Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

'amdgpu' Dialect

The AMDGPU dialect provides wrappers around AMD-specific functionality and LLVM intrinsics. These wrappers should be used in conjunction with more generic dialects, such as gpu and vector, when generating LLVM IR that will eventually be executed on AMD hardware.



amdgpu.dpp (amdgpu::DPPOp) 

AMDGPU DPP operation


operation ::= `amdgpu.dpp` $old $src $kind (`(` $permArgument^ `)`)? attr-dict `:` type($result)

This operation represents DPP functionality in a GPU program. DPP provides the following operations:

  • Full crossbar in a group of four (quad_perm)
  • Wavefront shift left by one lane (wave_shl)
  • Wavefront shift right by one lane (wave_shr)
  • Wavefront rotate right by one lane (wave_ror)
  • Wavefront rotate left by one lane (wave_rol)
  • Row shift left by 1–15 lanes (row_shl)
  • Row shift right by 1–15 lanes (row_shr)
  • Row rotate right by 1–15 lanes (row_ror)
  • Reverse within a row (row_mirror)
  • Reverse within a half-row (row_half_mirror)
  • Broadcast the 15th lane of each row to the next row (row_bcast)
  • Broadcast lane 31 to rows 2 and 3 (row_bcast)

Traits: SameTypeOperands

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
The possible permutations for a DPP operation

Enum cases:

  • quad_perm (quad_perm)
  • row_shl (row_shl)
  • row_shr (row_shr)
  • row_ror (row_ror)
  • wave_shl (wave_shl)
  • wave_shr (wave_shr)
  • wave_ror (wave_ror)
  • wave_rol (wave_rol)
  • row_mirror (row_mirror)
  • row_half_mirror (row_half_mirror)
  • row_bcast_15 (row_bcast_15)
  • row_bcast_31 (row_bcast_31)
permArgument::mlir::Attribute32-bit signless integer attribute or array attribute or unit attribute
row_mask::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
bank_mask::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
bound_ctrl::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


oldany type
srcany type


resultany type

amdgpu.ext_packed_fp8 (amdgpu::ExtPackedFp8Op) 

Extend a fp8 value to a float or a vector of packed fp8 values to two floats


operation ::= `amdgpu.ext_packed_fp8` attr-dict $source `[` $index `]` `:` type($source) `to` type($res)

Extend one or two 8-bit floats in source[index] to a 32-bit float or two floats and return them.

This rather unusual signature arises from the fact that AMD GPUs cannot easily work with sub 32-bit quantities, so the compiler intrinsics for extending 8-bit floats (which are, currently, the only way to work with this operation) take packed vectors of 4 such floats.

If the passed-in vector has fewer than four elements, or the input is scalar, the remaining values in the <4 x i8> will be filled with undefined values as needed.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
index::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute whose value is non-negative whose maximum value is 3


sourcef8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2 type or f8E4M3FN type or vector of f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2 type or f8E4M3FN type values of length 1/2/3/4


res32-bit float or fixed-length vector of 32-bit float values of length 2

amdgpu.fat_raw_buffer_cast (amdgpu::FatRawBufferCastOp) 

Create a raw buffer fat pointer that matches memref


operation ::= `amdgpu.fat_raw_buffer_cast` $source oilist (`validBytes` `(` $validBytes `)`
              | `cacheSwizzleStride` `(` $cacheSwizzleStride `)`
              | `boundsCheck` `(` $boundsCheck `)`
              | `resetOffset` $resetOffset )
              attr-dict `:` type($source) `to` type($result)

Wraps the memory pointed to by source as a raw buffer fat pointer, or, in LLVM terms, a ptr addrspace(7), returning a memref that has the same sizes and layout but the #amdgpu.address_space<fat_raw_buffer> address space.

