MLIR  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- MlirOptMain.cpp - MLIR Optimizer Driver ----------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This is a utility that runs an optimization pass and prints the result back
10 // out. It is designed to support unit testing.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "mlir/Debug/Counter.h"
23 #include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
24 #include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
25 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
26 #include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
27 #include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
28 #include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
29 #include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
30 #include "mlir/Parser/Parser.h"
31 #include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
32 #include "mlir/Pass/PassManager.h"
34 #include "mlir/Support/Timing.h"
39 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
47 #include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
48 #include "llvm/Support/ThreadPool.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
51 using namespace mlir;
52 using namespace llvm;
54 namespace {
55 class BytecodeVersionParser : public cl::parser<std::optional<int64_t>> {
56 public:
57  BytecodeVersionParser(cl::Option &o)
58  : cl::parser<std::optional<int64_t>>(o) {}
60  bool parse(cl::Option &o, StringRef /*argName*/, StringRef arg,
61  std::optional<int64_t> &v) {
62  long long w;
63  if (getAsSignedInteger(arg, 10, w))
64  return o.error("Invalid argument '" + arg +
65  "', only integer is supported.");
66  v = w;
67  return false;
68  }
69 };
71 /// This class is intended to manage the handling of command line options for
72 /// creating a *-opt config. This is a singleton.
73 struct MlirOptMainConfigCLOptions : public MlirOptMainConfig {
74  MlirOptMainConfigCLOptions() {
75  // These options are static but all uses ExternalStorage to initialize the
76  // members of the parent class. This is unusual but since this class is a
77  // singleton it basically attaches command line option to the singleton
78  // members.
80  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> allowUnregisteredDialects(
81  "allow-unregistered-dialect",
82  cl::desc("Allow operation with no registered dialects"),
83  cl::location(allowUnregisteredDialectsFlag), cl::init(false));
85  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> dumpPassPipeline(
86  "dump-pass-pipeline", cl::desc("Print the pipeline that will be run"),
87  cl::location(dumpPassPipelineFlag), cl::init(false));
89  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> emitBytecode(
90  "emit-bytecode", cl::desc("Emit bytecode when generating output"),
91  cl::location(emitBytecodeFlag), cl::init(false));
93  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> elideResourcesFromBytecode(
94  "elide-resource-data-from-bytecode",
95  cl::desc("Elide resources when generating bytecode"),
96  cl::location(elideResourceDataFromBytecodeFlag), cl::init(false));
98  static cl::opt<std::optional<int64_t>, /*ExternalStorage=*/true,
99  BytecodeVersionParser>
100  bytecodeVersion(
101  "emit-bytecode-version",
102  cl::desc("Use specified bytecode when generating output"),
103  cl::location(emitBytecodeVersion), cl::init(std::nullopt));
105  static cl::opt<std::string, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> irdlFile(
106  "irdl-file",
107  cl::desc("IRDL file to register before processing the input"),
108  cl::location(irdlFileFlag), cl::init(""), cl::value_desc("filename"));
110  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> enableDebuggerHook(
111  "mlir-enable-debugger-hook",
112  cl::desc("Enable Debugger hook for debugging MLIR Actions"),
113  cl::location(enableDebuggerActionHookFlag), cl::init(false));
115  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> explicitModule(
116  "no-implicit-module",
117  cl::desc("Disable implicit addition of a top-level module op during "
118  "parsing"),
119  cl::location(useExplicitModuleFlag), cl::init(false));
121  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> runReproducer(
122  "run-reproducer", cl::desc("Run the pipeline stored in the reproducer"),
123  cl::location(runReproducerFlag), cl::init(false));
125  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> showDialects(
126  "show-dialects",
127  cl::desc("Print the list of registered dialects and exit"),
128  cl::location(showDialectsFlag), cl::init(false));
130  static cl::opt<std::string, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> splitInputFile{
131  "split-input-file", llvm::cl::ValueOptional,
132  cl::callback([&](const std::string &str) {
133  // Implicit value: use default marker if flag was used without value.
