MLIR  19.0.0git
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1 //===- SerializeOps.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V Serialization (Ops) -----------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines the serialization methods for MLIR SPIR-V module ops.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "Serializer.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
24 #define DEBUG_TYPE "spirv-serialization"
26 using namespace mlir;
28 /// A pre-order depth-first visitor function for processing basic blocks.
29 ///
30 /// Visits the basic blocks starting from the given `headerBlock` in pre-order
31 /// depth-first manner and calls `blockHandler` on each block. Skips handling
32 /// blocks in the `skipBlocks` list. If `skipHeader` is true, `blockHandler`
33 /// will not be invoked in `headerBlock` but still handles all `headerBlock`'s
34 /// successors.
35 ///
36 /// SPIR-V spec "2.16.1. Universal Validation Rules" requires that "the order
37 /// of blocks in a function must satisfy the rule that blocks appear before
38 /// all blocks they dominate." This can be achieved by a pre-order CFG
39 /// traversal algorithm. To make the serialization output more logical and
40 /// readable to human, we perform depth-first CFG traversal and delay the
41 /// serialization of the merge block and the continue block, if exists, until
42 /// after all other blocks have been processed.
43 static LogicalResult
45  function_ref<LogicalResult(Block *)> blockHandler,
46  bool skipHeader = false, BlockRange skipBlocks = {}) {
47  llvm::df_iterator_default_set<Block *, 4> doneBlocks;
48  doneBlocks.insert(skipBlocks.begin(), skipBlocks.end());
50  for (Block *block : llvm::depth_first_ext(headerBlock, doneBlocks)) {
51  if (skipHeader && block == headerBlock)
52  continue;
53  if (failed(blockHandler(block)))
54  return failure();
55  }
56  return success();
57 }
59 namespace mlir {
60 namespace spirv {
61 LogicalResult Serializer::processConstantOp(spirv::ConstantOp op) {
62  if (auto resultID =
63  prepareConstant(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), op.getValue())) {
64  valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
65  return success();
66  }
67  return failure();
68 }
70 LogicalResult Serializer::processSpecConstantOp(spirv::SpecConstantOp op) {
71  if (auto resultID = prepareConstantScalar(op.getLoc(), op.getDefaultValue(),
72  /*isSpec=*/true)) {
73  // Emit the OpDecorate instruction for SpecId.
74  if (auto specID = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("spec_id")) {
75  auto val = static_cast<uint32_t>(specID.getInt());
76  if (failed(emitDecoration(resultID, spirv::Decoration::SpecId, {val})))
77  return failure();
78  }
80  specConstIDMap[op.getSymName()] = resultID;
81  return processName(resultID, op.getSymName());
82  }
83  return failure();
84 }
87 Serializer::processSpecConstantCompositeOp(spirv::SpecConstantCompositeOp op) {
88  uint32_t typeID = 0;
89  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), typeID))) {
90  return failure();
91  }
93  auto resultID = getNextID();
95  SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands;
96  operands.push_back(typeID);
97  operands.push_back(resultID);
99  auto constituents = op.getConstituents();
101  for (auto index : llvm::seq<uint32_t>(0, constituents.size())) {
102  auto constituent = dyn_cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(constituents[index]);
104  auto constituentName = constituent.getValue();
105  auto constituentID = getSpecConstID(constituentName);
107  if (!constituentID) {
108  return op.emitError("unknown result <id> for specialization constant ")
109  << constituentName;
110  }
112  operands.push_back(constituentID);
113  }
115  encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues,
116  spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantComposite, operands);
117  specConstIDMap[op.getSymName()] = resultID;
119  return processName(resultID, op.getSymName());
120 }
123 Serializer::processSpecConstantOperationOp(spirv::SpecConstantOperationOp op) {
124  uint32_t typeID = 0;
125  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), typeID))) {
126  return failure();
127  }
129  auto resultID = getNextID();
131  SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands;
132  operands.push_back(typeID);
133  operands.push_back(resultID);
135  Block &block = op.getRegion().getBlocks().front();
136  Operation &enclosedOp = block.getOperations().front();
138  std::string enclosedOpName;
139  llvm::raw_string_ostream rss(enclosedOpName);
140  rss << "Op" << enclosedOp.getName().stripDialect();
141  auto enclosedOpcode = spirv::symbolizeOpcode(rss.str());
143  if (!enclosedOpcode) {
144  op.emitError("Couldn't find op code for op ")
145  << enclosedOp.getName().getStringRef();
146  return failure();
147  }
149  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(*enclosedOpcode));
151  // Append operands to the enclosed op to the list of operands.
