Multi-Level IR Compiler Framework

Transform Dialect

Fine-grain transformation control dialect. See tutorial for more introductory information.


This dialect provides operations that can be used to control transformation of the IR using a different portion of the IR. It refers to the IR being transformed as payload IR, and to the IR guiding the transformation as transform IR.

The main use case for this dialect is orchestrating fine-grain transformations on individual IR objects (operations or values) or sets thereof. For example, it may involve finding loop-like operations with specific properties (e.g., large size) in the payload IR, applying loop tiling to those and only those operations, and then applying loop unrolling to the inner loops produced by the previous transformations. As such, it is not intended as a replacement for the pass infrastructure, nor for the pattern rewriting infrastructure. In the most common case, the transform IR will be processed and applied to the payload IR by a pass. Transformations expressed by the Transform dialect may be implemented using the pattern infrastructure or any other relevant MLIR component.

The following IR gives a rough idea of what the operations in this dialect may look like without using actually existing operations:

%0 = transform.loop.find { size > 42 } : !transform.interface<tileable>
%1 = transform.compute_trailing_tile_size %0 : !transform.param<index>
%2:2 = transform.loop.tile %0 tile_sizes(1, 4, %1)
      : (!transform.interface<tileable>)
     -> (!transform.op<loop>, !transform.op<loop>)
%3 = transform.get_op_result [0] %2#0 : !transform.any_value
transform.assign_to_fast_memory %3
transform.loop.unroll %1#1 : !transform.op<loop>

The values used in the Transform dialect may correspond to:

  • sets of operations in the payload IR;

  • sets of values in the payload IR;

  • sets of parameters (attributes) known at the execution time of the transform dialect.

The former two kinds of values are also referred to as operation and value handles, respectively. In the example above, %0 corresponds to the set of loops found in the payload IR that satisfy the condition, and %2 correspond to groups of outer and inner loops, respectively, produced by the tiling transformation. %3 corresponds to a set of values that are produced by the outer loops after tiling. %1 corresponds to a list of tile sizes selected for each of the operations that %0 corresponds to.

An operation handle such as %0 may be associated with multiple payload operations. This is conceptually a set of operations and no assumptions should be made about the order of ops unless specified otherwise by the operation. Similarly, a value handle such as %3 may be associated with a set of payload IR values. Transform dialect operations may take as operands and produce an arbitrary combination of values representing handles and parameters. Most Transform IR ops support operand values that are mapped to multiple payload objects. They usually apply the respective transformation for every mapped object (“batched execution”). Deviations from this convention are described in the documentation of Transform IR ops.

Parameters, such as %1 in the above example, have two logical roles in transform IR. In parameter based control, they carry the values needed to execute the explicit control defined by the transforms, for example:

%0 = transform.match.structured.rank %linalg_op_handle : !transform.param<index>
%1 = transform.param.constant 3 : i32 -> !transform.param<index>
transform.execute_if_cmpi eq %0, %1 : !transform.param<index>, !transform.param<index>
// Some nested body of transform ops

Alternatively, parameters can associate with the payload IR where the specific value at execution time has no bearing on the execution of the transform IR. In other words, parameters can either associate with the transform IR or the payload IR. Note that it is generally discouraged to use parameters containing arbitrary attributes within transform control. Parameter based control should try to be explicitly typed when possible.

The transform IR values have transform IR types, which should implement exactly one of:

The goal of these type interfaces, beyond providing a common base for accepted types, is to verify the properties of the associated objects. For example, a handle type interface implementation may check whether all associated payload IR operations implement the “TileableOp” interface or have a specific “loop” kind. Similarly, a value handle type interface implementation may check if the associated payload IR values are block arguments or have a specific type, or a parameter type interface may check whether the associated attributes contain non-negative integer values. These properties are used to statically indicate pre- and post-conditions of a transformation connected to a Transform dialect operation. The conditions are verified when payload objects operations are first associated with a transform handle. By convention, Transform dialect operations are expected to indicate narrow preconditions for their operands by enforcing operand type constraints in the their definitions and verifiers. On the contrary, operations are expected to have few constraints on their results. Specific instances of a transform operation can then be created with a more restricted result type than the constraint in the operation (e.g., the “find” operation only constrains the result type to be a transform IR type while its concrete instance can have a type with stricter constraints such as implementing the “tilable” interface). The verification will then happen at transform execution time. This approach allows one to capture payload IR operation properties in the transform IR without resorting to excessive use of type casts or coupling dialect extensions between themselves. It is a trade-off between verbosity/complexity and static hardening, which can be revised in the future.

Overall, Transform IR ops are expected to be contained in a single top-level op. Such top-level ops specify how to apply the transformations described by the operations they contain, e.g., transform.sequence executes transformations one by one and fails if any of them fails. Such ops are expected to have the PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait and may be used without arguments.

A program transformation expressed using the Transform dialect can be programmatically triggered by calling:

LogicalResult transform::applyTransforms(
    Operation *payloadRoot,
    const RaggedArray<transform::MappedValue> &extraMappings,
    TransformOpInterface transform,
    const TransformOptions &options);

that applies the transformations specified by the top-level transform to payload IR contained in payloadRoot. The payload root operation will be associated with the first argument of the entry block of the top-level transform op. This block may have additional arguments, handles or parameters. They will be associated with values provided as extraMappings. The call will report an error and return if the wrong number of mappings is provided.

Dialect Extension Mechanism 

This dialect is designed to be extensible, that is, clients of this dialect are allowed to inject additional operations into this dialect using the TransformDialectExtension mechanism. This allows the dialect to avoid a dependency on the implementation of the transformation as well as to avoid introducing dialect-specific transform dialects. In the example above, the operations may have been injected by a notional loop dialect rather than defined in this dialect, hence the common prefix.

It is recommended to prefix injected operations with one or several dot-separated words that indicate which extension adds them. For dialect-specific transformations, the prefix is naturally the name of the dialect, e.g., transform.affine.reschedule. For dialect-agnostic transformations (typically implemented using interfaces), the prefix may be derived from the interface name or from a common concept, e.g., transform.loop.tile may apply to any loop-like operation that implements TileableOpInterface. The C++ classes for the dialect extension should include the prefix in their name, e.g., AffineTransformDialectExtension or LoopTransformDialectExtension in the cases above. Unprefixed operation names are reserved for ops defined directly in the Transform dialect.

Operations injected into the dialect must:

  • Implement the TransformOpInterface to execute the corresponding transformation on the payload IR.

  • Implement the MemoryEffectsOpInterface to annotate the effects of the transform IR operation on the payload IR as well as on the mapping between transform IR values and payload IR operations. See below for the description of available effects.

The presence of interface implementations is checked at runtime when the dialect is loaded to allow for those implementations to be supplied by separate dialect extensions if desired.

Similarly to operations, additional types can be injected into the dialect using the same extension mechanism. The types must:

  • Implement exactly one of TransformHandleTypeInterface, TransformValueHandleTypeInterface, TransformParamTypeInterface.

Side Effects 

The Transform dialect relies on MLIR side effect modelling to enable optimization of the transform IR. More specifically, it provides several side effect resource objects and expects operations to describe their effects on these resources.

  • TransformMappingResource - side effect resource corresponding to the mapping between transform IR values and payload IR operations.

    • An Allocate effect from this resource means creating a new mapping entry, it is always accompanied by a Write effect.

    • A Read effect from this resource means accessing the mapping.

    • A Free effect on this resource indicates the removal of the mapping entry, typically after a transformation that modifies the payload IR operations associated with one of the transform IR operation’s operands. It is always accompanied by a Read effect.

  • PayloadIRResource - side effect resource corresponding to the payload IR itself.

    • A Read effect from this resource means accessing the payload IR.

    • A Write effect on this resource means mutating the payload IR. It is almost always accompanied by a Read.

The typical flow of values in the transform IR is as follows. Most operations produce new transform IR values and immediately associate them with a list of payload IR operations. This corresponds to Allocate and Write effects on the TransformMappingResource, and often requires at least a Read effect on the PayloadIRResource. Transform operations that only inspect the payload IR to produce new handles are usually limited to these effects on their operands. Transform operations that mutate the payload IR are thought to consume the handles provided as operands, that is have the Read and Free effects on them. As with the usual memory effects, using a value after it was freed is incorrect. In case of the transform IR, this value is likely associated with payload IR operations that were modified or even removed by the transformation, so it is meaningless to refer to them. When further transformations are desired, the transform operations can return new handles that can be read or consumed by subsequent operations.

Execution Model 

The transformation starts at the user-specified top-level transform IR operation and applies to some user-specified payload IR scope, identified by the payload IR op that contains the IR to transform. It is the responsibility of the user to properly select the scope and/or to avoid the transformations to modify the IR outside of the given scope. The top-level transform IR operation may contain further transform operations and execute them in the desired order.

Transformation application functions produce a tri-state status:

  • success;
  • recoverable (silenceable) failure;
  • irrecoverable failure.

Transformation container operations may intercept recoverable failures and perform the required recovery steps thus succeeding themselves. On the other hand, they must propagate irrecoverable failures. For such failures, the diagnostics are emitted immediately whereas their emission is postponed for recoverable failures. Transformation container operations may also fail to recover from a theoretically recoverable failure, in which case they can either propagate it to their parent or emit the diagnostic and turn the failure into an irrecoverable one. A recoverable failure produced by applying the top-level transform IR operation is considered irrecoverable.

Transformation container operations are allowed to “step over” some nested operations if the application of some previous operation produced a failure. This can be conceptually thought of as having a global “recoverable error register” that is read/write accessed by each transform operation as a side effect. The transformation is skipped if the register already contains an error description, and the control flow proceeds to the following operation.

Note that a silenceable failure, if emitted, is a compiler error rather than a warning. Transformations are expected to produce silenceable failures if they haven’t yet modified the payload IR, i.e. when reporting a precondition failure, and an irrecoverable failure when they modified the IR in a way that is contrary to the semantics of the transform operation or would fail a postcondition. Some “navigation” operations that identify payload IR targets for the following transformation may have a conceptual “failure to match” that is considered a successful execution in the execution model but results in handles associated with empty payload IR operation lists.

Handle Invalidation 

The execution model of the Transform dialect allows a payload IR operation to be associated with multiple handles as well as nested payload IR operations to be associated with different handles. Similarly, a payload IR value may be associated with multiple transform IR value handles. When a transform IR operation consumes a handle, it usually indicates that the corresponding payload IR object was destroyed and should no longer be referenced. Transform IR handles that may be pointing to an erased payload IR object are invalidated. The mere presence of an invalidated handle in the transform IR is not a problem, but using it results in undefined behavior. Invalidated handles can be thought of as dangling pointers. Note that the entire handle is invalidated, even if some of the payload IR objects associated with it remain live.

The following handle invalidation rules apply.

  • When an operation handle is consumed, are invalidated:

    • operation handles associated with one of the payload operations that the consumed handle is associated with;

    • operation handles associated with one of the operations nested in the payload operations described above;

    • value handles associated with any result of any operation described above;

    • value handles associated with any argument of a block contained in a region attached to any operation described above.

  • When a value handle is consumed, are invalidated:

    • operation handles associated with payload operations that produce as result any value associated with the consumed handle (when the associated is an operation result);

    • operation handles associated with payload operations nested in the payload operations described above;

    • operation handles associated with payload operations (recursively) contained in the block that defines as argument any value associated with the consumed handle (when the associated value is a block argument); note that the adjacent blocks are not affected;

    • value handles associated with any result of any operation described above, including all results of the operation defining as result the value associated with the consumed handle;

    • value handles associated with any argument of a block contained in a region attached to any operation described above.

More intuitively, consuming a handle invalidates any handle that may be pointing to an object defined or contained in the payload IR subtree rooted at the closest operation or block.

The Transform dialect infrastructure has the capability of checking whether the transform IR op operand is invalidated before applying the transformation. However, such a check is computationally expensive and must be enabled explicitly through TransformOptions. Additionally, the transform-dialect-check-uses pass emits warnings when a handle may be used after it has been consumed, but does so abstractly, without processing the payload IR.

Values associated with parameters (non-handles) cannot be invalidated.

Intended Use and Integrations 

The transformation control infrastructure provided by this dialect is positioned roughly between rewrite patterns and passes. A transformation that is executed by a transform operation is likely to be sufficiently complex to require at least a set of patterns to be implemented. It is also expected to be more focused than a pass: a pass typically applies identical transformations everywhere in the IR, a transform dialect-controlled transformation would apply to a small subset of operations selected, e.g., by a pattern-matching operation or generated by a previous transformation. It is discouraged, although technically possible, to run a pass pipeline as part of the transform op implementation.

One of the main scenarios for using this dialect is fine-grain chaining of transformations. For example, a loop-like operation may see its iteration domain split into two parts, implemented as separate loops (transformation known as index-set splitting), each of which is then transformed differently (e.g., the first loop is tiled and the second unrolled) with the necessary enabling and cleanup patterns around the main transformation:

// <generate %loop, e.g., by pattern-matching>
// ...
%parts:2 = transform.loop.split %loop { upper_bound_divisible_by = 8 }
transform.loop.tile %parts#0 { tile_sizes = [8] }
transform.loop.unroll %parts#1 { full }

This composition would have been difficult to implement as separate passes since the hypothetical “tiling” and “unrolling” pass would need to somehow differentiate between the parts of the loop produced by the previous pass (both are the same operation, and it is likely undesirable to pollute the operation with pass-specific information). Implementing passes that run the combined transformation would have run into the combinatorial explosion issue due to multiple possible transform compositions or into the need for deep pass parameterization, the ultimate form of which is an ad-hoc dialect to specify which transformations the pass should run. The transform dialect provides a uniform, extensible mechanism for controlling transformations in such cases.

The Transform dialect is supposed to be consumed by an “interpreter” pass that drives the application of transformations. To ensure extensibility and composability, this pass is not expected to actually perform the transformations specified by the ops. Instead, the transformations are implemented by the transform ops themselves via TransformOpInterface. The pass serves as the entry point, handles the flow of transform operations and takes care of bookkeeping. As such, the Transform dialect does not provide the interpreter pass. Instead, it provides a set of utilities that can be used by clients to define their own interpreter passes or as part of a more complex pass. For example, the mapping between values in the transform IR and operations in the payload IR, or the function that applies the transformations specified by ops in the given block sequentially. Note that a transform op may have regions with further transform ops in them, with the op itself guiding how to dispatch the transformation control flow to those regions. This approach allows clients to decide on the relative location of the transform IR in their input (e.g., nested modules, separate modules, optional regions to certain operations, etc.), register additional transform operations and perform client-specific bookkeeping.

Effects on the Infrastructure 

Although scoped to a single dialect, this functionality conceptually belongs to the MLIR infrastructure. It aims to be minimally intrusive and opt-in.

Some infrastructural components may grow extra functionality to support the transform dialect. In particular, the pattern infrastructure may add extra hooks to identify the “main results” of a transformation or to notify external observers about changes made to certain operations. These are not expected to affect the existing uses of the infrastructure.

For the sake of reusability, transformations should be implemented as utility functions that are called from the interface methods of transform ops rather than having the methods directly act on the payload IR.

Type Definitions 


Syntax: !transform.affine_map

Transform IR parameter value that can be associated with a list of affine map attributes.


Syntax: !transform.any_op

Transform IR handle that can be associated with a list of arbitrary Payload IR operations.


Syntax: !transform.any_param

Transform IR value that can be associated with a list of parameters of any type.


Syntax: !transform.any_value

Transform IR value that can be associated with a list of Payload IR values.



  ::llvm::StringRef   # operation_name

Transform IR handle that can be associated with a list of Payload IR operations with the specified operation name.


ParameterC++ typeDescription
operation_name::llvm::StringRefName of the allowed payload operation



  ::mlir::Type   # type

Transform IR value that can be associated with the list of parameters of the given type. Types are currently limited to integers, but may be extended in the future to other types values of which can be contained in attributes.


ParameterC++ typeDescription
type::mlir::TypeUnderlying type of the parameter


Syntax: !transform.type

Transform IR parameter value that can be associated with a list of type attributes.

Core Operations 


transform.alternatives (transform::AlternativesOp) 

Attempts sequences of transforms until one succeeds


operation ::= `transform.alternatives` ($scope^ `:` type($scope))? (`->` type($results)^)? attr-dict-with-keyword regions

This op may have an arbitrary number of regions, each of which represents a sequence of transform operations to be applied to the same payload IR. The regions are visited in order of appearance, and transforms in them are applied in their respective order of appearance. If one of these transforms fails to apply, the remaining ops in the same region are skipped an the next region is attempted. If all transformations in a region succeed, the remaining regions are skipped and the entire “alternatives” transformation succeeds. If all regions contained a failing transformation, the entire “alternatives” transformation fails.

It is up to the nested operations to define which errors are “recoverable” (or “silenceable”) and allow another alternatives to be attempted, and which errors should be propagated without attempting the other alternatives.

The single operand of this operation is the scope in which the alternative transformation sequences are attempted, that is, an operation in the payload IR that contains all the other operations that may be modified by the transformations. The scope operation must be isolated from above. There is no check that the transforms are indeed scoped as their “apply” methods can be arbitrarily complex. Therefore it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the transforms are scoped correctly, or to produce an irrecoverable error and thus abort the execution without attempting the remaining alternatives. Note that the payload IR outside of the given scope is not necessarily in the valid state, or even accessible to the transformation.

The changes to the IR within the scope performed by transforms in the failed alternative region are reverted before attempting the next region. Practically, this is achieved by cloning the scope. Therefore it is advised to limit the scope as much as possible and place the most likely alternatives early in the region list. The operation is also isolated from above and requires rediscovering the operations within the given scope to avoid additional handle invalidation. The latter restriction may be lifted in the future.

Each of the regions may yield transform IR handles. The handles of the first successful alternative region are returned as the results of the “alternatives” op. Therefore, each alternative region must yield the same number of results, which should also match the number and the types of the “alternatives” op results.

Remark: this op allows one to implement a simple “try” construct as follows:

%result = transform.alternatives %scope {
^bb0(%arg0: !transform.any_op):
  // Try a fallible transformation.
  %0 = transform.fallible %arg0 // ...
  // If succeeded, yield the the result of the transformation.
  transform.yield %0 : !transform.any_op
}, {
^bb0(%arg0: !transform.any_op):
  // Otherwise, the second alternative is tried and it always succeeds by
  // returning the original handle.
  transform.yield %arg0 : !transform.any_op

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<::mlir::transform::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


scopeTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultsvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.annotate (transform::AnnotateOp) 

Annotates the target operation with an attribute by name


operation ::= `transform.annotate` $target $name attr-dict (`=` $param^)?`:` type($target) (`,` type($param)^)?

Adds an attribute with the given name to the target operation. An optional param handle can be provided to give the attribute a specific value, else a UnitAttr is added. A single attribute will be broadcasted to all target operations, otherwise the attributes will be mapped 1:1 based on the order within the handles.

Produces a silenceable failure if the length of the parameter payload does not match the length of the target payload. Does not consume the provided handles.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
paramTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_patterns.canonicalization (transform::ApplyCanonicalizationPatternsOp) 

Populates canonicalization patterns


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.canonicalization` attr-dict

This op populates all canonicalization patterns of all loaded dialects in an apply_patterns transform.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_cse (transform::ApplyCommonSubexpressionEliminationOp) 

Eliminate common subexpressions in the body of the target op


operation ::= `transform.apply_cse` `to` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform applies common subexpression elimination (CSE) to the body of the targeted op.

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload. Existing handles to operations inside of the targeted op are retained and updated if necessary. Note that this can lead to situations where a handle, that was previously mapped to multiple distinct (but equivalent) operations, is now mapped to the same operation multiple times.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_conversion_patterns (transform::ApplyConversionPatternsOp) 

Applies conversion patterns to the body of the targeted op


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns` `to` $target $patterns
              (`with` `type_converter` $default_type_converter_region^)?
              attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform applies the specified conversion patterns to the targeted op and all nested ops. By default, this transform applies a “full” dialect conversion. If the partial_conversion unit attribute is present, this transform applies a partial dialect conversion.

The patterns that should be applied are specified in the first graph region of this op. They must implement the ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface. The order in which patterns are applied is unspecified; i.e., the ordering of ops in the region of this op is irrelevant.

The second, optional graph region contains exactly one op that specifies default type converter that should be used with this dialect conversion. If provided, this op must implement the TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface. Type converters are a property of conversion patterns: each conversion pattern stores the type converter that should be used in its C++ class. Each conversion pattern descriptor can optionally specify a type converter in its getTypeConverter interface method. If no type converter is specified in this method, the default type converter of the dialect conversion is used. Default type converters are useful if the same type converter should be used for multiple sets of conversion patterns. (Patterns that should not use this default type converter specify their own type converter.)

The legal_ops, illegal_ops, legal_dialects, illegal_dialects attributes specify the conversion target.

This transform modifies the payload. By default, it consumes the target handle. It does not produce any handles.