This memref can be used with standard memref operations like memref.load,, and memref.atomicrmw, which will be lowered to the relevant buffer intrinsics. (vector.masked_load/store will work once there’s backend support for lowering them, and then this document will be updated)

If validBytes is given, it is the number of bytes that will be valid as an offset to out. If it is not provided, this will be inferred from the size of the memref during lowering. This size is max_{d = 0 upto rank(source)} (sizes[d] * strides[d]) * sizeof(element type).

The flags of the buffer descriptor will be set up to enable raw usage - for example, stride = 0, add_tid = 0, and so on. The boundsCheck property determines if bounds checking is enabled or not (on architectures where this can be controlled - that is, on RDNA chips).

If cacheSwizzleStride is provided, L1 cache swizzling will be enabled on architectures that support it. This swizzling, unlike the main swizzling mode (whose usage makes a buffer non-raw) does not affect index calculation, but does affect cache behavior. Mixing access between cache-swizzled raw buffers and other forms of memory access, like ordinary pointer loads or unswizzled buffer pointers can cause incorrect behavior and must be avoided.

This operation preserves the sizes, strides, and offset of the input memref - they’ll be added in by memref.load later. However, if resetOffset is set, that offset will be added to the base pointer. If the value of the memref’s offset is not uniform (independent of the lane/thread ID), this will lead to substantially decreased performance due to the need for a waterfall loop on the base address of the buffer resource.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), ViewLikeOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


sourcememref of any type values
validBytes32-bit signless integer
cacheSwizzleStride14-bit signless integer


resultmemref of any type values

amdgpu.lds_barrier (amdgpu::LDSBarrierOp) 

Barrier that includes a wait for LDS memory operations.


operation ::= `amdgpu.lds_barrier` attr-dict

amdgpu.lds_barrier is both a barrier (all workitems in a workgroup must reach the barrier before any of them may proceed past it) and a wait for all operations that affect the Local Data Store (LDS) issued from that wrokgroup to complete before the workgroup may continue. Since the LDS is per-workgroup memory, this barrier may be used, for example, to ensure all workitems have written data to LDS before any workitem attempts to read from it.

Note that lds_barrier does not force reads to or from global memory to complete before execution continues. Therefore, it should be used when operations on global memory can be issued far in advance of when their results are used (for example, by writing them to LDS).

WARNING: On architectures that do not support the BackOffBarrier feature, (those which will implement this barrier by emitting inline assembly), use of this operation will impede the usabiliity of memory watches (including breakpoints set on variables) when debugging.

amdgpu.mfma (amdgpu::MFMAOp) 

MLIR wrapper for CDNA mfma instructions


operation ::= `amdgpu.mfma` $sourceA `*` $sourceB `+` $destC
              `blgp` `=` $blgp
              `:` type($sourceA) `,` type($sourceB) `,` type($destC)

The amdgpu.mfma op is an MLIR wrapper around intrinsics for various mfma instructions in the CDNA architecture, which perform multiple outer products in order to allow fast matrix multiplication.

The wrapper will select an appropriate mfma instruction, if one is available, based on the provided m, k, n, and nBlks attributes, along with the types of the source and destination arguments.

For information on the layouts of the input and output matrces (which are stored in sourceA, sourceB, destC, and destD), see the CDNA ISA documentation.

The cbsz, abid, and blgp parameters control how the lanes of the wave are permuted when matrix data is being loaded: blgp can be any number of fixed permutations, cbsz specifies the log_2 of the number of chunks the lanes holding sourceA are split into, and abid selects one of those chunks.

Note, this wrapper allows specifying vector<4Kxi8> arguments to MFMA intrinsics that take an integer type of width 4K. For example, one can provide a vector<4xi8> as an argument to an MFMA instruction that logically takes 4 i8s but whose intrinsics are specified to take an i32. In these cases, the bytes in the vector will be concatenated in little-endian order (that is, v[0] will go to arg[7:0], v[1] to arg[15:8] and so on).