134  if (str.empty())
135  splitInputFile.setValue(kDefaultSplitMarker);
136  }),
137  cl::desc("Split the input file into chunks using the given or "
138  "default marker and process each chunk independently"),
139  cl::location(splitInputFileFlag), cl::init("")};
141  static cl::opt<std::string, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> outputSplitMarker(
142  "output-split-marker",
143  cl::desc("Split marker to use for merging the ouput"),
144  cl::location(outputSplitMarkerFlag), cl::init(kDefaultSplitMarker));
146  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> verifyDiagnostics(
147  "verify-diagnostics",
148  cl::desc("Check that emitted diagnostics match "
149  "expected-* lines on the corresponding line"),
150  cl::location(verifyDiagnosticsFlag), cl::init(false));
152  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> verifyPasses(
153  "verify-each",
154  cl::desc("Run the verifier after each transformation pass"),
155  cl::location(verifyPassesFlag), cl::init(true));
157  static cl::opt<bool, /*ExternalStorage=*/true> verifyRoundtrip(
158  "verify-roundtrip",
159  cl::desc("Round-trip the IR after parsing and ensure it succeeds"),
160  cl::location(verifyRoundtripFlag), cl::init(false));
162  static cl::list<std::string> passPlugins(
163  "load-pass-plugin", cl::desc("Load passes from plugin library"));
165  static cl::opt<std::string, /*ExternalStorage=*/true>
166  generateReproducerFile(
167  "mlir-generate-reproducer",
168  llvm::cl::desc(
169  "Generate an mlir reproducer at the provided filename"
170  " (no crash required)"),
171  cl::location(generateReproducerFileFlag), cl::init(""),
172  cl::value_desc("filename"));
174  /// Set the callback to load a pass plugin.
175  passPlugins.setCallback([&](const std::string &pluginPath) {
176  auto plugin = PassPlugin::load(pluginPath);
177  if (!plugin) {
178  errs() << "Failed to load passes from '" << pluginPath
179  << "'. Request ignored.\n";
180  return;
181  }
182  plugin.get().registerPassRegistryCallbacks();
183  });
185  static cl::list<std::string> dialectPlugins(
186  "load-dialect-plugin", cl::desc("Load dialects from plugin library"));
187  this->dialectPlugins = std::addressof(dialectPlugins);
189  static PassPipelineCLParser passPipeline("", "Compiler passes to run", "p");
190  setPassPipelineParser(passPipeline);
191  }
193  /// Set the callback to load a dialect plugin.
194  void setDialectPluginsCallback(DialectRegistry &registry);
196  /// Pointer to static dialectPlugins variable in constructor, needed by
197  /// setDialectPluginsCallback(DialectRegistry&).
198  cl::list<std::string> *dialectPlugins = nullptr;
199 };
200 } // namespace
202 ManagedStatic<MlirOptMainConfigCLOptions> clOptionsConfig;
205  clOptionsConfig->setDialectPluginsCallback(registry);
207 }
211  return *clOptionsConfig;
212 }
215  const PassPipelineCLParser &passPipeline) {
216  passPipelineCallback = [&](PassManager &pm) {
217  auto errorHandler = [&](const Twine &msg) {
218  emitError(UnknownLoc::get(pm.getContext())) << msg;
219  return failure();
220  };
221  if (failed(passPipeline.addToPipeline(pm, errorHandler)))
222  return failure();
223  if (this->shouldDumpPassPipeline()) {
225  pm.dump();
226  llvm::errs() << "\n";
227  }
228  return success();
229  };
230  return *this;
231 }
233 void MlirOptMainConfigCLOptions::setDialectPluginsCallback(
234  DialectRegistry &registry) {
235  dialectPlugins->setCallback([&](const std::string &pluginPath) {
236  auto plugin = DialectPlugin::load(pluginPath);
237  if (!plugin) {
238  errs() << "Failed to load dialect plugin from '" << pluginPath
239  << "'. Request ignored.\n";
240  return;
241  };
242  plugin.get().registerDialectRegistryCallbacks(registry);
243  });
244 }
246 LogicalResult loadIRDLDialects(StringRef irdlFile, MLIRContext &ctx) {
247  DialectRegistry registry;
248  registry.insert<irdl::IRDLDialect>();
249  ctx.appendDialectRegistry(registry);
251  // Set up the input file.
