MLIR  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- PassManager.h - Pass Management Interface ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
15 #include "mlir/Support/Timing.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
20 #include <functional>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <optional>
24 namespace mlir {
25 class AnalysisManager;
26 class MLIRContext;
27 class Operation;
28 class Pass;
29 class PassInstrumentation;
30 class PassInstrumentor;
32 namespace detail {
33 struct OpPassManagerImpl;
34 class OpToOpPassAdaptor;
35 class PassCrashReproducerGenerator;
36 struct PassExecutionState;
37 } // namespace detail
39 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
40 // OpPassManager
41 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
43 /// This class represents a pass manager that runs passes on either a specific
44 /// operation type, or any isolated operation. This pass manager can not be run
45 /// on an operation directly, but must be run either as part of a top-level
46 /// `PassManager`(e.g. when constructed via `nest` calls), or dynamically within
47 /// a pass by using the `Pass::runPipeline` API.
49 public:
50  /// This enum represents the nesting behavior of the pass manager.
51  enum class Nesting {
52  /// Implicit nesting behavior. This allows for adding passes operating on
53  /// operations different from this pass manager, in which case a new pass
54  /// manager is implicitly nested for the operation type of the new pass.
55  Implicit,
56  /// Explicit nesting behavior. This requires that any passes added to this
57  /// pass manager support its operation type.
58  Explicit
59  };
61  /// Construct a new op-agnostic ("any") pass manager with the given operation
62  /// type and nesting behavior. This is the same as invoking:
63  /// `OpPassManager(getAnyOpAnchorName(), nesting)`.
66  /// Construct a new pass manager with the given anchor operation type and
67  /// nesting behavior.
68  OpPassManager(StringRef name, Nesting nesting = Nesting::Explicit);
71  OpPassManager(const OpPassManager &rhs);
76  /// Iterator over the passes in this pass manager.
77  using pass_iterator =
78  llvm::pointee_iterator<MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Pass>>::iterator>;
84  llvm::pointee_iterator<ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Pass>>::const_iterator>;
85  const_pass_iterator begin() const;
86  const_pass_iterator end() const;
88  return {begin(), end()};
89  }
91  /// Returns true if the pass manager has no passes.
92  bool empty() const { return begin() == end(); }
94  /// Nest a new operation pass manager for the given operation kind under this
95  /// pass manager.
96  OpPassManager &nest(OperationName nestedName);
97  OpPassManager &nest(StringRef nestedName);
98  template <typename OpT>
100  return nest(OpT::getOperationName());
101  }
103  /// Nest a new op-agnostic ("any") pass manager under this pass manager.
104  /// Note: This is the same as invoking `nest(getAnyOpAnchorName())`.
107  /// Add the given pass to this pass manager. If this pass has a concrete
108  /// operation type, it must be the same type as this pass manager.
109  void addPass(std::unique_ptr<Pass> pass);
111  /// Clear the pipeline, but not the other options set on this OpPassManager.
112  void clear();
114  /// Add the given pass to a nested pass manager for the given operation kind
115  /// `OpT`.
116  template <typename OpT>
117  void addNestedPass(std::unique_ptr<Pass> pass) {
118  nest<OpT>().addPass(std::move(pass));
119  }
121  /// Returns the number of passes held by this manager.
122  size_t size() const;
124  /// Return the operation name that this pass manager operates on, or
125  /// std::nullopt if this is an op-agnostic pass manager.
126  std::optional<OperationName> getOpName(MLIRContext &context) const;
128  /// Return the operation name that this pass manager operates on, or
129  /// std::nullopt if this is an op-agnostic pass manager.
130  std::optional<StringRef> getOpName() const;
132  /// Return the name used to anchor this pass manager. This is either the name
133  /// of an operation, or the result of `getAnyOpAnchorName()` in the case of an
134  /// op-agnostic pass manager.
135  StringRef getOpAnchorName() const;
137  /// Return the string name used to anchor op-agnostic pass managers that
138  /// operate generically on any viable operation.
