26 class DbgVariableIntrinsic;
36 class DataLayoutImporter;
38 class LoopAnnotationImporter;
49 ModuleImport(ModuleOp mlirModule, std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> llvmModule,
50 bool emitExpensiveWarnings,
bool importEmptyDICompositeTypes);
88 assert(
mlir ==
nullptr &&
89 "attempting to map a value that is already mapped");
109 assert(inst->getType()->isVoidTy() &&
110 "attempting to map an operation that returns a result");
111 assert(
mlir ==
nullptr &&
112 "attempting to map an operation that is already mapped");
121 return value.getDefiningOp();
122 return noResultOpMapping.lookup(inst);
127 auto result = blockMapping.try_emplace(
129 assert(result.second &&
"attempting to map a block that is already mapped");
134 return blockMapping.lookup(block);
174 FailureOr<SmallVector<AliasScopeAttr>>
237 return tbaaMapping.lookup(node);
243 FailureOr<SmallVector<AccessGroupAttr>>
254 FailureOr<SmallVector<AliasScopeAttr>>
269 bool requiresOpBundles,
282 void clearRegionState() {
283 valueMapping.clear();
284 noResultOpMapping.clear();
285 blockMapping.clear();
286 debugIntrinsics.clear();
289 void setConstantInsertionPointToStart(
Block *block) {
290 constantInsertionBlock = block;
291 constantInsertionOp =
296 LogicalResult convertGlobal(llvm::GlobalVariable *globalVar);
298 LogicalResult convertGlobalCtorsAndDtors(llvm::GlobalVariable *globalVar);
301 LogicalResult convertAlias(llvm::GlobalAlias *alias);
303 FlatSymbolRefAttr getPersonalityAsAttr(llvm::Function *func);
305 LogicalResult processBasicBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *bb, Block *block);
308 LogicalResult processDebugIntrinsics();
310 LogicalResult processDebugIntrinsic(llvm::DbgVariableIntrinsic *dbgIntr,
311 DominanceInfo &domInfo);
314 LogicalResult convertIntrinsic(llvm::CallInst *inst);
317 LogicalResult convertInstruction(llvm::Instruction *inst);
322 void setNonDebugMetadataAttrs(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op);
326 LogicalResult processInstruction(llvm::Instruction *inst);
331 LogicalResult convertBranchArgs(llvm::Instruction *branch,
332 llvm::BasicBlock *target,
333 SmallVectorImpl<Value> &blockArguments);
339 FailureOr<SmallVector<Value>>
340 convertCallOperands(llvm::CallBase *callInst,
bool allowInlineAsm =
346 FailureOr<LLVMFunctionType> convertFunctionType(llvm::CallBase *callInst);
348 FlatSymbolRefAttr convertCalleeName(llvm::CallBase *callInst);
355 DictionaryAttr convertParameterAttribute(llvm::AttributeSet llvmParamAttrs,
363 LogicalResult convertCallAttributes(llvm::CallInst *inst, CallOp op);
365 LogicalResult convertInvokeAttributes(llvm::InvokeInst *inst, InvokeOp op);
369 Type getBuiltinTypeForAttr(Type type);
373 Attribute getConstantAsAttr(llvm::Constant *constant);
376 SetVector<llvm::Constant *> getConstantsToConvert(llvm::Constant *constant);
381 FailureOr<Value> convertConstant(llvm::Constant *constant);
387 FailureOr<Value> convertConstantExpr(llvm::Constant *constant);
391 ComdatOp getGlobalComdatOp();
397 LogicalResult processTBAAMetadata(
const llvm::MDNode *node);
402 LogicalResult processAccessGroupMetadata(
const llvm::MDNode *node);
407 LogicalResult processAliasScopeMetadata(
const llvm::MDNode *node);
411 void processComdat(
const llvm::Comdat *comdat);
415 getOrCreateNamelessSymbolName(llvm::GlobalVariable *globalVar);
419 OpBuilder::InsertionGuard setGlobalInsertionPoint();
424 Block *constantInsertionBlock =
426 Operation *constantInsertionOp =
428 Operation *globalInsertionOp =
430 ComdatOp globalComdatOp =
432 MLIRContext *context;
436 std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> llvmModule;
