MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===-- SROA.cpp - Scalar Replacement Of Aggregates -------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "mlir/Transforms/SROA.h"
14 #include "mlir/Transforms/Passes.h"
16 namespace mlir {
17 #define GEN_PASS_DEF_SROA
18 #include "mlir/Transforms/"
19 } // namespace mlir
21 #define DEBUG_TYPE "sroa"
23 using namespace mlir;
25 namespace {
27 /// Information computed by destructurable memory slot analysis used to perform
28 /// actual destructuring of the slot. This struct is only constructed if
29 /// destructuring is possible, and contains the necessary data to perform it.
30 struct MemorySlotDestructuringInfo {
31  /// Set of the indices that are actually used when accessing the subelements.
32  SmallPtrSet<Attribute, 8> usedIndices;
33  /// Blocking uses of a given user of the memory slot that must be eliminated.
35  /// List of potentially indirect accessors of the memory slot that need
36  /// rewiring.
38 };
40 } // namespace
42 /// Computes information for slot destructuring. This will compute whether this
43 /// slot can be destructured and data to perform the destructuring. Returns
44 /// nothing if the slot cannot be destructured or if there is no useful work to
45 /// be done.
46 static std::optional<MemorySlotDestructuringInfo>
48  const DataLayout &dataLayout) {
49  assert(isa<DestructurableTypeInterface>(slot.elemType));
51  if (slot.ptr.use_empty())
52  return {};
54  MemorySlotDestructuringInfo info;
56  SmallVector<MemorySlot> usedSafelyWorklist;
58  auto scheduleAsBlockingUse = [&](OpOperand &use) {
59  SmallPtrSetImpl<OpOperand *> &blockingUses =
60  info.userToBlockingUses.getOrInsertDefault(use.getOwner());
61  blockingUses.insert(&use);
62  };
64  // Initialize the analysis with the immediate users of the slot.
65  for (OpOperand &use : slot.ptr.getUses()) {
66  if (auto accessor =
67  dyn_cast<DestructurableAccessorOpInterface>(use.getOwner())) {
68  if (accessor.canRewire(slot, info.usedIndices, usedSafelyWorklist,
69  dataLayout)) {
70  info.accessors.push_back(accessor);
71  continue;
72  }
73  }
75  // If it cannot be shown that the operation uses the slot safely, maybe it
76  // can be promoted out of using the slot?
77  scheduleAsBlockingUse(use);
78  }
81  while (!usedSafelyWorklist.empty()) {
82  MemorySlot mustBeUsedSafely = usedSafelyWorklist.pop_back_val();
83  for (OpOperand &subslotUse : mustBeUsedSafely.ptr.getUses()) {
84  if (!visited.insert(&subslotUse).second)
85  continue;
86  Operation *subslotUser = subslotUse.getOwner();
88  if (auto memOp = dyn_cast<SafeMemorySlotAccessOpInterface>(subslotUser))
89  if (succeeded(memOp.ensureOnlySafeAccesses(
90  mustBeUsedSafely, usedSafelyWorklist, dataLayout)))
91  continue;
93  // If it cannot be shown that the operation uses the slot safely, maybe it
94  // can be promoted out of using the slot?
95  scheduleAsBlockingUse(subslotUse);
96  }
97  }
99  SetVector<Operation *> forwardSlice;
100  mlir::getForwardSlice(slot.ptr, &forwardSlice);
101  for (Operation *user : forwardSlice) {
102  // If the next operation has no blocking uses, everything is fine.
103  if (!info.userToBlockingUses.contains(user))
104  continue;
106  SmallPtrSet<OpOperand *, 4> &blockingUses = info.userToBlockingUses[user];
107  auto promotable = dyn_cast<PromotableOpInterface>(user);
109  // An operation that has blocking uses must be promoted. If it is not
110  // promotable, destructuring must fail.
111  if (!promotable)
112  return {};
114  SmallVector<OpOperand *> newBlockingUses;
115  // If the operation decides it cannot deal with removing the blocking uses,
116  // destructuring must fail.
117  if (!promotable.canUsesBeRemoved(blockingUses, newBlockingUses, dataLayout))
118  return {};
120  // Then, register any new blocking uses for coming operations.
