MLIR  21.0.0git
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cmlir::AbstractAttributeThis class contains all of the static information common to all instances of a registered Attribute
 Cmlir::AbstractTypeThis class contains all of the static information common to all instances of a registered Type
 Cmlir::tracing::ActionAn action is a specific action that is to be taken by the compiler, that can be toggled and controlled by an external user
 Cmlir::tracing::ActionActiveStackThis class is used to keep track of the active actions in the stack
 Cmlir::affine::AffineBoundAffineBound represents a lower or upper bound in the for operation
 Cmlir::affine::AffineBuilderHelper struct to build simple AffineValueExprs with minimal type inference support
 Cmlir::affine::AffineCopyOptionsExplicit copy / DMA generation options for mlir::affineDataCopyGenerate
 Cmlir::AffineExprBase type for affine expression
 Cmlir::AffineExprVisitorBase< SubClass, RetTy >Base class for AffineExpr visitors/walkers
 Cmlir::AffineExprVisitorBase< SubClass, LogicalResult >
 Cmlir::AffineExprVisitorBase< SubClass, void >
 Cmlir::AffineMapA multi-dimensional affine map Affine map's are immutable like Type's, and they are uniqued
 Cmlir::affine::AffineValueMapAn AffineValueMap is an affine map plus its ML value operands and results for analysis purposes
 Cmlir::AliasAnalysisThis class represents the main alias analysis interface in MLIR
 Cmlir::detail::AliasAnalysisTraitsThis class contains various internal trait classes used by the main AliasAnalysis class below
 Cmlir::bufferization::AliasingOpOperandA maybe aliasing OpOperand
 Cmlir::bufferization::AliasingValueA maybe aliasing Value
 Cmlir::bufferization::AliasList< T >
 Cmlir::AliasResultThe possible results of an alias query
 Cmlir::detail::AnalysisConceptThe abstract polymorphic base class representing an analysis
 Cmlir::AnalysisManagerThis class represents an analysis manager for a particular operation instance
 Cmlir::detail::AnalysisMapThis class represents a cache of analyses for a single operation
 Cmlir::AnalysisStateBase class for generic analysis states
 Cmlir::bufferization::AnalysisStateAnalysisState provides a variety of helper functions for dealing with tensor values
 CAncestorKeyStores the "key" associated with an ancestor
 Cmlir::detail::AnyCapturedValueMatcherTerminal matcher, always returns true
 Cmlir::detail::AnyValueMatcherTerminal matcher, always returns true
 Cmlir::python::PyInferShapedTypeOpInterface::AppendResultsCallbackDataC-style user-data structure for type appending callback
 Cmlir::python::PyInferTypeOpInterface::AppendResultsCallbackDataC-style user-data structure for type appending callback
 Cmlir::transform::ApplyToEachResultListA list of results of applying a transform op with ApplyEachOpTrait to a single payload operation, co-indexed with the results of the transform op
 Cmlir::query::matcher::internal::ArgTypeTraits< T >
 Cmlir::query::matcher::internal::ArgTypeTraits< DynMatcher >
 Cmlir::query::matcher::internal::ArgTypeTraits< llvm::StringRef >
 Cmlir::ExecutionEngine::Argument< T >Trait that defines how a given type is passed to the JIT code
 Cmlir::ExecutionEngine::Argument< Result< T > >
 Cmlir::ArithBuilderHelper struct to build simple arithmetic quantities with minimal type inference support
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< T >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< bool >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< char >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< double >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< int32_t >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< int64_t >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::affine::NestedMatch >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::affine::NestedPattern >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::AffineExpr >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::Attribute >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::IRUnit >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::NamedAttribute >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< SMLoc >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< std::string >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< std::unique_ptr< mlir::irdl::Constraint > >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< StringAttr >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< StringRef >
 Cllvm::ArrayRef< uint32_t >
 Cmlir::AsmDialectResourceHandleThis class represents an opaque handle to a dialect resource entry
 Cmlir::AsmParsedResourceEntryThis class represents a single parsed resource entry
 Cmlir::AsmParserThis base class exposes generic asm parser hooks, usable across the various derived parsers
 Cmlir::AsmParserCodeCompleteContextThis class provides an abstract interface into the parser for hooking in code completion events
 Cmlir::AsmParserStateThis class represents state from a parsed MLIR textual format string
 Cmlir::AsmPrinterThis base class exposes generic asm printer hooks, usable across the various derived printers
 Cmlir::AsmResourceBlobThis class represents a processed binary blob of data
 Cmlir::AsmResourceBuilderThis class is used to build resource entries for use by the printer
 Cmlir::AsmResourceParserThis class represents an instance of a resource parser
 Cmlir::AsmResourcePrinterThis class represents an instance of a resource printer
 Cmlir::AsmStateThis class provides management for the lifetime of the state used when printing the IR
 Cmlir::OpTrait::AtLeastNOperands< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a at least a specified number of operands
 Cmlir::OpTrait::AtLeastNRegions< N >This class provides APIs for ops that are known to have at least a specified number of regions
 Cmlir::OpTrait::AtLeastNResults< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have at least a specified number of results
 Cmlir::OpTrait::AtLeastNSuccessors< N >This class provides APIs for ops that are known to have at least a specified number of successors
 Cmlir::OpTrait::AtMostOneChildOf< ChildOps >Characterize operations that have at most a single operation of certain types in their region
 Cmlir::detail::attr_value_binder< AttrClass, ValueType, typename >The matcher that matches a certain kind of Attribute and binds the value inside the Attribute
 Cmlir::arith::AttrConverterConstrainedFPToLLVM< SourceOp, TargetOp >
 Cmlir::arith::AttrConvertFastMathToLLVM< SourceOp, TargetOp >
 Cmlir::arith::AttrConvertOverflowToLLVM< SourceOp, TargetOp >
 Cmlir::AttrConvertPassThrough< SourceOp, TargetOp >
 Cmlir::AttributeAttributes are known-constant values of operations
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::AttributeThis class provides an ODS representation of a specific operation attribute
 Cmlir::AsmParserState::AttributeAliasDefinitionThis class represents the information for an attribute alias definition within the input file
 Cmlir::TypeConverter::AttributeConversionResultThe general result of a type attribute conversion callback, allowing for early termination
 Cmlir::detail::AttrOpBinder< AttrT >The matcher that matches operations that have the specified attribute name, and binds the attribute value
 Cmlir::detail::AttrOpMatcherThe matcher that matches operations that have the specified attribute name
 Cmlir::tblgen::AttrOrTypeDefWrapper class that contains a TableGen AttrOrTypeDef's record and provides helper methods for accessing them
 Cmlir::tblgen::AttrOrTypeParameterA wrapper class for tblgen AttrOrTypeParameter, arrays of which belong to AttrOrTypeDefs to parameterize them
 Cmlir::AttrTypeBytecodeReader< T >A class to interact with the attributes and types parser when parsing MLIR bytecode
 Cmlir::AttrTypeBytecodeWriter< T >A class to interact with the attributes and types printer when emitting MLIR bytecode
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::AttrTypeNumberingThis class represents a numbering entry for an Attribute or Type
 Cmlir::detail::AttrTypeReplacerBase< Concrete >This class provides a base utility for replacing attributes/types, and their sub elements
 Cmlir::detail::AttrTypeReplacerBase< AttrTypeReplacer >
 Cmlir::detail::AttrTypeReplacerBase< CyclicAttrTypeReplacer >
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< T, Enable >This class provides support for interacting with the SubElementInterfaces for different types of parameters
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< ArrayRef< T >, std::enable_if_t< has_sub_attr_or_type_v< T > > >Implementation for derived ArrayRef
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< LLVM::detail::LLVMStructTypeStorage::Key >Allow walking and replacing the subelements of a LLVMStructTypeStorage key
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< Location >Enable locations to be introspected as sub-elements
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< NamedAttribute >Allow walking and replacing the subelements of a NamedAttribute
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< std::tuple< Ts... >, std::enable_if_t< has_sub_attr_or_type_v< Ts... > > >Implementation for Tuple
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< Attribute, T >||std::is_base_of_v< Type, T > > >Implementation for derived Attributes and Types
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementHandler< TypeRange >Enable TypeRange to be introspected for sub-elements
 Cmlir::AttrTypeSubElementReplacements< T >This class is used by AttrTypeSubElementHandler instances to process sub element replacements
 Cmlir::python::BaseContextObjectBase class for all objects that directly or indirectly depend on an MlirContext
 Cmlir::ReductionNode::BaseIterator< iterator< SinglePath > >
 Cmlir::StorageUniquer::BaseStorageThis class acts as the base storage that all storage classes must derived from
 Cmlir::DialectResourceBlobManager::BlobEntryThe class represents an individual entry of a blob
 Cmlir::AsmParserState::BlockDefinitionThis class represents the information for a block definition within the input file
 Cmlir::spirv::BlockMergeInfoA struct for containing a header block's merge and continue targets
 Cmlir::ValueBoundsConstraintSet::BoundBuilderHelper class that builds a bound for a shaped value dimension or index-typed value
 Cmlir::tracing::BreakpointThis abstract class represents a breakpoint
 Cmlir::tracing::BreakpointManagerA breakpoint manager is responsible for managing a set of breakpoints and matching them to a given action
 Cmlir::bufferization::BufferizationOptionsOptions for BufferizableOpInterface-based bufferization
 Cmlir::bufferization::BufferizationStatisticsBufferization statistics for debugging
 Cmlir::BufferOriginAnalysisAn is-same-buffer analysis that checks if two SSA values belong to the same buffer allocation or not
 Cmlir::bufferization::BufferPlacementAllocsA simple analysis that detects allocation operations
 Cmlir::bufferization::BufferPlacementTransformationBaseThe base class for all BufferPlacement transformations
 Cmlir::BufferViewFlowAnalysisA straight-forward alias analysis which ensures that all dependencies of all values will be determined
 Cmlir::BuilderThis class is a general helper class for creating context-global objects like types, attributes, and affine expressions
 Cmlir::MemRefType::BuilderThis is a builder type that keeps local references to arguments
 Cmlir::RankedTensorType::BuilderThis is a builder type that keeps local references to arguments
 Cmlir::tblgen::BuilderWrapper class with helper methods for accessing Builders defined in TableGen
 Cmlir::VectorType::BuilderThis is a builder type that keeps local references to arguments
 Cmlir::BytecodeReaderThe BytecodeReader allows to load MLIR bytecode files, while keeping the state explicitly available in order to support lazy loading
 Cmlir::BytecodeReaderConfigA class containing bytecode-specific configurations of the ParserConfig
 Cmlir::BytecodeWriterConfigThis class contains the configuration used for the bytecode writer
 Cmlir::CachedCyclicReplacer< InT, OutT >A helper class for cases where the input/output types of the replacer function is identical to the types stored in the cache
 Cmlir::CyclicReplacerCache< InT, OutT >::CacheEntryA possibly unresolved cache entry
 Cmlir::CallGraphNodeThis class represents a single callable in the callgraph
 Cllvm::cast_convert_val< T, ::mlir::Dialect *, ::mlir::Dialect * >
 Cllvm::cast_convert_val< T, ::mlir::Dialect, ::mlir::Dialect >
 Cllvm::cast_retty_impl< T, ::mlir::Dialect * >
 Cllvm::cast_retty_impl< T, ::mlir::Dialect >
 Cmlir::CFGToSCFInterfaceInterface that should be implemented by any caller of transformCFGToSCF
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::TensorExp::ChildrenChild subexpressions for non-leaf expressions
 Cmlir::amdgpu::ChipsetRepresents the amdgpu gfx chipset version, e.g., gfx90a, gfx942, gfx1103
 CClampClampOptimization::ClampRange< T >
 Cmlir::tblgen::ClassA class used to emit C++ classes from Tablegen
 Cmlir::tblgen::ClassDeclarationA class declaration is a class element that appears as part of its declaration
 Cmlir::Operation::CloneOptionsClass encompassing various options related to cloning an operation
 Cmlir::lsp::CodeActionA code action represents a change that can be performed in code, e.g
 Cmlir::pdll::CodeCompleteContextThis class provides an abstract interface into the parser for hooking in code completion events
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::CodegenEnvThe code generation environment class aggregates a number of data structures that are needed during the code generation phase of sparsification
 Cmlir::python::CollectDiagnosticsToStringScopeRAII scope intercepting all diagnostics into a string
 CCommutativeOperandStores a commutative operand along with its BFS traversal information
 Cmlir::lsp::CompilationDatabaseThis class contains a collection of compilation information for files provided to the language server, such as the available include directories
 Cmlir::lsp::CompletionListRepresents a collection of completion items to be presented in the editor
 Cmlir::affine::ComputationSliceStateComputationSliceState aggregates loop IVs, loop bound AffineMaps and their associated operands for a set of loops within a loop nest (typically the set of loops surrounding a store operation)
 Cmlir::detail::AliasAnalysisTraits::ConceptThis class represents the Concept of an alias analysis implementation
 Cmlir::detail::constant_float_predicate_matcherThe matcher that matches a given target constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat float value that fulfills a predicate
