MLIR  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- InferIntRangeCommon.cpp - Inference for common ops ------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains implementations of range inference for operations that are
10 // common to both the `arith` and `index` dialects to facilitate reuse.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
23 #include <iterator>
24 #include <optional>
26 using namespace mlir;
28 #define DEBUG_TYPE "int-range-analysis"
30 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
31 // General utilities
32 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
34 /// Function that evaluates the result of doing something on arithmetic
35 /// constants and returns std::nullopt on overflow.
36 using ConstArithFn =
37  function_ref<std::optional<APInt>(const APInt &, const APInt &)>;
39 /// Compute op(minLeft, minRight) and op(maxLeft, maxRight) if possible,
40 /// If either computation overflows, make the result unbounded.
41 static ConstantIntRanges computeBoundsBy(ConstArithFn op, const APInt &minLeft,
42  const APInt &minRight,
43  const APInt &maxLeft,
44  const APInt &maxRight, bool isSigned) {
45  std::optional<APInt> maybeMin = op(minLeft, minRight);
46  std::optional<APInt> maybeMax = op(maxLeft, maxRight);
47  if (maybeMin && maybeMax)
48  return ConstantIntRanges::range(*maybeMin, *maybeMax, isSigned);
49  return ConstantIntRanges::maxRange(minLeft.getBitWidth());
50 }
52 /// Compute the minimum and maximum of `(op(l, r) for l in lhs for r in rhs)`,
53 /// ignoring unbounded values. Returns the maximal range if `op` overflows.
55  ArrayRef<APInt> rhs, bool isSigned) {
56  unsigned width = lhs[0].getBitWidth();
57  APInt min =
58  isSigned ? APInt::getSignedMaxValue(width) : APInt::getMaxValue(width);
59  APInt max =
60  isSigned ? APInt::getSignedMinValue(width) : APInt::getZero(width);
61  for (const APInt &left : lhs) {
62  for (const APInt &right : rhs) {
63  std::optional<APInt> maybeThisResult = op(left, right);
64  if (!maybeThisResult)
65  return ConstantIntRanges::maxRange(width);
66  APInt result = std::move(*maybeThisResult);
67  min = (isSigned ? result.slt(min) : result.ult(min)) ? result : min;
68  max = (isSigned ? result.sgt(max) : result.ugt(max)) ? result : max;
69  }
70  }
71  return ConstantIntRanges::range(min, max, isSigned);
72 }
74 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
75 // Ext, trunc, index op handling
76 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
81  intrange::CmpMode mode) {
82  ConstantIntRanges sixtyFour = inferFn(argRanges);
84  llvm::transform(argRanges, std::back_inserter(truncated),
85  [](const ConstantIntRanges &range) {
86  return truncRange(range, /*destWidth=*/indexMinWidth);
87  });
88  ConstantIntRanges thirtyTwo = inferFn(truncated);
89  ConstantIntRanges thirtyTwoAsSixtyFour =
90  extRange(thirtyTwo, /*destWidth=*/indexMaxWidth);
91  ConstantIntRanges sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo =
92  truncRange(sixtyFour, /*destWidth=*/indexMinWidth);
94  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Index handling: 64-bit result = " << sixtyFour
95  << " 32-bit = " << thirtyTwo << "\n");
96  bool truncEqual = false;
97  switch (mode) {
99  truncEqual = (thirtyTwo == sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo);
100  break;
102  truncEqual = (thirtyTwo.smin() == sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo.smin() &&
103  thirtyTwo.smax() == sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo.smax());
104  break;
106  truncEqual = (thirtyTwo.umin() == sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo.umin() &&
107  thirtyTwo.umax() == sixtyFourAsThirtyTwo.umax());
108  break;
109  }
110  if (truncEqual)
111  // Returing the 64-bit result preserves more information.
