MLIR  19.0.0git
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1 //===- LoopUtils.h - Loop transformation utilities --------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This header file defines prototypes for various loop transformation utility
10 // methods: these are not passes by themselves but are used either by passes,
11 // optimization sequences, or in turn by other transformation utilities.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
19 #include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
22 #include <optional>
24 namespace mlir {
25 class AffineMap;
26 class LoopLikeOpInterface;
27 class OpBuilder;
28 class Value;
29 class ValueRange;
31 namespace func {
32 class FuncOp;
33 } // namespace func
35 namespace scf {
36 class ForOp;
37 class ParallelOp;
38 } // namespace scf
40 namespace affine {
41 class AffineForOp;
42 struct MemRefRegion;
44 /// Unrolls this for operation completely if the trip count is known to be
45 /// constant. Returns failure otherwise.
46 LogicalResult loopUnrollFull(AffineForOp forOp);
48 /// Unrolls this for operation by the specified unroll factor. Returns failure
49 /// if the loop cannot be unrolled either due to restrictions or due to invalid
50 /// unroll factors. Requires positive loop bounds and step. If specified,
51 /// annotates the Ops in each unrolled iteration by applying `annotateFn`.
52 /// When `cleanUpUnroll` is true, we can ensure the cleanup loop is unrolled
53 /// regardless of the unroll factor.
54 LogicalResult loopUnrollByFactor(
55  AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollFactor,
56  function_ref<void(unsigned, Operation *, OpBuilder)> annotateFn = nullptr,
57  bool cleanUpUnroll = false);
59 /// Unrolls this loop by the specified unroll factor or its trip count,
60 /// whichever is lower.
61 LogicalResult loopUnrollUpToFactor(AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollFactor);
63 /// Returns true if `loops` is a perfectly nested loop nest, where loops appear
64 /// in it from outermost to innermost.
65 bool LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED isPerfectlyNested(ArrayRef<AffineForOp> loops);
67 /// Get perfectly nested sequence of loops starting at root of loop nest
68 /// (the first op being another AffineFor, and the second op - a terminator).
69 /// A loop is perfectly nested iff: the first op in the loop's body is another
70 /// AffineForOp, and the second op is a terminator).
71 void getPerfectlyNestedLoops(SmallVectorImpl<AffineForOp> &nestedLoops,
72  AffineForOp root);
74 /// Unrolls and jams this loop by the specified factor. `forOp` can be a loop
75 /// with iteration arguments performing supported reductions and its inner loops
76 /// can have iteration arguments. Returns success if the loop is successfully
77 /// unroll-jammed.
78 LogicalResult loopUnrollJamByFactor(AffineForOp forOp,
79  uint64_t unrollJamFactor);
81 /// Unrolls and jams this loop by the specified factor or by the trip count (if
82 /// constant), whichever is lower.
83 LogicalResult loopUnrollJamUpToFactor(AffineForOp forOp,
84  uint64_t unrollJamFactor);
86 /// Promotes the loop body of a AffineForOp to its containing block if the loop
87 /// was known to have a single iteration.
88 LogicalResult promoteIfSingleIteration(AffineForOp forOp);
90 /// Promotes all single iteration AffineForOp's in the Function, i.e., moves
91 /// their body into the containing Block.
92 void promoteSingleIterationLoops(func::FuncOp f);
94 /// Skew the operations in an affine.for's body with the specified
95 /// operation-wise shifts. The shifts are with respect to the original execution
96 /// order, and are multiplied by the loop 'step' before being applied. If
97 /// `unrollPrologueEpilogue` is set, fully unroll the prologue and epilogue
98 /// loops when possible.
99 LogicalResult affineForOpBodySkew(AffineForOp forOp, ArrayRef<uint64_t> shifts,
100  bool unrollPrologueEpilogue = false);
102 /// Identify valid and profitable bands of loops to tile. This is currently just
103 /// a temporary placeholder to test the mechanics of tiled code generation.
104 /// Returns all maximal outermost perfect loop nests to tile.
105 void getTileableBands(func::FuncOp f,
106  std::vector<SmallVector<AffineForOp, 6>> *bands);
108 /// Tiles the specified band of perfectly nested loops creating tile-space loops
109 /// and intra-tile loops. A band is a contiguous set of loops. This utility
110 /// doesn't check for the validity of tiling itself, but just performs it.
113  ArrayRef<unsigned> tileSizes,
114  SmallVectorImpl<AffineForOp> *tiledNest = nullptr);
116 /// Tiles the specified band of perfectly nested loops creating tile-space
117 /// loops and intra-tile loops, using SSA values as tiling parameters. A band
118 /// is a contiguous set of loops.
121  SmallVectorImpl<AffineForOp> *tiledNest = nullptr);
123 /// Performs loop interchange on 'forOpA' and 'forOpB'. Requires that 'forOpA'
124 /// and 'forOpB' are part of a perfectly nested sequence of loops.
