MLIR  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- StorageUniquerSupport.h - MLIR Storage Uniquer Utilities -*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file defines utility classes for interfacing with StorageUniquer.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
21 #include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/FunctionExtras.h"
24 namespace mlir {
25 class InFlightDiagnostic;
26 class Location;
27 class MLIRContext;
29 namespace detail {
30 /// Utility method to generate a callback that can be used to generate a
31 /// diagnostic when checking the construction invariants of a storage object.
32 /// This is defined out-of-line to avoid the need to include Location.h.
33 llvm::unique_function<InFlightDiagnostic()>
34 getDefaultDiagnosticEmitFn(MLIRContext *ctx);
35 llvm::unique_function<InFlightDiagnostic()>
36 getDefaultDiagnosticEmitFn(const Location &loc);
38 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
39 // StorageUserTraitBase
40 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
42 /// Helper class for implementing traits for storage classes. Clients are not
43 /// expected to interact with this directly, so its members are all protected.
44 template <typename ConcreteType, template <typename> class TraitType>
46 protected:
47  /// Return the derived instance.
48  ConcreteType getInstance() const {
49  // We have to cast up to the trait type, then to the concrete type because
50  // the concrete type will multiply derive from the (content free) TraitBase
51  // class, and we need to be able to disambiguate the path for the C++
52  // compiler.
53  auto *trait = static_cast<const TraitType<ConcreteType> *>(this);
54  return *static_cast<const ConcreteType *>(trait);
55  }
56 };
58 namespace StorageUserTrait {
59 /// This trait is used to determine if a storage user, like Type, is mutable
60 /// or not. A storage user is mutable if ImplType of the derived class defines
61 /// a `mutate` function with a proper signature. Note that this trait is not
62 /// supposed to be used publicly. Users should use alias names like
63 /// `TypeTrait::IsMutable` instead.
64 template <typename ConcreteType>
65 struct IsMutable : public StorageUserTraitBase<ConcreteType, IsMutable> {};
66 } // namespace StorageUserTrait
68 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
69 // StorageUserBase
70 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
72 namespace storage_user_base_impl {
73 /// Returns true if this given Trait ID matches the IDs of any of the provided
74 /// trait types `Traits`.
75 template <template <typename T> class... Traits>
76 bool hasTrait(TypeID traitID) {
77  TypeID traitIDs[] = {TypeID::get<Traits>()...};
78  for (unsigned i = 0, e = sizeof...(Traits); i != e; ++i)
79  if (traitIDs[i] == traitID)
80  return true;
81  return false;
82 }
84 // We specialize for the empty case to not define an empty array.
85 template <>
86 inline bool hasTrait(TypeID traitID) {
87  return false;
88 }
89 } // namespace storage_user_base_impl
91 /// Utility class for implementing users of storage classes uniqued by a
92 /// StorageUniquer. Clients are not expected to interact with this class
93 /// directly.
94 template <typename ConcreteT, typename BaseT, typename StorageT,
95  typename UniquerT, template <typename T> class... Traits>
96 class StorageUserBase : public BaseT, public Traits<ConcreteT>... {
97 public:
98  using BaseT::BaseT;
100  /// Utility declarations for the concrete attribute class.
101  using Base = StorageUserBase<ConcreteT, BaseT, StorageT, UniquerT, Traits...>;
102  using ImplType = StorageT;
103  using HasTraitFn = bool (*)(TypeID);
105  /// Return a unique identifier for the concrete type.
106  static TypeID getTypeID() { return TypeID::get<ConcreteT>(); }
108  /// Provide an implementation of 'classof' that compares the type id of the
109  /// provided value with that of the concrete type.
110  template <typename T>
111  static bool classof(T val) {
112  static_assert(std::is_convertible<ConcreteT, T>::value,
113  "casting from a non-convertible type");
114  return val.getTypeID() == getTypeID();
115  }
117  /// Returns an interface map for the interfaces registered to this storage
118  /// user. This should not be used directly.
120  return detail::InterfaceMap::template get<Traits<ConcreteT>...>();
121  }
123  /// Returns the function that returns true if the given Trait ID matches the
124  /// IDs of any of the traits defined by the storage user.
126  return [](TypeID id) {
127  return storage_user_base_impl::hasTrait<Traits...>(id);
128  };
129  }
131  /// Returns a function that walks immediate sub elements of a given instance
132  /// of the storage user.