112  return sixtyFour;
113  ConstantIntRanges merged = sixtyFour.rangeUnion(thirtyTwoAsSixtyFour);
114  return merged;
115 }
118  unsigned int destWidth) {
119  APInt umin = range.umin().zext(destWidth);
120  APInt umax = range.umax().zext(destWidth);
121  APInt smin = range.smin().sext(destWidth);
122  APInt smax = range.smax().sext(destWidth);
123  return {umin, umax, smin, smax};
124 }
127  unsigned destWidth) {
128  APInt umin = range.umin().zext(destWidth);
129  APInt umax = range.umax().zext(destWidth);
130  return ConstantIntRanges::fromUnsigned(umin, umax);
131 }
134  unsigned destWidth) {
135  APInt smin = range.smin().sext(destWidth);
136  APInt smax = range.smax().sext(destWidth);
137  return ConstantIntRanges::fromSigned(smin, smax);
138 }
141  unsigned int destWidth) {
142  // If you truncate the first four bytes in [0xaaaabbbb, 0xccccbbbb],
143  // the range of the resulting value is not contiguous ind includes 0.
144  // Ex. If you truncate [256, 258] from i16 to i8, you validly get [0, 2],
145  // but you can't truncate [255, 257] similarly.
146  bool hasUnsignedRollover =
147  range.umin().lshr(destWidth) != range.umax().lshr(destWidth);
148  APInt umin = hasUnsignedRollover ? APInt::getZero(destWidth)
149  : range.umin().trunc(destWidth);
150  APInt umax = hasUnsignedRollover ? APInt::getMaxValue(destWidth)
151  : range.umax().trunc(destWidth);
153  // Signed post-truncation rollover will not occur when either:
154  // - The high parts of the min and max, plus the sign bit, are the same
155  // - The high halves + sign bit of the min and max are either all 1s or all 0s
156  // and you won't create a [positive, negative] range by truncating.
157  // For example, you can truncate the ranges [256, 258]_i16 to [0, 2]_i8
158  // but not [255, 257]_i16 to a range of i8s. You can also truncate
159  // [-256, -256]_i16 to [-2, 0]_i8, but not [-257, -255]_i16.
160  // You can also truncate [-130, 0]_i16 to i8 because -130_i16 (0xff7e)
161  // will truncate to 0x7e, which is greater than 0
162  APInt sminHighPart = range.smin().ashr(destWidth - 1);
163  APInt smaxHighPart = range.smax().ashr(destWidth - 1);
164  bool hasSignedOverflow =
165  (sminHighPart != smaxHighPart) &&
166  !(sminHighPart.isAllOnes() &&
167  (smaxHighPart.isAllOnes() || smaxHighPart.isZero())) &&
168  !(sminHighPart.isZero() && smaxHighPart.isZero());
169  APInt smin = hasSignedOverflow ? APInt::getSignedMinValue(destWidth)
170  : range.smin().trunc(destWidth);
171  APInt smax = hasSignedOverflow ? APInt::getSignedMaxValue(destWidth)
172  : range.smax().trunc(destWidth);
173  return {umin, umax, smin, smax};
174 }
176 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
177 // Addition
178 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
182  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
183  ConstArithFn uadd = [](const APInt &a,
184  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
185  bool overflowed = false;
186  APInt result = a.uadd_ov(b, overflowed);
187  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
188  };
189  ConstArithFn sadd = [](const APInt &a,
190  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
191  bool overflowed = false;
192  APInt result = a.sadd_ov(b, overflowed);
193  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
194  };
197  uadd, lhs.umin(), rhs.umin(), lhs.umax(), rhs.umax(), /*isSigned=*/false);
199  sadd, lhs.smin(), rhs.smin(), lhs.smax(), rhs.smax(), /*isSigned=*/true);
200  return urange.intersection(srange);
201 }
203 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
204 // Subtraction
205 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
209  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