139  static StringRef getAnyOpAnchorName() { return "any"; }
141  /// Returns the internal implementation instance.
144  /// Prints out the passes of the pass manager as the textual representation
145  /// of pipelines.
146  /// Note: The quality of the string representation depends entirely on the
147  /// the correctness of per-pass overrides of Pass::printAsTextualPipeline.
148  void printAsTextualPipeline(raw_ostream &os) const;
150  /// Raw dump of the pass manager to llvm::errs().
151  void dump();
153  /// Merge the pass statistics of this class into 'other'.
154  void mergeStatisticsInto(OpPassManager &other);
156  /// Register dependent dialects for the current pass manager.
157  /// This is forwarding to every pass in this PassManager, see the
158  /// documentation for the same method on the Pass class.
159  void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &dialects) const;
161  /// Enable or disable the implicit nesting on this particular PassManager.
162  /// This will also apply to any newly nested PassManager built from this
163  /// instance.
164  void setNesting(Nesting nesting);
166  /// Return the current nesting mode.
169 private:
170  /// Initialize all of the passes within this pass manager with the given
171  /// initialization generation. The initialization generation is used to detect
172  /// if a pass manager has already been initialized.
173  LogicalResult initialize(MLIRContext *context, unsigned newInitGeneration);
175  /// Compute a hash of the pipeline, so that we can detect changes (a pass is
176  /// added...).
177  llvm::hash_code hash();
179  /// A pointer to an internal implementation instance.
180  std::unique_ptr<detail::OpPassManagerImpl> impl;
182  /// Allow access to initialize.
185  /// Allow access to the constructor.
186  friend class PassManager;
187  friend class Pass;
189  /// Allow access.
191 };
193 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
194 // PassManager
195 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
197 /// An enum describing the different display modes for the information within
198 /// the pass manager.
199 enum class PassDisplayMode {
200  // In this mode the results are displayed in a list sorted by total,
201  // with each pass/analysis instance aggregated into one unique result.
202  List,
204  // In this mode the results are displayed in a nested pipeline view that
205  // mirrors the internal pass pipeline that is being executed in the pass
206  // manager.
207  Pipeline,
208 };
210 /// Streams on which to output crash reproducer.
212  virtual ~ReproducerStream() = default;
214  /// Description of the reproducer stream.
215  virtual StringRef description() = 0;
217  /// Stream on which to output reproducer.
218  virtual raw_ostream &os() = 0;
219 };
221 /// Method type for constructing ReproducerStream.
223  std::function<std::unique_ptr<ReproducerStream>(std::string &error)>;
225 std::string
226 makeReproducer(StringRef anchorName,
228  Operation *op, StringRef outputFile, bool disableThreads = false,
229  bool verifyPasses = false);
231 /// The main pass manager and pipeline builder.
232 class PassManager : public OpPassManager {
233 public:
234  /// Create a new pass manager under the given context with a specific nesting
235  /// style. The created pass manager can schedule operations that match
236  /// `operationName`.
238  StringRef operationName = PassManager::getAnyOpAnchorName(),
239  Nesting nesting = Nesting::Explicit);
240  PassManager(OperationName operationName, Nesting nesting = Nesting::Explicit);
243  /// Create a new pass manager under the given context with a specific nesting
244  /// style. The created pass manager can schedule operations that match
245  /// `OperationTy`.
246  template <typename OperationTy>
248  return PassManager(ctx, OperationTy::getOperationName(), nesting);
249  }
251  /// Run the passes within this manager on the provided operation. The
252  /// specified operation must have the same name as the one provided the pass
253  /// manager on construction.
256  /// Return an instance of the context.
257  MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
259  /// Enable support for the pass manager to generate a reproducer on the event
260  /// of a crash or a pass failure. `outputFile` is a .mlir filename used to
261  /// write the generated reproducer. If `genLocalReproducer` is true, the pass
262  /// manager will attempt to generate a local reproducer that contains the
263  /// smallest pipeline.