125 void interchangeLoops(AffineForOp forOpA, AffineForOp forOpB);
127 /// Checks if the loop interchange permutation 'loopPermMap', of the perfectly
128 /// nested sequence of loops in 'loops', would violate dependences (loop 'i' in
129 /// 'loops' is mapped to location 'j = 'loopPermMap[i]' in the interchange).
131  ArrayRef<unsigned> loopPermMap);
133 /// Performs a loop permutation on a perfectly nested loop nest `inputNest`
134 /// (where the contained loops appear from outer to inner) as specified by the
135 /// permutation `permMap`: loop 'i' in `inputNest` is mapped to location
136 /// 'loopPermMap[i]', where positions 0, 1, ... are from the outermost position
137 /// to inner. Returns the position in `inputNest` of the AffineForOp that
138 /// becomes the new outermost loop of this nest. This method always succeeds,
139 /// asserts out on invalid input / specifications.
140 unsigned permuteLoops(MutableArrayRef<AffineForOp> inputNest,
141  ArrayRef<unsigned> permMap);
143 // Sinks all sequential loops to the innermost levels (while preserving
144 // relative order among them) and moves all parallel loops to the
145 // outermost (while again preserving relative order among them).
146 // Returns AffineForOp of the root of the new loop nest after loop interchanges.
147 AffineForOp sinkSequentialLoops(AffineForOp forOp);
149 /// Performs tiling fo imperfectly nested loops (with interchange) by
150 /// strip-mining the `forOps` by `sizes` and sinking them, in their order of
151 /// occurrence in `forOps`, under each of the `targets`.
152 /// Returns the new AffineForOps, one per each of (`forOps`, `targets`) pair,
153 /// nested immediately under each of `targets`.
155  ArrayRef<uint64_t> sizes,
156  ArrayRef<AffineForOp> targets);
158 /// Performs tiling (with interchange) by strip-mining the `forOps` by `sizes`
159 /// and sinking them, in their order of occurrence in `forOps`, under `target`.
160 /// Returns the new AffineForOps, one per `forOps`, nested immediately under
161 /// `target`.
163  ArrayRef<uint64_t> sizes, AffineForOp target);
165 /// Explicit copy / DMA generation options for mlir::affineDataCopyGenerate.
167  // True if DMAs should be generated instead of point-wise copies.
169  // The slower memory space from which data is to be moved.
170  unsigned slowMemorySpace;
171  // Memory space of the faster one (typically a scratchpad).
172  unsigned fastMemorySpace;
173  // Memory space to place tags in: only meaningful for DMAs.
174  unsigned tagMemorySpace;
175  // Capacity of the fast memory space in bytes.
177 };
179 /// Performs explicit copying for the contiguous sequence of operations in the
180 /// block iterator range [`begin', `end'), where `end' can't be past the
181 /// terminator of the block (since additional operations are potentially
182 /// inserted right before `end`. `copyOptions` provides various parameters, and
183 /// the output argument `copyNests` is the set of all copy nests inserted, each
184 /// represented by its root affine.for. Since we generate alloc's and dealloc's
185 /// for all fast buffers (before and after the range of operations resp. or at a
186 /// hoisted position), all of the fast memory capacity is assumed to be
187 /// available for processing this block range. When 'filterMemRef' is specified,
188 /// copies are only generated for the provided MemRef. Returns success if the
189 /// explicit copying succeeded for all memrefs on which affine load/stores were
190 /// encountered. For memrefs for whose element types a size in bytes can't be
191 /// computed (`index` type), their capacity is not accounted for and the
192 /// `fastMemCapacityBytes` copy option would be non-functional in such cases.
194  const AffineCopyOptions &copyOptions,
195  std::optional<Value> filterMemRef,
196  DenseSet<Operation *> &copyNests);
198 /// A convenience version of affineDataCopyGenerate for all ops in the body of
199 /// an AffineForOp.
200 LogicalResult affineDataCopyGenerate(AffineForOp forOp,
201  const AffineCopyOptions &copyOptions,
202  std::optional<Value> filterMemRef,
203  DenseSet<Operation *> &copyNests);
205 /// Result for calling generateCopyForMemRegion.
207  // Number of bytes used by alloc.
208  uint64_t sizeInBytes;
210  // The newly created buffer allocation.
213  // Generated loop nest for copying data between the allocated buffer and the
214  // original memref.
216 };
218 /// generateCopyForMemRegion is similar to affineDataCopyGenerate, but works
219 /// with a single memref region. `memrefRegion` is supposed to contain analysis
220 /// information within analyzedOp. The generated prologue and epilogue always
221 /// surround `analyzedOp`.
222 ///
223 /// Note that `analyzedOp` is a single op for API convenience, and the
224 /// [begin, end) version can be added as needed.
