MLIR  19.0.0git
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1 //===- StorageUniquer.h - Common Storage Class Uniquer ----------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
14 #include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
19 #include <utility>
21 namespace mlir {
22 namespace detail {
23 struct StorageUniquerImpl;
25 /// Trait to check if ImplTy provides a 'getKey' method with types 'Args'.
26 template <typename ImplTy, typename... Args>
27 using has_impltype_getkey_t = decltype(ImplTy::getKey(std::declval<Args>()...));
29 /// Trait to check if ImplTy provides a 'hashKey' method for 'T'.
30 template <typename ImplTy, typename T>
31 using has_impltype_hash_t = decltype(ImplTy::hashKey(std::declval<T>()));
32 } // namespace detail
34 /// A utility class to get or create instances of "storage classes". These
35 /// storage classes must derive from 'StorageUniquer::BaseStorage'.
36 ///
37 /// For non-parametric storage classes, i.e. singleton classes, nothing else is
38 /// needed. Instances of these classes can be created by calling `get` without
39 /// trailing arguments.
40 ///
41 /// Otherwise, the parametric storage classes may be created with `get`,
42 /// and must respect the following:
43 /// - Define a type alias, KeyTy, to a type that uniquely identifies the
44 /// instance of the storage class.
45 /// * The key type must be constructible from the values passed into the
46 /// getComplex call.
47 /// * If the KeyTy does not have an llvm::DenseMapInfo specialization, the
48 /// storage class must define a hashing method:
49 /// 'static unsigned hashKey(const KeyTy &)'
50 ///
51 /// - Provide a method, 'bool operator==(const KeyTy &) const', to
52 /// compare the storage instance against an instance of the key type.
53 ///
54 /// - Provide a static construction method:
55 /// 'DerivedStorage *construct(StorageAllocator &, const KeyTy &key)'
56 /// that builds a unique instance of the derived storage. The arguments to
57 /// this function are an allocator to store any uniqued data and the key
58 /// type for this storage.
59 ///
60 /// - Provide a cleanup method:
61 /// 'void cleanup()'
62 /// that is called when erasing a storage instance. This should cleanup any
63 /// fields of the storage as necessary and not attempt to free the memory
64 /// of the storage itself.
65 ///
66 /// Storage classes may have an optional mutable component, which must not take
67 /// part in the unique immutable key. In this case, storage classes may be
68 /// mutated with `mutate` and must additionally respect the following:
69 /// - Provide a mutation method:
70 /// 'LogicalResult mutate(StorageAllocator &, <...>)'
71 /// that is called when mutating a storage instance. The first argument is
72 /// an allocator to store any mutable data, and the remaining arguments are
73 /// forwarded from the call site. The storage can be mutated at any time
74 /// after creation. Care must be taken to avoid excessive mutation since
75 /// the allocated storage can keep containing previous states. The return
76 /// value of the function is used to indicate whether the mutation was
77 /// successful, e.g., to limit the number of mutations or enable deferred
78 /// one-time assignment of the mutable component.
79 ///
80 /// All storage classes must be registered with the uniquer via
81 /// `registerParametricStorageType` or `registerSingletonStorageType`
82 /// using an appropriate unique `TypeID` for the storage class.
84 public:
85  /// This class acts as the base storage that all storage classes must derived
86  /// from.
87  class alignas(8) BaseStorage {
88  protected:
89  BaseStorage() = default;
90  };
92  /// This is a utility allocator used to allocate memory for instances of
93  /// derived types.
95  public:
96  /// Copy the specified array of elements into memory managed by our bump
97  /// pointer allocator. This assumes the elements are all PODs.
98  template <typename T>
100  if (elements.empty())
101  return std::nullopt;
102  auto result = allocator.Allocate<T>(elements.size());
103  std::uninitialized_copy(elements.begin(), elements.end(), result);
104  return ArrayRef<T>(result, elements.size());
105  }
107  /// Copy the provided string into memory managed by our bump pointer
108  /// allocator.
109  StringRef copyInto(StringRef str) {
110  if (str.empty())
111  return StringRef();
113  char *result = allocator.Allocate<char>(str.size() + 1);
114  std::uninitialized_copy(str.begin(), str.end(), result);
115  result[str.size()] = 0;
116  return StringRef(result, str.size());
117  }
119  /// Allocate an instance of the provided type.
120  template <typename T>
121  T *allocate() {
122  return allocator.Allocate<T>();
123  }
125  /// Allocate 'size' bytes of 'alignment' aligned memory.
126  void *allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
127  return allocator.Allocate(size, alignment);
128  }
130  /// Returns true if this allocator allocated the provided object pointer.
131  bool allocated(const void *ptr) {
132  return allocator.identifyObject(ptr).has_value();
133  }
135  private:
136  /// The raw allocator for type storage objects.
