MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- LoopAnnotationImporter.cpp - Loop annotation import ----------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
10 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
12 using namespace mlir;
13 using namespace mlir::LLVM;
14 using namespace mlir::LLVM::detail;
16 namespace {
17 /// Helper class that keeps the state of one metadata to attribute conversion.
18 struct LoopMetadataConversion {
19  LoopMetadataConversion(const llvm::MDNode *node, Location loc,
20  LoopAnnotationImporter &loopAnnotationImporter)
21  : node(node), loc(loc), loopAnnotationImporter(loopAnnotationImporter),
22  ctx(loc->getContext()){};
23  /// Converts this structs loop metadata node into a LoopAnnotationAttr.
24  LoopAnnotationAttr convert();
26  /// Initializes the shared state for the conversion member functions.
27  LogicalResult initConversionState();
29  /// Helper function to get and erase a property.
30  const llvm::MDNode *lookupAndEraseProperty(StringRef name);
32  /// Helper functions to lookup and convert MDNodes into a specifc attribute
33  /// kind. These functions return null-attributes if there is no node with the
34  /// specified name, or failure, if the node is ill-formatted.
35  FailureOr<BoolAttr> lookupUnitNode(StringRef name);
36  FailureOr<BoolAttr> lookupBoolNode(StringRef name, bool negated = false);
37  FailureOr<BoolAttr> lookupIntNodeAsBoolAttr(StringRef name);
38  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> lookupIntNode(StringRef name);
39  FailureOr<llvm::MDNode *> lookupMDNode(StringRef name);
40  FailureOr<SmallVector<llvm::MDNode *>> lookupMDNodes(StringRef name);
41  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> lookupFollowupNode(StringRef name);
42  FailureOr<BoolAttr> lookupBooleanUnitNode(StringRef enableName,
43  StringRef disableName,
44  bool negated = false);
46  /// Conversion functions for sub-attributes.
47  FailureOr<LoopVectorizeAttr> convertVectorizeAttr();
48  FailureOr<LoopInterleaveAttr> convertInterleaveAttr();
49  FailureOr<LoopUnrollAttr> convertUnrollAttr();
50  FailureOr<LoopUnrollAndJamAttr> convertUnrollAndJamAttr();
51  FailureOr<LoopLICMAttr> convertLICMAttr();
52  FailureOr<LoopDistributeAttr> convertDistributeAttr();
53  FailureOr<LoopPipelineAttr> convertPipelineAttr();
54  FailureOr<LoopPeeledAttr> convertPeeledAttr();
55  FailureOr<LoopUnswitchAttr> convertUnswitchAttr();
56  FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>> convertParallelAccesses();
57  FusedLoc convertStartLoc();
58  FailureOr<FusedLoc> convertEndLoc();
61  llvm::StringMap<const llvm::MDNode *> propertyMap;
62  const llvm::MDNode *node;
63  Location loc;
64  LoopAnnotationImporter &loopAnnotationImporter;
65  MLIRContext *ctx;
66 };
67 } // namespace
69 LogicalResult LoopMetadataConversion::initConversionState() {
70  // Check if it's a valid node.