211  ConstArithFn usub = [](const APInt &a,
212  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
213  bool overflowed = false;
214  APInt result = a.usub_ov(b, overflowed);
215  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
216  };
217  ConstArithFn ssub = [](const APInt &a,
218  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
219  bool overflowed = false;
220  APInt result = a.ssub_ov(b, overflowed);
221  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
222  };
224  usub, lhs.umin(), rhs.umax(), lhs.umax(), rhs.umin(), /*isSigned=*/false);
226  ssub, lhs.smin(), rhs.smax(), lhs.smax(), rhs.smin(), /*isSigned=*/true);
227  return urange.intersection(srange);
228 }
230 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
231 // Multiplication
232 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
236  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
238  ConstArithFn umul = [](const APInt &a,
239  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
240  bool overflowed = false;
241  APInt result = a.umul_ov(b, overflowed);
242  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
243  };
244  ConstArithFn smul = [](const APInt &a,
245  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
246  bool overflowed = false;
247  APInt result = a.smul_ov(b, overflowed);
248  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : result;
249  };
251  ConstantIntRanges urange =
252  minMaxBy(umul, {lhs.umin(), lhs.umax()}, {rhs.umin(), rhs.umax()},
253  /*isSigned=*/false);
254  ConstantIntRanges srange =
255  minMaxBy(smul, {lhs.smin(), lhs.smax()}, {rhs.smin(), rhs.smax()},
256  /*isSigned=*/true);
257  return urange.intersection(srange);
258 }
260 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
261 // DivU, CeilDivU (Unsigned division)
262 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
264 /// Fix up division results (ex. for ceiling and floor), returning an APInt
265 /// if there has been no overflow
267  const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs, const APInt &result)>;
270  const ConstantIntRanges &rhs,
271  DivisionFixupFn fixup) {
272  const APInt &lhsMin = lhs.umin(), &lhsMax = lhs.umax(), &rhsMin = rhs.umin(),
273  &rhsMax = rhs.umax();
275  if (!rhsMin.isZero()) {
276  auto udiv = [&fixup](const APInt &a,
277  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
278  return fixup(a, b, a.udiv(b));
279  };
280  return minMaxBy(udiv, {lhsMin, lhsMax}, {rhsMin, rhsMax},
281  /*isSigned=*/false);
282  }
283  // Otherwise, it's possible we might divide by 0.
284  return ConstantIntRanges::maxRange(rhsMin.getBitWidth());
285 }
289  return inferDivURange(argRanges[0], argRanges[1],
290  [](const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs,
291  const APInt &result) { return result; });
292 }
296  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
298  DivisionFixupFn ceilDivUIFix =
299  [](const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs,
300  const APInt &result) -> std::optional<APInt> {
301  if (!lhs.urem(rhs).isZero()) {
302  bool overflowed = false;
303  APInt corrected =
304  result.uadd_ov(APInt(result.getBitWidth(), 1), overflowed);
305  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : corrected;
306  }
307  return result;
308  };
309  return inferDivURange(lhs, rhs, ceilDivUIFix);
310 }
312 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
313 // DivS, CeilDivS, FloorDivS (Signed division)
314 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
317  const ConstantIntRanges &rhs,
318  DivisionFixupFn fixup) {
319  const APInt &lhsMin = lhs.smin(), &lhsMax = lhs.smax(), &rhsMin = rhs.smin(),
320  &rhsMax = rhs.smax();
321  bool canDivide = rhsMin.isStrictlyPositive() || rhsMax.isNegative();
