MLIR  20.0.0git
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SparseTensorDialect.cpp File Reference
#include <utility>
#include "Detail/DimLvlMapParser.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/Enums.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensor.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorStorageLayout.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/SparseTensorType.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/BufferizableOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Complex/IR/Complex.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Bitset.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"

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struct  RemoveUnusedLvlCrds


 Include the generated interface declarations.


#define GET_OP_LIST


static mlir::ParseResult parseLevelRange (AsmParser &parser, Level &lvlLo, Level &lvlHi)
 Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1. More...
static void printLevelRange (AsmPrinter &p, Level lo, Level hi)
 Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1. More...
llvm::hash_code mlir::sparse_tensor::hash_value (LevelType lt)
static constexpr bool acceptBitWidth (unsigned bitWidth)
static SmallVector< SizegetSparseFieldShape (const SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc, std::optional< ArrayRef< int64_t >> dimShape)
static ParseResult parseOptionalStaticSlice (int64_t &result, AsmParser &parser)
static SparseTensorEncodingAttr getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier (SparseTensorEncodingAttr enc)
 We normalized sparse tensor encoding attribute by always using ordered/unique LT such that "compressed_nu_no" and "compressed_nu" (as well as other variants) lead to the same storage specifier type, and stripping irrelevant fields that do not alter the sparse tensor memory layout. More...
static LogicalResult lvlIsInBounds (Level lvl, Value tensor)
static LogicalResult isMatchingWidth (Value mem, unsigned width)
static LogicalResult verifySparsifierGetterSetter (StorageSpecifierKind mdKind, std::optional< Level > lvl, TypedValue< StorageSpecifierType > md, Operation *op)
static Type getFieldElemType (SparseTensorType stt, SparseTensorFieldKind kind)
static LogicalResult verifyPackUnPack (Operation *op, bool requiresStaticShape, SparseTensorType stt, RankedTensorType valTp, TypeRange lvlTps)
template<typename ToBufferOp >
static LogicalResult inferSparseBufferType (ValueRange ops, DictionaryAttr attr, OpaqueProperties prop, RegionRange region, SmallVectorImpl< mlir::Type > &ret)
template<typename SpecifierOp >
static SetStorageSpecifierOp getSpecifierSetDef (SpecifierOp op)
template<class T >
static LogicalResult verifyNumBlockArgs (T *op, Region &region, const char *regionName, TypeRange inputTypes, Type outputType)
static ParseResult parseLevelRange (OpAsmParser &parser, IntegerAttr &lvlLoAttr, IntegerAttr &lvlHiAttr)
 Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1. More...
static void printLevelRange (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *, IntegerAttr lvlLo, IntegerAttr lvlHi)
 Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1. More...
static ParseResult parseOptionalDefinedList (OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &state, I64BitSet &definedSet, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &definedArgs, unsigned maxCnt=std::numeric_limits< unsigned >::max(), OpAsmParser::Delimiter delimiter=OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Paren)
 Parses a list of optional defined list in the form of "(%val0, _, %val1, ...)", where _ is used to annotate that the corresponding value is not defined (e.g., to represent an undefined coordinate in the sparse iteration space). More...
static void printOptionalDefinedList (OpAsmPrinter &p, unsigned size, Block::BlockArgListType blocksArgs, I64BitSet definedSet)
static ParseResult parseUsedCoordList (OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &state, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &coords)
static ParseResult parseSparseIterateLoop (OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &state, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &iterators, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &blockArgs)
static ParseResult parseSparseCoIterateLoop (OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &state, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &spacesVals, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &blockArgs)
static void printInitializationList (OpAsmPrinter &p, Block::BlockArgListType blocksArgs, ValueRange initializers, StringRef prefix="")
 Prints the initialization list in the form of <prefix>(inner = outer, inner2 = outer2, <...>) where 'inner' values are assumed to be region arguments and 'outer' values are regular SSA values. More...
template<typename SparseLoopOp >
static LogicalResult verifySparseLoopOp (SparseLoopOp op)


static constexpr Level kInvalidLevel = -1u
static constexpr Level kInvalidFieldIndex = -1u
static constexpr FieldIndex kDataFieldStartingIdx = 0

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 31 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.





Definition at line 2815 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.


#define GET_OP_LIST



Definition at line 43 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.



Function Documentation

◆ acceptBitWidth()

static constexpr bool acceptBitWidth ( unsigned  bitWidth)

Definition at line 61 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ getFieldElemType()

static Type getFieldElemType ( SparseTensorType  stt,
SparseTensorFieldKind  kind 

Definition at line 1283 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier()

static SparseTensorEncodingAttr getNormalizedEncodingForSpecifier ( SparseTensorEncodingAttr  enc)

We normalized sparse tensor encoding attribute by always using ordered/unique LT such that "compressed_nu_no" and "compressed_nu" (as well as other variants) lead to the same storage specifier type, and stripping irrelevant fields that do not alter the sparse tensor memory layout.

Definition at line 1207 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

References mlir::get(), and mlir::sparse_tensor::LevelType::stripStorageIrrelevantProperties().