71  if (node->getNumOperands() == 0 ||
72  dyn_cast<llvm::MDNode>(node->getOperand(0)) != node)
73  return emitWarning(loc) << "invalid loop node";
75  for (const llvm::MDOperand &operand : llvm::drop_begin(node->operands())) {
76  if (auto *diLoc = dyn_cast<llvm::DILocation>(operand)) {
77  locations.push_back(diLoc);
78  continue;
79  }
81  auto *property = dyn_cast<llvm::MDNode>(operand);
82  if (!property)
83  return emitWarning(loc) << "expected all loop properties to be either "
84  "debug locations or metadata nodes";
86  if (property->getNumOperands() == 0)
87  return emitWarning(loc) << "cannot import empty loop property";
89  auto *nameNode = dyn_cast<llvm::MDString>(property->getOperand(0));
90  if (!nameNode)
91  return emitWarning(loc) << "cannot import loop property without a name";
92  StringRef name = nameNode->getString();
94  bool succ = propertyMap.try_emplace(name, property).second;
95  if (!succ)
96  return emitWarning(loc)
97  << "cannot import loop properties with duplicated names " << name;
98  }
100  return success();
101 }
103 const llvm::MDNode *
104 LoopMetadataConversion::lookupAndEraseProperty(StringRef name) {
105  auto it = propertyMap.find(name);
106  if (it == propertyMap.end())
107  return nullptr;
108  const llvm::MDNode *property = it->getValue();
109  propertyMap.erase(it);
110  return property;
111 }
113 FailureOr<BoolAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::lookupUnitNode(StringRef name) {
114  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
115  if (!property)
116  return BoolAttr(nullptr);
118  if (property->getNumOperands() != 1)
119  return emitWarning(loc)
120  << "expected metadata node " << name << " to hold no value";
122  return BoolAttr::get(ctx, true);
123 }
125 FailureOr<BoolAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::lookupBooleanUnitNode(
126  StringRef enableName, StringRef disableName, bool negated) {
127  auto enable = lookupUnitNode(enableName);
128  auto disable = lookupUnitNode(disableName);
129  if (failed(enable) || failed(disable))
130  return failure();
132  if (*enable && *disable)
133  return emitWarning(loc)
134  << "expected metadata nodes " << enableName << " and " << disableName
135  << " to be mutually exclusive.";
137  if (*enable)
138  return BoolAttr::get(ctx, !negated);
140  if (*disable)
141  return BoolAttr::get(ctx, negated);
142  return BoolAttr(nullptr);
143 }
145 FailureOr<BoolAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::lookupBoolNode(StringRef name,
146  bool negated) {
147  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
148  if (!property)
149  return BoolAttr(nullptr);
151  auto emitNodeWarning = [&]() {
152  return emitWarning(loc)
153  << "expected metadata node " << name << " to hold a boolean value";
154  };
156  if (property->getNumOperands() != 2)
157  return emitNodeWarning();
158  llvm::ConstantInt *val =
159  llvm::mdconst::dyn_extract<llvm::ConstantInt>(property->getOperand(1));
160  if (!val || val->getBitWidth() != 1)
161  return emitNodeWarning();
163  return BoolAttr::get(ctx, val->getValue().getLimitedValue(1) ^ negated);
164 }
166 FailureOr<BoolAttr>
167 LoopMetadataConversion::lookupIntNodeAsBoolAttr(StringRef name) {
168  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
169  if (!property)
170  return BoolAttr(nullptr);
172  auto emitNodeWarning = [&]() {
173  return emitWarning(loc)
174  << "expected metadata node " << name << " to hold an integer value";
175  };
177  if (property->getNumOperands() != 2)
178  return emitNodeWarning();
179  llvm::ConstantInt *val =
180  llvm::mdconst::dyn_extract<llvm::ConstantInt>(property->getOperand(1));
181  if (!val || val->getBitWidth() != 32)
182  return emitNodeWarning();
184  return BoolAttr::get(ctx, val->getValue().getLimitedValue(1));
185 }
187 FailureOr<IntegerAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::lookupIntNode(StringRef name) {
188  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
189  if (!property)
190  return IntegerAttr(nullptr);
192  auto emitNodeWarning = [&]() {
193  return emitWarning(loc)
194  << "expected metadata node " << name << " to hold an i32 value";
195  };
197  if (property->getNumOperands() != 2)
198  return emitNodeWarning();
200  llvm::ConstantInt *val =
201  llvm::mdconst::dyn_extract<llvm::ConstantInt>(property->getOperand(1));
202  if (!val || val->getBitWidth() != 32)
203  return emitNodeWarning();
205  return IntegerAttr::get(IntegerType::get(ctx, 32),
206  val->getValue().getLimitedValue());
207 }
209 FailureOr<llvm::MDNode *> LoopMetadataConversion::lookupMDNode(StringRef name) {
210  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
211  if (!property)
212  return nullptr;
214  auto emitNodeWarning = [&]() {
215  return emitWarning(loc)
216  << "expected metadata node " << name << " to hold an MDNode";
217  };
219  if (property->getNumOperands() != 2)
220  return emitNodeWarning();
222  auto *node = dyn_cast<llvm::MDNode>(property->getOperand(1));
223  if (!node)
224  return emitNodeWarning();
226  return node;
227 }
229 FailureOr<SmallVector<llvm::MDNode *>>
230 LoopMetadataConversion::lookupMDNodes(StringRef name) {
231  const llvm::MDNode *property = lookupAndEraseProperty(name);
233  if (!property)
234  return res;
236  auto emitNodeWarning = [&]() {
237  return emitWarning(loc) << "expected metadata node " << name
238  << " to hold one or multiple MDNodes";
239  };
241  if (property->getNumOperands() < 2)
242  return emitNodeWarning();
244  for (unsigned i = 1, e = property->getNumOperands(); i < e; ++i) {
245  auto *node = dyn_cast<llvm::MDNode>(property->getOperand(i));
246  if (!node)
247  return emitNodeWarning();
248  res.push_back(node);
249  }
251  return res;
252 }
254 FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr>
255 LoopMetadataConversion::lookupFollowupNode(StringRef name) {
256  auto node = lookupMDNode(name);
257  if (failed(node))
258  return failure();
259  if (*node == nullptr)
260  return LoopAnnotationAttr(nullptr);
262  return loopAnnotationImporter.translateLoopAnnotation(*node, loc);
263 }
265 static bool isEmptyOrNull(const Attribute attr) { return !attr; }
267 template <typename T>
268 static bool isEmptyOrNull(const SmallVectorImpl<T> &vec) {
269  return vec.empty();
270 }
272 /// Helper function that only creates and attribute of type T if all argument
273 /// conversion were successfull and at least one of them holds a non-null value.