The negateA, negateB, and negateC flags are only supported for double-precision operations on gfx94x.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
m::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
n::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
k::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
blocks::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
cbsz::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
abid::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
The possible permutations of the lanes storing B available in an MFMA

Enum cases:

  • none (none)
  • bcast_first_32 (bcast_first_32)
  • bcast_second_32 (bcast_second_32)
  • rotate_16_right (rotate_16_right)
  • bcast_first_16 (bcast_first_16)
  • bcast_second_16 (bcast_second_16)
  • bcast_third_16 (bcast_third_16)
  • bcast_fourth_16 (bcast_fourth_16)
reducePrecision::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
negateA::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
negateB::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
negateC::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


sourceA32-bit float or 64-bit float or 32-bit signless integer or 64-bit signless integer or vector of 32-bit float values of length 2 or vector of 16-bit float values of length 4 or vector of bfloat16 type values of length 2/4 or vector of 8-bit signless integer values of length 4/8 or vector of f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2 type or f8E4M3FN type values of length 8
sourceB32-bit float or 64-bit float or 32-bit signless integer or 64-bit signless integer or vector of 32-bit float values of length 2 or vector of 16-bit float values of length 4 or vector of bfloat16 type values of length 2/4 or vector of 8-bit signless integer values of length 4/8 or vector of f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2 type or f8E4M3FN type values of length 8
destC64-bit float or vector of 32-bit float values of length 4/16/32 or vector of 32-bit signless integer values of length 4/16/32 or vector of 64-bit float values of length 4


destD64-bit float or vector of 32-bit float values of length 4/16/32 or vector of 32-bit signless integer values of length 4/16/32 or vector of 64-bit float values of length 4

amdgpu.packed_stoch_round_fp8 (amdgpu::PackedStochRoundFp8Op) 

Round float stochiastically into a packed vector of 8-bit floats


operation ::= `amdgpu.packed_stoch_round_fp8` attr-dict $source `+` $stochiasticParam
              `into` ($existing^):(`undef`)? `[` $storeIndex `]`
              `:` type($source) `to` type($res) (`into` type($existing)^)?

Round the input source, adding in stochiasticParam, and place it into the storeIndexth element of res.

If existing is passed in, elements of res other than the one at storeIndex are copied from existing.

The reason for this odd signature is that AMD GPUs cannot easily work with sub-registers, and so the conversion intrinsics (which are currently the only way to work with 8-bit float types) take packed vectors of 4 8-bit values.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
storeIndex::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute whose value is non-negative whose maximum value is 3


source32-bit float
stochiasticParam32-bit signless integer
existingfixed-length vector of f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4


resfixed-length vector of f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4

amdgpu.packed_trunc_2xfp8 (amdgpu::PackedTrunc2xFp8Op) 

Round two floats into a packed vector of 8-bit floats


operation ::= `amdgpu.packed_trunc_2xfp8` attr-dict $sourceA `,` ($sourceB^):(`undef`)?
              `into` ($existing^):(`undef`)? `[` `word` $wordIndex `]`
              `:` type($sourceA) `to` type($res) (`into` type($existing)^)?

Round the inputs sourceA and sourceB (which is undefined if not specified) into the low or high word (bottom two or top two) elements of the returned vector, keeping the other two elements of existing unchanged if present (or undefined if it was not passed in).

The reason for this odd signature is that AMD GPUs cannot easily work with sub-registers, and so the conversion intrinsics (which are currently the only way to work with 8-bit float types) take packed vectors of 4 8-bit values.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
wordIndex::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute whose value is non-negative whose maximum value is 1


sourceA32-bit float
sourceB32-bit float
existingfixed-length vector of f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4


resfixed-length vector of f8E4M3FNUZ type or f8E5M2FNUZ type or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4

amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_cmpswap (amdgpu::RawBufferAtomicCmpswapOp) 

Raw Buffer Atomic compare-and-swap


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_cmpswap` attr-dict $src `,` $cmp `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) `,` type($indices)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_cmpswap op is a wrapper around the buffer-based atomic compare-and-swap min available on AMD GPUs.