If the preserve_handles attribute is set, this transform does not consume the target handle and instead updates handles based on notifications from a tracking listener that is attached to the dialect conversion, similar to transform.apply_patterns. Only replacements via RewriterBase::replaceOp or replaceOpWithNewOp are considered “payload op replacements”. In contrast to transform.apply_patterns, we allow replacement ops even if the op name has changed. This is because conversion patterns are expected to lower ops to different ops (from a different dialect). More details can be found at the documentation site of TrackingListener.

This transform produces a silenceable failure if the dialect conversion was unsuccessful or the tracking listener failed to find a replacement op.

Traits: HasOnlyGraphRegion, NoTerminator, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionKindInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
legal_ops::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
illegal_ops::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
legal_dialects::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
illegal_dialects::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
partial_conversion::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
preserve_handles::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_dce (transform::ApplyDeadCodeEliminationOp) 

Eliminate dead operations in the body of the target op


operation ::= `transform.apply_dce` `to` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform applies dead code elimination (DCE) to the body of the targeted op.

Note: “transform.apply_patterns” with an empty region can also be used to remove dead ops. However, that op applies additional simplifications such as op folding and region simplification.

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload. Note that this transform may silently remove payload ops from handles.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_licm (transform::ApplyLoopInvariantCodeMotionOp) 

Move loop-invariant code out of a loop-like op


operation ::= `transform.apply_licm` `to` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform moves side-effect free, loop invariant code out of the targeted loop-like op. The targeted op must implement the LoopLikeOpInterface.

Note: To move invariant ops from a loop nest, this transform must be applied to each loop of the loop nest, starting with the inner-most loop.

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_patterns (transform::ApplyPatternsOp) 

Greedily applies patterns to the body of the targeted op


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns` `to` $target $patterns attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform greedily applies the specified patterns to the body of the targeted op until a fixpoint was reached. Patterns are not applied to the targeted op itself.

The patterns that should be applied are specified in the graph region of this op. They must implement the PatternDescriptorOpInterface. The order in which patterns are applied is unspecified; i.e., the ordering of ops in the region of this op is irrelevant.

If apple_cse is set, the greedy pattern rewrite is interleaved with common subexpression elimination (CSE): both are repeated until a fixpoint is reached.

This transform only reads the target handle and modifies the payload. If a pattern erases or replaces a tracked op, the mapping is updated accordingly.

Only replacements via RewriterBase::replaceOp or replaceOpWithNewOp are considered “payload op replacements”. Furthermore, only if the replacement values are defined by the same op and that op has the same type as the original op, the mapping is updated. Otherwise, this transform produces a silenceable failure. More details can be found at the documentation site of TrackingListener.

This transform also produces a silenceable failure if the pattern application did not converge within the default number of iterations/rewrites of the greedy pattern rewrite driver.

Traits: HasOnlyGraphRegion, NoTerminator, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, SingleBlock, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionKindInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
apply_cse::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
max_iterations::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
max_num_rewrites::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_registered_pass (transform::ApplyRegisteredPassOp) 

Applies the specified registered pass or pass pipeline


operation ::= `transform.apply_registered_pass` $pass_name `to` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

This transform applies the specified pass or pass pipeline to the targeted ops. The name of the pass/pipeline is specified as a string attribute, as set during pass/pipeline registration. Optionally, pass options may be specified as a string attribute. The pass options syntax is identical to the one used with “mlir-opt”.

This op first looks for a pass pipeline with the specified name. If no such pipeline exists, it looks for a pass with the specified name. If no such pass exists either, this op fails definitely.

This transform consumes the target handle and produces a new handle that is mapped to the same op. Passes are not allowed to remove/modify the operation that they operate on, so the target op is guaranteed to still exist. The target handle is invalidated because a pass may arbitrarily modify the body of targeted ops.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
pass_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
options::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.dialect_to_llvm (transform::ApplyToLLVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.dialect_to_llvm` $dialect_name attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert ops from the specified dialect to LLVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

Note: Only dialects that implement the ConvertToLLVMPatternInterface are supported. Any conversion target modifications by interface implementations are currently ignored. The conversion target is fully specified by the enclosing “apply_conversion_patterns” op.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dialect_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

transform.cast (transform::CastOp) 


operation ::= `transform.cast` $input attr-dict `:` type($input) `to` type($output)

Traits: TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: CastOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


inputTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


outputTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.collect_matching (transform::CollectMatchingOp) 

Collects all payload ops that match the given named matcher


operation ::= `transform.collect_matching` $matcher `in` $root attr-dict `:` functional-type($root, $results)

Collects operations or other payload IR objects nested under root (inclusive) that match the given matcher expressed as a named sequence. The matcher sequence must accept exactly one argument that it is not allowed to modify. It must yield as many values as this op has results. Each of the yielded values must be associated with exactly one payload object. If any operation in the matcher sequence produces a silenceable failure, the matcher advances to the next payload operation in the walk order without finishing the sequence.

The i-th result of this operation is constructed by concatenating the i-th yielded payload IR objects of all successful matcher sequence applications. All results are guaranteed to be mapped to the same number of payload IR objects.

The operation succeeds unless the matcher sequence produced a definite failure for any invocation.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, SymbolUserOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
matcher::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.foreach_match (transform::ForeachMatchOp) 

Applies named sequences when a named matcher succeeds


operation ::= `transform.foreach_match` oilist( `restrict_root` $restrict_root
              | `flatten_results` $flatten_results
              $root (`,` $forwarded_inputs^)?
              custom<ForeachMatchSymbols>($matchers, $actions)
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Given a pair of co-indexed lists of transform dialect symbols (such as transform.named_sequence), walks the payload IR associated with the root handle and interprets the symbols as matcher/action pairs by applying the body of the corresponding symbol definition. The symbol from the first list is the matcher part: if it results in a silenceable error, the error is silenced and the next matcher is attempted. Definite failures from any matcher stop the application immediately and are propagated unconditionally. If none of the matchers succeeds, the next payload operation in walk order (post-order at the moment of writing, double check Operation::walk) is matched. If a matcher succeeds, the co-indexed action symbol is applied and the following matchers are not applied to the same payload operation. If the action succeeds, the next payload operation in walk order is matched. If it fails, both silenceable and definite errors are propagated as the result of this op; propagation of silenceable errors is postponed until the end of the walk.

The matcher symbol must take at least one operand of a type that implements the same transform dialect interface as the root operand (a check is performed at application time to see if the associated payload satisfies the constraints of the actual type), and may take additional operands with a similar type requirement. It must not consume operands as multiple matchers may be applied. The matcher may produce any number of results. The action symbol paired with the matcher must take the same number of arguments as the matcher has results, and these arguments must implement the same transform dialect interfaces, but not necessarily have the exact same type (again, a check is performed at application time to see if the associated payload satisfies the constraints of actual types on both sides).

The action symbol may have results that are accumulated from all actions and returned from the foreach_match operation on success. Unless the flatten_results attribute is present, each action result must be associated with exactly one payload entity. The actions are expected to only modify payload operations nested in the root payload operations associated with the operand of this transform operation. Furthermore, the actions may not modify operations outside of the currently matched payload operation, e.g., they may not modify sibling or parent operations. If such behavior is desired, the parent must be matched first and the nested operations obtained by traversing the IR from the parent. This is due to the matching being performed as a post-order IR walk.

This operation consumes the operand and produces a new handle associated with the same payload. This is necessary to trigger invalidation of handles to any of the payload operations nested in the payload operations associated with the operand, as those are likely to be modified by actions.

By default, the root payload operation associated with the operand is not matched. This is to support the conservative case where applied actions may invalidate the root payload operation. If the optional restrict_root attribute is set, the root operand is guaranteed to not be invalidated by any of the applied actions. In such cases, the root payload operation is also matched. This is useful because matching the root payload operation is a common idiom, when e.g. matching a func.func directly and operations nested under it.

The operation succeeds if none of the matchers produced a definite failure during application and if all of the applied actions produced success. Note that it also succeeds if all the matchers failed on all payload operations, i.e. failure to apply is not an error. The operation produces a silenceable failure if any applied action produced a silenceable failure. In this case, the resulting handle is associated with an empty payload. The operation produces a definite failure if any of the applied matchers or actions produced a definite failure.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, OpAsmOpInterface, SymbolUserOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
restrict_root::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
flatten_results::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
matchers::mlir::ArrayAttrsymbol ref array attribute
actions::mlir::ArrayAttrsymbol ref array attribute


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
forwarded_inputsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


updatedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
forwarded_outputsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.foreach (transform::ForeachOp) 

Executes the body for each element of the payload


operation ::= `transform.foreach` $targets oilist(`with_zip_shortest` $with_zip_shortest) `:` type($targets) (`->` type($results)^)? $body attr-dict

Execute the op’s body - its single region block - exactly once per element of the payload associated to a target handle. The body’s transformations are applied in order of appearance until reaching the (implicit) YieldOp terminator.

Each iteration gets executed by co-indexing the payloads of the arguments and mapping the body’s arguments to these tuples, as though iterating over the zipped together targets. As such, in each iteration, the size of the payload of each of the body’s block arguments is exactly one. The attribute zip_shortest can be used if the targets vary in their number of payloads; this will limit the iterations to only the number of payloads found in the shortest target.

This op always reads the target handles. Furthermore, it consumes a handle if there is a transform op in the body that consumes the corresponding block argument. Handles can point to ops, values, or parameters.

Return Modes 

This op produces as many result handles as the body’s terminating YieldOp has operands. For each result, the payloads of the corresponding YieldOp operand are merged and mapped to the same resulting handle.

If the target handles do not associate payloads of the same size, a silencable failure will be generated.

During application, if any transformation in the sequence fails, the entire sequence fails immediately with the same failure, leaving the payload IR in a potentially invalid state, i.e., this operation offers no transformation rollback capabilities.

Traits: SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<::mlir::transform::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
with_zip_shortest::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


resultsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.get_consumers_of_result (transform::GetConsumersOfResult) 

Get handle to the consumers of this operation’s result number


operation ::= `transform.get_consumers_of_result` $target `[` $result_number `]` attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to all operations that consume the SSA value defined by the target and result_number arguments. This operation applies to a single payload operation, otherwise it produces a definite failure. The return handle points to the consuming operations operations, which can be empty.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
result_number::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


consumersTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_defining_op (transform::GetDefiningOp) 

Get handle to the defining op of a value


operation ::= `transform.get_defining_op` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to the defining op of the targeted value.

This transform produces a silenceable failure if the targeted value is a block argument.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_operand (transform::GetOperandOp) 

Get a handle to the operand(s) of the targeted op


operation ::= `transform.get_operand` $target `[`custom<TransformMatchDims>($raw_position_list, $is_inverted, $is_all)`]` attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to the operands of the given target operation specified by the given set of positions. There are three possible modes:

  • Position list directly, i.e. %target[0, 1, 2]. This will return the operands at the specified positions.
  • Inverted position list, i.e. %target[except(0, 1, 2)]. This will return all operands except those at the given positions.
  • All, i.e. %target[all]. This will return all operands of the operation.

This transform produces a silenceable failure if any of the operand indices exceeds the number of operands in the target. It reads the target handle and produces the result handle.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
raw_position_list::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
is_inverted::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
is_all::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_parent_op (transform::GetParentOp) 

Gets handles to the closest parent ops


operation ::= `transform.get_parent_op` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to the parents of the targeted payload ops (in the same order).

Requirements that parent ops must fulfill can be optionally specified. In that case for each target op, the closest parent op that fulfills all requirements, is returned.

  • isolated_from_above: the parent op must be isolated from above
  • allow_empty_results: get_parent_op is allowed to return an empty list and still succeeds. In such a case, if get_parent_op fails for any operation in the list, the entire transform returns an empty handle.
  • op_name: the parent op must have the specified name
  • nth_parent: get the n-th parent of that satisfies the above requirements

If deduplicate is set, the result handle does not contain any duplicate ops. For example, given the list “(childof(A), childof(B), childof(B), childof(A), childof(B))”, the resulting list will be just “(A, B)”. Note that no other semantic ordering is applied, e.g., “B” may itself be a parent of “A”. This may have an impact on the further transformation applied to the handle produced here.

If any of the given Payload IR ops has no such suitable parent, then:

  • if allow_empty_results is set, the result handle is empty
  • otherwise, the transformation produces a silenceable failure.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
isolated_from_above::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
allow_empty_results::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
op_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
deduplicate::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
nth_parent::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


parentTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_producer_of_operand (transform::GetProducerOfOperand) 

Get handle to the producer of this operation’s operand number


operation ::= `transform.get_producer_of_operand` $target `[` $operand_number `]` attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to operation that produces the SSA value defined by the target and operand_number arguments. If the origin of the SSA value is not an operations (i.e. it is a block argument), the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced computational operations, which can be empty.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
operand_number::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


producerTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_result (transform::GetResultOp) 

Get a handle to the result(s) of the targeted op


operation ::= `transform.get_result` $target `[`custom<TransformMatchDims>($raw_position_list, $is_inverted, $is_all)`]` attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op correspond to the OpResults of the given target operation. Optionally result_number can be specified to select a specific result.

This transform fails silently if the targeted operation does not have enough results. It reads the target handle and produces the result handle.

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to the results of the given target operation specified by the given set of positions. There are three possible modes:

  • Position list directly, i.e. %target[0, 1, 2]. This will return the results at the specified positions.
  • Inverted position list, i.e. %target[except(0, 1, 2)]. This will return all results except those at the given positions.
  • All, i.e. %target[all]. This will return all results of the operation.

This transform produces a silenceable failure if any of the result indices exceeds the number of results returned by the target. It reads the target handle and produces the result handle.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
raw_position_list::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
is_inverted::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
is_all::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.get_type (transform::GetTypeOp) 

Get a parameter containing the type of the given value


operation ::= `transform.get_type` (`elemental` $elemental^)? $value attr-dict `:`functional-type(operands, results)

This operation creates a new Transform parameter containing the type(s) of the value(s) associated with the operand handle.

This transform never fails.

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
elemental::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


valueTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance


type_paramTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.include (transform::IncludeOp) 

Includes a named transform sequence


operation ::= `transform.include` $target `failures` `(` $failure_propagation_mode `)``(` $operands `)` attr-dict `:` functional-type($operands, $results)

The application of this transform operation is equivalent to applying the operations contained in the named transform sequence with operands being remapped to block arguments. The behavior of the operation when a transformation in the included named sequence produces a silenceable error is controlled by the failure_propagation_mode attribute. When set to propagate, the failure of any nested transformation in the sequence implies immediate failure of the entire sequence with a silenceable error, and no further transformation is attempted. When set to suppress, silenceable errors in nested operations are ignored and further transformations are applied. Beware that even silenceable errors may leave the payload IR in a state unsuitable for further transformations. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the following transformations are robust enough when errors are suppressed. Definite errors are propagated immediately regardless of the mode. The objects associated with the results of this operation are the same as those associated with the operands of the transform.yield in the referenced named sequence.

Interfaces: CallOpInterface, MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, SymbolUserOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
target::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute
Silenceable error propagation policy

Enum cases:

  • propagate (Propagate)
  • suppress (Suppress)
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes


operandsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


resultsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.match.operation_empty (transform::MatchOperationEmptyOp) 

Matches if the handle is not associated to any op


operation ::= `transform.match.operation_empty` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` type($operand_handle)

Succeeds if the handle is not associated to any op.

Traits: AtMostOneOpMatcher

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.match.operation_name (transform::MatchOperationNameOp) 

Matches a single operation of one of the given kinds


operation ::= `transform.match.operation_name` $operand_handle $op_names attr-dict `:` type($operand_handle)

Succeeds if the operation associated with the operand handle has one of the given operation names. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

If more than one payload operation is associated with the operand handle, produces a definite failure.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
op_names::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.match.param.cmpi (transform::MatchParamCmpIOp) 

Matches if two parameter lists are associated with the same value


operation ::= `transform.match.param.cmpi` $predicate $param `,` $reference attr-dict `:` type($param)

Succeeds if all of the co-indexed values associated with the given parameters relate as specified by the predicate (greater than, less than, equal to, or their combinations). Comparison treats all values as signed. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SameTypeOperands

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
allowed 32-bit signless integer cases: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Enum cases:

  • eq (eq)
  • ne (ne)
  • lt (lt)
  • le (le)
  • gt (gt)
  • ge (ge)


paramTransformParamTypeInterface instance
referenceTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.merge_handles (transform::MergeHandlesOp) 

Merges handles into one pointing to the union of payload ops


operation ::= `transform.merge_handles` (`deduplicate` $deduplicate^)? $handles attr-dict `:` type($result)

Creates a new Transform IR handle value that points to the same Payload IR operations/values/parameters as the operand handles. The Payload IR elements are listed in the same order as they are in the operand handles, grouped by operand handle, e.g., all Payload IR associated with the first handle comes first, then all Payload IR associated with the second handle and so on. If deduplicate is set, do not add the given Payload IR operation, value, or parameter more than once to the final list regardless of it coming from the same or different handles. Consumes the operands and produces a new handle.

Traits: SameOperandsAndResultType

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
deduplicate::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


handlesvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


resultany transform handle or parameter

transform.named_sequence (transform::NamedSequenceOp) 

Named transform sequence that can be included elsewhere

Defines a named (callable, function-like) sequence of other Transform dialect operations that can be included using transform.include as part of another Transform dialect construct. This sequence is not processed immediately but rather dispatched to when the inclusion is processed. The arguments and results can be used to communicate a subset of mapping into the named sequence. The sequence must consist of a single block and end with a transform.yield terminator. The operands of the terminator become the results of the transform.include.

When dispatched to, the operations in the named sequence are executed one by one, similarly to the regular unnamed sequence. The failure propagation mode is specified on the transform.include. Different inclusions may use different failure propagation modes. This transform operation always succeeds by itself, but the inclusion may fail if any of the operations fail.

Named sequences can only appear at the top-level of the Transform dialect nesting structure. That is, they cannot be nested in other Transform dialect operations. Furthermore, one of the ancestors must have the SymbolTable trait and have the transform.with_named_sequence attribute attached.

Named sequences may include other named sequences via transform.include, but recursion is not allowed.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove

Interfaces: CallableOpInterface, FunctionOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, Symbol, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
function_type::mlir::TypeAttrfunction type attribute
sym_visibility::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
arg_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes
res_attrs::mlir::ArrayAttrArray of dictionary attributes

transform.num_associations (transform::NumAssociationsOp) 

Returns the number of payload objects associated with the argument


operation ::= `transform.num_associations` $handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Given an argument, handle or parameter, returns a new parameter associated with a single 64-bit number that corresponds to the number of payload objects (operations or values for a handle, attributes for a parameter) associated with the argument.

Always succeeds.

Traits: ParamProducerTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


handleany transform handle or parameter


numTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.param.constant (transform::ParamConstantOp) 

Produces a new transform dialect parameter value associated with the given attribute


operation ::= `transform.param.constant` $value attr-dict `->` type($param)

Produces a new transform dialect parameter associated with the singleton list containing the given attribute. The operation itself always succeeds, but the general association check may fail if the parameter type does not accept the given kind of attribute as valid.

Traits: ParamProducerTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
value::mlir::Attributeany attribute


paramTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.print (transform::PrintOp) 

Dump each payload op


operation ::= `transform.print` $target attr-dict (`:` type($target)^)?

Prints each payload op that is associated with the target operand to stdout. It also prints the name string attribute. If no target is specified, the top-level op is dumped.

This op is useful for printf-style debugging.

Supported printing flag attributes:

  • assume_verified – skips verification when the unit attribute is specified. This improves performace but may lead to crashes and unexpected behavior when the printed payload op is invalid.
  • use_local_scope – prints in local scope when the unit attribute is specified. This improves performance but may not be identical to printing within the full module.
  • skip_regions – does not print regions of operations when the unit attribute is specified.

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
assume_verified::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
use_local_scope::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
skip_regions::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.replicate (transform::ReplicateOp) 

Lists payload ops multiple times in the new handle


operation ::= `transform.replicate` `num` `(` $pattern `)` $handles attr-dict `:` type($pattern) `,` type($handles)

Produces a new handle associated with a list of payload IR ops that is computed by repeating the list of payload IR ops associated with the operand handle as many times as the “pattern” handle has associated operations. For example, if pattern is associated with [op1, op2] and the operand handle is associated with [op3, op4, op5], the resulting handle will be associated with [op3, op4, op5, op3, op4, op5].

This transformation is useful to “align” the sizes of payload IR lists before a transformation that expects, e.g., identically-sized lists. For example, a transformation may be parameterized by same notional per-target size computed at runtime and supplied as another handle, the replication allows this size to be computed only once and used for every target instead of replicating the computation itself.

Note that it is undesirable to pass a handle with duplicate operations to an operation that consumes the handle. Handle consumption often indicates that the associated payload IR ops are destroyed, so having the same op listed more than once will lead to double-free. Single-operand MergeHandlesOp may be used to deduplicate the associated list of payload IR ops when necessary. Furthermore, a combination of ReplicateOp and MergeHandlesOp can be used to construct arbitrary lists with repetitions.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


patternTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
handlesvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


replicatedvariadic of any transform handle or parameter (transform::SelectOp) 

Select payload ops by name


operation ::= `` $op_name `in` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

The handle defined by this Transform op corresponds to all operations among target that have the specified properties. Currently the following properties are supported:

  • op_name: The op must have the specified name.