252  std::string errorMessage;
253  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> file = openInputFile(irdlFile, &errorMessage);
254  if (!file) {
255  emitError(UnknownLoc::get(&ctx)) << errorMessage;
256  return failure();
257  }
259  // Give the buffer to the source manager.
260  // This will be picked up by the parser.
261  SourceMgr sourceMgr;
262  sourceMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(file), SMLoc());
264  SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler sourceMgrHandler(sourceMgr, &ctx);
266  // Parse the input file.
267  OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> module(parseSourceFile<ModuleOp>(sourceMgr, &ctx));
268  if (!module)
269  return failure();
271  // Load IRDL dialects.
272  return irdl::loadDialects(module.get());
273 }
275 // Return success if the module can correctly round-trip. This intended to test
276 // that the custom printers/parsers are complete.
277 static LogicalResult doVerifyRoundTrip(Operation *op,
278  const MlirOptMainConfig &config,
279  bool useBytecode) {
280  // We use a new context to avoid resource handle renaming issue in the diff.
281  MLIRContext roundtripContext;
282  OwningOpRef<Operation *> roundtripModule;
283  roundtripContext.appendDialectRegistry(
284  op->getContext()->getDialectRegistry());
286  roundtripContext.allowUnregisteredDialects();
287  StringRef irdlFile = config.getIrdlFile();
288  if (!irdlFile.empty() && failed(loadIRDLDialects(irdlFile, roundtripContext)))
289  return failure();
291  std::string testType = (useBytecode) ? "bytecode" : "textual";
292  // Print a first time with custom format (or bytecode) and parse it back to
293  // the roundtripModule.
294  {
295  std::string buffer;
296  llvm::raw_string_ostream ostream(buffer);
297  if (useBytecode) {
298  if (failed(writeBytecodeToFile(op, ostream))) {
299  op->emitOpError()
300  << "failed to write bytecode, cannot verify round-trip.\n";
301  return failure();
302  }
303  } else {
304  op->print(ostream,
305  OpPrintingFlags().printGenericOpForm().enableDebugInfo());
306  }
307  FallbackAsmResourceMap fallbackResourceMap;
308  ParserConfig parseConfig(&roundtripContext, /*verifyAfterParse=*/true,
309  &fallbackResourceMap);
310  roundtripModule =
311  parseSourceString<Operation *>(ostream.str(), parseConfig);
312  if (!roundtripModule) {
313  op->emitOpError() << "failed to parse " << testType
314  << " content back, cannot verify round-trip.\n";
315  return failure();
316  }
317  }
319  // Print in the generic form for the reference module and the round-tripped
320  // one and compare the outputs.
321  std::string reference, roundtrip;
322  {
323  llvm::raw_string_ostream ostreamref(reference);
324  op->print(ostreamref,
325  OpPrintingFlags().printGenericOpForm().enableDebugInfo());
326  llvm::raw_string_ostream ostreamrndtrip(roundtrip);
327  roundtripModule.get()->print(
328  ostreamrndtrip,
329  OpPrintingFlags().printGenericOpForm().enableDebugInfo());
330  }
331  if (reference != roundtrip) {
332  // TODO implement a diff.
333  return op->emitOpError()
334  << testType
335  << " roundTrip testing roundtripped module differs "
336  "from reference:\n<<<<<<Reference\n"
337  << reference << "\n=====\n"
338  << roundtrip << "\n>>>>>roundtripped\n";
339  }
341  return success();
342 }
344 static LogicalResult doVerifyRoundTrip(Operation *op,
345  const MlirOptMainConfig &config) {
346  auto txtStatus = doVerifyRoundTrip(op, config, /*useBytecode=*/false);
347  auto bcStatus = doVerifyRoundTrip(op, config, /*useBytecode=*/true);
348  return success(succeeded(txtStatus) && succeeded(bcStatus));
349 }
351 /// Perform the actions on the input file indicated by the command line flags
352 /// within the specified context.