323  if (canDivide) {
324  auto sdiv = [&fixup](const APInt &a,
325  const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
326  bool overflowed = false;
327  APInt result = a.sdiv_ov(b, overflowed);
328  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : fixup(a, b, result);
329  };
330  return minMaxBy(sdiv, {lhsMin, lhsMax}, {rhsMin, rhsMax},
331  /*isSigned=*/true);
332  }
333  return ConstantIntRanges::maxRange(rhsMin.getBitWidth());
334 }
338  return inferDivSRange(argRanges[0], argRanges[1],
339  [](const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs,
340  const APInt &result) { return result; });
341 }
345  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
347  DivisionFixupFn ceilDivSIFix =
348  [](const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs,
349  const APInt &result) -> std::optional<APInt> {
350  if (!lhs.srem(rhs).isZero() && lhs.isNonNegative() == rhs.isNonNegative()) {
351  bool overflowed = false;
352  APInt corrected =
353  result.sadd_ov(APInt(result.getBitWidth(), 1), overflowed);
354  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : corrected;
355  }
356  return result;
357  };
358  return inferDivSRange(lhs, rhs, ceilDivSIFix);
359 }
363  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
365  DivisionFixupFn floorDivSIFix =
366  [](const APInt &lhs, const APInt &rhs,
367  const APInt &result) -> std::optional<APInt> {
368  if (!lhs.srem(rhs).isZero() && lhs.isNonNegative() != rhs.isNonNegative()) {
369  bool overflowed = false;
370  APInt corrected =
371  result.ssub_ov(APInt(result.getBitWidth(), 1), overflowed);
372  return overflowed ? std::optional<APInt>() : corrected;
373  }
374  return result;
375  };
376  return inferDivSRange(lhs, rhs, floorDivSIFix);
377 }
379 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
380 // Signed remainder (RemS)
381 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
385  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
386  const APInt &lhsMin = lhs.smin(), &lhsMax = lhs.smax(), &rhsMin = rhs.smin(),
387  &rhsMax = rhs.smax();
389  unsigned width = rhsMax.getBitWidth();
390  APInt smin = APInt::getSignedMinValue(width);
391  APInt smax = APInt::getSignedMaxValue(width);
392  // No bounds if zero could be a divisor.
393  bool canBound = (rhsMin.isStrictlyPositive() || rhsMax.isNegative());
394  if (canBound) {
395  APInt maxDivisor = rhsMin.isStrictlyPositive() ? rhsMax : rhsMin.abs();
396  bool canNegativeDividend = lhsMin.isNegative();
397  bool canPositiveDividend = lhsMax.isStrictlyPositive();
398  APInt zero = APInt::getZero(maxDivisor.getBitWidth());
399  APInt maxPositiveResult = maxDivisor - 1;
400  APInt minNegativeResult = -maxPositiveResult;
401  smin = canNegativeDividend ? minNegativeResult : zero;
402  smax = canPositiveDividend ? maxPositiveResult : zero;
403  // Special case: sweeping out a contiguous range in N/[modulus].
404  if (rhsMin == rhsMax) {
405  if ((lhsMax - lhsMin).ult(maxDivisor)) {
406  APInt minRem = lhsMin.srem(maxDivisor);
407  APInt maxRem = lhsMax.srem(maxDivisor);
408  if (minRem.sle(maxRem)) {
409  smin = minRem;
410  smax = maxRem;
411  }
412  }
413  }
414  }
415  return ConstantIntRanges::fromSigned(smin, smax);
416 }
418 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
419 // Unsigned remainder (RemU)
420 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
424  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
425  const APInt &rhsMin = rhs.umin(), &rhsMax = rhs.umax();
427  unsigned width = rhsMin.getBitWidth();
428  APInt umin = APInt::getZero(width);
429  APInt umax = APInt::getMaxValue(width);
431  if (!rhsMin.isZero()) {
432  umax = rhsMax - 1;
433  // Special case: sweeping out a contiguous range in N/[modulus]