264  void enableCrashReproducerGeneration(StringRef outputFile,
265  bool genLocalReproducer = false);
267  /// Enable support for the pass manager to generate a reproducer on the event
268  /// of a crash or a pass failure. `factory` is used to construct the streams
269  /// to write the generated reproducer to. If `genLocalReproducer` is true, the
270  /// pass manager will attempt to generate a local reproducer that contains the
271  /// smallest pipeline.
273  bool genLocalReproducer = false);
275  /// Runs the verifier after each individual pass.
276  void enableVerifier(bool enabled = true);
278  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
279  // Instrumentations
280  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
282  /// Add the provided instrumentation to the pass manager.
283  void addInstrumentation(std::unique_ptr<PassInstrumentation> pi);
285  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
286  // IR Printing
288  /// A configuration struct provided to the IR printer instrumentation.
290  public:
291  using PrintCallbackFn = function_ref<void(raw_ostream &)>;
293  /// Initialize the configuration.
294  /// * 'printModuleScope' signals if the top-level module IR should always be
295  /// printed. This should only be set to true when multi-threading is
296  /// disabled, otherwise we may try to print IR that is being modified
297  /// asynchronously.
298  /// * 'printAfterOnlyOnChange' signals that when printing the IR after a
299  /// pass, in the case of a non-failure, we should first check if any
300  /// potential mutations were made. This allows for reducing the number of
301  /// logs that don't contain meaningful changes.
302  /// * 'printAfterOnlyOnFailure' signals that when printing the IR after a
303  /// pass, we only print in the case of a failure.
304  /// - This option should *not* be used with the other `printAfter` flags
305  /// above.
306  /// * 'opPrintingFlags' sets up the printing flags to use when printing the
307  /// IR.
308  explicit IRPrinterConfig(
309  bool printModuleScope = false, bool printAfterOnlyOnChange = false,
310  bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure = false,
311  OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags = OpPrintingFlags());
312  virtual ~IRPrinterConfig();
314  /// A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR
315  /// of 'operation' should be dumped *before* the pass 'pass' has been
316  /// executed. If the IR should be dumped, 'printCallback' should be invoked
317  /// with the stream to dump into.
318  virtual void printBeforeIfEnabled(Pass *pass, Operation *operation,
319  PrintCallbackFn printCallback);
321  /// A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR
322  /// of 'operation' should be dumped *after* the pass 'pass' has been
323  /// executed. If the IR should be dumped, 'printCallback' should be invoked
324  /// with the stream to dump into.
325  virtual void printAfterIfEnabled(Pass *pass, Operation *operation,
326  PrintCallbackFn printCallback);
328  /// Returns true if the IR should always be printed at the top-level scope.
329  bool shouldPrintAtModuleScope() const { return printModuleScope; }
331  /// Returns true if the IR should only printed after a pass if the IR
332  /// "changed".
333  bool shouldPrintAfterOnlyOnChange() const { return printAfterOnlyOnChange; }
335  /// Returns true if the IR should only printed after a pass if the pass
336  /// "failed".
338  return printAfterOnlyOnFailure;
339  }
341  /// Returns the printing flags to be used to print the IR.
342  OpPrintingFlags getOpPrintingFlags() const { return opPrintingFlags; }
344  private:
345  /// A flag that indicates if the IR should be printed at module scope.
346  bool printModuleScope;
348  /// A flag that indicates that the IR after a pass should only be printed if
349  /// a change is detected.
350  bool printAfterOnlyOnChange;
352  /// A flag that indicates that the IR after a pass should only be printed if
353  /// the pass failed.
354  bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure;
356  /// Flags to control printing behavior.
357  OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags;
358  };
360  /// Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution,
361  /// using the provided configuration.
362  void enableIRPrinting(std::unique_ptr<IRPrinterConfig> config);
364  /// Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution,
365  /// using the provided fields to generate a default configuration:
366  /// * 'shouldPrintBeforePass' and 'shouldPrintAfterPass' correspond to filter
367  /// functions that take a 'Pass *' and `Operation *`. These function should
368  /// return true if the IR should be printed or not.
