MLIR  20.0.0git
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1 //===- Deserializer.h - MLIR SPIR-V Deserializer ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file declares the SPIR-V binary to MLIR SPIR-V module deserializer.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
23 #include <cstdint>
24 #include <optional>
26 namespace mlir {
27 namespace spirv {
29 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
30 // Utility Definitions
31 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
33 /// A struct for containing a header block's merge and continue targets.
34 ///
35 /// This struct is used to track original structured control flow info from
36 /// SPIR-V blob. This info will be used to create
37 /// spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop later.
40  Block *continueBlock; // nullptr for spirv.mlir.selection
42  uint32_t control; // Selection/loop control
44  BlockMergeInfo(Location location, uint32_t control)
45  : mergeBlock(nullptr), continueBlock(nullptr), loc(location),
46  control(control) {}
47  BlockMergeInfo(Location location, uint32_t control, Block *m,
48  Block *c = nullptr)
49  : mergeBlock(m), continueBlock(c), loc(location), control(control) {}
50 };
52 /// A struct for containing OpLine instruction information.
53 struct DebugLine {
54  uint32_t fileID;
55  uint32_t line;
56  uint32_t column;
57 };
59 /// Map from a selection/loop's header block to its merge (and continue) target.
62 /// A "deferred struct type" is a struct type with one or more member types not
63 /// known when the Deserializer first encounters the struct. This happens, for
64 /// example, with recursive structs where a pointer to the struct type is
65 /// forward declared through OpTypeForwardPointer in the SPIR-V module before
66 /// the struct declaration; the actual pointer to struct type should be defined
67 /// later through an OpTypePointer. For example, the following C struct:
68 ///
69 /// struct A {
70 /// A* next;
71 /// };
72 ///
73 /// would be represented in the SPIR-V module as:
74 ///
75 /// OpName %A "A"
76 /// OpTypeForwardPointer %APtr Generic
77 /// %A = OpTypeStruct %APtr
78 /// %APtr = OpTypePointer Generic %A
79 ///
80 /// This means that the spirv::StructType cannot be fully constructed directly
81 /// when the Deserializer encounters it. Instead we create a
82 /// DeferredStructTypeInfo that contains all the information we know about the
83 /// spirv::StructType. Once all forward references for the struct are resolved,
84 /// the struct's body is set with all member info.
88  // A list of all unresolved member types for the struct. First element of each
89  // item is operand ID, second element is member index in the struct.
92  // The list of member types. For unresolved members, this list contains
93  // place-holder empty types that will be updated later.
97 };
99 /// A struct that collects the info needed to materialize/emit a
100 /// SpecConstantOperation op.
102  spirv::Opcode enclodesOpcode;
103  uint32_t resultTypeID;
105 };
107 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
108 // Deserializer Declaration
109 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
111 /// A SPIR-V module serializer.
112 ///
113 /// A SPIR-V binary module is a single linear stream of instructions; each
114 /// instruction is composed of 32-bit words. The first word of an instruction
115 /// records the total number of words of that instruction using the 16
116 /// higher-order bits. So this deserializer uses that to get instruction
117 /// boundary and parse instructions and build a SPIR-V ModuleOp gradually.
118 ///
119 // TODO: clean up created ops on errors
121 public:
122  /// Creates a deserializer for the given SPIR-V `binary` module.
123  /// The SPIR-V ModuleOp will be created into `context.
124  explicit Deserializer(ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary, MLIRContext *context);
126  /// Deserializes the remembered SPIR-V binary module.
127  LogicalResult deserialize();
129  /// Collects the final SPIR-V ModuleOp.
132 private:
133  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
134  // Module structure
135  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
137  /// Initializes the `module` ModuleOp in this deserializer instance.
138  OwningOpRef<spirv::ModuleOp> createModuleOp();
140  /// Processes SPIR-V module header in `binary`.
141  LogicalResult processHeader();
143  /// Processes the SPIR-V OpCapability with `operands` and updates bookkeeping
144  /// in the deserializer.