The result payload ops are in the same relative order as the targeted ops. This transform op reads the target handle and produces the result handle. It reads the payload, but does not modify it.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
op_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.sequence (transform::SequenceOp) 

Contains a sequence of other transform ops to apply


operation ::= `transform.sequence` custom<SequenceOpOperands>($root, type($root), $extra_bindings, type($extra_bindings)) (`->` type($results)^)? `failures` `(` $failure_propagation_mode `)` attr-dict-with-keyword regions

The transformations indicated by the sequence are applied in order of their appearance. Each value produced by a transformation within the sequence corresponds to a group of operations or values in the payload IR, or to a group of parameters, depending on the type of the value. The behavior of the operation when a nested transformation produces a silenceable error is controlled by the failure_propagation_mode attribute. When set to propagate, the failure of any nested transformation in the sequence implies immediate failure of the entire sequence with a silenceable error, and no further transformation is attempted. When set to suppress, silenceable errors in nested operations are ignored and further transformations are applied. Beware that even silenceable errors may leave the payload IR in a state unsuitable for further transformations. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure the following transformations are robust enough when errors are suppressed. Definite errors reported by nested transformations abort the sequence regardless of the propagation mode. The set of modes may be extended in the future, e.g., to collect silenceable errors and report them after attempting all transformations in the sequence.

The entry block of this operation has a single argument that maps to either the operand if provided or the top-level container operation of the payload IR, typically the root operation of the pass interpreting the transform dialect. Operand omission is only allowed for sequences not contained in another sequence.

The type of the block argument must match the type of the operand. If the sequence is a top-level transform (without an operand), it can be used for matching operations if the specified type within the top-level container payload IR (including the container op itself). E.g.:

transform.sequence failures(propagate) {
^bb1(%arg1: !transform.any_op):
  // %arg1 is mapped to the top-level container of the payload IR, which is
  // typically a module

transform.sequence failures(propagate) {
^bb1(%arg1: !transform.op<"func.func>"):
  // %arg1 is mapped to all "func.func" ops within and including the
  // top-level container of the payload IR. Nested operations that have the
  // specified op type are not included.

The body of the sequence terminates with an implicit or explicit transform.yield op. The operands of the terminator are returned as the results of the sequence op.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<::mlir::transform::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, OpAsmOpInterface, RegionBranchOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
Silenceable error propagation policy

Enum cases:

  • propagate (Propagate)
  • suppress (Suppress)


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
extra_bindingsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter


resultsvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.split_handle (transform::SplitHandleOp) 

Splits a handle or parameter into multiple values


operation ::= `transform.split_handle` $handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Splits handle into one or multiple handles, as specified by the number of results of this operation. handle should be mapped to as many payload ops, values or parameteres as there are results. Otherwise, this transform will fail producing a silenceable failure by default. Each result handle is mapped to exactly one payload unless specified otherwise by attributes described below. The order of the payloads is preserved, i.e., the i-th payload is mapped to the i-th result handle.

This operation is useful for ensuring a statically known number of payloads are tracked by the source handle and to extract them into individual handles that can be further manipulated in isolation.

If there are more payloads than results, the remaining payloads are mapped to the result with index overflow_result. If no overflow_result is specified, the transform produces a silenceable failure.

If there are fewer payload ops than results, the transform produces a silenceable failure if fail_on_payload_too_small is set to “true”. Otherwise, it succeeds and the remaining result handles are not mapped to anything. It also succeeds if handle is empty and pass_through_empty_handle is set to “true”, regardless of fail_on_payload_too_small.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
pass_through_empty_handle::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
fail_on_payload_too_small::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
overflow_result::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


handleany transform handle or parameter


resultsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.verify (transform::VerifyOp) 

Verifies the targeted ops


operation ::= `transform.verify` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform verifies the targeted ops. If at least one op fails to verify, the transform produces a definite failure.

Note: This op was designed for debugging purposes and should be used like an assertion. It is intentional that this op produces a definite failure and not a silenceable one. Correctness of the program should not depend on this op.

This transform reads the target handle.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.yield (transform::YieldOp) 

Yields operation handles from a transform IR region


operation ::= `transform.yield` operands attr-dict (`:` type($operands)^)?

This terminator operation yields operation handles from regions of the transform IR ops back to the containing op. It is not itself associated with any transformation on the payload IR and is used for flow purposes only.

Traits: Terminator

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface


operandsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

Affine Transform Operations 


transform.affine.simplify_bounded_affine_ops (transform::SimplifyBoundedAffineOpsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.affine.simplify_bounded_affine_ops` $target `with` `[` ($bounded_values^ `:` type($bounded_values))? `]`
              `within` $lower_bounds `and` $upper_bounds attr-dict
              `:` type($target)

Simplify the targeted affine.min / affine.max ops given the supplied lower and upper bounds for values that may be used as target op operands.


%0 = transform.structured.match ops{["affine.min", "affine.max"]} in %arg1
%1 = transform.structured.match ops{["gpu.lane_id"]} in %arg1
transform.affine.simplify_bounded_affine_ops %0 with [%1] within [0] and [32]

// Multiple bounds can be specified.
transform.affine.simplify_bounded_affine_ops %0 with [%1, %2] within [0, 5] and [32, 50]

Bounded op handles (%1 and `%2) must be mapped to ops that have a single result of index type. The sets of target ops and bounded ops must not overlap.

Return modes 

Target ops must be affine.min or affine.max ops. This transform consumes the target handle and does not produce any handle. It reads the bounded op handles.

TODO: Support affine.apply targets. TODO: Allow mixed PDL_Operation/int64_t for lower_bounds and upper_bounds.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
lower_bounds::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
upper_bounds::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
bounded_valuesvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Bufferization Transform Operations 


transform.bufferization.buffer_loop_hoisting (transform::BufferLoopHoistingOp) 


operation ::= `transform.bufferization.buffer_loop_hoisting` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Hoist buffer allocations (“memref.alloc” and “memref.alloca”) from loops within the targeted op. This transform assumes that there are no buffer deallocation ops in the IR.

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload.

Traits: TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.bufferization.eliminate_empty_tensors (transform::EliminateEmptyTensorsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.bufferization.eliminate_empty_tensors` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Try to eliminate all tensor.empty ops within the targeted op by replacing them with another destination tensor.

“tensor.empty” ops cannot be bufferized. They can either be converted to “bufferization.alloc_tensor” or replaced with another tensor (via this transform). “tensor.empty” does not specify the contents of the returned tensor so their results can be replaced with arbitrary tensor values as long as the dimensions match.

This transformation looks for subset ops that insert a tensor that originates from a “tensor.empty” (as per the reverse use-def chain). Such “tensor.empty” ops are replaced with the destination subset.


%0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<5xf32>
%1 = linalg.fill ... outs(%0)
%2 = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %t[1][5][1]

Is rewritten with:

%0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[1][5][1]
%1 = linalg.fill ... outs(%0)
%2 = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %t[1][5][1]

In the above example, the subset op is “tensor.insert_slice”. When tracing back the reverse use-def chain of a the source, we end up at a “tensor.empty” op.

The above example can bufferize without an allocation (in the absence of other conflicts) because there is no longer a tensor.empty op.

See -eliminate-empty-tensors for more details.

Return modes 

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload. It does not produce any handle.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.bufferization.empty_tensor_to_alloc_tensor (transform::EmptyTensorToAllocTensorOp) 


operation ::= `transform.bufferization.empty_tensor_to_alloc_tensor` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Replace a tensor.empty with a bufferization.tensor_alloc.

Return modes 

This operation consumes the target handle and produces the transformed handle. target is expected to be a tensor.empty operation. The transform always succeeds.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransform IR handle to tensor.empty operations


transformedTransform IR handle to bufferization.alloc_tensor operations

transform.bufferization.one_shot_bufferize (transform::OneShotBufferizeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.bufferization.one_shot_bufferize` (`layout` `{` $function_boundary_type_conversion^ `}`)?
              $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Indicates that the given target op should be bufferized with One-Shot Bufferize. The bufferization can be configured with various attributes that corresponding to options in BufferizationOptions and the one-shot-bufferize pass. More information can be found in the pass documentation.

The targeted ops must be modules or functions. This is because there is always a single, bufferized replacement op for such targets.

Note: Only ops that implement BufferizableOpInterface are bufferized. All other ops are ignored if allow_unknown_ops. If allow_unknown_ops is unset, this transform fails when an unknown/non-bufferizable op is found. Many ops implement BufferizableOpInterface via an external model. These external models must be registered when applying this transform op; otherwise, said ops would be considered non-bufferizable.

Return modes 

This operation consumes the target handle and produces the transformed handle.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
option for map layout

Enum cases:

  • InferLayoutMap (InferLayoutMap)
  • IdentityLayoutMap (IdentityLayoutMap)
  • FullyDynamicLayoutMap (FullyDynamicLayoutMap)
allow_return_allocs_from_loops::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
allow_unknown_ops::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
bufferize_function_boundaries::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
dump_alias_sets::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
test_analysis_only::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
print_conflicts::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
check_parallel_regions::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
memcpy_op::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Debug Transform Operations 


transform.debug.emit_param_as_remark (transform::DebugEmitParamAsRemarkOp) 

Prints the parameter as a diagnostic remark


operation ::= `transform.debug.emit_param_as_remark` $param (`,` $message^)?  (`at` $anchor^)?attr-dict `:` type($param) (`,` type($anchor)^)?

This operation emits a diagnostic remark containing the string form of the attributes associated with the parameter provided as attribute. It takes as optional arguments:

  • an additional message text to prepend;
  • a handle pointing to operations the location of which will be used to emit the diagnostic; if multiple operations are associated, the diagnostic is emitted for all of their respective locations.

This operation always succeeds.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
message::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


paramTransformParamTypeInterface instance
anchorTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.debug.emit_remark_at (transform::DebugEmitRemarkAtOp) 

Print a message as diagnostic remark attached to payload


operation ::= `transform.debug.emit_remark_at` $at `,` $message attr-dict `:` type($at)

This operation emits a diagnostic remark with the given message at the location of each payload object associated with the argument. The argument may be an operation or a value handle.

This operation always succeeds.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
message::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


atany transform handle

DLTI Transform Operations 


transform.dlti.query (transform::QueryOp) 

Return attribute (as param) associated to key via DTLI


operation ::= `transform.dlti.query` $keys `at` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

This op queries data layout and target information associated to payload IR by way of the DLTI dialect.

A lookup is performed for the given keys at target op - or its closest interface-implementing ancestor - by way of the DLTIQueryInterface, which returns an attribute for a key. Each key should be either a (quoted) string or a type. If more than one key is provided, the lookup continues recursively, now on the returned attributes, with the condition that these implement the above interface. For example if the payload IR is

module attributes { =<#dlti.dl_entry<"A",
                       <#dlti.dl_entry<"B", 42: int>>>} {
  func.func private @f()

and we have that %func is a Tranform handle to op @f, then transform.dlti.query ["A", "B"] at %func returns 42 as a param and transform.dlti.query ["A"] at %func returns the attribute containing just the key “B” and its value. Using ["B"] or ["A","C"] as keys will yield an error.

Return modes 

When successful, the result, associated_attr, associates one attribute as a param for each op in target’s payload.

If the lookup fails - as no DLTI attributes/interfaces are found or entries with the right names are missing - a silenceable failure is returned.

Traits: TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
keys::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


associated_attrTransformParamTypeInterface instance

IRDL (extension) Transform Operations 


transform.irdl.collect_matching (transform::IRDLCollectMatchingOp) 

Finds ops that match the IRDL definition without registering them.


operation ::= `transform.irdl.collect_matching` `in` $root `:` functional-type(operands, results) attr-dict-with-keyword regions

Traits: NoTerminator, SymbolTable

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


matchedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Func Transform Operations 


transform.apply_conversion_patterns.func.func_to_llvm (transform::ApplyFuncToLLVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.func.func_to_llvm` attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert Func dialect ops to LLVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.func.cast_and_call (transform::CastAndCallOp) 

Casts values to the signature of a function and replaces them with a call


operation ::= `transform.func.cast_and_call` ($function_name^)? ($function^)?
              ( `(` $inputs^ `)` )?
              ( `->` $outputs^ )?
              (`after` $insert_after^):(`before`)? $insertion_point
              ($conversions^)? attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

This transform takes value handles to a set of inputs and outputs and attempts to cast them to the function signature of the attached function op, then builds a call to the function and replaces the users of the outputs. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the slice of the program replaced by this operation makes sense, i.e. there is no verification that the inputs to this operation have any relation to the outputs outside of basic dominance requirements needed for the call.

The casting materialization functions are specified in the graph region of this op. They must implement the TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface. The order of ops within the region is irrelevant.

The target function can be specified by a symbol name or by a handle to the operation.

This transform only reads the operand handles and only replaces the users of the outputs with the results of the call. No handles are consumed and no operations are removed. Users are expected to run cleanup separately if desired.

Warning: The replacement of the uses of the outputs could invalidate certain restricted value handle types (e.g. transform.block_arg if it existed, by replacing the use with something not coming from a block argument). The value will still exist in such cases but wouldn’t verify against the type. See the discussion here for more information:

This transform will emit a silenceable failure if:

  • The set of outputs isn’t unique
  • The handle for the insertion point does not include exactly one operation
  • The insertion point op does not dominate any of the output users
  • The insertion point op is not dominated by any of the inputs
  • The function signature does not match the number of inputs/outputs

This transform will emit a definite failure if it fails to resolve the target function, or if it fails to materialize the conversion casts of either the inputs to the function argument types, or the call results to the output types.

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, HasOnlyGraphRegion, NoTerminator, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionKindInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
insert_after::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
function_name::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute


insertion_pointTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
inputsTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance
outputsTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance
functionTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

GPU Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.gpu.gpu_rewrite_patterns (transform::ApplyGPURewritePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.gpu.gpu_rewrite_patterns` attr-dict

Collects GPU rewrite patterns comprising:

  1. GpuAllReduceRewrite patterns
  2. GpuGlobalIdRewriter patterns
  3. GpuShuffleRewriter patterns

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_subgroup_reduce_to_nvvm (transform::ApplyGPUSubgroupReduceToNVVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_subgroup_reduce_to_nvvm` attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert GPU dialect ops related to wmma ops to NVVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_to_nvvm (transform::ApplyGPUToNVVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_to_nvvm` attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert GPU dialect ops to NVVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
benefit::mlir::IntegerAttr16-bit signless integer attribute

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_wmma_to_nvvm (transform::ApplyGPUWwmaToNVVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.gpu.gpu_wmma_to_nvvm` attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert GPU dialect ops related to wmma ops to NVVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.gpu.unroll_vectors_subgroup_mma (transform::ApplyUnrollVectorsSubgroupMmaOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.gpu.unroll_vectors_subgroup_mma` `[` $m `,` $n `,` $k `]` attr-dict

Unrolls contractions to the target m, n, and k native vector size, along with other vector operations based on expected usage. transfer_read ops unroll based on the extract slice shape introduced by unrolling the contractions, while elementwise and transfer_write ops unroll to the shape of the C matrix (m x n).

This operation applies to pure vector operations and should be applied before lowering to subgroup_mma ops.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
m::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
n::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
k::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute

transform.apply_patterns.gpu.eliminate_barriers (transform::EliminateBarriersOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.gpu.eliminate_barriers` attr-dict

Removes unnecessary GPU barriers from the function. If a barrier does not enforce any conflicting pair of memory effects, including a pair that is enforced by another barrier, it is unnecessary and can be removed.

The approach is based on “High-Performance GPU-to-CPU Transpilation and Optimization via High-Level Parallel Constructs” by Moses, Ivanov, Domke, Endo, Doerfert, and Zinenko in PPoPP 2023. Specifically, it analyzes the memory effects of the operations before and after the given barrier and checks if the barrier enforces any of the memory effect-induced dependencies that aren’t already enforced by another barrier.

For example, in the following code

  store %A
  barrier  // enforces load-after-store
  load %A
  barrier  // load-after-store already enforced by the previous barrier
  load %A

the second barrier can be removed.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.gpu.map_forall_to_blocks (transform::MapForallToBlocks) 


operation ::= `transform.gpu.map_forall_to_blocks` $target
              (`generate_gpu_launch` $generate_gpu_launch^)?
              (`grid_dims` `=` $grid_dims^)?
              `:` functional-type($target, $result)

Target the gpu_launch op and rewrite the top level scf.forall to distributed gpu.block_id attribute. If generate_gpu_launch attribute is set, then first generates gpu_launch and moves the top level scf.forall inside.

The operation searches top level scf.forall ops under gpu_launch and maps each such op to GPU blocks. Mapping is one-to-one and the induction variables of scf.forall are rewritten to gpu.block_id according to the thread_dim_mapping attribute.

Dynamic, scf.forall trip counts are currently not supported. Dynamic block dim sizes are currently not supported.

Only bufferized scf.forall are currently supported. Only scf.forall distributed to at most 3 dimensions are currently supported.

The operation alters the block size of the given gpu_launch using the grid_dims argument.

Return modes: 

This operation ignores non-gpu_launch ops and drops them in the return.

If any scf.forall with tensors is found, the transform definitely fails.

If all the scf.forall operations contained within the LaunchOp referred to by the target handle lower to GPU properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform definitely fails.

The returned handle points to the same LaunchOp operand, consuming it and producing a new SSA value to satisfy chaining and linearity of the IR properties.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
grid_dims::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
generate_gpu_launch::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.gpu.map_nested_forall_to_threads (transform::MapNestedForallToThreads) 


operation ::= `transform.gpu.map_nested_forall_to_threads` $target
              `block_dims` `=` $block_dims
              (`sync_after_distribute` `=` $sync_after_distribute^)?
              (`warp_size` `=` $warp_size^)?
              `:` functional-type($target, $result)

Target the gpu.launch op and rewrite all scf.forall nested in it to distributed gpu.thread_id attribute.

The operation searches for scf.forall ops nested under target and maps each such op to GPU threads.

scf.forall induction variables are rewritten to gpu.thread_id according to the mapping attribute.

Different types of mappings attributes are supported:

  • the block_dims is a list of integers that specifies the number of threads in each dimension. This is a mandatory attribute that is used to constrain the number of threads in each dimension. If an scf.forall op is mapped to fewer threads, predication occurs.
  • the warp_dims is a list of integers that specifies the number of warps in each dimension. This is an optional attribute that is used to constrain the number of warps in each dimension. When present, this attribute must be specified in a way that is compatible with the block_dims attribute. If an scf.forall op is mapped to fewer warps, predication occurs.

Dynamic scf.forall trip counts are currently not supported. Dynamic block dim sizes are currently not supported.

Only bufferized scf.forall are currently supported. Only scf.forall distributed to at most 3 dimensions are currently supported.

The sync_after_distributeattribute controls whether a gpu.barrier is inserted after each scf.forall op. At this time, this is an all or nothing choice. This will need to be tightened in the future.

The operation alters the block size of the given gpu_launch using the mandatory block_dims argument.

Return modes: 

This operation ignores non-gpu_launch ops and drops them in the return.

If any scf.forall with tensors is found, the transform definitely fails.

If all the scf.forall operations with gpu.thread mapping contained within the LaunchOp referred to by the target handle lower to GPU properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform definitely fails.

scf.forall operations with mappings other than gpu.thread are ignored.

The returned handle points to the same LaunchOp operand, consuming it and producing a new SSA value to satisfy chaining and linearity of the IR properties.


gpu.launch blocks(%bx, %by, %bz) in (%x = %0, %y = %1, %z = %2)
           threads(%tx, %ty, %tz) in (%tx = %3, %ty = %4, %tz = %5) {
  scf.forall (%i, %j) in (7, 9) {
    ... // body 1
  } {mapping = [#gpu.thread<x>, #gpu.thread<y>, #gpu.thread<z>]}
  scf.forall (%i) in (12) {
    ... // body 2
  } {mapping = [#gpu.thread<x>]}

is translated to:

%bdimX = arith.constant 12 : index
%bdimY = arith.constant 9 : index
gpu.launch blocks(%bx, %by, %bz) in (%x = %0, %y = %1, %z = %2)
       threads(%tx, %ty, %tz) in (%tx = %bdimX, %ty = %bdimY, %tz = %5) {
  if (threadIdx.x < 9 && threadIdx.y < 7) {
    ... // body 1
  if (threadIdx.y < 1) {
    ... // body 2

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
block_dims::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
sync_after_distribute::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
warp_size::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Loop (extension) Transform Operations 


transform.loop.hoist_loop_invariant_subsets (transform::HoistLoopInvariantSubsetsOp) 

Hoist loop invariant subset ops


operation ::= `transform.loop.hoist_loop_invariant_subsets` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform hoists loop-invariant subset ops out of the targeted loop-like op. It looks for matching subset extraction/insertion op pairs and hoists them. The loop body operates on a newly introduced region iter_arg.

Subset ops are hoisted only from the targeted op. If subset ops should be hoisted from an entire loop nest, this transformation must be applied to each loop-like op of the loop nest, starting with the innermost loop and ending with the outermost loop.


