MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- PolynomialAttributes.cpp - Polynomial dialect attrs ------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
11 #include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
12 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
13 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
14 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
15 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
17 namespace mlir {
18 namespace polynomial {
20 void IntPolynomialAttr::print(AsmPrinter &p) const {
21  p << '<' << getPolynomial() << '>';
22 }
24 void FloatPolynomialAttr::print(AsmPrinter &p) const {
25  p << '<' << getPolynomial() << '>';
26 }
28 /// A callable that parses the coefficient using the appropriate method for the
29 /// given monomial type, and stores the parsed coefficient value on the
30 /// monomial.
31 template <typename MonomialType>
32 using ParseCoefficientFn = std::function<OptionalParseResult(MonomialType &)>;
34 /// Try to parse a monomial. If successful, populate the fields of the outparam
35 /// `monomial` with the results, and the `variable` outparam with the parsed
36 /// variable name. Sets shouldParseMore to true if the monomial is followed by
37 /// a '+'.
38 ///
39 template <typename Monomial>
40 ParseResult
41 parseMonomial(AsmParser &parser, Monomial &monomial, llvm::StringRef &variable,
42  bool &isConstantTerm, bool &shouldParseMore,
43  ParseCoefficientFn<Monomial> parseAndStoreCoefficient) {
44  OptionalParseResult parsedCoeffResult = parseAndStoreCoefficient(monomial);
46  isConstantTerm = false;
47  shouldParseMore = false;
49  // A + indicates it's a constant term with more to go, as in `1 + x`.
50  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalPlus())) {
51  // If no coefficient was parsed, and there's a +, then it's effectively
52  // parsing an empty string.
53  if (!parsedCoeffResult.has_value()) {
54  return failure();
55  }
56  monomial.setExponent(APInt(apintBitWidth, 0));
57  isConstantTerm = true;
58  shouldParseMore = true;
59  return success();
60  }
62  // A monomial can be a trailing constant term, as in `x + 1`.
63  if (failed(parser.parseOptionalKeyword(&variable))) {
64  // If neither a coefficient nor a variable was found, then it's effectively
65  // parsing an empty string.
66  if (!parsedCoeffResult.has_value()) {
67  return failure();
68  }
70  monomial.setExponent(APInt(apintBitWidth, 0));
71  isConstantTerm = true;
72  return success();
73  }
75  // Parse exponentiation symbol as `**`. We can't use caret because it's
76  // reserved for basic block identifiers If no star is present, it's treated
77  // as a polynomial with exponent 1.
78  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalStar())) {
79  // If there's one * there must be two.
80  if (failed(parser.parseStar())) {
81  return failure();
82  }
84  // If there's a **, then the integer exponent is required.
85  APInt parsedExponent(apintBitWidth, 0);
86  if (failed(parser.parseInteger(parsedExponent))) {
87  parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(),
88  "found invalid integer exponent");
89  return failure();
90  }
92  monomial.setExponent(parsedExponent);
93  } else {
94  monomial.setExponent(APInt(apintBitWidth, 1));
95  }
97  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalPlus())) {
98  shouldParseMore = true;
99  }
100  return success();
101 }
103 template <typename Monomial>
104 LogicalResult
106  llvm::StringSet<> &variables,
107  ParseCoefficientFn<Monomial> parseAndStoreCoefficient) {
108  while (true) {
109  Monomial parsedMonomial;
110  llvm::StringRef parsedVariableRef;
111  bool isConstantTerm;
112  bool shouldParseMore;
113  if (failed(parseMonomial<Monomial>(
114  parser, parsedMonomial, parsedVariableRef, isConstantTerm,
115  shouldParseMore, parseAndStoreCoefficient))) {
116  parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation(), "expected a monomial");
117  return failure();
118  }
120  if (!isConstantTerm) {
121  std::string parsedVariable = parsedVariableRef.str();
122  variables.insert(parsedVariable);
123  }
124  monomials.push_back(parsedMonomial);
126  if (shouldParseMore)
127  continue;
129  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalGreater())) {
130  break;
131  }
132  parser.emitError(
133  parser.getCurrentLocation(),
134  "expected + and more monomials, or > to end polynomial attribute");
135  return failure();
136  }
138  if (variables.size() > 1) {
139  std::string vars = llvm::join(variables.keys(), ", ");
140  parser.emitError(