152  for (Value operand : enclosedOp.getOperands()) {
153  uint32_t id = getValueID(operand);
154  assert(id && "use before def!");
155  operands.push_back(id);
156  }
158  encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantOp,
159  operands);
160  valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
162  return success();
163 }
165 LogicalResult Serializer::processUndefOp(spirv::UndefOp op) {
166  auto undefType = op.getType();
167  auto &id = undefValIDMap[undefType];
168  if (!id) {
169  id = getNextID();
170  uint32_t typeID = 0;
171  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), undefType, typeID)))
172  return failure();
173  encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpUndef,
174  {typeID, id});
175  }
176  valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = id;
177  return success();
178 }
180 LogicalResult Serializer::processFuncParameter(spirv::FuncOp op) {
181  for (auto [idx, arg] : llvm::enumerate(op.getArguments())) {
182  uint32_t argTypeID = 0;
183  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), arg.getType(), argTypeID))) {
184  return failure();
185  }
186  auto argValueID = getNextID();
188  // Process decoration attributes of arguments.
189  auto funcOp = cast<FunctionOpInterface>(*op);
190  for (auto argAttr : funcOp.getArgAttrs(idx)) {
191  if (argAttr.getName() != DecorationAttr::name)
192  continue;
194  if (auto decAttr = dyn_cast<DecorationAttr>(argAttr.getValue())) {
195  if (failed(processDecorationAttr(op->getLoc(), argValueID,
196  decAttr.getValue(), decAttr)))
197  return failure();
198  }
199  }
201  valueIDMap[arg] = argValueID;
202  encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionParameter,
203  {argTypeID, argValueID});
204  }
205  return success();
206 }
208 LogicalResult Serializer::processFuncOp(spirv::FuncOp op) {
209  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "-- start function '" << op.getName() << "' --\n");
210  assert(functionHeader.empty() && functionBody.empty());
212  uint32_t fnTypeID = 0;
213  // Generate type of the function.
214  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getFunctionType(), fnTypeID)))
215  return failure();
217  // Add the function definition.
218  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
219  uint32_t resTypeID = 0;
220  auto resultTypes = op.getFunctionType().getResults();
221  if (resultTypes.size() > 1) {
222  return op.emitError("cannot serialize function with multiple return types");
223  }
224  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(),
225  (resultTypes.empty() ? getVoidType() : resultTypes[0]),
226  resTypeID))) {
227  return failure();
228  }
229  operands.push_back(resTypeID);
230  auto funcID = getOrCreateFunctionID(op.getName());
231  operands.push_back(funcID);
232  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(op.getFunctionControl()));
233  operands.push_back(fnTypeID);
234  encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpFunction, operands);
236  // Add function name.
237  if (failed(processName(funcID, op.getName()))) {
238  return failure();
239  }
240  // Handle external functions with linkage_attributes(LinkageAttributes)
241  // differently.
242  auto linkageAttr = op.getLinkageAttributes();
243  auto hasImportLinkage =
244  linkageAttr && (linkageAttr.value().getLinkageType().getValue() ==
245  spirv::LinkageType::Import);
246  if (op.isExternal() && !hasImportLinkage) {
247  return op.emitError(
248  "'spirv.module' cannot contain external functions "
249  "without 'Import' linkage_attributes (LinkageAttributes)");
250  }
251  if (op.isExternal() && hasImportLinkage) {
252  // Add an entry block to set up the block arguments
253  // to match the signature of the function.
254  // This is to generate OpFunctionParameter for functions with
255  // LinkageAttributes.
256  // WARNING: This operation has side-effect, it essentially adds a body
257  // to the func. Hence, making it not external anymore (isExternal()
258  // is going to return false for this function from now on)
259  // Hence, we'll remove the body once we are done with the serialization.
260  op.addEntryBlock();
261  if (failed(processFuncParameter(op)))
262  return failure();
263  // Don't need to process the added block, there is nothing to process,
264  // the fake body was added just to get the arguments, remove the body,
265  // since it's use is done.
