std::optional< vector::CombiningKind > | mlir::linalg::getCombinerOpKind (Operation *combinerOp) |
| Return vector::CombiningKind for the given op. More...
Value | mlir::linalg::bufferizeToAllocation (RewriterBase &rewriter, const BufferizeToAllocationOptions &options, tensor::PadOp padOp, Attribute memorySpace={}, Operation *insertionPoint=nullptr) |
| Materialize a buffer allocation for the given tensor.pad op and lower the op to linalg.fill/linalg.generic + bufferization.materialize_in_destination. More...
Value | mlir::linalg::bufferizeToAllocation (RewriterBase &rewriter, const BufferizeToAllocationOptions &options, vector::MaskOp maskOp, Attribute memorySpace={}, Operation *insertionPoint=nullptr) |
| Materialize a buffer allocation for the given vector.mask op and bufferize the op, including its region. More...
Value | mlir::linalg::bufferizeToAllocation (RewriterBase &rewriter, const BufferizeToAllocationOptions &options, bufferization::AllocTensorOp allocTensorOp, Attribute memorySpace={}, Operation *insertionPoint=nullptr) |
| Materialize a buffer allocation for the given bufferization.alloc_tensor op and lower the op to memref.alloc + memref.tensor_store. More...
Value | mlir::linalg::bufferizeToAllocation (RewriterBase &rewriter, const BufferizeToAllocationOptions &options, Operation *op, Attribute memorySpace={}, Operation *insertionPoint=nullptr) |
| Bufferize the given op with tensor semantics and materialize the result in a newly allocated buffer. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::linalgOpAnchoredEmptyTensorEliminationStep (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, bufferization::OneShotAnalysisState &state) |
| Try to eliminate tensor::EmptyOps inside op that are anchored on a LinalgOp. More...
bool | mlir::linalg::areElementwiseOpsFusable (OpOperand *fusedOperand) |
| Return true if two linalg.generic operations with producer/consumer relationship through fusedOperand can be fused using elementwise op fusion. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::promoteSubviewsPrecondition (Operation *op, LinalgPromotionOptions options) |
| Promote memref.subviews feeding linalg-on-buffers operations. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::vectorizeOpPrecondition (Operation *op, ArrayRef< int64_t > inputVectorSizes={}, ArrayRef< bool > inputScalableVecDims={}, bool vectorizeNDExtract=false, bool flatten1DDepthwiseConv=false) |
| Return success if the operation can be vectorized. More...
FailureOr< DropUnitDimsResult > | mlir::linalg::dropUnitDims (RewriterBase &rewriter, GenericOp genericOp, const ControlDropUnitDims &options) |
FailureOr< ElementwiseOpFusionResult > | mlir::linalg::fuseElementwiseOps (RewriterBase &rewriter, OpOperand *fusedOperand) |
llvm::SmallDenseSet< int > | mlir::linalg::getPreservedProducerResults (GenericOp producer, GenericOp consumer, OpOperand *fusedOperand) |
| Returns a set of indices of the producer's results which would be preserved after the fusion. More...
SmallVector< Value > | mlir::linalg::peelLoop (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op) |
| Try to peel and canonicalize loop op and return the new result. More...
void | mlir::linalg::peelLoops (RewriterBase &rewriter, ArrayRef< scf::ForOp > loops) |
| Peel 'loops' and applies affine_min/max bounds simplification on the fly where relevant. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::rewriteAsPaddedOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp opToPad, const LinalgPaddingOptions &options, LinalgOp &paddedOp, SmallVector< Value > &replacements, SmallVector< tensor::PadOp > &padOps) |
| Pad the iterator dimensions paddingDimensions of all opToPad operands to a static bounding box. More...
FailureOr< PackingResult > | mlir::linalg::detail::buildPackingLoopNest (RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PadOp opToHoist, scf::ForOp outermostEnclosingForOp, ArrayRef< int64_t > transposeVector) |
| Build the packing loop nest required to hoist opToHoist above outermostEnclosingForOp . More...
FailureOr< Value > | mlir::linalg::hoistPaddingOnTensors (RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PadOp opToHoist, int64_t numLoops, ArrayRef< int64_t > transposeVector, tensor::PadOp &hoistedOp, SmallVectorImpl< TransposeOp > &transposeOps) |
| Mechanically hoist padding operations on tensors by numLoops into a new, generally larger tensor. More...