274 template <typename T, typename... P>
275 static T createIfNonNull(MLIRContext *ctx, const P &...args) {
276  bool anyFailed = (failed(args) || ...);
277  if (anyFailed)
278  return {};
280  bool allEmpty = (isEmptyOrNull(*args) && ...);
281  if (allEmpty)
282  return {};
284  return T::get(ctx, *args...);
285 }
287 FailureOr<LoopVectorizeAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertVectorizeAttr() {
288  FailureOr<BoolAttr> enable =
289  lookupBoolNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.enable", true);
290  FailureOr<BoolAttr> predicateEnable =
291  lookupBoolNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.predicate.enable");
292  FailureOr<BoolAttr> scalableEnable =
293  lookupBoolNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.scalable.enable");
294  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> width = lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.width");
295  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupVec =
296  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.followup_vectorized");
297  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupEpi =
298  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.followup_epilogue");
299  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupAll =
300  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.vectorize.followup_all");
302  return createIfNonNull<LoopVectorizeAttr>(ctx, enable, predicateEnable,
303  scalableEnable, width, followupVec,
304  followupEpi, followupAll);
305 }
307 FailureOr<LoopInterleaveAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertInterleaveAttr() {
308  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> count = lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.interleave.count");
309  return createIfNonNull<LoopInterleaveAttr>(ctx, count);
310 }
312 FailureOr<LoopUnrollAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertUnrollAttr() {
313  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disable = lookupBooleanUnitNode(
314  "llvm.loop.unroll.enable", "llvm.loop.unroll.disable", /*negated=*/true);
315  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> count = lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.unroll.count");
316  FailureOr<BoolAttr> runtimeDisable =
317  lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.unroll.runtime.disable");
318  FailureOr<BoolAttr> full = lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.unroll.full");
319  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupUnrolled =
320  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll.followup_unrolled");
321  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupRemainder =
322  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll.followup_remainder");
323  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupAll =
324  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll.followup_all");
326  return createIfNonNull<LoopUnrollAttr>(ctx, disable, count, runtimeDisable,
327  full, followupUnrolled,
328  followupRemainder, followupAll);
329 }
331 FailureOr<LoopUnrollAndJamAttr>
332 LoopMetadataConversion::convertUnrollAndJamAttr() {
333  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disable = lookupBooleanUnitNode(
334  "llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.enable", "llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.disable",
335  /*negated=*/true);
336  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> count =
337  lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.count");
338  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupOuter =
339  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.followup_outer");
340  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupInner =
341  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.followup_inner");
342  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupRemainderOuter =
343  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.followup_remainder_outer");
344  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupRemainderInner =
345  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.followup_remainder_inner");
346  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupAll =
347  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam.followup_all");
348  return createIfNonNull<LoopUnrollAndJamAttr>(
349  ctx, disable, count, followupOuter, followupInner, followupRemainderOuter,
350  followupRemainderInner, followupAll);
351 }
353 FailureOr<LoopLICMAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertLICMAttr() {
354  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disable = lookupUnitNode("llvm.licm.disable");