The index into the buffer is computed as for with the addition of indexOffset (which is used to aid in emitting vectorized code) and, if present sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and includes any non-zero offset on the memref type).

All indexing components are given in terms of the memref’s element size, not the byte lengths required by the intrinsic.

Out of bounds atomic operations are ignored in hardware.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


srcany type
cmpany type
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer


valueany type

amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fadd (amdgpu::RawBufferAtomicFaddOp) 

Raw Buffer Floating-point Atomic Add (MI-* only)


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fadd` attr-dict $value `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) `,` type($indices)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fadd op is a wrapper around the buffer-based atomic floating point addition available on the MI-* series of AMD GPUs.

The index into the buffer is computed as for with the addition of indexOffset (which is used to aid in emitting vectorized code) and, if present sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and includes any non-zero offset on the memref type).

All indexing components are given in terms of the memref’s element size, not the byte lengths required by the intrinsic.

Out of bounds atomic operations are ignored in hardware.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


value32-bit float or vector of 16-bit float or bfloat16 type values of length 2
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer

amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fmax (amdgpu::RawBufferAtomicFmaxOp) 

Raw Buffer Floating-point Atomic Max (non-GFX9)


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fmax` attr-dict $value `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) `,` type($indices)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_fmax op is a wrapper around the buffer-based atomic floating point max available on AMD GPUs (except GFX9).

The index into the buffer is computed as for with the addition of indexOffset (which is used to aid in emitting vectorized code) and, if present sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and includes any non-zero offset on the memref type).

All indexing components are given in terms of the memref’s element size, not the byte lengths required by the intrinsic.

Out of bounds atomic operations are ignored in hardware.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


value32-bit float or 64-bit float
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer

amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_smax (amdgpu::RawBufferAtomicSmaxOp) 

Raw Buffer Signed Integer Atomic Max


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_smax` attr-dict $value `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) `,` type($indices)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_smax op is a wrapper around the buffer-based atomic signed integer max available on AMD GPUs.

The index into the buffer is computed as for with the addition of indexOffset (which is used to aid in emitting vectorized code) and, if present sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and includes any non-zero offset on the memref type).

All indexing components are given in terms of the memref’s element size, not the byte lengths required by the intrinsic.

Out of bounds atomic operations are ignored in hardware.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


value32-bit signless integer
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer

amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_umin (amdgpu::RawBufferAtomicUminOp) 

Raw Buffer Unsigned Integer Atomic Min


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_umin` attr-dict $value `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) `,` type($indices)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_atomic_umin op is a wrapper around the buffer-based atomic signed integer min available on AMD GPUs.

The index into the buffer is computed as for with the addition of indexOffset (which is used to aid in emitting vectorized code) and, if present sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and includes any non-zero offset on the memref type).

All indexing components are given in terms of the memref’s element size, not the byte lengths required by the intrinsic.

Out of bounds atomic operations are ignored in hardware.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


value32-bit signless integer
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer

amdgpu.raw_buffer_load (amdgpu::RawBufferLoadOp) 

Raw Buffer load, exposing GCN features


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_load` attr-dict $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($memref) (`,` type($indices)^)? `->` type($value)

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_load op is a wrapper around the buffer load intrinsics available on AMD GPUs, including extensions in newer GPUs.

The index into the buffer is computed as for memref.load with the additon of indexOffset and sgprOffset (which may or may not be considered in bounds checks and includes any offset present on the memref type if it’s non-zero).

All indices and offsets are in units of the memref’s data type and are converted to bytes during lowering.

When a load is out of bounds, the instruction returns zero. Partially-out of bounds have chipset-dependent behavior: whether reading 2 elements starting at index 7 of a memref<8xf32> returns the last element in the first vector component depends on the architecture.