121  for (OpOperand *blockingUse : newBlockingUses) {
122  assert(llvm::is_contained(user->getResults(), blockingUse->get()));
124  SmallPtrSetImpl<OpOperand *> &newUserBlockingUseSet =
125  info.userToBlockingUses.getOrInsertDefault(blockingUse->getOwner());
126  newUserBlockingUseSet.insert(blockingUse);
127  }
128  }
130  return info;
131 }
133 /// Performs the destructuring of a destructible slot given associated
134 /// destructuring information. The provided slot will be destructured in
135 /// subslots as specified by its allocator.
136 static void destructureSlot(
138  DestructurableAllocationOpInterface allocator, OpBuilder &builder,
139  const DataLayout &dataLayout, MemorySlotDestructuringInfo &info,
141  const SROAStatistics &statistics) {
142  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
146  allocator.destructure(slot, info.usedIndices, builder, newAllocators);
148  if (statistics.slotsWithMemoryBenefit &&
149  slot.subelementTypes.size() != info.usedIndices.size())
150  (*statistics.slotsWithMemoryBenefit)++;
152  if (statistics.maxSubelementAmount)
153  statistics.maxSubelementAmount->updateMax(slot.subelementTypes.size());
155  SetVector<Operation *> usersToRewire;
156  for (Operation *user : llvm::make_first_range(info.userToBlockingUses))
157  usersToRewire.insert(user);
158  for (DestructurableAccessorOpInterface accessor : info.accessors)
159  usersToRewire.insert(accessor);
160  usersToRewire = mlir::topologicalSort(usersToRewire);
163  for (Operation *toRewire : llvm::reverse(usersToRewire)) {
164  builder.setInsertionPointAfter(toRewire);
165  if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<DestructurableAccessorOpInterface>(toRewire)) {
166  if (accessor.rewire(slot, subslots, builder, dataLayout) ==
168  toErase.push_back(accessor);
169  continue;
170  }
172  auto promotable = cast<PromotableOpInterface>(toRewire);
173  if (promotable.removeBlockingUses(info.userToBlockingUses[promotable],
174  builder) == DeletionKind::Delete)
175  toErase.push_back(promotable);
176  }
178  for (Operation *toEraseOp : toErase)
179  toEraseOp->erase();
181  assert(slot.ptr.use_empty() && "after destructuring, the original slot "
182  "pointer should no longer be used");
184  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[sroa] Destructured memory slot: " << slot.ptr
185  << "\n");
187  if (statistics.destructuredAmount)
188  (*statistics.destructuredAmount)++;
190  std::optional<DestructurableAllocationOpInterface> newAllocator =
191  allocator.handleDestructuringComplete(slot, builder);
192  // Add newly created allocators to the worklist for further processing.
193  if (newAllocator)
194  newAllocators.push_back(*newAllocator);
195 }
199  OpBuilder &builder, const DataLayout &dataLayout,
200  SROAStatistics statistics) {
201  bool destructuredAny = false;
203  SmallVector<DestructurableAllocationOpInterface> workList(allocators.begin(),
204  allocators.end());
206  newWorkList.reserve(allocators.size());
207  // Destructuring a slot can allow for further destructuring of other
208  // slots, destructuring is tried until no destructuring succeeds.
209  while (true) {
210  bool changesInThisRound = false;
212  for (DestructurableAllocationOpInterface allocator : workList) {
213  bool destructuredAnySlot = false;
214  for (DestructurableMemorySlot slot : allocator.getDestructurableSlots()) {
215  std::optional<MemorySlotDestructuringInfo> info =
216  computeDestructuringInfo(slot, dataLayout);
217  if (!info)
218  continue;
220  destructureSlot(slot, allocator, builder, dataLayout, *info,
221  newWorkList, statistics);
222  destructuredAnySlot = true;
224  // A break is required, since destructuring a slot may invalidate the
225  // remaning slots of an allocator.
226  break;
227  }
228  if (!destructuredAnySlot)
229  newWorkList.push_back(allocator);
230  changesInThisRound |= destructuredAnySlot;
231  }
233  if (!changesInThisRound)
234  break;
235  destructuredAny |= changesInThisRound;
237  // Swap the vector's backing memory and clear the entries in newWorkList
238  // afterwards. This ensures that additional heap allocations can be avoided.