434  if (rhsMin == rhsMax) {
435  const APInt &lhsMin = lhs.umin(), &lhsMax = lhs.umax();
436  if ((lhsMax - lhsMin).ult(rhsMax)) {
437  APInt minRem = lhsMin.urem(rhsMax);
438  APInt maxRem = lhsMax.urem(rhsMax);
439  if (minRem.ule(maxRem)) {
440  umin = minRem;
441  umax = maxRem;
442  }
443  }
444  }
445  }
446  return ConstantIntRanges::fromUnsigned(umin, umax);
447 }
449 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
450 // Max and min (MaxS, MaxU, MinS, MinU)
451 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
455  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
457  const APInt &smin = lhs.smin().sgt(rhs.smin()) ? lhs.smin() : rhs.smin();
458  const APInt &smax = lhs.smax().sgt(rhs.smax()) ? lhs.smax() : rhs.smax();
459  return ConstantIntRanges::fromSigned(smin, smax);
460 }
464  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
466  const APInt &umin = lhs.umin().ugt(rhs.umin()) ? lhs.umin() : rhs.umin();
467  const APInt &umax = lhs.umax().ugt(rhs.umax()) ? lhs.umax() : rhs.umax();
468  return ConstantIntRanges::fromUnsigned(umin, umax);
469 }
473  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
475  const APInt &smin = lhs.smin().slt(rhs.smin()) ? lhs.smin() : rhs.smin();
476  const APInt &smax = lhs.smax().slt(rhs.smax()) ? lhs.smax() : rhs.smax();
477  return ConstantIntRanges::fromSigned(smin, smax);
478 }
482  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
484  const APInt &umin = lhs.umin().ult(rhs.umin()) ? lhs.umin() : rhs.umin();
485  const APInt &umax = lhs.umax().ult(rhs.umax()) ? lhs.umax() : rhs.umax();
486  return ConstantIntRanges::fromUnsigned(umin, umax);
487 }
489 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
490 // Bitwise operators (And, Or, Xor)
491 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
493 /// "Widen" bounds - if 0bvvvvv??? <= a <= 0bvvvvv???,
494 /// relax the bounds to 0bvvvvv000 <= a <= 0bvvvvv111, where vvvvv are the bits
495 /// that both bonuds have in common. This gives us a consertive approximation
496 /// for what values can be passed to bitwise operations.
497 static std::tuple<APInt, APInt>
499  APInt leftVal = bound.umin(), rightVal = bound.umax();
500  unsigned bitwidth = leftVal.getBitWidth();
501  unsigned differingBits = bitwidth - (leftVal ^ rightVal).countl_zero();
502  leftVal.clearLowBits(differingBits);
503  rightVal.setLowBits(differingBits);
504  return std::make_tuple(std::move(leftVal), std::move(rightVal));
505 }
509  auto [lhsZeros, lhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[0]);
510  auto [rhsZeros, rhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[1]);
511  auto andi = [](const APInt &a, const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
512  return a & b;
513  };
514  return minMaxBy(andi, {lhsZeros, lhsOnes}, {rhsZeros, rhsOnes},
515  /*isSigned=*/false);
516 }
520  auto [lhsZeros, lhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[0]);
521  auto [rhsZeros, rhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[1]);
522  auto ori = [](const APInt &a, const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
523  return a | b;
524  };
525  return minMaxBy(ori, {lhsZeros, lhsOnes}, {rhsZeros, rhsOnes},
526  /*isSigned=*/false);
527 }
531  auto [lhsZeros, lhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[0]);
532  auto [rhsZeros, rhsOnes] = widenBitwiseBounds(argRanges[1]);
533  auto xori = [](const APInt &a, const APInt &b) -> std::optional<APInt> {
534  return a ^ b;
535  };
536  return minMaxBy(xori, {lhsZeros, lhsOnes}, {rhsZeros, rhsOnes},
537  /*isSigned=*/false);
538 }
540 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
541 // Shifts (Shl, ShrS, ShrU)