The memref struct is converted into a buffer resource (a V#) and the arguments are translated to intrinsic arguments as follows:

  • The base address of the buffer is the base address of the memref
  • The stride is 0 to enable raw mode
  • The number of records is the size of the memref, in bytes In the case of dynamically-shaped memrefs, this is computed at runtime as max_d (size(d) * stride(d)) * sizeof(elementType(memref))
  • The offset enable bit is 1, the index enable bit is 0.
  • The thread ID addition bit is off
  • If boundsCheck is false and the target chipset is RDNA, OOB_SELECT is set to 2 to disable bounds checks, otherwise it is 3
  • The cache coherency bits are off

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer


valueany type

amdgpu.raw_buffer_store (amdgpu::RawBufferStoreOp) 

Raw Buffer Store, exposing GCN features


operation ::= `amdgpu.raw_buffer_store` attr-dict $value `->` $memref `[` $indices `]`
              (`sgprOffset` $sgprOffset^)? `:`
              type($value) `->` type($memref) (`,` type($indices)^)?

The amdgpu.raw_buffer_store op is a wrapper around the buffer store intrinsics available on AMD GPUs, including extensions in newer GPUs.

The store index is computed as in with the addition of indexOffset (which is included for uniformity with atomics and may be useful when writing vectorized code) and sgprOffset (which is added after bounds checks and implicitly includes the offset of the memref type if non-zero). All index components are in terms of the elements of the memref, not bytes, and are scaled up appropriately.

Out of bounds stores are ignored in hardware. Wthether a vector write that includes some in-bounds and soeme out-of-bounds components is partically completed is chipset-dependent.

See amdgpu.raw_buffer_load for a description of how the underlying instruction is constructed.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
boundsCheck::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
indexOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


valueany type
memrefmemref of any type values
indicesvariadic of 32-bit signless integer
sgprOffset32-bit signless integer

amdgpu.sched_barrier (amdgpu::SchedBarrierOp) 

Barrier that limits the backend scheduler of instruction movement


operation ::= `amdgpu.sched_barrier` `allow` `=` $opts attr-dict

amdgpu.sched_barrier serves as a barrier that could be configured to restrict movements of instructions through it as defined by sched_barrier_opts.


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
The possible options for scheduling barriers

Enum cases:

  • none (none)
  • non_mem_non_sideffect (non_mem_non_sideffect)
  • valu (valu)
  • salu (salu)
  • mfma_wmma (mfma_wmma)
  • all_vmem (all_vmem)
  • vmem_read (vmem_read)
  • vmem_write (vmem_write)
  • all_ds (all_ds)
  • ds_read (ds_read)
  • ds_write (ds_write)
  • transcendental (transcendental)

amdgpu.wmma (amdgpu::WMMAOp) 

MLIR wrapper for RDNA3 wmma instructions


operation ::= `amdgpu.wmma` $sourceA `*` $sourceB `+` $destC
              `:` type($sourceA) `,` type($sourceB) `,` type($destC)

The amdgpu.wmma op is an MLIR wrapper around intrinsics for various wmma instructions in the RDNA3 or RDNA4 architecture, which perform a 16x16 * 16x16 matrix multiplication for different data types. Note that in gfx12/RDNA4, there is also a 16x32 * 32x16 instruction for 4-bit integer inputs.

On gfx11/RDNA3, emitting f16->f16 (or bf16->bf16) wmma the output is a 16xf16 (or 16xbf16) vector containing only 8 valid values:

  • If subwordOffset is 0, then the output is stored at indices 0, 2, 4, …, 14.
  • If subwordOffset is 1, then the output is stored at indices 1, 3, 5, …, 15. On gfx12/RDNA4, the result is instead returned as a vector<8 x f16/bf16> where all values are valid and the subwordOffset must be 0, as it cannot be used.

unsignedA and unsignedB flag that the int8 LLVM inputs are unsigned.

