MLIR  20.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- CodegenEnv.cpp - Code generation environment class ----------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "CodegenEnv.h"
16 #include <optional>
18 using namespace mlir;
19 using namespace mlir::sparse_tensor;
21 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
22 // Code generation environment helper functions
23 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
25 /// Returns true if tensor materializes uninitialized into the computation.
26 static bool isMaterializing(Value val) {
27  return val.getDefiningOp<tensor::EmptyOp>() ||
28  val.getDefiningOp<bufferization::AllocTensorOp>();
29 }
31 /// Sorts the dependent loops such that it is ordered in the same sequence in
32 /// which loops will be generated.
33 static void sortDependentLoops(std::vector<LoopCoeffPair> &target) {
34  std::sort(target.begin(), target.end(),
35  [](const LoopCoeffPair &l, const LoopCoeffPair &r) {
36  assert(std::addressof(l) == std::addressof(r) || l != r);
37  return l.first < r.first;
38  });
39 }
40 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
41 // Code generation environment constructor and general methods
42 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
44 CodegenEnv::CodegenEnv(linalg::GenericOp linop, SparsificationOptions opts,
45  unsigned numTensors, unsigned numLoops, unsigned maxRank)
46  : linalgOp(linop), sparseOptions(opts),
47  latticeMerger(numTensors, numLoops, maxRank), loopEmitter(),
48  sparseOut(nullptr), outerParNest(-1u), insChain(), expValues(),
49  expFilled(), expAdded(), expCount(), redVal(), redExp(detail::kInvalidId),
50  redCustom(detail::kInvalidId), redValidLexInsert() {}
52 LogicalResult CodegenEnv::initTensorExp() {
53  // Builds the tensor expression for the Linalg operation in SSA form.
54  std::optional<ExprId> optExp = latticeMerger.buildTensorExpFromLinalg(op());
55  if (!optExp || !isAdmissibleTensorExp(*optExp))
56  return failure();
58  tensorExp = *optExp;
59  return success();
60 }
63  assert(insChain == nullptr && "must only start emitting once");
64  if (sparseOut) {
65  insChain = sparseOut->get();
66  latticeMerger.setHasSparseOut(true);
67  }
69  // Sort the related loop array such that they are in the same order as they
70  // appears on the topoOrder.
71  // TODO: since we only handle affine addition for slice based codegen, and
72  // addition is assoicative, the order how we evaluate the expression does
73  // not matter. However, to support multiplication, the order of the loop
74  // index should match the evaluation order to the affine expression AST.
76  // Initialize loop emitter.
77  SmallVector<Value> tensors; // input tensors passed to loop emitter
78  for (OpOperand &t : linalgOp->getOpOperands()) {
79  tensors.push_back(t.get());
80  const TensorId tid = makeTensorId(t.getOperandNumber());
81  const Level lvlRank = linalgOp.getMatchingIndexingMap(&t).getNumResults();
82  const auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(t.get().getType());
83  (void)enc;
84  assert(!enc || lvlRank == enc.getLvlRank());
85  for (Level lvl = 0; lvl < lvlRank; lvl++)
86  sortDependentLoops(latticeMerger.getDependentLoops(tid, lvl));
87  }
88  loopEmitter.initialize(
89  tensors,
90  StringAttr::get(linalgOp.getContext(),
91  linalg::GenericOp::getOperationName()),
92  /*hasOutput=*/true,
93  /*isSparseOut=*/sparseOut != nullptr, /*numLoops=*/getLoopNum(),
94  // TODO: compute the map and pass it to loop emitter directly instead of
95  // passing in a callback.
96  /*dependentLvlGetter=*/
97  [this](TensorId t, Level lvl) -> std::vector<LoopCoeffPair> {
98  return merger().getDependentLoops(t, lvl);
99  },
100  emitStrategy);
101 }
103 std::optional<Operation *> CodegenEnv::genLoopBoundary(
104  function_ref<std::optional<Operation *>(MutableArrayRef<Value> parameters)>
105  callback) {
106  SmallVector<Value> params;
107  if (isReduc()) {
108  params.push_back(redVal);
109  if (isValidLexInsert())
110  params.push_back(redValidLexInsert);
111  } else {
112  assert(!isValidLexInsert());
113  }
114  if (isExpand())
115  params.push_back(expCount);
116  if (insChain != nullptr)
117  params.push_back(insChain);
118  auto r = callback(params); // may update parameters
119  unsigned i = 0;
120  if (isReduc()) {
121  updateReduc(params[i++]);
122  if (isValidLexInsert())
123  updateValidLexInsert(params[i++]);
124  }
125  if (isExpand())
126  updateExpandCount(params[i++]);
127  if (insChain != nullptr)
128  updateInsertionChain(params[i]);
129  return r;
130 }
132 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
133 // Code generation environment verify functions.