542 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
546  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
547  ConstArithFn shl = [](const APInt &l,
548  const APInt &r) -> std::optional<APInt> {
549  return r.uge(r.getBitWidth()) ? std::optional<APInt>() : l.shl(r);
550  };
551  ConstantIntRanges urange =
552  minMaxBy(shl, {lhs.umin(), lhs.umax()}, {rhs.umin(), rhs.umax()},
553  /*isSigned=*/false);
554  ConstantIntRanges srange =
555  minMaxBy(shl, {lhs.smin(), lhs.smax()}, {rhs.umin(), rhs.umax()},
556  /*isSigned=*/true);
557  return urange.intersection(srange);
558 }
562  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
564  ConstArithFn ashr = [](const APInt &l,
565  const APInt &r) -> std::optional<APInt> {
566  return r.uge(r.getBitWidth()) ? std::optional<APInt>() : l.ashr(r);
567  };
569  return minMaxBy(ashr, {lhs.smin(), lhs.smax()}, {rhs.umin(), rhs.umax()},
570  /*isSigned=*/true);
571 }
575  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs = argRanges[0], &rhs = argRanges[1];
577  ConstArithFn lshr = [](const APInt &l,
578  const APInt &r) -> std::optional<APInt> {
579  return r.uge(r.getBitWidth()) ? std::optional<APInt>() : l.lshr(r);
580  };
581  return minMaxBy(lshr, {lhs.umin(), lhs.umax()}, {rhs.umin(), rhs.umax()},
582  /*isSigned=*/false);
583 }
585 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
586 // Comparisons (Cmp)
587 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
590  switch (pred) {
611  }
612  llvm_unreachable("unknown cmp predicate value");
613 }
616  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs,
617  const ConstantIntRanges &rhs) {
618  switch (pred) {
620  return lhs.smax().sle(rhs.smin());
622  return lhs.smax().slt(rhs.smin());
624  return lhs.umax().ule(rhs.umin());
626  return lhs.umax().ult(rhs.umin());
628  return lhs.smin().sge(rhs.smax());
630  return lhs.smin().sgt(rhs.smax());
632  return lhs.umin().uge(rhs.umax());
634  return lhs.umin().ugt(rhs.umax());
636  std::optional<APInt> lhsConst = lhs.getConstantValue();
637  std::optional<APInt> rhsConst = rhs.getConstantValue();
638  return lhsConst && rhsConst && lhsConst == rhsConst;
639  }
641  // While equality requires that there is an interpration of the preceeding
642  // computations that produces equal constants, whether that be signed or
643  // unsigned, statically determining inequality requires that neither
644  // interpretation produce potentially overlapping ranges.
645  bool sne = isStaticallyTrue(intrange::CmpPredicate::slt, lhs, rhs) ||
647  bool une = isStaticallyTrue(intrange::CmpPredicate::ult, lhs, rhs) ||
649  return sne && une;
650  }
651  }
652  return false;
653 }
656  const ConstantIntRanges &lhs,
657  const ConstantIntRanges &rhs) {
658  if (isStaticallyTrue(pred, lhs, rhs))
659  return true;
660  if (isStaticallyTrue(invertPredicate(pred), lhs, rhs))
661  return false;
662  return std::nullopt;
663 }
static Value getZero(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Type elementType)
Get zero value for an element type.
static ConstantIntRanges inferDivSRange(const ConstantIntRanges &lhs, const ConstantIntRanges &rhs, DivisionFixupFn fixup)
static bool isStaticallyTrue(intrange::CmpPredicate pred, const ConstantIntRanges &lhs, const ConstantIntRanges &rhs)
static intrange::CmpPredicate invertPredicate(intrange::CmpPredicate pred)
static ConstantIntRanges minMaxBy(ConstArithFn op, ArrayRef< APInt > lhs, ArrayRef< APInt > rhs, bool isSigned)
Compute the minimum and maximum of (op(l, r) for l in lhs for r in rhs), ignoring unbounded values.
static std::tuple< APInt, APInt > widenBitwiseBounds(const ConstantIntRanges &bound)
"Widen" bounds - if 0bvvvvv??? <= a <= 0bvvvvv???, relax the bounds to 0bvvvvv000 <= a <= 0bvvvvv111,...