145  LogicalResult processCapability(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
147  /// Processes the SPIR-V OpExtension with `operands` and updates bookkeeping
148  /// in the deserializer.
149  LogicalResult processExtension(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
151  /// Processes the SPIR-V OpExtInstImport with `operands` and updates
152  /// bookkeeping in the deserializer.
153  LogicalResult processExtInstImport(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
155  /// Attaches (version, capabilities, extensions) triple to `module` as an
156  /// attribute.
157  void attachVCETriple();
159  /// Processes the SPIR-V OpMemoryModel with `operands` and updates `module`.
160  LogicalResult processMemoryModel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
162  /// Process SPIR-V OpName with `operands`.
163  LogicalResult processName(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
165  /// Processes an OpDecorate instruction.
166  LogicalResult processDecoration(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
168  // Processes an OpMemberDecorate instruction.
169  LogicalResult processMemberDecoration(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
171  /// Processes an OpMemberName instruction.
172  LogicalResult processMemberName(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
174  /// Gets the function op associated with a result <id> of OpFunction.
175  spirv::FuncOp getFunction(uint32_t id) { return funcMap.lookup(id); }
177  /// Processes the SPIR-V function at the current `offset` into `binary`.
178  /// The operands to the OpFunction instruction is passed in as ``operands`.
179  /// This method processes each instruction inside the function and dispatches
180  /// them to their handler method accordingly.
181  LogicalResult processFunction(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
183  /// Processes OpFunctionEnd and finalizes function. This wires up block
184  /// argument created from OpPhi instructions and also structurizes control
185  /// flow.
186  LogicalResult processFunctionEnd(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
188  /// Gets the constant's attribute and type associated with the given <id>.
189  std::optional<std::pair<Attribute, Type>> getConstant(uint32_t id);
191  /// Gets the info needed to materialize the spec constant operation op
192  /// associated with the given <id>.
193  std::optional<SpecConstOperationMaterializationInfo>
194  getSpecConstantOperation(uint32_t id);
196  /// Gets the constant's integer attribute with the given <id>. Returns a
197  /// null IntegerAttr if the given is not registered or does not correspond
198  /// to an integer constant.
199  IntegerAttr getConstantInt(uint32_t id);
201  /// Returns a symbol to be used for the function name with the given
202  /// result <id>. This tries to use the function's OpName if
203  /// exists; otherwise creates one based on the <id>.
204  std::string getFunctionSymbol(uint32_t id);
206  /// Returns a symbol to be used for the specialization constant with the given
207  /// result <id>. This tries to use the specialization constant's OpName if
208  /// exists; otherwise creates one based on the <id>.
209  std::string getSpecConstantSymbol(uint32_t id);
211  /// Gets the specialization constant with the given result <id>.
212  spirv::SpecConstantOp getSpecConstant(uint32_t id) {
213  return specConstMap.lookup(id);
214  }
216  /// Gets the composite specialization constant with the given result <id>.
217  spirv::SpecConstantCompositeOp getSpecConstantComposite(uint32_t id) {
218  return specConstCompositeMap.lookup(id);
219  }
221  /// Creates a spirv::SpecConstantOp.
222  spirv::SpecConstantOp createSpecConstant(Location loc, uint32_t resultID,
223  TypedAttr defaultValue);
225  /// Processes the OpVariable instructions at current `offset` into `binary`.
226  /// It is expected that this method is used for variables that are to be
227  /// defined at module scope and will be deserialized into a
228  /// spirv.GlobalVariable instruction.
229  LogicalResult processGlobalVariable(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
231  /// Gets the global variable associated with a result <id> of OpVariable.
232  spirv::GlobalVariableOp getGlobalVariable(uint32_t id) {
233  return globalVariableMap.lookup(id);
234  }
236  /// Sets the function argument's attributes. |argID| is the function
237  /// argument's result <id>, and |argIndex| is its index in the function's
238  /// argument list.
239  LogicalResult setFunctionArgAttrs(uint32_t argID,
240  SmallVectorImpl<Attribute> &argAttrs,
241  size_t argIndex);
243  /// Gets the symbol name from the name of decoration.
