MLIR  19.0.0git
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1 //===- OpImplementation.h - Classes for implementing Op types ---*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This classes used by the implementation details of Op types.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
16 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/SMLoc.h"
21 #include <optional>
23 namespace mlir {
24 class AsmParsedResourceEntry;
25 class AsmResourceBuilder;
26 class Builder;
28 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
29 // AsmDialectResourceHandle
30 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
32 /// This class represents an opaque handle to a dialect resource entry.
34 public:
36  AsmDialectResourceHandle(void *resource, TypeID resourceID, Dialect *dialect)
37  : resource(resource), opaqueID(resourceID), dialect(dialect) {}
38  bool operator==(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &other) const {
39  return resource == other.resource;
40  }
42  /// Return an opaque pointer to the referenced resource.
43  void *getResource() const { return resource; }
45  /// Return the type ID of the resource.
46  TypeID getTypeID() const { return opaqueID; }
48  /// Return the dialect that owns the resource.
49  Dialect *getDialect() const { return dialect; }
51 private:
52  /// The opaque handle to the dialect resource.
53  void *resource = nullptr;
54  /// The type of the resource referenced.
55  TypeID opaqueID;
56  /// The dialect owning the given resource.
57  Dialect *dialect;
58 };
60 /// This class represents a CRTP base class for dialect resource handles. It
61 /// abstracts away various utilities necessary for defined derived resource
62 /// handles.
63 template <typename DerivedT, typename ResourceT, typename DialectT>
65 public:
66  using Dialect = DialectT;
68  /// Construct a handle from a pointer to the resource. The given pointer
69  /// should be guaranteed to live beyond the life of this handle.
70  AsmDialectResourceHandleBase(ResourceT *resource, DialectT *dialect)
71  : AsmDialectResourceHandle(resource, TypeID::get<DerivedT>(), dialect) {}
73  : AsmDialectResourceHandle(handle) {
74  assert(handle.getTypeID() == TypeID::get<DerivedT>());
75  }
77  /// Return the resource referenced by this handle.
78  ResourceT *getResource() {
79  return static_cast<ResourceT *>(AsmDialectResourceHandle::getResource());
80  }
81  const ResourceT *getResource() const {
82  return const_cast<AsmDialectResourceHandleBase *>(this)->getResource();
83  }
85  /// Return the dialect that owns the resource.
86  DialectT *getDialect() const {
87  return static_cast<DialectT *>(AsmDialectResourceHandle::getDialect());
88  }
90  /// Support llvm style casting.
91  static bool classof(const AsmDialectResourceHandle *handle) {
92  return handle->getTypeID() == TypeID::get<DerivedT>();
93  }
94 };
96 inline llvm::hash_code hash_value(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &param) {
97  return llvm::hash_value(param.getResource());
98 }
100 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
101 // AsmPrinter
102 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
104 /// This base class exposes generic asm printer hooks, usable across the various
105 /// derived printers.
106 class AsmPrinter {
107 public:
108  /// This class contains the internal default implementation of the base
109  /// printer methods.
110  class Impl;
112  /// Initialize the printer with the given internal implementation.
114  virtual ~AsmPrinter();
116  /// Return the raw output stream used by this printer.
117  virtual raw_ostream &getStream() const;
119  /// Print the given floating point value in a stabilized form that can be
120  /// roundtripped through the IR. This is the companion to the 'parseFloat'
121  /// hook on the AsmParser.
122  virtual void printFloat(const APFloat &value);
124  virtual void printType(Type type);
125  virtual void printAttribute(Attribute attr);
127  /// Trait to check if `AttrType` provides a `print` method.
128  template <typename AttrOrType>
130  decltype(std::declval<AttrOrType>().print(std::declval<AsmPrinter &>()));
131  template <typename AttrOrType>
133  llvm::is_detected<has_print_method, AttrOrType>;
135  /// Print the provided attribute in the context of an operation custom
136  /// printer/parser: this will invoke directly the print method on the
137  /// attribute class and skip the `#dialect.mnemonic` prefix in most cases.
138  template <typename AttrOrType,
139  std::enable_if_t<detect_has_print_method<AttrOrType>::value>
140  *sfinae = nullptr>
141  void printStrippedAttrOrType(AttrOrType attrOrType) {
142  if (succeeded(printAlias(attrOrType)))
143  return;
145  raw_ostream &os = getStream();
146  uint64_t posPrior = os.tell();
147  attrOrType.print(*this);
148  if (posPrior != os.tell())
149  return;
151  // Fallback to printing with prefix if the above failed to write anything
152  // to the output stream.
153  *this << attrOrType;
154  }
156  /// Print the provided array of attributes or types in the context of an
157  /// operation custom printer/parser: this will invoke directly the print
158  /// method on the attribute class and skip the `#dialect.mnemonic` prefix in
159  /// most cases.
160  template <typename AttrOrType,
161  std::enable_if_t<detect_has_print_method<AttrOrType>::value>
162  *sfinae = nullptr>
164  llvm::interleaveComma(
165  attrOrTypes, getStream(),
166  [this](AttrOrType attrOrType) { printStrippedAttrOrType(attrOrType); });
167  }
169  /// SFINAE for printing the provided attribute in the context of an operation
170  /// custom printer in the case where the attribute does not define a print
171  /// method.
172  template <typename AttrOrType,
173  std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_print_method<AttrOrType>::value>
174  *sfinae = nullptr>
175  void printStrippedAttrOrType(AttrOrType attrOrType) {
176  *this << attrOrType;
177  }
179  /// Print the given attribute without its type. The corresponding parser must
180  /// provide a valid type for the attribute.
181  virtual void printAttributeWithoutType(Attribute attr);
183  /// Print the alias for the given attribute, return failure if no alias could
184  /// be printed.
185  virtual LogicalResult printAlias(Attribute attr);
187  /// Print the alias for the given type, return failure if no alias could
188  /// be printed.
189  virtual LogicalResult printAlias(Type type);
191  /// Print the given string as a keyword, or a quoted and escaped string if it
192  /// has any special or non-printable characters in it.
193  virtual void printKeywordOrString(StringRef keyword);
195  /// Print the given string as a quoted string, escaping any special or
196  /// non-printable characters in it.
197  virtual void printString(StringRef string);
199  /// Print the given string as a symbol reference, i.e. a form representable by
200  /// a SymbolRefAttr. A symbol reference is represented as a string prefixed
201  /// with '@'. The reference is surrounded with ""'s and escaped if it has any
202  /// special or non-printable characters in it.
203  virtual void printSymbolName(StringRef symbolRef);
205  /// Print a handle to the given dialect resource.
206  virtual void printResourceHandle(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &resource);
208  /// Print an optional arrow followed by a type list.
209  template <typename TypeRange>
211  if (types.begin() != types.end())
212  printArrowTypeList(types);
213  }
214  template <typename TypeRange>
216  auto &os = getStream() << " -> ";
218  bool wrapped = !llvm::hasSingleElement(types) ||
219  llvm::isa<FunctionType>((*types.begin()));
220  if (wrapped)
221  os << '(';
222  llvm::interleaveComma(types, *this);
223  if (wrapped)
224  os << ')';
225  }
227  /// Print the two given type ranges in a functional form.
228  template <typename InputRangeT, typename ResultRangeT>
229  void printFunctionalType(InputRangeT &&inputs, ResultRangeT &&results) {
230  auto &os = getStream();
231  os << '(';
232  llvm::interleaveComma(inputs, *this);
233  os << ')';
234  printArrowTypeList(results);
235  }
239  /// Class used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction.
241  public:
242  explicit CyclicPrintReset(AsmPrinter *printer) : printer(printer) {}
245  if (printer)
246  printer->popCyclicPrinting();
247  }
254  : printer(std::exchange(rhs.printer, nullptr)) {}
257  printer = std::exchange(rhs.printer, nullptr);
258  return *this;
259  }
261  private:
262  AsmPrinter *printer;
263  };
265  /// Attempts to start a cyclic printing region for `attrOrType`.
266  /// A cyclic printing region starts with this call and ends with the
267  /// destruction of the returned `CyclicPrintReset`. During this time,
268  /// calling `tryStartCyclicPrint` with the same attribute in any printer
269  /// will lead to returning failure.
270  ///
271  /// This makes it possible to break infinite recursions when trying to print
272  /// cyclic attributes or types by printing only immutable parameters if nested
273  /// within itself.
274  template <class AttrOrTypeT>
276  static_assert(
277  std::is_base_of_v<AttributeTrait::IsMutable<AttrOrTypeT>,
278  AttrOrTypeT> ||
279  std::is_base_of_v<TypeTrait::IsMutable<AttrOrTypeT>, AttrOrTypeT>,
280  "Only mutable attributes or types can be cyclic");
281  if (failed(pushCyclicPrinting(attrOrType.getAsOpaquePointer())))
282  return failure();
283  return CyclicPrintReset(this);
284  }
286 protected:
287  /// Initialize the printer with no internal implementation. In this case, all
288  /// virtual methods of this class must be overriden.
289  AsmPrinter() = default;
291  /// Pushes a new attribute or type in the form of a type erased pointer
292  /// into an internal set.
293  /// Returns success if the type or attribute was inserted in the set or
294  /// failure if it was already contained.
295  virtual LogicalResult pushCyclicPrinting(const void *opaquePointer);
297  /// Removes the element that was last inserted with a successful call to
298  /// `pushCyclicPrinting`. There must be exactly one `popCyclicPrinting` call
299  /// in reverse order of all successful `pushCyclicPrinting`.
300  virtual void popCyclicPrinting();
302 private:
303  AsmPrinter(const AsmPrinter &) = delete;
304  void operator=(const AsmPrinter &) = delete;
306  /// The internal implementation of the printer.
307  Impl *impl{nullptr};
308 };
310 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
311 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
312  AsmPrinterT &>
313 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, Type type) {
314  p.printType(type);
315  return p;
316 }
318 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
319 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
320  AsmPrinterT &>
321 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, Attribute attr) {
322  p.printAttribute(attr);
323  return p;
324 }
326 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
327 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
328  AsmPrinterT &>
329 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, const APFloat &value) {
330  p.printFloat(value);
331  return p;
332 }
333 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
334 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
335  AsmPrinterT &>
336 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, float value) {
337  return p << APFloat(value);
338 }
339 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
340 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
341  AsmPrinterT &>
342 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, double value) {
343  return p << APFloat(value);
344 }
346 // Support printing anything that isn't convertible to one of the other
347 // streamable types, even if it isn't exactly one of them. For example, we want
348 // to print FunctionType with the Type version above, not have it match this.
