MLIR  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- AttrTypeSubElements.h - Attr and Type SubElements -------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains utilities for querying the sub elements of an attribute or
10 // type.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/Visitors.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
22 #include <optional>
24 namespace mlir {
25 class Attribute;
26 class Type;
28 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
29 /// AttrTypeWalker
30 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
32 /// This class provides a utility for walking attributes/types, and their sub
33 /// elements. Multiple walk functions may be registered.
35 public:
36  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
37  // Application
38  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
40  /// Walk the given attribute/type, and recursively walk any sub elements.
41  template <WalkOrder Order, typename T>
42  WalkResult walk(T element) {
43  return walkImpl(element, Order);
44  }
45  template <typename T>
46  WalkResult walk(T element) {
47  return walk<WalkOrder::PostOrder, T>(element);
48  }
50  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
51  // Registration
52  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
54  template <typename T>
55  using WalkFn = std::function<WalkResult(T)>;
57  /// Register a walk function for a given attribute or type. A walk function
58  /// must be convertible to any of the following forms(where `T` is a class
59  /// derived from `Type` or `Attribute`:
60  ///
61  /// * WalkResult(T)
62  /// - Returns a walk result, which can be used to control the walk
63  ///
64  /// * void(T)
65  /// - Returns void, i.e. the walk always continues.
66  ///
67  /// Note: When walking, the mostly recently added walk functions will be
68  /// invoked first.
70  attrWalkFns.emplace_back(std::move(fn));
71  }
72  void addWalk(WalkFn<Type> &&fn) { typeWalkFns.push_back(std::move(fn)); }
74  /// Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature,
75  /// either because it uses a derived parameter type, or it uses a simplified
76  /// result type.
77  template <typename FnT,
78  typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
79  std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
80  typename BaseT = std::conditional_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>,
81  Attribute, Type>,
82  typename ResultT = std::invoke_result_t<FnT, T>>
83  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, BaseT> || std::is_same_v<ResultT, void>>
84  addWalk(FnT &&callback) {
85  addWalk([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](BaseT base) -> WalkResult {
86  if (auto derived = dyn_cast<T>(base)) {
87  if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, WalkResult>)
88  return callback(derived);
89  else
90  callback(derived);
91  }
92  return WalkResult::advance();
93  });
94  }
96 private:
97  WalkResult walkImpl(Attribute attr, WalkOrder order);
98  WalkResult walkImpl(Type type, WalkOrder order);
100  /// Internal implementation of the `walk` methods above.
101  template <typename T, typename WalkFns>
102  WalkResult walkImpl(T element, WalkFns &walkFns, WalkOrder order);
104  /// Walk the sub elements of the given interface.
105  template <typename T>
106  WalkResult walkSubElements(T interface, WalkOrder order);
108  /// The set of walk functions that map sub elements.
109  std::vector<WalkFn<Attribute>> attrWalkFns;
110  std::vector<WalkFn<Type>> typeWalkFns;
112  /// The set of visited attributes/types.
114 };
116 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
117 /// AttrTypeReplacer
118 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
120 namespace detail {
122 /// This class provides a base utility for replacing attributes/types, and their
123 /// sub elements. Multiple replacement functions may be registered.
124 ///
125 /// This base utility is uncached. Users can choose between two cached versions
126 /// of this replacer:
127 /// * For non-cyclic replacer logic, use `AttrTypeReplacer`.
128 /// * For cyclic replacer logic, use `CyclicAttrTypeReplacer`.
129 ///
130 /// Concrete implementations implement the following `replace` entry functions:
131 /// * Attribute replace(Attribute attr);
132 /// * Type replace(Type type);
133 template <typename Concrete>
135 public:
136  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
137  // Application
138  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
140  /// Replace the elements within the given operation. If `replaceAttrs` is
141  /// true, this updates the attribute dictionary of the operation. If
142  /// `replaceLocs` is true, this also updates its location, and the locations
143  /// of any nested block arguments. If `replaceTypes` is true, this also
144  /// updates the result types of the operation, and the types of any nested
145  /// block arguments.