%r = scf.for ... iter_args(%t = %a) -> (tensor<?xf32>) {
  %0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[0][5][1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<5xf32>
  %1 = ""(%0) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> (tensor<5xf32>)
  %2 = tensor.insert_slice %1 into %t[0][5][1]
      : tensor<5xf32> into tensor<?xf32>
  scf.yield %2 : tensor<?xf32>

Is transformed to:

%0 = tensor.extract_slice %a[0][5][1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<5xf32>
%new_loop:2 = scf.for ... iter_args(%t = %a, %h = %0) -> (tensor<?xf32>) {
  %1 = ""(%h) : (tensor<5xf32>) -> (tensor<5xf32>)
  scf.yield %t, %2 : tensor<?xf32>, tensor<5xf32>
%r = tensor.insert_slice %new_loop#1 into %new_loop#0
    : tensor<5xf32> into tensor<?xf32>

Subset ops are hoisted only if there are no conflicting subset ops. E.g., if there were a second overlapping extraction in the above example, no ops could be hoisted safely.

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload. This transform does not invalidate any handles, but loop-like ops are replaced with new loop-like ops when a subset op is hoisted. The transform rewriter updates all handles accordingly.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Loop (SCF) Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.scf.for_loop_canonicalization (transform::ApplyForLoopCanonicalizationPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.scf.for_loop_canonicalization` attr-dict

Collects patterns for canonicalizing operations inside SCF loop bodies. At the moment, only affine.min/max computations with iteration variables, loop bounds and loop steps are canonicalized.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.scf.structural_conversions (transform::ApplySCFStructuralConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.scf.structural_conversions` attr-dict

Collects patterns for performing structural conversions of SCF operations.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.scf.scf_to_control_flow (transform::ApplySCFToControlFlowPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.scf.scf_to_control_flow` attr-dict

Collects patterns that lower structured control flow ops to unstructured control flow.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.loop.forall_to_for (transform::ForallToForOp) 

Converts scf.forall into a nest of scf.for operations


operation ::= `transform.loop.forall_to_for` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Converts the scf.forall operation pointed to by the given handle into a set of nested scf.for operations. Each new operation corresponds to one induction variable of the original “multifor” loop.

The operand handle must be associated with exactly one payload operation.

Loops with shared outputs are currently not supported.

Return Modes 

Consumes the operand handle. Produces a silenceable failure if the operand is not associated with a single scf.forall payload operation. Returns as many handles as the given forall op has induction variables that are associated with the generated scf.for loops. Produces a silenceable failure if another number of resulting handles is requested.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.forall_to_parallel (transform::ForallToParallelOp) 

Converts scf.forall into a nest of scf.for operations


operation ::= `transform.loop.forall_to_parallel` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Converts the scf.forall operation pointed to by the given handle into an scf.parallel operation.

The operand handle must be associated with exactly one payload operation.

Loops with outputs are not supported.

Return Modes 

Consumes the operand handle. Produces a silenceable failure if the operand is not associated with a single scf.forall payload operation. Returns a handle to the new scf.parallel operation. Produces a silenceable failure if another number of resulting handles is requested.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.coalesce (transform::LoopCoalesceOp) 

Coalesces the perfect loop nest enclosed by a given loop


operation ::= `transform.loop.coalesce` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, $transformed)

Given a perfect loop nest identified by the outermost loop, perform loop coalescing in a bottom-up one-by-one manner.

Return modes 

The return handle points to the coalesced loop if coalescing happens, or the given input loop if coalescing does not happen.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.fuse_sibling (transform::LoopFuseSiblingOp) 

Fuse a loop into another loop, assuming the fusion is legal.


operation ::= `transform.loop.fuse_sibling` $target `into` $source attr-dict  `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Fuses the target loop into the source loop assuming they are independent of each other. In the fused loop, the arguments, body and results of target are placed before those of source.

For fusion of two scf.for loops, the bounds and step size must match. For fusion of two scf.forall loops, the bounds and the mapping must match. Otherwise a silencable failure is produced.

The target and source handles must refer to exactly one operation, otherwise a definite failure is produced. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the target and source loops are independent of each other – this op will only perform rudimentary legality checks.

Return modes 

This operation consumes the target and source handles and produces the fused_loop handle, which points to the fused loop.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
sourceTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


fused_loopTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.outline (transform::LoopOutlineOp) 

Outlines a loop into a named function


operation ::= `transform.loop.outline` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Moves the loop into a separate function with the specified name and replaces the loop in the Payload IR with a call to that function. Takes care of forwarding values that are used in the loop as function arguments. If the operand is associated with more than one loop, each loop will be outlined into a separate function. The provided name is used as a base for forming actual function names following SymbolTable auto-renaming scheme to avoid duplicate symbols. Expects that all ops in the Payload IR have a SymbolTable ancestor (typically true because of the top-level module).

Return Modes 

Returns a handle to the list of outlined functions and a handle to the corresponding function call operations in the same order as the operand handle.

Produces a definite failure if outlining failed for any of the targets.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
func_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


functionTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
callTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.peel (transform::LoopPeelOp) 

Peels the first or last iteration of the loop


operation ::= `transform.loop.peel` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Rewrite the given loop with a main loop and a partial (first or last) loop. When the peelFront option is set to true, the first iteration is peeled off. Otherwise, updates the given loop so that its step evenly divides its range and puts the remaining iteration into a separate loop or a conditional.

In the absence of sufficient static information, this op may peel a loop, even if the step always divides the range evenly at runtime.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-scf::ForOp ops and drops them in the return. The op returns two loops, the peeled loop which has trip count divisible by the step, and the remainder loop.

When peelFront is true, the first result (remainder loop) executes all but the first iteration of the target loop. The second result (peeled loop) corresponds to the first iteration of the loop which can be canonicalized away in the following optimizations.

When peelFront is false, the first result (peeled loop) is the portion of the target loop with the highest upper bound that is divisible by the step. The second result (remainder loop) contains the remaining iterations.

Note that even though the Payload IR modification may be performed in-place, this operation consumes the operand handle and produces a new one.

Return Modes 

Produces a definite failure if peeling fails.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
peel_front::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
fail_if_already_divisible::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


targetTransform IR handle to scf.for operations


peeled_loopTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
remainder_loopTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.pipeline (transform::LoopPipelineOp) 

Applies software pipelining to the loop


operation ::= `transform.loop.pipeline` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Transforms the given loops one by one to achieve software pipelining for each of them. That is, performs some amount of reads from memory before the loop rather than inside the loop, the same amount of writes into memory after the loop, and updates each iteration to read the data for a following iteration rather than the current one.

The amount is specified by the attributes.

The values read and about to be stored are transferred as loop iteration arguments. Currently supports memref and vector transfer operations as memory reads/writes.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-scf::For ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target PDLOperation pipeline properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced pipelined loops, which can be empty.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
iteration_interval::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
read_latency::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransform IR handle to scf.for operations


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.promote_if_one_iteration (transform::LoopPromoteIfOneIterationOp) 

Promote loop if it has one iteration


operation ::= `transform.loop.promote_if_one_iteration` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Promotes the given target loop op if it has a single iteration. I.e., the loop op is removed and only the body remains.

Return modes 

This transform fails if the target is mapped to ops that are loops. Ops are considered loops if they implement the LoopLikeOpInterface. Otherwise, this transform always succeeds. The transform consumes the target handle and modifies the payload.

Traits: TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.unroll_and_jam (transform::LoopUnrollAndJamOp) 

Unrolls and jam the given loop with the given unroll factor


operation ::= `transform.loop.unroll_and_jam` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Unrolls & jams each loop associated with the given handle to have up to the given number of loop body copies per iteration. If the unroll factor is larger than the loop trip count, the latter is used as the unroll factor instead.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-scf.for, non-affine.for ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target operand unroll properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure.

Does not return handles as the operation may result in the loop being removed after a full unrolling.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
factor::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.loop.unroll (transform::LoopUnrollOp) 

Unrolls the given loop with the given unroll factor


operation ::= `transform.loop.unroll` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Unrolls each loop associated with the given handle to have up to the given number of loop body copies per iteration. If the unroll factor is larger than the loop trip count, the latter is used as the unroll factor instead.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-scf.for, non-affine.for ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target operand unroll properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure.

Does not return handles as the operation may result in the loop being removed after a full unrolling.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
factor::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.scf.take_assumed_branch (transform::TakeAssumedBranchOp) 


operation ::= `transform.scf.take_assumed_branch` $target
              (`take_else_branch` $take_else_branch^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Given an scf.if conditional, inject user-defined information that it is always safe to execute only the if or else branch.

This is achieved by just replacing the scf.if by the content of one of its branches.

This is particularly useful for user-controlled rewriting of conditionals that exist solely to guard against out-of-bounds behavior.

At the moment, no assume or assert operation is emitted as it is not always desirable. In the future, this may be controlled by a dedicated attribute.

Return modes 

The transform only consumes its operand and does not produce any result. The transform definitely fails if take_else_branch is specified and the else region is empty.

Traits: TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
take_else_branch::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

MemRef Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.memref.alloc_to_alloca (transform::ApplyAllocToAllocaOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.alloc_to_alloca` (`size_limit` `(` $size_limit^ `)`)? attr-dict

Collects patterns to rewrite scoped dynamic allocation (alloc/dealloc pairs) into automatic allocation (alloca) in the same scope, for memrefs of static shape.

The size_limit attribute controls the maximum allocated memory (in bytes, subject to data layout) for which the pattern applies.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
size_limit::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute

transform.apply_patterns.memref.expand_ops (transform::ApplyExpandOpsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.expand_ops` attr-dict

Collects patterns to rewrite ops within the memref dialect.

  • Converts atomic_rmw that cannot be lowered to a simple atomic op with AtomicRMWOpLowering pattern, e.g. with “minf” or “maxf” attributes, to memref.generic_atomic_rmw with the expanded code.
  • Converts memref.reshape that has a target shape of a statically-known size to memref.reinterpret_cast.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.memref.expand_strided_metadata (transform::ApplyExpandStridedMetadataPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.expand_strided_metadata` attr-dict

Collects patterns for expanding memref operations that modify the metadata (sizes, offset, strides) of a memref into easier to analyze constructs.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.memref.extract_address_computations (transform::ApplyExtractAddressComputationsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.extract_address_computations` attr-dict

Collects patterns for extracting address computations from operations with memory accesses such that these memory accesses use only a base pointer.

For instance,

memref.load %base[%off0, ...]

Will be rewritten in:

%new_base = memref.subview %base[%off0,...][1,...][1,...]
memref.load %new_base[%c0,...]

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.memref.fold_memref_alias_ops (transform::ApplyFoldMemrefAliasOpsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.fold_memref_alias_ops` attr-dict

Collects patterns for folding memref aliasing ops (memref.subview) into consumer load/store ops (affine.load, memref.load, nvgpu.ldmatrix, vector.load, vector.transfer_read,,, etc.) and other ops (e.g., memref.subview).

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.memref.resolve_ranked_shaped_type_result_dims (transform::ApplyResolveRankedShapedTypeResultDimsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.memref.resolve_ranked_shaped_type_result_dims` attr-dict

Collects patterns that resolve memref.dim operations with values that are defined by operations that implement the ReifyRankedShapedTypeOpInterface, in terms of shapes of its input operands.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.memref.alloca_to_global (transform::MemRefAllocaToGlobalOp) 


operation ::= `transform.memref.alloca_to_global` $alloca attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Inserts a new for each provided memref.alloca into the nearest symbol table (e.g., a builtin.module) and replaces it with a memref.get_global. This is useful, for example, for allocations that should reside in the shared memory of a GPU, which have to be declared as globals.


Consider the following transform op:

%get_global, %global =
    transform.memref.alloca_to_global %alloca
      : (!transform.op<"memref.alloca">)
        -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)

and the following input payload:

module {
  func.func @func() {
    %alloca = memref.alloca() : memref<2x32xf32>
    // usages of %alloca...

then applying the transform op to the payload would result in the following output IR:

module { "private" @alloc : memref<2x32xf32>
  func.func @func() {
    %alloca = memref.get_global @alloc : memref<2x32xf32>
    // usages of %alloca...

Return modes 

Succeeds always. The returned handles refer to the memref.get_global and ops that were inserted by the transformation.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


allocaTransform IR handle to memref.alloca operations


getGlobalTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
globalTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.memref.erase_dead_alloc_and_stores (transform::MemRefEraseDeadAllocAndStoresOp) 


operation ::= `transform.memref.erase_dead_alloc_and_stores` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

This applies memory optimization on memref. In particular it does store to load forwarding, dead store elimination and dead alloc elimination.

Return modes 

This operation applies a set of memory optimization on the whole region of the operand.

The transformation does not consume the target handle. It modifies the payload. Dead allocations, loads and stores are silently dropped from all mappings.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.memref.make_loop_independent (transform::MemRefMakeLoopIndependentOp) 


operation ::= `transform.memref.make_loop_independent` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, $transformed)

Rewrite the targeted ops such that their index-typed operands no longer depend on any loop induction variable of the num_loop enclosing scf.for loops. I.e., compute an upper bound that is independent of any such loop IV for every tensor dimension. The transformed op could then be hoisted from the num_loop enclosing loops. To preserve the original semantics, place a memref.subview inside the loop.

Currently supported operations are:

  • memref.alloca: Replaced with a new memref.alloca with upper bound sizes, followed by a memref.subview.

Return modes 

This operation fails if at least one induction variable could not be eliminated. In case the targeted op is already independent of induction variables, this transform succeeds and returns the unmodified target op.

Otherwise, the returned handle points to a subset of the produced ops:

  • memref.alloca: The returned handle points to the memref.subview op.

This transform op consumes the target handle and produces a result handle.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
num_loops::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.memref.multibuffer (transform::MemRefMultiBufferOp) 

Multibuffers an allocation


operation ::= `transform.memref.multibuffer` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Transformation to do multi-buffering/array expansion to remove dependencies on the temporary allocation between consecutive loop iterations. This transform expands the size of an allocation by a given multiplicative factor and fixes up any users of the multibuffered allocation. If skip analysis is not set the transformation will only apply if it can prove that there is no data being carried across loop iterations.

Return modes 

This operation returns the new allocation if multi-buffering succeeds, and failure otherwise.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
factor::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is positive
skip_analysis::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransform IR handle to memref.alloc operations


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.memref.memref_to_llvm_type_converter (transform::MemrefToLLVMTypeConverterOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.memref.memref_to_llvm_type_converter` attr-dict

This operation provides an “LLVMTypeConverter” that lowers memref types to LLVM types.

The type converter can be customized as follows:

  • use_aligned_alloc: Use aligned_alloc in place of malloc for heap allocations.
  • index_bitwidth: Bitwidth of the index type, “0” indicates the size of a machine word.
  • use_generic_functions: Use generic allocation and deallocation functions instead of the classic “malloc”, “aligned_alloc” and “free” functions. // TODO: the following two options don’t really make sense for // memref_to_llvm_type_converter specifically. // We should have a single to_llvm_type_converter.
  • use_bare_ptr_call_conv: Replace FuncOp’s MemRef arguments with bare pointers to the MemRef element types.
  • data-layout: String description (LLVM format) of the data layout that is expected on the produced module.

Interfaces: TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
use_aligned_alloc::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
index_bitwidth::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
use_generic_functions::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
use_bare_ptr_call_conv::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
data_layout::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute

PDL (extension) Transform Operations 


transform.pdl_match (transform::PDLMatchOp) 

Finds ops that match the named PDL pattern


operation ::= `transform.pdl_match` $pattern_name `in` $root attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Find Payload IR ops nested within the Payload IR op associated with the operand that match the PDL pattern identified by its name. The pattern is expected to be defined in the closest surrounding WithPDLPatternsOp.

Produces a Transform IR value associated with the list of Payload IR ops that matched the pattern. The order of results in the list is that of the Operation::walk, clients are advised not to rely on a specific order though. If the operand is associated with multiple Payload IR ops, finds matching ops nested within each of those and produces a single list containing all of the matched ops.

The transformation is considered successful regardless of whether some Payload IR ops actually matched the pattern and only fails if the pattern could not be looked up or compiled.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
pattern_name::mlir::SymbolRefAttrsymbol reference attribute


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


matchedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.with_pdl_patterns (transform::WithPDLPatternsOp) 

Contains PDL patterns available for use in transforms


operation ::= `transform.with_pdl_patterns` ($root^ `:` type($root))? attr-dict-with-keyword regions

This op contains a set of named PDL patterns that are available for the Transform dialect operations to be used for pattern matching. For example, PDLMatchOp can be used to produce a Transform IR value associated with all Payload IR operations that match the pattern as follows:

transform.with_pdl_patterns {
^bb0(%arg0: !transform.any_op):
  pdl.pattern @my_pattern : benefit(1) {
    %0 = pdl.operation //...
    // Regular PDL goes here.
    pdl.rewrite %0 with "transform.dialect"

  sequence %arg0 failures(propagate) {
  ^bb0(%arg1: !transform.any_op):
    %1 = pdl_match @my_pattern in %arg1
    // Use %1 as handle

Note that the pattern is expected to finish with a pdl.rewrite terminator that points to the custom rewriter named “transform.dialect”. The rewriter actually does nothing, but the transform application will keep track of the operations that matched the pattern.

This op is expected to contain pdl.pattern operations and exactly one another Transform dialect operation that gets executed with all patterns available. This op is a possible top-level Transform IR op, the argument of its entry block corresponds to either the root op of the payload IR or the ops associated with its operand when provided.

Traits: NoTerminator, PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait, SymbolTable

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, OpAsmOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


rootTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Structured (Linalg) Match Operations 


transform.match.structured.body (transform::MatchStructuredBodyOp) 

Checks if the body of the structured op satisfies some criteria


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.body` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` type($operand_handle)

Checks if the body of the structured payload op satisfies one of the following mutually exclusive criteria specified by attributes:

  • reduction_position: the body of the structured payload op implements a reduction of the n-th operand (n is the value of the attribute) using a single combiner operation;

  • passthrough: the body of the structured payload op only forwards inputs to the outputs (copy or broadcast).

  • elementwise: the body of the structured payload op represents an elementwise operation.

  • contraction: the body of the structured payload op is a contraction of the form <red>(<elem>(bbarg0, bbarg1), bbarg2) where <elem> and <red> are binary operations whose names are specified in the attribute and operands can be permuted and optionally forwarded through a chain of unary side effect-free operations.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operation body satisfies the specified criteria, produces a silenceable failure otherwise. Produces a definite failure if the operand is not associated with a single payload op.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
reduction_position::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
passthrough::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
elementwise::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
contraction::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.classify_contraction_dims (transform::MatchStructuredClassifyContractionDimsOp) 

Checks if an operation has contraction-like dimensions and returns them


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.classify_contraction_dims` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Checks if the structured payload op has contraction-like dimensions as follows:

C(batch, m, n) += A(batch, m, k) * B(batch, k, n)

That is:

  • ‘batch’ are parallel dimensions used in inputs and result;
  • ’m’ are parallel dimensions used in the LHS and result;
  • ’n’ are parallel dimensions used in rhe RHS and result;
  • ‘k’ are reduction dimensions present only in LHS and RHS.

Note that this doesn’t check the operation in the body.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operation has the contraction-like dimensions, produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


batchTransformParamTypeInterface instance
mTransformParamTypeInterface instance
nTransformParamTypeInterface instance
kTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.classify_convolution_dims (transform::MatchStructuredClassifyConvolutionDimsOp) 

Checks if an operation has convolution-like dimensions and returns them


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.classify_convolution_dims` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Checks if the structured payload op has convolution-like dimensions as follows:

C(batch, depth, oi, oc) += A(batch, depth, oi, ic) * B(fl, depth, ic, oc)

That is:

  • ‘batch’ are parallel dimensions used in the input and result;
  • ‘output_image’ (‘oi’) are parallel dimensions used in the input and result;
  • ‘output_channel’ (‘oc’) are parallel dimensions used in the filter and result;
  • ‘filter_loop’ (‘fl’) are reduction dimensions representing the dimensions of the sliding window;
  • ‘input_channel’ (‘ic’) are reduction dimensions present only in the input and filter.
  • ‘depth’ (‘ic’) are parallel dimensions present in the input, filter, and output.

Additionally this will match stride and dilation information for the convolution:

  • ‘strides’ are the static strides per convolution window dimension;
  • ‘dilations’ are the static dilations per convolution window dimension.

Note that this doesn’t check the operation in the body.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operation has the convolution-like dimensions, produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


batchTransformParamTypeInterface instance
output_imageTransformParamTypeInterface instance
output_channelTransformParamTypeInterface instance
filter_loopTransformParamTypeInterface instance
input_channelTransformParamTypeInterface instance
depthTransformParamTypeInterface instance
stridesTransformParamTypeInterface instance
dilationsTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.dim (transform::MatchStructuredDimOp) 

Checks if the dimensions of the structured op satisfy some criteria


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.dim` $operand_handle `[`custom<TransformMatchDims>($raw_dim_list, $is_inverted, $is_all)`]` attr-dict `:` custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($operand_handle), type($result))

Checks if the dimensions (loop ranges) of the structured payload op satisfy the criteria specified as attributes. May capture the numeric value of the dimension into a parameter that it returns.