353 ///
354 /// This typically parses the main source file, runs zero or more optimization
355 /// passes, then prints the output.
356 ///
357 static LogicalResult
358 performActions(raw_ostream &os,
359  const std::shared_ptr<llvm::SourceMgr> &sourceMgr,
360  MLIRContext *context, const MlirOptMainConfig &config) {
363  TimingScope timing = tm.getRootScope();
365  // Disable multi-threading when parsing the input file. This removes the
366  // unnecessary/costly context synchronization when parsing.
367  bool wasThreadingEnabled = context->isMultithreadingEnabled();
368  context->disableMultithreading();
370  // Prepare the parser config, and attach any useful/necessary resource
371  // handlers. Unhandled external resources are treated as passthrough, i.e.
372  // they are not processed and will be emitted directly to the output
373  // untouched.
374  PassReproducerOptions reproOptions;
375  FallbackAsmResourceMap fallbackResourceMap;
376  ParserConfig parseConfig(context, /*verifyAfterParse=*/true,
377  &fallbackResourceMap);
378  if (config.shouldRunReproducer())
379  reproOptions.attachResourceParser(parseConfig);
381  // Parse the input file and reset the context threading state.
382  TimingScope parserTiming = timing.nest("Parser");
384  sourceMgr, parseConfig, !config.shouldUseExplicitModule());
385  parserTiming.stop();
386  if (!op)
387  return failure();
389  // Perform round-trip verification if requested
390  if (config.shouldVerifyRoundtrip() &&
391  failed(doVerifyRoundTrip(op.get(), config)))
392  return failure();
394  context->enableMultithreading(wasThreadingEnabled);
396  // Prepare the pass manager, applying command-line and reproducer options.
398  pm.enableVerifier(config.shouldVerifyPasses());
399  if (failed(applyPassManagerCLOptions(pm)))
400  return failure();
401  pm.enableTiming(timing);
402  if (config.shouldRunReproducer() && failed(reproOptions.apply(pm)))
403  return failure();
404  if (failed(config.setupPassPipeline(pm)))
405  return failure();
407  // Run the pipeline.
408  if (failed(*op)))
409  return failure();
411  // Generate reproducers if requested
412  if (!config.getReproducerFilename().empty()) {
413  StringRef anchorName = pm.getAnyOpAnchorName();
414  const auto &passes = pm.getPasses();
415  makeReproducer(anchorName, passes, op.get(),
416  config.getReproducerFilename());
417  }
419  // Print the output.
420  TimingScope outputTiming = timing.nest("Output");
421  if (config.shouldEmitBytecode()) {
422  BytecodeWriterConfig writerConfig(fallbackResourceMap);
423  if (auto v = config.bytecodeVersionToEmit())
424  writerConfig.setDesiredBytecodeVersion(*v);
426  writerConfig.setElideResourceDataFlag();
427  return writeBytecodeToFile(op.get(), os, writerConfig);
428  }
430  if (config.bytecodeVersionToEmit().has_value())
431  return emitError(UnknownLoc::get(pm.getContext()))
432  << "bytecode version while not emitting bytecode";
433  AsmState asmState(op.get(), OpPrintingFlags(), /*locationMap=*/nullptr,
434  &fallbackResourceMap);
435  op.get()->print(os, asmState);
436  os << '\n';
437  return success();
438 }
440 /// Parses the memory buffer. If successfully, run a series of passes against
441 /// it and print the result.
442 static LogicalResult processBuffer(raw_ostream &os,
443  std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> ownedBuffer,
444  const MlirOptMainConfig &config,
445  DialectRegistry &registry,
446  llvm::ThreadPoolInterface *threadPool) {
447  // Tell sourceMgr about this buffer, which is what the parser will pick up.