266  op.eraseBody();
267  } else {
268  if (failed(processFuncParameter(op)))
269  return failure();
271  // Some instructions (e.g., OpVariable) in a function must be in the first
272  // block in the function. These instructions will be put in
273  // functionHeader. Thus, we put the label in functionHeader first, and
274  // omit it from the first block. OpLabel only needs to be added for
275  // functions with body (including empty body). Since, we added a fake body
276  // for functions with 'Import' Linkage attributes, these functions are
277  // essentially function delcaration, so they should not have OpLabel and a
278  // terminating instruction. That's why we skipped it for those functions.
279  encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel,
280  {getOrCreateBlockID(&op.front())});
281  if (failed(processBlock(&op.front(), /*omitLabel=*/true)))
282  return failure();
284  &op.front(), [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
285  /*skipHeader=*/true))) {
286  return failure();
287  }
289  // There might be OpPhi instructions who have value references needing to
290  // fix.
291  for (const auto &deferredValue : deferredPhiValues) {
292  Value value = deferredValue.first;
293  uint32_t id = getValueID(value);
294  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[phi] fix reference of value " << value
295  << " to id = " << id << '\n');
296  assert(id && "OpPhi references undefined value!");
297  for (size_t offset : deferredValue.second)
298  functionBody[offset] = id;
299  }
300  deferredPhiValues.clear();
301  }
302  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "-- completed function '" << op.getName()
303  << "' --\n");
304  // Insert Decorations based on Function Attributes.
305  // Only attributes we should be considering for decoration are the
306  // ::mlir::spirv::Decoration attributes.
308  for (auto attr : op->getAttrs()) {
309  // Only generate OpDecorate op for spirv::Decoration attributes.
310  auto isValidDecoration = mlir::spirv::symbolizeEnum<spirv::Decoration>(
311  llvm::convertToCamelFromSnakeCase(attr.getName().strref(),
312  /*capitalizeFirst=*/true));
313  if (isValidDecoration != std::nullopt) {
314  if (failed(processDecoration(op.getLoc(), funcID, attr))) {
315  return failure();
316  }
317  }
318  }
319  // Insert OpFunctionEnd.
320  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionEnd, {});
322  functions.append(functionHeader.begin(), functionHeader.end());
323  functions.append(functionBody.begin(), functionBody.end());
324  functionHeader.clear();
325  functionBody.clear();
327  return success();
328 }
330 LogicalResult Serializer::processVariableOp(spirv::VariableOp op) {
331  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
332  SmallVector<StringRef, 2> elidedAttrs;
333  uint32_t resultID = 0;
334  uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
335  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), resultTypeID))) {
336  return failure();
337  }
338  operands.push_back(resultTypeID);
339  resultID = getNextID();
340  valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
341  operands.push_back(resultID);
342  auto attr = op->getAttr(spirv::attributeName<spirv::StorageClass>());
343  if (attr) {
344  operands.push_back(
345  static_cast<uint32_t>(cast<spirv::StorageClassAttr>(attr).getValue()));
346  }
347  elidedAttrs.push_back(spirv::attributeName<spirv::StorageClass>());
348  for (auto arg : op.getODSOperands(0)) {
349  auto argID = getValueID(arg);
350  if (!argID) {
351  return emitError(op.getLoc(), "operand 0 has a use before def");
352  }
353  operands.push_back(argID);
354  }
355  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionHeader, op.getLoc())))
356  return failure();
357  encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpVariable, operands);
358  for (auto attr : op->getAttrs()) {
359  if (llvm::any_of(elidedAttrs, [&](StringRef elided) {
360  return attr.getName() == elided;
361  })) {
362  continue;
363  }
364  if (failed(processDecoration(op.getLoc(), resultID, attr))) {
365  return failure();
366  }
367  }
368  return success();
369 }
372 Serializer::processGlobalVariableOp(spirv::GlobalVariableOp varOp) {
373  // Get TypeID.
374  uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
375  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs;
376  if (failed(processType(varOp.getLoc(), varOp.getType(), resultTypeID))) {
377  return failure();
378  }
380  elidedAttrs.push_back("type");
381  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
382  operands.push_back(resultTypeID);
383  auto resultID = getNextID();
385  // Encode the name.
