MLIR  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- IRNumbering.cpp - MLIR Bytecode IR numbering -----------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "IRNumbering.h"
12 #include "mlir/Bytecode/Encoding.h"
13 #include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
14 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
15 #include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
17 using namespace mlir;
18 using namespace mlir::bytecode::detail;
20 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
21 // NumberingDialectWriter
22 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
27  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<DialectVersion>> &dialectVersionMap)
30  void writeAttribute(Attribute attr) override { state.number(attr); }
31  void writeOptionalAttribute(Attribute attr) override {
32  if (attr)
33  state.number(attr);
34  }
35  void writeType(Type type) override { state.number(type); }
36  void writeResourceHandle(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &resource) override {
37  state.number(resource.getDialect(), resource);
38  }
40  /// Stubbed out methods that are not used for numbering.
41  void writeVarInt(uint64_t) override {}
42  void writeSignedVarInt(int64_t value) override {}
43  void writeAPIntWithKnownWidth(const APInt &value) override {}
44  void writeAPFloatWithKnownSemantics(const APFloat &value) override {}
45  void writeOwnedString(StringRef) override {
46  // TODO: It might be nice to prenumber strings and sort by the number of
47  // references. This could potentially be useful for optimizing things like
48  // file locations.
49  }
50  void writeOwnedBlob(ArrayRef<char> blob) override {}
51  void writeOwnedBool(bool value) override {}
53  int64_t getBytecodeVersion() const override {
55  }
58  getDialectVersion(StringRef dialectName) const override {
59  auto dialectEntry = dialectVersionMap.find(dialectName);
60  if (dialectEntry == dialectVersionMap.end())
61  return failure();
62  return dialectEntry->getValue().get();
63  }
65  /// The parent numbering state that is populated by this writer.
68  /// A map containing dialect version information for each dialect to emit.
69  llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<DialectVersion>> &dialectVersionMap;
70 };
72 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
73 // IR Numbering
74 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
76 /// Group and sort the elements of the given range by their parent dialect. This
77 /// grouping is applied to sub-sections of the ranged defined by how many bytes
78 /// it takes to encode a varint index to that sub-section.
79 template <typename T>
80 static void groupByDialectPerByte(T range) {
81  if (range.empty())
82  return;
84  // A functor used to sort by a given dialect, with a desired dialect to be
85  // ordered first (to better enable sharing of dialects across byte groups).
86  auto sortByDialect = [](unsigned dialectToOrderFirst, const auto &lhs,
87  const auto &rhs) {
88  if (lhs->dialect->number == dialectToOrderFirst)
89  return rhs->dialect->number != dialectToOrderFirst;
90  if (rhs->dialect->number == dialectToOrderFirst)
91  return false;
92  return lhs->dialect->number < rhs->dialect->number;
93  };
95  unsigned dialectToOrderFirst = 0;
96  size_t elementsInByteGroup = 0;
97  auto iterRange = range;
98  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 9; ++i) {
99  // Update the number of elements in the current byte grouping. Reminder
100  // that varint encodes 7-bits per byte, so that's how we compute the
101  // number of elements in each byte grouping.
102  elementsInByteGroup = (1ULL << (7ULL * i)) - elementsInByteGroup;
104  // Slice out the sub-set of elements that are in the current byte grouping
105  // to be sorted.
106  auto byteSubRange = iterRange.take_front(elementsInByteGroup);
107  iterRange = iterRange.drop_front(byteSubRange.size());
109  // Sort the sub range for this byte.
110  llvm::stable_sort(byteSubRange, [&](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
111  return sortByDialect(dialectToOrderFirst, lhs, rhs);
112  });
114  // Update the dialect to order first to be the dialect at the end of the
115  // current grouping. This seeks to allow larger dialect groupings across
116  // byte boundaries.
117  dialectToOrderFirst = byteSubRange.back()->dialect->number;
119  // If the data range is now empty, we are done.
120  if (iterRange.empty())
121  break;
122  }
124  // Assign the entry numbers based on the sort order.
125  for (auto [idx, value] : llvm::enumerate(range))
126  value->number = idx;
127 }
130  const BytecodeWriterConfig &config)
131  : config(config) {
132  computeGlobalNumberingState(op);
134  // Number the root operation.