 Cmlir::detail::constant_float_value_binderThe matcher that matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat float Attribute or Operation and binds the constant float value
 Cmlir::detail::constant_int_predicate_matcherThe matcher that matches a given target constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer value that fulfills a predicate
 Cmlir::detail::constant_int_range_predicate_matcherA matcher that matches a given a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer value or a constant integer range that fulfills a predicate
 Cmlir::detail::constant_int_value_binderThe matcher that matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer Attribute or Operation and binds the constant integer value
 Cmlir::detail::constant_op_binder< AttrT >The matcher that matches operations that have the ConstantLike trait, and binds the folded attribute value
 Cmlir::detail::constant_op_matcherThe matcher that matches operations that have the ConstantLike trait
 Cmlir::ConstantIntRangesA set of arbitrary-precision integers representing bounds on a given integer value
 Cmlir::vector::ScalableValueBoundsConstraintSet::ConstantOrScalableBoundA thin wrapper over an AffineMap which can represent a constant bound, or a scalable bound (in terms of vscale)
 Cmlir::dataflow::ConstantValueThis lattice value represents a known constant value of a lattice
 Cmlir::irdl::ConstraintOnce turned into IRDL verifiers, all constraints are attribute constraints
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::ConstraintThis class represents a generic ODS constraint
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::ConstraintRefThis class represents a reference to a constraint, and contains a constraint and the location of the reference
 Cmlir::irdl::ConstraintVerifierProvides context to the verification of constraints
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::ContextThis class represents the main context of the PDLL AST
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::ContextThis class contains all of the registered ODS operation classes
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::ContinuousTileSizeSpecificationBase< T >
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::ContinuousTileSizeSpecificationBase< int64_t >
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::ContinuousTileSizeSpecificationBase< Value >
 Cmlir::linalg::ContractionDimensionsPositions of a Linalg op loops that correspond to different kinds of a contraction dimension
 Cmlir::linalg::ControlDropUnitDimsTransformation to drop unit-extent dimensions from linalg.generic operations
 Cmlir::scf::SCFTileAndFuseOptions::ControlFnResultControl function to check if a slice needs to be fused or not, The control function receives 1) the slice along which fusion is to be done, 2) the producer value that is to be fused 3) a boolean value set to true if the fusion is from a destination operand
 Cmlir::ConversionConfigDialect conversion configuration
 Cmlir::ConversionTargetThis class describes a specific conversion target
 Cmlir::linalg::ConvolutionDimensionsPositions of a Linalg op loops that correspond to different kinds of a convolution dimension
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::COOSegmentA simple structure that encodes a range of levels in the sparse tensors that forms a COO segment
 Cmlir::affine::CopyGenerateResultResult for calling generateCopyForMemRegion
 Cmlir::CopyOnWriteArrayRef< T >
 Cmlir::CopyOnWriteArrayRef< bool >
 Cmlir::CopyOnWriteArrayRef< int64_t >
 Cmlir::presburger::IntegerRelation::CountsSnapshotThe struct CountsSnapshot stores the count of each VarKind, and also of each constraint type
 Cmlir::AsmParser::CyclicParseResetClass used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction
 Cmlir::AsmPrinter::CyclicPrintResetClass used to automatically end a cyclic region on destruction
 Cmlir::CyclicReplacerCache< InT, OutT >A cache for replacer-like functions that map values between two domains
 Cmlir::CyclicReplacerCache< llvm::DINode *, mlir::LLVM::DINodeAttr >
 Cmlir::CyclicReplacerCache< void *, const void * >
 Cmlir::DataFlowAnalysisBase class for all data-flow analyses
 Cmlir::DataFlowConfigConfiguration class for data flow solver and child analyses
 Cmlir::DataFlowSolverThe general data-flow analysis solver
 Cmlir::DataLayoutThe main mechanism for performing data layout queries
 Cmlir::DataLayoutAnalysisStores data layout objects for each operation that specifies the data layout above and below the given operation
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::DataLayoutImporterHelper class that translates an LLVM data layout to an MLIR data layout specification
 Cmlir::bufferization::DeallocationOptionsOptions for BufferDeallocationOpInterface-based buffer deallocation
 Cmlir::bufferization::DeallocationStateThis class collects all the state that we need to perform the buffer deallocation pass with associated helper functions such that we have easy access to it in the BufferDeallocationOpInterface implementations and the BufferDeallocation pass
 Cmlir::tracing::DebugCounterThis class implements an action handler that attaches a counter value to debug actions and enables/disables execution of these action based on the value of the counter
 Cmlir::spirv::DebugLineA struct for containing OpLine instruction information
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::DeclScopeThis class represents a scope for named AST decls
 Cmlir::python::Defaulting< DerivedTy, T >CRTP template for special wrapper types that are allowed to be passed in as 'None' function arguments and can be resolved by some global mechanic if so
 Cmlir::python::Defaulting< DefaultingPyLocation, PyLocation >
 Cmlir::python::Defaulting< DefaultingPyMlirContext, PyMlirContext >
 Cmlir::detail::DefaultTimingManagerImplImplementation details of the DefaultTimingManager
 Cmlir::spirv::DeferredStructTypeInfoA "deferred struct type" is a struct type with one or more member types not known when the Deserializer first encounters the struct
 Cmlir::raw_indented_ostream::DelimitedScopeSimple RAII struct to use to indentation around entering/exiting region
 Cllvm::DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT, BucketT >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< AccessGroupAttr, llvm::MDNode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< AffineMap, Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< AliasScopeAttr, llvm::MDNode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< AliasScopeDomainAttr, llvm::MDNode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Block *, BlockMergeInfo >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Block *, LivenessBlockInfo >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< ComdatSelectorOp, llvm::Comdat * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const llvm::Comdat *, SymbolRefAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const llvm::MDNode *, AccessGroupAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const llvm::MDNode *, LoopAnnotationAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const llvm::MDNode *, mlir::Attribute >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const mlir::OpAsmDialectInterface *, llvm::StringMap< std::pair< std::string, mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle > > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const void *, const void * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< const void *, std::pair< nanobind::handle, PyModule * > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< FuncOp, FuncOpAnalysisState >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< FuncOp, llvm::DenseMap >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< FuncOp, llvm::DenseSet >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< InT, DependentReplacement >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< InT, llvm::SmallVector< size_t, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< InT, OutT >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::BasicBlock *, mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::DINode *, DependentReplacement >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::DINode *, llvm::SmallVector< size_t, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::DINode *, mlir::DistinctAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::DINode *, mlir::LLVM::DINodeAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::GlobalVariable *, mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::Instruction *, mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::Type *, mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< llvm::Value *, mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle, mlir::bytecode::detail::DialectResourceNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, llvm::DINode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, llvm::MDNode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, mlir::bytecode::detail::AttributeNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Attribute, uint32_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Block *, llvm::BasicBlock * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Block *, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Value > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Block *, mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Block *, uint32_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Block *, unsigned >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Dialect *, llvm::SetVector< mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Dialect *, mlir::bytecode::detail::DialectNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::DistinctAttr, llvm::DINode * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::LatticeAnchor, llvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::AnalysisState > >, llvm::DenseMapInfo< llvm::PointerUnion > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::CallInst * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::GlobalValue * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::Instruction * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::SetVector< mlir::Operation * > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::SmallVector< AffineForOp, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Dialect *, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, llvm::SmallVector< spirv::VariableOp, 8 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, mlir::bytecode::detail::OperationNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, mlir::ValueRange >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, std::unique_ptr< mlir::DataLayout > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, std::unique_ptr< mlir::detail::NestedAnalysisMap > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, std::unique_ptr< mlir::SymbolTable > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, uint64_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Operation *, unsigned >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::OperationName, DynamicLegalityCallbackFn >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::OperationName, llvm::SmallVector< const mlir::RewritePattern *, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::OperationName, mlir::bytecode::detail::OpNameNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Region *, const mlir::TypeConverter * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Region *, llvm::DenseMap >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Region *, llvm::PointerIntPair< DomTree *, 1, bool > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Region *, std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Type, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, llvm::SmallVector< RecursiveStructPointerInfo, 0 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, llvm::Type * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, llvm::TypeSize >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, mlir::bytecode::detail::TypeNumbering * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, std::optional< uint64_t > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, uint32_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Type, uint64_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, mlir::AbstractAttribute * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, mlir::AbstractType * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, mlir::RegisteredOperationName >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, mlir::StorageUniquer::BaseStorage * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::bufferization::OneShotAnalysisState::Extension > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::DialectInterface > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::DynamicAttrDefinition > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::DynamicTypeDefinition > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< mlir::transform::TransformState::Extension > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::TypeID, std::unique_ptr< ParametricStorageUniquer > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, llvm::SetVector< mlir::Value > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, llvm::SmallVector< size_t, 1 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, llvm::SmallVector< SMLoc > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, llvm::Value * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, mlir::shape::ShapeMappingValue >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, uint32_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< mlir::Value, unsigned >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< MlirTypeID, nanobind::callable >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Operation *, LazyLoadableOpsInfo::iterator >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Operation *, SmallVector< LoopReduction, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Operation *, SmallVector< Value, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< OperationName, std::vector< RewritePattern * > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::pair< const void *, int >, mlir::WalkResult >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::pair< mlir::Block *, mlir::Block * >, llvm::SmallVector >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::pair< mlir::Operation *, mlir::Operation * >, bool >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::pair< mlir::Value, mlir::Block * >, mlir::bufferization::Ownership >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::tuple< mlir::Location, llvm::DILocalScope *, const llvm::DILocation * >, llvm::DILocation * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::tuple< StringRef, int64_t, int64_t >, std::unique_ptr< mlir::tracing::FileLineColLocBreakpoint > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< std::variant< mlir::Operation *, mlir::Block *, mlir::Region *, mlir::Value >, mlir::Region * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringAttr, DataLayoutEntryInterface >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringRef, llvm::SmallVector< StringAttrStorage * > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringRef, mlir::AbstractAttribute * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringRef, mlir::AbstractType * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringRef, std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmResourceParser > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< StringRef, std::unique_ptr< mlir::Dialect > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< TypeAttr, DataLayoutEntryInterface >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, llvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, llvm::DenseMap< spirv::Decoration, llvm::ArrayRef< uint32_t > > > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, llvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, StringRef > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, mlir::NamedAttrList >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, mlir::spirv::SpecConstOperationMaterializationInfo >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, spirv::FuncOp >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, spirv::GlobalVariableOp >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, spirv::SpecConstantCompositeOp >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, spirv::SpecConstantOp >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, std::pair< mlir::Attribute, mlir::Type > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, StringRef >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint32_t, uint32_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint64_t, mlir::DistinctAttr >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint64_t, size_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< uint64_t, std::unique_ptr< llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Type > > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< UnrealizedConversionCastOp, UnresolvedMaterializationRewrite * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< unsigned, const mlir::LLVMImportDialectInterface * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< unsigned, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::affine::MemRefDependenceGraph::Edge, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< unsigned, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Dialect *, 1 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< unsigned, mlir::affine::MemRefDependenceGraph::Node >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< unsigned, mlir::Dialect * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, DenseMap< Value, RootOrderingEntry > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, SmallVector< Operation *, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, SmallVector< Param > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, SmallVector< Value > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, std::function< void(Location)> >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< Value, ValueSetT >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< ValueDim, int64_t >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< void *, const void * >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< void *, DependentReplacement >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< void *, llvm::SmallVector< size_t, 2 > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< void *, std::pair< nanobind::handle, PyOperation * > >
 Cllvm::DenseMap< void *, UseListOrderStorage >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< T, Enable >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::AffineExpr >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::AffineMap >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::Attribute >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::Block::iterator >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::IntegerSet >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::Location >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::NamedAttribute >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::OperationName >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfo >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::pdll::ast::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::ProgramPoint >Allow hashing of lattice anchors and program points
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::SuccessorRange >Provide support for hashing successor ranges
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::tblgen::Constraint >Unique constraints by their predicate and summary
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::tblgen::DagLeaf >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::tblgen::DagNode >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::TypeID >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::TypeRange >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< MlirTypeID >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< mlir::detail::IsInterface< T >::value > >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< mlir::OpState, T >::value &&!mlir::detail::IsInterface< T >::value > >
 Cllvm::detail::DenseMapPair< KeyT, ValueT >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< ValueT, ValueInfoT >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< const DialectInterface *, InterfaceKeyInfo >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< InT >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< mlir::OpOperand * >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< Operation * >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< std::pair< mlir::TypeID, mlir::TypeID > >
 Cllvm::DenseSet< void * >
 Cmlir::affine::DependenceResultChecks whether two accesses to the same memref access the same element
 CDescriptorSetInfoStruct containing information regarding a descriptor set
 Cmlir::spirv::DeserializerA SPIR-V module serializer
 Cmlir::DiagnosedDefiniteFailureA compatibility class connecting InFlightDiagnostic to DiagnosedSilenceableFailure while providing an interface similar to the former
 Cmlir::DiagnosedSilenceableFailureThe result of a transform IR operation application
 Cmlir::DiagnosticThis class contains all of the information necessary to report a diagnostic to the DiagnosticEngine
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::DiagnosticThis class provides a simple implementation of a PDLL diagnostic
 Cmlir::DiagnosticArgumentA variant type that holds a single argument for a diagnostic
 Cmlir::DiagnosticEngineThis class is the main interface for diagnostics
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::DiagnosticEngineThis class manages the construction and emission of PDLL diagnostics
 Cmlir::python::PyDiagnostic::DiagnosticInfoMaterialized diagnostic information
 Cmlir::lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformationRepresents a related message and source code location for a diagnostic
 Cmlir::DialectDialects are groups of MLIR operations, types and attributes, as well as behavior associated with the entire group
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::DialectThis class represents an ODS dialect, and contains information on the constructs held within the dialect
 Cmlir::DialectBytecodeReaderThis class defines a virtual interface for reading a bytecode stream, providing hooks into the bytecode reader
 Cmlir::DialectBytecodeWriterThis class defines a virtual interface for writing to a bytecode stream, providing hooks into the bytecode writer
 Cmlir::DialectExtensionBaseThis class represents an opaque dialect extension
 Cmlir::DialectInterfaceThis class represents an interface overridden for a single dialect
 Cmlir::detail::DialectInterfaceCollectionBaseThis class is the base class for a collection of instances for a specific interface kind
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::DialectNumberingThis class represents a numbering entry for an Dialect
 Cmlir::DialectPluginA loaded dialect plugin
 Cmlir::DialectPluginLibraryInfoInformation about the plugin required to load its dialects & passes
 Cmlir::DialectRegistryThe DialectRegistry maps a dialect namespace to a constructor for the matching dialect
 Cmlir::DialectResourceBlobManagerThis class defines a manager for dialect resource blobs
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::DialectResourceNumberingThis class represents a numbering entry for a dialect resource
 Cmlir::DialectVersionThis class is used to represent the version of a dialect, for the purpose of polymorphic destruction
 Cmlir::LLVM::DIExpressionRewriterRewriter for DIExpressionAttr
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::DimLvlMapParserParses the Sparse Tensor Encoding Attribute (STEA)
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::DimSpecThe full dimVar = dimExpr : dimSlice specification for a given dimension
 Cmlir::detail::DistinctAttributeAllocatorAn allocator for distinct attribute storage instances
 Cmlir::detail::DistinctAttributeUniquerA specialized attribute uniquer for distinct attributes that always allocates since the distinct attribute instances use the address of their storage as unique identifier
 Cmlir::presburger::DivisionReprClass storing division representation of local variables of a constraint system
 Cmlir::affine::DivModValueHolds the result of (div a, b) and (mod a, b)
 Cmlir::lsp::DocumentLinkA range in a text document that links to an internal or external resource, like another text document or a web site
 Cmlir::lsp::DocumentLinkParamsParameters for the document link request
 Cmlir::lsp::DocumentSymbolRepresents programming constructs like variables, classes, interfaces etc
 Cmlir::detail::DominanceInfoBase< IsPostDom >
 Cmlir::detail::DominanceInfoBase< false >
 Cmlir::detail::DominanceInfoBase< true >
 CDynamicMemRefIterator< T >Iterate over all elements in a dynamic memref
 CDynamicMemRefType< T >
 Cmlir::CallGraphNode::EdgeThis class represents a directed edge between two nodes in the callgraph
 Cmlir::SideEffects::EffectThis class represents a base class for a specific effect type
 Cmlir::SideEffects::EffectInstance< EffectT >This class represents a specific instance of an effect
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::Element< V >An element of a sparse tensor in coordinate-scheme representation (i.e., a pair of coordinates and value)
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ElementLT< V >Closure object for operator< on Element with a given rank
 Cmlir::detail::ElementsAttrIndexerThis class provides support for indexing into the element range of an ElementsAttr
 Cmlir::linalg::ElementwiseOpFusionResultFuse two linalg.generic operations that have a producer-consumer relationship captured through fusedOperand
 Cmlir::EmptyPropertiesStructure used by default as a "marker" when no "Properties" are set on an Operation
 Cmlir::bufferization::OpFilter::EntryAn op filter entry
 Cmlir::python::PyMlirContext::ErrorCaptureRAII object that captures any error diagnostics emitted to the provided context
 Cmlir::tracing::ExecutionContextThe ExecutionContext is the main orchestration of the infrastructure, it acts as a handler in the MLIRContext for executing an Action
 Cmlir::ExecutionEngineJIT-backed execution engine for MLIR
 Cllvm::Expected< T >
 Cmlir::detail::ExpectedDiagThis class represents an expected output diagnostic
 Cmlir::quant::ExpressedToQuantizedConverterPerforms type conversion from an arbitrary input type to a type that is expressed by a QuantizedType
 Cmlir::bufferization::OneShotAnalysisState::ExtensionBase class for OneShotAnalysisState extensions that allow OneShotAnalysisState to contain user-specified information in the state object
 Cmlir::transform::TransformState::ExtensionBase class for TransformState extensions that allow TransformState to contain user-specified information in the state object
 Cmlir::tensor::ExtractSliceFromCollapseHelperThis class assists with generating IR required to materialize an arbitrary-sized slice from the result of a CollapseShapeOp
 Cmlir::FallbackAsmResourceMapA fallback map containing external resources not explicitly handled by another parser/printer
 Cmlir::detail::FallbackTypeIDResolverThis class provides a fallback for resolving TypeIDs
 Cmlir::FieldParser< T, typename >Provide a template class that can be specialized by users to dispatch to parsers
 Cmlir::FieldParser< AffineMap >Parse an affine map
 Cmlir::FieldParser< AttributeT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Attribute, AttributeT >::value, AttributeT > >Parse an attribute
 Cmlir::FieldParser< ContainerT, std::enable_if_t< llvm::is_detected< detail::has_push_back_t, ContainerT >::value, ContainerT > >Parse any container that supports back insertion as a list
 Cmlir::FieldParser< IntT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< IntT >::value, IntT > >Parse any integer
 Cmlir::FieldParser< std::optional< AttributeT >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Attribute, AttributeT >::value, std::optional< AttributeT > > >Parse an Optional attribute
 Cmlir::FieldParser< std::optional< IntT >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< IntT >::value, std::optional< IntT > > >Parse an Optional integer
 Cmlir::FieldParser< std::string >Parse a string
 Cmlir::FieldParser< TypeT, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Type, TypeT >::value, TypeT > >Parse a type
 Cmlir::lsp::CompilationDatabase::FileInfoCompilation information for a specific file within the database
 Cmlir::tblgen::FmtContextFormat context containing substitutions for special placeholders
 Cmlir::tblgen::FmtReplacementStruct representing a replacement segment for the formatted string
 Cmlir::linalg::ForallReductionTilingResultTransformation information returned after reduction tiling
 CForallRewriteResultStruct to return the result of the rewrite of a forall operation
 Cllvm::format_provider< mlir::lsp::Position >
 Cmlir::ForwardDominanceIterator< NoGraphRegions >This iterator enumerates elements according to their dominance relationship
 Cmlir::ForwardIteratorThis iterator enumerates the elements in "forward" order