349 template <typename AsmPrinterT, typename T,
350  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<T &, Value &>::value &&
351  !std::is_convertible<T &, Type &>::value &&
352  !std::is_convertible<T &, Attribute &>::value &&
353  !std::is_convertible<T &, ValueRange>::value &&
354  !std::is_convertible<T &, APFloat &>::value &&
355  !llvm::is_one_of<T, bool, float, double>::value,
356  T> * = nullptr>
357 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
358  AsmPrinterT &>
359 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, const T &other) {
360  p.getStream() << other;
361  return p;
362 }
364 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
365 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
366  AsmPrinterT &>
367 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, bool value) {
368  return p << (value ? StringRef("true") : "false");
369 }
371 template <typename AsmPrinterT, typename ValueRangeT>
372 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
373  AsmPrinterT &>
374 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, const ValueTypeRange<ValueRangeT> &types) {
375  llvm::interleaveComma(types, p);
376  return p;
377 }
379 template <typename AsmPrinterT>
380 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
381  AsmPrinterT &>
382 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, const TypeRange &types) {
383  llvm::interleaveComma(types, p);
384  return p;
385 }
387 // Prevent matching the TypeRange version above for ValueRange
388 // printing through base AsmPrinter. This is needed so that the
389 // ValueRange printing behaviour does not change from printing
390 // the SSA values to printing the types for the operands when
391 // using AsmPrinter instead of OpAsmPrinter.
392 template <typename AsmPrinterT, typename T>
393 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value &&
394  std::is_convertible<T &, ValueRange>::value,
395  AsmPrinterT &>
396 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, const T &other) = delete;
398 template <typename AsmPrinterT, typename ElementT>
399 inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<AsmPrinter, AsmPrinterT>::value,
400  AsmPrinterT &>
401 operator<<(AsmPrinterT &p, ArrayRef<ElementT> types) {
402  llvm::interleaveComma(types, p);
403  return p;
404 }
406 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
407 // OpAsmPrinter
408 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
410 /// This is a pure-virtual base class that exposes the asmprinter hooks
411 /// necessary to implement a custom print() method.
412 class OpAsmPrinter : public AsmPrinter {
413 public:
415  ~OpAsmPrinter() override;
417  /// Print a loc(...) specifier if printing debug info is enabled.
420  /// Print a newline and indent the printer to the start of the current
421  /// operation.
422  virtual void printNewline() = 0;
424  /// Increase indentation.
425  virtual void increaseIndent() = 0;
427  /// Decrease indentation.
428  virtual void decreaseIndent() = 0;
430  /// Print a block argument in the usual format of:
431  /// %ssaName : type {attr1=42} loc("here")
432  /// where location printing is controlled by the standard internal option.
433  /// You may pass omitType=true to not print a type, and pass an empty
434  /// attribute list if you don't care for attributes.
436  ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> argAttrs = {},
437  bool omitType = false) = 0;
439  /// Print implementations for various things an operation contains.
440  virtual void printOperand(Value value) = 0;
441  virtual void printOperand(Value value, raw_ostream &os) = 0;
443  /// Print a comma separated list of operands.
444  template <typename ContainerType>
445  void printOperands(const ContainerType &container) {
446  printOperands(container.begin(), container.end());
447  }
449  /// Print a comma separated list of operands.
450  template <typename IteratorType>
451  void printOperands(IteratorType it, IteratorType end) {
452  llvm::interleaveComma(llvm::make_range(it, end), getStream(),
453  [this](Value value) { printOperand(value); });
454  }
456  /// Print the given successor.
457  virtual void printSuccessor(Block *successor) = 0;
459  /// Print the successor and its operands.
460  virtual void printSuccessorAndUseList(Block *successor,
461  ValueRange succOperands) = 0;
463  /// If the specified operation has attributes, print out an attribute
464  /// dictionary with their values. elidedAttrs allows the client to ignore
465  /// specific well known attributes, commonly used if the attribute value is
466  /// printed some other way (like as a fixed operand).
468  ArrayRef<StringRef> elidedAttrs = {}) = 0;
470  /// If the specified operation has attributes, print out an attribute
471  /// dictionary prefixed with 'attributes'.
472  virtual void
474  ArrayRef<StringRef> elidedAttrs = {}) = 0;
476  /// Prints the entire operation with the custom assembly form, if available,
477  /// or the generic assembly form, otherwise.
478  virtual void printCustomOrGenericOp(Operation *op) = 0;
480  /// Print the entire operation with the default generic assembly form.
481  /// If `printOpName` is true, then the operation name is printed (the default)
482  /// otherwise it is omitted and the print will start with the operand list.
483  virtual void printGenericOp(Operation *op, bool printOpName = true) = 0;
485  /// Prints a region.
486  /// If 'printEntryBlockArgs' is false, the arguments of the
487  /// block are not printed. If 'printBlockTerminator' is false, the terminator
488  /// operation of the block is not printed. If printEmptyBlock is true, then
489  /// the block header is printed even if the block is empty.
490  virtual void printRegion(Region &blocks, bool printEntryBlockArgs = true,
491  bool printBlockTerminators = true,
492  bool printEmptyBlock = false) = 0;
494  /// Renumber the arguments for the specified region to the same names as the
495  /// SSA values in namesToUse. This may only be used for IsolatedFromAbove
496  /// operations. If any entry in namesToUse is null, the corresponding
497  /// argument name is left alone.
498  virtual void shadowRegionArgs(Region &region, ValueRange namesToUse) = 0;
500  /// Prints an affine map of SSA ids, where SSA id names are used in place
501  /// of dims/symbols.
502  /// Operand values must come from single-result sources, and be valid
503  /// dimensions/symbol identifiers according to mlir::isValidDim/Symbol.
504  virtual void printAffineMapOfSSAIds(AffineMapAttr mapAttr,
505  ValueRange operands) = 0;
507  /// Prints an affine expression of SSA ids with SSA id names used instead of
508  /// dims and symbols.
509  /// Operand values must come from single-result sources, and be valid
510  /// dimensions/symbol identifiers according to mlir::isValidDim/Symbol.
511  virtual void printAffineExprOfSSAIds(AffineExpr expr, ValueRange dimOperands,
512  ValueRange symOperands) = 0;
514  /// Print the complete type of an operation in functional form.
515  void printFunctionalType(Operation *op);
517 };
519 // Make the implementations convenient to use.
521  p.printOperand(value);
522  return p;
523 }
525 template <typename T,
526  std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<T &, ValueRange>::value &&
527  !std::is_convertible<T &, Value &>::value,
528  T> * = nullptr>
529 inline OpAsmPrinter &operator<<(OpAsmPrinter &p, const T &values) {
530  p.printOperands(values);
531  return p;
532 }
535  p.printSuccessor(value);
536  return p;
537 }
539 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
540 // AsmParser
541 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
543 /// This base class exposes generic asm parser hooks, usable across the various
544 /// derived parsers.
545 class AsmParser {
546 public:
547  AsmParser() = default;
548  virtual ~AsmParser();
550  MLIRContext *getContext() const;
552  /// Return the location of the original name token.
553  virtual SMLoc getNameLoc() const = 0;
555  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
556  // Utilities
557  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
559  /// Emit a diagnostic at the specified location and return failure.
560  virtual InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMLoc loc,
561  const Twine &message = {}) = 0;
563  /// Return a builder which provides useful access to MLIRContext, global
564  /// objects like types and attributes.
565  virtual Builder &getBuilder() const = 0;
567  /// Get the location of the next token and store it into the argument. This
568  /// always succeeds.
569  virtual SMLoc getCurrentLocation() = 0;
571  *loc = getCurrentLocation();
572  return success();
573  }
575  /// Re-encode the given source location as an MLIR location and return it.
576  /// Note: This method should only be used when a `Location` is necessary, as
577  /// the encoding process is not efficient.
578  virtual Location getEncodedSourceLoc(SMLoc loc) = 0;
580  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
581  // Token Parsing
582  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
584  /// Parse a '->' token.
585  virtual ParseResult parseArrow() = 0;
587  /// Parse a '->' token if present
590  /// Parse a `{` token.
591  virtual ParseResult parseLBrace() = 0;
593  /// Parse a `{` token if present.
596  /// Parse a `}` token.
597  virtual ParseResult parseRBrace() = 0;
599  /// Parse a `}` token if present.
602  /// Parse a `:` token.
603  virtual ParseResult parseColon() = 0;
605  /// Parse a `:` token if present.
608  /// Parse a `,` token.
609  virtual ParseResult parseComma() = 0;
611  /// Parse a `,` token if present.
614  /// Parse a `=` token.
615  virtual ParseResult parseEqual() = 0;
617  /// Parse a `=` token if present.
620  /// Parse a '<' token.
621  virtual ParseResult parseLess() = 0;
623  /// Parse a '<' token if present.
626  /// Parse a '>' token.
627  virtual ParseResult parseGreater() = 0;
629  /// Parse a '>' token if present.
632  /// Parse a '?' token.
633  virtual ParseResult parseQuestion() = 0;
635  /// Parse a '?' token if present.
638  /// Parse a '+' token.
639  virtual ParseResult parsePlus() = 0;
641  /// Parse a '+' token if present.
644  /// Parse a '*' token.
645  virtual ParseResult parseStar() = 0;
647  /// Parse a '*' token if present.
650  /// Parse a '|' token.
653  /// Parse a '|' token if present.
656  /// Parse a quoted string token.
657  ParseResult parseString(std::string *string) {
658  auto loc = getCurrentLocation();
659  if (parseOptionalString(string))
660  return emitError(loc, "expected string");
661  return success();
662  }
664  /// Parse a quoted string token if present.
665  virtual ParseResult parseOptionalString(std::string *string) = 0;
667  /// Parses a Base64 encoded string of bytes.
668  virtual ParseResult parseBase64Bytes(std::vector<char> *bytes) = 0;
670  /// Parse a `(` token.
671  virtual ParseResult parseLParen() = 0;
673  /// Parse a `(` token if present.
676  /// Parse a `)` token.
677  virtual ParseResult parseRParen() = 0;
679  /// Parse a `)` token if present.
682  /// Parse a `[` token.
683  virtual ParseResult parseLSquare() = 0;
685  /// Parse a `[` token if present.
688  /// Parse a `]` token.
689  virtual ParseResult parseRSquare() = 0;
691  /// Parse a `]` token if present.
694  /// Parse a `...` token.
695  virtual ParseResult parseEllipsis() = 0;
697  /// Parse a `...` token if present;
700  /// Parse a floating point value from the stream.
701  virtual ParseResult parseFloat(double &result) = 0;
703  /// Parse an integer value from the stream.