135  number(*op);
137  // A worklist of region contexts to number and the next value id before that
138  // region.
141  // Functor to push the regions of the given operation onto the numbering
142  // context.
143  auto addOpRegionsToNumber = [&](Operation *op) {
144  MutableArrayRef<Region> regions = op->getRegions();
145  if (regions.empty())
146  return;
148  // Isolated regions don't share value numbers with their parent, so we can
149  // start numbering these regions at zero.
150  unsigned opFirstValueID = isIsolatedFromAbove(op) ? 0 : nextValueID;
151  for (Region &region : regions)
152  numberContext.emplace_back(&region, opFirstValueID);
153  };
154  addOpRegionsToNumber(op);
156  // Iteratively process each of the nested regions.
157  while (!numberContext.empty()) {
158  Region *region;
159  std::tie(region, nextValueID) = numberContext.pop_back_val();
160  number(*region);
162  // Traverse into nested regions.
163  for (Operation &op : region->getOps())
164  addOpRegionsToNumber(&op);
165  }
167  // Number each of the dialects. For now this is just in the order they were
168  // found, given that the number of dialects on average is small enough to fit
169  // within a singly byte (128). If we ever have real world use cases that have
170  // a huge number of dialects, this could be made more intelligent.
171  for (auto [idx, dialect] : llvm::enumerate(dialects))
172  dialect.second->number = idx;
174  // Number each of the recorded components within each dialect.
176  // First sort by ref count so that the most referenced elements are first. We
177  // try to bias more heavily used elements to the front. This allows for more
178  // frequently referenced things to be encoded using smaller varints.
179  auto sortByRefCountFn = [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
180  return lhs->refCount > rhs->refCount;
181  };
182  llvm::stable_sort(orderedAttrs, sortByRefCountFn);
183  llvm::stable_sort(orderedOpNames, sortByRefCountFn);
184  llvm::stable_sort(orderedTypes, sortByRefCountFn);
186  // After that, we apply a secondary ordering based on the parent dialect. This
187  // ordering is applied to sub-sections of the element list defined by how many
188  // bytes it takes to encode a varint index to that sub-section. This allows
189  // for more efficiently encoding components of the same dialect (e.g. we only
190  // have to encode the dialect reference once).
195  // Finalize the numbering of the dialect resources.
196  finalizeDialectResourceNumberings(op);
197 }
199 void IRNumberingState::computeGlobalNumberingState(Operation *rootOp) {
200  // A simple state struct tracking data used when walking operations.
201  struct StackState {
202  /// The operation currently being walked.
203  Operation *op;
205  /// The numbering of the operation.
206  OperationNumbering *numbering;
208  /// A flag indicating if the current state or one of its parents has
209  /// unresolved isolation status. This is tracked separately from the
210  /// isIsolatedFromAbove bit on `numbering` because we need to be able to
211  /// handle the given case:
212  /// top.op {
213  /// %value = ...
214  /// middle.op {
215  /// %value2 = ...
216  /// inner.op {
217  /// // Here we mark `inner.op` as not isolated. Note `middle.op`
218  /// // isn't known not isolated yet.
219  /// use.op %value2
220  ///
221  /// // Here inner.op is already known to be non-isolated, but
222  /// // `middle.op` is now also discovered to be non-isolated.
223  /// use.op %value
224  /// }
225  /// }
226  /// }
227  bool hasUnresolvedIsolation;
228  };
230  // Compute a global operation ID numbering according to the pre-order walk of
231  // the IR. This is used as reference to construct use-list orders.
232  unsigned operationID = 0;
234  // Walk each of the operations within the IR, tracking a stack of operations
235  // as we recurse into nested regions. This walk method hooks in at two stages
236  // during the walk:
237  //
238  // BeforeAllRegions:
239  // Here we generate a numbering for the operation and push it onto the
240  // stack if it has regions. We also compute the isolation status of parent
241  // regions at this stage. This is done by checking the parent regions of
242  // operands used by the operation, and marking each region between the
243  // the operand region and the current as not isolated. See
244  // StackState::hasUnresolvedIsolation above for an example.
245  //
246  // AfterAllRegions:
247  // Here we pop the operation from the stack, and if it hasn't been marked
248  // as non-isolated, we mark it as so. A non-isolated use would have been
249  // found while walking the regions, so it is safe to mark the operation at
250  // this point.