448  auto sourceMgr = std::make_shared<SourceMgr>();
449  sourceMgr->AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(ownedBuffer), SMLoc());
451  // Create a context just for the current buffer. Disable threading on creation
452  // since we'll inject the thread-pool separately.
454  if (threadPool)
455  context.setThreadPool(*threadPool);
457  StringRef irdlFile = config.getIrdlFile();
458  if (!irdlFile.empty() && failed(loadIRDLDialects(irdlFile, context)))
459  return failure();
461  // Parse the input file.
463  if (config.shouldVerifyDiagnostics())
464  context.printOpOnDiagnostic(false);
466  tracing::InstallDebugHandler installDebugHandler(context,
467  config.getDebugConfig());
469  // If we are in verify diagnostics mode then we have a lot of work to do,
470  // otherwise just perform the actions without worrying about it.
471  if (!config.shouldVerifyDiagnostics()) {
472  SourceMgrDiagnosticHandler sourceMgrHandler(*sourceMgr, &context);
473  return performActions(os, sourceMgr, &context, config);
474  }
476  SourceMgrDiagnosticVerifierHandler sourceMgrHandler(*sourceMgr, &context);
478  // Do any processing requested by command line flags. We don't care whether
479  // these actions succeed or fail, we only care what diagnostics they produce
480  // and whether they match our expectations.
481  (void)performActions(os, sourceMgr, &context, config);
483  // Verify the diagnostic handler to make sure that each of the diagnostics
484  // matched.
485  return sourceMgrHandler.verify();
486 }
488 std::pair<std::string, std::string>
489 mlir::registerAndParseCLIOptions(int argc, char **argv,
490  llvm::StringRef toolName,
491  DialectRegistry &registry) {
492  static cl::opt<std::string> inputFilename(
493  cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input file>"), cl::init("-"));
495  static cl::opt<std::string> outputFilename("o", cl::desc("Output filename"),
496  cl::value_desc("filename"),
497  cl::init("-"));
498  // Register any command line options.
506  // Build the list of dialects as a header for the --help message.
507  std::string helpHeader = (toolName + "\nAvailable Dialects: ").str();
508  {
509  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(helpHeader);
510  interleaveComma(registry.getDialectNames(), os,
511  [&](auto name) { os << name; });
512  }
513  // Parse pass names in main to ensure static initialization completed.
514  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, helpHeader);
515  return std::make_pair(inputFilename.getValue(), outputFilename.getValue());
516 }
518 static LogicalResult printRegisteredDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) {
519  llvm::outs() << "Available Dialects: ";
520  interleave(registry.getDialectNames(), llvm::outs(), ",");
521  llvm::outs() << "\n";
522  return success();
523 }
525 LogicalResult mlir::MlirOptMain(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
526  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> buffer,
527  DialectRegistry &registry,
528  const MlirOptMainConfig &config) {
529  if (config.shouldShowDialects())
530  return printRegisteredDialects(registry);
532  // The split-input-file mode is a very specific mode that slices the file
533  // up into small pieces and checks each independently.
534  // We use an explicit threadpool to avoid creating and joining/destroying
535  // threads for each of the split.
536  ThreadPoolInterface *threadPool = nullptr;
538  // Create a temporary context for the sake of checking if
539  // --mlir-disable-threading was passed on the command line.
540  // We use the thread-pool this context is creating, and avoid
541  // creating any thread when disabled.