355  FailureOr<BoolAttr> versioningDisable =
356  lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.licm_versioning.disable");
357  return createIfNonNull<LoopLICMAttr>(ctx, disable, versioningDisable);
358 }
360 FailureOr<LoopDistributeAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertDistributeAttr() {
361  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disable =
362  lookupBoolNode("llvm.loop.distribute.enable", true);
363  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupCoincident =
364  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.distribute.followup_coincident");
365  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupSequential =
366  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.distribute.followup_sequential");
367  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupFallback =
368  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.distribute.followup_fallback");
369  FailureOr<LoopAnnotationAttr> followupAll =
370  lookupFollowupNode("llvm.loop.distribute.followup_all");
371  return createIfNonNull<LoopDistributeAttr>(ctx, disable, followupCoincident,
372  followupSequential,
373  followupFallback, followupAll);
374 }
376 FailureOr<LoopPipelineAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertPipelineAttr() {
377  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disable = lookupBoolNode("llvm.loop.pipeline.disable");
378  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> initiationinterval =
379  lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.pipeline.initiationinterval");
380  return createIfNonNull<LoopPipelineAttr>(ctx, disable, initiationinterval);
381 }
383 FailureOr<LoopPeeledAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertPeeledAttr() {
384  FailureOr<IntegerAttr> count = lookupIntNode("llvm.loop.peeled.count");
385  return createIfNonNull<LoopPeeledAttr>(ctx, count);
386 }
388 FailureOr<LoopUnswitchAttr> LoopMetadataConversion::convertUnswitchAttr() {
389  FailureOr<BoolAttr> partialDisable =
390  lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.unswitch.partial.disable");
391  return createIfNonNull<LoopUnswitchAttr>(ctx, partialDisable);
392 }
394 FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>>
395 LoopMetadataConversion::convertParallelAccesses() {
396  FailureOr<SmallVector<llvm::MDNode *>> nodes =
397  lookupMDNodes("llvm.loop.parallel_accesses");
398  if (failed(nodes))
399  return failure();
401  for (llvm::MDNode *node : *nodes) {
402  FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>> accessGroups =
403  loopAnnotationImporter.lookupAccessGroupAttrs(node);
404  if (failed(accessGroups)) {
405  emitWarning(loc) << "could not lookup access group";
406  continue;
407  }
408  llvm::append_range(refs, *accessGroups);
409  }
410  return refs;
411 }
413 FusedLoc LoopMetadataConversion::convertStartLoc() {
414  if (locations.empty())
415  return {};
416  return dyn_cast<FusedLoc>(
417  loopAnnotationImporter.moduleImport.translateLoc(locations[0]));
418 }
420 FailureOr<FusedLoc> LoopMetadataConversion::convertEndLoc() {
421  if (locations.size() < 2)
422  return FusedLoc();
423  if (locations.size() > 2)
424  return emitError(loc)
425  << "expected loop metadata to have at most two DILocations";
426  return dyn_cast<FusedLoc>(
427  loopAnnotationImporter.moduleImport.translateLoc(locations[1]));
428 }
430 LoopAnnotationAttr LoopMetadataConversion::convert() {
431  if (failed(initConversionState()))
432  return {};
434  FailureOr<BoolAttr> disableNonForced =
435  lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.disable_nonforced");
436  FailureOr<LoopVectorizeAttr> vecAttr = convertVectorizeAttr();
437  FailureOr<LoopInterleaveAttr> interleaveAttr = convertInterleaveAttr();
438  FailureOr<LoopUnrollAttr> unrollAttr = convertUnrollAttr();
439  FailureOr<LoopUnrollAndJamAttr> unrollAndJamAttr = convertUnrollAndJamAttr();
440  FailureOr<LoopLICMAttr> licmAttr = convertLICMAttr();
441  FailureOr<LoopDistributeAttr> distributeAttr = convertDistributeAttr();
442  FailureOr<LoopPipelineAttr> pipelineAttr = convertPipelineAttr();
443  FailureOr<LoopPeeledAttr> peeledAttr = convertPeeledAttr();
444  FailureOr<LoopUnswitchAttr> unswitchAttr = convertUnswitchAttr();
445  FailureOr<BoolAttr> mustProgress = lookupUnitNode("llvm.loop.mustprogress");
446  FailureOr<BoolAttr> isVectorized =
447  lookupIntNodeAsBoolAttr("llvm.loop.isvectorized");
448  FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>> parallelAccesses =
449  convertParallelAccesses();
451  // Drop the metadata if there are parts that cannot be imported.
