MLIR  20.0.0git
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
GPUOpsLowering.h File Reference
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/Pattern.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/IR/GPUDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMDialect.h"

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struct  mlir::GPUDynamicSharedMemoryOpLowering
 Lowering for gpu.dynamic.shared.memory to LLVM dialect. More...
struct  mlir::GPUFuncOpLoweringOptions
struct  mlir::GPUFuncOpLowering
struct  mlir::GPUPrintfOpToHIPLowering
 The lowering of gpu.printf to a call to HIP hostcalls. More...
struct  mlir::GPUPrintfOpToLLVMCallLowering
 The lowering of gpu.printf to a call to an external printf() function. More...
struct  mlir::GPUPrintfOpToVPrintfLowering
 Lowering of gpu.printf to a vprintf standard library. More...
struct  mlir::GPUReturnOpLowering
struct  mlir::ScalarizeVectorOpLowering< SourceOp >
 Rewriting that unrolls SourceOp to scalars if it's operating on vectors. More...


 Include the generated interface declarations.
 Attribute collections provide a dictionary-like interface.


LLVM::LLVMFuncOp mlir::getOrDefineFunction (gpu::GPUModuleOp moduleOp, Location loc, OpBuilder &b, StringRef name, LLVM::LLVMFunctionType type)
 Find or create an external function declaration in the given module. More...
LLVM::GlobalOp mlir::getOrCreateStringConstant (OpBuilder &b, Location loc, gpu::GPUModuleOp moduleOp, Type llvmI8, StringRef namePrefix, StringRef str, uint64_t alignment=0, unsigned addrSpace=0)
 Create a global that contains the given string. More...
LogicalResult mlir::impl::scalarizeVectorOp (Operation *op, ValueRange operands, ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, const LLVMTypeConverter &converter)
 Unrolls op if it's operating on vectors. More...