The following dimension specifications are supported:

  • all: all dimensions are checked and captured;
  • list of integers: the listed dimensions are checked and captured;
  • except( list of integers ): all dimensions except the specified ones are checked and captured.

Negative indexes are interpreted by counting values from the last one (similarly to Python). For example, -1 means the last dimension and except(-1) means all dimensions but the last. Indexes must be unique, including after interpretation of negative ones.

Produces a silenceable failure in case of index overflow, including backward counting.

The following mutually exclusive conditions are available as unit attributes:

  • parallel: the dimension corresponds to a parallel loop;
  • reduction: the dimension corresponds to a reduction loop.

If the result type is specified, associates the parameter with the (static) values of dimensions in the same order as listed and preserving the natural order for all and except. Specifically, if -1, -2 are specified, the parameter will be associated with the value of the second-to-last dimension followed by the last dimension. If the dimension is dynamic, the parameter will contain a negative value corresponding to kDynamic in C++.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the specified dimensions satisfy the specified criteria, produces a silenceable failure otherwise. Produces a definite failure if the operand is not associated with a single payload op.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
raw_dim_list::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
is_inverted::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
is_all::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
parallel::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
reduction::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.elemental_bitwidth (transform::MatchStructuredElementalBitwidthOp) 

Captures the bitwidth of the value’s elemental type as a parameter


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.elemental_bitwidth` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Produces a transform dialect parameter associated with the bitwidth of the elemental type of the payload value passed as the operand. This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operand is associated with exactly one payload value of ShapedType. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleValueMatcher

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformValueHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.init (transform::MatchStructuredInitOp) 

Captures init operand(s) of a structured operation


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.init` $operand_handle `[`custom<TransformMatchDims>($raw_position_list, $is_inverted, $is_all)`]` attr-dict `:` custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($operand_handle), type($result))

Produces a transform dialect value depending on the result type:

  • If the result type is a value handle, it will be associated with the init operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.
  • If the result type is an operation handle, it will be associated with the operation defining the init operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.
  • If the result type is an affine map parameter type, it will be associated with the indexing map that corresponds to the init operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.

For example, given the following operation:

%arg3 = linalg.fill
linalg.matmul ins(%arg1, %arg2 : ...) outs(%arg3 : ...)

in case of a successful match for init operand 0 this operation will return, for each of the respective cases above:

  • A handle to %arg3 if the result is a value handle.
  • A handle to linalg.fill if the result is an operation handle.
  • A parameter containing the result map of the matrix multiplication, i.e. affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)> if the result is an affine map parameter.

The match succeeds if the conditions specified as attributes succeed.

The following init specifications are supported:

  • all: all inits are checked and captured;
  • list of integers: the listed inits are checked and captured;
  • except( list of integers ): all inits except the specified ones are checked and captured.

Negative indexes are interpreted by counting values from the last one (similarly to Python). For example, -1 means the last init and except(-1) means all inits but the last. Indexes must be unique, including after interpretation of negative ones.

Produces a silenceable failure in case of index overflow, including backward counting.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if all init(outs) indexes are in bounds, produces a silenceable failure otherwise. Additionally, when the result is an operation handle, produces a silenceable failure if the init(outs) specification defines more than one init(outs) or if the operand is not an operation result.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
raw_position_list::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
is_inverted::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
is_all::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
permutation::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
projected_permutation::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resulttransform operation or value handle or

transform.match.structured.input (transform::MatchStructuredInputOp) 

Captures input operand(s) of a structured operation


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.input` $operand_handle `[`custom<TransformMatchDims>($raw_position_list, $is_inverted, $is_all)`]` attr-dict `:` custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($operand_handle), type($result))

Produces a transform dialect value depending on the result type:

  • If the result type is a value handle, it will be associated with the input operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.
  • If the result type is an operation handle, it will be associated with the operation defining the input operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.
  • If the result type is an affine map parameter type, it will be associated with the indexing map that corresponds to the input operand(s) of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.

For example, given the following operation:

%arg1 = some.op
linalg.matmul ins(%arg1, %arg2 : ...) outs(%arg3 : ...)

in case of a successful match for operand 0 this operation will return, for each of the respective cases above:

  • A handle to %arg1 if the result is a value handle.
  • A handle to some.op if the result is an operation handle.
  • A parameter containing the LHS map of the matrix multiplication, i.e. affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)> if the result is an affine map parameter.

The match succeeds if the conditions specified as attributes succeed.

The following input specifications are supported:

  • all: all inputs are checked and captured;
  • list of integers: the listed inputs are checked and captured;
  • except( list of integers ): all inputs except the specified ones are checked and captured.

Negative indexes are interpreted by counting values from the last one (similarly to Python). For example, -1 means the last input and except(-1) means all inputs but the last. Indexes must be unique, including after interpretation of negative ones.

Produces a silenceable failure in case of index overflow, including backward counting.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if all input indexes are in bounds, produces a silenceable failure otherwise. Additionally, when the result is an operation handle, produces a silenceable failure if the input specification defines more than one input or if the operand is not an operation result.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
raw_position_list::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
is_inverted::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
is_all::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
permutation::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
projected_permutation::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resulttransform operation or value handle or

transform.match.structured.num_inits (transform::MatchStructuredNumInitsOp) 

Captures the number of init(outs) operands of a structuredoperation as parameter


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.num_inits` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Produces a transform dialect parameter value associated with an integer attribute containing the number of init(outs) operands of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operand is associated with exactly one structured payload operation. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.num_inputs (transform::MatchStructuredNumInputsOp) 

Captures the number of input operands of a structured operation as parameter


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.num_inputs` $operand_handle attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Produces a transform dialect parameter value associated with an integer attribute containing the number of input operands of the payload operation associated with the operand handle.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operand is associated with exactly one structured payload operation. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured (transform::MatchStructuredOp) 

Matches a structured (linalg) operation with additional conditions


operation ::= `transform.match.structured` (`failures` `(` $failure_propagation_mode^ `)`)?$current `:` custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($current), type($outputs))attr-dict-with-keyword regions

Checks if the payload operation associated with the operand handle is a structured operation, that is, an operation that implements LinalgOpInterface, and that all conditions listed in the body of this operation are satisfied. Produces a silenceable failure if the payload operation is not structured.

The transform operations nested in the body region are applied one by one. If any of them produces a failure, silenceable or definite, the following operations are not applied. If the failure propagation mode is “propagate”, silenceable failures are forwarded as the result of this operation. If it is “suppress”, they are ignored and this operation immediately succeeds. Definite failures are always propagated immediately.

In case of success, the transform values produced by this operation are associated with the same payload as the operands of the block terminator. If any of the nested operations produced a silenceable failure, regardless of the failure propagation mode, the transform values produced by this operation that correspond to the already defined terminator operands are associated with the same payload as the already defined terminator operands. Other values produced by this operation are associated with empty payloads.

If the failure propagation mode is not specified, it is considered “propagate” by default. The “suppress” mode can be used to specify optional matches.

Return modes 

This operation only reads all operand handles and produces all resulting handles. It succeeds in “propagate” mode if the payload operation is a structured operation and if all the nested operations succeed. It succeeds in “suppress” mode as long as the operand handle is associated with exactly one payload operation. It produces a definite failure when the handle is not associated with exactly one payload operation.

Traits: SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<::mlir::transform::MatchStructuredYieldOp>, SingleBlock, SingleOpMatcher

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
Silenceable error propagation policy

Enum cases:

  • propagate (Propagate)
  • suppress (Suppress)


currentTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


outputsvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

transform.match.structured.rank (transform::MatchStructuredRankOp) 

Captures the rank of a structured operation as parameter


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.rank` $operand_handle attr-dict `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($operand_handle), type($rank), "false")

Produces a transform dialect parameter value associated with an integer attribute containing the rank of the structured payload operation associated with the operand handle.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the operand is associated with exactly one structured payload operation. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


rankTransformParamTypeInterface instance

transform.match.structured.result (transform::MatchStructuredResultOp) 

Captures the result of a structured payload operation in an op or value handle


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.result` $operand_handle `[` $position `]` (`any` $any^)? (`single` $single^)?attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Produces a transform dialect value handle associated with the payload value defined as a result of the payload operation associated with the operand handle, or an operation handle to an operation using the produced result with additional constraints specified by the attributes as follows.

  • If any is specified, binds the resulting handle to any operation using the result and succeeds.
  • If single is specified, binds the resulting handle to the only operation using the result or fails if there is more than one (or no) such operation.

The number of the result is specified as position attribute. It may take positive and negative values. Negative values are interpreted as counting results from backwards, e.g., -1 means the last result and -2 means the second-to-last result. In any case, the position must be in bounds for the given payload operation. A silenceable failure is produced for out-of-bounds positions.

This op can only appear immediately inside a transform.match.structured op and apply to its first block argument because it assumes the payload to have been already checked for being a single structured op.

Return modes 

Succeeds if the position is in bounds and if the user operation could be found when requested. Produces a silenceable failure otherwise.

Traits: SingleOpMatcher, StructuredPredicate

Interfaces: MatchOpInterface, MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
position::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
any::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
single::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


operand_handleTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resulttransform operation or value handle

transform.match.structured.yield (transform::MatchStructuredYieldOp) 

Terminator for transform.match.structured blocks


operation ::= `transform.match.structured.yield` $handles attr-dict (`:` type($handles)^)?

Forwards the payload association from the operands to the results of the parent op. Always succeeds.

Traits: Terminator

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface


handlesvariadic of any transform handle or parameter

Structured (Linalg) Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.linalg.decompose_pack_unpack (transform::ApplyDecomposeTensorPackUnpackPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.decompose_pack_unpack` attr-dict

Collect patterns to decompose linalg.pack and linalg.unpack into e.g. tensor::PadOp, linalg::transposeOp Ops. Requires all outer dims to be unit.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.decompose_pad (transform::ApplyDecomposeTensorPadPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.decompose_pad` attr-dict

Collect patterns to decompose tensor.pad into e.g. tensor::EmptyOp, linalg::FillOp and tensor::InsertSliceOp.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.erase_unnecessary_inputs (transform::ApplyEraseUnnecessaryInputsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.erase_unnecessary_inputs` attr-dict

Collects patterns that promote inputs to outputs and remove unused inputs of linalg.generic ops.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_add_into_dest (transform::ApplyFoldAddIntoDestPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_add_into_dest` attr-dict

Collects patterns to replace linalg.add when destination passing suffices for achieving the sum.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_into_pack_and_unpack (transform::ApplyFoldIntoPackAndUnpackPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_into_pack_and_unpack` attr-dict

Indicates that operations like tensor.pad and tensor.extract_slice should be folded into linalg.pack and linalg.unpack operations, respectively.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_pack_unpack_into_empty (transform::ApplyFoldPackUnpackIntoEmptyPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_pack_unpack_into_empty` attr-dict

// TODO:

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
fold_single_use_only::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_unit_extent_dims_via_reshapes (transform::ApplyFoldUnitExtentDimsViaReshapesPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_unit_extent_dims_via_reshapes` attr-dict

Collects patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on tensors via reassociative reshape ops.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_unit_extent_dims_via_slices (transform::ApplyFoldUnitExtentDimsViaSlicesPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.fold_unit_extent_dims_via_slices` attr-dict

Collects patterns to fold unit-extent dimensions in operands/results of linalg ops on tensors via rank-reducing slices.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization (transform::ApplyPadVectorizationPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.pad_vectorization` attr-dict

Apply patterns that vectorize tensor.pad.

These patterns rewrite tensor.pad Ops using vector.transfer_read and vector.transfer_write operations. This is done either by:

  1. Folding tensor.pad with an existing vector.transfer_read / vector.transfer_write Op (generated prior to running these patterns).
  2. Rewriting it (when matched together with q tensor.insert_slice consumer Op) as a vector.transfer_read + vector.transfer_write pair.

In both cases, these patterns look at producers and consumers for the matched tensor.pad Op to find opportunities for vectorization.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.linalg.tiling_canonicalization (transform::ApplyTilingCanonicalizationPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.linalg.tiling_canonicalization` attr-dict

Collects canonicalization patterns relevant to apply after tiling patterns.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.structured.bufferize_to_allocation (transform::BufferizeToAllocationOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.bufferize_to_allocation` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

This transform bufferizes the targeted operation and materializes the result in a new allocation. It replaces all original uses of the target result with the newly allocated buffer, wrapped in a bufferization.to_tensor op. It returns a handle to the newly allocated buffer. Furthermore, it returns a handle that is mapped to all newly created ops.

Only bufferizable ops are that bufferize to a memory write or have an aliasing OpOperand (and do not themselves bufferize to an allocation) are supported. They are bufferized using their BufferizableOpInterface implementation. E.g.:

%0 = tensor.insert %f into %dest[%pos] : tensor<10xf32>

Is bufferized to:

%alloc = memref.alloc() : memref<10xf32>
bufferization.materialize_in_destination %dest in %alloc %f, %alloc[%pos] : memref<10xf32>
%0 = bufferization.to_tensor %alloc restrict writable : memref<10xf32>

Selected ops that bufferize to an allocation (or need special handling) are also supported:

  • tensor.pad is lowered to an allocation, followed by a linalg.fill and and a buffer copy (all on memrefs).
  • vector.mask is bufferized together with its region. The allocation is placed in front of the vector.mask op.

An optional memory space attribute can be specified for the materialized buffer allocation.

If a memory copy is needed, a “bufferization.materialize_in_destination” is used when possible. This is an op with tensor semantics that will bufferize to a memory copy later. Which concrete op will be used for the memory copy is up to the bufferization framework. Alternatively, a custom memcpy op can be specified via memcpy_op. Currently supported are “memref.copy” and “linalg.copy”. In that case, the source of each memcpy must not have a custom memory space. Furthermore, because the future buffer layout unknown for a given tensor, a fully dynamic layout is assumed for best compatibility. Users should use “bufferization.materialize_in_destination” when possible.

“memref.alloc” is used for new buffer allocations. The buffer is deallocated at the end of the block if the “emit_dealloc” attribute is present. If this attribute is not present, the allocated memory will be leaked. However, running the -buffer-deallocation-pipeline after all bufferization is done will properly insert the corresponding deallocation(s). Custom allocation ops can be specified via alloc_op. Currently supported are “memref.alloc” and “memref.alloca”. In case of a “memref.alloca”, the buffer is not deallocated.

If bufferize_destination_only is set, only the destination operands of the op are bufferized to a new memory allocation, but not the op itself.

Return modes 

This operation consumes the target handle and produces the allocated_buffer and new_ops handles. It always succeeds.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
memory_space::mlir::Attributeany attribute
memcpy_op::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
alloc_op::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
bufferize_destination_only::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
emit_dealloc::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance



transform.structured.continuous_tile_sizes (transform::ContinuousTileSizesOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.continuous_tile_sizes` $target attr-dict `:` custom<ContinuousTileSizeTypes>(type($target), type($tile_sizes), type($chunk_sizes))

This transform emits the IR computing the list of (1) exponentially diminishing tile sizes that are powers of 2; and (2) the corresponding chunk-sizes the target op should be split into along the given dimension.

For example, for target_size 9, and dimension 0 for the following linalg op as target

  %0 = linalg.matmul  ins(%arg0, %arg1: tensor<25x34xf32>, tensor<34x25xf32>)
                  outs(%arg2: tensor<25x25xf32>)

the first result tile_sizes will be a list of diminishing tile sizes 9, 4, 2, 1; and the second result will be a list of chunk sizes 18, 4, 2, 1 that the corresponding dimension should be split into.

After the target op has been split along the given dimension (for example using multiway split), each chunk can be tiled with the corresponding tile size in the tile_sizes list generated as a result of this op.

Specifying the output type as !transform.param will cause tile_sizes and chunk_sizes to be computed statically and not dynamically.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is non-negative
target_size::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute whose value is non-negative


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


tile_sizestransform any param type or any handle type
chunk_sizestransform any param type or any handle type

transform.structured.convert_conv2d_to_img2col (transform::ConvertConv2DToImg2ColOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.convert_conv2d_to_img2col` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Convert linalg.conv_2d_xxx into linalg.generic (for img2col packing) and linalg.matmul.

A convolution operation can be written as a matrix-matrix multiplication by unfolding the cross-correlation between input and filter and explicitly copy overlapped sliding window inputs.

Consider 2D input X with single channel input and output and 2x2 filter W:

[x(0, 0)  , x(0, 1)  , ...,   x(0, n)  ]
[x(1, 0)  , x(1, 1)  , ...,   x(1, n)  ]
[.        ,  .       ,.   ,      .     ]            [w(0, 0), w(0, 1)]
[.        ,  .       , .  ,      .     ]    (conv)  [w(1, 0), w(1, 1)]
[.        ,  .       ,   .,      .     ]
[x(n-1, 0), x(n-1, 1), ..., x(n-1, n-1)]

The packed input data (img2col) is a matrix with |rows| = output spatial size, |columns| = filter spatial size. To compute the output Y(i, j) we need to calculate the dot product between filter window at input X(x, y)) and the filter which will look like the following where r.h.s is the img2col matrix and l.h.s is the flattned filter:

[x(0,0), x(0,1), x(1,0), x(1,1)]
[x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)] (matmul) [w(0,0), w(0,1), w(1,0), w(1,1)]
[x(0,1), x(1,1), x(0,2), x(1,2)]
[   .  ,    .  ,    .  ,    .  ]

In general for 2D case with (N, H, W, C) input and (Kh, Kw, C, D) filter and output (N, Ho, Wo, D) the convolution is the following matrix-matrix multiplication (Ho x Wo, Kh x Kw x C) * (Kh x Kw x C, D) for each input in the N input. For the case where N > 1 its a batched matrxi-matrix multplication.

Returns two handles:

  • One on the operation that produces the img2col tensor.
  • One on the final operation of the sequence that replaces the original convolution.

Return modes: 

Returns a definite failure if target is not isolated from above. Returns a silenceable failure if the pattern application failed.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


img2col_tensorTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.convert_to_loops (transform::ConvertToLoopsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.convert_to_loops` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

For operations that implement the TilingInterface, and implement the generateScalarImplementation method, lowers the operation to loops. The return handle points to all generated loops. Fails if the payload ops cannot be lowered to loops.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.decompose_interface (transform::DecomposeInterfaceOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.decompose_interface` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)


Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.decompose (transform::DecomposeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.decompose` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Decomposes named complex operations, such as higher-dimensional (depthwise) convolutions, into combinations of lower-dimensional equivalents when possible.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target handle decompose properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced computational operations, which can be empty.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.decompose_winograd_op (transform::DecomposeWinogradOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.decompose_winograd_op` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Decompose winograd operations. It will convert filter, input and output transform operations into a combination of scf, tensor, and linalg equivalent operations. Before applying this transform operations, users need to tile winograd transform operations into supported sizes.

Return modes: 

This operation fails if target is unsupported. Otherwise, the operation succeeds and returns a handle of the sequence that replaces the original operations.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.eliminate_empty_tensors (transform::EliminateLinalgOpAnchoredEmptyTensorsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.eliminate_empty_tensors` $target attr-dict `:` type($target)

Try to eliminate all tensor.empty op uses that are anchored on a LinalgOp within the targeted op.

This op is similar to bufferization.eliminate_empty_tensors, but specific to LinalgOps.

tensor.empty ops cannot be bufferized. They can either be converted to bufferization.alloc_tensor or replaced with another tensor (via this transform). tensor.empty does not specify the contents of the returned tensor so their results can be replaced with arbitrary tensor values as long as the dimensions match.

This transform looks for tensor.empty ops where the SSA use-def chain of the result ends in a supported LinalgOp (always following the aliasing OpOperand/OpResult chain). The following LinalgOps are supported:

  • Only parallel iterator types.
  • The use-def chain ends in an input operand of the LinalgOp.
  • The LinalgOp has an unused output operand with the same shape and indexing map.


%0 = tensor.empty()
%1 = linalg.matmul ins(...) outs(%0)
%2 = linalg.generic ins(%1) outs(%dest) {
  ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
  // out not used

Is rewritten with:

%0 = tensor.empty()
%1 = linalg.matmul ins(...) outs(%dest)
%2 = linalg.generic ins(%0) outs(%1) {
  ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
  // Use %out instead of %in

After this transformation, the “ins” operand has no uses inside the body of the LinalgOp and can be folded away with existing cleanup patterns. Afterwards, the tensor::EmptyOp can also fold away, so that the example can bufferize without an allocation (in the absence of other conflicts).

Return modes 

This transform reads the target handle and modifies the payload. It does not produce any handle.

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.flatten_elementwise (transform::FlattenElementwiseLinalgOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.flatten_elementwise` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Flattens the iteration space and (applicable) operands of elementwise linalg ops to a single dimension.

Returns one handle:

  • Flattened linalg operation.