FailureOr< Value > | mlir::linalg::hoistPaddingOnTensors (tensor::PadOp opToHoist, int64_t numLoops, ArrayRef< int64_t > transposeVector, tensor::PadOp &hoistedOp, SmallVectorImpl< TransposeOp > &transposeOps) |
| Calls into hoistPaddingOnTensors with a local IRRewriter. More...
FailureOr< LinalgOp > | mlir::linalg::padAndHoistLinalgOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp, const LinalgPaddingOptions &options) |
| Apply padding and hoisting to linalgOp according to the configuration specified in options . More...
std::pair< TilingInterface, TilingInterface > | mlir::linalg::splitOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, TilingInterface op, unsigned dimension, OpFoldResult splitPoint) |
| Split the given op into two parts along the given iteration space dimension at the specified splitPoint , and return the two parts. More...
FailureOr< TiledLinalgOp > | mlir::linalg::tileLinalgOp (RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op, const LinalgTilingOptions &options) |
FailureOr< GenericOp > | mlir::linalg::interchangeGenericOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, GenericOp genericOp, ArrayRef< unsigned > interchangeVector) |
| Interchange the iterator_types and iterator_maps dimensions and adapts the index accesses of op . More...
FailureOr< GenericOp > | mlir::linalg::generalizeNamedOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp) |
| Create a GenericOp from the given named operation linalgOp and replace the given linalgOp . More...
FailureOr< LinalgOp > | mlir::linalg::specializeGenericOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, GenericOp genericOp) |
| Create a namedOp from the given GenericOp and replace the GenericOp. More...
FailureOr< PromotionInfo > | mlir::linalg::promoteSubviewAsNewBuffer (OpBuilder &b, Location loc, memref::SubViewOp subView, const AllocBufferCallbackFn &allocationFn, DataLayout &layout) |
FailureOr< LinalgOp > | mlir::linalg::promoteSubViews (OpBuilder &b, LinalgOp op, const LinalgPromotionOptions &options) |
| Promote the subViews into a new buffer allocated at the insertion point b . More...
std::optional< Value > | mlir::linalg::allocateWorkgroupMemory (OpBuilder &builder, memref::SubViewOp subview, ArrayRef< Value > sizeBounds, DataLayout &) |
| Allocate the subview in the GPU workgroup memory. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::deallocateWorkgroupMemory (OpBuilder &, Value) |
| In case of GPU group memory there is no need to deallocate. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::copyToWorkgroupMemory (OpBuilder &b, Value src, Value dst) |
| Create Memref copy operations and add gpu barrier guards before and after the copy operation to ensure data integrity. More...
std::optional< Value > | mlir::linalg::allocateGPUPrivateMemory (OpBuilder &builder, memref::SubViewOp subview, ArrayRef< Value > sizeBounds, DataLayout &) |
| Allocate the subview in the GPU private memory. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::copyToGPUPrivateMemory (OpBuilder &b, Value src, Value dst) |
| Normal copy to between src and dst. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::deallocateGPUPrivateMemory (OpBuilder &, Value) |
| In case of GPU private memory there is no need to deallocate since the memory is freed when going outside of the scope. More...
bool | mlir::linalg::hasVectorizationImpl (Operation *) |
| Return true if there's dedicated logic in the Linalg Vectorizer to vectorize this Op, false otherwise. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::vectorize (RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, ArrayRef< int64_t > inputVectorSizes={}, ArrayRef< bool > inputScalableVecDims={}, bool vectorizeNDExtract=false, bool flatten1DDepthwiseConv=false) |
| Emit a suitable vector form for an operation. More...
LogicalResult | mlir::linalg::vectorizeCopy (RewriterBase &builder, memref::CopyOp copyOp) |
| Emit a suitable vector form for a Copy op with fully static shape. More...
FailureOr< LinalgLoops > | mlir::linalg::linalgOpToLoops (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp) |
| Emit a loop nest of scf.for with the proper body for linalgOp . More...
FailureOr< LinalgLoops > | mlir::linalg::linalgOpToParallelLoops (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp) |
| Emit a loop nest of scf.parallel with the proper body for linalgOp . More...