244  StringAttr getSymbolDecoration(StringRef decorationName) {
245  auto attrName = llvm::convertToSnakeFromCamelCase(decorationName);
246  return opBuilder.getStringAttr(attrName);
247  }
249  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
250  // Type
251  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
253  /// Gets type for a given result <id>.
254  Type getType(uint32_t id) { return typeMap.lookup(id); }
256  /// Get the type associated with the result <id> of an OpUndef.
257  Type getUndefType(uint32_t id) { return undefMap.lookup(id); }
259  /// Returns true if the given `type` is for SPIR-V void type.
260  bool isVoidType(Type type) const { return isa<NoneType>(type); }
262  /// Processes a SPIR-V type instruction with given `opcode` and `operands` and
263  /// registers the type into `module`.
264  LogicalResult processType(spirv::Opcode opcode, ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
266  LogicalResult processOpTypePointer(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
268  LogicalResult processArrayType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
270  LogicalResult processCooperativeMatrixTypeKHR(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
272  LogicalResult processCooperativeMatrixTypeNV(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
274  LogicalResult processFunctionType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
276  LogicalResult processJointMatrixType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
278  LogicalResult processImageType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
280  LogicalResult processSampledImageType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
282  LogicalResult processRuntimeArrayType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
284  LogicalResult processStructType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
286  LogicalResult processMatrixType(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
288  LogicalResult processTypeForwardPointer(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
290  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
291  // Constant
292  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
294  /// Processes a SPIR-V Op{|Spec}Constant instruction with the given
295  /// `operands`. `isSpec` indicates whether this is a specialization constant.
296  LogicalResult processConstant(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands, bool isSpec);
298  /// Processes a SPIR-V Op{|Spec}Constant{True|False} instruction with the
299  /// given `operands`. `isSpec` indicates whether this is a specialization
300  /// constant.
301  LogicalResult processConstantBool(bool isTrue, ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
302  bool isSpec);
304  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpConstantComposite instruction with the given
305  /// `operands`.
306  LogicalResult processConstantComposite(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
308  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpSpecConstantComposite instruction with the given
309  /// `operands`.
310  LogicalResult processSpecConstantComposite(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
312  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpSpecConstantOp instruction with the given
313  /// `operands`.
314  LogicalResult processSpecConstantOperation(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
316  /// Materializes/emits an OpSpecConstantOp instruction.
317  Value materializeSpecConstantOperation(uint32_t resultID,
318  spirv::Opcode enclosedOpcode,
319  uint32_t resultTypeID,
320  ArrayRef<uint32_t> enclosedOpOperands);
322  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpConstantNull instruction with the given `operands`.
323  LogicalResult processConstantNull(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
325  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
326  // Debug
327  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
329  /// Discontinues any source-level location information that might be active
330  /// from a previous OpLine instruction.
331  void clearDebugLine();
333  /// Creates a FileLineColLoc with the OpLine location information.
334  Location createFileLineColLoc(OpBuilder opBuilder);
336  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpLine instruction with the given `operands`.
337  LogicalResult processDebugLine(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
339  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpString instruction with the given `operands`.
340  LogicalResult processDebugString(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
342  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
343  // Control flow
344  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
346  /// Returns the block for the given label <id>.
347  Block *getBlock(uint32_t id) const { return blockMap.lookup(id); }
349  // In SPIR-V, structured control flow is explicitly declared using merge
350  // instructions (OpSelectionMerge and OpLoopMerge). In the SPIR-V dialect,
351  // we use spirv.mlir.selection and spirv.mlir.loop to group structured control
352  // flow. The deserializer need to turn structured control flow marked with
353  // merge instructions into using spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop ops.
354  //
355  // Because structured control flow can nest and the basic block order have
356  // flexibility, we cannot isolate a structured selection/loop without
357  // deserializing all the blocks. So we use the following approach:
358  //
359  // 1. Deserialize all basic blocks in a function and create MLIR blocks for
360  // them into the function's region. In the meanwhile, keep a map between
361  // selection/loop header blocks to their corresponding merge (and continue)
362  // target blocks.