137  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator allocator;
138  };
140  StorageUniquer();
143  /// Set the flag specifying if multi-threading is disabled within the uniquer.
144  void disableMultithreading(bool disable = true);
146  /// Register a new parametric storage class, this is necessary to create
147  /// instances of this class type. `id` is the type identifier that will be
148  /// used to identify this type when creating instances of it via 'get'.
149  template <typename Storage>
151  // If the storage is trivially destructible, we don't need a destructor
152  // function.
153  if constexpr (std::is_trivially_destructible_v<Storage>)
154  return registerParametricStorageTypeImpl(id, nullptr);
155  registerParametricStorageTypeImpl(id, [](BaseStorage *storage) {
156  static_cast<Storage *>(storage)->~Storage();
157  });
158  }
159  /// Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
160  template <typename Storage>
162  registerParametricStorageType<Storage>(TypeID::get<Storage>());
163  }
164  /// Register a new singleton storage class, this is necessary to get the
165  /// singletone instance. `id` is the type identifier that will be used to
166  /// access the singleton instance via 'get'. An optional initialization
167  /// function may also be provided to initialize the newly created storage
168  /// instance, and used when the singleton instance is created.
169  template <typename Storage>
171  function_ref<void(Storage *)> initFn) {
172  auto ctorFn = [&](StorageAllocator &allocator) {
173  auto *storage = new (allocator.allocate<Storage>()) Storage();
174  if (initFn)
175  initFn(storage);
176  return storage;
177  };
178  registerSingletonImpl(id, ctorFn);
179  }
180  template <typename Storage>
182  registerSingletonStorageType<Storage>(id, std::nullopt);
183  }
184  /// Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
185  template <typename Storage>
186  void registerSingletonStorageType(function_ref<void(Storage *)> initFn = {}) {
187  registerSingletonStorageType<Storage>(TypeID::get<Storage>(), initFn);
188  }
190  /// Gets a uniqued instance of 'Storage'. 'id' is the type id used when
191  /// registering the storage instance. 'initFn' is an optional parameter that
192  /// can be used to initialize a newly inserted storage instance. This function
193  /// is used for derived types that have complex storage or uniquing
194  /// constraints.
195  template <typename Storage, typename... Args>
196  Storage *get(function_ref<void(Storage *)> initFn, TypeID id,
197  Args &&...args) {
198  // Construct a value of the derived key type.
199  auto derivedKey = getKey<Storage>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
201  // Create a hash of the derived key.
202  unsigned hashValue = getHash<Storage>(derivedKey);
204  // Generate an equality function for the derived storage.
205  auto isEqual = [&derivedKey](const BaseStorage *existing) {
206  return static_cast<const Storage &>(*existing) == derivedKey;
207  };
209  // Generate a constructor function for the derived storage.
210  auto ctorFn = [&](StorageAllocator &allocator) {
211  auto *storage = Storage::construct(allocator, std::move(derivedKey));
212  if (initFn)
213  initFn(storage);
214  return storage;
215  };
217  // Get an instance for the derived storage.
218  return static_cast<Storage *>(
219  getParametricStorageTypeImpl(id, hashValue, isEqual, ctorFn));
220  }
221  /// Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
222  template <typename Storage, typename... Args>
223  Storage *get(function_ref<void(Storage *)> initFn, Args &&...args) {
224  return get<Storage>(initFn, TypeID::get<Storage>(),
225  std::forward<Args>(args)...);
226  }
228  /// Gets a uniqued instance of 'Storage' which is a singleton storage type.
229  /// 'id' is the type id used when registering the storage instance.
230  template <typename Storage>
231  Storage *get(TypeID id) {
232  return static_cast<Storage *>(getSingletonImpl(id));
233  }
234  /// Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
235  template <typename Storage>
236  Storage *get() {
237  return get<Storage>(TypeID::get<Storage>());
238  }
240  /// Test if there is a singleton storage uniquer initialized for the provided
241  /// TypeID. This is only useful for debugging/diagnostic purpose: the uniquer
242  /// is initialized when a dialect is loaded.
245  /// Test if there is a parametric storage uniquer initialized for the provided
246  /// TypeID. This is only useful for debugging/diagnostic purpose: the uniquer
247  /// is initialized when a dialect is loaded.
250  /// Changes the mutable component of 'storage' by forwarding the trailing
251  /// arguments to the 'mutate' function of the derived class.
252  template <typename Storage, typename... Args>
253  LogicalResult mutate(TypeID id, Storage *storage, Args &&...args) {
254  auto mutationFn = [&](StorageAllocator &allocator) -> LogicalResult {
255  return static_cast<Storage &>(*storage).mutate(
256  allocator, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
257  };
258  return mutateImpl(id, storage, mutationFn);
259  }
261 private:
262  /// Implementation for getting/creating an instance of a derived type with
263  /// parametric storage.