704  template <typename IntT>
705  ParseResult parseInteger(IntT &result) {
706  auto loc = getCurrentLocation();
707  OptionalParseResult parseResult = parseOptionalInteger(result);
708  if (!parseResult.has_value())
709  return emitError(loc, "expected integer value");
710  return *parseResult;
711  }
713  /// Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
714  virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result) = 0;
716  template <typename IntT>
718  auto loc = getCurrentLocation();
720  // Parse the unsigned variant.
721  APInt uintResult;
722  OptionalParseResult parseResult = parseOptionalInteger(uintResult);
723  if (!parseResult.has_value() || failed(*parseResult))
724  return parseResult;
726  // Try to convert to the provided integer type. sextOrTrunc is correct even
727  // for unsigned types because parseOptionalInteger ensures the sign bit is
728  // zero for non-negated integers.
729  result =
730  (IntT)uintResult.sextOrTrunc(sizeof(IntT) * CHAR_BIT).getLimitedValue();
731  if (APInt(uintResult.getBitWidth(), result) != uintResult)
732  return emitError(loc, "integer value too large");
733  return success();
734  }
736  /// These are the supported delimiters around operand lists and region
737  /// argument lists, used by parseOperandList.
738  enum class Delimiter {
739  /// Zero or more operands with no delimiters.
740  None,
741  /// Parens surrounding zero or more operands.
742  Paren,
743  /// Square brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
744  Square,
745  /// <> brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
746  LessGreater,
747  /// {} brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
748  Braces,
749  /// Parens supporting zero or more operands, or nothing.
751  /// Square brackets supporting zero or more ops, or nothing.
753  /// <> brackets supporting zero or more ops, or nothing.
755  /// {} brackets surrounding zero or more operands, or nothing.
757  };
759  /// Parse a list of comma-separated items with an optional delimiter. If a
760  /// delimiter is provided, then an empty list is allowed. If not, then at
761  /// least one element will be parsed.
762  ///
763  /// contextMessage is an optional message appended to "expected '('" sorts of
764  /// diagnostics when parsing the delimeters.
765  virtual ParseResult
767  function_ref<ParseResult()> parseElementFn,
768  StringRef contextMessage = StringRef()) = 0;
770  /// Parse a comma separated list of elements that must have at least one entry
771  /// in it.
774  return parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter::None, parseElementFn);
775  }
777  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
778  // Keyword Parsing
779  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
781  /// This class represents a StringSwitch like class that is useful for parsing
782  /// expected keywords. On construction, unless a non-empty keyword is
783  /// provided, it invokes `parseKeyword` and processes each of the provided
784  /// cases statements until a match is hit. The provided `ResultT` must be
785  /// assignable from `failure()`.
786  template <typename ResultT = ParseResult>
788  public:
789  KeywordSwitch(AsmParser &parser, StringRef *keyword = nullptr)
790  : parser(parser), loc(parser.getCurrentLocation()) {
791  if (keyword && !keyword->empty())
792  this->keyword = *keyword;
793  else if (failed(parser.parseKeywordOrCompletion(&this->keyword)))
794  result = failure();
795  }
796  /// Case that uses the provided value when true.
797  KeywordSwitch &Case(StringLiteral str, ResultT value) {
798  return Case(str, [&](StringRef, SMLoc) { return std::move(value); });
799  }
800  KeywordSwitch &Default(ResultT value) {
801  return Default([&](StringRef, SMLoc) { return std::move(value); });
802  }
803  /// Case that invokes the provided functor when true. The parameters passed
804  /// to the functor are the keyword, and the location of the keyword (in case
805  /// any errors need to be emitted).
806  template <typename FnT>
807  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<FnT, ResultT>::value, KeywordSwitch &>
808  Case(StringLiteral str, FnT &&fn) {
809  if (result)
810  return *this;
812  // If the word was empty, record this as a completion.
813  if (keyword.empty())
814  parser.codeCompleteExpectedTokens(str);
815  else if (keyword == str)
816  result.emplace(std::move(fn(keyword, loc)));
817  return *this;
818  }
819  template <typename FnT>
820  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<FnT, ResultT>::value, KeywordSwitch &>
821  Default(FnT &&fn) {
822  if (!result)
823  result.emplace(fn(keyword, loc));
824  return *this;
825  }
827  /// Returns true if this switch has a value yet.
828  bool hasValue() const { return result.has_value(); }
830  /// Return the result of the switch.
831  [[nodiscard]] operator ResultT() {
832  if (!result)
833  return parser.emitError(loc, "unexpected keyword: ") << keyword;
834  return std::move(*result);
835  }
837  private:
838  /// The parser used to construct this switch.
839  AsmParser &parser;
841  /// The location of the keyword, used to emit errors as necessary.
842  SMLoc loc;
844  /// The parsed keyword itself.
845  StringRef keyword;
847  /// The result of the switch statement or std::nullopt if currently unknown.
848  std::optional<ResultT> result;
849  };
851  /// Parse a given keyword.
852  ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef keyword) {
853  return parseKeyword(keyword, "");
854  }
855  virtual ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef keyword, const Twine &msg) = 0;
857  /// Parse a keyword into 'keyword'.
858  ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef *keyword) {
859  auto loc = getCurrentLocation();
860  if (parseOptionalKeyword(keyword))
861  return emitError(loc, "expected valid keyword");
862  return success();
863  }
865  /// Parse the given keyword if present.
866  virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef keyword) = 0;
868  /// Parse a keyword, if present, into 'keyword'.
869  virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef *keyword) = 0;
871  /// Parse a keyword, if present, and if one of the 'allowedValues',
872  /// into 'keyword'
873  virtual ParseResult
874  parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef *keyword,
875  ArrayRef<StringRef> allowedValues) = 0;
877  /// Parse a keyword or a quoted string.
878  ParseResult parseKeywordOrString(std::string *result) {
880  return emitError(getCurrentLocation())
881  << "expected valid keyword or string";
882  return success();
883  }
885  /// Parse an optional keyword or string.
886  virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeywordOrString(std::string *result) = 0;
888  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
889  // Attribute/Type Parsing
890  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
892  /// Invoke the `getChecked` method of the given Attribute or Type class, using
893  /// the provided location to emit errors in the case of failure. Note that
894  /// unlike `OpBuilder::getType`, this method does not implicitly insert a
895  /// context parameter.
896  template <typename T, typename... ParamsT>
897  auto getChecked(SMLoc loc, ParamsT &&...params) {
898  return T::getChecked([&] { return emitError(loc); },
899  std::forward<ParamsT>(params)...);
900  }
901  /// A variant of `getChecked` that uses the result of `getNameLoc` to emit
902  /// errors.
903  template <typename T, typename... ParamsT>
904  auto getChecked(ParamsT &&...params) {
905  return T::getChecked([&] { return emitError(getNameLoc()); },
906  std::forward<ParamsT>(params)...);
907  }
909  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
910  // Attribute Parsing
911  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
913  /// Parse an arbitrary attribute of a given type and return it in result.
914  virtual ParseResult parseAttribute(Attribute &result, Type type = {}) = 0;
916  /// Parse a custom attribute with the provided callback, unless the next
917  /// token is `#`, in which case the generic parser is invoked.
919  Attribute &result, Type type,
920  function_ref<ParseResult(Attribute &result, Type type)>
921  parseAttribute) = 0;
923  /// Parse an attribute of a specific kind and type.
924  template <typename AttrType>
925  ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, Type type = {}) {
926  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
928  // Parse any kind of attribute.
929  Attribute attr;
930  if (parseAttribute(attr, type))
931  return failure();
933  // Check for the right kind of attribute.
934  if (!(result = llvm::dyn_cast<AttrType>(attr)))
935  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of attribute specified");
937  return success();
938  }
940  /// Parse an arbitrary attribute and return it in result. This also adds the
941  /// attribute to the specified attribute list with the specified name.
942  ParseResult parseAttribute(Attribute &result, StringRef attrName,
943  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
944  return parseAttribute(result, Type(), attrName, attrs);
945  }
947  /// Parse an attribute of a specific kind and type.
948  template <typename AttrType>
949  ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, StringRef attrName,
950  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
951  return parseAttribute(result, Type(), attrName, attrs);
952  }
954  /// Parse an arbitrary attribute of a given type and populate it in `result`.
955  /// This also adds the attribute to the specified attribute list with the
956  /// specified name.
957  template <typename AttrType>
958  ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, Type type, StringRef attrName,
959  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
960  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
962  // Parse any kind of attribute.
963  Attribute attr;
964  if (parseAttribute(attr, type))
965  return failure();
967  // Check for the right kind of attribute.
968  result = llvm::dyn_cast<AttrType>(attr);
969  if (!result)
970  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of attribute specified");
972  attrs.append(attrName, result);
973  return success();
974  }
976  /// Trait to check if `AttrType` provides a `parse` method.
977  template <typename AttrType>
978  using has_parse_method = decltype(AttrType::parse(std::declval<AsmParser &>(),
979  std::declval<Type>()));
980  template <typename AttrType>
981  using detect_has_parse_method = llvm::is_detected<has_parse_method, AttrType>;
983  /// Parse a custom attribute of a given type unless the next token is `#`, in
984  /// which case the generic parser is invoked. The parsed attribute is
985  /// populated in `result` and also added to the specified attribute list with
986  /// the specified name.
987  template <typename AttrType>
988  std::enable_if_t<detect_has_parse_method<AttrType>::value, ParseResult>
989  parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type,
990  StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs) {
991  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
993  // Parse any kind of attribute.
994  Attribute attr;
996  attr, type, [&](Attribute &result, Type type) -> ParseResult {
997  result = AttrType::parse(*this, type);
998  if (!result)
999  return failure();
1000  return success();
1001  }))
1002  return failure();
1004  // Check for the right kind of attribute.
1005  result = llvm::dyn_cast<AttrType>(attr);
1006  if (!result)
1007  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of attribute specified");
1009  attrs.append(attrName, result);
1010  return success();
1011  }
1013  /// SFINAE parsing method for Attribute that don't implement a parse method.
1014  template <typename AttrType>
1015  std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_parse_method<AttrType>::value, ParseResult>
1016  parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type,
1017  StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs) {
1018  return parseAttribute(result, type, attrName, attrs);
1019  }
1021  /// Parse a custom attribute of a given type unless the next token is `#`, in
1022  /// which case the generic parser is invoked. The parsed attribute is
1023  /// populated in `result`.
1024  template <typename AttrType>
1025  std::enable_if_t<detect_has_parse_method<AttrType>::value, ParseResult>
1026  parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type = {}) {
1027  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
1029  // Parse any kind of attribute.
