MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- PWMAFunction.h - MLIR PWMAFunction Class------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Support for piece-wise multi-affine functions. These are functions that are
10 // defined on a domain that is a union of IntegerPolyhedrons, and on each domain
11 // the value of the function is a tuple of integers, with each value in the
12 // tuple being an affine expression in the vars of the IntegerPolyhedron.
13 //
14 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
21 #include <optional>
23 namespace mlir {
24 namespace presburger {
26 /// Enum representing a binary comparison operator: equal, not equal, less than,
27 /// less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal.
28 enum class OrderingKind { EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE };
30 /// This class represents a multi-affine function with the domain as Z^d, where
31 /// `d` is the number of domain variables of the function. For example:
32 ///
33 /// (x, y) -> (x + 2, 2*x - 3y + 5, 2*x + y).
34 ///
35 /// The output expressions are represented as a matrix with one row for every
36 /// output, one column for each var including division variables, and an extra
37 /// column at the end for the constant term.
38 ///
39 /// Checking equality of two such functions is supported, as well as finding the
40 /// value of the function at a specified point.
42 public:
43  MultiAffineFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space, const IntMatrix &output)
44  : space(space), output(output),
45  divs(space.getNumVars() - space.getNumRangeVars()) {
46  assertIsConsistent();
47  }
49  MultiAffineFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space, const IntMatrix &output,
50  const DivisionRepr &divs)
51  : space(space), output(output), divs(divs) {
52  assertIsConsistent();
53  }
55  unsigned getNumDomainVars() const { return space.getNumDomainVars(); }
56  unsigned getNumSymbolVars() const { return space.getNumSymbolVars(); }
57  unsigned getNumOutputs() const { return space.getNumRangeVars(); }
58  unsigned getNumDivs() const { return space.getNumLocalVars(); }
60  /// Get the space of this function.
61  const PresburgerSpace &getSpace() const { return space; }
62  /// Get the domain/output space of the function. The returned space is a set
63  /// space.
64  PresburgerSpace getDomainSpace() const { return space.getDomainSpace(); }
65  PresburgerSpace getOutputSpace() const { return space.getRangeSpace(); }
67  /// Get a matrix with each row representing row^th output expression.
68  const IntMatrix &getOutputMatrix() const { return output; }
69  /// Get the `i^th` output expression.
71  return output.getRow(i);
72  }
74  /// Get the divisions used in this function.
75  const DivisionRepr &getDivs() const { return divs; }
77  /// Remove the specified range of outputs.
78  void removeOutputs(unsigned start, unsigned end);
80  /// Given a MAF `other`, merges division variables such that both functions
81  /// have the union of the division vars that exist in the functions.
82  void mergeDivs(MultiAffineFunction &other);
84  //// Return the output of the function at the given point.
87  return valueAt(getDynamicAPIntVec(point));
88  }
90  /// Return whether the `this` and `other` are equal when the domain is
91  /// restricted to `domain`. This is the case if they lie in the same space,
92  /// and their outputs are equal for every point in `domain`.
93  bool isEqual(const MultiAffineFunction &other) const;
94  bool isEqual(const MultiAffineFunction &other,
95  const IntegerPolyhedron &domain) const;
96  bool isEqual(const MultiAffineFunction &other,
97  const PresburgerSet &domain) const;
99  void subtract(const MultiAffineFunction &other);
101  /// Return the set of domain points where the output of `this` and `other`
102  /// are ordered lexicographically according to the given ordering.
103  /// For example, if the given comparison is `LT`, then the returned set
104  /// contains all points where the first output of `this` is lexicographically
105  /// less than `other`.
107  const MultiAffineFunction &other) const;
109  /// Get this function as a relation.
112  void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
113  void dump() const;
115 private:
116  /// Assert that the MAF is consistent.
117  void assertIsConsistent() const;
119  /// The space of this function. The domain variables are considered as the
120  /// input variables of the function. The range variables are considered as
121  /// the outputs. The symbols parametrize the function and locals are used to
122  /// represent divisions. Each local variable has a corressponding division
123  /// representation stored in `divs`.
124  PresburgerSpace space;
126  /// The function's output is a tuple of integers, with the ith element of the
127  /// tuple defined by the affine expression given by the ith row of this output
128  /// matrix.
129  IntMatrix output;
131  /// Storage for division representation for each local variable in space.