static ConstantIntRanges inferDivURange(const ConstantIntRanges &lhs, const ConstantIntRanges &rhs, DivisionFixupFn fixup)
static ConstantIntRanges computeBoundsBy(ConstArithFn op, const APInt &minLeft, const APInt &minRight, const APInt &maxLeft, const APInt &maxRight, bool isSigned)
Compute op(minLeft, minRight) and op(maxLeft, maxRight) if possible, If either computation overflows,...
static Value max(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder, Value value, Value bound)
static Value min(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder, Value value, Value bound)
A set of arbitrary-precision integers representing bounds on a given integer value.
static ConstantIntRanges maxRange(unsigned bitwidth)
Create a ConstantIntRanges with the maximum bounds for the width bitwidth, that is - [0,...
const APInt & smax() const
The maximum value of an integer when it is interpreted as signed.
static ConstantIntRanges fromUnsigned(const APInt &umin, const APInt &umax)
Create an ConstantIntRanges with the unsigned minimum and maximum equal to umin and umax and the sign...
const APInt & smin() const
The minimum value of an integer when it is interpreted as signed.
static ConstantIntRanges range(const APInt &min, const APInt &max, bool isSigned)
Create a ConstantIntRanges whose minimum is min and maximum is max with isSigned specifying if the mi...
ConstantIntRanges intersection(const ConstantIntRanges &other) const
Returns the intersection (computed separately for signed and unsigned bounds) of this range and other...
static ConstantIntRanges fromSigned(const APInt &smin, const APInt &smax)
Create an ConstantIntRanges with the signed minimum and maximum equal to smin and smax,...
std::optional< APInt > getConstantValue() const
If either the signed or unsigned interpretations of the range indicate that the value it bounds is a ...
const APInt & umax() const
The maximum value of an integer when it is interpreted as unsigned.
const APInt & umin() const
The minimum value of an integer when it is interpreted as unsigned.
ConstantIntRanges rangeUnion(const ConstantIntRanges &other) const
Returns the union (computed separately for signed and unsigned bounds) of this range and other.
ConstantIntRanges inferAnd(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferAdd(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferSub(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferShrS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferIndexOp(InferRangeFn inferFn, ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges, CmpMode mode)
Compute inferFn on ranges, whose size should be the index storage bitwidth.
ConstantIntRanges extSIRange(const ConstantIntRanges &range, unsigned destWidth)
Use the signed values in range to sign-extend it to destWidth.
std::optional< bool > evaluatePred(CmpPredicate pred, const ConstantIntRanges &lhs, const ConstantIntRanges &rhs)
Returns a boolean value if pred is statically true or false for anypossible inputs falling within lhs...
ConstantIntRanges inferMinS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferMaxU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferRemS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferMul(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
Copy of the enum from arith and index to allow the common integer range infrastructure to not depend ...
ConstantIntRanges inferOr(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges extRange(const ConstantIntRanges &range, unsigned destWidth)
Independently zero-extend the unsigned values and sign-extend the signed values in range to destWidth...
ConstantIntRanges truncRange(const ConstantIntRanges &range, unsigned destWidth)
Truncate range to destWidth bits, taking care to handle cases such as the truncation of [255,...
ConstantIntRanges inferDivU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferCeilDivS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferMinU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferXor(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferDivS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferShrU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferRemU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
static constexpr unsigned indexMinWidth
ConstantIntRanges inferFloorDivS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
static constexpr unsigned indexMaxWidth
ConstantIntRanges inferCeilDivU(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges extUIRange(const ConstantIntRanges &range, unsigned destWidth)
Use the unsigned values in range to zero-extend it to destWidth.
ConstantIntRanges inferShl(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
ConstantIntRanges inferMaxS(ArrayRef< ConstantIntRanges > argRanges)
Include the generated interface declarations.