◆ getSparseFieldShape()

static SmallVector<Size> getSparseFieldShape ( const SparseTensorEncodingAttr  enc,
std::optional< ArrayRef< int64_t >>  dimShape 

◆ getSpecifierSetDef()

template<typename SpecifierOp >
static SetStorageSpecifierOp getSpecifierSetDef ( SpecifierOp  op)

Definition at line 1718 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ inferSparseBufferType()

template<typename ToBufferOp >
static LogicalResult inferSparseBufferType ( ValueRange  ops,
DictionaryAttr  attr,
OpaqueProperties  prop,
RegionRange  region,
SmallVectorImpl< mlir::Type > &  ret 

◆ isMatchingWidth()

static LogicalResult isMatchingWidth ( Value  mem,
unsigned  width 

◆ lvlIsInBounds()

static LogicalResult lvlIsInBounds ( Level  lvl,
Value  tensor 

◆ parseLevelRange() [1/2]

static ParseResult parseLevelRange ( mlir::AsmParser parser,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level lvlLo,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level lvlHi 

Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1.

Definition at line 2097 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

References mlir::AsmParser::emitError(), mlir::AsmParser::getNameLoc(), mlir::AsmParser::parseInteger(), and mlir::AsmParser::parseOptionalKeyword().

Referenced by parseLevelRange().

◆ parseLevelRange() [2/2]

static ParseResult parseLevelRange ( OpAsmParser parser,
IntegerAttr &  lvlLoAttr,
IntegerAttr &  lvlHiAttr 

Parses a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1.

Definition at line 2118 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

References mlir::get(), mlir::AsmParser::getBuilder(), mlir::Builder::getIndexType(), and parseLevelRange().

◆ parseOptionalDefinedList()

static ParseResult parseOptionalDefinedList ( OpAsmParser parser,
OperationState state,
I64BitSet definedSet,
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &  definedArgs,
unsigned  maxCnt = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(),
OpAsmParser::Delimiter  delimiter = OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Paren 

Parses a list of optional defined list in the form of "(%val0, _, %val1, ...)", where _ is used to annotate that the corresponding value is not defined (e.g., to represent an undefined coordinate in the sparse iteration space).

Definition at line 2152 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ parseOptionalStaticSlice()

static ParseResult parseOptionalStaticSlice ( int64_t &  result,
AsmParser parser 

◆ parseSparseCoIterateLoop()

static ParseResult parseSparseCoIterateLoop ( OpAsmParser parser,
OperationState state,
SmallVectorImpl< Value > &  spacesVals,
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &  blockArgs 

Definition at line 2296 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ parseSparseIterateLoop()

static ParseResult parseSparseIterateLoop ( OpAsmParser parser,
OperationState state,
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &  iterators,
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &  blockArgs 

Definition at line 2221 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ parseUsedCoordList()

static ParseResult parseUsedCoordList ( OpAsmParser parser,
OperationState state,
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::Argument > &  coords 

Definition at line 2202 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ printInitializationList()

static void printInitializationList ( OpAsmPrinter p,
Block::BlockArgListType  blocksArgs,
ValueRange  initializers,
StringRef  prefix = "" 

Prints the initialization list in the form of <prefix>(inner = outer, inner2 = outer2, <...>) where 'inner' values are assumed to be region arguments and 'outer' values are regular SSA values.

Definition at line 2503 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ printLevelRange() [1/2]

static void printLevelRange ( mlir::AsmPrinter p,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level  lo,
mlir::sparse_tensor::Level  hi 

Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1.

Definition at line 2131 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

Referenced by printLevelRange().

◆ printLevelRange() [2/2]

static void printLevelRange ( OpAsmPrinter p,
Operation ,
IntegerAttr  lvlLo,
IntegerAttr  lvlHi 

Prints a level range in the form "$lo `to` $hi" or simply "$lo" if $hi - $lo = 1.

Definition at line 2141 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

References printLevelRange().

◆ printOptionalDefinedList()

static void printOptionalDefinedList ( OpAsmPrinter p,
unsigned  size,
Block::BlockArgListType  blocksArgs,
I64BitSet  definedSet 

Definition at line 2182 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

References mlir::sparse_tensor::I64BitSet::empty().

◆ verifyNumBlockArgs()

template<class T >
static LogicalResult verifyNumBlockArgs ( T *  op,
Region region,
const char *  regionName,
TypeRange  inputTypes,
Type  outputType 

Definition at line 1737 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ verifyPackUnPack()

static LogicalResult verifyPackUnPack ( Operation op,
bool  requiresStaticShape,
SparseTensorType  stt,
RankedTensorType  valTp,
TypeRange  lvlTps 

Definition at line 1297 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ verifySparseLoopOp()

template<typename SparseLoopOp >
static LogicalResult verifySparseLoopOp ( SparseLoopOp  op)

Definition at line 2520 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ verifySparsifierGetterSetter()

static LogicalResult verifySparsifierGetterSetter ( StorageSpecifierKind  mdKind,
std::optional< Level lvl,
TypedValue< StorageSpecifierType >  md,
Operation op 

Definition at line 1252 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ kDataFieldStartingIdx

constexpr FieldIndex kDataFieldStartingIdx = 0

◆ kInvalidFieldIndex

constexpr Level kInvalidFieldIndex = -1u

Definition at line 99 of file SparseTensorDialect.cpp.

◆ kInvalidLevel

constexpr Level kInvalidLevel = -1u