146  void replaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs = true,
147  bool replaceLocs = false, bool replaceTypes = false);
149  /// Replace the elements within the given operation, and all nested
150  /// operations.
151  void recursivelyReplaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs = true,
152  bool replaceLocs = false,
153  bool replaceTypes = false);
155  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
156  // Registration
157  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
159  /// A replacement mapping function, which returns either std::nullopt (to
160  /// signal the element wasn't handled), or a pair of the replacement element
161  /// and a WalkResult.
162  template <typename T>
163  using ReplaceFnResult = std::optional<std::pair<T, WalkResult>>;
164  template <typename T>
165  using ReplaceFn = std::function<ReplaceFnResult<T>(T)>;
167  /// Register a replacement function for mapping a given attribute or type. A
168  /// replacement function must be convertible to any of the following
169  /// forms(where `T` is a class derived from `Type` or `Attribute`, and `BaseT`
170  /// is either `Type` or `Attribute` respectively):
171  ///
172  /// * std::optional<BaseT>(T)
173  /// - This either returns a valid Attribute/Type in the case of success,
174  /// nullptr in the case of failure, or `std::nullopt` to signify that
175  /// additional replacement functions may be applied (i.e. this function
176  /// doesn't handle that instance).
177  ///
178  /// * std::optional<std::pair<BaseT, WalkResult>>(T)
179  /// - Similar to the above, but also allows specifying a WalkResult to
180  /// control the replacement of sub elements of a given attribute or
181  /// type. Returning a `skip` result, for example, will not recursively
182  /// process the resultant attribute or type value.
183  ///
184  /// Note: When replacing, the mostly recently added replacement functions will
185  /// be invoked first.
189  /// Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature,
190  /// either because it uses a derived parameter type, or it uses a simplified
191  /// result type.
192  template <typename FnT,
193  typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
194  std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
195  typename BaseT = std::conditional_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>,
196  Attribute, Type>,
197  typename ResultT = std::invoke_result_t<FnT, T>>
198  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, BaseT> ||
199  !std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, ReplaceFnResult<BaseT>>>
200  addReplacement(FnT &&callback) {
201  addReplacement([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
202  BaseT base) -> ReplaceFnResult<BaseT> {
203  if (auto derived = dyn_cast<T>(base)) {
204  if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<ResultT, std::optional<BaseT>>) {
205  std::optional<BaseT> result = callback(derived);
206  return result ? std::make_pair(*result, WalkResult::advance())
208  } else {
209  return callback(derived);
210  }
211  }
212  return ReplaceFnResult<BaseT>();
213  });
214  }
216 protected:
217  /// Invokes the registered replacement functions from most recently registered
218  /// to least recently registered until a successful replacement is returned.
219  /// Unless skipping is requested, invokes `replace` on sub-elements of the
220  /// current attr/type.
222  Type replaceBase(Type type);
224 private:
225  /// The set of replacement functions that map sub elements.
226  std::vector<ReplaceFn<Attribute>> attrReplacementFns;
227  std::vector<ReplaceFn<Type>> typeReplacementFns;
228 };
230 } // namespace detail
232 /// This is an attribute/type replacer that is naively cached. It is best used
233 /// when the replacer logic is guaranteed to not contain cycles. Otherwise, any
234 /// re-occurrence of an in-progress element will be skipped.
235 class AttrTypeReplacer : public detail::AttrTypeReplacerBase<AttrTypeReplacer> {
236 public:
238  Type replace(Type type);
240 private:
241  /// Shared concrete implementation of the public `replace` functions. Invokes
242  /// `replaceBase` with caching.
243  template <typename T>
244  T cachedReplaceImpl(T element);
246  // Stores the opaque pointer of an attribute or type.
248 };
250 /// This is an attribute/type replacer that supports custom handling of cycles
251 /// in the replacer logic. In addition to registering replacer functions, it
252 /// allows registering cycle-breaking functions in the same style.
