MLIR  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- MathToSPIRV.cpp - Math to SPIR-V Patterns --------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements patterns to convert Math dialect to SPIR-V dialect.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "../SPIRVCommon/Pattern.h"
18 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
19 #include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
22 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
25 #define DEBUG_TYPE "math-to-spirv-pattern"
27 using namespace mlir;
29 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
30 // Utility functions
31 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
33 /// Creates a 32-bit scalar/vector integer constant. Returns nullptr if the
34 /// given type is not a 32-bit scalar/vector type.
35 static Value getScalarOrVectorI32Constant(Type type, int value,
36  OpBuilder &builder, Location loc) {
37  if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(type)) {
38  if (!vectorType.getElementType().isInteger(32))
39  return nullptr;
40  SmallVector<int> values(vectorType.getNumElements(), value);
41  return builder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(loc, type,
42  builder.getI32VectorAttr(values));
43  }
44  if (type.isInteger(32))
45  return builder.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(loc, type,
46  builder.getI32IntegerAttr(value));
48  return nullptr;
49 }
51 /// Check if the type is supported by math-to-spirv conversion. We expect to
52 /// only see scalars and vectors at this point, with higher-level types already
53 /// lowered.
54 static bool isSupportedSourceType(Type originalType) {
55  if (originalType.isIntOrIndexOrFloat())
56  return true;
58  if (auto vecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(originalType)) {
59  if (!vecTy.getElementType().isIntOrIndexOrFloat())
60  return false;
61  if (vecTy.isScalable())
62  return false;
63  if (vecTy.getRank() > 1)
64  return false;
66  return true;
67  }
69  return false;
70 }
72 /// Check if all `sourceOp` types are supported by math-to-spirv conversion.
73 /// Notify of a match failure othwerise and return a `failure` result.
74 /// This is intended to simplify type checks in `OpConversionPattern`s.
75 static LogicalResult checkSourceOpTypes(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
76  Operation *sourceOp) {
77  auto allTypes = llvm::to_vector(sourceOp->getOperandTypes());
78  llvm::append_range(allTypes, sourceOp->getResultTypes());
80  for (Type ty : allTypes) {
81  if (!isSupportedSourceType(ty)) {
82  return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
83  sourceOp,
84  llvm::formatv(
85  "unsupported source type for Math to SPIR-V conversion: {0}",
86  ty));
87  }
88  }
90  return success();
91 }
93 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
94 // Operation conversion
95 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
97 // Note that DRR cannot be used for the patterns in this file: we may need to
98 // convert type along the way, which requires ConversionPattern. DRR generates
99 // normal RewritePattern.
101 namespace {
102 /// Converts elementwise unary, binary, and ternary standard operations to
103 /// SPIR-V operations. Checks that source `Op` types are supported.
104 template <typename Op, typename SPIRVOp>
105 struct CheckedElementwiseOpPattern final
106  : public spirv::ElementwiseOpPattern<Op, SPIRVOp> {
107  using BasePattern = typename spirv::ElementwiseOpPattern<Op, SPIRVOp>;
108  using BasePattern::BasePattern;
110  LogicalResult
111  matchAndRewrite(Op op, typename Op::Adaptor adaptor,
112  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
113  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, op); failed(res))
114  return res;
116  return BasePattern::matchAndRewrite(op, adaptor, rewriter);
117  }
118 };
120 /// Converts math.copysign to SPIR-V ops.
