo::getHashValue(val);
296  }
298  static bool isEqual(T lhs, T rhs) { return ValueTypeInfo::isEqual(lhs, rhs); }
299 };
301 } // namespace llvm
303 #endif
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
This class provides an efficient mapping between a given Interface type, and a particular implementat...
void insertModels()
Insert the given interface models.
InterfaceMap(InterfaceMap &&)=default
static InterfaceMap get()
Construct an InterfaceMap with the given set of template types.
bool contains(TypeID interfaceID) const
Returns true if the interface map contains an interface for the given id.
T::Concept * lookup() const
Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it was registered to this map,...
InterfaceMap & operator=(InterfaceMap &&rhs)
This class represents an abstract interface.
static bool classof(ValueT t)
Support 'classof' by checking if the given object defines the concrete interface.
Interface(ValueT t, const Concept *conceptImpl)
Constructor for a known concept.
Interface(ValueT t, std::nullptr_t)
Constructor for DenseMapInfo's empty key and tombstone key.
Interface(ValueT t=ValueT())
Construct an interface from an instance of the value type.
static TypeID getInterfaceID()
Define an accessor for the ID of this interface.
typename Traits::template ExternalModel< T, U > ExternalModel
typename Traits::template FallbackModel< T > FallbackModel
typename Traits::template Model< T > Model
typename Traits::Concept Concept
const Concept * getImpl() const
Get the raw concept in the correct derived concept type.
Interface(T t)
Construct an interface instance from a type that implements this interface's trait.
The OpAsmOpInterface, see for more details.
Definition: CallGraph.h:229
void isInterfaceImpl(Interface< ConcreteType, ValueT, Traits, BaseType, BaseTrait > &)
decltype(isInterfaceImpl(std::declval< T & >())) is_interface_t
llvm::is_detected< is_interface_t, T > IsInterface
Include the generated interface declarations.
This is a special trait that registers a given interface with an object.
static TypeID getInterfaceID()
Define an accessor for the ID of this interface.
Template utility that computes the number of elements within T that satisfy the given predicate.