363  // 2. For each selection/loop header block, recursively get all basic blocks
364  // reachable (except the merge block) and put them in a newly created
365  // spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop's region. Structured control flow
366  // guarantees that we enter and exit in structured ways and the construct
367  // is nestable.
368  // 3. Put the new spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop op at the beginning of
369  // the
370  // old merge block and redirect all branches to the old header block to the
371  // old merge block (which contains the spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop
372  // op now).
374  /// For OpPhi instructions, we use block arguments to represent them. OpPhi
375  /// encodes a list of (value, predecessor) pairs. At the time of handling the
376  /// block containing an OpPhi instruction, the predecessor block might not be
377  /// processed yet, also the value sent by it. So we need to defer handling
378  /// the block argument from the predecessors. We use the following approach:
379  ///
380  /// 1. For each OpPhi instruction, add a block argument to the current block
381  /// in construction. Record the block argument in `valueMap` so its uses
382  /// can be resolved. For the list of (value, predecessor) pairs, update
383  /// `blockPhiInfo` for bookkeeping.
384  /// 2. After processing all blocks, loop over `blockPhiInfo` to fix up each
385  /// block recorded there to create the proper block arguments on their
386  /// terminators.
388  /// A data structure for containing a SPIR-V block's phi info. It will be
389  /// represented as block argument in SPIR-V dialect.
390  using BlockPhiInfo =
391  SmallVector<uint32_t, 2>; // The result <id> of the values sent
393  /// Gets or creates the block corresponding to the given label <id>. The newly
394  /// created block will always be placed at the end of the current function.
395  Block *getOrCreateBlock(uint32_t id);
397  LogicalResult processBranch(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
399  LogicalResult processBranchConditional(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
401  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpLabel instruction with the given `operands`.
402  LogicalResult processLabel(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
404  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpSelectionMerge instruction with the given `operands`.
405  LogicalResult processSelectionMerge(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
407  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpLoopMerge instruction with the given `operands`.
408  LogicalResult processLoopMerge(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
410  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpPhi instruction with the given `operands`.
411  LogicalResult processPhi(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
413  /// Creates block arguments on predecessors previously recorded when handling
414  /// OpPhi instructions.
415  LogicalResult wireUpBlockArgument();
417  /// Extracts blocks belonging to a structured selection/loop into a
418  /// spirv.mlir.selection/spirv.mlir.loop op. This method iterates until all
419  /// blocks declared as selection/loop headers are handled.
420  LogicalResult structurizeControlFlow();
422  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
423  // Instruction
424  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
426  /// Get the Value associated with a result <id>.
427  ///
428  /// This method materializes normal constants and inserts "casting" ops
429  /// (`spirv.mlir.addressof` and `spirv.mlir.referenceof`) to turn an symbol
430  /// into a SSA value for handling uses of module scope constants/variables in
431  /// functions.
432  Value getValue(uint32_t id);
434  /// Slices the first instruction out of `binary` and returns its opcode and
435  /// operands via `opcode` and `operands` respectively. Returns failure if
436  /// there is no more remaining instructions (`expectedOpcode` will be used to
437  /// compose the error message) or the next instruction is malformed.
438  LogicalResult
439  sliceInstruction(spirv::Opcode &opcode, ArrayRef<uint32_t> &operands,
440  std::optional<spirv::Opcode> expectedOpcode = std::nullopt);
442  /// Processes a SPIR-V instruction with the given `opcode` and `operands`.
443  /// This method is the main entrance for handling SPIR-V instruction; it
444  /// checks the instruction opcode and dispatches to the corresponding handler.
445  /// Processing of Some instructions (like OpEntryPoint and OpExecutionMode)
446  /// might need to be deferred, since they contain forward references to <id>s
447  /// in the deserialized binary, but module in SPIR-V dialect expects these to
448  /// be ssa-uses.
449  LogicalResult processInstruction(spirv::Opcode opcode,
450  ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands,
451  bool deferInstructions = true);
453  /// Processes a SPIR-V instruction from the given `operands`. It should
454  /// deserialize into an op with the given `opName` and `numOperands`.