134  return [](auto instance, function_ref<void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn,
135  function_ref<void(Type)> walkTypesFn) {
137  llvm::cast<ConcreteT>(instance), walkAttrsFn, walkTypesFn);
138  };
139  }
141  /// Returns a function that replaces immediate sub elements of a given
142  /// instance of the storage user.
144  return [](auto instance, ArrayRef<Attribute> replAttrs,
145  ArrayRef<Type> replTypes) {
147  llvm::cast<ConcreteT>(instance), replAttrs, replTypes);
148  };
149  }
151  /// Attach the given models as implementations of the corresponding interfaces
152  /// for the concrete storage user class. The type must be registered with the
153  /// context, i.e. the dialect to which the type belongs must be loaded. The
154  /// call will abort otherwise.
155  template <typename... IfaceModels>
156  static void attachInterface(MLIRContext &context) {
157  typename ConcreteT::AbstractTy *abstract =
158  ConcreteT::AbstractTy::lookupMutable(TypeID::get<ConcreteT>(),
159  &context);
160  if (!abstract)
161  llvm::report_fatal_error("Registering an interface for an attribute/type "
162  "that is not itself registered.");
164  // Handle the case where the models resolve a promised interface.
166  abstract->getDialect(), abstract->getTypeID(),
167  IfaceModels::Interface::getInterfaceID()),
168  ...);
170  (checkInterfaceTarget<IfaceModels>(), ...);
171  abstract->interfaceMap.template insertModels<IfaceModels...>();
172  }
174  /// Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx. This
175  /// function is guaranteed to return a non null object and will assert if
176  /// the arguments provided are invalid.
177  template <typename... Args>
178  static ConcreteT get(MLIRContext *ctx, Args &&...args) {
179  // Ensure that the invariants are correct for construction.
180  assert(
182  return UniquerT::template get<ConcreteT>(ctx, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
183  }
185  /// Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx, defined at
186  /// the given, potentially unknown, location. If the arguments provided are
187  /// invalid, errors are emitted using the provided location and a null object
188  /// is returned.
189  template <typename... Args>
190  static ConcreteT getChecked(const Location &loc, Args &&...args) {
191  return ConcreteT::getChecked(getDefaultDiagnosticEmitFn(loc),
192  std::forward<Args>(args)...);
193  }
195  /// Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx. If the arguments
196  /// provided are invalid, errors are emitted using the provided `emitError`
197  /// and a null object is returned.
198  template <typename... Args>
199  static ConcreteT getChecked(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitErrorFn,
200  MLIRContext *ctx, Args... args) {
201  // If the construction invariants fail then we return a null attribute.
202  if (failed(ConcreteT::verify(emitErrorFn, args...)))
203  return ConcreteT();
204  return UniquerT::template get<ConcreteT>(ctx, args...);
205  }
207  /// Get an instance of the concrete type from a void pointer.
208  static ConcreteT getFromOpaquePointer(const void *ptr) {
209  return ConcreteT((const typename BaseT::ImplType *)ptr);
210  }
212  /// Utility for easy access to the storage instance.
213  ImplType *getImpl() const { return static_cast<ImplType *>(this->impl); }
215 protected:
216  /// Mutate the current storage instance. This will not change the unique key.
217  /// The arguments are forwarded to 'ConcreteT::mutate'.
218  template <typename... Args>
219  LogicalResult mutate(Args &&...args) {
220  static_assert(std::is_base_of<StorageUserTrait::IsMutable<ConcreteT>,
221  ConcreteT>::value,
222  "The `mutate` function expects mutable trait "
223  "(e.g. TypeTrait::IsMutable) to be attached on parent.");
224  return UniquerT::template mutate<ConcreteT>(this->getContext(), getImpl(),
225  std::forward<Args>(args)...);
226  }
228  /// Default implementation that just returns success.
229  template <typename... Args>
230  static LogicalResult verify(Args... args) {
231  return success();
232  }
234 private:
235  /// Trait to check if T provides a 'ConcreteEntity' type alias.
236  template <typename T>
237  using has_concrete_entity_t = typename T::ConcreteEntity;
239  /// A struct-wrapped type alias to T::ConcreteEntity if provided and to
240  /// ConcreteT otherwise. This is akin to std::conditional but doesn't fail on
241  /// the missing typedef. Useful for checking if the interface is targeting the
242  /// right class.