 Cmlir::presburger::FractionA class to represent fractions
 Cmlir::nvgpu::FragmentElementInfoSpecifies information about the registers which compose a matrix fragment according to the PTX documentation
 Cmlir::FrozenRewritePatternSetThis class represents a frozen set of patterns that can be processed by a pattern applicator
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::FuncCallOrInlineGenerator< SubClass >A helper class to simplify lowering operations with/without function calls
 Cllvm::function_ref< Fn >
 Cllvm::function_ref< Attribute(Attribute, ArrayRef< Attribute >, ArrayRef< Type >)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< bool(mlir::Operation *)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< Control(const ActionActiveStack *)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< llvm::Error(llvm::Module *)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< llvm::LogicalResult(mlir::Operation *, mlir::JitRunnerOptions &options)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< llvm::orc::SymbolMap(llvm::orc::MangleAndInterner)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< LogicalResult(mlir::OpPassManager &, mlir::Operation *)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< mlir::SymbolTable *()>
 Cllvm::function_ref< ShapeAdaptor(Value)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< Type(Type, ArrayRef< Attribute >, ArrayRef< Type >)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(Attribute, function_ref< void(Attribute)>, function_ref< void(Type)>)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(llvm::Module &)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(mlir::Attribute)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(mlir::Diagnostic &)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(mlir::OpaqueProperties)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(mlir::OpaqueProperties, const mlir::OpaqueProperties)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(mlir::Type)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(StringRef)>
 Cllvm::function_ref< void(Type, function_ref< void(Attribute)>, function_ref< void(Type)>)>
 Cmlir::linalg::FusionInfoA struct containing the Linalg producer before and after fusion
 Cmlir::affine::FusionStrategyDescribes the fusion strategy to be used in the Affine loop fusion utilities
 Cmlir::presburger::GBRSimplexGiven a simplex for a polytope, construct a new simplex whose variables are identified with a pair of points (x, y) in the original polytope
 Cmlir::linalg::GenerateLoopNest< LoopTy >Utility class used to generate nested loops with ranges described by loopRanges and loop type described by the iteratorTypes
 Cmlir::GenInfoStructure to group information about a generator (argument to invoke via mlir-tblgen, description, and generator function)
 Cmlir::GenRegistrationGenRegistration provides a global initializer that registers a generator function
 Cmlir::LLVM::GEPIndicesAdaptor< DynamicRange >Class used for convenient access and iteration over GEP indices
 Cmlir::transform::gpu::GpuIdBuilderHelper struct for configuring the rewrite of mapped scf.forall ops to various gpu id configurations
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< const mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< const mlir::CallGraphNode * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< const mlir::DominanceInfoNode * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< const mlir::Block * > >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< mlir::Block * > >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< mlir::DominanceInfoNode * >DominatorTree GraphTraits specialization so the DominatorTree can be iterated by generic graph iterators
 Cmlir::GreedyRewriteConfigThis class allows control over how the GreedyPatternRewriteDriver works
 Cmlir::OpTrait::HasParent< ParentOpTypes >This class provides a verifier for ops that are expecting their parent to be one of the given parent ops
 Cmlir::OpTrait::hasSingleBlockImplicitTerminator< Op, hasTerminator >Support to check if an operation has the SingleBlockImplicitTerminator trait
 Cmlir::OpTrait::hasSingleBlockImplicitTerminator< Op, false >
 Cmlir::HeapAsmResourceBlobThis class provides a simple utility wrapper for creating heap allocated AsmResourceBlobs
 CHopperBuilderHelper to create the base Hopper-specific operations that are reused in various other places
 Cmlir::HyperrectangularSliceA hyperrectangular slice, represented as a list of offsets, sizes and strides
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::I64BitSetA simple wrapper to encode a bitset of (at most 64) levels, currently used by sparse_tensor.iterate operation for the set of levels on which the coordinates should be loaded
 Cmlir::transform::gpu::IdBuilderResultHelper type for functions that generate ids for the mapping of a scf.forall
 Cmlir::presburger::IdentifierAn Identifier stores a pointer to an object, such as a Value or an Operation
 Cllvm::ilist_traits<::mlir::Operation >
 Cmlir::BytecodeReader::ImplThis class is used to read a bytecode buffer and translate it into MLIR
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::Var::ImplThe underlying implementation of Var
 Cmlir::detail::infer_int_range_op_binderA matcher that matches operations that implement the InferIntRangeInterface interface, and binds the inferred range
 Cmlir::tblgen::InferredResultTypeThis class represents an inferred result type
 Cmlir::InFlightDiagnosticThis class represents a diagnostic that is inflight and set to be reported
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::InFlightDiagnosticThis class represents a diagnostic that is inflight and set to be reported
 Cmlir::lsp::InlayHintInlay hint information
 Cmlir::lsp::InlayHintsParamsA parameter literal used in inlay hint requests
 Cmlir::InlinerThis is an implementation of the inliner that operates bottom up over the Strongly Connected Components(SCCs) of the CallGraph
 Cmlir::detail::InlineTypeIDResolverThis class provides utilities for resolving the TypeID of a class that provides a static TypeID resolveTypeID() method
 Cmlir::TypeConverter::SignatureConversion::InputMappingThis struct represents a range of new types or a range of values that remaps an existing signature input
 Cmlir::OpBuilder::InsertionGuardRAII guard to reset the insertion point of the builder when destroyed
 Cmlir::OpBuilder::InsertPointThis class represents a saved insertion point
 Cmlir::tracing::InstallDebugHandlerThis is a RAII class that installs the debug handlers on the context based on the provided configuration
 Cmlir::presburger::IntegerRelationAn IntegerRelation represents the set of points from a PresburgerSpace that satisfy a list of affine constraints
 Cmlir::IntegerSetAn integer set representing a conjunction of one or more affine equalities and inequalities
 Cmlir::IntegerValueRangeThis lattice value represents the integer range of an SSA value
 Cmlir::OperationName::InterfaceConceptThis class represents a type erased version of an operation
 Cmlir::detail::InterfaceMapThis class provides an efficient mapping between a given Interface type, and a particular implementation of its concept
 Cmlir::InvocationBoundsThis class represents upper and lower bounds on the number of times a region of a RegionBranchOpInterface can be invoked
 Cmlir::IRMappingThis is a utility class for mapping one set of IR entities to another
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::IRNumberingStateThis class manages numbering IR entities in preparation of bytecode emission
 Cmlir::IRObjectWithUseList< OperandType >This class represents a single IR object that contains a use list
 Cmlir::IRObjectWithUseList< BlockOperand >
 Cmlir::IRObjectWithUseList< OpOperand >
 Cmlir::detail::IROperandBaseThis class is the base for IROperand, and provides all of the non-templated facilities for operand use management
 Cmlir::PassManager::IRPrinterConfigA configuration struct provided to the IR printer instrumentation
 Cmlir::detail::is_fully_resolved_t< T >
 Cmlir::DenseElementsAttr::is_valid_cpp_fp_type< T >Type trait used to check if the given type T is a potentially valid C++ floating point type that can be used to access the underlying element types of a DenseElementsAttr
 Cllvm::isa_impl< mlir::DynamicDialect, mlir::Dialect >Provide isa functionality for DynamicDialect
 Cllvm::isa_impl< mlir::ExtensibleDialect, mlir::Dialect >Provide isa functionality for ExtensibleDialect
 Cllvm::isa_impl< T, ::mlir::Dialect, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<::mlir::Dialect, T >::value > >Provide isa functionality for Dialects
 Cllvm::isa_impl< T, ::mlir::Dialect, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<::mlir::DialectInterface, T >::value > >
 Cllvm::isa_impl< T, ::mlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::StackFrame >
 Cmlir::ReductionNode::iterator< mode >
 Cmlir::ReductionNode::iterator< SinglePath >
 Cllvm::iterator_range< IteratorT >
 Cllvm::iterator_range< TypeRangeRangeIterator >
 Cllvm::iterator_range< ValueTypeIterator< ValueRangeT::iterator > >
 Cstd::iterator_traits< nanobind::detail::fast_iterator >
 Cmlir::StructuredGenerator< StructuredOpInterface, IteratorTypeT >::IteratorType
 CjEliminates variable at the specified position using Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination
 Cmlir::JamBlockGatherer< OpTy >
 Cmlir::JitRunnerConfigConfiguration to override functionality of the JitRunner
 Cmlir::JitRunnerOptionsJitRunner command line options used by JitRunnerConfig methods
 Cmlir::lsp::JSONTransportA transport class that performs the JSON-RPC communication with the LSP client
 Cmlir::lsp::JSONTransportInputAn abstract class used by the JSONTransport to read JSON message
 Cmlir::gpu::KernelDim3Utility class for the GPU dialect to represent triples of Values accessible through .x, .y, and .z similarly to CUDA notation
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::LLVMStructTypeStorage::KeyConstruction/uniquing key class for LLVM dialect structure storage
 Cmlir::AsmParser::KeywordSwitch< ResultT >This class represents a StringSwitch like class that is useful for parsing expected keywords
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::LatPointLattice point
 Cmlir::nvgpu::LdMatrixParamsEncapsulates the parameters needed to lower a nvgpu.ldmatrix operation to nvvm.ldmatrix
 Cmlir::ConversionTarget::LegalOpDetailsA structure containing additional information describing a specific legal operation instance
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::LevelTypeThis enum defines all the sparse representations supportable by the SparseTensor dialect
 Cmlir::LexerThis class breaks up the current file into a token stream
 Cmlir::query::QueryParser::LexOrCompleteWord< T >
 Cmlir::linalg::LinalgLoopDistributionOptionsOptions that allow distribution of loops generated in Linalg transforms to processors while generating the loops
 Cmlir::memref::LinearizedMemRefInfoFor a memref with offset, sizes and strides, returns the offset, size, and potentially the size padded at the front to use for the linearized memref
 Cmlir::OpBuilder::ListenerBaseBase class for listeners
 Cmlir::LivenessRepresents an analysis for computing liveness information from a given top-level operation
 Cmlir::LivenessBlockInfoThis class represents liveness information on block level
 Cmlir::LocalAliasAnalysisThis class implements a local form of alias analysis that tries to identify the underlying values addressed by each value and performs a few basic checks to see if they alias
 Cmlir::LocationThis class defines the main interface for locations in MLIR and acts as a non-nullable wrapper around a LocationAttr
 Cmlir::lsp::LoggerThis class represents the main interface for logging, and allows for filtering logging based on different levels of severity or significance
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::LoopAnnotationImporterA helper class that converts llvm.loop metadata nodes into corresponding LoopAnnotationAttrs and nodes into AccessGroupAttrs
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::LoopAnnotationTranslationA helper class that converts LoopAnnotationAttrs and AccessGroupAttrs into corresponding llvm::MDNodes
 Cmlir::affine::LoopNestStatsLoopNestStats aggregates various per-loop statistics (eg
 Cmlir::affine::LoopReductionA description of a (parallelizable) reduction in an affine loop
 Cmlir::x86vector::avx2::LoweringOptionsOptions for controlling specialized AVX2 lowerings
 Cmlir::LowerToLLVMOptionsOptions to control the LLVM lowering
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::LvlSpecThe full lvlVar = lvlExpr : lvlType specification for a given level
 Cmlir::transform::gpu::MappingInfoBase struct to hold GPU mapping information for a given operation
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingTraits< YamlFileInfo >
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::MapRefA class for capturing the sparse tensor type map with a compact encoding
 Cmlir::x86vector::MaskHelperHelper class to factor out the creation and extraction of masks from nibs
 Cmlir::Pattern::MatchAnyOpTypeTagThis class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match "any" operation type explicit
 Cmlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp::MatcherNodeThis class represents the base of a predicate matcher node
 Cmlir::Pattern::MatchInterfaceOpTypeTagThis class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match any operation that implements a given interface explicit
 Cmlir::Pattern::MatchTraitOpTypeTagThis class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match any operation that implements a given trait explicit
 Cmlir::presburger::Matrix< T >This is a class to represent a resizable matrix
 Cmlir::presburger::Matrix< DynamicAPInt >
 Cmlir::presburger::Matrix< Fraction >
 Cmlir::presburger::MaybeLocalReprMaybeLocalRepr contains the indices of the constraints that can be expressed as a floordiv of an affine function
 Cmlir::presburger::MaybeOptimum< T >
 Cmlir::Mem2RegStatisticsStatistics collected while applying mem2reg
 Cmlir::tblgen::Constructor::MemberInitializerInitialization of a class field in a constructor
 Cmlir::MemorySlotRepresents a slot in memory
 Cmlir::affine::MemRefAccessEncapsulates a memref load or store access information
 Cimpl::MemRefDataPrinter< T >
 Cimpl::MemRefDataVerifier< T >Verify the result of two computations are equivalent up to a small numerical error and return the number of errors
 CMemRefDescriptor< T, N >
 Cmlir::MemRefDescriptorViewHelper class allowing the user to access a range of Values that correspond to an unpacked memref descriptor using named accessors