225 ///
226 /// Also note that certain options in `copyOptions` aren't looked at anymore,
227 /// like slowMemorySpace.
229  Operation *analyzedOp,
230  const AffineCopyOptions &copyOptions,
231  CopyGenerateResult &result);
233 /// Replace a perfect nest of "for" loops with a single linearized loop. Assumes
234 /// `loops` contains a list of perfectly nested loops outermost to innermost
235 /// that are normalized (step one and lower bound of zero) and with bounds and
236 /// steps independent of any loop induction variable involved in the nest.
237 /// Coalescing affine.for loops is not always possible, i.e., the result may not
238 /// be representable using affine.for.
241 /// Maps `forOp` for execution on a parallel grid of virtual `processorIds` of
242 /// size given by `numProcessors`. This is achieved by embedding the SSA values
243 /// corresponding to `processorIds` and `numProcessors` into the bounds and step
244 /// of the `forOp`. No check is performed on the legality of the rewrite, it is
245 /// the caller's responsibility to ensure legality.
246 ///
247 /// Requires that `processorIds` and `numProcessors` have the same size and that
248 /// for each idx, `processorIds`[idx] takes, at runtime, all values between 0
249 /// and `numProcessors`[idx] - 1. This corresponds to traditional use cases for:
250 /// 1. GPU (threadIdx, get_local_id(), ...)
251 /// 2. MPI (MPI_Comm_rank)
252 /// 3. OpenMP (omp_get_thread_num)
253 ///
254 /// Example:
255 /// Assuming a 2-d grid with processorIds = [blockIdx.x, threadIdx.x] and
256 /// numProcessors = [gridDim.x, blockDim.x], the loop:
257 ///
258 /// ```
259 /// scf.for %i = %lb to %ub step %step {
260 /// ...
261 /// }
262 /// ```
263 ///
264 /// is rewritten into a version resembling the following pseudo-IR:
265 ///
266 /// ```
267 /// scf.for %i = %lb + %step * (threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x)
268 /// to %ub step %gridDim.x * blockDim.x * %step {
269 /// ...
270 /// }
271 /// ```
272 void mapLoopToProcessorIds(scf::ForOp forOp, ArrayRef<Value> processorId,
273  ArrayRef<Value> numProcessors);
275 /// Gathers all AffineForOps in 'func.func' grouped by loop depth.
276 void gatherLoops(func::FuncOp func,
277  std::vector<SmallVector<AffineForOp, 2>> &depthToLoops);
279 /// Creates an AffineForOp while ensuring that the lower and upper bounds are
280 /// canonicalized, i.e., unused and duplicate operands are removed, any constant
281 /// operands propagated/folded in, and duplicate bound maps dropped.
283  ValueRange lbOperands,
284  AffineMap lbMap,
285  ValueRange ubOperands,
286  AffineMap ubMap, int64_t step = 1);
288 /// Separates full tiles from partial tiles for a perfect nest `nest` by
289 /// generating a conditional guard that selects between the full tile version
290 /// and the partial tile version using an AffineIfOp. The original loop nest
291 /// is replaced by this guarded two version form.
292 ///
293 /// affine.if (cond)
294 /// // full_tile
295 /// else
296 /// // partial tile
297 ///
300  SmallVectorImpl<AffineForOp> *fullTileNest = nullptr);
302 /// Walk an affine.for to find a band to coalesce.
305 } // namespace affine
306 } // namespace mlir
A multi-dimensional affine map Affine map's are immutable like Type's, and they are uniqued.
Definition: AffineMap.h:47
OpListType::iterator iterator
Definition: Block.h:137
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:209
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over Values.