Return modes: 

Returns a definite failure if target is not isolated from above. Returns a silenceable failure if the pattern application failed.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.fuse_into_containing_op (transform::FuseIntoContainingOp) 

Fuse a producer into a containing operation.


operation ::= `transform.structured.fuse_into_containing_op` $producer_op `into` $containing_op attr-dict  `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Fuses the producer_op into the containing_op. Returns a handle to the fused ops and the new_containing_op.

The producer is typically a slice of a tileable op (i.e., implements TilingInterface). In that case, this transform computes the accessed producer slice inside of the containing op (“tile and fuse”) and if required, creates a new containing op with outputs from the fused producer. Otherwise, the entire producer is cloned inside the containing op (“clone and fuse”).

The containing op handle must be associated with exactly one payload op. The producer op handle may be associated with multiple payload ops. This transform fuses producers one-by-one, always picking an unspecified producer that has at least one use inside the containing op among the producers. A producer can be listed multiple times in the handle.

Note: If a producer has multiple uses inside the containing op, it is currently tiled and/or cloned multiple times into the containing op. TODO: Reuse already fused OpResults instead of tiling/cloning a second time when possible. Fuse producers according to a topological sorting to achieve the largest amount of reuse.

Return modes 

If at least one producer could not be fused, this operation produces a silenceable failure. This is the case when tiling fails or when no producer op could be found among the remaining producers that has at least one use within the containing op. I.e., “producers” that are not consumed within the containing op are rejected by this operation.

This operation consumes the producer handle. This operation only reads the containing op handle.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


producer_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
containing_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


fused_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
new_containing_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.fuse (transform::FuseOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.fuse` $target ($tile_sizes^)? (`interchange` $tile_interchange^)?
              (`apply_cleanup` `=` $apply_cleanup^)? attr-dict
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Tiles the operations pointed to by the target handle and fuses their producers greedily using the options provided as attributes.

If apply_cleanup is true then slice canonicalization is applied between fusion steps.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
tile_sizes::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
tile_interchange::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
apply_cleanup::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
loopsvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.generalize (transform::GeneralizeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.generalize` $target attr-dict `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($transformed), "false")

Transforms a named structured operation into the generic form with the explicit attached region.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target handle generalize properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced equivalent generic operations, which can be empty or contain the original ops if they were already in generic form.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.hoist_pad.build_packing_loop_nest (transform::HoistPadBuildPackingLoopNestOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.hoist_pad.build_packing_loop_nest` $target
              `above` $loop
              (`,` `transpose` `by` $transpose^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Helper transform used to hoist a tensor.pad target operation. This operation creates the packing loop nest required by the hoist_pad operation and makes that functionality available independently.

TODO: In the future, we should consider rewriting as a linalg.pack after hoisting since this abstraction is now available.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-tensor.pad ops and drops them in the result. If any non-tensor.pad is passed, the transform emits a silenceable failure.

The return handle points to only the subset of successfully created packing loop nests, which can be empty.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
transpose::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
loopTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


packing_loopTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.hoist_pad (transform::HoistPadOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.hoist_pad` $target
              `by` $num_loops `loops`
              (`,` `transpose` `by` $transpose^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Hoist the tensor.pad target operation by at most the given number of loops. Optionally apply the transpose attribute to the inner dimensions.

TODO: In the future, we should consider rewriting as a linalg.pack after hoisting since this abstraction is now available. TODO: Maybe also return the linalg.generic transpose created at some point.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-tensor.pad ops and drops them in the result. If any non-tensor.pad is passed, the transform emits a silenceable failure.

If all the operations referred to by the target handle padproperly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure.

The return handle points to only the subset of successfully hoisted tensor.pad operations, which can be empty.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
num_loops::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
transpose::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.hoist_redundant_vector_broadcasts (transform::HoistRedundantVectorBroadcastsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.hoist_redundant_vector_broadcasts` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Hoist vector.extract / vector.broadcasts pairs out of immediately enclosing scf::ForOp iteratively.

Return modes: 

The operation always succeeds and returns a handle to the transformed function op.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.hoist_redundant_vector_transfers (transform::HoistRedundantVectorTransfersOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.hoist_redundant_vector_transfers` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Hoist vector.transfer_read / vector.transfer_write pairs out of immediately enclosing scf::ForOp iteratively, if the following conditions are true:

  1. The 2 ops access the same memref with the same indices.
  2. All operands are invariant under the enclosing scf::ForOp.
  3. No uses of the memref either dominate the transfer_read or are dominated by the transfer_write (i.e. no aliasing between the write and the read across the loop)

WARNING: This hoisting does not model parallelism and is generally incorrect when used on distributed loops with memref semantics! TODO: obsolete and should be retired.

Return modes: 

The operation always succeeds and returns a handle to the transformed function op.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
verify_non_zero_trip::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.insert_slice_to_copy (transform::InsertSliceToCopyOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.insert_slice_to_copy` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Targeted rewrite of an tensor.insert_slice to linalg.copy. This is useful to materialize copies explicitly before bufferization and transform them, avoiding the need to rediscover them after bufferization.

If the insert_slice source is already a linalg.copy, only return the source op (i.e. do not create an additional linalg.copy op).

Return modes: 

The operation always succeeds and returns a handle to the relevant linalg.copy op.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.interchange (transform::InterchangeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.interchange` $target
              (`iterator_interchange` `=` $iterator_interchange^)? attr-dict
              `:` custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($transformed), "false")

Interchanges the iterators of the operations pointed to by the target handle using the iterator interchange attribute.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-linalg::Generic ops and drops them in the return. This operation fails if the interchange attribute is invalid. If all the operations referred to by the target handle interchange properly, the transform succeeds. If any interchange fails, the transform produces a definite failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced interchanged operations, which can be empty.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
iterator_interchange::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute whose value is non-negative


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.lower_pack (transform::LowerPackOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.lower_pack` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Rewrite a linalg.pack into tensor.pad + tensor.expand_shape + linalg.transpose.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-pack ops and drops them in the return. This operation produces a silenceable failure if the rewrite fails for any reason. If all the operations referred to by the target are rewritten, the transform succeeds. Return handles to the newly produced pad, expand_shape and transpose ops.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
lowerPadLikeWithInsertSlice::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


targetTransform IR handle to linalg.pack operations


pad_opTransform IR handle to tensor.pad operations
expand_shape_opTransform IR handle to tensor.expand_shape operations
transpose_opTransform IR handle to linalg.transpose operations

transform.structured.lower_unpack (transform::LowerUnPackOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.lower_unpack` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Lower a linalg.unpack into empty + linalg.transpose + tensor.collapse_shape + tensor.extract_slice.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-unpack ops and drops them in the return. This operation produces a silenceable failure if the rewrite fails for any reason. If all the operations referred to by the target are rewritten, the transform succeeds. Return handles to the newly produced empty, transpose, collapse_shape and extract_slice ops.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
lowerUnpadLikeWithExtractSlice::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


targetTransform IR handle to linalg.unpack operations


empty_opTransform IR handle to tensor.empty operations
transpose_opTransform IR handle to linalg.transpose operations
collapse_shape_opTransform IR handle to tensor.collapse_shape operations
extract_slice_opTransform IR handle to tensor.extract_slice operations

transform.structured.gpu.map_copy_to_threads (transform::MapCopyToThreadsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.gpu.map_copy_to_threads` $target
              `total_num_threads` `=` $total_num_threads
              `desired_bit_alignment` `=` $desired_bit_alignment
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Targeted mapping of a linalg.copy / tensor.pad operation on tensors to a GPU thread mapping.

This operation implements a greedy heuristic that determines a good distribution of threads to break down the copy/pad operation into. The heuristic is driven by considerations related to the underlying architecture for which good high-level decisions are needed assuming certain hardware features. Relevant features are exposed via first-class attributes to control the behavior of the transformation at a high level.

For now, a single heuristic is implemented and can be extended on a per-need basis.

Return modes 

This operation fails definitely if there is an unsupported op (i.e., not linalg.copy / tensor.pad) among the targeted op. Otherwise, the operation always succeeds and returns a handle to the relevant tiled linalg.copy / tensor.pad op and the enclosing scf.forall op.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
total_num_threads::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
desired_bit_alignment::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


forall_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
tiled_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.match (transform::MatchOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.match` (`ops` `{` $ops^ `}`)?
              (`interface` `{` $interface^ `}`)?
              (`attributes` $op_attrs^)?
              (`filter_result_type` `=` $filter_result_type^)?
              (`filter_operand_types` `=` $filter_operand_types^)?
              `in` $target attr-dict
              `:` functional-type($target, results)

Match op with the specified constraints, within the target op.

The following constraints are supported:

  • interface: an optional MatchInterfaceEnum specifying an enum representation for an interface to target.
  • ops: an optional StrArrayAttr specifying the concrete name of an op. Multiple names can be specified. Matched ops must have one of specified names.
  • attribute: the matched op must have all specified attributes (with their specified values).
  • filter_result_type: the matched op must return exactly this one type.
  • filter_operand_types: all the operands of the matched op must must be of this type. If more than a type is specified, then the length of the list must be equal to the number of operands in the matched op, and the match will succeed only if the operand types match all the types in the list in the order in which they are specified.

Note: Only ops that satisfy all specified constraints are matched.

TODO: Extend with regions to allow a limited form of constraints.

Return modes 

This op traverses the ops nested under target and returns the handles to all the operations that match the requirements.

This op fails if the target is not a handle to exactly one operation. Otherwise it succeeds.

This operation does not consume the target handle and produces new handles: it is a navigation op.

Traits: NavigationTransformOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
ops::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute
An interface to match

Enum cases:

  • LinalgOp (LinalgOp)
  • TilingInterface (TilingInterface)
  • LoopLikeInterface (LoopLikeInterface)
op_attrs::mlir::DictionaryAttrdictionary of named attribute values
filter_result_type::mlir::TypeAttrany type attribute
filter_operand_types::mlir::ArrayAttrtype array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultsTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.multitile_sizes (transform::MultiTileSizesOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.multitile_sizes` $target attr-dict `:` custom<MultitileSizesTypes>(type($target), type($low_size), type($high_size), type($split_point))

Emits the IR computing the tile sizes s1 and s2 such that:

  • there exists a combination of n tiles of size s1 and m tiles of size s2 that covers the entirety of the iteration space dimension of the target structured op;
  • s1, s2 is less than or equal to target_size;
  • s1 and s2 are divisible by `divisor.

For example, for a dimension of size 54 with target size 12 and divisor 2, this can emit the IR computing the tile size 10, used for 3 tiles, and 12, used for 2 tiles, totally 103 + 122 = 54. Note that when the divisor does not divide the original dimension size, it is impossible to compute such tile sizes. An assertion is emitted to guard against this in the dynamic case.

Expects the target size and the divisor to be strictly positive. Folds the IR as much as possible, normally obtaining constant sizes and numbers of tiles for a statically known dimension.

This does not consume the target handle and produces three handles each pointing to single-result index-typed operations (which may be arithmetic constant operations) defining the two respective tile sizes and the product of the first tile size with the number of tiles of that size (useful for splitting the iteration space).

This operation composes with the regular tiling when applied per-dimension:

%sz1, %sz2, %split = structured.multitile_sizes %target
                     { target_size = 10, dimension = 1 }
                   : !transform.any_op, !transform.param<i64>,
                     !transform.param<i64>, !transform.param<i64>
%handles = structured.split %target after %split { dimension = 1 }
            : !transform.any_op, !transform.param<i64>
%low, %high = transform.split_handle %handles : (!transform.any_op)
                  -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)
%tiled_low, %loop1 = structured.tile_using_for %low [0, %sz1]
                   : (!transform.any_op, !transform.param<i64>)
                  -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)
%tiled_high, %loop2 = structured.tile_using_for %high [0, %sz2]
                    : (!transform.any_op, !transform.param<i64>)
                   -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)
%common = merge_handles %tiled_low, %tiled_high : !transform.any_op

%sz3, %sz4, %split = structured.multitile_size %target
                     { target_size = 42, dimension = 0 }
                   : !transform.any_op, !transform.any_op,
                     !transform.any_op, !transform.any_op
%sz3r, %sz4r, %splitr = replicate num(%common) %sz3, %sz4, %splitr
         : !transform.any_op, !transform.any_op, !transform.any_op
structured.split %common after %splitr { dimension = 0 }
         : !transform.any_op, !transform.any_op
// ...

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
target_size::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
divisor::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


low_sizetransform any param type or any handle type
high_sizetransform any param type or any handle type
split_pointtransform any param type or any handle type

transform.structured.pack_greedily (transform::PackGreedilyOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.pack_greedily` $target
              `matmul_packed_sizes` `=` custom<DynamicIndexList>($matmul_packed_sizes,
              (`matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of` `=`
              `matmul_inner_dims_order` `=` $matmul_inner_dims_order
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Target a Linalg op and rewrite it into packed LinalgOp form by trying to infer whether a known suboperation is embedded

Different packing strategies are applied in order, when one applies successfully, the transform returns:

  1. Matmul packing: Try to infer a matmul operation embedded in the target op. Specifically, this looks for 2 parallel dimensions that participate in an outer-product and 1 reduction dimension. These dimensions are referred as (m, n, k) to match canonical matmul terminology.

    The packed sizes for (m, n, k) are specified by matmul_packed_sizes and the optional matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of. When an entry matmul_packed_sizes[i] is non-0, the corresponding dimension is packed by matmul_packed_sizes[i]. Otherwise, the dimension is merely padded to the next multiple of matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of[i].

    matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of is optional and is expected to either be empty or of size 3, matching the size of matmul_packed_sizes. For each individual element of matmul_packed_sizes and matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of, only one of them is allowed to be non-zero.

    The ordering of the packed dimensions (mm, nn, kk) is specified by the matmul_inner_dims_order attribute.

Packing occurs as follows:

  1. Find the dimensions to pack according to the strategy.
  2. The target is converted to linalg.generic form.
  3. An interchange transform is applied to isolate the dimensions to pack as the most minor indexing dimensions of the linalg.generic. The most minor dimensions are themselves ordered according to inner_dims_order.
  4. An elementwise traversal of matmul_packed_sizes and matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of is performed and for each dimension d, either pack to matmul_packed_sizes[d] or pad to the matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of[d].
  5. Packing/padding is performed by the amounts determined in step 4. and following inner_dims_order.

By normalizing the most minor dimensions to inner_dims_order, the transform guarantees that packing immediately generates inner dimensions in a desirable layout.

Outer dimension layout permutations are not controlled by this transform op at the moment and can be obtained by composing with the pack_transpose transformation.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. It returns the list of packed Linalg ops or the original op when all available packing strategies failed to apply.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_matmul_packed_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute with exactly 3 elements
matmul_padded_sizes_next_multiple_of::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute with 0 or 3 elements
matmul_inner_dims_order::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute with exactly 3 elements


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
matmul_packed_sizesvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance


packed_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.pack (transform::PackOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.pack` $target
              `packed_sizes` `=` custom<DynamicIndexList>($packed_sizes,
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Pack a LinalgOp by applying a data tiling transformation on the op and packing the operands according to the packed_sizes specification.

Iterator dimensions are tiled in their canonical order in the op spec. Operands are packed according to the same canonical order of the op iterator dimensions.

Specifying a packed size of 0 for an iterator removes it from consideration for packing.

linalg.pack (resp. linalg.unpack) operations are inserted for the operands (resp. results) that need to be packed (resp. unpacked) according to the packed_sizes specification.


Consider a linalg.matmul with indexing maps:

  //              M   N   K       M   K
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2)>
  //                              K   N
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1)>
  //                              M   N
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
  %0 = linalg.matmul  ins(%A, %B: tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>)
                     outs(    %C: tensor<?x?xf32>)

Specifying packed_sizes [2, 3, 4] results in tiling the iterator dimensions M, N and K, in this order, in both the op and its operands.

  //              M   N   K   m   n   k       M   K   m   k
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d2, d3, d5)>
  //                                          K   N   n   k
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d2, d1, d4, d5)>
  //                                          M   N   m   n
  // affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) -> (d0, d1, d3, d4)>
  %0 = linalg.generic_representing_some_higher_d_matmul
        ins(%A, %B: tensor<?x?x2x4xf32>, tensor<?x?x4x3xf32>)
       outs(    %C: tensor<?x?x2x3xf32>)

In particular, note that the second operand B has shape KxNxnxk (and not KxNxkxn as one could expect by looking only at the operand).

Other layouts can be obtained unsurprisingly from this canonical transformation by composing the resulting operation with a transform.structured.pack_transpose op. This composition allows separating concerns and composes better compared to adding additional permutation attributes to this transform op.

Return modes 

This operation applies to a single Linalg op, otherwise it fails. This operation may produce a definite failure if the packing fails for any reason.

The returned handle point to the packed LinalgOp.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_packed_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
packed_sizesvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance


packed_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.pack_transpose (transform::PackTransposeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.pack_transpose` $target_pack_or_un_pack_op
              `with_compute_op` `(` $target_linalg_op `)`
              (`outer_perm` `=` $outer_perm^ )?
              (`inner_perm` `=` $inner_perm^ )?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Apply a transposition to a single linalg.pack (resp. linalg.unpack) and update the linalg.generic op that consumes (resp. produces) the operation.

This transform allows composing a simple structured.pack with additional transpositions to e.g. match the data format required by a specific library call or ISA instruction.

The transpose spec must specify at least one of outer_perm or inner_perm attributes, which will act upon the outer_dims_perm or inner_dims_pos of the specified linalg.pack or linalg.unpack op.

If the target of this op is a linalg.pack then a new tensor.empty will be created along with transposed versions of the linalg.pack and the consuming linalg.generic, which is expected to be the sole consumer.

If the target of this op is a linalg.unpack then the whole pack / compute / unpack chain will be transposed and transposed clones of linalg.pack, the consuming linalg.generic and the tail linalg.pack will be created.

Return modes 

This operation targets a single linalg.pack / linalg.unpack op and a single matching linalg.generic that consumes / produces the op. Otherwise, it produces a silenceableFailure.

This operation may produce a silenceableFailure if the transpose spec is ill-formed (i.e. outer_perm or inner_perm are not permutations of the proper rank) or if the transposition of all involved operations fails for any reason.

This operation returns 3 handles, one to the transformed LinalgOp, one to the transformed linalg.pack and one to the transformed linalg.unpack. The last handle for linalg.unpack is empty if target_pack_or_unpack_op was not itself a linalg.unpack.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
outer_perm::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
inner_perm::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


target_pack_or_un_pack_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
target_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


packed_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
pack_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
un_pack_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.pad (transform::PadOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.pad` $target
              (`pad_to_multiple_of` custom<DynamicIndexList>($pad_to_multiple_of, $static_pad_to_multiple_of)^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Pads the operations pointed to by the target handle using the options provides as operation attributes. The operation returns a handle to the padded operation and to the padding operation (“tensor.pad”).

To preserve tensor SSA use-def chains, the unpadded result is copied back to the original destination tensor of the targeted op. The op that copies back the result can be customized with copy_back_op:

  • “bufferization.materialize_in_destination” (default)
  • “linalg.copy”
  • “none” (no copy back)

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. This operation may produce a definite failure if the padding fails for any reason.

If all the operations referred to by the target handle pad properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced padded operations, which can be empty.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
padding_values::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute
padding_dimensions::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
static_pad_to_multiple_of::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
nofold_flags::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
transpose_paddings::mlir::ArrayAttrarray of arrays of i64
copy_back_op::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
pad_to_multiple_ofvariadic of transform any param type or any handle type


paddedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
padTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
copyTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.promote (transform::PromoteOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.promote` $target attr-dict `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($transformed), "false")

Promotes the specified operands of the target into a separate memory buffer.

At this point, this transform does not allow customizing alloc/dealloc functions nor the behavior on copy in/out operations.

Return modes 

This operation applies to a single Linalg op that satisfies the promoteSubviewsPrecondition, otherwise it fails.

If the operations referred to by the target handle promote properly, the transform succeeds.

When successful, the return handle points to the $target operation that was modified inplace.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
operands_to_promote::mlir::ArrayAttr64-bit integer array attribute
use_full_tile_buffers::mlir::ArrayAttr1-bit boolean array attribute
use_full_tiles_by_default::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
use_alloca::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
memory_space::mlir::Attributeany attribute
mapping::mlir::ArrayAttrDevice Mapping array attribute
alignment::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.replace (transform::ReplaceOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.replace` $target attr-dict-with-keyword regions `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($replacement), "false")

Replace all target payload ops with the single op that is contained in this op’s region. All targets must have zero arguments and must be isolated from above.

This op is for debugging/experiments only.

Return modes 

This operation consumes the target handle.