FailureOr< LinalgLoops > | mlir::linalg::linalgOpToAffineLoops (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp) |
| Emit a loop nest of affine.for with the proper body for linalgOp . More...
std::tuple< SmallVector< Range, 4 >, LoopIndexToRangeIndexMap > | mlir::linalg::makeTiledLoopRanges (RewriterBase &b, Location loc, AffineMap map, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > allShapeSizes, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > allTileSizes) |
FailureOr< MultiSizeSpecification > | mlir::linalg::computeMultiTileSizes (OpBuilder &builder, LinalgOp op, unsigned dimension, OpFoldResult targetSize, OpFoldResult divisor, bool emitAssertions=true) |
| Emits the IR computing the multi-sized tiling specification with two tile sizes not exceeding targetSize , each divisible by sizeDivisor , such that there exist numbers of tiles with these sizes that fully cover the given iteration space dimension of the structured op . More...
FailureOr< StaticMultiSizeSpecification > | mlir::linalg::computeStaticMultiTileSizes (LinalgOp op, unsigned dimension, int64_t targetSize, int64_t divisor) |
FailureOr< StaticContinuousTileSizeSpecification > | mlir::linalg::computeStaticContinuousTileSizes (LinalgOp op, unsigned dimension, unsigned targetSize) |
FailureOr< ContinuousTileSizeSpecification > | mlir::linalg::computeContinuousTileSizes (OpBuilder &builder, TilingInterface op, unsigned dimension, OpFoldResult targetSize, bool emitAssertions) |
FailureOr< ForallReductionTilingResult > | mlir::linalg::tileReductionUsingForall (RewriterBase &b, PartialReductionOpInterface op, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > numThreads, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > tileSizes={}, std::optional< ArrayAttr > mapping=std::nullopt) |
| Method to tile a reduction to parallel iterations computing partial reductions. More...
void | mlir::linalg::transformIndexOps (RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op, SmallVectorImpl< Value > &ivs, const LoopIndexToRangeIndexMap &loopIndexToRangeIndex) |
| All indices returned by IndexOp should be invariant with respect to tiling. More...
FailureOr< SplitReductionResult > | mlir::linalg::splitReduction (RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op, const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn, bool useAlloc=false) |
FailureOr< SplitReductionResult > | mlir::linalg::splitReductionByScaling (RewriterBase &b, LinalgOp op, const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn, bool useAlloc=false) |
| Scaling-based implementation of the split reduction transformation. More...
bool | mlir::linalg::isDimSequencePreserved (AffineMap map, ReassociationIndicesRef dimSequence) |
| Return true if a given sequence of dimensions are contiguous in the range of the specified indexing map. More...
bool | mlir::linalg::areDimSequencesPreserved (ArrayRef< AffineMap > maps, ArrayRef< ReassociationIndices > dimSequences) |
| Return true if all sequences of dimensions specified in dimSequences are contiguous in all the ranges of the maps . More...
FailureOr< CollapseResult > | mlir::linalg::collapseOpIterationDims (LinalgOp op, ArrayRef< ReassociationIndices > foldedIterationDims, RewriterBase &rewriter) |
| Collapses dimensions of linalg.generic/linalg.copy operation. More...
FailureOr< LowerPackResult > | mlir::linalg::lowerPack (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::PackOp packOp, bool lowerPadLikeWithInsertSlice=true) |
| Rewrite pack as pad + reshape + transpose. More...
FailureOr< LowerUnPackOpResult > | mlir::linalg::lowerUnPack (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::UnPackOp unPackOp, bool lowerUnpadLikeWithExtractSlice=true) |
| Rewrite pack as empty + transpose + reshape + extract_slice. More...
FailureOr< PackResult > | mlir::linalg::pack (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > packedSizes) |
| Implement packing of a single LinalgOp by packedSizes . More...
FailureOr< PackTransposeResult > | mlir::linalg::packTranspose (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::PackOp packOp, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, linalg::UnPackOp maybeUnPackOp, ArrayRef< int64_t > outerPerm, ArrayRef< int64_t > innerPerm) |
| Transpose a single PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain and return the transposed PackOp -> LinalgOp -> UnPackOp chain after replacements. More...