243  template <typename T,
244  bool = llvm::is_detected<has_concrete_entity_t, T>::value>
245  struct IfaceTargetOrConcreteT {
246  using type = typename T::ConcreteEntity;
247  };
248  template <typename T>
249  struct IfaceTargetOrConcreteT<T, false> {
250  using type = ConcreteT;
251  };
253  /// A hook for static assertion that the external interface model T is
254  /// targeting a base class of the concrete attribute/type. The model can also
255  /// be a fallback model that works for every attribute/type.
256  template <typename T>
257  static void checkInterfaceTarget() {
258  static_assert(std::is_base_of<typename IfaceTargetOrConcreteT<T>::type,
259  ConcreteT>::value,
260  "attaching an interface to the wrong attribute/type kind");
261  }
262 };
263 } // namespace detail
264 } // namespace mlir
266 #endif
static MLIRContext * getContext(OpFoldResult val)
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
This class represents a diagnostic that is inflight and set to be reported.
Definition: Diagnostics.h:308
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
This class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type.
Definition: TypeID.h:104
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
This class provides an efficient mapping between a given Interface type, and a particular implementat...
Utility class for implementing users of storage classes uniqued by a StorageUniquer.
static void attachInterface(MLIRContext &context)
Attach the given models as implementations of the corresponding interfaces for the concrete storage u...
static bool classof(T val)
Provide an implementation of 'classof' that compares the type id of the provided value with that of t...
static ConcreteT get(MLIRContext *ctx, Args &&...args)
Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx.
LogicalResult mutate(Args &&...args)
Mutate the current storage instance.
static TypeID getTypeID()
Return a unique identifier for the concrete type.
static ConcreteT getFromOpaquePointer(const void *ptr)
Get an instance of the concrete type from a void pointer.
static HasTraitFn getHasTraitFn()
Returns the function that returns true if the given Trait ID matches the IDs of any of the traits def...
static ConcreteT getChecked(function_ref< InFlightDiagnostic()> emitErrorFn, MLIRContext *ctx, Args... args)
Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx.
static LogicalResult verify(Args... args)
Default implementation that just returns success.
ImplType * getImpl() const
Utility for easy access to the storage instance.
static ConcreteT getChecked(const Location &loc, Args &&...args)
Get or create a new ConcreteT instance within the ctx, defined at the given, potentially unknown,...
static auto getWalkImmediateSubElementsFn()
Returns a function that walks immediate sub elements of a given instance of the storage user.
static detail::InterfaceMap getInterfaceMap()
Returns an interface map for the interfaces registered to this storage user.
static auto getReplaceImmediateSubElementsFn()
Returns a function that replaces immediate sub elements of a given instance of the storage user.
Helper class for implementing traits for storage classes.
ConcreteType getInstance() const
Return the derived instance.
bool hasTrait(TypeID traitID)
Returns true if this given Trait ID matches the IDs of any of the provided trait types Traits.
auto replaceImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived, ArrayRef< Attribute > &replAttrs, ArrayRef< Type > &replTypes)
This function provides the underlying implementation for the SubElementInterface replace method,...
void walkImmediateSubElementsImpl(T derived, function_ref< void(Attribute)> walkAttrsFn, function_ref< void(Type)> walkTypesFn)
This function provides the underlying implementation for the SubElementInterface walk method,...
llvm::unique_function< InFlightDiagnostic()> getDefaultDiagnosticEmitFn(MLIRContext *ctx)
Utility method to generate a callback that can be used to generate a diagnostic when checking the con...
void handleAdditionOfUndefinedPromisedInterface(Dialect &dialect, TypeID interfaceRequestorID, TypeID interfaceID)
Checks if the given interface, which is attempting to be attached, is a promised interface of this di...
Definition: Dialect.cpp:160
Include the generated interface declarations.
bool succeeded(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a success value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:68
LogicalResult success(bool isSuccess=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:56
LogicalResult verify(Operation *op, bool verifyRecursively=true)
Perform (potentially expensive) checks of invariants, used to detect compiler bugs,...
Definition: Verifier.cpp:421
bool failed(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a failure value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:72
This class represents an efficient way to signal success or failure.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:26
This trait is used to determine if a storage user, like Type, is mutable or not.