141  parser.getCurrentLocation(),
142  "polynomials must have one indeterminate, but there were multiple: " +
143  vars);
144  return failure();
145  }
147  return success();
148 }
151  if (failed(parser.parseLess()))
152  return {};
155  llvm::StringSet<> variables;
157  if (failed(parsePolynomialAttr<IntMonomial>(
158  parser, monomials, variables,
159  [&](IntMonomial &monomial) -> OptionalParseResult {
160  APInt parsedCoeff(apintBitWidth, 1);
161  OptionalParseResult result =
162  parser.parseOptionalInteger(parsedCoeff);
163  monomial.setCoefficient(parsedCoeff);
164  return result;
165  }))) {
166  return {};
167  }
169  auto result = IntPolynomial::fromMonomials(monomials);
170  if (failed(result)) {
171  parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation())
172  << "parsed polynomial must have unique exponents among monomials";
173  return {};
174  }
175  return IntPolynomialAttr::get(parser.getContext(), result.value());
176 }
177 Attribute FloatPolynomialAttr::parse(AsmParser &parser, Type type) {
178  if (failed(parser.parseLess()))
179  return {};
182  llvm::StringSet<> variables;
184  ParseCoefficientFn<FloatMonomial> parseAndStoreCoefficient =
185  [&](FloatMonomial &monomial) -> OptionalParseResult {
186  double coeffValue = 1.0;
187  ParseResult result = parser.parseFloat(coeffValue);
188  monomial.setCoefficient(APFloat(coeffValue));
189  return OptionalParseResult(result);
190  };
192  if (failed(parsePolynomialAttr<FloatMonomial>(parser, monomials, variables,
193  parseAndStoreCoefficient))) {
194  return {};
195  }
197  auto result = FloatPolynomial::fromMonomials(monomials);
198  if (failed(result)) {
199  parser.emitError(parser.getCurrentLocation())
200  << "parsed polynomial must have unique exponents among monomials";
201  return {};
202  }
203  return FloatPolynomialAttr::get(parser.getContext(), result.value());
204 }
206 } // namespace polynomial
207 } // namespace mlir
static void print(spirv::VerCapExtAttr triple, DialectAsmPrinter &printer)
This base class exposes generic asm parser hooks, usable across the various derived parsers.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result)=0
Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef keyword)=0
Parse the given keyword if present.
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:73
virtual InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMLoc loc, const Twine &message={})=0
Emit a diagnostic at the specified location and return failure.
ParseResult parseInteger(IntT &result)
Parse an integer value from the stream.
virtual ParseResult parseLess()=0
Parse a '<' token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalPlus()=0
Parse a '+' token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalGreater()=0
Parse a '>' token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseStar()=0
Parse a '*' token.
virtual SMLoc getCurrentLocation()=0
Get the location of the next token and store it into the argument.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalStar()=0
Parse a '*' token if present.
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This class implements Optional functionality for ParseResult.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:39
bool has_value() const
Returns true if we contain a valid ParseResult value.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:49
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
static FailureOr< FloatPolynomial > fromMonomials(ArrayRef< FloatMonomial > monomials)
Definition: Polynomial.cpp:40
static FailureOr< IntPolynomial > fromMonomials(ArrayRef< IntMonomial > monomials)
Definition: Polynomial.cpp:35
LogicalResult parsePolynomialAttr(AsmParser &parser, llvm::SmallVector< Monomial > &monomials, llvm::StringSet<> &variables, ParseCoefficientFn< Monomial > parseAndStoreCoefficient)
ParseResult parseMonomial(AsmParser &parser, Monomial &monomial, llvm::StringRef &variable, bool &isConstantTerm, bool &shouldParseMore, ParseCoefficientFn< Monomial > parseAndStoreCoefficient)
Try to parse a monomial.
std::function< OptionalParseResult(MonomialType &)> ParseCoefficientFn
A callable that parses the coefficient using the appropriate method for the given monomial type,...
constexpr unsigned apintBitWidth
This restricts statically defined polynomials to have at most 64-bit coefficients.
Definition: Polynomial.h:30
QueryRef parse(llvm::StringRef line, const QuerySession &qs)
Definition: Query.cpp:20
Include the generated interface declarations.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...