239  workList.swap(newWorkList);
240  newWorkList.clear();
241  }
243  return success(destructuredAny);
244 }
246 namespace {
248 struct SROA : public impl::SROABase<SROA> {
249  using impl::SROABase<SROA>::SROABase;
251  void runOnOperation() override {
252  Operation *scopeOp = getOperation();
254  SROAStatistics statistics{&destructuredAmount, &slotsWithMemoryBenefit,
255  &maxSubelementAmount};
257  auto &dataLayoutAnalysis = getAnalysis<DataLayoutAnalysis>();
258  const DataLayout &dataLayout = dataLayoutAnalysis.getAtOrAbove(scopeOp);
259  bool changed = false;
261  for (Region &region : scopeOp->getRegions()) {
262  if (region.getBlocks().empty())
263  continue;
265  OpBuilder builder(&region.front(), region.front().begin());
268  // Build a list of allocators to attempt to destructure the slots of.
269  region.walk([&](DestructurableAllocationOpInterface allocator) {
270  allocators.emplace_back(allocator);
271  });
273  // Attempt to destructure as many slots as possible.
274  if (succeeded(tryToDestructureMemorySlots(allocators, builder, dataLayout,
275  statistics)))
276  changed = true;
277  }
278  if (!changed)
279  markAllAnalysesPreserved();
280  }
281 };
283 } // namespace
static void destructureSlot(DestructurableMemorySlot &slot, DestructurableAllocationOpInterface allocator, OpBuilder &builder, const DataLayout &dataLayout, MemorySlotDestructuringInfo &info, SmallVectorImpl< DestructurableAllocationOpInterface > &newAllocators, const SROAStatistics &statistics)
Performs the destructuring of a destructible slot given associated destructuring information.
Definition: SROA.cpp:136
static std::optional< MemorySlotDestructuringInfo > computeDestructuringInfo(DestructurableMemorySlot &slot, const DataLayout &dataLayout)
Computes information for slot destructuring.
Definition: SROA.cpp:47
The main mechanism for performing data layout queries.
RAII guard to reset the insertion point of the builder when destroyed.
Definition: Builders.h:351
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:210
void setInsertionPointToStart(Block *block)
Sets the insertion point to the start of the specified block.
Definition: Builders.h:434
void setInsertionPointAfter(Operation *op)
Sets the insertion point to the node after the specified operation, which will cause subsequent inser...
Definition: Builders.h:415
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
MutableArrayRef< Region > getRegions()
Returns the regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:672
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
bool use_empty() const
Returns true if this value has no uses.
Definition: Value.h:218
use_range getUses() const
Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
Definition: Value.h:212
Block * getParentBlock()
Return the Block in which this Value is defined.
Definition: Value.cpp:48
Include the generated interface declarations.
@ Delete
Delete the operation after promotion.
LogicalResult tryToDestructureMemorySlots(ArrayRef< DestructurableAllocationOpInterface > allocators, OpBuilder &builder, const DataLayout &dataLayout, SROAStatistics statistics={})
Attempts to destructure the slots of destructurable allocators.
Definition: SROA.cpp:197
SetVector< Operation * > topologicalSort(const SetVector< Operation * > &toSort)
Sorts all operations in toSort topologically while also considering region semantics.
void getForwardSlice(Operation *op, SetVector< Operation * > *forwardSlice, const ForwardSliceOptions &options={})
Fills forwardSlice with the computed forward slice (i.e.
Memory slot attached with information about its destructuring procedure.
DenseMap< Attribute, Type > subelementTypes
Maps an index within the memory slot to the corresponding subelement type.
Represents a slot in memory.
Value ptr
Pointer to the memory slot, used by operations to refer to it.
Type elemType
Type of the value contained in the slot.
Statistics collected while applying SROA.
Definition: SROA.h:19
llvm::Statistic * maxSubelementAmount
Maximal number of sub-elements a successfully destructured slot initially had.
Definition: SROA.h:27
llvm::Statistic * slotsWithMemoryBenefit
Total amount of memory slots in which the destructured size was smaller than the total size after eli...
Definition: SROA.h:24
llvm::Statistic * destructuredAmount
Total amount of memory slots destructured.
Definition: SROA.h:21