386  auto varName = varOp.getSymName();
387  elidedAttrs.push_back(SymbolTable::getSymbolAttrName());
388  if (failed(processName(resultID, varName))) {
389  return failure();
390  }
391  globalVarIDMap[varName] = resultID;
392  operands.push_back(resultID);
394  // Encode StorageClass.
395  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(varOp.storageClass()));
397  // Encode initialization.
398  StringRef initAttrName = varOp.getInitializerAttrName().getValue();
399  if (std::optional<StringRef> initSymbolName = varOp.getInitializer()) {
400  uint32_t initializerID = 0;
401  auto initRef = varOp->getAttrOfType<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(initAttrName);
403  varOp->getParentOp(), initRef.getAttr());
405  // Check if initializer is GlobalVariable or SpecConstant* cases.
406  if (isa<spirv::GlobalVariableOp>(initOp))
407  initializerID = getVariableID(*initSymbolName);
408  else
409  initializerID = getSpecConstID(*initSymbolName);
411  if (!initializerID)
412  return emitError(varOp.getLoc(),
413  "invalid usage of undefined variable as initializer");
415  operands.push_back(initializerID);
416  elidedAttrs.push_back(initAttrName);
417  }
419  if (failed(emitDebugLine(typesGlobalValues, varOp.getLoc())))
420  return failure();
421  encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpVariable, operands);
422  elidedAttrs.push_back(initAttrName);
424  // Encode decorations.
425  for (auto attr : varOp->getAttrs()) {
426  if (llvm::any_of(elidedAttrs, [&](StringRef elided) {
427  return attr.getName() == elided;
428  })) {
429  continue;
430  }
431  if (failed(processDecoration(varOp.getLoc(), resultID, attr))) {
432  return failure();
433  }
434  }
435  return success();
436 }
438 LogicalResult Serializer::processSelectionOp(spirv::SelectionOp selectionOp) {
439  // Assign <id>s to all blocks so that branches inside the SelectionOp can
440  // resolve properly.
441  auto &body = selectionOp.getBody();
442  for (Block &block : body)
443  getOrCreateBlockID(&block);
445  auto *headerBlock = selectionOp.getHeaderBlock();
446  auto *mergeBlock = selectionOp.getMergeBlock();
447  auto headerID = getBlockID(headerBlock);
448  auto mergeID = getBlockID(mergeBlock);
449  auto loc = selectionOp.getLoc();
451  // This SelectionOp is in some MLIR block with preceding and following ops. In
452  // the binary format, it should reside in separate SPIR-V blocks from its
453  // preceding and following ops. So we need to emit unconditional branches to
454  // jump to this SelectionOp's SPIR-V blocks and jumping back to the normal
455  // flow afterwards.
456  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranch, {headerID});
458  // Emit the selection header block, which dominates all other blocks, first.
459  // We need to emit an OpSelectionMerge instruction before the selection header
460  // block's terminator.
461  auto emitSelectionMerge = [&]() {
462  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionBody, loc)))
463  return failure();
464  lastProcessedWasMergeInst = true;
466  functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpSelectionMerge,
467  {mergeID, static_cast<uint32_t>(selectionOp.getSelectionControl())});
468  return success();
469  };
470  if (failed(
471  processBlock(headerBlock, /*omitLabel=*/false, emitSelectionMerge)))
472  return failure();
474  // Process all blocks with a depth-first visitor starting from the header
475  // block. The selection header block and merge block are skipped by this
476  // visitor.
478  headerBlock, [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
479  /*skipHeader=*/true, /*skipBlocks=*/{mergeBlock})))
480  return failure();
482  // There is nothing to do for the merge block in the selection, which just
483  // contains a spirv.mlir.merge op, itself. But we need to have an OpLabel
484  // instruction to start a new SPIR-V block for ops following this SelectionOp.
485  // The block should use the <id> for the merge block.
486  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel, {mergeID});
487  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "done merge ");
488  LLVM_DEBUG(printBlock(mergeBlock, llvm::dbgs()));
489  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
490  return success();
491 }
493 LogicalResult Serializer::processLoopOp(spirv::LoopOp loopOp) {
494  // Assign <id>s to all blocks so that branches inside the LoopOp can resolve
495  // properly. We don't need to assign for the entry block, which is just for
496  // satisfying MLIR region's structural requirement.