254  : public detail::AttrTypeReplacerBase<CyclicAttrTypeReplacer> {
255 public:
258  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
259  // Application
260  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
263  Type replace(Type type);
265  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
266  // Registration
267  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
269  /// A cycle-breaking function. This is invoked if the same element is asked to
270  /// be replaced again when the first instance of it is still being replaced.
271  /// This function must not perform any more recursive `replace` calls.
272  /// If it is able to break the cycle, it should return a replacement result.
273  /// Otherwise, it can return std::nullopt to defer cycle breaking to the next
274  /// repeated element. However, the user must guarantee that, in any possible
275  /// cycle, there always exists at least one element that can break the cycle.
276  template <typename T>
277  using CycleBreakerFn = std::function<std::optional<T>(T)>;
279  /// Register a cycle-breaking function.
280  /// When breaking cycles, the mostly recently added cycle-breaking functions
281  /// will be invoked first.
285  /// Register a cycle-breaking function that doesn't match the default
286  /// signature.
287  template <typename FnT,
288  typename T = typename llvm::function_traits<
289  std::decay_t<FnT>>::template arg_t<0>,
290  typename BaseT = std::conditional_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>,
291  Attribute, Type>>
292  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<T, BaseT>> addCycleBreaker(FnT &&callback) {
293  addCycleBreaker([callback = std::forward<FnT>(callback)](
294  BaseT base) -> std::optional<BaseT> {
295  if (auto derived = dyn_cast<T>(base))
296  return callback(derived);
297  return std::nullopt;
298  });
299  }
301 private:
302  /// Invokes the registered cycle-breaker functions from most recently
303  /// registered to least recently registered until a successful result is
304  /// returned.
305  std::optional<const void *> breakCycleImpl(void *element);
307  /// Shared concrete implementation of the public `replace` functions.
308  template <typename T>
309  T cachedReplaceImpl(T element);
311  /// The set of registered cycle-breaker functions.
312  std::vector<CycleBreakerFn<Attribute>> attrCycleBreakerFns;
313  std::vector<CycleBreakerFn<Type>> typeCycleBreakerFns;
315  /// A cache of previously-replaced attr/types.
316  /// The key of the cache is the opaque value of an AttrOrType. Using
317  /// AttrOrType allows distinguishing between the two types when invoking
318  /// cycle-breakers. Using its opaque value avoids the cyclic dependency issue
319  /// of directly using `AttrOrType` to instantiate the cache.
320  /// The value of the cache is just the opaque value of the attr/type itself
321  /// (not the PointerUnion).
322  using AttrOrType = PointerUnion<Attribute, Type>;
324 };
326 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
327 /// AttrTypeSubElementHandler
328 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
330 /// This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to walking sub
331 /// attributes and types.
333 public:
335  function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn)
336  : walkAttrsFn(walkAttrsFn), walkTypesFn(walkTypesFn) {}
338  /// Walk an attribute.
339  void walk(Attribute element);
340  /// Walk a type.
341  void walk(Type element);
342  /// Walk a range of attributes or types.
343  template <typename RangeT>
344  void walkRange(RangeT &&elements) {
345  for (auto element : elements)
346  walk(element);
347  }
349 private:
350  function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn;
351  function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn;
352 };
354 /// This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to process sub
355 /// element replacements.
356 template <typename T>
358 public:
361  /// Take the first N replacements as an ArrayRef, dropping them from
362  /// this replacement list.
363  ArrayRef<T> take_front(unsigned n) {
364  ArrayRef<T> elements = repls.take_front(n);
365  repls = repls.drop_front(n);
366  return elements;
367  }
369 private:
370  /// The current set of replacements.
371  ArrayRef<T> repls;
372 };
376 /// This class provides support for interacting with the
377 /// SubElementInterfaces for different types of parameters. An
378 /// implementation of this class should be provided for any parameter class
379 /// that may contain an attribute or type. There are two main methods of
380 /// this class that need to be implemented:
381 ///
382 /// - walk
383 ///
384 /// This method should traverse into any sub elements of the parameter
385 /// using the provided walker, or by invoking handlers for sub-types.