251  //
252  SmallVector<StackState> opStack;
253  rootOp->walk([&](Operation *op, const WalkStage &stage) {
254  // After visiting all nested regions, we pop the operation from the stack.
255  if (op->getNumRegions() && stage.isAfterAllRegions()) {
256  // If no non-isolated uses were found, we can safely mark this operation
257  // as isolated from above.
258  OperationNumbering *numbering = opStack.pop_back_val().numbering;
259  if (!numbering->isIsolatedFromAbove.has_value())
260  numbering->isIsolatedFromAbove = true;
261  return;
262  }
264  // When visiting before nested regions, we process "IsolatedFromAbove"
265  // checks and compute the number for this operation.
266  if (!stage.isBeforeAllRegions())
267  return;
268  // Update the isolation status of parent regions if any have yet to be
269  // resolved.
270  if (!opStack.empty() && opStack.back().hasUnresolvedIsolation) {
271  Region *parentRegion = op->getParentRegion();
272  for (Value operand : op->getOperands()) {
273  Region *operandRegion = operand.getParentRegion();
274  if (operandRegion == parentRegion)
275  continue;
276  // We've found a use of an operand outside of the current region,
277  // walk the operation stack searching for the parent operation,
278  // marking every region on the way as not isolated.
279  Operation *operandContainerOp = operandRegion->getParentOp();
280  auto it = std::find_if(
281  opStack.rbegin(), opStack.rend(), [=](const StackState &it) {
282  // We only need to mark up to the container region, or the first
283  // that has an unresolved status.
284  return !it.hasUnresolvedIsolation || it.op == operandContainerOp;
285  });
286  assert(it != opStack.rend() && "expected to find the container");
287  for (auto &state : llvm::make_range(opStack.rbegin(), it)) {
288  // If we stopped at a region that knows its isolation status, we can
289  // stop updating the isolation status for the parent regions.
290  state.hasUnresolvedIsolation = it->hasUnresolvedIsolation;
291  state.numbering->isIsolatedFromAbove = false;
292  }
293  }
294  }
296  // Compute the number for this op and push it onto the stack.
297  auto *numbering =
298  new (opAllocator.Allocate()) OperationNumbering(operationID++);
300  numbering->isIsolatedFromAbove = true;
301  operations.try_emplace(op, numbering);
302  if (op->getNumRegions()) {
303  opStack.emplace_back(StackState{
304  op, numbering, !numbering->isIsolatedFromAbove.has_value()});
305  }
306  });
307 }
309 void IRNumberingState::number(Attribute attr) {
310  auto it = attrs.insert({attr, nullptr});
311  if (!it.second) {
312  ++it.first->second->refCount;
313  return;
314  }
315  auto *numbering = new (attrAllocator.Allocate()) AttributeNumbering(attr);
316  it.first->second = numbering;
317  orderedAttrs.push_back(numbering);
319  // Check for OpaqueAttr, which is a dialect-specific attribute that didn't
320  // have a registered dialect when it got created. We don't want to encode this
321  // as the builtin OpaqueAttr, we want to encode it as if the dialect was
322  // actually loaded.
323  if (OpaqueAttr opaqueAttr = dyn_cast<OpaqueAttr>(attr)) {
324  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(opaqueAttr.getDialectNamespace());
325  return;
326  }
327  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(&attr.getDialect());
329  // If this attribute will be emitted using the bytecode format, perform a
330  // dummy writing to number any nested components.
331  // TODO: We don't allow custom encodings for mutable attributes right now.
332  if (!attr.hasTrait<AttributeTrait::IsMutable>()) {
333  // Try overriding emission with callbacks.
334  for (const auto &callback : config.getAttributeWriterCallbacks()) {
335  NumberingDialectWriter writer(*this, config.getDialectVersionMap());
336  // The client has the ability to override the group name through the
337  // callback.