The clamp flag is used to saturate the output of type T to numeric_limits::max() in case of overflow.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
subwordOffset::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute whose minimum value is 0 whose maximum value is 1
unsignedA::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
unsignedB::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
clamp::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


sourceAvector of 16-bit float or bfloat16 type or 8-bit signless integer or 8-bit signed integer or 8-bit unsigned integer or 4-bit signless integer or 4-bit signed integer or 4-bit unsigned integer or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4/8/16
sourceBvector of 16-bit float or bfloat16 type or 8-bit signless integer or 8-bit signed integer or 8-bit unsigned integer or 4-bit signless integer or 4-bit signed integer or 4-bit unsigned integer or f8E4M3FN type or f8E5M2 type values of length 4/8/16
destCvector of 32-bit float or 32-bit signless integer values of length 4/8 or vector of 16-bit float or bfloat16 type values of length 4/8/16


destDvector of 32-bit float or 32-bit signless integer values of length 4/8 or vector of 16-bit float or bfloat16 type values of length 4/8/16



AMDGPU-specific address spaces


  ::mlir::amdgpu::AddressSpace   # value

AMDGPU-specific memory spaces that may not have exact analogues on other GPU targets or backends.

  • fat_raw_buffer is the memory space used when a memref is stored as as a “buffer fat pointer” - that is, a buffer resource (that is set up to use raw byte-level indexing) along with its offset. The AMDGPU backend implements ptr addrspace(7) to represent these fat pointers so that buffer resources (which allow advanced features like bounds checking or cache swizzling) can be used like ordinary LLVM pointers or memrefs. See also the fat_raw_buffer_cast operation
  • buffer_rsrc is the memory space for ptr addrspace(8), representing a buffer resource. It should not be used for memrefs, since it does not support indexing
  • fat_structured_buffer represents ptr addrspace(9), a buffer resource that carries both an index and offset field, which are used for complex structured indexing that is primarily seen in graphics applications. This is also incompatible with the simple indexing model supported by memref.


ParameterC++ typeDescription
value::mlir::amdgpu::AddressSpacean enum of type AddressSpace


The possible permutations for a DPP operation


  ::mlir::amdgpu::DPPPerm   # value

Enum cases:

  • quad_perm (quad_perm)
  • row_shl (row_shl)
  • row_shr (row_shr)
  • row_ror (row_ror)
  • wave_shl (wave_shl)
  • wave_shr (wave_shr)
  • wave_ror (wave_ror)
  • wave_rol (wave_rol)
  • row_mirror (row_mirror)
  • row_half_mirror (row_half_mirror)
  • row_bcast_15 (row_bcast_15)
  • row_bcast_31 (row_bcast_31)


ParameterC++ typeDescription
value::mlir::amdgpu::DPPPerman enum of type DPPPerm


The possible permutations of the lanes storing B available in an MFMA


  ::mlir::amdgpu::MFMAPermB   # value

Enum cases:

  • none (none)
  • bcast_first_32 (bcast_first_32)
  • bcast_second_32 (bcast_second_32)
  • rotate_16_right (rotate_16_right)
  • bcast_first_16 (bcast_first_16)
  • bcast_second_16 (bcast_second_16)
  • bcast_third_16 (bcast_third_16)
  • bcast_fourth_16 (bcast_fourth_16)


ParameterC++ typeDescription
value::mlir::amdgpu::MFMAPermBan enum of type MFMAPermB


The possible options for scheduling barriers


  ::mlir::amdgpu::sched_barrier_opt_enum   # value

Enum cases:

  • none (none)
  • non_mem_non_sideffect (non_mem_non_sideffect)
  • valu (valu)
  • salu (salu)
  • mfma_wmma (mfma_wmma)
  • all_vmem (all_vmem)
  • vmem_read (vmem_read)
  • vmem_write (vmem_write)
  • all_ds (all_ds)
  • ds_read (ds_read)
  • ds_write (ds_write)
  • transcendental (transcendental)


ParameterC++ typeDescription
value::mlir::amdgpu::sched_barrier_opt_enuman enum of type sched_barrier_opt_enum



AMDGPU-specific address spaces




The possible permutations for a DPP operation




The possible permutations of the lanes storing B available in an MFMA




The possible options for scheduling barriers