134 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
137  // We reject any expression that makes a reduction from `-outTensor`, as those
138  // expressions create a dependency between the current iteration (i) and the
139  // previous iteration (i-1). It would require iterating over the whole
140  // coordinate space, which prevent exploiting sparsity for faster code.
141  for (utils::IteratorType it : linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray()) {
142  if (it == utils::IteratorType::reduction) {
143  if (latticeMerger.hasNegateOnOut(exp))
144  return false;
145  break;
146  }
147  }
149  OpOperand *lhs = linalgOp.getDpsInitOperand(0);
150  const TensorId tensor = makeTensorId(lhs->getOperandNumber());
151  // An non-annotated output tensor is assumed dense, and becomes a random
152  // access n-dim memref. Admissible since insertions cannot occur.
153  if (getSparseTensorType(lhs->get()).isAllDense())
154  return true;
156  // A tensor expression with a sparse output tensor that changes its values
157  // but not its nonzero structure, an operation called "simply dynamic" in
158  // [Bik96,Ch9], is also admissible without special env.
159  if (latticeMerger.isSingleCondition(tensor, exp))
160  return true;
162  // Accept "truly dynamic" if the output tensor materializes uninitialized
163  // into the computation and insertions occur in lexicographic index order.
164  sparseOut = lhs;
166  // Find the outermost parallel nest to determine whether compress/expand is
167  // needed.
168  outerParNest = 0;
169  const auto iteratorTypes = linalgOp.getIteratorTypesArray();
170  for (unsigned i = 0, e = getLoopNum(); i < e; i++) {
171  if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[i]))
172  break; // terminate at first reduction
173  outerParNest++;
174  }
176  // Inadmissible kernel should have already been rejected by the previous
177  // path during loop scheduling.
178  assert(static_cast<int64_t>(outerParNest) >=
179  linalgOp.getRank(linalgOp.getDpsInitOperand(0)) - 1);
180  return isMaterializing(lhs->get());
181 }
183 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
184 // Code generation environment topological sort methods
185 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
188  return loopEmitter.getLoopIV(i);
189 }
191 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
192 // Code generation environment sparse tensor output and expansion methods
193 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
196  assert(sparseOut != nullptr && insChain != nullptr);
197  insChain = chain;
198 }
200 bool CodegenEnv::atExpandLevel(OpOperand *o, unsigned rank, LoopId n) const {
201  return sparseOut == o && outerParNest == static_cast<LoopId>(rank - 1) &&
202  outerParNest == n;
203 }
205 void CodegenEnv::startExpand(Value values, Value filled, Value added,
206  Value count) {
207  assert(sparseOut != nullptr && expValues == nullptr);
208  expValues = values;
209  expFilled = filled;
210  expAdded = added;
211  expCount = count;
212 }
215  assert(sparseOut != nullptr && expValues != nullptr);
216  expCount = count;
217 }
220  assert(sparseOut != nullptr && expValues != nullptr);
221  expValues = expFilled = expAdded = expCount = Value();
222 }
224 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
225 // Code generation environment reduction methods
226 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
229  assert(!isReduc() && exp != detail::kInvalidId && val);
230  redExp = exp;
231  redVal = val;
232  latticeMerger.setExprValue(exp, val);
233 }
236  assert(isReduc() && val);
237  redVal = val;
238  latticeMerger.clearExprValue(redExp);
239  latticeMerger.setExprValue(redExp, val);
240 }
243  assert(isReduc());
244  Value val = redVal;
245  redVal = val;
246  latticeMerger.clearExprValue(redExp);
247  redExp = detail::kInvalidId;
248  return val;
249 }
252  assert(!isValidLexInsert() && isReduc() && val);
253  redValidLexInsert = val;
254 }
257  assert(redValidLexInsert && isReduc() && val);
258  redValidLexInsert = val;
259 }
262  assert(isValidLexInsert() && !isReduc());
263  redValidLexInsert = Value();
264 }
267  assert(!isCustomReduc() && exp != detail::kInvalidId);
268  redCustom = exp;
269 }
272  assert(isCustomReduc());
273  return dyn_cast<sparse_tensor::ReduceOp>(exp(redCustom).op).getIdentity();
274 }
277  assert(isCustomReduc());
278  redCustom = detail::kInvalidId;
279 }
static bool isMaterializing(Value val)
Returns true if tensor materializes uninitialized into the computation.
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:26
static void sortDependentLoops(std::vector< LoopCoeffPair > &target)
Sorts the dependent loops such that it is ordered in the same sequence in which loops will be generat...
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:33
IRValueT get() const
Return the current value being used by this operand.
Definition: UseDefLists.h:160
This class represents an operand of an operation.