1030  Attribute attr;
1032  attr, type, [&](Attribute &result, Type type) -> ParseResult {
1033  result = AttrType::parse(*this, type);
1034  return success(!!result);
1035  }))
1036  return failure();
1038  // Check for the right kind of attribute.
1039  result = llvm::dyn_cast<AttrType>(attr);
1040  if (!result)
1041  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of attribute specified");
1042  return success();
1043  }
1045  /// SFINAE parsing method for Attribute that don't implement a parse method.
1046  template <typename AttrType>
1047  std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_parse_method<AttrType>::value, ParseResult>
1048  parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type = {}) {
1049  return parseAttribute(result, type);
1050  }
1052  /// Parse an arbitrary optional attribute of a given type and return it in
1053  /// result.
1055  Type type = {}) = 0;
1057  /// Parse an optional array attribute and return it in result.
1058  virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(ArrayAttr &result,
1059  Type type = {}) = 0;
1061  /// Parse an optional string attribute and return it in result.
1062  virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(StringAttr &result,
1063  Type type = {}) = 0;
1065  /// Parse an optional symbol ref attribute and return it in result.
1066  virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(SymbolRefAttr &result,
1067  Type type = {}) = 0;
1069  /// Parse an optional attribute of a specific type and add it to the list with
1070  /// the specified name.
1071  template <typename AttrType>
1073  StringRef attrName,
1074  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
1075  return parseOptionalAttribute(result, Type(), attrName, attrs);
1076  }
1078  /// Parse an optional attribute of a specific type and add it to the list with
1079  /// the specified name.
1080  template <typename AttrType>
1082  StringRef attrName,
1083  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
1084  OptionalParseResult parseResult = parseOptionalAttribute(result, type);
1085  if (parseResult.has_value() && succeeded(*parseResult))
1086  attrs.append(attrName, result);
1087  return parseResult;
1088  }
1090  /// Parse a named dictionary into 'result' if it is present.
1093  /// Parse a named dictionary into 'result' if the `attributes` keyword is
1094  /// present.
1095  virtual ParseResult
1098  /// Parse an affine map instance into 'map'.
1101  /// Parse an affine expr instance into 'expr' using the already computed
1102  /// mapping from symbols to affine expressions in 'symbolSet'.
1103  virtual ParseResult
1104  parseAffineExpr(ArrayRef<std::pair<StringRef, AffineExpr>> symbolSet,
1105  AffineExpr &expr) = 0;
1107  /// Parse an integer set instance into 'set'.
1110  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1111  // Identifier Parsing
1112  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1114  /// Parse an @-identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string
1115  /// attribute.
1116  ParseResult parseSymbolName(StringAttr &result) {
1117  if (failed(parseOptionalSymbolName(result)))
1118  return emitError(getCurrentLocation())
1119  << "expected valid '@'-identifier for symbol name";
1120  return success();
1121  }
1123  /// Parse an @-identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string
1124  /// attribute named 'attrName'.
1125  ParseResult parseSymbolName(StringAttr &result, StringRef attrName,
1126  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
1127  if (parseSymbolName(result))
1128  return failure();
1129  attrs.append(attrName, result);
1130  return success();
1131  }
1133  /// Parse an optional @-identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a
1134  /// string attribute.
1135  virtual ParseResult parseOptionalSymbolName(StringAttr &result) = 0;
1137  /// Parse an optional @-identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a
1138  /// string attribute named 'attrName'.
1139  ParseResult parseOptionalSymbolName(StringAttr &result, StringRef attrName,
1140  NamedAttrList &attrs) {
1141  if (succeeded(parseOptionalSymbolName(result))) {
1142  attrs.append(attrName, result);
1143  return success();
1144  }
1145  return failure();
1146  }
1148  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1149  // Resource Parsing
1150  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1152  /// Parse a handle to a resource within the assembly format.
1153  template <typename ResourceT>
1155  SMLoc handleLoc = getCurrentLocation();
1157  // Try to load the dialect that owns the handle.
1158  auto *dialect =
1159  getContext()->getOrLoadDialect<typename ResourceT::Dialect>();
1160  if (!dialect) {
1161  return emitError(handleLoc)
1162  << "dialect '" << ResourceT::Dialect::getDialectNamespace()
1163  << "' is unknown";
1164  }
1167  if (failed(handle))
1168  return failure();
1169  if (auto *result = dyn_cast<ResourceT>(&*handle))
1170  return std::move(*result);
1171  return emitError(handleLoc) << "provided resource handle differs from the "
1172  "expected resource type";
1173  }
1175  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1176  // Type Parsing
1177  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1179  /// Parse a type.
1180  virtual ParseResult parseType(Type &result) = 0;
1182  /// Parse a custom type with the provided callback, unless the next
1183  /// token is `#`, in which case the generic parser is invoked.
1185  Type &result, function_ref<ParseResult(Type &result)> parseType) = 0;
1187  /// Parse an optional type.
1190  /// Parse a type of a specific type.
1191  template <typename TypeT>
1192  ParseResult parseType(TypeT &result) {
1193  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
1195  // Parse any kind of type.
1196  Type type;
1197  if (parseType(type))
1198  return failure();
1200  // Check for the right kind of type.
1201  result = llvm::dyn_cast<TypeT>(type);
1202  if (!result)
1203  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of type specified");
1205  return success();
1206  }
1208  /// Trait to check if `TypeT` provides a `parse` method.
1209  template <typename TypeT>
1211  decltype(TypeT::parse(std::declval<AsmParser &>()));
1212  template <typename TypeT>
1214  llvm::is_detected<type_has_parse_method, TypeT>;
1216  /// Parse a custom Type of a given type unless the next token is `#`, in
1217  /// which case the generic parser is invoked. The parsed Type is
1218  /// populated in `result`.
1219  template <typename TypeT>
1220  std::enable_if_t<detect_type_has_parse_method<TypeT>::value, ParseResult>
1222  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
1224  // Parse any kind of Type.
1225  Type type;
1226  if (parseCustomTypeWithFallback(type, [&](Type &result) -> ParseResult {
1227  result = TypeT::parse(*this);
1228  return success(!!result);
1229  }))
1230  return failure();
1232  // Check for the right kind of Type.
1233  result = llvm::dyn_cast<TypeT>(type);
1234  if (!result)
1235  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of Type specified");
1236  return success();
1237  }
1239  /// SFINAE parsing method for Type that don't implement a parse method.
1240  template <typename TypeT>
1241  std::enable_if_t<!detect_type_has_parse_method<TypeT>::value, ParseResult>
1243  return parseType(result);
1244  }
1246  /// Parse a type list.
1249  /// Parse an arrow followed by a type list.
1252  /// Parse an optional arrow followed by a type list.
1253  virtual ParseResult
1256  /// Parse a colon followed by a type.
1257  virtual ParseResult parseColonType(Type &result) = 0;
1259  /// Parse a colon followed by a type of a specific kind, e.g. a FunctionType.
1260  template <typename TypeType>
1261  ParseResult parseColonType(TypeType &result) {
1262  SMLoc loc = getCurrentLocation();
1264  // Parse any kind of type.
1265  Type type;
1266  if (parseColonType(type))
1267  return failure();
1269  // Check for the right kind of type.
1270  result = llvm::dyn_cast<TypeType>(type);
1271  if (!result)
1272  return emitError(loc, "invalid kind of type specified");
1274  return success();
1275  }
1277  /// Parse a colon followed by a type list, which must have at least one type.
1280  /// Parse an optional colon followed by a type list, which if present must
1281  /// have at least one type.
1282  virtual ParseResult
1285  /// Parse a keyword followed by a type.
1286  ParseResult parseKeywordType(const char *keyword, Type &result) {
1287  return failure(parseKeyword(keyword) || parseType(result));
1288  }
1290  /// Add the specified type to the end of the specified type list and return
1291  /// success. This is a helper designed to allow parse methods to be simple
1292  /// and chain through || operators.
1294  result.push_back(type);
1295  return success();
1296  }
1298  /// Add the specified types to the end of the specified type list and return
1299  /// success. This is a helper designed to allow parse methods to be simple
1300  /// and chain through || operators.
1302  SmallVectorImpl<Type> &result) {
1303  result.append(types.begin(), types.end());
1304  return success();
1305  }
1307  /// Parse a dimension list of a tensor or memref type. This populates the
1308  /// dimension list, using ShapedType::kDynamic for the `?` dimensions if
1309  /// `allowDynamic` is set and errors out on `?` otherwise. Parsing the
1310  /// trailing `x` is configurable.
1311  ///
1312  /// dimension-list ::= eps | dimension (`x` dimension)*
1313  /// dimension-list-with-trailing-x ::= (dimension `x`)*
1314  /// dimension ::= `?` | decimal-literal
1315  ///
1316  /// When `allowDynamic` is not set, this is used to parse:
1317  ///
1318  /// static-dimension-list ::= eps | decimal-literal (`x` decimal-literal)*
1319  /// static-dimension-list-with-trailing-x ::= (dimension `x`)*
1321  bool allowDynamic = true,
1322  bool withTrailingX = true) = 0;
1324  /// Parse an 'x' token in a dimension list, handling the case where the x is
1325  /// juxtaposed with an element type, as in "xf32", leaving the "f32" as the
1326  /// next token.
1329  /// Class used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction.
1331  public:
1332  explicit CyclicParseReset(AsmParser *parser) : parser(parser) {}
1335  if (parser)
1336  parser->popCyclicParsing();
1337  }
1342  : parser(std::exchange(rhs.parser, nullptr)) {}
1344  parser = std::exchange(rhs.parser, nullptr);
1345  return *this;
1346  }
1348  private:
1349  AsmParser *parser;
1350  };
1352  /// Attempts to start a cyclic parsing region for `attrOrType`.
1353  /// A cyclic parsing region starts with this call and ends with the
1354  /// destruction of the returned `CyclicParseReset`. During this time,
1355  /// calling `tryStartCyclicParse` with the same attribute in any parser
1356  /// will lead to returning failure.
1357  ///
1358  /// This makes it possible to parse cyclic attributes or types by parsing a
1359  /// short from if nested within itself.
1360  template <class AttrOrTypeT>
1362  static_assert(
1363  std::is_base_of_v<AttributeTrait::IsMutable<AttrOrTypeT>,
1364  AttrOrTypeT> ||
1365  std::is_base_of_v<TypeTrait::IsMutable<AttrOrTypeT>, AttrOrTypeT>,
1366  "Only mutable attributes or types can be cyclic");
1367  if (failed(pushCyclicParsing(attrOrType.getAsOpaquePointer())))
1368  return failure();
1370  return CyclicParseReset(this);
1371  }
1373 protected:
1374  /// Parse a handle to a resource within the assembly format for the given
1375  /// dialect.