121 struct CopySignPattern final : public OpConversionPattern<math::CopySignOp> {
124  LogicalResult
125  matchAndRewrite(math::CopySignOp copySignOp, OpAdaptor adaptor,
126  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
127  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, copySignOp);
128  failed(res))
129  return res;
131  Type type = getTypeConverter()->convertType(copySignOp.getType());
132  if (!type)
133  return failure();
135  FloatType floatType;
136  if (auto scalarType = dyn_cast<FloatType>(copySignOp.getType())) {
137  floatType = scalarType;
138  } else if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(copySignOp.getType())) {
139  floatType = cast<FloatType>(vectorType.getElementType());
140  } else {
141  return failure();
142  }
144  Location loc = copySignOp.getLoc();
145  int bitwidth = floatType.getWidth();
146  Type intType = rewriter.getIntegerType(bitwidth);
147  uint64_t intValue = uint64_t(1) << (bitwidth - 1);
149  Value signMask = rewriter.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(
150  loc, intType, rewriter.getIntegerAttr(intType, intValue));
151  Value valueMask = rewriter.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(
152  loc, intType, rewriter.getIntegerAttr(intType, intValue - 1u));
154  if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(type)) {
155  assert(vectorType.getRank() == 1);
156  int count = vectorType.getNumElements();
157  intType = VectorType::get(count, intType);
159  SmallVector<Value> signSplat(count, signMask);
160  signMask =
161  rewriter.create<spirv::CompositeConstructOp>(loc, intType, signSplat);
163  SmallVector<Value> valueSplat(count, valueMask);
164  valueMask = rewriter.create<spirv::CompositeConstructOp>(loc, intType,
165  valueSplat);
166  }
168  Value lhsCast =
169  rewriter.create<spirv::BitcastOp>(loc, intType, adaptor.getLhs());
170  Value rhsCast =
171  rewriter.create<spirv::BitcastOp>(loc, intType, adaptor.getRhs());
173  Value value = rewriter.create<spirv::BitwiseAndOp>(
174  loc, intType, ValueRange{lhsCast, valueMask});
175  Value sign = rewriter.create<spirv::BitwiseAndOp>(
176  loc, intType, ValueRange{rhsCast, signMask});
178  Value result = rewriter.create<spirv::BitwiseOrOp>(loc, intType,
179  ValueRange{value, sign});
180  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<spirv::BitcastOp>(copySignOp, type, result);
181  return success();
182  }
183 };
185 /// Converts math.ctlz to SPIR-V ops.
186 ///
187 /// SPIR-V does not have a direct operations for counting leading zeros. If
188 /// Shader capability is supported, we can leverage GL FindUMsb to calculate
189 /// it.
190 struct CountLeadingZerosPattern final
191  : public OpConversionPattern<math::CountLeadingZerosOp> {
194  LogicalResult
195  matchAndRewrite(math::CountLeadingZerosOp countOp, OpAdaptor adaptor,
196  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
197  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, countOp); failed(res))
198  return res;
200  Type type = getTypeConverter()->convertType(countOp.getType());
201  if (!type)
202  return failure();
204  // We can only support 32-bit integer types for now.
205  unsigned bitwidth = 0;
206  if (isa<IntegerType>(type))
207  bitwidth = type.getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
208  if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(type))
209  bitwidth = vectorType.getElementTypeBitWidth();
210  if (bitwidth != 32)
211  return failure();
213  Location loc = countOp.getLoc();
214  Value input = adaptor.getOperand();
215  Value val1 = getScalarOrVectorI32Constant(type, 1, rewriter, loc);
216  Value val31 = getScalarOrVectorI32Constant(type, 31, rewriter, loc);
217  Value val32 = getScalarOrVectorI32Constant(type, 32, rewriter, loc);
219  Value msb = rewriter.create<spirv::GLFindUMsbOp>(loc, input);
220  // We need to subtract from 31 given that the index returned by GLSL
221  // FindUMsb is counted from the least significant bit. Theoretically this
222  // also gives the correct result even if the integer has all zero bits, in
223  // which case GL FindUMsb would return -1.
224  Value subMsb = rewriter.create<spirv::ISubOp>(loc, val31, msb);
225  // However, certain Vulkan implementations have driver bugs for the corner
226  // case where the input is zero. And.. it can be smart to optimize a select
227  // only involving the corner case. So separately compute the result when the
228  // input is either zero or one.
229  Value subInput = rewriter.create<spirv::ISubOp>(loc, val32, input);
230  Value cmp = rewriter.create<spirv::ULessThanEqualOp>(loc, input, val1);
231  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<spirv::SelectOp>(countOp, cmp, subInput,
232  subMsb);
233  return success();
234  }
235 };
237 /// Converts math.expm1 to SPIR-V ops.
238 ///
239 /// SPIR-V does not have a direct operations for exp(x)-1. Explicitly lower to
240 /// these operations.
