35 class DialectRegistry;
The DialectRegistry maps a dialect namespace to a constructor for the matching dialect.
void registerOffloadingLLVMTranslationInterfaceExternalModels(mlir::DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers the offloading LLVM translation interfaces for gpu.select_object.
Include the generated interface declarations.
void registerAMXDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the AMX dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerX86VectorDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the X86Vector dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerNVVMDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the NVVM dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerArmSMEDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the ArmSME dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerArmSVEDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the ArmSVE dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerNVVMDialectImport(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers the NVVM dialect and its import from LLVM IR in the given registry.
static void registerAllFromLLVMIRTranslations(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers all dialects that can be translated from LLVM IR and the corresponding translation interfac...
void registerOpenMPDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the OpenMP dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
static void registerAllGPUToLLVMIRTranslations(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers all the translations to LLVM IR required by GPU passes.
void registerBuiltinDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the translation from the builtin dialect to the LLVM IR in the given registry.
void registerLLVMDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the LLVM dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerVCIXDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the VCIX dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry.
void registerGPUDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the GPU dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerLLVMDialectImport(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers the LLVM dialect and its import from LLVM IR in the given registry.
void registerROCDLDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the ROCDL dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerArmNeonDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the ArmNeon dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
static void registerAllToLLVMIRTranslations(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Registers all dialects that can be translated to LLVM IR and the corresponding translation interfaces...
void registerSPIRVDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the SPIR-V dialect and the translation from it to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.
void registerOpenACCDialectTranslation(DialectRegistry ®istry)
Register the OpenACC dialect and the translation to the LLVM IR in the given registry;.