1379  /// Pushes a new attribute or type in the form of a type erased pointer
1380  /// into an internal set.
1381  /// Returns success if the type or attribute was inserted in the set or
1382  /// failure if it was already contained.
1383  virtual LogicalResult pushCyclicParsing(const void *opaquePointer) = 0;
1385  /// Removes the element that was last inserted with a successful call to
1386  /// `pushCyclicParsing`. There must be exactly one `popCyclicParsing` call
1387  /// in reverse order of all successful `pushCyclicParsing`.
1388  virtual void popCyclicParsing() = 0;
1390  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1391  // Code Completion
1392  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1394  /// Parse a keyword, or an empty string if the current location signals a code
1395  /// completion.
1396  virtual ParseResult parseKeywordOrCompletion(StringRef *keyword) = 0;
1398  /// Signal the code completion of a set of expected tokens.
1401 private:
1402  AsmParser(const AsmParser &) = delete;
1403  void operator=(const AsmParser &) = delete;
1404 };
1406 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1407 // OpAsmParser
1408 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1410 /// The OpAsmParser has methods for interacting with the asm parser: parsing
1411 /// things from it, emitting errors etc. It has an intentionally high-level API
1412 /// that is designed to reduce/constrain syntax innovation in individual
1413 /// operations.
1414 ///
1415 /// For example, consider an op like this:
1416 ///
1417 /// %x = load %p[%1, %2] : memref<...>
1418 ///
1419 /// The "%x = load" tokens are already parsed and therefore invisible to the
1420 /// custom op parser. This can be supported by calling `parseOperandList` to
1421 /// parse the %p, then calling `parseOperandList` with a `SquareDelimiter` to
1422 /// parse the indices, then calling `parseColonTypeList` to parse the result
1423 /// type.
1424 ///
1425 class OpAsmParser : public AsmParser {
1426 public:
1427  using AsmParser::AsmParser;
1428  ~OpAsmParser() override;
1430  /// Parse a loc(...) specifier if present, filling in result if so.
1431  /// Location for BlockArgument and Operation may be deferred with an alias, in
1432  /// which case an OpaqueLoc is set and will be resolved when parsing
1433  /// completes.
1434  virtual ParseResult
1435  parseOptionalLocationSpecifier(std::optional<Location> &result) = 0;
1437  /// Return the name of the specified result in the specified syntax, as well
1438  /// as the sub-element in the name. It returns an empty string and ~0U for
1439  /// invalid result numbers. For example, in this operation:
1440  ///
1441  /// %x, %y:2, %z = foo.op
1442  ///
1443  /// getResultName(0) == {"x", 0 }
1444  /// getResultName(1) == {"y", 0 }
1445  /// getResultName(2) == {"y", 1 }
1446  /// getResultName(3) == {"z", 0 }
1447  /// getResultName(4) == {"", ~0U }
1448  virtual std::pair<StringRef, unsigned>
1449  getResultName(unsigned resultNo) const = 0;
1451  /// Return the number of declared SSA results. This returns 4 for the foo.op
1452  /// example in the comment for `getResultName`.
1453  virtual size_t getNumResults() const = 0;
1455  // These methods emit an error and return failure or success. This allows
1456  // these to be chained together into a linear sequence of || expressions in
1457  // many cases.
1459  /// Parse an operation in its generic form.
1460  /// The parsed operation is parsed in the current context and inserted in the
1461  /// provided block and insertion point. The results produced by this operation
1462  /// aren't mapped to any named value in the parser. Returns nullptr on
1463  /// failure.
1464  virtual Operation *parseGenericOperation(Block *insertBlock,
1465  Block::iterator insertPt) = 0;
1467  /// Parse the name of an operation, in the custom form. On success, return a
1468  /// an object of type 'OperationName'. Otherwise, failure is returned.
1471  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1472  // Operand Parsing
1473  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1475  /// This is the representation of an operand reference.
1477  SMLoc location; // Location of the token.
1478  StringRef name; // Value name, e.g. %42 or %abc
1479  unsigned number; // Number, e.g. 12 for an operand like %xyz#12
1480  };
1482  /// Parse different components, viz., use-info of operand(s), successor(s),
1483  /// region(s), attribute(s) and function-type, of the generic form of an
1484  /// operation instance and populate the input operation-state 'result' with
1485  /// those components. If any of the components is explicitly provided, then
1486  /// skip parsing that component.
1488  OperationState &result,
1489  std::optional<ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand>> parsedOperandType =
1490  std::nullopt,
1491  std::optional<ArrayRef<Block *>> parsedSuccessors = std::nullopt,
1492  std::optional<MutableArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<Region>>> parsedRegions =
1493  std::nullopt,
1494  std::optional<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>> parsedAttributes = std::nullopt,
1495  std::optional<Attribute> parsedPropertiesAttribute = std::nullopt,
1496  std::optional<FunctionType> parsedFnType = std::nullopt) = 0;
1498  /// Parse a single SSA value operand name along with a result number if
1499  /// `allowResultNumber` is true.
1501  bool allowResultNumber = true) = 0;
1503  /// Parse a single operand if present.
1504  virtual OptionalParseResult
1506  bool allowResultNumber = true) = 0;
1508  /// Parse zero or more SSA comma-separated operand references with a specified
1509  /// surrounding delimiter, and an optional required operand count.
1510  virtual ParseResult
1512  Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None,
1513  bool allowResultNumber = true,
1514  int requiredOperandCount = -1) = 0;
1516  /// Parse a specified number of comma separated operands.
1518  int requiredOperandCount,
1519  Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None) {
1520  return parseOperandList(result, delimiter,
1521  /*allowResultNumber=*/true, requiredOperandCount);
1522  }
1524  /// Parse zero or more trailing SSA comma-separated trailing operand
1525  /// references with a specified surrounding delimiter, and an optional
1526  /// required operand count. A leading comma is expected before the
1527  /// operands.
1528  ParseResult
1530  Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None) {
1531  if (failed(parseOptionalComma()))
1532  return success(); // The comma is optional.
1533  return parseOperandList(result, delimiter);
1534  }
1536  /// Resolve an operand to an SSA value, emitting an error on failure.
1538  Type type,
1539  SmallVectorImpl<Value> &result) = 0;
1541  /// Resolve a list of operands to SSA values, emitting an error on failure, or
1542  /// appending the results to the list on success. This method should be used
1543  /// when all operands have the same type.
1544  template <typename Operands = ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand>>
1545  ParseResult resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Type type,
1546  SmallVectorImpl<Value> &result) {
1547  for (const UnresolvedOperand &operand : operands)
1548  if (resolveOperand(operand, type, result))
1549  return failure();
1550  return success();
1551  }
1552  template <typename Operands = ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand>>
1553  ParseResult resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Type type, SMLoc loc,
1554  SmallVectorImpl<Value> &result) {
1555  return resolveOperands(std::forward<Operands>(operands), type, result);
1556  }
1558  /// Resolve a list of operands and a list of operand types to SSA values,
1559  /// emitting an error and returning failure, or appending the results
1560  /// to the list on success.
1561  template <typename Operands = ArrayRef<UnresolvedOperand>,
1562  typename Types = ArrayRef<Type>>
1563  std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<Types, Type>::value, ParseResult>
1564  resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Types &&types, SMLoc loc,
1565  SmallVectorImpl<Value> &result) {
1566  size_t operandSize = llvm::range_size(operands);
1567  size_t typeSize = llvm::range_size(types);
1568  if (operandSize != typeSize)
1569  return emitError(loc)
1570  << operandSize << " operands present, but expected " << typeSize;
1572  for (auto [operand, type] : llvm::zip_equal(operands, types))
1573  if (resolveOperand(operand, type, result))
1574  return failure();
1575  return success();
1576  }
1578  /// Parses an affine map attribute where dims and symbols are SSA operands.
1579  /// Operand values must come from single-result sources, and be valid
1580  /// dimensions/symbol identifiers according to mlir::isValidDim/Symbol.
1581  virtual ParseResult
1583  Attribute &map, StringRef attrName,
1584  NamedAttrList &attrs,
1585  Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::Square) = 0;
1587  /// Parses an affine expression where dims and symbols are SSA operands.
1588  /// Operand values must come from single-result sources, and be valid
1589  /// dimensions/symbol identifiers according to mlir::isValidDim/Symbol.
1590  virtual ParseResult
1592  SmallVectorImpl<UnresolvedOperand> &symbOperands,
1593  AffineExpr &expr) = 0;
1595  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1596  // Argument Parsing
1597  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1599  struct Argument {
1600  UnresolvedOperand ssaName; // SourceLoc, SSA name, result #.
1601  Type type; // Type.
1602  DictionaryAttr attrs; // Attributes if present.
1603  std::optional<Location> sourceLoc; // Source location specifier if present.
1604  };
1606  /// Parse a single argument with the following syntax:
1607  ///
1608  /// `%ssaName : !type { optionalAttrDict} loc(optionalSourceLoc)`
1609  ///
1610  /// If `allowType` is false or `allowAttrs` are false then the respective
1611  /// parts of the grammar are not parsed.
1612  virtual ParseResult parseArgument(Argument &result, bool allowType = false,
1613  bool allowAttrs = false) = 0;
1615  /// Parse a single argument if present.
1616  virtual OptionalParseResult
1617  parseOptionalArgument(Argument &result, bool allowType = false,
1618  bool allowAttrs = false) = 0;
1620  /// Parse zero or more arguments with a specified surrounding delimiter.
1622  Delimiter delimiter = Delimiter::None,
1623  bool allowType = false,
1624  bool allowAttrs = false) = 0;
1626  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1627  // Region Parsing
1628  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1630  /// Parses a region. Any parsed blocks are appended to 'region' and must be
1631  /// moved to the op regions after the op is created. The first block of the
1632  /// region takes 'arguments'.
1633  ///
1634  /// If 'enableNameShadowing' is set to true, the argument names are allowed to
1635  /// shadow the names of other existing SSA values defined above the region
1636  /// scope. 'enableNameShadowing' can only be set to true for regions attached
1637  /// to operations that are 'IsolatedFromAbove'.
1638  virtual ParseResult parseRegion(Region &region,
1639  ArrayRef<Argument> arguments = {},
1640  bool enableNameShadowing = false) = 0;
1642  /// Parses a region if present.
1643  virtual OptionalParseResult
1645  bool enableNameShadowing = false) = 0;
1647  /// Parses a region if present. If the region is present, a new region is
1648  /// allocated and placed in `region`. If no region is present or on failure,
1649  /// `region` remains untouched.