241 template <typename ExpOp>
242 struct ExpM1OpPattern final : public OpConversionPattern<math::ExpM1Op> {
245  LogicalResult
246  matchAndRewrite(math::ExpM1Op operation, OpAdaptor adaptor,
247  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
248  assert(adaptor.getOperands().size() == 1);
249  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, operation);
250  failed(res))
251  return res;
253  Location loc = operation.getLoc();
254  Type type = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(operation.getType());
255  if (!type)
256  return failure();
258  Value exp = rewriter.create<ExpOp>(loc, type, adaptor.getOperand());
259  auto one = spirv::ConstantOp::getOne(type, loc, rewriter);
260  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<spirv::FSubOp>(operation, exp, one);
261  return success();
262  }
263 };
265 /// Converts math.log1p to SPIR-V ops.
266 ///
267 /// SPIR-V does not have a direct operations for log(1+x). Explicitly lower to
268 /// these operations.
269 template <typename LogOp>
270 struct Log1pOpPattern final : public OpConversionPattern<math::Log1pOp> {
273  LogicalResult
274  matchAndRewrite(math::Log1pOp operation, OpAdaptor adaptor,
275  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
276  assert(adaptor.getOperands().size() == 1);
277  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, operation);
278  failed(res))
279  return res;
281  Location loc = operation.getLoc();
282  Type type = this->getTypeConverter()->convertType(operation.getType());
283  if (!type)
284  return failure();
286  auto one = spirv::ConstantOp::getOne(type, operation.getLoc(), rewriter);
287  Value onePlus =
288  rewriter.create<spirv::FAddOp>(loc, one, adaptor.getOperand());
289  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<LogOp>(operation, type, onePlus);
290  return success();
291  }
292 };
294 /// Converts math.powf to SPIRV-Ops.
295 struct PowFOpPattern final : public OpConversionPattern<math::PowFOp> {
298  LogicalResult
299  matchAndRewrite(math::PowFOp powfOp, OpAdaptor adaptor,
300  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
301  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, powfOp); failed(res))
302  return res;
304  Type dstType = getTypeConverter()->convertType(powfOp.getType());
305  if (!dstType)
306  return failure();
308  // Get the scalar float type.
309  FloatType scalarFloatType;
310  if (auto scalarType = dyn_cast<FloatType>(powfOp.getType())) {
311  scalarFloatType = scalarType;
312  } else if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(powfOp.getType())) {
313  scalarFloatType = cast<FloatType>(vectorType.getElementType());
314  } else {
315  return failure();
316  }
318  // Get int type of the same shape as the float type.
319  Type scalarIntType = rewriter.getIntegerType(32);
320  Type intType = scalarIntType;
321  if (auto vectorType = dyn_cast<VectorType>(adaptor.getRhs().getType())) {
322  auto shape = vectorType.getShape();
323  intType = VectorType::get(shape, scalarIntType);
324  }
326  // Per GL Pow extended instruction spec:
327  // "Result is undefined if x < 0. Result is undefined if x = 0 and y <= 0."
328  Location loc = powfOp.getLoc();
329  Value zero =
330  spirv::ConstantOp::getZero(adaptor.getLhs().getType(), loc, rewriter);
331  Value lessThan =
332  rewriter.create<spirv::FOrdLessThanOp>(loc, adaptor.getLhs(), zero);
333  Value abs = rewriter.create<spirv::GLFAbsOp>(loc, adaptor.getLhs());
335  // TODO: The following just forcefully casts y into an integer value in
336  // order to properly propagate the sign, assuming integer y cases. It
337  // doesn't cover other cases and should be fixed.
339  // Cast exponent to integer and calculate exponent % 2 != 0.
340  Value intRhs =
341  rewriter.create<spirv::ConvertFToSOp>(loc, intType, adaptor.getRhs());
342  Value intOne = spirv::ConstantOp::getOne(intType, loc, rewriter);
343  Value bitwiseAndOne =
344  rewriter.create<spirv::BitwiseAndOp>(loc, intRhs, intOne);
345  Value isOdd = rewriter.create<spirv::IEqualOp>(loc, bitwiseAndOne, intOne);
347  // calculate pow based on abs(lhs)^rhs.