497  auto &body = loopOp.getBody();
498  for (Block &block : llvm::drop_begin(body))
499  getOrCreateBlockID(&block);
501  auto *headerBlock = loopOp.getHeaderBlock();
502  auto *continueBlock = loopOp.getContinueBlock();
503  auto *mergeBlock = loopOp.getMergeBlock();
504  auto headerID = getBlockID(headerBlock);
505  auto continueID = getBlockID(continueBlock);
506  auto mergeID = getBlockID(mergeBlock);
507  auto loc = loopOp.getLoc();
509  // This LoopOp is in some MLIR block with preceding and following ops. In the
510  // binary format, it should reside in separate SPIR-V blocks from its
511  // preceding and following ops. So we need to emit unconditional branches to
512  // jump to this LoopOp's SPIR-V blocks and jumping back to the normal flow
513  // afterwards.
514  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranch, {headerID});
516  // LoopOp's entry block is just there for satisfying MLIR's structural
517  // requirements so we omit it and start serialization from the loop header
518  // block.
520  // Emit the loop header block, which dominates all other blocks, first. We
521  // need to emit an OpLoopMerge instruction before the loop header block's
522  // terminator.
523  auto emitLoopMerge = [&]() {
524  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionBody, loc)))
525  return failure();
526  lastProcessedWasMergeInst = true;
528  functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLoopMerge,
529  {mergeID, continueID, static_cast<uint32_t>(loopOp.getLoopControl())});
530  return success();
531  };
532  if (failed(processBlock(headerBlock, /*omitLabel=*/false, emitLoopMerge)))
533  return failure();
535  // Process all blocks with a depth-first visitor starting from the header
536  // block. The loop header block, loop continue block, and loop merge block are
537  // skipped by this visitor and handled later in this function.
539  headerBlock, [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
540  /*skipHeader=*/true, /*skipBlocks=*/{continueBlock, mergeBlock})))
541  return failure();
543  // We have handled all other blocks. Now get to the loop continue block.
544  if (failed(processBlock(continueBlock)))
545  return failure();
547  // There is nothing to do for the merge block in the loop, which just contains
548  // a spirv.mlir.merge op, itself. But we need to have an OpLabel instruction
549  // to start a new SPIR-V block for ops following this LoopOp. The block should
550  // use the <id> for the merge block.
551  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel, {mergeID});
552  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "done merge ");
553  LLVM_DEBUG(printBlock(mergeBlock, llvm::dbgs()));
554  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
555  return success();
556 }
558 LogicalResult Serializer::processBranchConditionalOp(
559  spirv::BranchConditionalOp condBranchOp) {
560  auto conditionID = getValueID(condBranchOp.getCondition());
561  auto trueLabelID = getOrCreateBlockID(condBranchOp.getTrueBlock());
562  auto falseLabelID = getOrCreateBlockID(condBranchOp.getFalseBlock());
563  SmallVector<uint32_t, 5> arguments{conditionID, trueLabelID, falseLabelID};
565  if (auto weights = condBranchOp.getBranchWeights()) {
566  for (auto val : weights->getValue())
567  arguments.push_back(cast<IntegerAttr>(val).getInt());
568  }
570  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionBody, condBranchOp.getLoc())))
571  return failure();
572  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranchConditional,
573  arguments);
574  return success();
575 }
577 LogicalResult Serializer::processBranchOp(spirv::BranchOp branchOp) {
578  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionBody, branchOp.getLoc())))
579  return failure();
580  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranch,
581  {getOrCreateBlockID(branchOp.getTarget())});
582  return success();
583 }
585 LogicalResult Serializer::processAddressOfOp(spirv::AddressOfOp addressOfOp) {
586  auto varName = addressOfOp.getVariable();
587  auto variableID = getVariableID(varName);
588  if (!variableID) {
589  return addressOfOp.emitError("unknown result <id> for variable ")
590  << varName;
591  }
592  valueIDMap[addressOfOp.getPointer()] = variableID;
593  return success();
594 }
597 Serializer::processReferenceOfOp(spirv::ReferenceOfOp referenceOfOp) {
598  auto constName = referenceOfOp.getSpecConst();
599  auto constID = getSpecConstID(constName);
600  if (!constID) {
601  return referenceOfOp.emitError(
602  "unknown result <id> for specialization constant ")
603  << constName;
604  }
605  valueIDMap[referenceOfOp.getReference()] = constID;
606  return success();
607 }
609 template <>
611 Serializer::processOp<spirv::EntryPointOp>(spirv::EntryPointOp op) {
612  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
613  // Add the ExecutionModel.