1650  virtual OptionalParseResult
1651  parseOptionalRegion(std::unique_ptr<Region> &region,
1652  ArrayRef<Argument> arguments = {},
1653  bool enableNameShadowing = false) = 0;
1655  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1656  // Successor Parsing
1657  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1659  /// Parse a single operation successor.
1660  virtual ParseResult parseSuccessor(Block *&dest) = 0;
1662  /// Parse an optional operation successor.
1665  /// Parse a single operation successor and its operand list.
1666  virtual ParseResult
1669  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1670  // Type Parsing
1671  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1673  /// Parse a list of assignments of the form
1674  /// (%x1 = %y1, %x2 = %y2, ...)
1678  if (!result.has_value())
1679  return emitError(getCurrentLocation(), "expected '('");
1680  return result.value();
1681  }
1683  virtual OptionalParseResult
1686 };
1688 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1689 // Dialect OpAsm interface.
1690 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1692 /// A functor used to set the name of the start of a result group of an
1693 /// operation. See 'getAsmResultNames' below for more details.
1694 using OpAsmSetValueNameFn = function_ref<void(Value, StringRef)>;
1696 /// A functor used to set the name of blocks in regions directly nested under
1697 /// an operation.
1698 using OpAsmSetBlockNameFn = function_ref<void(Block *, StringRef)>;
1701  : public DialectInterface::Base<OpAsmDialectInterface> {
1702 public:
1703  OpAsmDialectInterface(Dialect *dialect) : Base(dialect) {}
1705  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1706  // Aliases
1707  //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1709  /// Holds the result of `getAlias` hook call.
1710  enum class AliasResult {
1711  /// The object (type or attribute) is not supported by the hook
1712  /// and an alias was not provided.
1713  NoAlias,
1714  /// An alias was provided, but it might be overriden by other hook.
1716  /// An alias was provided and it should be used
1717  /// (no other hooks will be checked).
1718  FinalAlias
1719  };
1721  /// Hooks for getting an alias identifier alias for a given symbol, that is
1722  /// not necessarily a part of this dialect. The identifier is used in place of
1723  /// the symbol when printing textual IR. These aliases must not contain `.` or
1724  /// end with a numeric digit([0-9]+).
1725  virtual AliasResult getAlias(Attribute attr, raw_ostream &os) const {
1726  return AliasResult::NoAlias;
1727  }
1728  virtual AliasResult getAlias(Type type, raw_ostream &os) const {
1729  return AliasResult::NoAlias;
1730  }
1732  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1733  // Resources
1734  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1736  /// Declare a resource with the given key, returning a handle to use for any
1737  /// references of this resource key within the IR during parsing. The result
1738  /// of `getResourceKey` on the returned handle is permitted to be different
1739  /// than `key`.
1741  declareResource(StringRef key) const {
1742  return failure();
1743  }
1745  /// Return a key to use for the given resource. This key should uniquely
1746  /// identify this resource within the dialect.
1747  virtual std::string
1749  llvm_unreachable(
1750  "Dialect must implement `getResourceKey` when defining resources");
1751  }
1753  /// Hook for parsing resource entries. Returns failure if the entry was not
1754  /// valid, or could otherwise not be processed correctly. Any necessary errors
1755  /// can be emitted via the provided entry.
1756  virtual LogicalResult parseResource(AsmParsedResourceEntry &entry) const;
1758  /// Hook for building resources to use during printing. The given `op` may be
1759  /// inspected to help determine what information to include.
1760  /// `referencedResources` contains all of the resources detected when printing
1761  /// 'op'.
1762  virtual void
1764  const SetVector<AsmDialectResourceHandle> &referencedResources,
1765  AsmResourceBuilder &builder) const {}
1766 };
1768 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1769 // Custom printers and parsers.
1770 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1772 // Handles custom<DimensionList>(...) in TableGen.
1773 void printDimensionList(OpAsmPrinter &printer, Operation *op,
1774  ArrayRef<int64_t> dimensions);
1775 ParseResult parseDimensionList(OpAsmParser &parser,
1776  DenseI64ArrayAttr &dimensions);
1778 } // namespace mlir
1780 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1781 // Operation OpAsm interface.
1782 //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1784 /// The OpAsmOpInterface, see for more details.
1785 #include "mlir/IR/"
1787 namespace llvm {
1788 template <>
1789 struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle> {
1793  }
1797  }
1798  static unsigned getHashValue(const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &handle) {
1800  }
1801  static bool isEqual(const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &lhs,
1802  const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &rhs) {
1803  return lhs.getResource() == rhs.getResource();
1804  }
1805 };
1806 } // namespace llvm
1808 #endif
static void print(spirv::VerCapExtAttr triple, DialectAsmPrinter &printer)
Base type for affine expression.
Definition: AffineExpr.h:69
A multi-dimensional affine map Affine map's are immutable like Type's, and they are uniqued.
Definition: AffineMap.h:47
This class represents a CRTP base class for dialect resource handles.
const ResourceT * getResource() const
AsmDialectResourceHandleBase(AsmDialectResourceHandle handle)
ResourceT * getResource()
Return the resource referenced by this handle.
static bool classof(const AsmDialectResourceHandle *handle)
Support llvm style casting.
AsmDialectResourceHandleBase(ResourceT *resource, DialectT *dialect)
Construct a handle from a pointer to the resource.
DialectT * getDialect() const
Return the dialect that owns the resource.
This class represents an opaque handle to a dialect resource entry.
Dialect * getDialect() const
Return the dialect that owns the resource.
TypeID getTypeID() const
Return the type ID of the resource.
bool operator==(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &other) const
AsmDialectResourceHandle(void *resource, TypeID resourceID, Dialect *dialect)
void * getResource() const
Return an opaque pointer to the referenced resource.
This class represents a single parsed resource entry.
Definition: AsmState.h:283
Class used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction.
CyclicParseReset & operator=(CyclicParseReset &&rhs)
CyclicParseReset & operator=(const CyclicParseReset &)=delete
CyclicParseReset(const CyclicParseReset &)=delete
CyclicParseReset(CyclicParseReset &&rhs)
This class represents a StringSwitch like class that is useful for parsing expected keywords.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< FnT, ResultT >::value, KeywordSwitch & > Default(FnT &&fn)
KeywordSwitch & Case(StringLiteral str, ResultT value)
Case that uses the provided value when true.
bool hasValue() const
Returns true if this switch has a value yet.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< FnT, ResultT >::value, KeywordSwitch & > Case(StringLiteral str, FnT &&fn)
Case that invokes the provided functor when true.
KeywordSwitch & Default(ResultT value)
KeywordSwitch(AsmParser &parser, StringRef *keyword=nullptr)
This base class exposes generic asm parser hooks, usable across the various derived parsers.
llvm::is_detected< has_parse_method, AttrType > detect_has_parse_method
ParseResult parseSymbolName(StringAttr &result)
Parse an -identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string attribute.
virtual ParseResult parseLBrace()=0
Parse a { token.
These are the supported delimiters around operand lists and region argument lists,...
@ Paren
Parens surrounding zero or more operands.
@ None
Zero or more operands with no delimiters.
@ OptionalLessGreater
<> brackets supporting zero or more ops, or nothing.
@ Braces
{} brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
@ OptionalBraces
{} brackets surrounding zero or more operands, or nothing.
@ OptionalParen
Parens supporting zero or more operands, or nothing.
@ Square
Square brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
@ LessGreater
<> brackets surrounding zero or more operands.
@ OptionalSquare
Square brackets supporting zero or more ops, or nothing.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(APInt &result)=0
Parse an optional integer value from the stream.
virtual ParseResult parseColonTypeList(SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)=0
Parse a colon followed by a type list, which must have at least one type.
virtual ParseResult parseIntegerSet(IntegerSet &set)=0
Parse an integer set instance into 'set'.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeywordOrString(std::string *result)=0
Parse an optional keyword or string.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalSymbolName(StringAttr &result)=0
Parse an optional -identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string attribute.
FailureOr< CyclicParseReset > tryStartCyclicParse(AttrOrTypeT attrOrType)
Attempts to start a cyclic parsing region for attrOrType.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalRBrace()=0
Parse a } token if present.
virtual ParseResult parsePlus()=0
Parse a '+' token.
ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef *keyword)
Parse a keyword into 'keyword'.
virtual ParseResult parseCommaSeparatedList(Delimiter delimiter, function_ref< ParseResult()> parseElementFn, StringRef contextMessage=StringRef())=0
Parse a list of comma-separated items with an optional delimiter.
decltype(AttrType::parse(std::declval< AsmParser & >(), std::declval< Type >())) has_parse_method
Trait to check if AttrType provides a parse method.
virtual void popCyclicParsing()=0
Removes the element that was last inserted with a successful call to pushCyclicParsing.
virtual Builder & getBuilder() const =0
Return a builder which provides useful access to MLIRContext, global objects like types and attribute...
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalAttrDict(NamedAttrList &result)=0
Parse a named dictionary into 'result' if it is present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalEqual()=0
Parse a = token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef keyword)=0
Parse the given keyword if present.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalType(Type &result)=0
Parse an optional type.
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:72
virtual Location getEncodedSourceLoc(SMLoc loc)=0
Re-encode the given source location as an MLIR location and return it.
std::enable_if_t<!detect_type_has_parse_method< TypeT >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomTypeWithFallback(TypeT &result)
SFINAE parsing method for Type that don't implement a parse method.
virtual ParseResult parseRParen()=0
Parse a ) token.
virtual InFlightDiagnostic emitError(SMLoc loc, const Twine &message={})=0
Emit a diagnostic at the specified location and return failure.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalColon()=0
Parse a : token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseLSquare()=0
Parse a [ token.
virtual ParseResult parseRSquare()=0
Parse a ] token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalColonTypeList(SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)=0
Parse an optional colon followed by a type list, which if present must have at least one type.
ParseResult parseInteger(IntT &result)
Parse an integer value from the stream.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalArrow()=0
Parse a '->' token if present.
ParseResult parseOptionalSymbolName(StringAttr &result, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an optional -identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string attribute named 'attr...
ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, Type type, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an arbitrary attribute of a given type and populate it in result.
ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, Type type={})
Parse an attribute of a specific kind and type.
ParseResult parseKeywordOrString(std::string *result)
Parse a keyword or a quoted string.
virtual void codeCompleteExpectedTokens(ArrayRef< StringRef > tokens)=0
Signal the code completion of a set of expected tokens.
virtual ParseResult parseRBrace()=0
Parse a } token.
virtual ParseResult parseAffineMap(AffineMap &map)=0
Parse an affine map instance into 'map'.