Definition: ValueRange.h:381
LogicalResult coalesceLoops(MutableArrayRef< AffineForOp > loops)
Replace a perfect nest of "for" loops with a single linearized loop.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1647
LogicalResult loopUnrollFull(AffineForOp forOp)
Unrolls this for operation completely if the trip count is known to be constant.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:893
LogicalResult promoteIfSingleIteration(AffineForOp forOp)
Promotes the loop body of a AffineForOp to its containing block if the loop was known to have a singl...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:131
LogicalResult affineDataCopyGenerate(Block::iterator begin, Block::iterator end, const AffineCopyOptions &copyOptions, std::optional< Value > filterMemRef, DenseSet< Operation * > &copyNests)
Performs explicit copying for the contiguous sequence of operations in the block iterator range [‘beg...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2305
LogicalResult loopUnrollJamUpToFactor(AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollJamFactor)
Unrolls and jams this loop by the specified factor or by the trip count (if constant),...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1083
LogicalResult loopUnrollByFactor(AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollFactor, function_ref< void(unsigned, Operation *, OpBuilder)> annotateFn=nullptr, bool cleanUpUnroll=false)
Unrolls this for operation by the specified unroll factor.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1016
void gatherLoops(func::FuncOp func, std::vector< SmallVector< AffineForOp, 2 >> &depthToLoops)
Gathers all AffineForOps in 'func.func' grouped by loop depth.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2546
bool LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED isPerfectlyNested(ArrayRef< AffineForOp > loops)
Returns true if loops is a perfectly nested loop nest, where loops appear in it from outermost to inn...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1401
AffineForOp createCanonicalizedAffineForOp(OpBuilder b, Location loc, ValueRange lbOperands, AffineMap lbMap, ValueRange ubOperands, AffineMap ubMap, int64_t step=1)
Creates an AffineForOp while ensuring that the lower and upper bounds are canonicalized,...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2558
void getPerfectlyNestedLoops(SmallVectorImpl< AffineForOp > &nestedLoops, AffineForOp root)
Get perfectly nested sequence of loops starting at root of loop nest (the first op being another Affi...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:864
LogicalResult affineForOpBodySkew(AffineForOp forOp, ArrayRef< uint64_t > shifts, bool unrollPrologueEpilogue=false)
Skew the operations in an affine.for's body with the specified operation-wise shifts.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:237
unsigned permuteLoops(MutableArrayRef< AffineForOp > inputNest, ArrayRef< unsigned > permMap)
Performs a loop permutation on a perfectly nested loop nest inputNest (where the contained loops appe...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1423
bool isValidLoopInterchangePermutation(ArrayRef< AffineForOp > loops, ArrayRef< unsigned > loopPermMap)
Checks if the loop interchange permutation 'loopPermMap', of the perfectly nested sequence of loops i...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1387
LogicalResult generateCopyForMemRegion(const MemRefRegion &memrefRegion, Operation *analyzedOp, const AffineCopyOptions &copyOptions, CopyGenerateResult &result)
generateCopyForMemRegion is similar to affineDataCopyGenerate, but works with a single memref region.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2502
LogicalResult loopUnrollUpToFactor(AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollFactor)
Unrolls this loop by the specified unroll factor or its trip count, whichever is lower.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:908
LogicalResult loopUnrollJamByFactor(AffineForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollJamFactor)
Unrolls and jams this loop by the specified factor.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1134
LogicalResult tilePerfectlyNestedParametric(MutableArrayRef< AffineForOp > input, ArrayRef< Value > tileSizes, SmallVectorImpl< AffineForOp > *tiledNest=nullptr)
Tiles the specified band of perfectly nested loops creating tile-space loops and intra-tile loops,...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:822
void promoteSingleIterationLoops(func::FuncOp f)
Promotes all single iteration AffineForOp's in the Function, i.e., moves their body into the containi...
void mapLoopToProcessorIds(scf::ForOp forOp, ArrayRef< Value > processorId, ArrayRef< Value > numProcessors)
Maps forOp for execution on a parallel grid of virtual processorIds of size given by numProcessors.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1761
SmallVector< SmallVector< AffineForOp, 8 >, 8 > tile(ArrayRef< AffineForOp > forOps, ArrayRef< uint64_t > sizes, ArrayRef< AffineForOp > targets)
Performs tiling fo imperfectly nested loops (with interchange) by strip-mining the forOps by sizes an...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1624
AffineForOp sinkSequentialLoops(AffineForOp forOp)
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1493
LogicalResult tilePerfectlyNested(MutableArrayRef< AffineForOp > input, ArrayRef< unsigned > tileSizes, SmallVectorImpl< AffineForOp > *tiledNest=nullptr)
Tiles the specified band of perfectly nested loops creating tile-space loops and intra-tile loops.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:780
void interchangeLoops(AffineForOp forOpA, AffineForOp forOpB)
Performs loop interchange on 'forOpA' and 'forOpB'.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:1330
LogicalResult coalescePerfectlyNestedAffineLoops(AffineForOp op)
Walk an affine.for to find a band to coalesce.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2769
void getTileableBands(func::FuncOp f, std::vector< SmallVector< AffineForOp, 6 >> *bands)
Identify valid and profitable bands of loops to tile.
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:881
LogicalResult separateFullTiles(MutableArrayRef< AffineForOp > nest, SmallVectorImpl< AffineForOp > *fullTileNest=nullptr)
Separates full tiles from partial tiles for a perfect nest nest by generating a conditional guard tha...
Definition: LoopUtils.cpp:2715
Include the generated interface declarations.
llvm::function_ref< Fn > function_ref
Definition: LLVM.h:147
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26
Explicit copy / DMA generation options for mlir::affineDataCopyGenerate.
Definition: LoopUtils.h:166
Result for calling generateCopyForMemRegion.
Definition: LoopUtils.h:206
A region of a memref's data space; this is typically constructed by analyzing load/store op's on this...
Definition: Utils.h:430