void | mlir::populateBuiltinFuncToSPIRVPatterns (SPIRVTypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Appends to a pattern list additional patterns for translating the builtin func op to the SPIR-V dialect. More...
void | mlir::populateFuncOpVectorRewritePatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
void | mlir::populateReturnOpVectorRewritePatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
Value | mlir::spirv::getBuiltinVariableValue (Operation *op, BuiltIn builtin, Type integerType, OpBuilder &builder, StringRef prefix="__builtin__", StringRef suffix="__") |
| Returns the value for the given builtin variable. More...
Value | mlir::spirv::getPushConstantValue (Operation *op, unsigned elementCount, unsigned offset, Type integerType, OpBuilder &builder) |
| Gets the value at the given offset of the push constant storage with a total of elementCount integerType integers. More...
Value | mlir::spirv::linearizeIndex (ValueRange indices, ArrayRef< int64_t > strides, int64_t offset, Type integerType, Location loc, OpBuilder &builder) |
| Generates IR to perform index linearization with the given indices and their corresponding strides , adding an initial offset . More...
Value | mlir::spirv::getElementPtr (const SPIRVTypeConverter &typeConverter, MemRefType baseType, Value basePtr, ValueRange indices, Location loc, OpBuilder &builder) |
| Performs the index computation to get to the element at indices of the memory pointed to by basePtr , using the layout map of baseType . More...
Value | mlir::spirv::getOpenCLElementPtr (const SPIRVTypeConverter &typeConverter, MemRefType baseType, Value basePtr, ValueRange indices, Location loc, OpBuilder &builder) |
Value | mlir::spirv::getVulkanElementPtr (const SPIRVTypeConverter &typeConverter, MemRefType baseType, Value basePtr, ValueRange indices, Location loc, OpBuilder &builder) |
int | mlir::spirv::getComputeVectorSize (int64_t size) |
SmallVector< int64_t > | mlir::spirv::getNativeVectorShapeImpl (vector::ReductionOp op) |
SmallVector< int64_t > | mlir::spirv::getNativeVectorShapeImpl (vector::TransposeOp op) |
std::optional< SmallVector< int64_t > > | mlir::spirv::getNativeVectorShape (Operation *op) |
LogicalResult | mlir::spirv::unrollVectorsInSignatures (Operation *op) |
LogicalResult | mlir::spirv::unrollVectorsInFuncBodies (Operation *op) |