614  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(op.getExecutionModel()));
615  // Add the function <id>.
616  auto funcID = getFunctionID(op.getFn());
617  if (!funcID) {
618  return op.emitError("missing <id> for function ")
619  << op.getFn()
620  << "; function needs to be defined before spirv.EntryPoint is "
621  "serialized";
622  }
623  operands.push_back(funcID);
624  // Add the name of the function.
625  spirv::encodeStringLiteralInto(operands, op.getFn());
627  // Add the interface values.
628  if (auto interface = op.getInterface()) {
629  for (auto var : interface.getValue()) {
630  auto id = getVariableID(cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(var).getValue());
631  if (!id) {
632  return op.emitError(
633  "referencing undefined global variable."
634  "spirv.EntryPoint is at the end of spirv.module. All "
635  "referenced variables should already be defined");
636  }
637  operands.push_back(id);
638  }
639  }
640  encodeInstructionInto(entryPoints, spirv::Opcode::OpEntryPoint, operands);
641  return success();
642 }
644 template <>
646 Serializer::processOp<spirv::ExecutionModeOp>(spirv::ExecutionModeOp op) {
647  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
648  // Add the function <id>.
649  auto funcID = getFunctionID(op.getFn());
650  if (!funcID) {
651  return op.emitError("missing <id> for function ")
652  << op.getFn()
653  << "; function needs to be serialized before ExecutionModeOp is "
654  "serialized";
655  }
656  operands.push_back(funcID);
657  // Add the ExecutionMode.
658  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(op.getExecutionMode()));
660  // Serialize values if any.
661  auto values = op.getValues();
662  if (values) {
663  for (auto &intVal : values.getValue()) {
664  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(
665  llvm::cast<IntegerAttr>(intVal).getValue().getZExtValue()));
666  }
667  }
668  encodeInstructionInto(executionModes, spirv::Opcode::OpExecutionMode,
669  operands);
670  return success();
671 }
673 template <>
675 Serializer::processOp<spirv::FunctionCallOp>(spirv::FunctionCallOp op) {
676  auto funcName = op.getCallee();
677  uint32_t resTypeID = 0;
679  Type resultTy = op.getNumResults() ? *op.result_type_begin() : getVoidType();
680  if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), resultTy, resTypeID)))
681  return failure();
683  auto funcID = getOrCreateFunctionID(funcName);
684  auto funcCallID = getNextID();
685  SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands{resTypeID, funcCallID, funcID};
687  for (auto value : op.getArguments()) {
688  auto valueID = getValueID(value);
689  assert(valueID && "cannot find a value for spirv.FunctionCall");
690  operands.push_back(valueID);
691  }
693  if (!isa<NoneType>(resultTy))
694  valueIDMap[op.getResult(0)] = funcCallID;
696  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionCall, operands);
697  return success();
698 }
700 template <>
702 Serializer::processOp<spirv::CopyMemoryOp>(spirv::CopyMemoryOp op) {
703  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
704  SmallVector<StringRef, 2> elidedAttrs;
706  for (Value operand : op->getOperands()) {
707  auto id = getValueID(operand);
708  assert(id && "use before def!");
709  operands.push_back(id);
710  }
712  StringAttr memoryAccess = op.getMemoryAccessAttrName();
713  if (auto attr = op->getAttr(memoryAccess)) {
714  operands.push_back(
715  static_cast<uint32_t>(cast<spirv::MemoryAccessAttr>(attr).getValue()));
716  }
718  elidedAttrs.push_back(memoryAccess.strref());
720  StringAttr alignment = op.getAlignmentAttrName();
721  if (auto attr = op->getAttr(alignment)) {
722  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(
723  cast<IntegerAttr>(attr).getValue().getZExtValue()));
724  }
726  elidedAttrs.push_back(alignment.strref());
728  StringAttr sourceMemoryAccess = op.getSourceMemoryAccessAttrName();
729  if (auto attr = op->getAttr(sourceMemoryAccess)) {
730  operands.push_back(
731  static_cast<uint32_t>(cast<spirv::MemoryAccessAttr>(attr).getValue()));
732  }
734  elidedAttrs.push_back(sourceMemoryAccess.strref());
736  StringAttr sourceAlignment = op.getSourceAlignmentAttrName();
737  if (auto attr = op->getAttr(sourceAlignment)) {
738  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(
739  cast<IntegerAttr>(attr).getValue().getZExtValue()));
740  }
742  elidedAttrs.push_back(sourceAlignment.strref());
743  if (failed(emitDebugLine(functionBody, op.getLoc())))
744  return failure();
745  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpCopyMemory, operands);
747  return success();
748 }
749 template <>
750 LogicalResult Serializer::processOp<spirv::GenericCastToPtrExplicitOp>(