338  std::optional<StringRef> groupNameOverride;
339  if (succeeded(callback->write(attr, groupNameOverride, writer))) {
340  if (groupNameOverride.has_value())
341  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(*groupNameOverride);
342  return;
343  }
344  }
346  if (const auto *interface = numbering->dialect->interface) {
347  NumberingDialectWriter writer(*this, config.getDialectVersionMap());
348  if (succeeded(interface->writeAttribute(attr, writer)))
349  return;
350  }
351  }
352  // If this attribute will be emitted using the fallback, number the nested
353  // dialect resources. We don't number everything (e.g. no nested
354  // attributes/types), because we don't want to encode things we won't decode
355  // (the textual format can't really share much).
356  AsmState tempState(attr.getContext());
357  llvm::raw_null_ostream dummyOS;
358  attr.print(dummyOS, tempState);
360  // Number the used dialect resources.
361  for (const auto &it : tempState.getDialectResources())
362  number(it.getFirst(), it.getSecond().getArrayRef());
363 }
365 void IRNumberingState::number(Block &block) {
366  // Number the arguments of the block.
367  for (BlockArgument arg : block.getArguments()) {
368  valueIDs.try_emplace(arg, nextValueID++);
369  number(arg.getLoc());
370  number(arg.getType());
371  }
373  // Number the operations in this block.
374  unsigned &numOps = blockOperationCounts[&block];
375  for (Operation &op : block) {
376  number(op);
377  ++numOps;
378  }
379 }
381 auto IRNumberingState::numberDialect(Dialect *dialect) -> DialectNumbering & {
382  DialectNumbering *&numbering = registeredDialects[dialect];
383  if (!numbering) {
384  numbering = &numberDialect(dialect->getNamespace());
385  numbering->interface = dyn_cast<BytecodeDialectInterface>(dialect);
386  numbering->asmInterface = dyn_cast<OpAsmDialectInterface>(dialect);
387  }
388  return *numbering;
389 }
391 auto IRNumberingState::numberDialect(StringRef dialect) -> DialectNumbering & {
392  DialectNumbering *&numbering = dialects[dialect];
393  if (!numbering) {
394  numbering = new (dialectAllocator.Allocate())
395  DialectNumbering(dialect, dialects.size() - 1);
396  }
397  return *numbering;
398 }
400 void IRNumberingState::number(Region &region) {
401  if (region.empty())
402  return;
403  size_t firstValueID = nextValueID;
405  // Number the blocks within this region.
406  size_t blockCount = 0;
407  for (auto it : llvm::enumerate(region)) {
408  blockIDs.try_emplace(&it.value(), it.index());
409  number(it.value());
410  ++blockCount;
411  }
413  // Remember the number of blocks and values in this region.
414  regionBlockValueCounts.try_emplace(&region, blockCount,
415  nextValueID - firstValueID);
416 }
418 void IRNumberingState::number(Operation &op) {
419  // Number the components of an operation that won't be numbered elsewhere
420  // (e.g. we don't number operands, regions, or successors here).
421  number(op.getName());
422  for (OpResult result : op.getResults()) {
423  valueIDs.try_emplace(result, nextValueID++);
424  number(result.getType());
425  }
427  // Prior to a version with native property encoding, or when properties are
428  // not used, we need to number also the merged dictionary containing both the
429  // inherent and discardable attribute.
430  DictionaryAttr dictAttr;
431  if (config.getDesiredBytecodeVersion() >= bytecode::kNativePropertiesEncoding)
432  dictAttr = op.getRawDictionaryAttrs();
433  else
434  dictAttr = op.getAttrDictionary();
435  // Only number the operation's dictionary if it isn't empty.
436  if (!dictAttr.empty())
437  number(dictAttr);
439  // Visit the operation properties (if any) to make sure referenced attributes
440  // are numbered.
441  if (config.getDesiredBytecodeVersion() >=
444  if (op.isRegistered()) {
445  // Operation that have properties *must* implement this interface.
446  auto iface = cast<BytecodeOpInterface>(op);
447  NumberingDialectWriter writer(*this, config.getDialectVersionMap());
448  iface.writeProperties(writer);
449  } else {
450  // Unregistered op are storing properties as an optional attribute.