386 ///
387 /// - replace
388 ///
389 /// This method should extract any necessary sub elements using the
390 /// provided replacer, or by invoking handlers for sub-types. The new
391 /// post-replacement parameter value should be returned.
392 ///
393 template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
395  /// Default walk implementation that does nothing.
396  static inline void walk(const T &param,
399  /// Default replace implementation just forwards the parameter.
400  template <typename ParamT>
401  static inline decltype(auto) replace(ParamT &&param,
402  AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
403  TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
404  return std::forward<ParamT>(param);
405  }
407  /// Tag indicating that this handler does not support sub-elements.
408  using DefaultHandlerTag = void;
409 };
411 /// Detect if any of the given parameter types has a sub-element handler.
412 namespace detail {
413 template <typename T>
414 using has_default_sub_element_handler_t = decltype(T::DefaultHandlerTag);
415 } // namespace detail
416 template <typename... Ts>
417 inline constexpr bool has_sub_attr_or_type_v =
418  (!llvm::is_detected<detail::has_default_sub_element_handler_t, Ts>::value ||
419  ...);
421 /// Implementation for derived Attributes and Types.
422 template <typename T>
424  T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T> ||
425  std::is_base_of_v<Type, T>>> {
426  static void walk(T param, AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker) {
427  walker.walk(param);
428  }
429  static T replace(T param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
430  TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
431  if (!param)
432  return T();
433  if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T>) {
434  return cast<T>(attrRepls.take_front(1)[0]);
435  } else {
436  return cast<T>(typeRepls.take_front(1)[0]);
437  }
438  }
439 };
440 /// Implementation for derived ArrayRef.
441 template <typename T>
443  std::enable_if_t<has_sub_attr_or_type_v<T>>> {
446  static void walk(ArrayRef<T> param,
448  for (const T &subElement : param)
449  EltHandler::walk(subElement, walker);
450  }
451  static auto replace(ArrayRef<T> param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
452  TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
453  // Normal attributes/types can extract using the replacer directly.
454  if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Attribute, T> &&
455  sizeof(T) == sizeof(void *)) {
456  ArrayRef<Attribute> attrs = attrRepls.take_front(param.size());
457  return ArrayRef<T>((const T *), attrs.size());
458  } else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<Type, T> &&
459  sizeof(T) == sizeof(void *)) {
460  ArrayRef<Type> types = typeRepls.take_front(param.size());
461  return ArrayRef<T>((const T *), types.size());
462  } else {
463  // Otherwise, we need to allocate storage for the new elements.
464  SmallVector<T> newElements;
465  for (const T &element : param)
466  newElements.emplace_back(
467  EltHandler::replace(element, attrRepls, typeRepls));
468  return newElements;
469  }
470  }
471 };
472 /// Implementation for Tuple.
473 template <typename... Ts>
475  std::tuple<Ts...>, std::enable_if_t<has_sub_attr_or_type_v<Ts...>>> {
476  static void walk(const std::tuple<Ts...> &param,
478  std::apply(
479  [&](const Ts &...params) {
480  (AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::walk(params, walker), ...);
481  },
482  param);
483  }
484  static auto replace(const std::tuple<Ts...> &param,
485  AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls,
486  TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls) {
487  return std::apply(
488  [&](const Ts &...params)
489  -> std::tuple<decltype(AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::replace(
490  params, attrRepls, typeRepls))...> {
491  return {AttrTypeSubElementHandler<Ts>::replace(params, attrRepls,
492  typeRepls)...};
493  },
494  param);
495  }
496 };
498 namespace detail {
499 template <typename T>
500 struct is_tuple : public std::false_type {};
501 template <typename... Ts>
502 struct is_tuple<std::tuple<Ts...>> : public std::true_type {};
504 template <typename T>
505 struct is_pair : public std::false_type {};
506 template <typename... Ts>
507 struct is_pair<std::pair<Ts...>> : public std::true_type {};
509 template <typename T, typename... Ts>
510 using has_get_method = decltype(T::get(std::declval<Ts>()...));
511 template <typename T, typename... Ts>
512 using has_get_as_key = decltype(std::declval<T>().getAsKey());
514 /// This function provides the underlying implementation for the
515 /// SubElementInterface walk method, using the key type of the derived
516 /// attribute/type to interact with the individual parameters.