369  /// * 'printModuleScope' signals if the module IR should be printed, even
370  /// for non module passes.
371  /// * 'printAfterOnlyOnChange' signals that when printing the IR after a
372  /// pass, in the case of a non-failure, we should first check if any
373  /// potential mutations were made.
374  /// * 'printAfterOnlyOnFailure' signals that when printing the IR after a
375  /// pass, we only print in the case of a failure.
376  /// - This option should *not* be used with the other `printAfter` flags
377  /// above.
378  /// * 'out' corresponds to the stream to output the printed IR to.
379  /// * 'opPrintingFlags' sets up the printing flags to use when printing the
380  /// IR.
381  void enableIRPrinting(
382  std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintBeforePass =
383  [](Pass *, Operation *) { return true; },
384  std::function<bool(Pass *, Operation *)> shouldPrintAfterPass =
385  [](Pass *, Operation *) { return true; },
386  bool printModuleScope = true, bool printAfterOnlyOnChange = true,
387  bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure = false, raw_ostream &out = llvm::errs(),
388  OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags = OpPrintingFlags());
390  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
391  // Pass Timing
393  /// Add an instrumentation to time the execution of passes and the computation
394  /// of analyses. Timing will be reported by nesting timers into the provided
395  /// `timingScope`.
396  ///
397  /// Note: Timing should be enabled after all other instrumentations to avoid
398  /// any potential "ghost" timing from other instrumentations being
399  /// unintentionally included in the timing results.
400  void enableTiming(TimingScope &timingScope);
402  /// Add an instrumentation to time the execution of passes and the computation
403  /// of analyses. The pass manager will take ownership of the timing manager
404  /// passed to the function and timing will be reported by nesting timers into
405  /// the timing manager's root scope.
406  ///
407  /// Note: Timing should be enabled after all other instrumentations to avoid
408  /// any potential "ghost" timing from other instrumentations being
409  /// unintentionally included in the timing results.
410  void enableTiming(std::unique_ptr<TimingManager> tm);
412  /// Add an instrumentation to time the execution of passes and the computation
413  /// of analyses. Creates a temporary TimingManager owned by this PassManager
414  /// which will be used to report timing.
415  ///
416  /// Note: Timing should be enabled after all other instrumentations to avoid
417  /// any potential "ghost" timing from other instrumentations being
418  /// unintentionally included in the timing results.
419  void enableTiming();
421  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
422  // Pass Statistics
424  /// Prompts the pass manager to print the statistics collected for each of the
425  /// held passes after each call to 'run'.
426  void
429 private:
430  /// Dump the statistics of the passes within this pass manager.
431  void dumpStatistics();
433  /// Run the pass manager with crash recovery enabled.
434  LogicalResult runWithCrashRecovery(Operation *op, AnalysisManager am);
436  /// Run the passes of the pass manager, and return the result.
437  LogicalResult runPasses(Operation *op, AnalysisManager am);
439  /// Context this PassManager was initialized with.
440  MLIRContext *context;
442  /// Flag that specifies if pass statistics should be dumped.
443  std::optional<PassDisplayMode> passStatisticsMode;
445  /// A manager for pass instrumentations.
446  std::unique_ptr<PassInstrumentor> instrumentor;
448  /// An optional crash reproducer generator, if this pass manager is setup to
449  /// generate reproducers.
450  std::unique_ptr<detail::PassCrashReproducerGenerator> crashReproGenerator;
452  /// Hash keys used to detect when reinitialization is necessary.
453  llvm::hash_code initializationKey =
454  DenseMapInfo<llvm::hash_code>::getTombstoneKey();
455  llvm::hash_code pipelineInitializationKey =
456  DenseMapInfo<llvm::hash_code>::getTombstoneKey();
458  /// Flag that specifies if pass timing is enabled.
459  bool passTiming : 1;
461  /// A flag that indicates if the IR should be verified in between passes.