451  if (Attribute prop = *op.getPropertiesStorage().as<Attribute *>())
452  number(prop);
453  }
454  }
456  number(op.getLoc());
457 }
459 void IRNumberingState::number(OperationName opName) {
460  OpNameNumbering *&numbering = opNames[opName];
461  if (numbering) {
462  ++numbering->refCount;
463  return;
464  }
465  DialectNumbering *dialectNumber = nullptr;
466  if (Dialect *dialect = opName.getDialect())
467  dialectNumber = &numberDialect(dialect);
468  else
469  dialectNumber = &numberDialect(opName.getDialectNamespace());
471  numbering =
472  new (opNameAllocator.Allocate()) OpNameNumbering(dialectNumber, opName);
473  orderedOpNames.push_back(numbering);
474 }
476 void IRNumberingState::number(Type type) {
477  auto it = types.insert({type, nullptr});
478  if (!it.second) {
479  ++it.first->second->refCount;
480  return;
481  }
482  auto *numbering = new (typeAllocator.Allocate()) TypeNumbering(type);
483  it.first->second = numbering;
484  orderedTypes.push_back(numbering);
486  // Check for OpaqueType, which is a dialect-specific type that didn't have a
487  // registered dialect when it got created. We don't want to encode this as the
488  // builtin OpaqueType, we want to encode it as if the dialect was actually
489  // loaded.
490  if (OpaqueType opaqueType = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(type)) {
491  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(opaqueType.getDialectNamespace());
492  return;
493  }
494  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(&type.getDialect());
496  // If this type will be emitted using the bytecode format, perform a dummy
497  // writing to number any nested components.
498  // TODO: We don't allow custom encodings for mutable types right now.
499  if (!type.hasTrait<TypeTrait::IsMutable>()) {
500  // Try overriding emission with callbacks.
501  for (const auto &callback : config.getTypeWriterCallbacks()) {
502  NumberingDialectWriter writer(*this, config.getDialectVersionMap());
503  // The client has the ability to override the group name through the
504  // callback.
505  std::optional<StringRef> groupNameOverride;
506  if (succeeded(callback->write(type, groupNameOverride, writer))) {
507  if (groupNameOverride.has_value())
508  numbering->dialect = &numberDialect(*groupNameOverride);
509  return;
510  }
511  }
513  // If this attribute will be emitted using the bytecode format, perform a
514  // dummy writing to number any nested components.
515  if (const auto *interface = numbering->dialect->interface) {
516  NumberingDialectWriter writer(*this, config.getDialectVersionMap());
517  if (succeeded(interface->writeType(type, writer)))
518  return;
519  }
520  }
521  // If this type will be emitted using the fallback, number the nested dialect
522  // resources. We don't number everything (e.g. no nested attributes/types),
523  // because we don't want to encode things we won't decode (the textual format
524  // can't really share much).
525  AsmState tempState(type.getContext());
526  llvm::raw_null_ostream dummyOS;
527  type.print(dummyOS, tempState);
529  // Number the used dialect resources.
530  for (const auto &it : tempState.getDialectResources())
531  number(it.getFirst(), it.getSecond().getArrayRef());
532 }
534 void IRNumberingState::number(Dialect *dialect,
536  DialectNumbering &dialectNumber = numberDialect(dialect);
537  assert(
538  dialectNumber.asmInterface &&
539  "expected dialect owning a resource to implement OpAsmDialectInterface");
541  for (const auto &resource : resources) {
542  // Check if this is a newly seen resource.
543  if (!dialectNumber.resources.insert(resource))
544  return;
546  auto *numbering =
547  new (resourceAllocator.Allocate()) DialectResourceNumbering(
548  dialectNumber.asmInterface->getResourceKey(resource));
549  dialectNumber.resourceMap.insert({numbering->key, numbering});
550  dialectResources.try_emplace(resource, numbering);
551  }
552 }
554 int64_t IRNumberingState::getDesiredBytecodeVersion() const {
555  return config.getDesiredBytecodeVersion();
556 }
558 namespace {
559 /// A dummy resource builder used to number dialect resources.
560 struct NumberingResourceBuilder : public AsmResourceBuilder {
561  NumberingResourceBuilder(DialectNumbering *dialect, unsigned &nextResourceID)
562  : dialect(dialect), nextResourceID(nextResourceID) {}
563  ~NumberingResourceBuilder() override = default;
565  void buildBlob(StringRef key, ArrayRef<char>, uint32_t) final {
566  numberEntry(key);
567  }
568  void buildBool(StringRef key, bool) final { numberEntry(key); }
569  void buildString(StringRef key, StringRef) final {
570  // TODO: We could pre-number the value string here as well.