438 DenseMap<llvm::GlobalVariable *, FlatSymbolRefAttr> namelessGlobals;
440 unsigned namelessGlobalId = 0;
444 LLVMImportInterface iface;
447 DenseMap<llvm::BasicBlock *, Block *> blockMapping;
449 DenseMap<llvm::Value *, Value> valueMapping;
453 DenseMap<llvm::Instruction *, Operation *> noResultOpMapping;
456 SetVector<llvm::Instruction *> debugIntrinsics;
459 DenseMap<const llvm::MDNode *, Attribute> aliasScopeMapping;
462 DenseMap<const llvm::MDNode *, Attribute> tbaaMapping;
465 DenseMap<const llvm::Comdat *, SymbolRefAttr> comdatMapping;
467 LLVM::TypeFromLLVMIRTranslator typeTranslator;
469 std::unique_ptr<detail::DebugImporter> debugImporter;
471 std::unique_ptr<detail::LoopAnnotationImporter> loopAnnotationImporter;
476 bool emitExpensiveWarnings;
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
LogicalResult initializeImport(llvm::LLVMContext &llvmContext)
Queries all registered dialect interfaces for the supported LLVM IR intrinsic and metadata kinds and ...
Module import implementation class that provides methods to import globals and functions from an LLVM...
LogicalResult convertIntrinsicArguments(ArrayRef< llvm::Value * > values, ArrayRef< llvm::OperandBundleUse > opBundles, bool requiresOpBundles, ArrayRef< unsigned > immArgPositions, ArrayRef< StringLiteral > immArgAttrNames, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &valuesOut, SmallVectorImpl< NamedAttribute > &attrsOut)
Converts the LLVM values for an intrinsic to mixed MLIR values and attributes for LLVM_IntrOpBase.
Location translateLoc(llvm::DILocation *loc)
Translates the debug location.
LogicalResult convertComdats()
Converts all comdat selectors of the LLVM module to MLIR comdat operations.
LogicalResult convertAliases()
Converts all aliases of the LLVM module to MLIR variables.
LogicalResult convertFunctions()
Converts all functions of the LLVM module to MLIR functions.
FailureOr< SmallVector< Value > > convertValues(ArrayRef< llvm::Value * > values)
Converts a range of LLVM values to a range of MLIR values using the convertValue method,...
Attribute lookupTBAAAttr(const llvm::MDNode *node) const
Returns the MLIR attribute mapped to the given LLVM TBAA metadata node.
DILocalVariableAttr matchLocalVariableAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to a local variable attribute.
LogicalResult convertLinkerOptionsMetadata()
Converts !llvm.linker.options metadata to the llvm.linker.options LLVM dialect operation.
void mapBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *llvm, Block *mlir)
Stores the mapping between an LLVM block and its MLIR counterpart.
void processFunctionAttributes(llvm::Function *func, LLVMFuncOp funcOp)
Converts function attributes of LLVM Function func into LLVM dialect attributes of LLVMFuncOp funcOp.
LogicalResult convertMetadata()
Converts all LLVM metadata nodes that translate to attributes such as alias analysis or access group ...
Value & mapValue(llvm::Value *value)
Provides write-once access to store the MLIR value corresponding to the given LLVM value.
void convertParameterAttributes(llvm::CallBase *call, ArrayAttr &argsAttr, ArrayAttr &resAttr, OpBuilder &builder)
Converts the parameter and result attributes in argsAttr and resAttr and add them to the callOp.
FailureOr< Value > convertValue(llvm::Value *value)
Converts an LLVM value to an MLIR value, or returns failure if the conversion fails.
LogicalResult initializeImportInterface()
Calls the LLVMImportInterface initialization that queries the registered dialect interfaces for the s...
void addDebugIntrinsic(llvm::CallInst *intrinsic)
Adds a debug intrinsics to the list of intrinsics that should be converted after the function convers...