462  bool verifyPasses : 1;
463 };
465 /// Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure
466 /// a pass manager. The values of these options can be applied via the
467 /// 'applyPassManagerCLOptions' method below.
470 /// Apply any values provided to the pass manager options that were registered
471 /// with 'registerPassManagerOptions'.
472 LogicalResult applyPassManagerCLOptions(PassManager &pm);
474 /// Apply any values provided to the timing manager options that were registered
475 /// with `registerDefaultTimingManagerOptions`. This is a handy helper function
476 /// if you do not want to bother creating your own timing manager and passing it
477 /// to the pass manager.
478 void applyDefaultTimingPassManagerCLOptions(PassManager &pm);
480 } // namespace mlir
The DialectRegistry maps a dialect namespace to a constructor for the matching dialect.
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
This class represents a pass manager that runs passes on either a specific operation type,...
Definition: PassManager.h:48
void mergeStatisticsInto(OpPassManager &other)
Merge the pass statistics of this class into 'other'.
OpPassManager & operator=(const OpPassManager &rhs)
Definition: Pass.cpp:327
friend class PassManager
Allow access to the constructor.
Definition: PassManager.h:186
OpPassManager(Nesting nesting=Nesting::Explicit)
Construct a new op-agnostic ("any") pass manager with the given operation type and nesting behavior.
Definition: Pass.cpp:319
OpPassManager & nest()
Definition: PassManager.h:99
iterator_range< const_pass_iterator > getPasses() const
Definition: PassManager.h:87
void printAsTextualPipeline(raw_ostream &os) const
Prints out the passes of the pass manager as the textual representation of pipelines.
Definition: Pass.cpp:402
friend class Pass
Definition: PassManager.h:187
void setNesting(Nesting nesting)
Enable or disable the implicit nesting on this particular PassManager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:426
bool empty() const
Returns true if the pass manager has no passes.
Definition: PassManager.h:92
size_t size() const
Returns the number of passes held by this manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:371
detail::OpPassManagerImpl & getImpl()
Returns the internal implementation instance.
Definition: Pass.cpp:374
void addPass(std::unique_ptr< Pass > pass)
Add the given pass to this pass manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:364
Nesting getNesting()
Return the current nesting mode.
Definition: Pass.cpp:428
This enum represents the nesting behavior of the pass manager.
Definition: PassManager.h:51
@ Implicit
Implicit nesting behavior.
@ Explicit
Explicit nesting behavior.
void dump()
Raw dump of the pass manager to llvm::errs().
Definition: Pass.cpp:410
llvm::pointee_iterator< MutableArrayRef< std::unique_ptr< Pass > >::iterator > pass_iterator
Iterator over the passes in this pass manager.
Definition: PassManager.h:78
llvm::pointee_iterator< ArrayRef< std::unique_ptr< Pass > >::const_iterator > const_pass_iterator
Definition: PassManager.h:84
void addNestedPass(std::unique_ptr< Pass > pass)
Add the given pass to a nested pass manager for the given operation kind OpT.
Definition: PassManager.h:117
void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &dialects) const
Register dependent dialects for the current pass manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:422
StringRef getOpAnchorName() const
Return the name used to anchor this pass manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:387
std::optional< StringRef > getOpName() const
Return the operation name that this pass manager operates on, or std::nullopt if this is an op-agnost...
Definition: Pass.cpp:377
OpPassManager & nestAny()
Nest a new op-agnostic ("any") pass manager under this pass manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:360
iterator_range< pass_iterator > getPasses()
Definition: PassManager.h:81
static StringRef getAnyOpAnchorName()
Return the string name used to anchor op-agnostic pass managers that operate generically on any viabl...
Definition: PassManager.h:139
void clear()
Clear the pipeline, but not the other options set on this OpPassManager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:368
pass_iterator begin()
Definition: Pass.cpp:338
pass_iterator end()
Definition: Pass.cpp:341
Set of flags used to control the behavior of the various IR print methods (e.g.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
A configuration struct provided to the IR printer instrumentation.