ParseResult addTypeToList(Type type, SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)
Add the specified type to the end of the specified type list and return success.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalRParen()=0
Parse a ) token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(Attribute &result, Type type, function_ref< ParseResult(Attribute &result, Type type)> parseAttribute)=0
Parse a custom attribute with the provided callback, unless the next token is #, in which case the ge...
virtual ParseResult parseLess()=0
Parse a '<' token.
virtual ParseResult parseDimensionList(SmallVectorImpl< int64_t > &dimensions, bool allowDynamic=true, bool withTrailingX=true)=0
Parse a dimension list of a tensor or memref type.
ParseResult parseString(std::string *string)
Parse a quoted string token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalPlus()=0
Parse a '+' token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef *keyword, ArrayRef< StringRef > allowedValues)=0
Parse a keyword, if present, and if one of the 'allowedValues', into 'keyword'.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalGreater()=0
Parse a '>' token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseEqual()=0
Parse a = token.
std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_parse_method< AttrType >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
SFINAE parsing method for Attribute that don't implement a parse method.
virtual ParseResult parseCustomTypeWithFallback(Type &result, function_ref< ParseResult(Type &result)> parseType)=0
Parse a custom type with the provided callback, unless the next token is #, in which case the generic...
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(ArrayAttr &result, Type type={})=0
Parse an optional array attribute and return it in result.
virtual ParseResult parseStar()=0
Parse a '*' token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalAttrDictWithKeyword(NamedAttrList &result)=0
Parse a named dictionary into 'result' if the attributes keyword is present.
virtual ParseResult parseColonType(Type &result)=0
Parse a colon followed by a type.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(Attribute &result, Type type={})=0
Parse an arbitrary optional attribute of a given type and return it in result.
std::enable_if_t< detect_has_parse_method< AttrType >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type={})
Parse a custom attribute of a given type unless the next token is #, in which case the generic parser...
ParseResult parseCommaSeparatedList(function_ref< ParseResult()> parseElementFn)
Parse a comma separated list of elements that must have at least one entry in it.
virtual ParseResult parseVerticalBar()=0
Parse a '|' token.
virtual SMLoc getCurrentLocation()=0
Get the location of the next token and store it into the argument.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalComma()=0
Parse a , token if present.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(AttrType &result, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an optional attribute of a specific type and add it to the list with the specified name.
auto getChecked(SMLoc loc, ParamsT &&...params)
Invoke the getChecked method of the given Attribute or Type class, using the provided location to emi...
virtual ParseResult parseColon()=0
Parse a : token.
ParseResult addTypesToList(ArrayRef< Type > types, SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)
Add the specified types to the end of the specified type list and return success.
std::enable_if_t< detect_type_has_parse_method< TypeT >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomTypeWithFallback(TypeT &result)
Parse a custom Type of a given type unless the next token is #, in which case the generic parser is i...
ParseResult parseAttribute(Attribute &result, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an arbitrary attribute and return it in result.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(StringAttr &result, Type type={})=0
Parse an optional string attribute and return it in result.
virtual SMLoc getNameLoc() const =0
Return the location of the original name token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalString(std::string *string)=0
Parse a quoted string token if present.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalInteger(IntT &result)
ParseResult getCurrentLocation(SMLoc *loc)
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalLess()=0
Parse a '<' token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalStar()=0
Parse a '*' token if present.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(AttrType &result, Type type, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an optional attribute of a specific type and add it to the list with the specified name.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAttribute(SymbolRefAttr &result, Type type={})=0
Parse an optional symbol ref attribute and return it in result.
virtual ParseResult parseQuestion()=0
Parse a '?' token.
ParseResult parseType(TypeT &result)
Parse a type of a specific type.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalRSquare()=0
Parse a ] token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseArrow()=0
Parse a '->' token.
ParseResult parseColonType(TypeType &result)
Parse a colon followed by a type of a specific kind, e.g. a FunctionType.
virtual ParseResult parseGreater()=0
Parse a '>' token.
virtual ParseResult parseLParen()=0
Parse a ( token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalEllipsis()=0
Parse a ... token if present;.
std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_parse_method< AttrType >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type={})
SFINAE parsing method for Attribute that don't implement a parse method.
virtual ParseResult parseType(Type &result)=0
Parse a type.
ParseResult parseAttribute(AttrType &result, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an attribute of a specific kind and type.
virtual ParseResult parseEllipsis()=0
Parse a ... token.
auto getChecked(ParamsT &&...params)
A variant of getChecked that uses the result of getNameLoc to emit errors.
virtual ParseResult parseAffineExpr(ArrayRef< std::pair< StringRef, AffineExpr >> symbolSet, AffineExpr &expr)=0
Parse an affine expr instance into 'expr' using the already computed mapping from symbols to affine e...
virtual ParseResult parseComma()=0
Parse a , token.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalArrowTypeList(SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)=0
Parse an optional arrow followed by a type list.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalLParen()=0
Parse a ( token if present.
ParseResult parseKeywordType(const char *keyword, Type &result)
Parse a keyword followed by a type.
virtual ParseResult parseArrowTypeList(SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)=0
Parse an arrow followed by a type list.
virtual ~AsmParser()
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalVerticalBar()=0
Parse a '|' token if present.
ParseResult parseTypeList(SmallVectorImpl< Type > &result)
Parse a type list.
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:76
virtual ParseResult parseBase64Bytes(std::vector< char > *bytes)=0
Parses a Base64 encoded string of bytes.
llvm::is_detected< type_has_parse_method, TypeT > detect_type_has_parse_method
virtual ParseResult parseKeywordOrCompletion(StringRef *keyword)=0
Parse a keyword, or an empty string if the current location signals a code completion.
virtual ParseResult parseFloat(double &result)=0
Parse a floating point value from the stream.
ParseResult parseSymbolName(StringAttr &result, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse an -identifier and store it (without the '@' symbol) in a string attribute named 'attrName'.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalKeyword(StringRef *keyword)=0
Parse a keyword, if present, into 'keyword'.
decltype(TypeT::parse(std::declval< AsmParser & >())) type_has_parse_method
Trait to check if TypeT provides a parse method.
ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef keyword)
Parse a given keyword.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalLSquare()=0
Parse a [ token if present.
virtual LogicalResult pushCyclicParsing(const void *opaquePointer)=0
Pushes a new attribute or type in the form of a type erased pointer into an internal set.
virtual FailureOr< AsmDialectResourceHandle > parseResourceHandle(Dialect *dialect)=0
Parse a handle to a resource within the assembly format for the given dialect.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalQuestion()=0
Parse a '?' token if present.
std::enable_if_t< detect_has_parse_method< AttrType >::value, ParseResult > parseCustomAttributeWithFallback(AttrType &result, Type type, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs)
Parse a custom attribute of a given type unless the next token is #, in which case the generic parser...
FailureOr< ResourceT > parseResourceHandle()
Parse a handle to a resource within the assembly format.
virtual ParseResult parseAttribute(Attribute &result, Type type={})=0
Parse an arbitrary attribute of a given type and return it in result.
virtual ParseResult parseXInDimensionList()=0
Parse an 'x' token in a dimension list, handling the case where the x is juxtaposed with an element t...
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalLBrace()=0
Parse a { token if present.
virtual ParseResult parseKeyword(StringRef keyword, const Twine &msg)=0
Class used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction.
CyclicPrintReset & operator=(const CyclicPrintReset &)=delete
CyclicPrintReset(const CyclicPrintReset &)=delete
CyclicPrintReset & operator=(CyclicPrintReset &&rhs)
CyclicPrintReset(CyclicPrintReset &&rhs)
This base class exposes generic asm printer hooks, usable across the various derived printers.
void printStrippedAttrOrType(ArrayRef< AttrOrType > attrOrTypes)
Print the provided array of attributes or types in the context of an operation custom printer/parser:...
FailureOr< CyclicPrintReset > tryStartCyclicPrint(AttrOrTypeT attrOrType)
Attempts to start a cyclic printing region for attrOrType.
virtual void printAttributeWithoutType(Attribute attr)
Print the given attribute without its type.
virtual LogicalResult printAlias(Attribute attr)
Print the alias for the given attribute, return failure if no alias could be printed.
virtual void popCyclicPrinting()
Removes the element that was last inserted with a successful call to pushCyclicPrinting.
Initialize the printer with no internal implementation.
void printFunctionalType(InputRangeT &&inputs, ResultRangeT &&results)
Print the two given type ranges in a functional form.
virtual LogicalResult pushCyclicPrinting(const void *opaquePointer)
Pushes a new attribute or type in the form of a type erased pointer into an internal set.
virtual void printType(Type type)
virtual void printKeywordOrString(StringRef keyword)
Print the given string as a keyword, or a quoted and escaped string if it has any special or non-prin...
llvm::is_detected< has_print_method, AttrOrType > detect_has_print_method
virtual void printSymbolName(StringRef symbolRef)
Print the given string as a symbol reference, i.e.
virtual void printString(StringRef string)
Print the given string as a quoted string, escaping any special or non-printable characters in it.
void printOptionalArrowTypeList(TypeRange &&types)
Print an optional arrow followed by a type list.
virtual void printAttribute(Attribute attr)
void printDimensionList(ArrayRef< int64_t > shape)
void printArrowTypeList(TypeRange &&types)
virtual ~AsmPrinter()
virtual raw_ostream & getStream() const
Return the raw output stream used by this printer.
virtual void printResourceHandle(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &resource)
Print a handle to the given dialect resource.
decltype(std::declval< AttrOrType >().print(std::declval< AsmPrinter & >())) has_print_method
Trait to check if AttrType provides a print method.
virtual void printFloat(const APFloat &value)
Print the given floating point value in a stabilized form that can be roundtripped through the IR.
void printStrippedAttrOrType(AttrOrType attrOrType)
Print the provided attribute in the context of an operation custom printer/parser: this will invoke d...
AsmPrinter(Impl &impl)
Initialize the printer with the given internal implementation.
This class is used to build resource entries for use by the printer.
Definition: AsmState.h:239
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This class represents an argument of a Block.
Definition: Value.h:319
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:30
OpListType::iterator iterator
Definition: Block.h:137
This class is a general helper class for creating context-global objects like types,...
Definition: Builders.h:50
Dialects are groups of MLIR operations, types and attributes, as well as behavior associated with the...
Definition: Dialect.h:41
This class provides support for representing a failure result, or a valid value of type T.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:78
This class represents a diagnostic that is inflight and set to be reported.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:308
An integer set representing a conjunction of one or more affine equalities and inequalities.