348  Value pow = rewriter.create<spirv::GLPowOp>(loc, abs, adaptor.getRhs());
349  Value negate = rewriter.create<spirv::FNegateOp>(loc, pow);
350  // if the exponent is odd and lhs < 0, negate the result.
351  Value shouldNegate =
352  rewriter.create<spirv::LogicalAndOp>(loc, lessThan, isOdd);
353  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<spirv::SelectOp>(powfOp, shouldNegate, negate,
354  pow);
355  return success();
356  }
357 };
359 /// Converts math.round to GLSL SPIRV extended ops.
360 struct RoundOpPattern final : public OpConversionPattern<math::RoundOp> {
363  LogicalResult
364  matchAndRewrite(math::RoundOp roundOp, OpAdaptor adaptor,
365  ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
366  if (LogicalResult res = checkSourceOpTypes(rewriter, roundOp); failed(res))
367  return res;
369  Location loc = roundOp.getLoc();
370  Value operand = roundOp.getOperand();
371  Type ty = operand.getType();
372  Type ety = getElementTypeOrSelf(ty);
374  auto zero = spirv::ConstantOp::getZero(ty, loc, rewriter);
375  auto one = spirv::ConstantOp::getOne(ty, loc, rewriter);
376  Value half;
377  if (VectorType vty = dyn_cast<VectorType>(ty)) {
378  half = rewriter.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(
379  loc, vty,
381  rewriter.getFloatAttr(ety, 0.5).getValue()));
382  } else {
383  half = rewriter.create<spirv::ConstantOp>(
384  loc, ty, rewriter.getFloatAttr(ety, 0.5));
385  }
387  auto abs = rewriter.create<spirv::GLFAbsOp>(loc, operand);
388  auto floor = rewriter.create<spirv::GLFloorOp>(loc, abs);
389  auto sub = rewriter.create<spirv::FSubOp>(loc, abs, floor);
390  auto greater =
391  rewriter.create<spirv::FOrdGreaterThanEqualOp>(loc, sub, half);
392  auto select = rewriter.create<spirv::SelectOp>(loc, greater, one, zero);
393  auto add = rewriter.create<spirv::FAddOp>(loc, floor, select);
394  rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<math::CopySignOp>(roundOp, add, operand);
395  return success();
396  }
397 };
399 } // namespace
401 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
402 // Pattern population
403 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
405 namespace mlir {
407  RewritePatternSet &patterns) {
408  // Core patterns
409  patterns.add<CopySignPattern>(typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
411  // GLSL patterns
412  patterns
413  .add<CountLeadingZerosPattern, Log1pOpPattern<spirv::GLLogOp>,
414  ExpM1OpPattern<spirv::GLExpOp>, PowFOpPattern, RoundOpPattern,
415  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::AbsFOp, spirv::GLFAbsOp>,
416  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::AbsIOp, spirv::GLSAbsOp>,
417  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::CeilOp, spirv::GLCeilOp>,
418  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::CosOp, spirv::GLCosOp>,
419  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::ExpOp, spirv::GLExpOp>,
420  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::FloorOp, spirv::GLFloorOp>,
421  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::FmaOp, spirv::GLFmaOp>,
422  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::LogOp, spirv::GLLogOp>,
423  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::RoundEvenOp, spirv::GLRoundEvenOp>,
424  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::RsqrtOp, spirv::GLInverseSqrtOp>,
425  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::SinOp, spirv::GLSinOp>,
426  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::SqrtOp, spirv::GLSqrtOp>,
427  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::TanhOp, spirv::GLTanhOp>>(
428  typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
430  // OpenCL patterns
431  patterns.add<Log1pOpPattern<spirv::CLLogOp>, ExpM1OpPattern<spirv::CLExpOp>,
432  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::AbsFOp, spirv::CLFAbsOp>,
433  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::AbsIOp, spirv::CLSAbsOp>,
434  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::CeilOp, spirv::CLCeilOp>,
435  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::CosOp, spirv::CLCosOp>,
436  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::ErfOp, spirv::CLErfOp>,
437  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::ExpOp, spirv::CLExpOp>,
438  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::FloorOp, spirv::CLFloorOp>,
439  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::FmaOp, spirv::CLFmaOp>,
440  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::LogOp, spirv::CLLogOp>,
441  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::PowFOp, spirv::CLPowOp>,
442  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::RoundEvenOp, spirv::CLRintOp>,
443  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::RoundOp, spirv::CLRoundOp>,
444  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::RsqrtOp, spirv::CLRsqrtOp>,
445  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::SinOp, spirv::CLSinOp>,
446  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::SqrtOp, spirv::CLSqrtOp>,
447  CheckedElementwiseOpPattern<math::TanhOp, spirv::CLTanhOp>>(
448  typeConverter, patterns.getContext());
449 }
451 } // namespace mlir
static Value getZero(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Type elementType)
Get zero value for an element type.