Definition: PassManager.h:289
IRPrinterConfig(bool printModuleScope=false, bool printAfterOnlyOnChange=false, bool printAfterOnlyOnFailure=false, OpPrintingFlags opPrintingFlags=OpPrintingFlags())
Initialize the configuration.
Definition: IRPrinting.cpp:133
bool shouldPrintAfterOnlyOnFailure() const
Returns true if the IR should only printed after a pass if the pass "failed".
Definition: PassManager.h:337
virtual void printBeforeIfEnabled(Pass *pass, Operation *operation, PrintCallbackFn printCallback)
A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR of 'operation' should be dump...
Definition: IRPrinting.cpp:147
bool shouldPrintAtModuleScope() const
Returns true if the IR should always be printed at the top-level scope.
Definition: PassManager.h:329
virtual void printAfterIfEnabled(Pass *pass, Operation *operation, PrintCallbackFn printCallback)
A hook that may be overridden by a derived config that checks if the IR of 'operation' should be dump...
Definition: IRPrinting.cpp:156
OpPrintingFlags getOpPrintingFlags() const
Returns the printing flags to be used to print the IR.
Definition: PassManager.h:342
bool shouldPrintAfterOnlyOnChange() const
Returns true if the IR should only printed after a pass if the IR "changed".
Definition: PassManager.h:333
The main pass manager and pipeline builder.
Definition: PassManager.h:232
void enableStatistics(PassDisplayMode displayMode=PassDisplayMode::Pipeline)
Prompts the pass manager to print the statistics collected for each of the held passes after each cal...
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Return an instance of the context.
Definition: PassManager.h:257
void enableTiming()
Add an instrumentation to time the execution of passes and the computation of analyses.
Definition: PassTiming.cpp:164
void enableIRPrinting(std::unique_ptr< IRPrinterConfig > config)
Add an instrumentation to print the IR before and after pass execution, using the provided configurat...
Definition: IRPrinting.cpp:205
LogicalResult run(Operation *op)
Run the passes within this manager on the provided operation.
Definition: Pass.cpp:846
static PassManager on(MLIRContext *ctx, Nesting nesting=Nesting::Explicit)
Create a new pass manager under the given context with a specific nesting style.
Definition: PassManager.h:247
void addInstrumentation(std::unique_ptr< PassInstrumentation > pi)
Add the provided instrumentation to the pass manager.
Definition: Pass.cpp:896
void enableCrashReproducerGeneration(StringRef outputFile, bool genLocalReproducer=false)
Enable support for the pass manager to generate a reproducer on the event of a crash or a pass failur...
void enableVerifier(bool enabled=true)
Runs the verifier after each individual pass.
Definition: Pass.cpp:843
The abstract base pass class.
Definition: Pass.h:52
An adaptor pass used to run operation passes over nested operations.
Definition: PassDetail.h:26
Include the generated interface declarations.
LogicalResult applyPassManagerCLOptions(PassManager &pm)
Apply any values provided to the pass manager options that were registered with 'registerPassManagerO...
std::string makeReproducer(StringRef anchorName, const llvm::iterator_range< OpPassManager::pass_iterator > &passes, Operation *op, StringRef outputFile, bool disableThreads=false, bool verifyPasses=false)
std::function< std::unique_ptr< ReproducerStream >(std::string &error)> ReproducerStreamFactory
Method type for constructing ReproducerStream.
Definition: PassManager.h:223
void registerPassManagerCLOptions()
Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure a pass manager.
An enum describing the different display modes for the information within the pass manager.
Definition: PassManager.h:199
void applyDefaultTimingPassManagerCLOptions(PassManager &pm)
Apply any values provided to the timing manager options that were registered with registerDefaultTimi...
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26
Streams on which to output crash reproducer.
Definition: PassManager.h:211
virtual StringRef description()=0
Description of the reproducer stream.
virtual raw_ostream & os()=0
Stream on which to output reproducer.
virtual ~ReproducerStream()=default