FailureOr< PackResult > | mlir::linalg::packMatmulGreedily (RewriterBase &rewriter, LinalgOp linalgOp, ArrayRef< OpFoldResult > mnkPackedSizes, ArrayRef< int64_t > mnkPaddedSizesNextMultipleOf, ArrayRef< int64_t > mnkOrder) |
| Pack a LinalgOp by greedily inferring matmul dimensions (m, n, k) where m and n are proper parallel dimensions and k is a proper reduction dimension. More...
FailureOr< PackResult > | mlir::linalg::blockPackMatmul (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::LinalgOp linalgOp, const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlPackMatmul) |
| Pack a matmul operation into blocked 4D layout. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle (RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::FromElementsOp fromElementsOp) |
| Rewrite tensor.from_elements to linalg.generic. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle (RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::GenerateOp generateOp) |
| Rewrite tensor.generate to linalg.generic. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInDestinationPassingStyle (RewriterBase &rewriter, tensor::PadOp padOp) |
| Rewrite tensor.pad to linalg.generic + tensor.insert_slice. More...
FailureOr< std::pair< Operation *, Operation * > > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInIm2Col (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp convOp) |
| Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf into linalg.generic (for img2col packing) and linalg.matmul. More...
FailureOr< std::pair< Operation *, Operation * > > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInIm2Col (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcFhwcOp convOp) |
| Same as the above but for Fhwc channel orderings in the filter. More...
FailureOr< std::pair< Operation *, Operation * > > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInIm2Col (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::DepthwiseConv2DNhwcHwcOp convOp) |
| Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except there is no reduction among the input channels so each convolution can be a matrix-vector product and by transposing both input filter so channels are outer most the computation is a batched matrix-vector product. More...
FailureOr< std::pair< Operation *, Operation * > > | mlir::linalg::rewriteInIm2Col (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNchwFchwOp convOp) |
| Similar to rewriteInIm2Col with linalg::Conv2DNhwcHwcfOp except because the channels are to the left of the image shape dimensions, the position of the contraction dimension in the resulting matmul is reversed. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::transposeConv2D (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcFhwcOp op) |
| Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_fhwc(_q) to linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf(_q) by materializing transpose. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::transposeConv2D (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcFhwcQOp op) |
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::transposeMatmul (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::MatmulOp op, bool transposeLHS=true) |
| Convert Linalg matmul ops to transposed variants. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::transposeBatchMatmul (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::BatchMatmulOp op, bool transposeLHS=true) |
| Pattern to replace. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::winogradConv2D (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::Conv2DNhwcFhwcOp op, int64_t m, int64_t r) |
| Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_fhwc to Winograd Conv2D algorithm F(m x m, r x r). More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::decomposeWinogradFilterTransformOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::WinogradFilterTransformOp op) |
| Rewrite linalg.winograd_filter_transform. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::decomposeWinogradInputTransformOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::WinogradInputTransformOp op) |
| Rewrite linalg.winograd_input_transform. More...
FailureOr< Operation * > | mlir::linalg::decomposeWinogradOutputTransformOp (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::WinogradOutputTransformOp op) |
| Rewrite linalg.winograd_output_transform. More...
FailureOr< linalg::GenericOp > | mlir::linalg::deduplicateOperandsAndRemoveDeadResults (RewriterBase &rewriter, linalg::GenericOp genericOp, bool removeOutputs) |
| Method to deduplicate operands and remove dead results of linalg.generic operations. More...