517 template <typename T>
519  function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn,
520  function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn) {
521  using ImplT = typename T::ImplType;
522  (void)derived;
523  (void)walkAttrsFn;
524  (void)walkTypesFn;
525  if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_as_key, ImplT>::value) {
526  auto key = static_cast<ImplT *>(derived.getImpl())->getAsKey();
528  // If we don't have any sub-elements, there is nothing to do.
529  if constexpr (!has_sub_attr_or_type_v<decltype(key)>)
530  return;
531  AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker walker(walkAttrsFn, walkTypesFn);
532  AttrTypeSubElementHandler<decltype(key)>::walk(key, walker);
533  }
534 }
536 /// This function invokes the proper `get` method for a type `T` with the given
537 /// values.
538 template <typename T, typename... Ts>
539 auto constructSubElementReplacement(MLIRContext *ctx, Ts &&...params) {
540  // Prefer a direct `get` method if one exists.
541  if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_method, T, Ts...>::value) {
542  (void)ctx;
543  return T::get(std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
544  } else if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_method, T, MLIRContext *,
545  Ts...>::value) {
546  return T::get(ctx, std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
547  } else {
548  // Otherwise, pass to the base get.
549  return T::Base::get(ctx, std::forward<Ts>(params)...);
550  }
551 }
553 /// This function provides the underlying implementation for the
554 /// SubElementInterface replace method, using the key type of the derived
555 /// attribute/type to interact with the individual parameters.
556 template <typename T>
558  ArrayRef<Type> &replTypes) {
559  using ImplT = typename T::ImplType;
560  if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<has_get_as_key, ImplT>::value) {
561  auto key = static_cast<ImplT *>(derived.getImpl())->getAsKey();
563  // If we don't have any sub-elements, we can just return the original.
564  if constexpr (!has_sub_attr_or_type_v<decltype(key)>) {
565  return derived;
567  // Otherwise, we need to replace any necessary sub-elements.
568  } else {
569  // Functor used to build the replacement on success.
570  auto buildReplacement = [&](auto newKey, MLIRContext *ctx) {
571  if constexpr (is_tuple<decltype(key)>::value ||
572  is_pair<decltype(key)>::value) {
573  return std::apply(
574  [&](auto &&...params) {
575  return constructSubElementReplacement<T>(
576  ctx, std::forward<decltype(params)>(params)...);
577  },
578  newKey);
579  } else {
580  return constructSubElementReplacement<T>(ctx, newKey);
581  }
582  };
584  AttrSubElementReplacements attrRepls(replAttrs);
585  TypeSubElementReplacements typeRepls(replTypes);
586  auto newKey = AttrTypeSubElementHandler<decltype(key)>::replace(
587  key, attrRepls, typeRepls);
588  MLIRContext *ctx = derived.getContext();
589  if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<decltype(newKey), LogicalResult>)
590  return succeeded(newKey) ? buildReplacement(*newKey, ctx) : nullptr;
591  else
592  return buildReplacement(newKey, ctx);
593  }
594  } else {
595  return derived;
596  }
597 }
598 } // namespace detail
599 } // namespace mlir
void walk(Attribute element)
Walk an attribute.
AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker(function_ref< void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn, function_ref< void(Type)> walkTypesFn)
void walkRange(RangeT &&elements)
Walk a range of attributes or types.
This is an attribute/type replacer that is naively cached.
Attribute replace(Attribute attr)
This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to process sub element replacements.