264  BaseStorage *getParametricStorageTypeImpl(
265  TypeID id, unsigned hashValue,
266  function_ref<bool(const BaseStorage *)> isEqual,
267  function_ref<BaseStorage *(StorageAllocator &)> ctorFn);
269  /// Implementation for registering an instance of a derived type with
270  /// parametric storage. This method takes an optional destructor function that
271  /// destructs storage instances when necessary.
272  void registerParametricStorageTypeImpl(
273  TypeID id, function_ref<void(BaseStorage *)> destructorFn);
275  /// Implementation for getting an instance of a derived type with default
276  /// storage.
277  BaseStorage *getSingletonImpl(TypeID id);
279  /// Implementation for registering an instance of a derived type with default
280  /// storage.
281  void
282  registerSingletonImpl(TypeID id,
283  function_ref<BaseStorage *(StorageAllocator &)> ctorFn);
285  /// Implementation for mutating an instance of a derived storage.
287  mutateImpl(TypeID id, BaseStorage *storage,
288  function_ref<LogicalResult(StorageAllocator &)> mutationFn);
290  /// The internal implementation class.
291  std::unique_ptr<detail::StorageUniquerImpl> impl;
293  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
294  // Key Construction
295  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
297  /// Used to construct an instance of 'ImplTy::KeyTy' if there is an
298  /// 'ImplTy::getKey' function for the provided arguments. Otherwise, then we
299  /// try to directly construct the 'ImplTy::KeyTy' with the provided arguments.
300  template <typename ImplTy, typename... Args>
301  static typename ImplTy::KeyTy getKey(Args &&...args) {
302  if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<detail::has_impltype_getkey_t, ImplTy,
303  Args...>::value)
304  return ImplTy::getKey(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
305  else
306  return typename ImplTy::KeyTy(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
307  }
309  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
310  // Key Hashing
311  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
313  /// Used to generate a hash for the `ImplTy` of a storage instance if
314  /// there is a `ImplTy::hashKey. Otherwise, if there is no `ImplTy::hashKey`
315  /// then default to using the 'llvm::DenseMapInfo' definition for
316  /// 'DerivedKey' for generating a hash.
317  template <typename ImplTy, typename DerivedKey>
318  static ::llvm::hash_code getHash(const DerivedKey &derivedKey) {
319  if constexpr (llvm::is_detected<detail::has_impltype_hash_t, ImplTy,
320  DerivedKey>::value)
321  return ImplTy::hashKey(derivedKey);
322  else
323  return DenseMapInfo<DerivedKey>::getHashValue(derivedKey);
324  }
325 };
326 } // namespace mlir
328 #endif
This class acts as the base storage that all storage classes must derived from.
This is a utility allocator used to allocate memory for instances of derived types.
void * allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment)
Allocate 'size' bytes of 'alignment' aligned memory.
StringRef copyInto(StringRef str)
Copy the provided string into memory managed by our bump pointer allocator.
ArrayRef< T > copyInto(ArrayRef< T > elements)
Copy the specified array of elements into memory managed by our bump pointer allocator.
bool allocated(const void *ptr)
Returns true if this allocator allocated the provided object pointer.
T * allocate()
Allocate an instance of the provided type.
A utility class to get or create instances of "storage classes".
void disableMultithreading(bool disable=true)
Set the flag specifying if multi-threading is disabled within the uniquer.
LogicalResult mutate(TypeID id, Storage *storage, Args &&...args)
Changes the mutable component of 'storage' by forwarding the trailing arguments to the 'mutate' funct...
Storage * get(function_ref< void(Storage *)> initFn, Args &&...args)
Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
void registerSingletonStorageType(TypeID id, function_ref< void(Storage *)> initFn)
Register a new singleton storage class, this is necessary to get the singletone instance.
bool isSingletonStorageInitialized(TypeID id)
Test if there is a singleton storage uniquer initialized for the provided TypeID.
void registerParametricStorageType()
Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
Storage * get(function_ref< void(Storage *)> initFn, TypeID id, Args &&...args)
Gets a uniqued instance of 'Storage'.
bool isParametricStorageInitialized(TypeID id)
Test if there is a parametric storage uniquer initialized for the provided TypeID.
Storage * get()
Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
Storage * get(TypeID id)
Gets a uniqued instance of 'Storage' which is a singleton storage type.
void registerSingletonStorageType(function_ref< void(Storage *)> initFn={})
Utility override when the storage type represents the type id.
void registerSingletonStorageType(TypeID id)
void registerParametricStorageType(TypeID id)
Register a new parametric storage class, this is necessary to create instances of this class type.
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
decltype(ImplTy::getKey(std::declval< Args >()...)) has_impltype_getkey_t
Trait to check if ImplTy provides a 'getKey' method with types 'Args'.
decltype(ImplTy::hashKey(std::declval< T >())) has_impltype_hash_t
Trait to check if ImplTy provides a 'hashKey' method for 'T'.
Include the generated interface declarations.
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26