751  spirv::GenericCastToPtrExplicitOp op) {
752  SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
753  Type resultTy;
754  Location loc = op->getLoc();
755  uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
756  uint32_t resultID = 0;
757  resultTy = op->getResult(0).getType();
758  if (failed(processType(loc, resultTy, resultTypeID)))
759  return failure();
760  operands.push_back(resultTypeID);
762  resultID = getNextID();
763  operands.push_back(resultID);
764  valueIDMap[op->getResult(0)] = resultID;
766  for (Value operand : op->getOperands())
767  operands.push_back(getValueID(operand));
768  spirv::StorageClass resultStorage =
769  cast<spirv::PointerType>(resultTy).getStorageClass();
770  operands.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(resultStorage));
771  encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit,
772  operands);
773  return success();
774 }
776 // Pull in auto-generated Serializer::dispatchToAutogenSerialization() and
777 // various Serializer::processOp<...>() specializations.
779 #include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/"
781 } // namespace spirv
782 } // namespace mlir
static LogicalResult visitInPrettyBlockOrder(Block *headerBlock, function_ref< LogicalResult(Block *)> blockHandler, bool skipHeader=false, BlockRange skipBlocks={})
A pre-order depth-first visitor function for processing basic blocks.
This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over Blocks.
Definition: BlockSupport.h:106
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:30
OpListType & getOperations()
Definition: Block.h:134
A symbol reference with a reference path containing a single element.
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
StringRef getStringRef() const
Return the name of this operation. This always succeeds.
StringRef stripDialect() const
Return the operation name with dialect name stripped, if it has one.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringAttr name)
Definition: Operation.h:545
Attribute getAttr(StringAttr name)
Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
Definition: Operation.h:529
OpResult getResult(unsigned idx)
Get the 'idx'th result of this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:402
Location getLoc()
The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Definition: Operation.h:223
ArrayRef< NamedAttribute > getAttrs()
Return all of the attributes on this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:507
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message={})
Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic handlers tha...
Definition: Operation.cpp:268
Region & getRegion(unsigned index)
Returns the region held by this operation at position 'index'.
Definition: Operation.h:682
result_type_iterator result_type_begin()
Definition: Operation.h:421
OperationName getName()
The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
Definition: Operation.h:119
operand_range getOperands()
Returns an iterator on the underlying Value's.
Definition: Operation.h:373
result_range getResults()
Definition: Operation.h:410
unsigned getNumResults()
Return the number of results held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:399
BlockListType & getBlocks()
Definition: Region.h:45
static StringRef getSymbolAttrName()
Return the name of the attribute used for symbol names.
Definition: SymbolTable.h:76
static Operation * lookupNearestSymbolFrom(Operation *from, StringAttr symbol)
Returns the operation registered with the given symbol name within the closest parent operation of,...
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
Type getType() const
Return the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:125
constexpr void enumerate(std::tuple< Tys... > &tuple, CallbackT &&callback)
Definition: Matchers.h:285
void encodeStringLiteralInto(SmallVectorImpl< uint32_t > &binary, StringRef literal)
Encodes an SPIR-V literal string into the given binary vector.
void encodeInstructionInto(SmallVectorImpl< uint32_t > &binary, spirv::Opcode op, ArrayRef< uint32_t > operands)
Encodes an SPIR-V instruction with the given opcode and operands into the given binary vector.
Definition: Serializer.cpp:79
Include the generated interface declarations.
LogicalResult failure(bool isFailure=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:62
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc)
Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
LogicalResult success(bool isSuccess=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:56
bool failed(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a failure value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:72
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26