452  if (!propertyMap.empty()) {
453  for (auto name : propertyMap.keys())
454  emitWarning(loc) << "unknown loop annotation " << name;
455  return {};
456  }
458  FailureOr<FusedLoc> startLoc = convertStartLoc();
459  FailureOr<FusedLoc> endLoc = convertEndLoc();
461  return createIfNonNull<LoopAnnotationAttr>(
462  ctx, disableNonForced, vecAttr, interleaveAttr, unrollAttr,
463  unrollAndJamAttr, licmAttr, distributeAttr, pipelineAttr, peeledAttr,
464  unswitchAttr, mustProgress, isVectorized, startLoc, endLoc,
465  parallelAccesses);
466 }
468 LoopAnnotationAttr
470  Location loc) {
471  if (!node)
472  return {};
474  // Note: This check is necessary to distinguish between failed translations
475  // and not yet attempted translations.
476  auto it = loopMetadataMapping.find(node);
477  if (it != loopMetadataMapping.end())
478  return it->getSecond();
480  LoopAnnotationAttr attr = LoopMetadataConversion(node, loc, *this).convert();
482  mapLoopMetadata(node, attr);
483  return attr;
484 }
486 LogicalResult
488  Location loc) {
490  if (!node->getNumOperands())
491  accessGroups.push_back(node);
492  for (const llvm::MDOperand &operand : node->operands()) {
493  auto *childNode = dyn_cast<llvm::MDNode>(operand);
494  if (!childNode)
495  return failure();
496  accessGroups.push_back(cast<llvm::MDNode>(operand.get()));
497  }
499  // Convert all entries of the access group list to access group operations.
500  for (const llvm::MDNode *accessGroup : accessGroups) {
501  if (accessGroupMapping.count(accessGroup))
502  continue;
503  // Verify the access group node is distinct and empty.
504  if (accessGroup->getNumOperands() != 0 || !accessGroup->isDistinct())
505  return emitWarning(loc)
506  << "expected an access group node to be empty and distinct";
508  // Add a mapping from the access group node to the newly created attribute.
509  accessGroupMapping[accessGroup] = builder.getAttr<AccessGroupAttr>();
510  }
511  return success();
512 }
514 FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>>
515 LoopAnnotationImporter::lookupAccessGroupAttrs(const llvm::MDNode *node) const {
516  // An access group node is either a single access group or an access group
517  // list.
518  SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr> accessGroups;
519  if (!node->getNumOperands())
520  accessGroups.push_back(accessGroupMapping.lookup(node));
521  for (const llvm::MDOperand &operand : node->operands()) {
522  auto *node = cast<llvm::MDNode>(operand.get());
523  accessGroups.push_back(accessGroupMapping.lookup(node));
524  }
525  // Exit if one of the access group node lookups failed.
526  if (llvm::is_contained(accessGroups, nullptr))
527  return failure();
528  return accessGroups;
529 }
static MLIRContext * getContext(OpFoldResult val)
static T createIfNonNull(MLIRContext *ctx, const P &...args)
Helper function that only creates and attribute of type T if all argument conversion were successfull...
static bool isEmptyOrNull(const Attribute attr)
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
Special case of IntegerAttr to represent boolean integers, i.e., signless i1 integers.
static BoolAttr get(MLIRContext *context, bool value)
Attr getAttr(Args &&...args)
Get or construct an instance of the attribute Attr with provided arguments.
Definition: Builders.h:101
A helper class that converts llvm.loop metadata nodes into corresponding LoopAnnotationAttrs and llvm...
LoopAnnotationAttr translateLoopAnnotation(const llvm::MDNode *node, Location loc)
LogicalResult translateAccessGroup(const llvm::MDNode *node, Location loc)
Converts all LLVM access groups starting from node to MLIR access group attributes.
FailureOr< SmallVector< AccessGroupAttr > > lookupAccessGroupAttrs(const llvm::MDNode *node) const
Returns the access group attribute that map to the access group nodes starting from the access group ...
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
Include the generated interface declarations.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(Location loc)
Utility method to emit a warning message using this location.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc)
Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...