455  /// This method is a generic one for dispatching any SPIR-V ops without
456  /// variadic operands and attributes in TableGen definitions.
457  LogicalResult processOpWithoutGrammarAttr(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words,
458  StringRef opName, bool hasResult,
459  unsigned numOperands);
461  /// Processes a OpUndef instruction. Adds a spirv.Undef operation at the
462  /// current insertion point.
463  LogicalResult processUndef(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
465  /// Method to dispatch to the specialized deserialization function for an
466  /// operation in SPIR-V dialect that is a mirror of an instruction in the
467  /// SPIR-V spec. This is auto-generated from ODS. Dispatch is handled for
468  /// all operations in SPIR-V dialect that have hasOpcode == 1.
469  LogicalResult dispatchToAutogenDeserialization(spirv::Opcode opcode,
470  ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
472  /// Processes a SPIR-V OpExtInst with given `operands`. This slices the
473  /// entries of `operands` that specify the extended instruction set <id> and
474  /// the instruction opcode. The op deserializer is then invoked using the
475  /// other entries.
476  LogicalResult processExtInst(ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands);
478  /// Dispatches the deserialization of extended instruction set operation based
479  /// on the extended instruction set name, and instruction opcode. This is
480  /// autogenerated from ODS.
481  LogicalResult
482  dispatchToExtensionSetAutogenDeserialization(StringRef extensionSetName,
483  uint32_t instructionID,
484  ArrayRef<uint32_t> words);
486  /// Method to deserialize an operation in the SPIR-V dialect that is a mirror
487  /// of an instruction in the SPIR-V spec. This is auto generated if hasOpcode
488  /// == 1 and autogenSerialization == 1 in ODS.
489  template <typename OpTy>
490  LogicalResult processOp(ArrayRef<uint32_t> words) {
491  return emitError(unknownLoc, "unsupported deserialization for ")
492  << OpTy::getOperationName() << " op";
493  }
495 private:
496  /// The SPIR-V binary module.
497  ArrayRef<uint32_t> binary;
499  /// Contains the data of the OpLine instruction which precedes the current
500  /// processing instruction.
501  std::optional<DebugLine> debugLine;
503  /// The current word offset into the binary module.
504  unsigned curOffset = 0;
506  /// MLIRContext to create SPIR-V ModuleOp into.
507  MLIRContext *context;
509  // TODO: create Location subclass for binary blob
510  Location unknownLoc;
512  /// The SPIR-V ModuleOp.
515  /// The current function under construction.
516  std::optional<spirv::FuncOp> curFunction;
518  /// The current block under construction.
519  Block *curBlock = nullptr;
521  OpBuilder opBuilder;
523  spirv::Version version = spirv::Version::V_1_0;
525  /// The list of capabilities used by the module.
526  llvm::SmallSetVector<spirv::Capability, 4> capabilities;
528  /// The list of extensions used by the module.
529  llvm::SmallSetVector<spirv::Extension, 2> extensions;
531  // Result <id> to type mapping.
532  DenseMap<uint32_t, Type> typeMap;
534  // Result <id> to constant attribute and type mapping.
535  ///
536  /// In the SPIR-V binary format, all constants are placed in the module and
537  /// shared by instructions at module level and in subsequent functions. But in
538  /// the SPIR-V dialect, we materialize the constant to where it's used in the
539  /// function. So when seeing a constant instruction in the binary format, we
540  /// don't immediately emit a constant op into the module, we keep its value
541  /// (and type) here. Later when it's used, we materialize the constant.
544  // Result <id> to spec constant mapping.
547  // Result <id> to composite spec constant mapping.
550  /// Result <id> to info needed to materialize an OpSpecConstantOp
551  /// mapping.
553  specConstOperationMap;
555  // Result <id> to variable mapping.
558  // Result <id> to function mapping.
561  // Result <id> to block mapping.
564  // Header block to its merge (and continue) target mapping.