RewritePatternSet | mlir::linalg::getLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns (MLIRContext *ctx) |
| Canonicalization patterns relevant to apply after tiling patterns. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateLinalgTilingCanonicalizationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
void | mlir::linalg::populateLinalgNamedOpsGeneralizationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Linalg generalization patterns. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateLinalgGenericOpsSpecializationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns with patterns to convert linalg.generic ops to named ops where possible. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposeConvolutionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, PatternBenefit benefit=1) |
| Linalg decompose convolutions patterns. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposePackUnpackPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns to decompose linalg.pack and linalg.unpack Ops into e.g. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposePadPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns to decompose tensor.pad into e.g. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateConvertConv2DToImg2ColPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns to transform linalg.conv_2d_xxx operations into linalg.generic (for img2col packing) and linalg.matmul. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populatePadOpVectorizationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, PatternBenefit baseBenefit=1) |
| Populates patterns with patterns that vectorize tensor.pad. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposeLinalgOpsPattern (RewritePatternSet &patterns, bool removeDeadArgsAndResults=true) |
| Populate patterns for splitting a LinalgOp with multiple statements within its payload into multiple GenericOp that have a single statement. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateConvertToDestinationStylePatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populate patterns that convert non-destination-style ops to destination style ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateConvolutionVectorizationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, PatternBenefit benefit=1) |
| Populate patterns for vectorizing low-D convolution ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateElementwiseToLinalgConversionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populate patterns that convert ElementwiseMappable ops to linalg parallel loops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateSparseTensorRewriting (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populate patterns that are only useful in the context of sparse tensors. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateElementwiseOpsFusionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlElementwiseOpFusion) |
| Patterns for fusing linalg operation on tensors. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDataLayoutPropagationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlPropagationFn &controlPackUnPackPropagation) |
| Patterns to bubble up or down data layout ops across other operations. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateEraseUnusedOperandsAndResultsPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Pattern to remove dead operands and results of linalg.generic operations. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateEraseUnnecessaryInputsPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Patterns to promote inputs to outputs and remove unused inputs of linalg.generic ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateCollapseDimensions (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const GetCollapsableDimensionsFn &controlCollapseDimensions) |
| Pattern to collapse dimensions in a linalg.generic op. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldReshapeOpsByExpansionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes) |
| Patterns to fold an expanding (collapsing) tensor_reshape operation with its producer (consumer) generic operation by expanding the dimensionality of the loop in the generic op. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldReshapeOpsByCollapsingPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFoldingReshapes) |
| Patterns to fold an expanding tensor.expand_shape operation with its producer generic operation by collapsing the dimensions of the generic op. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateConstantFoldLinalgOperations (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlFusionFn &controlFn) |
| Patterns to constant fold Linalg operations. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldAddIntoDestPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Pattern to replace linalg.add when destination passing on a contraction op suffices for achieving the sum. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFuseTensorPadWithProducerLinalgOpPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Pattern to fuse a tensor.pad operation with the producer of its source, if the producer is a linalg operation with all parallel iterator types. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateLinalgNamedOpConversionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Patterns to convert from one named op to another. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldUnitExtentDimsPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, ControlDropUnitDims &options) |
| Patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on tensors via reassociative reshape ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateMoveInitOperandsToInputPattern (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| A pattern that converts init operands to input operands. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateInlineConstantOperandsPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Patterns that are used to inline constant operands into linalg generic ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateBubbleUpExtractSliceOpPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Patterns that are used to bubble up extract slice op above linalg op. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateSwapExtractSliceWithFillPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Adds patterns that waps tensor.extract_slice(linalg.fill(cst, init)) into linalg.fill(cst, tensor.extract_slice(init)). More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposeProjectedPermutationPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Add patterns to make explicit broadcasts and transforms in the input operands of a genericOp. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateSplitReductionPattern (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlSplitReductionFn &controlSplitReductionFn, bool useAlloc=false) |
| Patterns to apply splitReduction below. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateTransposeMatmulPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, bool transposeLHS=true) |
| Patterns to convert Linalg matmul ops to transposed variants. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateBlockPackMatmulPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, const ControlBlockPackMatmulFn &controlFn) |
| Patterns to block pack Linalg matmul ops. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateWinogradConv2DPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, int64_t m, int64_t r) |
| Patterns to apply Winograd Conv2D algorithm F(m x m, r x r). More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateDecomposeWinogradOpsPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Patterns to decompose Winograd operators. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateContractionOpRankReducingPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Adds patterns that reduce the rank of named contraction ops that have unit dimensions in the operand(s) by converting to a sequence of collapse_shape , <corresponding linalg named op> , expand_shape (if on tensors). More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldIntoPackAndUnpackPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns with patterns that fold operations like tensor.pad and tensor.extract_slice into tensor.pack and tensor.unpack operations respectively. More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateFoldPackUnpackIntoTensorEmptyPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns with patterns that fold operations like linalg.pack and linalg.unpack into tensor.empty . More...
void | mlir::linalg::populateSimplifyPackAndUnpackPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
| Populates patterns with patterns that simplify tensor.pack and tensor.unpack operations. More...