132  DivisionRepr divs;
133 };
135 /// This class represents a piece-wise MultiAffineFunction. This can be thought
136 /// of as a list of MultiAffineFunction with disjoint domains, with each having
137 /// their own affine expressions for their output tuples. For example, we could
138 /// have a function with two input variables (x, y), defined as
139 ///
140 /// f(x, y) = (2*x + y, y - 4) if x >= 0, y >= 0
141 /// = (-2*x + y, y + 4) if x < 0, y < 0
142 /// = (4, 1) if x < 0, y >= 0
143 ///
144 /// Note that the domains all have to be *disjoint*. Otherwise, the behaviour of
145 /// this class is undefined. The domains need not cover all possible points;
146 /// this represents a partial function and so could be undefined at some points.
147 ///
148 /// As in PresburgerSets, the input vars are partitioned into dimension vars and
149 /// symbolic vars.
150 ///
151 /// Support is provided to compare equality of two such functions as well as
152 /// finding the value of the function at a point.
154 public:
155  struct Piece {
159  bool isConsistent() const {
161  }
162  };
164  PWMAFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space) : space(space) {
165  assert(space.getNumLocalVars() == 0 &&
166  "PWMAFunction cannot have local vars.");
167  }
169  // Get the space of this function.
170  const PresburgerSpace &getSpace() const { return space; }
172  // Add a piece ([domain, output] pair) to this function.
173  void addPiece(const Piece &piece);
175  unsigned getNumPieces() const { return pieces.size(); }
176  unsigned getNumVarKind(VarKind kind) const {
177  return space.getNumVarKind(kind);
178  }
179  unsigned getNumDomainVars() const { return space.getNumDomainVars(); }
180  unsigned getNumOutputs() const { return space.getNumRangeVars(); }
181  unsigned getNumSymbolVars() const { return space.getNumSymbolVars(); }
183  /// Remove the specified range of outputs.
184  void removeOutputs(unsigned start, unsigned end);
186  /// Get the domain/output space of the function. The returned space is a set
187  /// space.
188  PresburgerSpace getDomainSpace() const { return space.getDomainSpace(); }
189  PresburgerSpace getOutputSpace() const { return space.getDomainSpace(); }
191  /// Return the domain of this piece-wise MultiAffineFunction. This is the
192  /// union of the domains of all the pieces.
193  PresburgerSet getDomain() const;
195  /// Return the output of the function at the given point.
196  std::optional<SmallVector<DynamicAPInt, 8>>
197  valueAt(ArrayRef<DynamicAPInt> point) const;
198  std::optional<SmallVector<DynamicAPInt, 8>>
199  valueAt(ArrayRef<int64_t> point) const {
200  return valueAt(getDynamicAPIntVec(point));
201  }
203  /// Return all the pieces of this piece-wise function.
204  ArrayRef<Piece> getAllPieces() const { return pieces; }
206  /// Return whether `this` and `other` are equal as PWMAFunctions, i.e. whether
207  /// they have the same dimensions, the same domain and they take the same
208  /// value at every point in the domain.
209  bool isEqual(const PWMAFunction &other) const;
211  /// Return a function defined on the union of the domains of this and func,
212  /// such that when only one of the functions is defined, it outputs the same
213  /// as that function, and if both are defined, it outputs the lexmax/lexmin of
214  /// the two outputs. On points where neither function is defined, the returned
215  /// function is not defined either.
216  ///
217  /// Currently this does not support PWMAFunctions which have pieces containing
218  /// divisions.
219  /// TODO: Support division in pieces.
223  void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
224  void dump() const;
226 private:
227  /// Return a function defined on the union of the domains of `this` and
228  /// `func`, such that when only one of the functions is defined, it outputs
229  /// the same as that function, and if neither is defined, the returned
230  /// function is not defined either.
231  ///
232  /// The provided `tiebreak` function determines which of the two functions'
233  /// output should be used on inputs where both the functions are defined. More
234  /// precisely, given two `MultiAffineFunction`s `mafA` and `mafB`, `tiebreak`
235  /// returns the subset of the intersection of the two functions' domains where
236  /// the output of `mafA` should be used.
237  ///
238  /// The PresburgerSet returned by `tiebreak` should be disjoint.
239  /// TODO: Remove this constraint of returning disjoint set.