Traits: HasOnlyGraphRegion, IsolatedFromAbove, NoTerminator, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, SingleBlock

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, RegionKindInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


replacementTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.rewrite_in_destination_passing_style (transform::RewriteInDestinationPassingStyleOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.rewrite_in_destination_passing_style` $target attr-dict
              `:` functional-type($target, results)

Rewrite a supported tensor operation that is not in destination-passing style into a form that is in destination-passing style. Currently supported operations are:

  • tensor.pad
  • tensor.generate
  • tensor.from_elements This dichotomy hints at a future interface, for now the implementation just switches between different implementation.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-unsupported ops and drops them from the return. If all the operations referred to by the target handle generalize properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to a subset of successfully produced operations:

  • tensor.pad case, the returned handle points to the tensor.insert_slice.
  • tensor.generate case, the returned handle points to the linalg.generic.
  • tensor.from_elements case, the returned handle points to the last tensor.insert.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.scalarize (transform::ScalarizeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.scalarize` $target attr-dict `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($result), "false")

Indicates that ops of a specific kind in the given function should be scalarized (i.e. their dynamic dimensions tiled by 1).

Return modes: 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. This operation produces definite failure if the scalarization fails for any reason. If all the operations referred to by the target handle scalarize properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure.

The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced tiled-by-1 operations, which can be empty.

This operation does not return handles to the tiled loop. We make this design choice because it is hard to know ahead of time the number of loops that will be produced (it depends on the number of dynamic dimensions after multiple transformations have been applied). Loops can always be recovered by navigating from the tiled operations if needed.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


resultTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.specialize (transform::SpecializeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.specialize` $target attr-dict `:`
              custom<SemiFunctionType>(type($target), type($transformed), "false")

Transforms a generic operation into the equivalent named form.

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. If all the operations referred to by the target handle specialize, the transform succeeds; otherwise, the operation produces a silenceable failure. The return handle points to only the subset of successfully produced equivalent named operations, which can be empty or contain the original ops if they were already in named form. The supported specialization to named Linalg operations are:

  • linalg.copy of any rank.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.split (transform::SplitOp) 

Splits the given target op into two or more complementary parts, which combined cover the entire iteration domain of the original op. The split is performed along the iteration space dimension provided as chunk size attribute specifying the size of the lower part; the remaining range in the iteration space is assigned as the upper part. In case of dimension overflow, the transformation fails. The split is performed at the dimension iterator value specified as either the static chunk size attribute when it is known at transform IR construction time or as the handle to an operation producing a single index-typed value when it is computed by payload IR. In the latter case, the chunk size point must be set to ShapedType::kDynamic and the dynamic size handle must point to as many value-producing operations as there are structured operations pointed to by the target handle.

The operation consumes the target handle, but preserves the chunk size handle if provided. Without the multiway attribute, it produces a new handle that is a list of the two parts of the structured op after splitting, whose lower index part corresponding to the part with lower iteration space indices.

Multiway split mode is enabled by specifying the multiway attribute. In this mode a single target op is split into multiple parts covering the iteration space of the specified dimension. static_chunk_sizes and dynamic_chunk_sizes in this case is a list of chunk sizes that the given dimension should be split into. With multiway it also produces a handle; The result handle is a list of the multiple parts of the structured op after splitting, where the target dimensions for each linalg op in the list corresponds to the chunk sizes specfied in the input split list. If the chunk sizes do not cover the entire iteration space, the leftover chunk is the last payload in the result handle.

As the result handle is most of time a list, an transform.split_handle is needed to access individual handle.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
dimension::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
static_chunk_sizes::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
multiway::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
dynamic_chunk_sizestransform any param type or any handle type


split_listTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.split_reduction (transform::SplitReductionOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.split_reduction` $target attr-dict `:`functional-type(operands, results)

Indicates that the given target op should be transformed with the splitReduction transformation and split factor provided as attribute.

The splitReduction transformation splits the first single linalg op reduction into a parallel and reduction dimension. A new linalg.generic op is created to perform the rest of the reduction.

The transformation supports different configurations attributes:

  • split_factor: the factor by which to split (i.e. the size of the remaining reduction after splitting).
  • insert_split_dimension: the dimension in the temporary tensor into which the new parallel dimension is inserted.
  • inner_parallel: specifies whether the parallel dimension is before or after the reduction dimension in the splitting op.
  • use_scaling_algorithm: whether to use a scaling based formulation that does not create an ExpandShapeOp (default: do not use scaling)
  • use_alloc: whether to use an alloc op to allocate the temporary tensor (default: do not use alloc op)

Return modes 

This operation ignores non-Linalg ops and drops them in the return. This operation produces a definite failure if the splitting fails for any reason.

If all the operations referred to by the target handle split properly, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure. The 4 returned handles points to only the subset of successfully produced computational operations, which can all be empty. This 4 returned handles point to:

  • the init op (or tensor_alloc op if use_alloc = true),
  • the fill op used to initialize the neutral element,
  • the split op and
  • the result-combining op.

Example (default: use_scaling_algorithm = false, use_alloc = false): 

  %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
                                        affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
        iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
  ins(%in : tensor<32xf32>)
  outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
  ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
    %y = arith.addf %arg1, %arg2 : f32
    linalg.yield %y : f32
  } -> tensor<f32>

is split into:

  %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
  %0 = tensor.expand_shape %in [[0, 1]] : tensor<32xf32> into tensor<4x8xf32>
  %1 = tensor.empty() : tensor<4xf32>
  %2 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%1 : tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32>
  %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                                        affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
    iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
    ins(%0 : tensor<4x8xf32>) outs(%2 : tensor<4xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg5: f32):
    %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
    linalg.yield %5 : f32
  } -> tensor<4xf32>
  %r = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>,
                                        affine_map<(d0) -> ()>],
    iterator_types = ["reduction"]}
    ins(%3 : tensor<4xf32>) outs(%out : tensor<f32>) {
    ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
    %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
    linalg.yield %5 : f32
  } -> tensor<f32>

Example (use_scaling_algorithm = true, use_alloc = true): 

Instead of introducing an ExpandShapeOp, this scaling-based implementation rewrites a reduction dimension k into k * split_factor + kk. The dimension kk is added as an extra parallel dimension to the intermediate output tensor at position insert_split_dimension.

Consider a minimal example where k is reduced: O(i, j) += I(i, j, k) Assume i=3, j=5, k=128, split_factor=16 and insert_split_dimension=0. The compute is rewritten as: a. O_i(kk, i, j) += I(i, j, 16 * k + kk) b. O(i, j) += O_i(kk, i, j) The intermediate tensor O_i is of shape (128/16)x3x5 == 8x3x5.


 %0 = linalg.matmul ins(%A, %B: tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>)
   outs(%C: tensor<16x32xf32>) -> tensor<16x32xf32>

Is transformed to:

 #map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d2 * 4 + d3)>
 #map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2 * 4 + d3, d1)>
 #map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d2, d3)>
 #map3 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2, d3) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
 #map4 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>
 #map5 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1)>
 %0 = tensor.empty() : tensor<16x32x64xf32>
 %cst = arith.constant 0.000000e+00 : f32
 %1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) ->
 %2 = tensor.empty() : tensor<64x4xi1>

 %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map0, #map1, #map2, #map3],
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
   ins(%A, %B, %2 : tensor<16x256xf32>, tensor<256x32xf32>, tensor<64x4xi1>)
   outs(%1 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>) {
     ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32, %arg5: i1, %arg6: f32):
       %5 = arith.mulf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
       %6 = arith.addf %arg6, %5 : f32
       linalg.yield %6 : f32
 } -> tensor<16x32x64xf32>

 %4 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map4, #map5],
   iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel", "reduction"]}
   ins(%3 : tensor<16x32x64xf32>)
   outs(%C : tensor<16x32xf32>) {
     ^bb0(%arg3: f32, %arg4: f32):
       %5 = arith.addf %arg3, %arg4 : f32
       linalg.yield %5 : f32
 } -> tensor<16x32xf32>

 return %4 : tensor<16x32xf32>

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
split_factor::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
insert_split_dimension::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
inner_parallel::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
use_scaling_algorithm::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
use_alloc::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


init_or_alloc_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
fill_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
split_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
combining_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.tile_reduction_using_for (transform::TileReductionUsingForOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.tile_reduction_using_for` $target
              `by` `tile_sizes` `=` $tile_sizes
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Indicates that the given target op should be transformed with the tileReduction transformation with the tile size provided as attribute.

This transformation tiles the target along the reduction dimensions. It creates a tensor initialized with the identity value. Then it creates nested loops with a parallel version of target op inside. The parallel op dimensions are less or equal to the tile size passed by user. After the loop a merge operation is created to do a final reduction with the partial reductions. The initial tensor always uses the tile size dimension. This may overallocate if the tile size is greater than the reduction dimension.

Return modes 

Returns 4 handles associated with (in order):

  • the fill op used to initialize the neutral element,
  • the parallel tiled op and
  • the result-combining op,
  • the parent for op.


  %red = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                                          affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
  ins(%arg0 : tensor<?x?xf32>)
  outs(%out : tensor<?xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%arg7: f32, %arg9: f32):
    %1 = arith.addf %arg7, %arg9 : f32
    linalg.yield %1 : f32
  } -> tensor<?xf32>
  return %red : tensor<?xf32>

is transformed into:

  %0 = tensor.empty(%dim_1) : tensor<?x5xf32>
  %1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<?x5xf32>) -> tensor<?x5xf32>
  %2 = scf.for %arg2 = %c0 to %dim_0 step %c5 iter_args(%arg3 = %1) -> (tensor<?x5xf32>) {
    %extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %1[0, 0] [%dim, 5] [1, 1] : tensor<?x5xf32> to tensor<?x5xf32>
    %extracted_slice_2 = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[0, %arg2] [%dim, 5] [1, 1] : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x5xf32>
    %4 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                                          affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>],
    iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel"]}
    ins(%extracted_slice_2 : tensor<?x5xf32>)
    outs(%extracted_slice : tensor<?x5xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
      %5 = arith.addf %in, %out : f32
      linalg.yield %5 : f32
    } -> tensor<?x5xf32>
    %dim_3 = tensor.dim %1, %c0 : tensor<?x5xf32>
    %inserted_slice = tensor.insert_slice %4 into %arg3[0, 0] [%dim_3, 5] [1, 1] : tensor<?x5xf32> into tensor<?x5xf32>
    scf.yield %inserted_slice : tensor<?x5xf32>
  %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                                        affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
  ins(%2 : tensor<?x5xf32>)
  outs(%arg1 : tensor<?xf32>) {
  ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
    %4 = arith.addf %in, %out : f32
    linalg.yield %4 : f32
  } -> tensor<?xf32>

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
tile_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


fill_opvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance
split_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
combining_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
for_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.tile_reduction_using_forall (transform::TileReductionUsingForallOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.tile_reduction_using_forall` $target
              (`num_threads` `=` $num_threads^)?
              (`,` `tile_sizes` `=` $tile_sizes^)?
              (`,` `mapping` `=` $mapping^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Tile a PartialReductionOpInterface op to a tiled scf.forall doing partial reduction.

This transformation tiles the target along the reduction dimensions. It creates a tensor initialized with the identity value. Then it creates a scf.forall loops with the number threads given by num_threads. The op is tiled op with a size equal to floordiv(size, num_threads). All the partial reduction value is are parallel inserted to create a new tensor. After the loop a merge operation is created to do a final reduction with the partial reductions tensor. If an extra tile_sizes parameter is passed the tiles are cyclically distributed on the threads of the scf.foralls loop.

Return modes 

Returns 4 handles associated with (in order):

  • the fill op used to initialize the neutral element,
  • the parallel tiled op and
  • the result-combining op,
  • the parent forall op.


  %red = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>,
                                          affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0)>],
  iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]}
  ins(%arg0 : tensor<?x?xf32>)
  outs(%out : tensor<?xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%arg7: f32, %arg9: f32):
    %1 = arith.addf %arg7, %arg9 : f32
    linalg.yield %1 : f32
  } -> tensor<?xf32>
  return %red : tensor<?xf32>

is transformed into:

  %0 = tensor.empty(%dim_1) : tensor<?x5xf32>
  %1 = linalg.fill ins(%cst : f32) outs(%0 : tensor<?x5xf32>) -> tensor<?x5xf32>
  %2 = scf.forall (%arg2) in (%c5) shared_outs(%arg3 = %1) -> (tensor<?x5xf32>) {
    %4 = affine.min #map(%arg2)[%dim_0]
    %5 = affine.max #map1(%4)
    %extracted_slice = tensor.extract_slice %arg3[0, %arg2] [%dim, 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?x5xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
    %6 = affine.apply #map2(%arg2)[%dim_0]
    %extracted_slice_2 = tensor.extract_slice %arg0[0, %6] [%dim, %5] [1, 1] : tensor<?x?xf32> to tensor<?x?xf32>
    %extracted_slice_3 = tensor.extract_slice %extracted_slice[0] [%dim] [1] : tensor<?xf32> to tensor<?xf32>
    %7 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map3, #map4], iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]} ins(%extracted_slice_2 : tensor<?x?xf32>) outs(%extracted_slice_3 : tensor<?xf32>) {
    ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
      %9 = arith.addf %in, %out : f32
      linalg.yield %9 : f32
    } -> tensor<?xf32>
    scf.forall.in_parallel {
      tensor.parallel_insert_slice %7 into %arg3[0, %arg2] [%dim, 1] [1, 1] : tensor<?xf32> into tensor<?x5xf32>
  } {mapping = []}
  %3 = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map3, #map4], iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]} ins(%2 : tensor<?x5xf32>) outs(%arg1 : tensor<?xf32>) {
  ^bb0(%in: f32, %out: f32):
    %4 = arith.addf %in, %out : f32
    linalg.yield %4 : f32
  } -> tensor<?xf32>

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
num_threads::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
tile_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
mapping::mlir::ArrayAttrDevice Mapping array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


fill_opvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance
split_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
combining_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
forall_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.tile_using_for (transform::TileUsingForOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.tile_using_for` $target
              `tile_sizes` custom<DynamicIndexList>(
              (`interchange` `=` $interchange^)?
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Indicates that the given target op should be tiled with the given sizes. This transform generates a loop nest with a smaller (“tiled”) target operation in its body. Currently limited to LinalgOps.

Tile sizes may be known at transformation time, in which case they are expected to be provided in the static_size attribute, or not, in which case the tile value must be computed by the payload IR and the handle to the operation computing it must be provided through dynamic_sizes. When the sizes are not known statically, the corresponding entry in the static_sizes attribute must be set to ShapedType::kDynamic. Only the dynamic sizes must be provided in dynamic_sizes, i.e., there should be as many handles as ShapedType::kDynamic values in the static_sizes attribute. A static size of 0 indicates that the dimension should not be tiled. No loop will be generated for such dimensions. If all tile sizes are 0, this transform is effectively a no-op.

This op returns handles to the tiled op (in the generated loop nest) and the generated loops. The number of loops is the number of tile sizes that are statically known to be non-zero.

Return modes 

On success, the resulting handles are associated with co-indexed lists of tiled operations and loops around them.

This operation only supports Linalg ops and produces a silenceable failure if the input contains any non-Linalg ops. The ops preceding it in the list associated with the target handle will have been tiled.

This operation produces a silenceable failure if the dynamic_sizes handles are associated with lists of payload operations of a size different than that of the list associated with the target handle.

If the internal implementation of tiling for any of the operations fails, produces a definite failure.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
interchange::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
scalable_sizes::mlir::DenseBoolArrayAttri1 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
dynamic_sizesvariadic of transform any param type or any handle type


tiled_linalg_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
loopsvariadic of TransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.tile_using_forall (transform::TileUsingForallOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.tile_using_forall` $target oilist(
              `num_threads` custom<PackedOrDynamicIndexList>($packed_num_threads,
              $static_num_threads) |
              `tile_sizes` custom<PackedOrDynamicIndexList>($packed_tile_sizes,
              (`(` `mapping` `=` $mapping^ `)`)? attr-dict
              `:` functional-type(operands, results)

Tile a TilingInterface op to a tiled scf.forall.

Tiling is applied by either specifying num_threads or tile_size. If num_threads is specified, then the tile size for each dimension i is calculated dynamically via ceilDiv(dimSize[i], num_threads[i]). num_threads and tile_size can be either static index attributes or operation handles (or a mix thereof). Operation handles must be mapped to exactly one op that has exactly one result of index type.

Static zero tile sizes indicate that the dimension is not tiled and can be thought of as tiling by the full size of data.

It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that num_threads/tile_sizes is a valid tiling specification (i.e. that only tiles parallel dimensions, e.g. in the Linalg case). If the dimension is not parallelizable, a warning is issued to notify the user that the generated code is not safe to parallelize.

If non-empty, the mapping is added as an attribute to the resulting scf.forall.

Note: tile_sizes and num_threads are variadic. Each tile size/number of threads can be an index attribute or a transform handle that is mapped to exactly one payload op with exactly one index result.

Return modes 

This operation ignores ops that do not implement the TilingInterface and drops them in the return.

If all the operations referred to by the target handle tile successfully, the transform succeeds. Otherwise the transform produces a silenceable failure.

The two returned handles point to only the subset of successfully produced tiled operations, which can all be empty.

These two returned handles point to:

  • the tiled op that implements TilingInterface,
  • the new scf.forall op.

Example using num_threads 

%0 = transform.structured.match ops{["linalg.matmul"]} in %arg1
   : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
%3:2 = transform.structured.tile_using_forall %0 num_threads [10, 20]
   : (!transform.any_op) -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)

Example using tile_sizes 

%0 = transform.structured.match ops{["linalg.matmul"]} in %arg1
   : (!transform.any_op) -> !transform.any_op
%sz = transform.structured.match ...
%3:2 = transform.structured.tile_using_forall %0 tile_sizes [0, %sz, 20]
   : (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op) -> (!transform.any_op, !transform.any_op)

Traits: AttrSizedOperandSegments, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_num_threads::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
static_tile_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
mapping::mlir::ArrayAttrDevice Mapping array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
num_threadsvariadic of transform any param type or any handle type
tile_sizesvariadic of transform any param type or any handle type
packed_num_threadstransform any param type or any handle type
packed_tile_sizestransform any param type or any handle type


tiled_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
forall_opTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.transpose_conv2d (transform::TransposeConv2DOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.transpose_conv2d` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Convert linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_fhwc into linalg.conv_2d_nhwc_hwcf by introducing a linalg.transpose on the filter tensor/memref.

Whilst the fhwc filter channel ordering can be desirable for certain targets and is a more direct mapping to higher level dialects such as TOSA (which only supports this ordering) hwcf is better suited for transformations such as img2col which can make use of optimized BLAS routines such as GEMM.

Returns one handle:

  • The final operation of the sequence that replaces the original convolution.

Return modes: 

Returns a definite failure if target is not isolated from above. Returns a silenceable failure if the pattern application failed.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.transpose_matmul (transform::TransposeMatmulOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.transpose_matmul` $target (`<` $inputToTranspose^ `>`)?
              attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Convert Linalg matmul ops to transposed variants.

By default the LHS matrix is transposed. Specify <rhs> to instead transpose RHS matrix.

Return modes: 

This operation fails if target is unsupported, i.e., not a linalg.matmul or linalg.batch_matmul. Otherwise, the operation succeeds and returns a handle to the transposed matmul op.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
Input to transpose when converting matmul ops to transposed variants

Enum cases:

  • lhs (lhs)
  • rhs (rhs)


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.vectorize_children_and_apply_patterns (transform::VectorizeChildrenAndApplyPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.vectorize_children_and_apply_patterns` $target attr-dict `:`functional-type(operands, results)

Vectorizes all children contained in the given target using the configuration specified by the attributes of this op. This only vectorizes structured ops that operate on shaped types and does not vectorize loops or straight-line. Internally, it applies a set of rewrite patterns, some of which enable vectorization and some of which clean up the results. Therefore, it can only be applied to an op with the “isolated from above” property. This transformation only fails if the entire pattern rewriting failed, i.e., it does not fail when no ops were vectorized.

Finer granularity can be achieved either with the VectorizeOp for individual ops or by outlining the target part of the payload IR into, e.g., a function, performing this transformation, and inlining it back.

Note that this transformation invalidates the handles to any payload IR operation that is contained inside the vectorization target.

This transformation supports the following attributes:

  • vectorize_padding: a UnitAttr to activate the vectorization of tensor.pad ops. Different pipelines may prefer to lower such ops to loops.
  • disable_multi_reduction_to_contract_patterns: a UnitAttr to deactivate the rewrite of vector.multi_reduction to vector.contract. This is intended to be used in tests only.
  • disable_transfer_permutation_map_lowering_patterns: a UnitAttr to deactivate the rewrite of vector.transfer with permutation maps into explicit vector.transpose operations. This is intended to be used in tests only but may be promoted to a first class attribute in the future.

Return modes: 

This operation produces a definite failure if vectorization fails for any reason. The operation always returns the handle to the target op that is expected to be isolated from above.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
vectorize_padding::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
vectorize_nd_extract::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
flatten_1d_depthwise_conv::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
disable_multi_reduction_to_contract_patterns::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
disable_transfer_permutation_map_lowering_patterns::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.structured.vectorize (transform::VectorizeOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.vectorize` $target oilist(
              `vector_sizes` custom<DynamicIndexList>(
              `:` type($target)(`,`type($vector_sizes)^)?

Vectorize the target ops, which must be Linalg ops.