542  MLIRContext threadPoolCtx;
543  if (threadPoolCtx.isMultithreadingEnabled())
544  threadPool = &threadPoolCtx.getThreadPool();
546  auto chunkFn = [&](std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> chunkBuffer,
547  raw_ostream &os) {
548  return processBuffer(os, std::move(chunkBuffer), config, registry,
549  threadPool);
550  };
551  return splitAndProcessBuffer(std::move(buffer), chunkFn, outputStream,
552  config.inputSplitMarker(),
553  config.outputSplitMarker());
554 }
556 LogicalResult mlir::MlirOptMain(int argc, char **argv,
557  llvm::StringRef inputFilename,
558  llvm::StringRef outputFilename,
559  DialectRegistry &registry) {
561  InitLLVM y(argc, argv);
565  if (config.shouldShowDialects())
566  return printRegisteredDialects(registry);
568  // When reading from stdin and the input is a tty, it is often a user mistake
569  // and the process "appears to be stuck". Print a message to let the user know
570  // about it!
571  if (inputFilename == "-" &&
572  sys::Process::FileDescriptorIsDisplayed(fileno(stdin)))
573  llvm::errs() << "(processing input from stdin now, hit ctrl-c/ctrl-d to "
574  "interrupt)\n";
576  // Set up the input file.
577  std::string errorMessage;
578  auto file = openInputFile(inputFilename, &errorMessage);
579  if (!file) {
580  llvm::errs() << errorMessage << "\n";
581  return failure();
582  }
584  auto output = openOutputFile(outputFilename, &errorMessage);
585  if (!output) {
586  llvm::errs() << errorMessage << "\n";
587  return failure();
588  }
589  if (failed(MlirOptMain(output->os(), std::move(file), registry, config)))
590  return failure();
592  // Keep the output file if the invocation of MlirOptMain was successful.
593  output->keep();
594  return success();
595 }
597 LogicalResult mlir::MlirOptMain(int argc, char **argv, llvm::StringRef toolName,
598  DialectRegistry &registry) {
600  // Register and parse command line options.
601  std::string inputFilename, outputFilename;
602  std::tie(inputFilename, outputFilename) =
603  registerAndParseCLIOptions(argc, argv, toolName, registry);
605  return MlirOptMain(argc, argv, inputFilename, outputFilename, registry);
606 }
static LogicalResult printRegisteredDialects(DialectRegistry &registry)
LogicalResult loadIRDLDialects(StringRef irdlFile, MLIRContext &ctx)
static LogicalResult doVerifyRoundTrip(Operation *op, const MlirOptMainConfig &config, bool useBytecode)
ManagedStatic< MlirOptMainConfigCLOptions > clOptionsConfig
static LogicalResult processBuffer(raw_ostream &os, std::unique_ptr< MemoryBuffer > ownedBuffer, const MlirOptMainConfig &config, DialectRegistry &registry, llvm::ThreadPoolInterface *threadPool)
Parses the memory buffer.
static LogicalResult performActions(raw_ostream &os, const std::shared_ptr< llvm::SourceMgr > &sourceMgr, MLIRContext *context, const MlirOptMainConfig &config)
Perform the actions on the input file indicated by the command line flags within the specified contex...
This class provides management for the lifetime of the state used when printing the IR.
Definition: AsmState.h:533
This class contains the configuration used for the bytecode writer.
void setElideResourceDataFlag(bool shouldElideResourceData=true)
Set a boolean flag to skip emission of resources into the bytecode file.
void setDesiredBytecodeVersion(int64_t bytecodeVersion)
Set the desired bytecode version to emit.
Facilities for time measurement and report printing to an output stream.
Definition: Timing.h:388
static llvm::Expected< DialectPlugin > load(const std::string &filename)
Attempts to load a dialect plugin from a given file.
The DialectRegistry maps a dialect namespace to a constructor for the matching dialect.
auto getDialectNames() const
Return the names of dialects known to this registry.
A fallback map containing external resources not explicitly handled by another parser/printer.