240  PWMAFunction unionFunction(
241  const PWMAFunction &func,
242  llvm::function_ref<PresburgerSet(Piece mafA, Piece mafB)> tiebreak) const;
244  /// The space of this function. The domain variables are considered as the
245  /// input variables of the function. The range variables are considered as
246  /// the outputs. The symbols paramterize the function.
247  PresburgerSpace space;
249  // The pieces of the PWMAFunction.
250  SmallVector<Piece, 4> pieces;
251 };
253 } // namespace presburger
254 } // namespace mlir
Class storing division representation of local variables of a constraint system.
Definition: Utils.h:117
An IntegerPolyhedron represents the set of points from a PresburgerSpace that satisfy a list of affin...
An IntegerRelation represents the set of points from a PresburgerSpace that satisfy a list of affine ...
MutableArrayRef< T > getRow(unsigned row)
Get a [Mutable]ArrayRef corresponding to the specified row.
Definition: Matrix.cpp:130
This class represents a multi-affine function with the domain as Z^d, where d is the number of domain...
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:41
void subtract(const MultiAffineFunction &other)
void removeOutputs(unsigned start, unsigned end)
Remove the specified range of outputs.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const
MultiAffineFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space, const IntMatrix &output, const DivisionRepr &divs)
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:49
PresburgerSpace getOutputSpace() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:65
const PresburgerSpace & getSpace() const
Get the space of this function.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:61
MultiAffineFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space, const IntMatrix &output)
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:43
PresburgerSpace getDomainSpace() const
Get the domain/output space of the function.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:64
PresburgerSet getLexSet(OrderingKind comp, const MultiAffineFunction &other) const
Return the set of domain points where the output of this and other are ordered lexicographically acco...
ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > getOutputExpr(unsigned i) const
Get the i^th output expression.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:70
SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > valueAt(ArrayRef< int64_t > point) const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:86
SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > valueAt(ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > point) const
const IntMatrix & getOutputMatrix() const
Get a matrix with each row representing row^th output expression.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:68
void mergeDivs(MultiAffineFunction &other)
Given a MAF other, merges division variables such that both functions have the union of the division ...
const DivisionRepr & getDivs() const
Get the divisions used in this function.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:75
IntegerRelation getAsRelation() const
Get this function as a relation.
bool isEqual(const MultiAffineFunction &other) const
Return whether the this and other are equal when the domain is restricted to domain.
This class represents a piece-wise MultiAffineFunction.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:153
const PresburgerSpace & getSpace() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:170
void addPiece(const Piece &piece)
unsigned getNumDomainVars() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:179
void print(raw_ostream &os) const
PWMAFunction unionLexMax(const PWMAFunction &func)
void removeOutputs(unsigned start, unsigned end)
Remove the specified range of outputs.
unsigned getNumOutputs() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:180
unsigned getNumVarKind(VarKind kind) const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:176
PWMAFunction unionLexMin(const PWMAFunction &func)
Return a function defined on the union of the domains of this and func, such that when only one of th...
PWMAFunction(const PresburgerSpace &space)
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:164
ArrayRef< Piece > getAllPieces() const
Return all the pieces of this piece-wise function.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:204
std::optional< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > valueAt(ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt > point) const
Return the output of the function at the given point.
PresburgerSet getDomain() const
Return the domain of this piece-wise MultiAffineFunction.
std::optional< SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > > valueAt(ArrayRef< int64_t > point) const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:199
PresburgerSpace getDomainSpace() const
Get the domain/output space of the function.
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:188
PresburgerSpace getOutputSpace() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:189
unsigned getNumSymbolVars() const
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:181
bool isEqual(const PWMAFunction &other) const
Return whether this and other are equal as PWMAFunctions, i.e.
const PresburgerSpace & getSpace() const
PresburgerSpace is the space of all possible values of a tuple of integer valued variables/variables.
PresburgerSpace getRangeSpace() const
unsigned getNumVarKind(VarKind kind) const
Get the number of vars of the specified kind.
PresburgerSpace getDomainSpace() const
Get the domain/range space of this space.
bool isCompatible(const PresburgerSpace &other) const
Returns true if both the spaces are compatible i.e.
Kind of variable.
SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 8 > getDynamicAPIntVec(ArrayRef< int64_t > range)
Check if the pos^th variable can be expressed as a floordiv of an affine function of other variables ...
Definition: Utils.cpp:524
Enum representing a binary comparison operator: equal, not equal, less than, less than or equal,...
Definition: PWMAFunction.h:28
Include the generated interface declarations.