571  numberEntry(key);
572  }
574  /// Number the dialect entry for the given key.
575  void numberEntry(StringRef key) {
576  // TODO: We could pre-number resource key strings here as well.
578  auto *it = dialect->resourceMap.find(key);
579  if (it != dialect->resourceMap.end()) {
580  it->second->number = nextResourceID++;
581  it->second->isDeclaration = false;
582  }
583  }
585  DialectNumbering *dialect;
586  unsigned &nextResourceID;
587 };
588 } // namespace
590 void IRNumberingState::finalizeDialectResourceNumberings(Operation *rootOp) {
591  unsigned nextResourceID = 0;
592  for (DialectNumbering &dialect : getDialects()) {
593  if (!dialect.asmInterface)
594  continue;
595  NumberingResourceBuilder entryBuilder(&dialect, nextResourceID);
596  dialect.asmInterface->buildResources(rootOp, dialect.resources,
597  entryBuilder);
599  // Number any resources that weren't added by the dialect. This can happen
600  // if there was no backing data to the resource, but we still want these
601  // resource references to roundtrip, so we number them and indicate that the
602  // data is missing.
603  for (const auto &it : dialect.resourceMap)
604  if (it.second->isDeclaration)
605  it.second->number = nextResourceID++;
606  }
607 }
static void groupByDialectPerByte(T range)
Group and sort the elements of the given range by their parent dialect.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:80
This class represents an opaque handle to a dialect resource entry.
Dialect * getDialect() const
Return the dialect that owns the resource.
This class is used to build resource entries for use by the printer.
Definition: AsmState.h:239
This class provides management for the lifetime of the state used when printing the IR.
Definition: AsmState.h:533
Attributes are known-constant values of operations.
Definition: Attributes.h:25
Dialect & getDialect() const
Get the dialect this attribute is registered to.
Definition: Attributes.h:71
void print(raw_ostream &os, bool elideType=false) const
Print the attribute.
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Return the context this attribute belongs to.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:37
bool hasTrait()
Returns true if the type was registered with a particular trait.
Definition: Attributes.h:105
This class represents an argument of a Block.
Definition: Value.h:319
Block represents an ordered list of Operations.
Definition: Block.h:30
BlockArgListType getArguments()
Definition: Block.h:84
This class contains the configuration used for the bytecode writer.
This class defines a virtual interface for writing to a bytecode stream, providing hooks into the byt...
Dialects are groups of MLIR operations, types and attributes, as well as behavior associated with the...
Definition: Dialect.h:41
This class provides support for representing a failure result, or a valid value of type T.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:78
virtual std::string getResourceKey(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &handle) const
Return a key to use for the given resource.
This is a value defined by a result of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:457
This class provides the API for ops that are known to be isolated from above.
Dialect * getDialect() const
Return the dialect this operation is registered to if the dialect is loaded in the context,...
StringRef getDialectNamespace() const
Return the name of the dialect this operation is registered to.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
DictionaryAttr getAttrDictionary()
Return all of the attributes on this operation as a DictionaryAttr.
Definition: Operation.cpp:296
bool hasTrait()
Returns true if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
Definition: Operation.h:745
bool isRegistered()
Returns true if this operation has a registered operation description, otherwise false.
Definition: Operation.h:129
std::enable_if_t< llvm::function_traits< std::decay_t< FnT > >::num_args==1, RetT > walk(FnT &&callback)
Walk the operation by calling the callback for each nested operation (including this one),...
Definition: Operation.h:793
unsigned getNumRegions()
Returns the number of regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:669
Location getLoc()
The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Definition: Operation.h:223
DictionaryAttr getRawDictionaryAttrs()
Return all attributes that are not stored as properties.
Definition: Operation.h:504
MutableArrayRef< Region > getRegions()
Returns the regions held by this operation.
Definition: Operation.h:672
OperationName getName()
The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
Definition: Operation.h:119
result_range getResults()
Definition: Operation.h:410
int getPropertiesStorageSize() const
Returns the properties storage size.
Definition: Operation.h:892
OpaqueProperties getPropertiesStorage()
Returns the properties storage.
Definition: Operation.h:896
This class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to.