Definition: Value.h:267
unsigned getOperandNumber()
Return which operand this is in the OpOperand list of the Operation.
Definition: Value.cpp:216
This class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value...
Definition: Value.h:96
Operation * getDefiningOp() const
If this value is the result of an operation, return the operation that defines it.
Definition: Value.cpp:20
void startReduc(ExprId exp, Value val)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:228
void updateValidLexInsert(Value val)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:256
std::optional< Operation * > genLoopBoundary(function_ref< std::optional< Operation * >(MutableArrayRef< Value > parameters)> callback)
Generates loop boundary statements (entering/exiting loops).
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:103
bool isAdmissibleTensorExp(ExprId e)
Whether the tensor expression is admissible for codegen.
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:136
bool atExpandLevel(OpOperand *o, unsigned rank, LoopId n) const
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:200
CodegenEnv(linalg::GenericOp linop, SparsificationOptions opts, unsigned numTensors, unsigned numLoops, unsigned maxRank)
Constructs a code generation environment which can be passed around during sparsification for bookkee...
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:44
constexpr TensorId makeTensorId(unsigned t) const
Definition: CodegenEnv.h:68
void startExpand(Value values, Value filled, Value added, Value count)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:205
unsigned getLoopNum() const
Definition: CodegenEnv.h:85
void updateInsertionChain(Value chain)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:195
void startCustomReduc(ExprId exp)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:266
linalg::GenericOp op() const
Definition: CodegenEnv.h:50
Value getLoopVar(LoopId i) const
Returns the induction-variable for the given loop.
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:187
void startEmit(SparseEmitStrategy emitStrategy)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:62
const TensorExp & exp(ExprId e) const
Definition: CodegenEnv.h:77
void updateExpandCount(Value count)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:214
void startValidLexInsert(Value val)
Definition: CodegenEnv.cpp:251
void initialize(ValueRange tensors, StringAttr loopTag=nullptr, bool hasOutput=false, bool isSparseOut=false, unsigned numLoops=0, DependentLvlGetter getter=nullptr, SparseEmitStrategy emitStrategy=SparseEmitStrategy::kFunctional)
Takes an array of input tensors, which the generated loops will iterate over.
Value getLoopIV(LoopId n) const
Gets loop induction variable for the given loop.
Definition: LoopEmitter.h:171
void setHasSparseOut(bool s)
Sets whether the output tensor is sparse or not.
Definition: Merger.h:469
bool isSingleCondition(TensorId t, ExprId e) const
Returns true if given tensor iterates only in the given tensor expression.
Definition: Merger.cpp:577
bool hasNegateOnOut(ExprId e) const
Returns true if the expression contains a negation on output tensor.
Definition: Merger.cpp:544
std::optional< ExprId > buildTensorExpFromLinalg(linalg::GenericOp op)
Builds a tensor expression from the given Linalg operation.
Definition: Merger.cpp:1193
void clearExprValue(ExprId e)
Clears the value associated with the expression.
Definition: Merger.h:567
std::vector< LoopCoeffPair > & getDependentLoops(TensorId t, Level lvl)
Returns the list of loop indices which appear in the non-trivial index expression on t_l,...
Definition: Merger.h:488
void setExprValue(ExprId e, Value v)
Sets the expression to have the associated value.
Definition: Merger.h:559
bool isAllDense() const
Returns true for tensors where every level is dense.
bool isReductionIterator(utils::IteratorType iteratorType)
Check if iterator type has "reduction" semantics.
Definition: Utils.cpp:188
static constexpr unsigned kInvalidId
A constant serving as the canonically invalid identifier, regardless of the identifier type.
Definition: Merger.h:30
uint64_t Level
The type of level identifiers and level-ranks.
Definition: SparseTensor.h:42
unsigned LoopId
Loop identifiers.
Definition: Merger.h:38
SparseTensorEncodingAttr getSparseTensorEncoding(Type type)
Convenience method to get a sparse encoding attribute from a type.
SparseTensorType getSparseTensorType(Value val)
Convenience methods to obtain a SparseTensorType from a Value.
unsigned ExprId
TensorExp identifiers.
Definition: Merger.h:48
std::pair< LoopId, unsigned > LoopCoeffPair
A pair of loop id and its coefficients.
Definition: Merger.h:64
unsigned TensorId
Tensor identifiers, chosen to be the BlockArgument::getArgNumber of the value passed to Merger::build...
Definition: Merger.h:35
Include the generated interface declarations.
Defines a scope for reinterpret map pass.
Definition: Passes.h:52
auto get(MLIRContext *context, Ts &&...params)
Helper method that injects context only if needed, this helps unify some of the attribute constructio...
Options for the Sparsification pass.
Definition: Passes.h:93