 Cmlir::affine::MemRefRegionA region of a memref's data space; this is typically constructed by analyzing load/store op's on this memref and the index space of loops surrounding such op's
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::MergerA class to handle all iteration lattice operations
 Cmlir::MergeResultContainer for the result of merge operation of tiling
 Cmlir::lsp::MessageHandlerA handler used to process the incoming transport messages
 Cmlir::tblgen::MethodBodyThis class contains the body of a C++ method
 Cmlir::tblgen::MethodParameterThis class contains a single method parameter for a C++ function
 Cmlir::tblgen::MethodParametersThis class contains a list of method parameters for constructor, class methods, and method signatures
 Cmlir::tblgen::MethodSignatureThis class contains the signature of a C++ method, including the return type
 Cmlir::MLIRContextMLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR operations
 Cmlir::MLIRContextImplThis is the implementation of the MLIRContext class, using the pImpl idiom
 Cmlir::lsp::MLIRConvertBytecodeParamsThis class represents the parameters used when converting between MLIR's bytecode and textual format
 Cmlir::lsp::MLIRConvertBytecodeResultThis class represents the result of converting between MLIR's bytecode and textual format
 Cnanobind::detail::MlirDefaultingCaster< DefaultingTy >
 Cnanobind::detail::MlirDefaultingCaster< mlir::python::DefaultingPyLocation >
 Cnanobind::detail::MlirDefaultingCaster< mlir::python::DefaultingPyMlirContext >
 CMlirDiagnosticAn opaque reference to a diagnostic, always owned by the diagnostics engine (context)
 CMlirDialectRegistrationHooksStructure of dialect registration hooks
 Cmlir::python::MLIRErrorCustom exception that allows access to error diagnostic information
 CMlirExternalPassCallbacksStructure of external MlirPass callbacks
 CMlirLogicalResultA logical result value, essentially a boolean with named states
 CMlirNamedAttributeNamed MLIR attribute
 CMlirOperationStateAn auxiliary class for constructing operations
 Cmlir::MlirOptMainConfigConfiguration options for the mlir-opt tool
 Cmlir::lsp::MLIRServerThis class implements all of the MLIR related functionality necessary for a language server
 CMlirStringRefA pointer to a sized fragment of a string, not necessarily null-terminated
 CMmaSyncBuilderHelper struct to provide a simple mapping from matmul operations to the corresponding mma.sync operation
 Cmlir::ModRefResultThe possible results of whether a memory access modifies or references a memory location
 Cmlir::ModuleAnalysisManagerAn analysis manager class specifically for the top-level operation
 Cmlir::LLVM::ModuleImportModule import implementation class that provides methods to import globals and functions from an LLVM module into an MLIR module
 Cmlir::LLVM::ModuleToObjectUtility base class for transforming operations into binary objects, by default it returns the serialized LLVM bitcode for the module
 Cmlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslationImplementation class for module translation
 Cmlir::polynomial::MonomialBase< Derived, CoefficientType >
 Cmlir::polynomial::MonomialBase< FloatMonomial, APFloat >
 Cmlir::polynomial::MonomialBase< IntMonomial, APInt >
 Cmlir::presburger::MultiAffineFunctionThis class represents a multi-affine function with the domain as Z^d, where d is the number of domain variables of the function
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::MultiSizeSpecificationBase< T >
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::MultiSizeSpecificationBase< int64_t >
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::MultiSizeSpecificationBase< Value >
 Cmlir::MutableAffineMapA mutable affine map. Its affine expressions are however unique
 Cllvm::MutableArrayRef< T >
 Cllvm::MutableArrayRef< mlir::Region >
 Cmlir::MutableOperandRangeThis class provides a mutable adaptor for a range of operands
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::NameThis class provides a convenient API for interacting with source names
 Cmlir::NamedAttributeNamedAttribute represents a combination of a name and an Attribute value
 Cmlir::NamedAttrListNamedAttrList is array of NamedAttributes that tracks whether it is sorted and does some basic work to remain sorted
 Cmlir::detail::NameOpMatcherThe matcher that matches operations that have the specified op name
 Cmlir::detail::NestedAnalysisMapAn analysis map that contains a map for the current operation, and a set of maps for any child operations
 Cmlir::affine::NestedMatchAn NestedPattern captures nested patterns in the IR
 Cmlir::affine::NestedPatternContextRAII structure to transparently manage the bump allocator for NestedPattern and NestedMatch classes
 Cmlir::pdll::ast::NodeThis class represents a base AST node
 Cmlir::OpTrait::NOperands< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified number of operands
 Cmlir::OpTrait::NRegions< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified number of regions
 Cmlir::OpTrait::NResults< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified number of results
 Cmlir::OpTrait::NSuccessors< N >This class provides the API for ops that are known to have a specified number of successors
 CNumWorkGroupsStruct containing the number of local workgroups to dispatch for each dimension
 Cmlir::tracing::ExecutionContext::ObserverThis abstract class defines the interface used to observe an Action execution
 Cmlir::OpTrait::OneTypedResult< ResultType >This trait is used for return value APIs for ops that are known to have a specific type other than Type
 Cmlir::detail::op_matcher< OpClass >The matcher that matches a certain kind of op
 Cmlir::FallbackAsmResourceMap::OpaqueAsmResourceThis class represents an opaque resource
 Cmlir::OpaquePropertiesSimple wrapper around a void* in order to express generically how to pass in op properties through APIs
 COpComplianceInfo< T >
 Cmlir::tblgen::Operator::OperandOrAttributePair consisting kind of argument and index into operands or attributes
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::OperandOrResultThis class provides an ODS representation of a specific operation operand or result
 Cmlir::detail::OperandStorageThis class handles the management of operation operands
 Cmlir::pdll::ods::OperationThis class provides an ODS representation of a specific operation
 Cmlir::AsmParserState::OperationDefinitionThis class represents the information for an operation definition within an input file
 Cmlir::OperationEquivalenceThis class provides utilities for computing if two operations are equivalent
 Cmlir::OperationFingerPrintA unique fingerprint for a specific operation, and all of it's internal operations (if includeNested is set)
 Cmlir::OperationFolderA utility class for folding operations, and unifying duplicated constants generated along the way
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::OperationNumberingThis class represents the numbering entry of an operation
 Cmlir::OperationStateThis represents an operation in an abstracted form, suitable for use with the builder APIs
 Cmlir::tblgen::OperatorWrapper class that contains a MLIR op's information (e.g., operands, attributes) defined in TableGen and provides helper methods for accessing them
 Cmlir::bytecode::detail::OpNameNumberingThis class represents the numbering entry of an operation name
 Cmlir::OpPassManagerThis class represents a pass manager that runs passes on either a specific operation type, or any isolated operation
 Cmlir::OpPrintingFlagsSet of flags used to control the behavior of the various IR print methods (e.g
 Cmlir::OpStateThis is the concrete base class that holds the operation pointer and has non-generic methods that only depend on State (to avoid having them instantiated on template types that don't affect them
 Cmlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp::OptimalBranchingThe optimal branching algorithm solver
 Cmlir::OptionalParseResultThis class implements Optional functionality for ParseResult
 Cmlir::OutputStrategyFacilities for printing timing reports to various output formats
 Cmlir::bufferization::OwnershipThis class is used to track the ownership of values
 Cmlir::OwningMemRef< T, Rank >Owning MemRef type that abstracts over the runtime type for ranked strided memref
 Cmlir::OwningOpRef< OpTy >This class acts as an owning reference to an op, and will automatically destroy the held op on destruction if the held op is valid
 Cmlir::OwningOpRef< ModuleOp >
 Cmlir::OwningOpRef< spirv::ModuleOp >
 Cmlir::linalg::detail::PackingResultHelper struct to hold the results of building a packing loop nest
 Cmlir::linalg::PackResultStruct to hold the result of a pack call
 Cmlir::linalg::PackTransposeResultStruct to hold the result of a packTranspose call
 Cmlir::ParallelDiagnosticHandlerThis class is a utility diagnostic handler for use when multi-threading some part of the compiler where diagnostics may be emitted
 Cmlir::tblgen::Builder::ParameterThis class represents a single parameter to a builder method
 Cmlir::lsp::ParameterInformationA single parameter of a particular signature
 Cmlir::tblgen::ParentClassThis class describes a C++ parent class declaration
 Cllvm::cl::parser< mlir::OpPassManager >::ParsedPassManagerA utility struct used when parsing a pass manager that prevents the need for a default constructor on OpPassManager
 Cmlir::detail::ParserThis class implement support for parsing global entities like attributes and types
 Cmlir::ParserConfigThis class represents a configuration for the MLIR assembly parser
 Cmlir::detail::ParserStateThis class refers to all of the state maintained globally by the parser, such as the current lexer position etc
 Cmlir::PassThe abstract base pass class
 Cmlir::tblgen::PassWrapper class providing helper methods for Passes defined in TableGen
 Cmlir::detail::PassExecutionStateThe state for a single execution of a pass
 Cmlir::PassInstrumentationPassInstrumentation provides several entry points into the pass manager infrastructure
 Cmlir::PassInstrumentorThis class holds a collection of PassInstrumentation objects, and invokes their respective call backs
 Cmlir::PassNameCLParserThis class implements a command-line parser specifically for MLIR pass names
 Cmlir::PassPipelineCLParserThis class implements a command-line parser for MLIR passes
 Cmlir::PassPipelineRegistration< Options >PassPipelineRegistration provides a global initializer that registers a Pass pipeline builder routine
 Cmlir::PassPipelineRegistration< EmptyPipelineOptions >Convenience specialization of PassPipelineRegistration for EmptyPassOptions that does not pass an empty options struct to the pass builder function
 Cmlir::PassPluginA loaded pass plugin
 Cmlir::PassPluginLibraryInfoInformation about the plugin required to load its passes
 Cmlir::PassRegistration< ConcretePass >PassRegistration provides a global initializer that registers a Pass allocation routine for a concrete pass instance
 Cmlir::PassRegistryEntryStructure to group information about a passes and pass pipelines (argument to invoke via mlir-opt, description, pass pipeline builder)
 Cmlir::PatternThis class contains all of the data related to a pattern, but does not contain any methods or logic for the actual matching
 Cmlir::PatternApplicatorThis class manages the application of a group of rewrite patterns, with a user-provided cost model
 Cmlir::PatternBenefitThis class represents the benefit of a pattern match in a unitless scheme that ranges from 0 (very little benefit) to 65K
 Cmlir::detail::PatternMatcherValueBinds to a specific value and matches it
 Cmlir::lsp::PDLLServerThis class implements all of the PDLL related functionality necessary for a language server
 Cmlir::lsp::PDLLViewOutputParamsRepresents the parameters used when viewing the output of a PDLL file
 Cmlir::lsp::PDLLViewOutputResultRepresents the result of viewing the output of a PDLL file
 Cmlir::PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfoThis struct represents information related to the parent pass of pipeline
 Cmlir::scf::PipeliningOptionOptions to dictate how loops should be pipelined
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::async::FuncOp >Allow stealing the low bits of async::FuncOp
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::Attribute >Allow LLVM to steal the low bits of Attributes
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::func::FuncOp >Allow stealing the low bits of FuncOp
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::Location >We align LocationStorage by 8, so allow LLVM to steal the low bits
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::ModuleOp >Allow stealing the low bits of ModuleOp
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::OperationName >
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::spirv::FuncOp >Allow stealing the low bits of spirv::Function ops
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::Type >We align TypeStorage by 8, so allow LLVM to steal the low bits
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::TypeID >We align TypeID::Storage by 8, so allow LLVM to steal the low bits
 Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::Value >Allow stealing the low bits of a value
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< PT >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< Attribute, Value >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< GenericLatticeAnchor *, ProgramPoint *, Value >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< mlir::Attribute, mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< mlir::detail::NestedAnalysisMap *, mlir::PassInstrumentor * >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< mlir::ShapedTypeComponents *, mlir::Type, mlir::Attribute >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< Operation *, Region *, Block *, Value >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< SymbolRefAttr, mlir::OpOperand *, mlir::OpResult, mlir::BlockArgument >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< SymbolRefAttr, Value >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< Type, StringAttr >
 Cllvm::PointerUnion< Value, GEPConstantIndex >
 Cmlir::polynomial::PolynomialBase< Derived, Monomial >
 Cmlir::polynomial::PolynomialBase< FloatPolynomial, FloatMonomial >
 Cmlir::polynomial::PolynomialBase< IntPolynomial, IntMonomial >
 Cmlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp::PositionalPredicateA PositionalPredicate is a predicate that is associated with a specific positional value
 Cmlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp::PredicateBuilderThis class provides utilities for constructing predicates
 Cmlir::presburger::PresburgerRelationA PresburgerRelation represents a union of IntegerRelations that live in the same PresburgerSpace with support for union, intersection, subtraction, and complement operations, as well as sampling
 Cmlir::presburger::PresburgerSpacePresburgerSpace is the space of all possible values of a tuple of integer valued variables/variables
 Cmlir::detail::PreservedAnalysesA utility class to represent the analyses that are known to be preserved
 Cmlir::presburger::PrintTableMetricsExample usage: Print .12, 3.4, 56.7 preAlign = ".", minSpacing = 1, .12 .12 3.4 3.4 56.7 56.7
 Cmlir::linalg::ProcInfoCallback function type used to get processor ID, and number of processors used for distribution for all parallel loops generated
 Cmlir::linalg::PromotionInfoCreate a new buffer using the allocationFn provided
 Cmlir::PropertiesSelector< Op, class >Traits to detect whether an Operation defined a Properties type, otherwise it'll default to EmptyProperties
 Cmlir::PropertiesSelector< Op, std::void_t< typename Op::Properties > >
 Cmlir::NVVM::PtxBuilderA class to build PTX assembly automatically
 Cmlir::python::adaptors::pure_subclassProvides a facility like py::class_ for defining a new class in a scope, but this allows extension of an arbitrary Python class, defining methods on it is a similar way
 Cmlir::python::nanobind_adaptors::pure_subclassProvides a facility like nanobind::class_ for defining a new class in a scope, but this allows extension of an arbitrary Python class, defining methods on it is a similar way
 Cmlir::presburger::PWMAFunctionThis class represents a piece-wise MultiAffineFunction
 Cmlir::python::PyAsmStateWrapper around an MlirAsmState
 Cmlir::python::PyBlockWrapper around an MlirBlock
 Cmlir::python::PyConcreteOpInterface< ConcreteIface >CRTP base class for Python classes representing MLIR Op interfaces
 Cmlir::python::PyConcreteOpInterface< PyInferShapedTypeOpInterface >
 Cmlir::python::PyConcreteOpInterface< PyInferTypeOpInterface >
 CPyConcreteValue< PyOpResult >
 Cmlir::python::PyDiagnosticPython class mirroring the C MlirDiagnostic struct
 Cmlir::python::PyDiagnosticHandlerRepresents a diagnostic handler attached to the context
 Cmlir::python::PyDialectUser-level dialect object
 Cmlir::python::PyDialectRegistryWrapper around an MlirDialectRegistry
 Cmlir::PyFileAccumulatorAccumulates into a file, either writing text (default) or binary
 CPyGlobalDebugFlagWrapper for the global LLVM debugging flag
 Cmlir::python::PyGlobalsGlobals that are always accessible once the extension has been initialized
 Cmlir::python::PyInsertionPointAn insertion point maintains a pointer to a Block and a reference operation
 Cmlir::python::PyNamedAttributeRepresents a Python MlirNamedAttr, carrying an optional owned name
 Cmlir::python::PyObjectRef< T >Template for a reference to a concrete type which captures a python reference to its underlying python object
 Cmlir::python::PyObjectRef< PyMlirContext >
 Cmlir::python::PyObjectRef< PyOperation >
 Cmlir::python::PyOperationBaseBase class for PyOperation and PyOpView which exposes the primary, user visible methods for manipulating it
 CPyOpResultPython wrapper for MlirOpResult
 Cmlir::PyPrintAccumulatorAccumulates into a python string from a method that accepts an MlirStringCallback
 Cmlir::python::PyRegionWrapper around an MlirRegion
 Cmlir::python::PyShapedTypeComponentsWrapper around an shaped type components
 Cmlir::PySinglePartStringAccumulatorAccumulates into a python string from a method that is expected to make one (no more, no less) call to the callback (asserts internally on violation)
 Cmlir::python::PySymbolTableBindings for MLIR symbol tables
 Cmlir::python::PyThreadContextEntryTracks an entry in the thread context stack
 Cmlir::python::PyThreadPoolWrapper around MlirLlvmThreadPool Python object owns the C++ thread pool
 Cmlir::python::PyTypeIDA TypeID provides an efficient and unique identifier for a specific C++ type
 Cmlir::python::PyValueWrapper around the generic MlirValue
 Cmlir::RaggedArray< T >A 2D array where each row may have different length
 Cmlir::RaggedArray< llvm::PointerUnion >
 Cmlir::RaggedArray< mlir::Attribute >
 Cmlir::RaggedArray< mlir::Operation * >
 Cmlir::RaggedArray< mlir::Value >
 Cmlir::RangeRepresents a range (offset, size, and stride) where each element of the triple may be dynamic or static
 Cmlir::detail::RecoveryReproducerContextThis class contains all of the context for generating a recovery reproducer
 Cmlir::detail::RecursivePatternMatcher< OpType, OperandMatchers >RecursivePatternMatcher that composes
 Cmlir::ReductionNodeReductionTreePass will build a reduction tree during module reduction and the ReductionNode represents the vertex of the tree
 Cmlir::RegionThis class contains a list of basic blocks and a link to the parent operation it is attached to
 Cmlir::RegionBranchPointThis class represents a point being branched from in the methods of the RegionBranchOpInterface
 Cmlir::irdl::RegionConstraintA constraint checking that a region satisfies irdl.region requirements
 Cmlir::linalg::RegionMatcherA struct containing common matchers over linalg op's region
 Cmlir::transform::TransformState::RegionScopeA RAII object maintaining a "stack frame" for a transform IR region
 Cmlir::RegionSuccessorThis class represents a successor of a region
 Cmlir::ReproducerStreamStreams on which to output crash reproducer
 Cmlir::Inliner::ResolvedCallThis struct represents a resolved call to a given callgraph node
 Cmlir::SideEffects::ResourceThis class represents a specific resource that an effect applies to
 Cmlir::ExecutionEngine::Result< T >Tag to wrap an output parameter when invoking a jitted function
 Cmlir::ReverseDominanceIterator< NoGraphRegions >This iterator enumerates elements according to their reverse dominance relationship
 Cmlir::ReverseIteratorThis iterator enumerates elements in "reverse" order
 Cmlir::pdl_to_pdl_interp::RootOrderingEntryThe information associated with an edge in the cost graph
 Cmlir::dataflow::RunLivenessAnalysisRuns liveness analysis on the IR defined by op
 Cmlir::SaturatedIntegerIdiomatic saturated operations on values like offsets, sizes, and strides
 Cmlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::SaveStack< T >RAII object calling stackPush/stackPop on construction/destruction
 Cmlir::scf::SCFFuseConsumerOfSliceResultFuse the consumer of the source of candidateSliceOp by computing the required slice of the consumer in-place
 Cmlir::scf::SCFFuseProducerOfSliceResultFuse the producer of the source of candidateSliceOp by computing the required slice of the producer in-place
 Cmlir::scf::SCFTileAndFuseOptionsOptions used to control tile + fuse
 Cmlir::scf::SCFTileAndFuseResultTransformation information returned after tile and fuse
 Cmlir::scf::SCFTilingOptionsOptions to use to control tiling
 Cmlir::scf::SCFTilingResultTransformation information returned after tiling
 Cmlir::ScopedDiagnosticHandlerThis diagnostic handler is a simple RAII class that registers and erases a diagnostic handler on a given context
 Cmlir::SelfOwningTypeIDDefines a TypeID for each instance of this class by using a pointer to the instance
 Cmlir::spirv::SerializerA SPIR-V module serializer
 Cmlir::presburger::SetCoalescerAll functionality concerning the coalesce heuristic
 Cllvm::SetVector< T, Vector, Set, N >
 Cllvm::SetVector< const void * >
 Cllvm::SetVector< DataFlowSolver::WorkItem >
 Cllvm::SetVector< llvm::Instruction * >
 Cllvm::SetVector< mlir::AsmDialectResourceHandle >
 Cllvm::SetVector< mlir::CallGraphNode::Edge, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::CallGraphNode::Edge, 4 >, llvm::SmallDenseSet< mlir::CallGraphNode::Edge, 4, EdgeKeyInfo > >
 Cllvm::SetVector< mlir::DataFlowAnalysis *, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::DataFlowAnalysis *, 4 >, llvm::SmallPtrSet< mlir::DataFlowAnalysis *, 4 > >
 Cllvm::SetVector< mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::SetVector< mlir::Operation *, llvm::SmallVector< mlir::Operation *, 4 >, llvm::SmallPtrSet< mlir::Operation *, 4 > >
 Cllvm::SetVector< std::pair< mlir::Pass *, mlir::Operation * > >
 Cllvm::SetVector< std::string, llvm::SmallVector< std::string >, llvm::StringSet<> >
 Cllvm::SetVector< uint32_t >
 Cmlir::ShapeAdaptorAdaptor class to abstract the differences between whether value is from a ShapedType or ShapedTypeComponents or DenseIntElementsAttribute
 CShapeDimensionImplements a simple high-level fusion pass on linalg structured operations
 Cmlir::ShapedTypeComponentsShapedTypeComponents that represents the components of a ShapedType
 Cmlir::shape::ShapeMappingAnalysisShapeMappingAnalysis is used together with OutlineShapeComputationPass to preserve Value and corresponding shape function / arguments mapping information
 Cmlir::shape::ShapeMappingValueShapeMappingValue works as the value of ShapeMappingAnalysis table, where funcSymbol is the symbol of mapping function, and inputs are the actual parameters for the function
 Cmlir::TypeConverter::SignatureConversionThis class provides all of the information necessary to convert a type signature
 Cmlir::lsp::SignatureHelpRepresents the signature of a callable
 Cmlir::lsp::SignatureInformationRepresents the signature of something callable
 Cmlir::presburger::SimplexBaseThe Simplex class implements a version of the Simplex and Generalized Basis Reduction algorithms, which can perform analysis of integer sets with affine inequalities and equalities
 Cmlir::presburger::SimplexRollbackScopeExitTakes a snapshot of the simplex state on construction and rolls back to the snapshot on destruction
 Cmlir::OpTrait::SingleBlockImplicitTerminator< TerminatorOpType >This class provides APIs and verifiers for ops with regions having a single block that must terminate with TerminatorOpType
 Cmlir::Sliceable< Derived, ElementTy >A CRTP base class for pseudo-containers willing to support Python-type slicing access on top of indexed access
 Cmlir::Sliceable< PyOpResultList, PyOpResult >
 CSliceCanonicalizerA canonicalizer wrapper to replace ExtractSliceOps
 Cmlir::affine::SliceComputationResultEnumerates different result statuses of slice computation by computeSliceUnion
 Cmlir::linalg::SliceParametersA struct containg offsets-sizes-strides arguments of the tiled shape
 CSliceReturnTypeCanonicalizerReturn the canonical type of the result of an extract_slice op
 Cllvm::SmallPtrSet< T, N >
 Cllvm::SmallPtrSet< mlir::Operation *, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallPtrSet< mlir::TypeID, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< T >
 Cllvm::SmallString< N >
 Cllvm::SmallString< 256 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< T, N >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< AffineForOp, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< AllocEntry, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< AnalysisStateInitFn >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< AsmParserState::Impl::PartialOpDef >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< bool >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< BytecodeOperationName >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< char, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< const mlir::RewritePattern *, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< ConversionCallbackFn, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< DeviceMappingAttrInterface >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< DialectLoader >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< Initializer >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int64_t >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int64_t, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int64_t, 3 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int64_t, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< int64_t, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< IteratorTypeT >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< LibraryDestroyFn >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< linalg::PackOp >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< linalg::UnPackOp >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::ArrayRef< DynamicAPInt >, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::DenseMap * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::PointerUnion >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::PointerUnion, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::SmallVector< DynamicAPInt, 2 >, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::SmallVector< int, 8 >, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::SmallVector< int64_t > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::SmallVector< LatPointId > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::SmallVector< mlir::OpPassManager, 1 >, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< llvm::StringMap< mlir::OpPassManager > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< LoopLikeOpInterface >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< MaterializationCallbackFn, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< MeshAxis >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AffineExpr, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AffineExpr, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AffineMap >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AffineMap, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AsmParserState::OperationDefinition::ResultGroupDefinition >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::AsmParserState::SMDefinition >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Attribute >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Block * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Block *, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::bufferization::OpFilter::Entry >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::detail::DenseArrayAttrImpl >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Diagnostic, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::DiagnosticArgument, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::DiagnosticArgument, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::FallbackAsmResourceMap::OpaqueAsmResource >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::NamedAttribute, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Operation * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Operation *, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Operation *, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::OperationName, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::OpFoldResult >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::OpPassManager, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::pdll::ods::Attribute >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::pdll::ods::OperandOrResult >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::Fraction >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::Identifier, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::IntegerRelation, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::PWMAFunction::Piece, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::Simplex, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::presburger::SimplexBase::Unknown, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Range >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::RegisteredOperationName, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::DimSpec >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::LvlSpec >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::VarInfo >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::sparse_tensor::LatPoint >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::sparse_tensor::TensorExp >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::spirv::DeferredStructTypeInfo, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::spirv::StructType::MemberDecorationInfo, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::AttrOrTypeBuilder >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::AttrOrTypeParameter >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Builder >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Builder::Parameter >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Constructor::MemberInitializer >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Field >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::InferredResultType >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::InterfaceMethod, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::InterfaceMethod::Argument, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::MethodParameter >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::NamedAttribute, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::NamedProperty, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::NamedRegion, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::NamedSuccessor, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::NamedTypeConstraint, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Operator::OperandOrAttribute, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::ParentClass >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Trait >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tblgen::Trait, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tracing::BreakpointManager * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::tracing::ExecutionContext::Observer * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::transform::TransformState::RegionScope * >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Type >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Type, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Value, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< mlir::Value, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< Monomial >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< OperandSegment, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< Owner, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< ReplacementFrame >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< scf::ForOp >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< SmallVector< MeshAxis > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< SMRange >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< spirv::StructType::OffsetInfo, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::optional< mlir::Attribute > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::optional< mlir::TypeConverter::SignatureConversion::InputMapping >, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::optional< ValueDim > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< Block::iterator, Block::iterator > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< mlir::Operation *, std::unique_ptr< llvm::DenseMap > > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< mlir::TypeID, void * > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< spirv::Opcode, llvm::ArrayRef< uint32_t > >, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< StringRef, mlir::AffineExpr >, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::pair< uint32_t, unsigned >, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::string, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< BytecodeDialect > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< IRRewrite > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmParserState::AttributeAliasDefinition > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmParserState::BlockDefinition > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmParserState::OperationDefinition > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmParserState::TypeAliasDefinition > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AsmResourcePrinter > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AttrTypeBytecodeReader< mlir::Attribute > > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AttrTypeBytecodeReader< mlir::Type > > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AttrTypeBytecodeWriter< mlir::Attribute > > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::AttrTypeBytecodeWriter< mlir::Type > > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::DataFlowAnalysis > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::detail::AliasAnalysisTraits::Concept >, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::detail::RecoveryReproducerContext > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::LLVM::DIExpressionRewriter::ExprRewritePattern > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::StackFrame > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::Region >, 1 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorLevel > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< std::unique_ptr< mlir::tblgen::Interface > >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< StrFormatAdapter, 16 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< StringRef >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< StringRef, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< StringRef, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< T >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< T, 16 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< TargetMaterializationCallbackFn, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< TensorLevel >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< TypeAttributeConversionCallbackFn, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< uint32_t >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< uint32_t, 0 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< uint32_t, 3 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< uint32_t, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< UndoLogEntry, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< unsigned >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< unsigned, 2 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< unsigned, 4 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< unsigned, 8 >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< utils::IteratorType >
 Cllvm::SmallVector< Value >
 Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< T >
 Cllvm::SmallVectorImpl< mlir::Value >
 Cllvm::sys::SmartMutex< mt_only >
 Cllvm::sys::SmartMutex< true >
 Cmlir::AsmParserState::SMDefinitionThis class represents a definition within the source manager, containing it's defining location and locations of any uses
 Cmlir::lsp::SourceMgrIncludeThis class represents a single include within a root file
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseIterationSpaceA SparseIterationSpace represents a sparse set of coordinates defined by (possibly multiple) levels of a specific sparse tensor
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseIteratorHelper class that generates loop conditions, etc, to traverse a sparse tensor level
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorCOO< V >A memory-resident sparse tensor in coordinate-scheme representation (a collection of Elements)
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorDescriptorImpl< ValueArrayRef >A helper class around an array of values that corresponds to a sparse tensor
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorDescriptorImpl< SmallVectorImpl< Value > & >
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorDescriptorImpl< ValueRange >
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorLevelThe base class for all types of sparse tensor levels
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorReaderThis class abstracts over the information stored in file headers, as well as providing the buffers and methods for parsing those headers
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorStorageBaseAbstract base class for SparseTensorStorage<P,C,V>
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::SparseTensorTypeA wrapper around RankedTensorType, which has three goals:
 Cmlir::SparsificationOptionsOptions for the Sparsification pass
 Cmlir::spirv::SpecConstOperationMaterializationInfoA struct that collects the info needed to materialize/emit a SpecConstantOperation op
 Cmlir::linalg::SplitReductionOptionsSplit Reduction options
 Cmlir::linalg::SplitReductionResultApply transformation to split the single linalg op reduction into a parallel and reduction dimension
 Cmlir::SROAStatisticsStatistics collected while applying SROA
 Cmlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::StackFrameCommon CRTP base class for ModuleTranslation stack frames
 Cimpl::StaticSizeMult< Dims >
 Cimpl::StaticSizeMult< N, Dims... >
 Cmlir::StaticTileOffsetRangeA range-style iterator that allows for iterating over the offsets of all potential tiles of size tileShape within the larger shape shape, using an ordering specified by loopOrder
 Cmlir::tblgen::StaticVerifierFunctionEmitterThis class deduplicates shared operation verification code by emitting static functions alongside the op definitions
 Cmlir::StorageUniquer::StorageAllocatorThis is a utility allocator used to allocate memory for instances of derived types
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::StorageLayoutProvides methods to access fields of a sparse tensor with the given encoding
 Cmlir::StorageUniquerA utility class to get or create instances of "storage classes"
 Cmlir::detail::StorageUniquerImplThis is the implementation of the StorageUniquer class
 Cmlir::detail::StorageUserTraitBase< ConcreteType, TraitType >Helper class for implementing traits for storage classes
 Cmlir::detail::StorageUserTraitBase< ConcreteType, IsMutable >
 CStridedMemrefIterator< T, Rank >Iterate over all elements in a strided memref
 CStridedMemrefIterator< T, 0 >Iterate over all elements in a 0-ranked strided memref
 CStridedMemRefType< T, N >StridedMemRef descriptor type with static rank
 CStridedMemRefType< T, 0 >StridedMemRef descriptor type specialized for rank 0
 CStridedMemRefType< T, 1 >StridedMemRef descriptor type specialized for rank 1
 CStridedMemRefType< T, Rank >
 Cmlir::tblgen::detail::stringifier< typename >
 Cmlir::tblgen::detail::stringifier< std::optional< OptionalT > >
 Cmlir::tblgen::detail::stringifier< Twine >
 Cllvm::StringSet< AllocatorTy >
 Cllvm::StringSet< llvm::BumpPtrAllocator & >
 Cllvm::StringSwitch< T, R >
 Cllvm::StringSwitch< T >
 Cmlir::StructBuilderHelper class to produce LLVM dialect operations extracting or inserting values to a struct
 Cmlir::StructuredGenerator< StructuredOpInterface, IteratorTypeT >Helper StructuredGenerator class to manipulate and rewrite ops with StructuredOpInterface
 CSubViewCanonicalizerA canonicalizer wrapper to replace SubViewOps
 CSubViewReturnTypeCanonicalizerReturn the canonical type of the result of a subview
 Cmlir::SuccessorOperandsThis class models how operands are forwarded to block arguments in control flow
 Cmlir::presburger::SymbolicLexOptRepresents the result of a symbolic lexicographic optimization computation
 Cmlir::detail::SymbolStateThis class contains record of any parsed top-level symbols
 Cmlir::SymbolTableThis class allows for representing and managing the symbol table used by operations with the 'SymbolTable' trait
 Cmlir::SymbolTableAnalysisThis is a simple analysis that contains a symbol table collection and, for simplicity, a reference to the top-level symbol table
 Cmlir::SymbolTableCollectionThis class represents a collection of SymbolTables
 Cmlir::SymbolTable::SymbolUseThis class represents a specific symbol use
 Cmlir::SymbolUserMapThis class represents a map of symbols to users, and provides efficient implementations of symbol queries related to users; such as collecting the users of a symbol, replacing all uses, etc
 Cmlir::lsp::TableGenServerThis class implements all of the TableGen related functionality necessary for a language server
 Cmlir::spirv::TargetEnvA wrapper class around a spirv::TargetEnvAttr to provide query methods for allowed version/capabilities/extensions
 Cmlir::tosa::TargetEnvThis class represents the capability enabled in the target implementation such as profile, extension, and level
 Cmlir::gpu::TargetOptionsThis class serves as an opaque interface for passing options to the TargetAttrInterface methods
 CSourceOp::template GenericAdaptor
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::TensorExpTensor expression. Represents an MLIR expression in tensor index notation
 Cmlir::TesterThis class is used to keep track of the testing environment of the tool
 Cmlir::ThreadLocalCache< ValueT >This class provides support for defining a thread local object with non static storage duration
 Cmlir::ThreadLocalCache< llvm::BumpPtrAllocator >
 Cmlir::ThreadLocalCache< llvm::StringMap< llvm::StringMapEntry< std::nullopt_t > * > >
 Cmlir::linalg::TiledLinalgOpPerform standalone tiling of a single LinalgOp by tileSizes
 Cmlir::detail::TileOffsetRangeImplEncapsulates the set of parameters that are used to make tile offset calculations in the TileOffsetRangeIterator
 Cmlir::TilingResultContainer for result values of tiling
 Cmlir::TimerA handle for a timer in a TimingManager
 Cmlir::TimeRecordSimple record class to record timing information