Use the optional vector sizes to specify exactly what configuration the vectorizer should use. It will then use masked vectors of the specified size to enforce this configuration (“masked vectorization”). If no vector sizes are specified, the vectorizer will infer the shapes to use from the target Linalg ops (“regular vectorization”). More specifically:

transform.structured.vectorize %target vector_sizes [1, 4] : !transform.any_op
# Regular vectorization - vector sizes are inferred from the target Op
transform.structured.vectorize %target : !transform.any_op

The vector sizes can be either static or dynamic (SSA values). In case of SSA values, the handle must be mapped to exactly one payload op with exactly one index-typed result.

Note: The input vector sizes must be bigger than or equal to their counterpart iteration space sizes.

Typically this operator should be applied to linalg operations that have already been tiled to the appropriate sizes.

Return modes: 

This operation produces a silenceable failure if at least one target op is not a Linalg op or fails to vectorize. It produces a definite failure if the dynamic vector sizes (SSA values) do not satisfy the constraints mentioned above.

Traits: ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
static_vector_sizes::mlir::DenseI64ArrayAttri64 dense array attribute
vectorize_nd_extract::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute
scalable_sizes::mlir::DenseBoolArrayAttri1 dense array attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance
vector_sizesvariadic of transform any param type or any handle type

transform.structured.winograd_conv2d (transform::WinogradConv2DOp) 


operation ::= `transform.structured.winograd_conv2d` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, results)

Winograd Conv2D algorithm will convert linalg Conv2D operation into batched matrix multiply. Before the matrix multiply, it will convert filter and input into a format suitable for batched matrix multiply. After the matrix multiply, it will convert output to the final result tensor.

The algorithm F(m x m, r x r) is

Y = A^T x [(G x g x G^T) @ (B^T x d x B)] x A

The size of output Y is m x m. The size of filter g is r x r. The size of input d is (m + r - 1) x (m + r - 1). A^T, A, G^T, G, B^T, and B are transformation matrices.

Return modes: 

This operation produces a silenceable failure if target is unsupported. Otherwise, the operation succeeds and returns a handle of the sequence that replaces the original convolution.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
m::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
r::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

Tensor Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.tensor.bubble_up_extract_slice (transform::ApplyBubbleUpExtractSlicePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.bubble_up_extract_slice` attr-dict

Indicates that producers of tensor.extract_slice should swap and operate on the result of the slice.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.decompose_concat (transform::ApplyDecomposeTensorConcatPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.decompose_concat` attr-dict

Indicates that tensor.concat ops should be decomposed into a chain of tensor.insert_slice operations inserting into a materialized destination.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.drop_redundant_insert_slice_rank_expansion (transform::ApplyDropRedundantInsertSliceRankExpansionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.drop_redundant_insert_slice_rank_expansion` attr-dict

Indicates that redundant tensor.insert_slice rank reductions should be dropped. E.g., cases where a tensor.extract_slice rank reduction immediately follows an inverse tensor.insert_slice rank expansion.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_empty (transform::ApplyFoldTensorEmptyPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_empty` attr-dict

Indicates that tensor.extract_slice and reassociative reshapes should be folded into tensor.empty.

If fold_single_use_only is set to “true”, only tensor.empty that have a single use are folded.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
fold_single_use_only::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_subset_ops_into_vector_transfers (transform::ApplyFoldTensorSubsetOpsIntoVectorTransfersPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_subset_ops_into_vector_transfers` attr-dict

Indicates that tensor.extract_slice -> vector.transfer_read and vector.transfer_write -> tensor.insert_slice op chains should be folded into vector tranfer read and write ops

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_subset_ops (transform::ApplyFoldTensorSubsetOpsPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.fold_tensor_subset_ops` attr-dict

Indicates that tensor.empty should be folded with tensor.extract_slice, tensor.expand_shape and tensor.collapse_shape.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.merge_consecutive_insert_extract_slice (transform::ApplyMergeConsecutiveInsertExtractSlicePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.merge_consecutive_insert_extract_slice` attr-dict

Indicates that consecutive tensor.extract_slice/tensor.insert_slice ops should be merged into a single op. These patterns are not canonicalizations because the bufferization is sensitive to IR structure.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.reassociative_reshape_folding (transform::ApplyReassociativeReshapeFoldingPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.reassociative_reshape_folding` attr-dict

Indicates that reassociative reshapes (tensor.collapse_shape / tensor.expand_shape) should be folded with inverse rank expansions / rank reductions (via tensor.insert_slice / tensor.extract_slice).

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.tensor.rewrite_as_constant (transform::ApplyRewriteTensorOpsAsConstantPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.tensor.rewrite_as_constant` (`aggressive` $aggressive^)? attr-dict

Indicates that tensor ops (such as tensor.generate) should be replaced with constants (arith.constant) when possible.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
aggressive::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute

transform.tensor.make_loop_independent (transform::MakeLoopIndependentOp) 


operation ::= `transform.tensor.make_loop_independent` $target attr-dict `:` functional-type($target, $transformed)

Rewrite the targeted ops such that their index-typed operands no longer depend on any loop induction variable of the num_loop enclosing scf.for loops. I.e., compute an upper bound that is independent of any such loop IV for every tensor dimension. The transformed op could then be hoisted from the num_loop enclosing loops. To preserve the original semantics, place a tensor.extract_slice inside the loop.

Currently supported operations are:

  • tensor.empty: Replaced with a new tensor.empty with upper bound sizes, followed by a tensor.extract_slice.
  • tensor.pad: Replaced by an upper bound padding, followed by a tensor.extract_slice.

Return modes 

This operation fails if at least one induction variable could not be eliminated. In case the targeted op is already independent of induction variables, this transform succeeds and returns the unmodified target op.

Otherwise, the returned handle points to a subset of the produced ops:

  • tensor.empty: The returned handle points to the tensor.extract_slice op.
  • tensor.pad: The returned handle points to the tensor.extract_slice op.

This transform op consumes the target handle and produces a result handle.

Traits: FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait, TransformEachOpTrait

Interfaces: MemoryEffectsOpInterface, TransformOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
num_loops::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute


targetTransformHandleTypeInterface instance


transformedTransformHandleTypeInterface instance

transform.type_conversion.tensor.cast_shape_dynamic_dims (transform::TypeConversionCastShapeDynamicDimsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.type_conversion.tensor.cast_shape_dynamic_dims` (`ignore_dynamic_info` $ignore_dynamic_info^)? attr-dict

Populates a type converter with conversion materialization functions that cast a tensor value between two cast-compatible tensors. See tensor.cast for more information on cast compatibility between tensors.

If ignore_dynamic_info is not set, this will set an additional constraint that source materializations do not cast dynamic dimensions to static ones.

Interfaces: TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
ignore_dynamic_info::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute

Vector Transform Operations 


transform.apply_patterns.vector.cast_away_vector_leading_one_dim (transform::ApplyCastAwayVectorLeadingOneDimPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.cast_away_vector_leading_one_dim` attr-dict

Collect a set of leading one dimension removal patterns.

These patterns insert vector.shape_cast to remove leading one dimensions to expose more canonical forms of read/write/insert/extract operations. With them, there are more chances that we can cancel out extract-insert pairs or forward write-read pairs.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.drop_unit_dims_with_shape_cast (transform::ApplyDropUnitDimWithShapeCastPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.drop_unit_dims_with_shape_cast` attr-dict

Apply vector patterns to fold unit dims with vector.shape_cast Ops:

  • DropUnitDimFromElementwiseOps
  • DropUnitDimsFromScfForOp
  • DropUnitDimsFromTransposeOp

Excludes patterns for vector.transfer Ops. This is complemented by shape_cast folding patterns.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.fold_arith_extension (transform::ApplyFoldArithExtensionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.fold_arith_extension` attr-dict

Collect a set of patterns that fold arithmetic extension on floating point into vector contract for the backends with native support.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.elementwise_to_vector (transform::ApplyFoldElementwiseToVectorPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.elementwise_to_vector` attr-dict

Collect a set of patterns that fold elementwise op on vectors to the vector dialect.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.interleave_to_shuffle (transform::ApplyInterleaveToShufflePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.interleave_to_shuffle` attr-dict

Indicates that 1D vector interleave operations should be rewritten as vector shuffle operations.

This is motivated by some current codegen backends not handling vector interleave operations.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_bitcast (transform::ApplyLowerBitCastPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_bitcast` attr-dict

Indicates that vector bitcast operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usally a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_broadcast (transform::ApplyLowerBroadcastPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_broadcast` attr-dict

Indicates that vector broadcast operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usally a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_contraction (transform::ApplyLowerContractionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_contraction` (`lowering_strategy` `=` $lowering_strategy^)? attr-dict

Indicates that vector contraction-like operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
control the lowering of `vector.contract` operations.

Enum cases:

  • dot (Dot)
  • matmulintrinsics (Matmul)
  • outerproduct (OuterProduct)
  • parallelarith (ParallelArith)

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_create_mask (transform::ApplyLowerCreateMaskPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_create_mask` attr-dict

Indicates that vector create_mask-like operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_gather (transform::ApplyLowerGatherPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_gather` attr-dict

Indicates that vector.gather operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_interleave (transform::ApplyLowerInterleavePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_interleave` attr-dict

Indicates that vector interleave operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usally a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_masked_transfers (transform::ApplyLowerMaskedTransfersPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_masked_transfers` attr-dict

Apply opt-in patterns that lower vector.mask operations surrounding side-effecting ops:

  • MaskedTransferReadOpPattern
  • MaskedTransferWriteOpPattern
  • MaskedGatherOpPattern

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_masks (transform::ApplyLowerMasksPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_masks` attr-dict

Indicates that vector.create_mask and vector.constant_mask operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_multi_reduction (transform::ApplyLowerMultiReductionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_multi_reduction` (`lowering_strategy` `=` $lowering_strategy^)? attr-dict

Indicates that vector multi_reduction-like operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
control the lowering of `vector.multi_reduction`.

Enum cases:

  • innerparallel (InnerParallel)
  • innerreduction (InnerReduction)

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_outerproduct (transform::ApplyLowerOuterProductPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_outerproduct` attr-dict

Indicates that the vector outerproduct operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_scan (transform::ApplyLowerScanPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_scan` attr-dict

Indicates that vector.scan operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_shape_cast (transform::ApplyLowerShapeCastPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_shape_cast` attr-dict

Indicates that vector shape_cast operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_transfer (transform::ApplyLowerTransferPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_transfer` (`max_transfer_rank` `=` $max_transfer_rank^)? attr-dict

Indicates that vector transfer operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
max_transfer_rank::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute

transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_transpose (transform::ApplyLowerTransposePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.lower_transpose` oilist (
              `lowering_strategy` `=` $lowering_strategy
              | `avx2_lowering_strategy` `=` $avx2_lowering_strategy

Indicates that vector transpose-like operations should be lowered to finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
control the lowering of `vector.transpose` operations.

Enum cases:

  • eltwise (EltWise)
  • flat_transpose (Flat)
  • shuffle_1d (Shuffle1D)
  • shuffle_16x16 (Shuffle16x16)
avx2_lowering_strategy::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute

transform.apply_patterns.vector.materialize_masks (transform::ApplyMaterializeMasksPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.materialize_masks` attr-dict

Indicates that mask operations should be lowered to fine-grained arithemtic operations.

This is usually the last step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.rank_reducing_subview_patterns (transform::ApplyRankReducingSubviewPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.rank_reducing_subview_patterns` attr-dict

Apply opt-in vector transfer permutation patterns that include:

  • TransferReadDropUnitDimsPattern
  • TransferWriteDropUnitDimsPattern

These patterns have the effect of rewriting a vector.transfer with unit dimensions into a rank-reduced version thanks to subview operations. This is complemented by shape_cast folding patterns.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.rewrite_narrow_types (transform::ApplyRewriteNarrowTypePatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.rewrite_narrow_types` attr-dict

Indicates that vector narrow rewrite operations should be applied.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Warning: these patterns currently only work for little endian targets.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.split_transfer_full_partial (transform::ApplySplitTransferFullPartialPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.split_transfer_full_partial` (`split_transfer_strategy` `=` $split_transfer_strategy^)? attr-dict

Indicates that vector transfer operations should be split to full and partial parts.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
control the splitting of `vector.transfer` operations into in-bounds and out-of-bounds variants.

Enum cases:

  • none (None)
  • vector-transfer (VectorTransfer)
  • linalg-copy (LinalgCopy)
  • force-in-bounds (ForceInBounds)

transform.apply_patterns.vector.transfer_permutation_patterns (transform::ApplyTransferPermutationPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.transfer_permutation_patterns` attr-dict

Apply opt-in vector transfer permutation patterns that include:

  • TransferReadPermutationLowering
  • TransferWritePermutationLowering
  • TransferOpReduceRank
  • TransferWriteNonPermutationLowering

These patterns have the effect of rewriting a vector.transfer with an arbitrary permutation_map to a vector.transfer with a permutation_map that is a minor identity followed by a vector.transpose.

In other words, this makes the vector.transfer contiguous on the most minor dimensions and materializes the permutation_map as a vector.transpose.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_patterns.vector.transfer_to_scf (transform::ApplyTransferToScfPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.transfer_to_scf` oilist (
              `max_transfer_rank` `=` $max_transfer_rank
              | `full_unroll` `=` $full_unroll

Indicates that vector transfer operations should be rewritten with scf.for loops over finer-grained vector primitives.

This is usually a late step that is run after bufferization as part of the process of lowering to e.g. LLVM or NVVM.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
max_transfer_rank::mlir::IntegerAttr64-bit signless integer attribute
full_unroll::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute

transform.apply_patterns.vector.reduction_to_contract (transform::ApplyVectorReductionToContractPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_patterns.vector.reduction_to_contract` attr-dict

Apply opt-in patterns that convert reductions to contract:

  • MultiReduceToContract
  • CombineContractBroadcast
  • CombineContractABTranspose
  • CombineContractResultTranspose
  • ReorderElementwiseOpsOnTranspose
  • ReorderElementwiseOpsOnBroadcast
  • ReorderCastOpsOnBroadcast

These patterns have the effect of rewriting a vector.multi_reduce into a vector.contract.

Interfaces: PatternDescriptorOpInterface

transform.apply_conversion_patterns.vector.vector_to_llvm (transform::ApplyVectorToLLVMConversionPatternsOp) 


operation ::= `transform.apply_conversion_patterns.vector.vector_to_llvm` attr-dict

Collects patterns that convert vector dialect ops to LLVM dialect ops. These patterns require an “LLVMTypeConverter”.

The patterns can be customized as follows:

  • reassociate_fp_reductions: Allows LLVM to reassociate floating-point reductions for speed.
  • force_32bit_vector_indices: Allows the compiler to assume that vector indices fit in 32-bit if that yields faster code.

Interfaces: ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
reassociate_fp_reductions::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute
force_32bit_vector_indices::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute

TransformHandleTypeInterface (TransformHandleTypeInterface

Types that can be used for the Transform dialect operation handle values. Such types define the properties of Payload IR operations associated with the handle. A user of such a handle can assume that these properties have been verified for any Payload IR operation associated with it.



::mlir::DiagnosedSilenceableFailure checkPayload(::mlir::Location loc, ::mlir::ArrayRef<::mlir::Operation *> payload);

Checks if the given associated objects (Payload IR operations or attributes) satisfy the conditions defined by this type. If not, produces a silenceable error at the specified location.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

TransformParamTypeInterface (TransformParamTypeInterface

Types that can be used for the Transform dialect parameter values. Such types define the structure of the parameters associated with the value, e.g., their underlying type. A user of the value can assume that the parameter has been verified.



::mlir::DiagnosedSilenceableFailure checkPayload(::mlir::Location loc, ::mlir::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute> payload);

Checks if the given associated objects (Payload IR operations or attributes) satisfy the conditions defined by this type. If not, produces a silenceable error at the specified location.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

TransformValueHandleTypeInterface (TransformValueHandleTypeInterface

Types that can be used for the Transform dialect handle values pointing to Payload IR values. Such types define the properties of Payload IR values associated with the handle. Users of such a handle can assume that these properties have been verified for any Payload IR value associated with it.



::mlir::DiagnosedSilenceableFailure checkPayload(::mlir::Location loc, ::mlir::ArrayRef<::mlir::Value> payload);

Checks if the given associated objects (Payload IR operations or attributes) satisfy the conditions defined by this type. If not, produces a silenceable error at the specified location.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface (ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface

This interface should be implemented by ops that select conversion patterns of a transform.apply_patterns op. It provides a method to populate a rewrite pattern set with conversion patterns.

Note: Non-conversion rewrite patterns should not be populated with ConversionPatternDescriptorOpInterface because it is not generally safe to use non-conversion rewrite patterns as part of a dialect conversion.



void populatePatterns(::mlir::TypeConverter &typeConverter, ::mlir::RewritePatternSet &patterns);

Populate conversion patterns into the given pattern set with the given type converter.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


void populateConversionTargetRules(const ::mlir::TypeConverter &typeConverter, ::mlir::ConversionTarget &conversionTarget);

Populate the ConversionTarget using the final TypeConverter. The default implementation is to do nothing. Overriding this method can be useful in order to setup the ConversionTarget for structural type conversions. In such a situation, an op’s legality depends on using the TypeConverter to determine whether the op’s operand and result types are legal (defined as converting to themselves).

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


std::unique_ptr<::mlir::TypeConverter> getTypeConverter();

Return the type converter to be used with this pattern set. If no type converter is specified, the default type converter of the enclosing “apply_conversion_patterns” op is used.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


::llvm::LogicalResult verifyTypeConverter(TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface builder);

Verify the default type converter that is provided by the enclosing “apply_conversion_patterns” op.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

FindPayloadReplacementOpInterface (FindPayloadReplacementOpInterface

This interface is queried by the TrackingListener and can be implemented by payload ops to indicate that the lookup should be continue with its operands when looking for payload op replacements.

Example: Consider the case where a tracked “” payload op is replaced with a new “” op, but wrapped in a “tensor.reshape” op. In that case, the mapping of the original “” op should be updated with the new “” op. A “tensor.reshape” is a metadata-only op that should be skipped when inspecting the replacement values of the original “” op. More details can be found at TrackingListener documentation.

Note: Ops that implement CastOpInterface do not need to implement this interface. Such ops are skipped by default. This interface should be implemented by cast-like/metadata-only ops that cannot implement CastOpInterface.



::llvm::SmallVector<::mlir::Value> getNextOperands();

Return the operands at which the lookup for replacement payload ops should continue.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

PatternDescriptorOpInterface (PatternDescriptorOpInterface

This interface should be implemented by ops that select rewrite patterns of a transform.apply_patterns op. It provides a method to populate a rewrite pattern set with patterns.

Note: Conversion patterns are rewrite patterns in MLIR, but they should not be populated with PatternDescriptorOpInterface because they cannot be used in a greedy pattern rewrite.



void populatePatterns(::mlir::RewritePatternSet &patterns);

Populate rewrite patterns into the given pattern set.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


void populatePatternsWithState(::mlir::RewritePatternSet &patterns, ::mlir::transform::TransformState &state);

Populate rewrite patterns into the given pattern set taking into account the transform state.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

TransformOpInterface (TransformOpInterface

This interface is to be implemented by operations that identify transformations to be performed on other operations. The former are referred to as transform IR operations. The latter are referred to as payload IR operations. Such transform IR operations provide a fine-grain control mechanism over how transformations are applied by using and defining transform IR values, referred to as handles, that correspond to sets of operations in the payload IR. Transformations are applied starting from the operations identified by handles, but may affect other operations as well. Further restrictions may be imposed by flows that rely on transform IR operations to control transformations.



::mlir::DiagnosedSilenceableFailure apply(::mlir::transform::TransformRewriter &rewriter, ::mlir::transform::TransformResults &transformResults, ::mlir::transform::TransformState &state);

Applies the transformation represented by the current operation. This accepts as arguments the object that must be populated with results of the current transformation and a transformation state object that can be used for queries, e.g., to obtain the list of operations on which the transformation represented by the current op is targeted. Returns a special status object indicating whether the transformation succeeded or failed, and, if it failed, whether the failure is recoverable or not.

IR must be created, modified and deleted with the provided rewriter. implementations are responsible for setting the insertion point of the rewriter to the desired location.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


bool allowsRepeatedHandleOperands();

Indicates whether the op instance allows its handle operands to be associated with the same payload operations.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.

TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface (TypeConverterBuilderOpInterface

This interface should be implemented by ops that specify a type converter for a dialect conversion, or to populate a type converter with conversions.

When such ops are intended to be used with “apply_conversion_patterns” or other operations that expect a type converter, a non-default implementation of getTypeConverter should be implemented. For use with “cast_and_call” like ops that construct a type converter iteratively, non-default populateTypeMaterializations should be implemented.



std::unique_ptr<::mlir::TypeConverter> getTypeConverter();

Return the type converter to be used with a dialect conversion.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


static StringRef getTypeConverterType();

Return the type of type converter that this getTypeConverter returns. This function is used for op verification.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.


void populateTypeMaterializations(::mlir::TypeConverter &converter);

Populate the given type converter with source/target materialization functions.

NOTE: This method must be implemented by the user.