static LogicalResult checkSourceOpTypes(ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, Operation *sourceOp)
Check if all sourceOp types are supported by math-to-spirv conversion.
Definition: MathToSPIRV.cpp:75
static bool isSupportedSourceType(Type originalType)
Check if the type is supported by math-to-spirv conversion.
Definition: MathToSPIRV.cpp:54
static Value getScalarOrVectorI32Constant(Type type, int value, OpBuilder &builder, Location loc)
Creates a 32-bit scalar/vector integer constant.
Definition: MathToSPIRV.cpp:35
IntegerAttr getI32IntegerAttr(int32_t value)
Definition: Builders.cpp:220
IntegerAttr getIntegerAttr(Type type, int64_t value)
Definition: Builders.cpp:242
FloatAttr getFloatAttr(Type type, double value)
Definition: Builders.cpp:265
IntegerType getIntegerType(unsigned width)
Definition: Builders.cpp:91
DenseIntElementsAttr getI32VectorAttr(ArrayRef< int32_t > values)
Definition: Builders.cpp:142
This class implements a pattern rewriter for use with ConversionPatterns.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef< Attribute > values)
Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of element values.
unsigned getWidth()
Return the bitwidth of this float type.
This class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around...
Definition: Location.h:63
This class helps build Operations.
Definition: Builders.h:210
Operation * create(const OperationState &state)
Creates an operation given the fields represented as an OperationState.
Definition: Builders.cpp:468
OpConversionPattern is a wrapper around ConversionPattern that allows for matching and rewriting agai...
OpConversionPattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit=1)
This provides public APIs that all operations should have.
Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
Definition: Operation.h:88
operand_type_range getOperandTypes()
Definition: Operation.h:392
result_type_range getResultTypes()
Definition: Operation.h:423
MLIRContext * getContext() const
Definition: PatternMatch.h:823
RewritePatternSet & add(ConstructorArg &&arg, ConstructorArgs &&...args)
Add an instance of each of the pattern types 'Ts' to the pattern list with the given arguments.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:847
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< CallbackT, Twine >::value, LogicalResult > notifyMatchFailure(Location loc, CallbackT &&reasonCallback)
Used to notify the listener that the IR failed to be rewritten because of a match failure,...
Definition: PatternMatch.h:718
OpTy replaceOpWithNewOp(Operation *op, Args &&...args)
Replace the results of the given (original) op with a new op that is created without verification (re...
Definition: PatternMatch.h:536
Type conversion from builtin types to SPIR-V types for shader interface.
Instances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable compone...
Definition: Types.h:74
bool isIntOrIndexOrFloat() const
Return true if this is an integer (of any signedness), index, or float type.
Definition: Types.cpp:124
bool isInteger() const
Return true if this is an integer type (with the specified width).
Definition: Types.cpp:59
unsigned getIntOrFloatBitWidth() const
Return the bit width of an integer or a float type, assert failure on other types.
Definition: Types.cpp:126
This class provides an abstraction over the different types of ranges over Values.
Definition: ValueRange.h:381
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
Type getType() const
Return the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:129
DynamicAPInt floor(const Fraction &f)
Definition: Fraction.h:76
Fraction abs(const Fraction &f)
Definition: Fraction.h:106
Include the generated interface declarations.
Type getElementTypeOrSelf(Type type)
Return the element type or return the type itself.
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
void populateMathToSPIRVPatterns(SPIRVTypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns)
Appends to a pattern list additional patterns for translating Math ops to SPIR-V ops.
Converts elementwise unary, binary and ternary standard operations to SPIR-V operations.
Definition: Pattern.h:23