Definition: AsmState.h:412
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
void appendDialectRegistry(const DialectRegistry &registry)
Append the contents of the given dialect registry to the registry associated with this context.
void disableMultithreading(bool disable=true)
Set the flag specifying if multi-threading is disabled by the context.
void setThreadPool(llvm::ThreadPoolInterface &pool)
Set a new thread pool to be used in this context.
void enableMultithreading(bool enable=true)
Definition: MLIRContext.h:152
void printOpOnDiagnostic(bool enable)
Set the flag specifying if we should attach the operation to diagnostics emitted via Operation::emit.
const DialectRegistry & getDialectRegistry()
Return the dialect registry associated with this context.
llvm::ThreadPoolInterface & getThreadPool()
Return the thread pool used by this context.
bool isMultithreadingEnabled()
Return true if multi-threading is enabled by the context.
void allowUnregisteredDialects(bool allow=true)
Enables creating operations in unregistered dialects.
bool allowsUnregisteredDialects()
Return true if we allow to create operation for unregistered dialects.
Configuration options for the mlir-opt tool.
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:41
tracing::DebugConfig & getDebugConfig()
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:69
static MlirOptMainConfig createFromCLOptions()
Create a new config with the default set from the CL options.
bool shouldVerifyPasses() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:177
StringRef inputSplitMarker() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:146
bool shouldVerifyRoundtrip() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:184
std::optional< int64_t > bytecodeVersionToEmit() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:101
StringRef getReproducerFilename() const
Reproducer file generation (no crash required).
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:187
bool shouldShowDialects() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:137
MlirOptMainConfig & outputSplitMarker(std::string splitMarker=kDefaultSplitMarker)
Set whether to merge the output chunks into one file using the given marker.
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:151
bool shouldElideResourceDataFromBytecode() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:85
bool shouldEmitBytecode() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:84
LogicalResult setupPassPipeline(PassManager &pm) const
Populate the passmanager, if any callback was set.
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:116
static void registerCLOptions(DialectRegistry &dialectRegistry)
Register the options as global LLVM command line options.
bool shouldAllowUnregisteredDialects() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:60
bool shouldUseExplicitModule() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:162
bool shouldRunReproducer() const
Return true if the reproducer should be run.
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:130
bool shouldVerifyDiagnostics() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:170
StringRef getIrdlFile() const
Definition: MlirOptMain.h:94
MlirOptMainConfig & setPassPipelineParser(const PassPipelineCLParser &parser)
Set the parser to use to populate the pass manager.
@ Implicit
Implicit nesting behavior.
iterator_range< pass_iterator > getPasses()
Definition: PassManager.h:80
static StringRef getAnyOpAnchorName()
Return the string name used to anchor op-agnostic pass managers that operate generically on any viabl...
Definition: PassManager.h:138
Set of flags used to control the behavior of the various IR print methods (e.g.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
void print(raw_ostream &os, const OpPrintingFlags &flags=std::nullopt)
MLIRContext * getContext()
Return the context this operation is associated with.
Definition: Operation.h:216
OperationName getName()
The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
Definition: Operation.h:119
InFlightDiagnostic emitOpError(const Twine &message={})
Emit an error with the op name prefixed, like "'dim' op " which is convenient for verifiers.
Definition: Operation.cpp:671
OpTy get() const
Allow accessing the internal op.
Definition: OwningOpRef.h:51
This class represents a configuration for the MLIR assembly parser.
Definition: AsmState.h:460
The main pass manager and pipeline builder.
Definition: PassManager.h:231
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Return an instance of the context.
Definition: PassManager.h:256
LogicalResult run(Operation *op)
Run the passes within this manager on the provided operation.
Definition: Pass.cpp:846
void enableVerifier(bool enabled=true)
Runs the verifier after each individual pass.
Definition: Pass.cpp:843
void enableTiming(TimingScope &timingScope)
Add an instrumentation to time the execution of passes and the computation of analyses.
Definition: PassTiming.cpp:148
This class implements a command-line parser for MLIR passes.
Definition: PassRegistry.h:244
LogicalResult addToPipeline(OpPassManager &pm, function_ref< LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorHandler) const
Adds the passes defined by this parser entry to the given pass manager.
static llvm::Expected< PassPlugin > load(const std::string &filename)
Attempts to load a pass plugin from a given file.