565  BlockMergeInfoMap blockMergeInfo;
567  // For each pair of {predecessor, target} blocks, maps the pair of blocks to
568  // the list of phi arguments passed from predecessor to target.
569  DenseMap<std::pair<Block * /*predecessor*/, Block * /*target*/>, BlockPhiInfo>
570  blockPhiInfo;
572  // Result <id> to value mapping.
573  DenseMap<uint32_t, Value> valueMap;
575  // Mapping from result <id> to undef value of a type.
576  DenseMap<uint32_t, Type> undefMap;
578  // Result <id> to name mapping.
581  // Result <id> to debug info mapping.
582  DenseMap<uint32_t, StringRef> debugInfoMap;
584  // Result <id> to decorations mapping.
587  // Result <id> to type decorations.
588  DenseMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> typeDecorations;
590  // Result <id> to member decorations.
591  // decorated-struct-type-<id> ->
592  // (struct-member-index -> (decoration -> decoration-operands))
593  DenseMap<uint32_t,
595  memberDecorationMap;
597  // Result <id> to member name.
598  // struct-type-<id> -> (struct-member-index -> name)
601  // Result <id> to extended instruction set name.
602  DenseMap<uint32_t, StringRef> extendedInstSets;
604  // List of instructions that are processed in a deferred fashion (after an
605  // initial processing of the entire binary). Some operations like
606  // OpEntryPoint, and OpExecutionMode use forward references to function
607  // <id>s. In SPIR-V dialect the corresponding operations (spirv.EntryPoint and
608  // spirv.ExecutionMode) need these references resolved. So these instructions
609  // are deserialized and stored for processing once the entire binary is
610  // processed.
612  deferredInstructions;
614  /// A list of IDs for all types forward-declared through OpTypeForwardPointer
615  /// instructions.
616  SetVector<uint32_t> typeForwardPointerIDs;
618  /// A list of all structs which have unresolved member types.
619  SmallVector<DeferredStructTypeInfo, 0> deferredStructTypesInfos;
621 #ifndef NDEBUG
622  /// A logger used to emit information during the deserialzation process.
623  llvm::ScopedPrinter logger;
624 #endif
625 };
627 } // namespace spirv
628 } // namespace mlir
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:31
StringAttr getStringAttr(const Twine &bytes)
Definition: Builders.cpp:273
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations.
Definition: MLIRContext.h:60
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:210
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
A SPIR-V module serializer.
Definition: Deserializer.h:120
LogicalResult deserialize()
Deserializes the remembered SPIR-V binary module.
Deserializer(ArrayRef< uint32_t > binary, MLIRContext *context)
Creates a deserializer for the given SPIR-V binary module.
OwningOpRef< spirv::ModuleOp > collect()
Collects the final SPIR-V ModuleOp.
SPIR-V struct type.
Definition: SPIRVTypes.h:293
Include the generated interface declarations.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(Location loc)
Utility method to emit an error message using this location.
A struct for containing a header block's merge and continue targets.
Definition: Deserializer.h:38
BlockMergeInfo(Location location, uint32_t control, Block *m, Block *c=nullptr)
Definition: Deserializer.h:47
BlockMergeInfo(Location location, uint32_t control)
Definition: Deserializer.h:44
A struct for containing OpLine instruction information.
Definition: Deserializer.h:53
A "deferred struct type" is a struct type with one or more member types not known when the Deserializ...
Definition: Deserializer.h:85
spirv::StructType deferredStructType
Definition: Deserializer.h:86
SmallVector< spirv::StructType::MemberDecorationInfo, 0 > memberDecorationsInfo
Definition: Deserializer.h:96
SmallVector< spirv::StructType::OffsetInfo, 0 > offsetInfo
Definition: Deserializer.h:95
SmallVector< Type, 4 > memberTypes
Definition: Deserializer.h:94
SmallVector< std::pair< uint32_t, unsigned >, 0 > unresolvedMemberTypes
Definition: Deserializer.h:90
A struct that collects the info needed to materialize/emit a SpecConstantOperation op.
Definition: Deserializer.h:101