 Cmlir::TimingIdentifierThis class represesents a uniqued string owned by a TimingManager
 Cmlir::TimingManagerThis class represents facilities to measure execution time
 Cmlir::detail::TimingManagerImplPrivate implementation details of the TimingManager
 Cmlir::TimingScopeAn RAII-style wrapper around a timer that ensures the timer is properly started and stopped
 Cllvm::TinyPtrVector< T >
 Cmlir::TokenThis represents a token in the MLIR syntax
 Cmlir::transform::TrackingListenerConfigA configuration object for customizing a TrackingListener
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, TraitType >Helper class for implementing traits
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcrentType, MemRefsNormalizable >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcrentType, NoRegionArguments >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteOp, HasDefaultDLTIDataLayout >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AffineScope >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AtMostOneChildOf< ChildOps... >::Impl >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AttrSizedOperandSegments >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AttrSizedResultSegments >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, AutomaticAllocationScope >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, CExpression >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ConstantLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, Elementwise >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, HasOnlyGraphRegion >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, HasParallelRegion >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, HasRecursiveMemoryEffects >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, Impl >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, InferShapedTypeOpAdaptor >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, InferTensorType >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, InferTypeOpAdaptor >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, IsCommutative >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, IsIdempotent >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, IsInvolution >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, IsIsolatedFromAbove >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, IsTerminator >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, MulOperandsAndResultElementType >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, NoTerminator >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OneOperand >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OneRegion >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OneResult >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OneSuccessor >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OneTypedResult< ResultType >::Impl >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OperandsAreFloatLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OperandsAreSignlessIntegerLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, OpInvariants >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, RecursivelySpeculatableImplTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ResultsAreBoolLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ResultsAreFloatLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ResultsAreSignlessIntegerLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ResultsBroadcastableShape >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ReturnLike >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultElementType >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultRank >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultShape >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsAndResultType >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsElementType >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameOperandsShape >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SameTypeOperands >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, Scalarizable >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SignedOp >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SingleBlock >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator< TerminatorOpType >::Impl >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, SymbolTable >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, Tensorizable >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, TosaElementwiseOperator >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, TosaResolvableShapeOperands >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, TosaShapeOperator >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, TosaShapeOperatorWithSameRanks >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, UnsignedOp >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, UsableInSpecConstantOp >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, Vectorizable >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ZeroOperands >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ZeroRegions >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ZeroResults >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< ConcreteType, ZeroSuccessors >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, AtMostOneOpMatcherOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, FunctionalStyleTransformOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, NavigationTransformOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, ParamProducerTransformOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, PossibleTopLevelTransformOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, ReportTrackingListenerFailuresOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, SingleValueMatcherOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, StructuredOpPredicateOpTrait >
 Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase< OpTy, TransformEachOpTrait >
 Cmlir::transform::detail::TransformDialectDataBaseConcrete base class for CRTP TransformDialectDataBase
 Cmlir::transform::TransformOptionsOptions controlling the application of transform operations by the TransformState
 Cmlir::transform::TransformResultsLocal mapping between values defined by a specific op implementing the TransformOpInterface and the payload IR ops they correspond to
 Cmlir::transform::TransformStateThe state maintained across applications of various ops implementing the TransformOpInterface
 Cmlir::TranslateToMLIRRegistrationUse Translate[ToMLIR|FromMLIR]Registration as an initializer that registers a function and associates it with name
 Cmlir::TranslationThis class contains all of the components necessary for performing a translation
 Cmlir::x86vector::avx2::TransposeLoweringOptionsStructure to control the behavior of specialized AVX2 transpose lowering
 Cmlir::bufferization::TraversalConfigTraversal parameters for findValueInReverseUseDefChain
 Cmlir::TypeInstances of the Type class are uniqued, have an immutable identifier and an optional mutable component
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirAffineMap >Casts object <-> MlirAffineMap
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirAffineMap >Casts object <-> MlirAffineMap
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirAttribute >Casts object <-> MlirAttribute
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirAttribute >Casts object <-> MlirAttribute
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirBlock >Casts object -> MlirBlock
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirBlock >Casts object -> MlirBlock
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirContext >Casts object -> MlirContext
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirContext >Casts object -> MlirContext
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirDialectRegistry >Casts object <-> MlirDialectRegistry
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirDialectRegistry >Casts object <-> MlirDialectRegistry
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirFrozenRewritePatternSet >Casts object <-> MlirFrozenRewritePatternSet
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirFrozenRewritePatternSet >Casts object <-> MlirFrozenRewritePatternSet
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirLocation >Casts object <-> MlirLocation
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirLocation >Casts object <-> MlirLocation
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirModule >Casts object <-> MlirModule
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirModule >Casts object <-> MlirModule
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirOperation >Casts object <-> MlirOperation
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirOperation >Casts object <-> MlirOperation
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirPassManager >Casts object -> MlirPassManager
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirPassManager >Casts object -> MlirPassManager
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirStringRef >Casts MlirStringRef -> object
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirType >Casts object <-> MlirType
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirType >Casts object <-> MlirType
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirTypeID >Casts object <-> MlirTypeID
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirTypeID >Casts object <-> MlirTypeID
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< MlirValue >Casts object <-> MlirValue
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< MlirValue >Casts object <-> MlirValue
 Cmlir::AsmParserState::TypeAliasDefinitionThis class represents the information for type definition within the input file
 Cmlir::TypeConverterType conversion class
 Cmlir::LLVM::TypeFromLLVMIRTranslatorUtility class to translate LLVM IR types to the MLIR LLVM dialect
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::TypeFromLLVMIRTranslatorImplSupport for translating LLVM IR types to MLIR LLVM dialect types
 Cmlir::TypeIDThis class provides an efficient unique identifier for a specific C++ type
 Cmlir::TypeIDAllocatorThis class provides a way to define new TypeIDs at runtime
 Cmlir::detail::TypeIDResolver< T, std::enable_if_t< InlineTypeIDResolver::has_resolve_typeid< T >::value > >This class provides a resolver for getting the ID for a given class T, when the class provides a static TypeID resolveTypeID() method
 Cllvm::TypeSwitch< T, ResultT >
 Cmlir::LLVM::TypeToLLVMIRTranslatorUtility class to translate MLIR LLVM dialect types to LLVM IR
 Cmlir::LLVM::detail::TypeToLLVMIRTranslatorImplSupport for translating MLIR LLVM dialect types to LLVM IR
 Cmlir::detail::TypeUniquerA utility class to get, or create, unique instances of types within an MLIRContext
 Cmlir::quant::UniformQuantizedPerAxisValueConverterAn utility class to quantize an attribute by the per-axis quantization parameters
 Cmlir::quant::UniformQuantizedValueConverterReference implementation of converting between real numbers and values represented by a UniformQuantizedType
 CUnitExtentReplacementInfoCompute the modified metadata for an operands of operation whose unit dims are being dropped
 Cmlir::presburger::SimplexBase::UnknownAn Unknown is either a variable or a constraint
 Cmlir::UnmanagedAsmResourceBlobThis class provides a simple utility wrapper for creating "unmanaged" AsmResourceBlobs
 CUnrankedMemRefType< T >
 Cmlir::OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperandThis is the representation of an operand reference
 Cmlir::vector::UnrollVectorOptionsOptions that control the vector unrolling
 Cmlir::lsp::URIForFileURI in "file" scheme for a file
 Cmlir::SymbolTable::UseRangeThis class implements a range of SymbolRef uses
 Cmlir::ValueThis class represents an instance of an SSA value in the MLIR system, representing a computable value that has a type and a set of users
 Cmlir::bufferization::ValueComparatorCompare two SSA values in a deterministic manner
 Cllvm::ValueIsPresent< mlir::Location >The constructors in mlir::Location ensure that the class is a non-nullable wrapper around mlir::LocationAttr
 Cmlir::tosa::ValueKnowledgeStatically known information for a particular Value
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::VarA concrete variable, to be used in our variant of AffineExpr
 Cmlir::ValueBoundsConstraintSet::VariableA variable that can be added to the constraint set as a "column"
 Cmlir::tblgen::Operator::VariableDecoratorA class used to represent the decorators of an operator variable, i.e
 Cmlir::function_interface_impl::VariadicFlagA named class for passing around the variadic flag
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::VarInfoA record of metadata for/about a variable, used by VarEnv
 Cmlir::sparse_tensor::ir_detail::VarSetEfficient representation of a set of Var
 CVector< T, Dim, Dims >
 Cmlir::detail::Vector1D< T, Dim, IsPowerOf2 >
 Cmlir::detail::Vector1D< T, Dim, false >
 Cmlir::detail::Vector1D< T, Dim, mlir::detail::isPowerOf2(sizeof(T[Dim]))>
 Cmlir::detail::Vector1D< T, Dim, true >
 Cimpl::VectorDataPrinter< T, M, Dims >
 CVectorizationStateContains the vectorization state and related methods used across the vectorization process of a given operation
 Cmlir::affine::VectorizationStrategyHolds parameters to perform n-D vectorization on a single loop nest
 Cmlir::VectorTransferToSCFOptionsWhen lowering an N-d vector transfer op to an (N-1)-d vector transfer op, a temporary buffer is created through which individual (N-1)-d vector are staged
 Cmlir::vector::VectorTransformsOptionsStructure to control the behavior of vector transform patterns
 CVulkanDeviceMemoryBufferStruct containing information regarding to a device memory buffer
 CVulkanHostMemoryBufferStruct containing information regarding to a host memory buffer
 Cmlir::VulkanLayoutUtilsAccording to the Vulkan spec "15.6.4. Offset and Stride Assignment": "There are different alignment requirements depending on the specific resources and on the features enabled on the device
 CVulkanRuntimeVulkan runtime
 Cmlir::WalkContinuationA class to signal how to proceed with the walk of the backward slice:
 Cmlir::WalkResultA utility result that is used to signal how to proceed with an ongoing walk:
 Cmlir::WalkStageA utility class to encode the current walk stage for "generic" walkers
 Cmlir::nvgpu::WarpMatrixInfoCollects information about a warp-level matrix operand represented by a VectorType
 Cconstexpr static bool
 Cfunction< std::optional< const void * >(void *)>
 Cfunction< std::optional< mlir::LLVM::DINodeAttr >(llvm::DINode *)>