AttrTypeSubElementReplacements(ArrayRef< T > repls)
ArrayRef< T > take_front(unsigned n)
Take the first N replacements as an ArrayRef, dropping them from this replacement list.
WalkResult walk(T element)
std::function< WalkResult(T)> WalkFn
void addWalk(WalkFn< Attribute > &&fn)
Register a walk function for a given attribute or type.
void addWalk(WalkFn< Type > &&fn)
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, BaseT >||std::is_same_v< ResultT, void > > addWalk(FnT &&callback)
Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature, either because it uses a de...
WalkResult walk(T element)
Walk the given attribute/type, and recursively walk any sub elements.
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This is an attribute/type replacer that supports custom handling of cycles in the replacer logic.
void addCycleBreaker(CycleBreakerFn< Attribute > fn)
Register a cycle-breaking function.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, BaseT > > addCycleBreaker(FnT &&callback)
Register a cycle-breaking function that doesn't match the default signature.
Attribute replace(Attribute attr)
std::function< std::optional< T >(T)> CycleBreakerFn
A cycle-breaking function.
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
A utility result that is used to signal how to proceed with an ongoing walk:
Definition: Visitors.h:33
static WalkResult advance()
Definition: Visitors.h:51
This class provides a base utility for replacing attributes/types, and their sub elements.
void recursivelyReplaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs=true, bool replaceLocs=false, bool replaceTypes=false)
Replace the elements within the given operation, and all nested operations.
Attribute replaceBase(Attribute attr)
Invokes the registered replacement functions from most recently registered to least recently register...
std::function< ReplaceFnResult< T >(T)> ReplaceFn
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, BaseT >||!std::is_convertible_v< ResultT, ReplaceFnResult< BaseT > > > addReplacement(FnT &&callback)
Register a replacement function that doesn't match the default signature, either because it uses a de...
void addReplacement(ReplaceFn< Attribute > fn)
Register a replacement function for mapping a given attribute or type.
void replaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs=true, bool replaceLocs=false, bool replaceTypes=false)
Replace the elements within the given operation.
std::optional< std::pair< T, WalkResult > > ReplaceFnResult
A replacement mapping function, which returns either std::nullopt (to signal the element wasn't handl...
void walk(Operation *op, function_ref< void(Region *)> callback, WalkOrder order)
Walk all of the regions, blocks, or operations nested under (and including) the given operation.
Definition: Visitors.h:136
decltype(std::declval< T >().getAsKey()) has_get_as_key
auto constructSubElementReplacement(MLIRContext *ctx, Ts &&...params)
This function invokes the proper get method for a type T with the given values.
decltype(T::DefaultHandlerTag) has_default_sub_element_handler_t
auto replaceImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived, ArrayRef< Attribute > &replAttrs, ArrayRef< Type > &replTypes)
This function provides the underlying implementation for the SubElementInterface replace method,...
void walkImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived, function_ref< void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn, function_ref< void(Type)> walkTypesFn)
This function provides the underlying implementation for the SubElementInterface walk method,...
decltype(T::get(std::declval< Ts >()...)) has_get_method
@ Type
An inlay hint that for a type annotation.
Include the generated interface declarations.
constexpr bool has_sub_attr_or_type_v
Traversal order for region, block and operation walk utilities.
Definition: Visitors.h:62
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
static void walk(ArrayRef< T > param, AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker)
static auto replace(ArrayRef< T > param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls, TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls)
static T replace(T param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls, TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls)
static void walk(const std::tuple< Ts... > &param, AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker)
static auto replace(const std::tuple< Ts... > &param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls, TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls)
This class provides support for interacting with the SubElementInterfaces for different types of para...
static void walk(const T &param, AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker &walker)
Default walk implementation that does nothing.
void DefaultHandlerTag
Tag indicating that this handler does not support sub-elements.
static decltype(auto) replace(ParamT &&param, AttrSubElementReplacements &attrRepls, TypeSubElementReplacements &typeRepls)
Default replace implementation just forwards the parameter.