Definition: PassPlugin.cpp:16
This class is a utility diagnostic handler for use with llvm::SourceMgr.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:558
This class is a utility diagnostic handler for use with llvm::SourceMgr that verifies that emitted di...
Definition: Diagnostics.h:624
LogicalResult verify()
Returns the status of the handler and verifies that all expected diagnostics were emitted.
TimingScope getRootScope()
Get the root timer of this timing manager wrapped in a TimingScope for convenience.
Definition: Timing.cpp:74
An RAII-style wrapper around a timer that ensures the timer is properly started and stopped.
Definition: Timing.h:272
TimingScope nest(Args... args)
Create a nested timing scope.
Definition: Timing.h:311
void stop()
Manually stop the timer early.
Definition: Timing.h:300
static DebugConfig createFromCLOptions()
Create a new config with the default set from the CL options.
static void registerCLOptions()
Register the options as global LLVM command line options.
static void registerCLOptions()
Register the command line options for debug counters.
This is a RAII class that installs the debug handlers on the context based on the provided configurat...
Include the generated interface declarations.
Definition: CallGraph.h:229
llvm::LogicalResult loadDialects(ModuleOp op)
Load all the dialects defined in the module.
QueryRef parse(llvm::StringRef line, const QuerySession &qs)
Definition: Query.cpp:20
Include the generated interface declarations.
std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > openInputFile(llvm::StringRef inputFilename, std::string *errorMessage=nullptr)
Open the file specified by its name for reading.
LogicalResult applyPassManagerCLOptions(PassManager &pm)
Apply any values provided to the pass manager options that were registered with 'registerPassManagerO...
const char *const kDefaultSplitMarker
void registerDefaultTimingManagerCLOptions()
Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure a DefaultTimingManager.
Definition: Timing.cpp:614
LogicalResult MlirOptMain(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream, std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > buffer, DialectRegistry &registry, const MlirOptMainConfig &config)
Perform the core processing behind mlir-opt.
std::unique_ptr< llvm::ToolOutputFile > openOutputFile(llvm::StringRef outputFilename, std::string *errorMessage=nullptr)
Open the file specified by its name for writing.
std::string makeReproducer(StringRef anchorName, const llvm::iterator_range< OpPassManager::pass_iterator > &passes, Operation *op, StringRef outputFile, bool disableThreads=false, bool verifyPasses=false)
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc)
Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
void registerMLIRContextCLOptions()
Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure various flags within the ...
Definition: MLIRContext.cpp:90
LogicalResult splitAndProcessBuffer(std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > originalBuffer, ChunkBufferHandler processChunkBuffer, raw_ostream &os, llvm::StringRef inputSplitMarker=kDefaultSplitMarker, llvm::StringRef outputSplitMarker="")
Splits the specified buffer on a marker (// ----- by default), processes each chunk independently acc...
OwningOpRef< Operation * > parseSourceFileForTool(const std::shared_ptr< llvm::SourceMgr > &sourceMgr, const ParserConfig &config, bool insertImplicitModule)
This parses the file specified by the indicated SourceMgr.
void registerAsmPrinterCLOptions()
Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure various flags within the ...
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:205
void registerPassManagerCLOptions()
Register a set of useful command-line options that can be used to configure a pass manager.
void applyDefaultTimingManagerCLOptions(DefaultTimingManager &tm)
Apply any values that were registered with 'registerDefaultTimingManagerOptions' to a DefaultTimingMa...
Definition: Timing.cpp:619
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > registerAndParseCLIOptions(int argc, char **argv, llvm::StringRef toolName, DialectRegistry &registry)
Register and parse command line options.
LogicalResult writeBytecodeToFile(Operation *op, raw_ostream &os, const BytecodeWriterConfig &config={})
Write the bytecode for the given operation to the provided output stream.
void attachResourceParser(ParserConfig &config)
Attach an assembly resource parser to 'config' that collects the MLIR reproducer configuration into t...
LogicalResult apply(PassManager &pm) const
Apply the reproducer options to 'pm' and its context.