Definition: Region.h:26
iterator_range< OpIterator > getOps()
Definition: Region.h:172
bool empty()
Definition: Region.h:60
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
void print(raw_ostream &os) const
Print the current type.
Dialect & getDialect() const
Get the dialect this type is registered to.
Definition: Types.h:118
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Return the MLIRContext in which this type was uniqued.
Definition: Types.cpp:35
bool hasTrait()
Returns true if the type was registered with a particular trait.
Definition: Types.h:195
A utility class to encode the current walk stage for "generic" walkers.
Definition: Visitors.h:88
bool isAfterAllRegions() const
Return true if parent operation is being visited after all regions.
Definition: Visitors.h:101
bool isBeforeAllRegions() const
Return true if parent operation is being visited before all regions.
Definition: Visitors.h:93
This class manages numbering IR entities in preparation of bytecode emission.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:151
IRNumberingState(Operation *op, const BytecodeWriterConfig &config)
int64_t getDesiredBytecodeVersion() const
Get the set desired bytecode version to emit.
bool isIsolatedFromAbove(Operation *op)
Return if the given operation is isolated from above.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:206
@ kNativePropertiesEncoding
Support for encoding properties natively in bytecode instead of merged with the discardable attribute...
Definition: Encoding.h:46
constexpr void enumerate(std::tuple< Tys... > &tuple, CallbackT &&callback)
Definition: Matchers.h:285
Include the generated interface declarations.
LogicalResult failure(bool isFailure=true)
Utility function to generate a LogicalResult.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:62
bool succeeded(LogicalResult result)
Utility function that returns true if the provided LogicalResult corresponds to a success value.
Definition: LogicalResult.h:68
llvm::StringMap< std::unique_ptr< DialectVersion > > & dialectVersionMap
A map containing dialect version information for each dialect to emit.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:69
void writeType(Type type) override
Write a reference to the given type.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:35
void writeVarInt(uint64_t) override
Stubbed out methods that are not used for numbering.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:41
void writeOwnedString(StringRef) override
Write a string to the bytecode, which is owned by the caller and is guaranteed to not die before the ...
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:45
IRNumberingState & state
The parent numbering state that is populated by this writer.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:66
NumberingDialectWriter(IRNumberingState &state, llvm::StringMap< std::unique_ptr< DialectVersion >> &dialectVersionMap)
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:25
void writeAttribute(Attribute attr) override
Write a reference to the given attribute.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:30
void writeResourceHandle(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &resource) override
Write the given handle to a dialect resource.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:36
FailureOr< const DialectVersion * > getDialectVersion(StringRef dialectName) const override
Retrieve the dialect version by name if available.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:58
void writeOwnedBool(bool value) override
Write a bool to the output stream.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:51
void writeAPIntWithKnownWidth(const APInt &value) override
Write an APInt to the bytecode stream whose bitwidth will be known externally at read time.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:43
void writeSignedVarInt(int64_t value) override
Write a signed variable width integer to the output stream.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:42
int64_t getBytecodeVersion() const override
Return the bytecode version being emitted for.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:53
void writeOwnedBlob(ArrayRef< char > blob) override
Write a blob to the bytecode, which is owned by the caller and is guaranteed to not die before the en...
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:50
void writeAPFloatWithKnownSemantics(const APFloat &value) override
Write an APFloat to the bytecode stream whose semantics will be known externally at read time.
Definition: IRNumbering.cpp:44
DialectNumbering * dialect
The dialect of this value.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:49
This class represents a numbering entry for an Dialect.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:106
const BytecodeDialectInterface * interface
The bytecode dialect interface of the dialect if defined.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:117
llvm::MapVector< StringRef, DialectResourceNumbering * > resourceMap
A mapping from resource key to the corresponding resource numbering entry.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:126
SetVector< AsmDialectResourceHandle > resources
The referenced resources of this dialect.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:123
const OpAsmDialectInterface * asmInterface
The asm dialect interface of the dialect if defined.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:120
This class represents a numbering entry for a dialect resource.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:87
This class represents the numbering entry of an operation name.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:65
unsigned refCount
The number of references to this name.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:79
DialectNumbering * dialect
The dialect of this value.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:70
This class represents the numbering entry of an operation.
Definition: IRNumbering.h:134
This trait is used to determine if a storage user, like Type, is mutable or not.