Definition: IntegerSet.h:44
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
T * getOrLoadDialect()
Get (or create) a dialect for the given derived dialect type.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:97
NamedAttrList is array of NamedAttributes that tracks whether it is sorted and does some basic work t...
void append(StringRef name, Attribute attr)
Add an attribute with the specified name.
virtual void buildResources(Operation *op, const SetVector< AsmDialectResourceHandle > &referencedResources, AsmResourceBuilder &builder) const
Hook for building resources to use during printing.
virtual AliasResult getAlias(Attribute attr, raw_ostream &os) const
Hooks for getting an alias identifier alias for a given symbol, that is not necessarily a part of thi...
OpAsmDialectInterface(Dialect *dialect)
virtual AliasResult getAlias(Type type, raw_ostream &os) const
virtual std::string getResourceKey(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &handle) const
Return a key to use for the given resource.
virtual FailureOr< AsmDialectResourceHandle > declareResource(StringRef key) const
Declare a resource with the given key, returning a handle to use for any references of this resource ...
virtual LogicalResult parseResource(AsmParsedResourceEntry &entry) const
Hook for parsing resource entries.
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:129
Holds the result of getAlias hook call.
@ FinalAlias
An alias was provided and it should be used (no other hooks will be checked).
@ NoAlias
The object (type or attribute) is not supported by the hook and an alias was not provided.
@ OverridableAlias
An alias was provided, but it might be overriden by other hook.
The OpAsmParser has methods for interacting with the asm parser: parsing things from it,...
virtual std::pair< StringRef, unsigned > getResultName(unsigned resultNo) const =0
Return the name of the specified result in the specified syntax, as well as the sub-element in the na...
virtual size_t getNumResults() const =0
Return the number of declared SSA results.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalAssignmentList(SmallVectorImpl< Argument > &lhs, SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &rhs)=0
virtual ParseResult parseRegion(Region &region, ArrayRef< Argument > arguments={}, bool enableNameShadowing=false)=0
Parses a region.
~OpAsmParser() override
virtual ParseResult parseSuccessor(Block *&dest)=0
Parse a single operation successor.
virtual ParseResult parseArgument(Argument &result, bool allowType=false, bool allowAttrs=false)=0
Parse a single argument with the following syntax:
virtual ParseResult parseGenericOperationAfterOpName(OperationState &result, std::optional< ArrayRef< UnresolvedOperand >> parsedOperandType=std::nullopt, std::optional< ArrayRef< Block * >> parsedSuccessors=std::nullopt, std::optional< MutableArrayRef< std::unique_ptr< Region >>> parsedRegions=std::nullopt, std::optional< ArrayRef< NamedAttribute >> parsedAttributes=std::nullopt, std::optional< Attribute > parsedPropertiesAttribute=std::nullopt, std::optional< FunctionType > parsedFnType=std::nullopt)=0
Parse different components, viz., use-info of operand(s), successor(s), region(s),...
ParseResult parseTrailingOperandList(SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &result, Delimiter delimiter=Delimiter::None)
Parse zero or more trailing SSA comma-separated trailing operand references with a specified surround...
ParseResult resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Type type, SMLoc loc, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &result)
virtual ParseResult parseArgumentList(SmallVectorImpl< Argument > &result, Delimiter delimiter=Delimiter::None, bool allowType=false, bool allowAttrs=false)=0
Parse zero or more arguments with a specified surrounding delimiter.
virtual ParseResult parseAffineMapOfSSAIds(SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &operands, Attribute &map, StringRef attrName, NamedAttrList &attrs, Delimiter delimiter=Delimiter::Square)=0
Parses an affine map attribute where dims and symbols are SSA operands.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalArgument(Argument &result, bool allowType=false, bool allowAttrs=false)=0
Parse a single argument if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOptionalLocationSpecifier(std::optional< Location > &result)=0
Parse a loc(...) specifier if present, filling in result if so.
ParseResult parseAssignmentList(SmallVectorImpl< Argument > &lhs, SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &rhs)
Parse a list of assignments of the form (x1 = y1, x2 = y2, ...)
virtual ParseResult resolveOperand(const UnresolvedOperand &operand, Type type, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &result)=0
Resolve an operand to an SSA value, emitting an error on failure.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalOperand(UnresolvedOperand &result, bool allowResultNumber=true)=0
Parse a single operand if present.
virtual ParseResult parseSuccessorAndUseList(Block *&dest, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &operands)=0
Parse a single operation successor and its operand list.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalRegion(Region &region, ArrayRef< Argument > arguments={}, bool enableNameShadowing=false)=0
Parses a region if present.
virtual FailureOr< OperationName > parseCustomOperationName()=0
Parse the name of an operation, in the custom form.
ParseResult parseOperandList(SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &result, int requiredOperandCount, Delimiter delimiter=Delimiter::None)
Parse a specified number of comma separated operands.
ParseResult resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Type type, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &result)
Resolve a list of operands to SSA values, emitting an error on failure, or appending the results to t...
virtual Operation * parseGenericOperation(Block *insertBlock, Block::iterator insertPt)=0
Parse an operation in its generic form.
virtual ParseResult parseOperand(UnresolvedOperand &result, bool allowResultNumber=true)=0
Parse a single SSA value operand name along with a result number if allowResultNumber is true.
virtual ParseResult parseAffineExprOfSSAIds(SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &dimOperands, SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &symbOperands, AffineExpr &expr)=0
Parses an affine expression where dims and symbols are SSA operands.
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalSuccessor(Block *&dest)=0
Parse an optional operation successor.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< Types, Type >::value, ParseResult > resolveOperands(Operands &&operands, Types &&types, SMLoc loc, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &result)
Resolve a list of operands and a list of operand types to SSA values, emitting an error and returning...
virtual OptionalParseResult parseOptionalRegion(std::unique_ptr< Region > &region, ArrayRef< Argument > arguments={}, bool enableNameShadowing=false)=0
Parses a region if present.
virtual ParseResult parseOperandList(SmallVectorImpl< UnresolvedOperand > &result, Delimiter delimiter=Delimiter::None, bool allowResultNumber=true, int requiredOperandCount=-1)=0
Parse zero or more SSA comma-separated operand references with a specified surrounding delimiter,...
This is a pure-virtual base class that exposes the asmprinter hooks necessary to implement a custom p...
void printOperands(IteratorType it, IteratorType end)
Print a comma separated list of operands.
virtual void shadowRegionArgs(Region &region, ValueRange namesToUse)=0
Renumber the arguments for the specified region to the same names as the SSA values in namesToUse.
virtual void printNewline()=0
Print a newline and indent the printer to the start of the current operation.
virtual void increaseIndent()=0
Increase indentation.
virtual void printSuccessorAndUseList(Block *successor, ValueRange succOperands)=0
Print the successor and its operands.
void printOperands(const ContainerType &container)
Print a comma separated list of operands.
virtual void printOptionalAttrDictWithKeyword(ArrayRef< NamedAttribute > attrs, ArrayRef< StringRef > elidedAttrs={})=0
If the specified operation has attributes, print out an attribute dictionary prefixed with 'attribute...
virtual void printOptionalAttrDict(ArrayRef< NamedAttribute > attrs, ArrayRef< StringRef > elidedAttrs={})=0
If the specified operation has attributes, print out an attribute dictionary with their values.
virtual void printOptionalLocationSpecifier(Location loc)=0
Print a loc(...) specifier if printing debug info is enabled.
virtual void printCustomOrGenericOp(Operation *op)=0
Prints the entire operation with the custom assembly form, if available, or the generic assembly form...
virtual void decreaseIndent()=0
Decrease indentation.
virtual void printOperand(Value value, raw_ostream &os)=0
virtual void printSuccessor(Block *successor)=0
Print the given successor.
virtual void printAffineExprOfSSAIds(AffineExpr expr, ValueRange dimOperands, ValueRange symOperands)=0
Prints an affine expression of SSA ids with SSA id names used instead of dims and symbols.
void printFunctionalType(Operation *op)
Print the complete type of an operation in functional form.
Definition: AsmPrinter.cpp:93
virtual void printAffineMapOfSSAIds(AffineMapAttr mapAttr, ValueRange operands)=0
Prints an affine map of SSA ids, where SSA id names are used in place of dims/symbols.
virtual void printGenericOp(Operation *op, bool printOpName=true)=0
Print the entire operation with the default generic assembly form.
~OpAsmPrinter() override
virtual void printRegion(Region &blocks, bool printEntryBlockArgs=true, bool printBlockTerminators=true, bool printEmptyBlock=false)=0
Prints a region.
virtual void printRegionArgument(BlockArgument arg, ArrayRef< NamedAttribute > argAttrs={}, bool omitType=false)=0
Print a block argument in the usual format of: ssaName : type {attr1=42} loc("here") where location p...
virtual void printOperand(Value value)=0
Print implementations for various things an operation contains.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
This class implements Optional functionality for ParseResult.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:39
ParseResult value() const
Access the internal ParseResult value.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:52
bool has_value() const
Returns true if we contain a valid ParseResult value.
Definition: OpDefinition.h:49
This class represents success/failure for parsing-like operations that find it important to chain tog...
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
This class provides an abstraction over the various different ranges of value types.
Definition: TypeRange.h:36
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over Values.
Definition: ValueRange.h:381
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
The base class used for all derived interface types.
Include the generated interface declarations.
Definition: CallGraph.h:229
QueryRef parse(llvm::StringRef line, const QuerySession &qs)
Definition: Query.cpp:21
Include the generated interface declarations.
LogicalResult failure(bool isFailure=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:62
ParseResult parseDimensionList(OpAsmParser &parser, DenseI64ArrayAttr &dimensions)
void printDimensionList(OpAsmPrinter &printer, Operation *op, ArrayRef< int64_t > dimensions)
detail::DenseArrayAttrImpl< int64_t > DenseI64ArrayAttr
bool succeeded(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a success value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:68
LogicalResult success(bool isSuccess=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:56
llvm::hash_code hash_value(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &param)
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
inline ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(AffineExpr arg)
Make AffineExpr hashable.
Definition: AffineExpr.h:261
bool failed(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a failure value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:72
raw_ostream & operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const AliasResult &result)
Definition: AliasAnalysis.h:78
static mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle getTombstoneKey()
static unsigned getHashValue(const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &handle)
static mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle getEmptyKey()
static bool isEqual(const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &lhs, const mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle &rhs)
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26
std::optional< Location > sourceLoc
This is the representation of an operand reference.
This represents an operation in an abstracted form, suitable for use with the builder APIs.
This trait is used to determine if a storage user, like Type, is mutable or not.