LogicalResult convertIdentMetadata()
Converts !llvm.ident metadata to the llvm.ident LLVM ModuleOp attribute.
Block * lookupBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *block) const
Returns the MLIR block mapped to the given LLVM block.
FailureOr< Value > convertMetadataValue(llvm::Value *value)
Converts an LLVM metadata value to an MLIR value, or returns failure if the conversion fails.
FailureOr< SmallVector< AliasScopeAttr > > lookupAliasScopeAttrs(const llvm::MDNode *node) const
Returns the alias scope attributes that map to the alias scope nodes starting from the metadata node.
void setDisjointFlag(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op) const
Sets the disjoint flag attribute for the imported operation op given the original instruction inst.
void mapNoResultOp(llvm::Instruction *llvm, Operation *mlir)
Stores a mapping between an LLVM instruction and the imported MLIR operation if the operation returns...
void setExactFlag(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op) const
Sets the exact flag attribute for the imported operation op given the original instruction inst.
Type convertType(llvm::Type *type)
Converts the type from LLVM to MLIR LLVM dialect.
Operation * lookupOperation(llvm::Instruction *inst)
Returns the MLIR operation mapped to the given LLVM instruction.
DILabelAttr matchLabelAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to a label attribute. Asserts if the matching fails.
FloatAttr matchFloatAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to a float attribute. Asserts if the matching fails.
LoopAnnotationAttr translateLoopAnnotationAttr(const llvm::MDNode *node, Location loc) const
Returns the loop annotation attribute that corresponds to the given LLVM loop metadata node.
void setFastmathFlagsAttr(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op) const
Sets the fastmath flags attribute for the imported operation op given the original instruction inst.
FailureOr< SmallVector< AliasScopeAttr > > matchAliasScopeAttrs(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to an array of alias scopes or returns failure if the conversion fails.
Value lookupValue(llvm::Value *value)
Returns the MLIR value mapped to the given LLVM value.
LogicalResult processFunction(llvm::Function *func)
Imports func into the current module.
RoundingModeAttr matchRoundingModeAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to a rounding mode attribute.
void convertTargetTriple()
Converts target triple of the LLVM module to an MLIR target triple specification.
Operation *& mapNoResultOp(llvm::Instruction *inst)
Provides write-once access to store the MLIR operation corresponding to the given LLVM instruction if...
void mapValue(llvm::Value *llvm, Value mlir)
Stores the mapping between an LLVM value and its MLIR counterpart.
ModuleImport(ModuleOp mlirModule, std::unique_ptr< llvm::Module > llvmModule, bool emitExpensiveWarnings, bool importEmptyDICompositeTypes)
FailureOr< SmallVector< AccessGroupAttr > > lookupAccessGroupAttrs(const llvm::MDNode *node) const
Returns the access group attributes that map to the access group nodes starting from the access group...
LogicalResult convertGlobals()
Converts all global variables of the LLVM module to MLIR global variables.
void setIntegerOverflowFlags(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op) const
Sets the integer overflow flags (nsw/nuw) attribute for the imported operation op given the original ...
LogicalResult convertCommandlineMetadata()
Converts !llvm.commandline metadata to the llvm.commandline LLVM ModuleOp attribute.
FPExceptionBehaviorAttr matchFPExceptionBehaviorAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to a FP exception behavior attribute.
void setNonNegFlag(llvm::Instruction *inst, Operation *op) const
Sets the nneg flag attribute for the imported operation op given the original instruction inst.
LogicalResult convertDataLayout()
Converts the data layout of the LLVM module to an MLIR data layout specification.
IntegerAttr matchIntegerAttr(llvm::Value *value)
Converts value to an integer attribute. Asserts if the matching fails.
Type translateType(llvm::Type *type)
Translates the given LLVM IR type to the MLIR LLVM dialect.
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
This class helps build Operations.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
The OpAsmOpInterface, see OpAsmInterface.td for more details.
Include the generated interface declarations.